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Kim Tae Hee * 김태희 * 金泰希 * キムテヒ


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Lols at Rain's fans. They hate kth for no reason. Most of them hope they will break up. At this rate I'm okay if that happened because  his fans are so ridiculous and I can't imagine if they get married. They like to criticize everything she did. I hope kth would not come across their stupid comments. Thank god korean love her  and thank god I'm in this fandom because we are so cool not full of hate. haha. Well as long as kth is happy I will always support her. 

P/s- I refer to his international fans. I just read comment section from NB. As usual I enjoy reading that fluffy comments. Lol. 

Never ............... no breaking up !! Never give in to the rabid fans......... !! Rain and KTH 's marriage is written on the wall. So morons please go away...... Get a life.

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Lols at Rain's fans. They hate kth for no reason. Most of them hope they will break up. At this rate I'm okay if that happened because  his fans are so ridiculous and I can't imagine if they get married. They like to criticize everything she did. I hope kth would not come across their stupid comments. Thank god korean love her  and thank god I'm in this fandom because we are so cool not full of hate. haha. Well as long as kth is happy I will always support her. 

P/s- I refer to his international fans. I just read comment section from NB. As usual I enjoy reading that fluffy comments. Lol. 


Never ............... no breaking up !! Never give in to the rabid fans......... !! Rain and KTH 's marriage is written on the wall. So morons please go away...... Get a life.



Daebak, @lavender2love! In my case, I thank you for the much needed vitamin of “Never.....no break up!!”. Fingers crossed! ;):D

Now that my mind is calmer, I'll add to what I said yesterday, in reply to @orange52. Just a gloss over of the English comments in Rain’s IG, the rabid champion KTH haters are about 10-20%, with about 20-30% giving their clear support/in favour of KimBi couple and the rest, 70-50% just support for Rain in whatever his decision shall be because he is their long time bias. The rabid fans are, as we all can see, form the minority, so far and I hope that I am right. That is why I keep referring them as the Open-Champion-KTH-Haters because they made it clear for us to see and for us to pick up the number. 

If these spoilers are shameless enough to writhe themselves into KTH’s IG paradise and spit all the hurtful comments, they are dead set at picking up fights or are asking/begging for trouble. That is their nature. Are we going to be like them? Or allow them to get under our skin to be like them? We have seen instances of powerful words like “My so and so has been taken away but they will not have my hatred”? LOL, why am I bringing up this? I don’t know. I just feel like saying it here because I love powerful and inspirational words. Someone made a comment whether they, unwittingly, the anti-fans of Rain. After seeing the response from some of us, I begin to see the anti-fan point made by this commentator. By causing ruckus, these ‘rabid-fans-cum-anti-fans’ are actually denting or chipping away the goodwill that the KTH fans, who are no small in numbers, have for Rain, to their own bias’ disadvantage. Is this what they want it to be, when there can be more support from KTH fans? This is something that they have to ask themselves, that is, if they ever do. Think about the 90-80% vs. 10-20% as well. What I am driving at is that we shall continue to be calm and collected and handle these rabid fans in the most wise way. It does not matter whether or not among us, favour KimBi couple. We are all KTH fans and we must stay strong in our conviction as the peaceful loving KTH fans. Be cool always!!! :wub:

So, fighting KTH and everybody, for all things good and beautiful! May you all have a very good week ahead!!! :)


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Lols at Rain's fans. They hate kth for no reason. Most of them hope they will break up. At this rate I'm okay if that happened because  his fans are so ridiculous and I can't imagine if they get married. They like to criticize everything she did. I hope kth would not come across their stupid comments. Thank god korean love her  and thank god I'm in this fandom because we are so cool not full of hate. haha. Well as long as kth is happy I will always support her. 

P/s- I refer to his international fans. I just read comment section from NB. As usual I enjoy reading that fluffy comments. Lol. 


Never ............... no breaking up !! Never give in to the rabid fans......... !! Rain and KTH 's marriage is written on the wall. So morons please go away...... Get a life.



Daebak, @lavender2love! In my case, I thank you for the much needed vitamin of “Never.....no break up!!”. Fingers crossed! ;):D

Now that my mind is calmer, I'll add to what I said yesterday, in reply to @orange52. Just a gloss over of the English comments in Rain’s IG, the rabid champion KTH haters are about 10-20%, with about 20-30% giving their clear support/in favour of KimBi couple and the rest, 70-50% just support for Rain in whatever his decision shall be because he is their long time bias. The rabid fans are, as we all can see, form the minority, so far and I hope that I am right. That is why I keep referring them as the Open-Champion-KTH-Haters because they made it clear for us to see and for us to pick up the number. 

If these spoilers are shameless enough to writhe themselves into KTH’s IG paradise and spit all the hurtful comments, they are dead set at picking up fights or are asking/begging for trouble. That is their nature. Are we going to be like them? Or allow them to get under our skin to be like them? We have seen instances of powerful words like “My so and so has been taken away but they will not have my hatred”? LOL, why am I bringing up this? I don’t know. I just feel like saying it here because I love powerful and inspirational words. Someone made a comment whether they, unwittingly, the anti-fans of Rain. After seeing the response from some of us, I begin to see the anti-fan point made by this commentator. By causing ruckus, these ‘rabid-fans-cum-anti-fans’ are actually denting or chipping away the goodwill that the KTH fans, who are no small in numbers, have for Rain, to their own bias’ disadvantage. Is this what they want it to be, when there can be more support from KTH fans? This is something that they have to ask themselves, that is, if they ever do. Think about the 90-80% vs. 10-20% as well. What I am driving at is that we shall continue to be calm and collected and handle these rabid fans in the most wise way. It does not matter whether or not among us, favour KimBi couple. We are all KTH fans and we must stay strong in our conviction as the peaceful loving KTH fans. Be cool always!!! :wub:

So, fighting KTH and everybody, for all things good and beautiful! May you all have a very good week ahead!!! :)


Right ..... !!!!  @Nancyzak and all supporters. Keep the banner flying, a banner that sets the standard high that Rain and his chosen soulmate KTH have such a wonderful future ahead of them, and who are they to have the gall to tear down their relationship? Absolutely senseless and downright wicked to make incendiary comments about KTH. Who are they kidding ? A blow for KTH is a blow for Rain .... and they call themselves diehard fans ? Sooner they die to their blindness for the real truth the better for their sanity.

I see in these anti fans a pattern, a destructive path ...yea...... calling you out , maramurr and 77fluffs, Aqua like,  since you unashamedly and openly inflamed an innocent party. I see them faceless , delusional ...... darn sick with their same old same old, boring stuff totally removed from reality. It's like this, their minds are vacuous mind, they want to privatise Rain , to have him all to themselves and cannot in their teeny weeny brain think that KTH does not " harm, hurt, stalk " Rain. No dummies she does not.......deal with it. She is his love , she has his interests at heart, she is his future , the woman who supports him in rain ( pun unintended haha ) and storm, the mother of his children, and darn you anti-fans, they are going to be the cutest, most lovable , smartest kids. Don't like it ? Throw away what you're smoking or taking to act this way and go get psychiatric help. Your mental sickness is disturbing . We want harmony for fans and idols a safe place to spazz.

So I shout out........ never..... will Rain and Kth break up. Never. True fans of both will rally round them, support them, wish them wee, delight in their real life "OTP" and the collective love of all will storm these little maggots and crush them. 

side note : I wonder what are these haters age? So mentally low down.





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Lols at Rain's fans. They hate kth for no reason. Most of them hope they will break up. At this rate I'm okay if that happened because  his fans are so ridiculous and I can't imagine if they get married. They like to criticize everything she did. I hope kth would not come across their stupid comments. Thank god korean love her  and thank god I'm in this fandom because we are so cool not full of hate. haha. Well as long as kth is happy I will always support her. 

P/s- I refer to his international fans. I just read comment section from NB. As usual I enjoy reading that fluffy comments. Lol. 



Well said about KTH's fandom. 

Yeah, that fluffy is one frantic desperado. Let her be the clown if that is what she wants to be looked upon. So, yeah cool!

You are not the only fan who feels that break up is the solution for KTH to spare her all the distress and pain. Grrrr, I am getting spooked by the fortune teller's prediction in 2013/2014 about the couple being subjected to/will be tested by envy and jealousy. I can't find any smart or diplomatic reply to this because fans can think, speculate and wish all they like but relationship is the personal business of the couple. I am tired actually. Let us see what unfolds after this. :phew:B):D

By the way [off topic], I don't know what made me do so, but in a spur of moment yesterday, I created a thread for Brangelina couple in the Global Celebrities forum. I love them as a couple and I admire Angelina Jolie. Right now, I can only think of that thread as my place to escape to when I feel like needing one. I know I said about no time, but sometimes, need to make one for the escapism; the R&R, heheh...;):P:D


Lols at Rain's fans. They hate kth for no reason. Most of them hope they will break up. At this rate I'm okay if that happened because  his fans are so ridiculous and I can't imagine if they get married. They like to criticize everything she did. I hope kth would not come across their stupid comments. Thank god korean love her  and thank god I'm in this fandom because we are so cool not full of hate. haha. Well as long as kth is happy I will always support her. 

P/s- I refer to his international fans. I just read comment section from NB. As usual I enjoy reading that fluffy comments. Lol. 



Well said about KTH's fandom. 

Yeah, that fluffy is one frantic desperado. Let her be the clown if that is what she wants to be looked upon. So, yeah cool!

You are not the only fan who feels that break up is the solution for KTH to spare her all the distress and pain. Grrrr, I am getting spooked by the fortune teller's prediction in 2013/2014 about the couple being subjected to/will be tested by envy and jealousy. I can't find any smart or diplomatic reply to this because fans can think, speculate and wish all they like but relationship is the personal business of the couple. I am tired actually. Let us see what unfolds after this. :phew:B):D

By the way [off topic], I don't know what made me do so, but in a spur of moment yesterday, I created a thread for Brangelina couple in the Global Celebrities forum. I love them as a couple and I admire Angelina Jolie. Right now, I can only think of that thread as my place to escape to when I feel like needing one. I know I said about no time, but sometimes, need to make one for the escapism; the R&R, heheh...;):P:D


Hhahahahahhahahahahaha......... I just read another of this fluffy's strange thing about dating women T E N years younger and that dating an older woman is not " wise " , ( so indirectly implying Rain is unwise? ) and it's giving me a belly ache. Excuse me while I roll on the floor in disbelief and amusement. Is she a cartoon caricature or what? Where in the world do we have this weird rule? Or subscribe to this kind of ageism.  Does she live in Lilliputian Plane? Huh? Huh? What a stupid statement . This little insipid person's vocabulary is limited to aged, aging, granny, virgin, ugly , says stupid things, desperate , ajumma, no pride , clingy, etc............ ( there's collective puking here dumbo ) Scrub out the stinking verbal vomit because you attack KTH unfairly. Jealous much ?

Oh by the way is this little cartoon with a mental age of ten is going to marry someone who is 10 years years younger ? Good luck to her .

So be quiet little pipsqueak ...... Kim Tae Hee is a beauty, she's intelligent , well loved by many, Korea's pride and talented. Kim Tae Hee has my respect and love.  I will speak out against flamers. :phew:


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Loud and clear, @lavender2love!

There's never enough to talk about these champion KTH haters. They do the worst and the unthinkable in KTH's IG but back in Rain's, they are warning people not to do the same. Double standard! Bottom line, they just want to 'kill off' KTH. :rolleyes:

@orange52 brought up about the mental illness issue. I think we can ascribe this type of behaviour to be 'antisocial personality disorder', based on the list of personality disorder here : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personality_disorder;):D

I have been wanting to say this for a long time. Rain had said a few times in the past that he prefers an older woman for a gf. I suppose that extends to wife too. He even jokingly said that he could take up to an age difference of 10. He said this in his DJing days while in the army. So, for that clown to keep throwing the 'old gf/wife' in reference to KTH at him and to ship him with other younger woman/women (ranting and calling him a fool for not breaking up with KTH and chasing after some much, much younger, hotter and sexier girls) is clearly telling us that she is antisocial, for one, and for two, does not know what her own bias' preference or respect him enough for that, LOL! Again, bottomline, she (and her gang, which you can easily find in Rain's IG) just want to 'kill off' KTH......and there's one who takes to her IG images of Rain 'intimate' with girls in photoshoots, movies/dramas and performances.

While I dislike getting ourselves all worked up over a wastrel like this, i.e. the fluffy character, but aren't we in a way getting some free entertainment in the backyard by this clown? B):lol:  Maybe someone is good enough to recap 'the clown has come a-clowning' for each of her appearance at KTH's IG. Some distractions while we wait for KTH's next project. ;):D


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Loud and clear, @lavender2love!

There's never enough to talk about these champion KTH haters. They do the worst and the unthinkable in KTH's IG but back in Rain's, they are warning people not to do the same. Double standard! Bottom line, they just want to 'kill off' KTH. :rolleyes:

@orange52 brought up about the mental illness issue. I think we can ascribe this type of behaviour to be 'antisocial personality disorder', based on the list of personality disorder here : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personality_disorder;):D

I have been wanting to say this for a long time. Rain had said a few times in the past that he prefers an older woman for a gf. I suppose that means wife too. He even jokingly said that he could take up to an age difference of 10. He said this in his DJing days while in the army. So, for that clown to keep throwing the 'old gf/wife' in reference to KTH at him and to ship him with other younger woman/women (ranting and calling him a fool for not breaking off with KTH and chasing after some much, much younger, hotter and sexier girls) is clearly telling us that she is antisocial, for one, and for two, does not know what her own bias' preference or respect him enough for that, LOL! Again, bottomline, she (and her gang, which you can easily find in Rain's IG) just want to 'kill off' KTH......and there's one who takes to her IG images of Rain 'intimate' with girls in photoshoots, movies/dramas and performances.

While I dislike getting ourselves all worked up over a wastrel like this, i.e. the fluffy character, but aren't we in a way getting some free entertainment in the backyard by this clown? B):lol:  Maybe someone is good enough to recap 'the clown has come a-clowning' for each of her appearance at KTH's IG. Some distractions while we wait for KTH's next project. ;):D


Yay ......... good to know that Rain is a smart cookie. A good woman is a good woman no matter her age and KTH has a good reputation. He who finds a good wife, finds a good thing. She's a gem, and only 2 years older to Rain, she sparkles so brightly. So I'm happy for Rain.

Really .......?  there is such a despicable person who post trashy images of Rain's " intimacies" ? So witch-like. People like that would soon fall by their own sword.

BTW the fanarts of KTH in Yong Pal by Moonsol are beautiful. And wow ...... The YP OST The One is played on opening. Thank you for posting. I enjoyed listening and viewing at the same time. :wub:


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If you are curious about APAN, here is the information : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/APAN_Star_Awards

The lists of 2015 APAN award nominees for all categories, are in the link provided below. 

I've extracted for the one with KTH in it.

WonHee fans will be delighted to note that JW is nominated for Top Excellence award in the male category for mini-series.

KTH's close friend, Honey Lee, is nominated for Best Suporting Actress in the General Category. Are the BFF going to make a pact to meet each other there? We shall see! ;):D


2015 APAN Star Awards – Nominees List




KTH is in this.


Top Excellence Actress

– Gong Hyo Jin (KBS2 Producer)
– Kim Hee Sun (MBC Angry Mom)
Kim Tae Hee (SBS Yongpal)
– Soo Ae (SBS Mask)
– Park Shin Hye (SBS Pinocchio)




Credit image : SBS/Owner



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Go ! Go ! Go ! ....................Kim Tae Hee  for the win. I'm cheering madly , poms poms, swishy skirt and all ........  Give me a  W  I  N  N   E  R ... The most beautiful woman gracing the APAN Star Awards , gliding on the red carpet in a striking evening gown , stunning in vision. She was amazing as Han Yeo Jin.

Cheering for her leading man Joo Won for his talented portrayal of Dr Kim Tae Hyun. Hope he still keeps his Tae Hyun Tux...... He must win too. Yay ! Yong Pal will win big.

@Nancyzak .. need to ask you for help. Do I need to delete a picture after I replied? Like for instance the pic in this post ?. I can't start on a new comment box. I remember you quoted a rule about something to that effect.

Thank you ........ Have lotsa fun.


Edited by lavender2love
Rule #.... deleted images of previous posting
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You are welcome! Yes, you must delete KTH's images in your post. Click on the EDIT at the bottom left of your post and use BACKSPACE to delete the images. 

I hope KTH attends the ceremony as it's on a weekend and she should be free. Like I said her BFF is nominated and I hope she attends as well. Good time for their fans to see both of them at an official function. I like to see both of them having a very time there. So far, we only see them at unofficial functions, only if people do some fan service by giving us the pictures!

JW's in the tux? Then, he should also have his YP swept up hairstyle! :D


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You are welcome! Yes, you must delete KTH's images in your post. Click on the EDIT at the bottom left of your post and use BACKSPACE to delete the images. 

I hope KTH attends the ceremony as it's on a weekend and she should be free. Like I said her BFF is nominated and I hope she attends as well. Good time for their fans to see both of them at an official function. I like to see both of them having a very time there. So far, we only see them at unofficial functions, only if people do some fan service by giving us the pictures!

JW's in the tux? Then, he should also have his YP swept up hairstyle! :D


@Nancyzak ........ Done !!!!!!! Thanks so much. You're a dear.

Kim Tae Hee will garner so much attention .... she's beautiful and the cameras love her. I heard the Korean males love her too. You know, I read a comment by a male admirer who said he'd be happy if KTH is not married so soon, so he can continue lusting after her ,,, ( he can't if she's married.)...... He was jesting but so cute.

Ohhhhhh ...... same here .... I absolutely love JW's swept up hair and of course the tux. The promo for Yong pal ( flying ) is breathtaking.

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KTH, an inspiration. :wub:



Yoon So Hee Reveals Kim Tae Hee Fueled Her Decision to Go to KAIST

Yoon So Hee revealed that she went to KAIST because of Kim Tae Hee. 

The November 26 episode of KBS 2TV′s Happy Together 3 will feature Yoon So Hee, So Ji, Solbi, Lee Gye In and Kim Heung Guk as guests.




During the recording, Yoon So Hee, who is currently a student at KAIST, revealed the backstory to her enrollment. 

Yoon So Hee said, "I wanted to be a celebrity since I was young, but my mother was against it, saying ′There′s Kim Tae Hee, who is both studious and pretty. What do you have?′" before adding that she was fueled by Kim Tae Hee and began studying hard. 

Yoon So Hee continued, "Studying is easier than acting. When it comes to studying, if you put in the time, you see the results," leading Solbi to say, "Studying is hard for me." 

Yoon So Hee will also stump the MCs with KAIST test questions.  

Happy Together will air on November 26. 

Photo credit: KBS 2TV





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Image of KTH waving, taken during her time of press rounds when YP started filming.


Image and credit : http://www.pikore.com/m/1125607540420272930_1515114119









KTH, the Princess Diary, by this Instagrammer.


Image and credit : https://www.instagram.com/p/-VI2mFNqXu/






I like this!!!


Image and credit : http://www.pikore.com/m/1126109774096722960_2251012138






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You are welcome! Yes, you must delete KTH's images in your post. Click on the EDIT at the bottom left of your post and use BACKSPACE to delete the images. 

I hope KTH attends the ceremony as it's on a weekend and she should be free. Like I said her BFF is nominated and I hope she attends as well. Good time for their fans to see both of them at an official function. I like to see both of them having a very time there. So far, we only see them at unofficial functions, only if people do some fan service by giving us the pictures!

JW's in the tux? Then, he should also have his YP swept up hairstyle! :D


@Nancyzak ........ Done !!!!!!! Thanks so much. You're a dear.

Kim Tae Hee will garner so much attention .... she's beautiful and the cameras love her. I heard the Korean males love her too. You know, I read a comment by a male admirer who said he'd be happy if KTH is not married so soon, so he can continue lusting after her ,,, ( he can't if she's married.)...... He was jesting but so cute.

Ohhhhhh ...... same here .... I absolutely love JW's swept up hair and of course the tux. The promo for Yong pal ( flying ) is breathtaking.




Omooooo, where did you get the man's comment? LOL! He has a great sense of humour!!! :lol::lol::lol: Reminds me of a commentator (who I think should be a male) in KTH's IG who commented 'oh, she is my wife', etc, etc....and I could picture a poker face while saying it, LOL! :lol::lol::lol: Of course, this commentator could be jesting too, because he was mad with all the vile attacks on KTH in her IG. We could do with a lot of laughs these days, to lift up our moods, yay? ;):lol::lol::lol: Thanks for sharing! More, if you do have any! 

Errrr, did I miss something? What is the promo for YP that you mentioned? Has this something to do with 2015 APAN?  


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Fans/onlookers' pics.

KTH with Mark Prin, her CF co-star for Thailand's cosmetic brand, 12Plus. In her first trip for the first CF shooting and promotional rounds.


Images and credit : 








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19 Korean Actresses That Look Especially Gorgeous in Hanboks


Recently, netizens have been abuzz about beautiful actresses in hanboks (traditional Korean clothing) after miss A’s Suzy had a hanbok pictorial with First Look magazine. Her delicate beauty reminded many of Lee Young Ae who is known for being a hanbok beauty thanks to her popular drama “Jewel in the Palace.” With that said, let’s take some time to appreciate some Korean actresses who are especially gorgeous in hanboks. Is your favorite hanbok beauty on this list? Be sure to vote and let us know in the comments below!


(skipped unrelated.....)


Kim Tae Hee

Kim Tae Hee

Famous beauty Kim Tae Hee has worn hanboks in “My Princess” and “Jang Ok Jeong, Lives in Love.”


credit : soompi news


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Hi @willenette,

Thank you for sharing the article above. I vaguely recall report of quite an investment/sponsorship in the hanboks for JOJLIL. I was looking for the article on this and instead came upon an interesting blog by the talking cupboard about JOJLIL's hanboks. Will post it after this. :)



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