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Official Brian G. Joo Thread

Guest JinxFairy

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Brian :wub: has a myspace especially made for his fans? How B) of him. Too bad I don't have one :( , though, I'm tempted to sign up just so I can "communicate" with him. :rolleyes:

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^ yeah, there are 2 separate myspaces. i think i know what the other one is since it's all networked, but i don't think i'd bother him there since i'm neither family nor friend and i shouldn't intrude. :P brian's brother also has a myspace. i think someone posted pics of his brother's family in this thread? anyway, there's also a group pic with brian taken back in 2005 on his brother's myspace. i'd bet his misses his family since he doesn't get to go to the US too often.

does gmail have a lot more sapce than hotmail? LOL

cuz i only filled up like.. 0.1% of my inbox in hotmail.. LOL

and i have 50+ random emails in there. LOL

he hasnt added me as a friend yet...................... *weeps*

gmail was the first to have 1GB of space. it continues to increase steadily. it's now at 2.8GB. the idea is that you don't need to delete anything. ^_^ but i guess hotmail and yahoo had to be competitive. they both have 1GB now. before, they had such limited space. :P

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i went crazy when i saw him finally in my friends list~ haha. then i had the temptation to email him, but i don't even know what to say. and i don't want a staff to reply back, if i do get a reply back. T_T plus so many have emailed him, most likely. but oh well. it's worth a shot. i sent him a comment on myspace already soo... <3 anyone tried emailing him yet?

hahaaa, finally the music thing works on there.. i wanted to put gajima on there, but it was like i was stalking brian .______." so i put barae barae on there instead.. and omg. it's such a crazily psycho and random song. whoever goes in there will hear "she's sexy! she's hot!" first LMFAO. gawwwwwwd i love that song. it's so hot!! *dreams about brian's barae barae dance* okayyy i'm off to bed before my sis screams at me again (oh great there she goes). night my brian chums. ^^

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^ ahh please don't quote pictures.. ><

just take out the image tags if you want to quote..

but yeah, that picture is so friggen cute. AHHHHHHH. brian the bee.. AWWWWW <3

i don't think he's posted an entry yet? i'm not sure, i haven't been there today. ^^

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Guest Explicitj0yee

i went crazy when i saw him finally in my friends list~ haha. then i had the temptation to email him, but i don't even know what to say. and i don't want a staff to reply back, if i do get a reply back. T_T plus so many have emailed him, most likely. but oh well. it's worth a shot. i sent him a comment on myspace already soo... <3 anyone tried emailing him yet?

hahaaa, finally the music thing works on there.. i wanted to put gajima on there, but it was like i was stalking brian .______." so i put barae barae on there instead.. and omg. it's such a crazily psycho and random song. whoever goes in there will hear "she's sexy! she's hot!" first LMFAO. gawwwwwwd i love that song. it's so hot!! *dreams about brian's barae barae dance* okayyy i'm off to bed before my sis screams at me again (oh great there she goes). night my brian chums. ^^

LOl baraebarae is sexy :D i hope he promotes that a lot. i emailed him like 2ce cause the first time, i forgot to say somemthing so yeah.. lol i hope he replies me :( but i doubt it hes so busy

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Guest blackwhiteblue


EEEK, I love his solo album. I love it I love it I love it. O_O WHO HERE DOESN'T? haha. =)

Wow. Brian, GD, and TOP rapping together. Amazing. Thanks Holley! =)

I emailed Brian too. I don't think he'll reply me. Like, really. He probably has hundreds and possibly thousands of emails already. -_- But it never hurts to try. =) He might read, but not reply. Wheeeee.. ^_^

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Guest x_sadendings

wheeeeeeeee silent lurker of the thread here! x] [im linh]

8D im here because of... brian of course! :lol:

anyways im not sure but brians going to have/have his own episode of school of rock right?

and to everyone providing clips and all thank you!

it makes a silent lurker like me love this thread XD

.... =.=; darn brian... i don't have a myspace and i kinda dispise those things :D

but brian... x.x

hehe ok time for the silent lurker like me to go or shut up

i leave leaving this!


credits: on picture & the brian

asdksdj its like a collage of hottness 8DD;;

[ points to that ONE picture of his chest sadksdakj *drools*]

and like xtine i will shamelessly adviertise

join the brian!

click the blue mini thing on my sig XD

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my friend probably downloaded it xD i'll get it off her ahaha. AAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!

okayyyyyy i was thinking about what to write to him, last night, but now i'm chickened out. ><

maybe later ><

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Guest .alyak_

Brian's 가지마 is No. 1 on our soompi music chart this week:


I didn't expect Brian to number 1 this week. Not this soon....

But still. ITS AMAZING. Jumped up 20+ spots. That's amazing! Congrats to Brian!

Brian - Intro&Rap (G-Dragon & TOP) - MusicCore Jan.13,07 @CJKEnt. (HD cut)



Brian raps in English with TOP and G-Drago!!!

And he's good at it!!

Thank-you for the youtube link. Watched it. Heard it. WOW. TOP is so hot! ANYWHO, it was a hot clip.



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OMG brian started another myspace!? i guess since he didnt want people to add him on his private one, which im most definately sure is him....OMG i love u brian, u rock!!! and email!? whoooooo...although i doubt hed have time to presonally reply to all emails hed be sent...

can someone send me the addy for fly high? i had it, but for some weird reason my link refuses to work>.<

also is the starwatch 24 episode out with subs??? with or without, i wanna watch and download!!! someone pm or sth? or anything!!?? hahaha...sorry if i sound desparate or sth, heehehe=]=]

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Guest qoochabo

Kayla, really been a long while to see u in here.. busy with yr study? Do take care..

Wow.. just checked his program schedule this week.. OMG.. my clubbox going to be buz again.. so many shows to d/l..

By the way, Brian is having another round of autograph session on the 17 Jan.. lucky korean!!


Saw this clip where Brian imitated Michael Jackson... around 1 min 30 s.. cos the title is in korean.. i really dunno what show is it.. only knows that is from TVN on the 11 Jan.. he was performing in front of a self cam.. very funny... love the way he danced.. haha..

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available in my CB



Do NOT take these HQ cuts out of my clubbox. Thanks! :D

Brian - Don't Leave on Music Core (2007-01-13) [wackycashew].avi [40.9MB]

Brian - MC cuts on Music Core (2007-01-13) [wackycashew].zip [114.2MB] (5 cuts zipped) [includes G-Dragon & T.O.P]

located under Fly to the Sky Videos subfolder --> Brian Music Core MC Cuts

(decided to zip the cuts because joining them makes the file double the size)

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:o Brian got #1 on soompi charts already?! YAY! Congrats to him :D. He deserves it <3

That was a hot rap he did with G-dragon and TOP!! So talented those guys. Brian's extra smexi when he's speaking english :wub: Thanks for posting the link!

EDIT: YAHOO get to start page 27 :P Too bad I have nothing special to share with you all -.-

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