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[Current Drama 2024] Brave Yong Soo Jung -용감무쌍 용수정 - Mon to Fri 19:05 - 19:40 KST - Cast: Uhm Hyun Kyung, Seo Jun Young

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19 hours ago, kboramint said:

FL is such a cartoon character. The slapstick is so over the top. 

I thought it might be slapstick when I saw the poster with her as some sort of bikie. I have seen her in a couple of shows, and don’t remember her saying or doing anything humorous, intentionally that is.

Sometimes a character is supposed to be feisty, spunky but they end up being comedic.


I am waiting for a revenge. 

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This drama is re-using the same set as Third Husband. The place where ML drank the juice with FL's adopted father is the living room at BoBaejang. They just changed the furinture and doors


Looks like SFL's mom has a gambling additction.  


SML's step-mother's assistant is SFL's father. He doesn't know it yet. 


The pearl necklace was givig the FL a allergic reaction


Based on the preview... SFL finds out that FL is her cousin.  


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3 hours ago, kboramint said:

Based on the preview... SFL finds out that FL is her cousin.  


Is there an English subbed Chart of their relationships somewhere?

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Well first of all I want to wish everyone a happy weekend. Finally managed to catch up with the latest episodes. @liyahsbutterfly Thankyou for the welcome back greetings. I missed all of you as well. I simply sadly don’t have the time I once had to review or post on these shows. Not only that but there are so many shows out there it becomes harder even to pick and choose. I did manage to convince a friend to start watching the shorter 16-20 episode shows and only a few months back managed to watch The Heirs. So yes, I did recognize the clue for that in the recent game that we had.


Anyway, moving on to the actual show itself and my thoughts and a few theories regarding a few scenes over here.


First of all, let’s bring up the female lead. It certainly is nice to watch an actress grow into a role. I remember watching her as a side character in The House of Bluebird and then later progress from a Second Female Lead (All Is Well) and a few others to the female lead position. I think the poster caught my eye. Her riding a bike while appearing to have a blast at the same time. Hopefully we get something like that.


Now let’s bring up her characters acting which I will agree with many of you that it certainly does seem like overacting and the question is whether this is on her interpretation of the character or the writers. Sometimes it is hard to figure it out. For instance, in The Elegant Empire before the second male lead was replaced by another actor the original one not only had a horrendous sense of fashion (probably the reason why he got arrested by the fashion police. Mental issues had to be an excuse for him to save face) but he also overacted at times that one couldn’t seriously take him as a villain until the actor changed. With it came a drastic personality and fashion sense.


Over here let’s see how long the female lead can keep up the momentum with her whack behaviour. It does seem to be a part of the character if you consider what we know of her from the character description.


Apparently, she has a lot of fans which also include numerous females as well. How would she have acquired them. Well, if she can make a dramatic impression on the other party they would be bound to remember her. For instance, a show host that was so enthusiastic to sell a product got trapped in a fridge, she is known to speak her mind (are you crazy LoL :) )or even sing while trying to sell a product. So, in a way I guess this is the characters selling point. As viewers I can understand us finding her actions funny but as a character in her world, I can find her overzealous nature being equally frustrating to those around her (like her supervisors). It reminds me of another female lead in another drama. I think it had Park Hana as the second female lead in it (My apologies if I am making a mistake. After watching so many dramas with similar plot lines and characters things start to mingle together at this point.


Over there the female lead and company were taken to the male leads family’s factory and when the father realized that the work would take longer to complete, he allowed the workers to leave early/on time. But nobody made the female lead their spokesperson and she volunteered that they would all stay and complete the work. Just because she didn’t have any plans at home didn’t mean that the others didn’t have one which she was interrupting. (turns out that one of the side characters had a date with the female leads brother). I guess it was to show her kind and helpful nature, but I can see how things could be frustrating for the others. The same can be applied over here.


Moving on to the second male leads family. Boy is that family a mess and the person responsible for all of it has to be the grandmother.  She is the one that has created all the monsters in this show. I get that some of you might say but it is clearly the stepmother that is the villain. Yes, but like I pointed out it was due to the actions of the grandmother.


Her son was known to be having affairs to the extent that some people are coming out of the woodwork claiming to be his kids. How much of that is true remains to be seen but the two main leads are a 100% confirmed to be his kids at this point. Now if the grandmother was aware of her sons’ actions, she should have taken some actions to discipline him properly. For instance, she could threaten him that for each person that claimed to be his child or person claiming to have his child a verification process would take place and for each verification a certain percentage of his supposed inheritance would be donated away to charity. But instead, she let’s it slide allowing him to continue his behaviour. Not only that but due to greed and wanting to keep the company in the family she was more than okay to do two things which aren’t fair to another person.


For starters she was probably okay with bringing the mistress into the family and for that she expected the DiL to get a divorce. Her justification was because she had one become an orphan and secondly it turned out that she was infertile this meant that she could never carry and produce a male heir to take over the company. Neither of these reasons are the stepmother’s fault. Not only that she expected the stepmother to raise her husbands illegitimate child even if said person volunteered for the job. That is harsh and cruel on the other party.


Now before someone over here starts to accuse me of perhaps being a bigot of some sorts and bring up people who have adopted a child or had one from a previous marriage (then became a widower or divorced). I want to point out that this is a different situation altogether. This happened before they married their current partner and if said partner can’t accept the child from the past incident then yes, they shouldn’t get married now. For instance, Hyera (Second Female Lead) is fully aware of the fact that the second male lead has a child from a previous relationship, and she is fully prepared to be a mother to said child. In this case this is okay.


But when it comes to the stepmother and her current situation then whenever she looks at the second male lead, she is bound to be reminded of her husband’s infidelity it wouldn’t be easy to raise such a child unless she either has a hidden agenda or is so madly in love with her husband that she is willing to overlook his mistakes or fault. Considering the fact that the husband continued with his cheating ways it certainly wouldn’t have been easy on her. The grandmother should have considered this fact. Not only that but for being so called smart she really isn’t one. To make matters worse she is openly hostile towards the second male leads only parental figure. Of course, it is going to end up driving a wedge between them. Clearly the grandmother doesn’t realize this or the fact that she is raising a monster. Nor is she taking any kinds of precautions. Does she perhaps think that giving him expensive gifts is the solution. Good luck in that department.


Now moving on to a bit of a theory crafting department of sorts. The first thing is in regards to Woo Jin’s daughter and his interaction with her mother. When the mother claims that he should raise his own daughter, he questions her as to how he can be sure that the daughter is even his as she has been rumoured to be with numerous men. Her reaction to that statement is interesting as she is shown either frustrated by that comment or going a bit crazy hearing it. Now I can guarantee that this scene is going to be important for a reason.


It will turn out that the mother is actually innocent and that she was being framed as a person who has been in numerous relationships. Not the question is why this would be and who is responsible. I would wager it to be either the grandmother or even the stepmother. Since the stepmother is clearly supposed to be the antagonist of the show the chances become higher that she is the one. Now why would she do this. Remember she needs to control her son if she plans to achieve her goals. This is clearly to take over the company simply out of spite thinking that she may deserve it for all that she has gone through and that would have been the case if the grandmother hadn’t gone that the next person to inherit the company had to be a male heir. Therefore, if she manages to cause mistrust between her son and the woman he likes because she either doesn’t measure up to the family standard or the fact that he may be willing to give up the company simply to live an ordinary life then she is in trouble. So, her solution would be to naturally cause trouble in paradise.


The other interesting thing in this show happened when he got trapped in the elevator with the female lead which resulted in her helping him out. He then heads over to his office and opens a drawer full of medication. Interesting if you ask me. On a single glance one may not realize the significance of this action. But after carefully considering it, we may realize that this is another form of control against him. How one may ask. Well, we know that the stepmother doesn’t haven any genuine feelings for him and is merely using him to achieve her goals. Even if she claims that she will do her best so that he acquires the company is in fact a tactic, so he doesn’t raise his guard and also trust her. All the while she is covering her agenda to take the company over. Now if someone were to let’s say discover the facts that he is taking said medication, or he even suffers from trauma. (What is the cause of it. Was he perhaps locked in the basement and the stepmother lied to him that it was under orders from the grandmother). In this situation you can be sure that the shareholders would be hesitant to keep him in charge if the aren’t confident that he is mentally stable. This would naturally result in them picking the next best choice namely his stepmother.


Of course there is an unforeseen hitch in the stepmother’s perfect plan. The grandmother hypocritical nature. She discovers that her son may have had another child meaning that there is now another person to throw his hat in the inheritance line. Now why am I calling the grandmother a hypocrite is simple. If she does indeed try and search out Ui Joo as one just because he is her son’s child what about the one incident earlier. Remember when there was a shootout at Woo Jin’s birthday party when he was a kid. When she inquired who was responsible, she was informed that it was someone claiming to be the illegitimate child of her son. Her response to this was without any kind of hesitation she ordered him to be thrown in the deepest darkest pit. Either she was aware that someone was faking it with such confidence or that it was a charade pulled by her DiL or she is a hypocrite and is willing to accept Ui Joo as her grandson. Was an ultrasound picture more definitive proving he existed than a simple claim by a stranger. She could easily have ordered to have a DNA test run as verification and then dealt with the person accordingly.


Anyway, back to the point I was making I don’t think that the grandmother has long to live and get ready for her to either bite the dust or get involved in an accident which will result in her falling into a coma. The reason that I say this is because as of now the stepmother is fortunate plot wise because Ui Joo’s mother has a mental condition due to her trauma or some other undisclosed accident. Due to this she can’t recognize her other son Woo Jin. The only other person that can correct any kind of misunderstandings between the two brothers would either be the grandmother or the stepmother who clearly has no intention of doing so. In fact, she will use this fact to her own advantage by trying to drive a wedge between the two brothers. She will point out to her son that Ui Joo and his mother are trying to take their spot by kicking them out. Hence, they will lose everything to them. We have already seen how brainwashed he already is that he has forgotten that he has someone else as his biological mother and that his current one is his stepmother. Is this simply due to time or has she drugged him into forgetting her.


Naturally I can feel the next question that you may all be wondering as to how someone could pull such a stunt on a grown person who could go to the doctor on his own and get his own medication. Well, the answer would be that since they are all rich it would make sense that they would have their own private or family doctor at this point. This doctor could easily have been bribed by the stepmother in the form of a donation for their hospital or perhaps a promotion (could even be both). This would make the doctor loyal to the stepmother. Woo Jin being unaware of this fact would be therefore taking the prescribed medication and trusting the doctor’s judgement. (this could have continued since he was a kid). So I wouldn’t say that this point was totally impossible at this point.


Now that I have covered my theories, I have questions that I would like answered. For instance, we have finally been given the reason why the second female lead, and her mother left with hardly anything but returned almost well off. No, it had nothing to do with the fact that the mother was an amazing gambler thus she made it big. But the answer is quite close.


But what about Su Jeong and her father how can they now afford to operate a guesthouse. This is from where they were selling things like fresh octopuses and perhaps seafood from their truck. Where did they get the money to even rent a place for the guesthouse. We need an answer.


Let’s now move onto henchman. We need some answers as to just what is his position and role over here. I am asking this because he had a drastic wardrobe change in just a single episode or so. Check this out. When we first see him, he is dressed more along the lines of a hired thug. His response even further leads us to believe this to be the case. Stepmother asks him to quickly locate Ui Joo’s mother as she might be hovering around them. He then says that he really hopes to bump into her. Clearly signalling his need for money. Then at the birthday party he is seen dressed up in a suit. Perhaps he knocked out a guest and stole their suit after all security would have been tight and they wouldn’t have allowed a person looking like a street thug to enter the premises. Then perhaps in the next episode or so he is still in a suit and is now at the company. Not only that he apparently can gain access to the dead chairman’s office and obtain his belongings without any issues. Was he always working at the company. Were the street thug clothes his alternate work clothes. But if he was busy hunting down Ui Joo’s mother wouldn’t he be noted as absent from work and raised a few flags. See I have questions.


I also do wonder what will happen once he discovers that his daughter has feelings for Woo Jin. He clearly has feelings for the stepmother and if his daughter marries the son then he can’t be with her. Also, what do you think will the stepmother accept her as family. I get the feeling that as long as she thinks that Hyera is a competent person and can perhaps help Woo Jin attain the company she will be against their pairing. On the other hand, if she discovers that she isn’t as well off as people think and that she is therefore a fraud she may be willing to accept her because if she were to reveal this fact it would be embarrassing for certain parties involved.


Finally, I just find it weird that the main leads met when they were young and after that you expect me to believe that they had no contact whatsoever. Think about it we know for a fact that Su Jeong’s mothers’ ashes or something along those lines are at the Buddhist temple where Ui Joo and his mother are staying at. So how come she didn’t pop by and meet them every time she visited the temple. She was clearly attached to him when he was a baby and even mentioned that she wished that he was her brother. If that was the case it makes sense that she would try and meet them. But instead, she not only fails to recognize him but also his mother when she bumped into them recently. Did she perhaps get a dose of memory loss when the mother hit her on the head. Also were there perhaps the standard K-Drama near misses each time she went to the temple and tried to meet them. For instance, on one trip, she goes there only to discover that the mother was involved in an accident and was therefore rushed to the hospital. Other times she goes to meet them, but they are out and just when she leaves the temple, they end up returning to it just a few seconds/minutes later and perhaps from the other side. But you expect me to believe that this happened for 20+ years. That does take a lot of disbelief for me at least.


Oh, just a friendly note. The female leads aren’t related and thus not cousins. When her father brings her to the hospital the nurse mentions that her parents are dead and that the so called aunt and cousin were actually hired help. I think Su Jeongs mother hired her because she was good to her some years back so as a favour where everyone would be helped out she was hired.


Anyway, that is all from my end for the time being. Take care all of you and let’s see how this show goes on. Till next time let me hear some of your theories regarding this show.

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5 hours ago, yamiyugi said:

Oh, just a friendly note. The female leads aren’t related and thus not cousins. When her father brings her to the hospital the nurse mentions that her parents are dead and that the so called aunt and cousin were actually hired help


Thanks for telling us. In the first episode, at some point childhood FL called "the aunt", "Eemo" in he first episode. Not "Ahjumma". This caused the confusion.  

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Any revenge starting? Miss Otoke should start getting back everything stolen by the helper.

In MIAV, Taepoong also lost his wealth to the helpers and FL then is the FL now too . :open_mouth: Deja vu.



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2 hours ago, maribella said:

Any revenge starting? Miss Otoke should start getting back everything stolen by the helper.

In MIAV, Taepoong also lost his wealth to the helpers and FL then is the FL now too . :open_mouth: Deja vu.




The SML's step-mother's henchman's daughter is the SFL. It seems the henchman doesn't know this.  Also, there's got to be a bigger picture when it comes to FL's bio parents and the rest of the elders. We know what happened to FL's mother but was there foul play involving FL's father?

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@kboramint no problem I can understand how one could have missed this point. A lot of viewers over here either skip episodes or scenes due to the limited amount of time they have available to them. I unfortunately can’t seem to do that entirely so I may end up picking up things some people have missed out. Not that I recall every detail or in which episode they happened. Sometimes things get intermingled with other dramas as well. But since you brought up the topic of the word Eemo for Aunt I was wondering if Koreans call their Aunt and Uncles Eemo and Samchon regardless of which side of the family they are or is that the generic term regardless. I am asking because in some country’s aunts and uncles from the maternal and fraternal sides are called by another name. Also, on a sidenote have you ever been to Korea. I remember in one of your earlier posts you mentioned how you were interested in trying out food from one of those street tents if you went there. But then your wife discouraged you by mentioning that they simply wash their plates by water so they wouldn’t be totally hygienic. (or am I confusing you for another poster since it was quite a while back when this was posted)


 @maribella what revenge and what exactly was stolen by the helper. I mean compared to Man In A Veil. Over here nobody knows that anybody needs revenge at this point. Let’s get into each character and why they need to have revenge but who is going to clue them to this. For starters Ui Joo might need to avenge his mother since they tried to murder her before he was born or that his brother is going to be poisoned against him by the stepmother. Other than that, I don’t see any motivation for him to get revenge on anyone around him. Perhaps on Su Jeong or messing with his life and constantly hurting him. LoL. Though the stepmother kind of did it because she was trying to protect her own family, I will admit that she took things a bit too far.


As for Su Jeong her revenge is a bit complicate compared to Ui Joo or the matter about her family wealth. For starters the only person she really needs to take her revenge is probably on Hyera for trapping her in that room. Even if she didn’t, she was aware of the fact that Su Jeong was trapped, and she didn’t do anything in regards to it such as inform her mother let’s say. So that does make her responsible and a likely target.


Problem in regards to this is that Su Jeong is probably going to be unaware of this fact and it is hard to know what she exactly recalls from that night. If she can’t remember the birth of Ui Joo it is safe to assume that she has forgotten more stuff from that time. Also, if anything she would probably be blaming herself for the fire. Remember she was the one that lit the candles that night and ended up dozing off which resulted in the sheets catching fire and spreading it. So, unless Hyera or her mother bring up the fire and its cause she has no reason for revenge against them. As for her family wealth again, I feel we should be a bit clear in regard to it.


While I won’t deny the fact that Hyera’s mother did end up running away that night and she did steal some stuff along the way it would by no means cover the entire family wealth. In Man In A Veil the second female lead sold of the entire property of the male lead and kept most of the money (she did hand some over to her mother). So, in that case revenge against her made sense. But over here Hyeras’ mother didn’t really have time to take a lot with her. What we did witness her was grabbing some clothes. Now let’s assume for arguments sake that they were designer clothes and perhaps she even grabbed some cash and jewellery she wouldn’t be able to take everything with her.


Some might try and bring up the fact that she forged the parents seal and had everything transferred to her. Even then I doubt that she transferred everything to her bank account. She already assumed that Su Jeongs parents had passed away so she may not have felt the need to do so. Now if we go by that logic the things that she did steal with her wouldn’t have allowed her to change her lifestyle completely. Not only that she asked her Ex to help smuggle them out of the country. She probably would have to pay for said services. Unless he did it for old times sake. From what I understand she married rich in America but ended up getting a divorce due to her gambling issues. The money is probably from her divorce settlement.


Now on to the drama itself. Su Jeong ends up with an allergic reaction which has nothing to do with Hyera for a change. Unfortunately, this messes up the broadcast in which she is performing. This ends up causing issues for everyone. The pearl company is threatening to sue her company for the losses they are facing. Su Jeong being the female lead she is and has probably watched a lot of K-Dramas thinks that she can resolve the matter on her own.


Woo Jin on the other hand is also being recommended by both Hyera and his mother to get rid of Su Jeong for starters. To his credit he hasn’t gone totally to the dark side and is willing to give her a chance to resolve the issue. Plus, he already realized that she didn’t do it intentionally and that she was feeling unwell that day. This clearly doesn’t go well with the other two as they want her fired for their own reasons. For Hyera it is because she sees Su Jeong as a threat, and she is determined to ensure that there are no obstacles in her path to marrying Woo Jin this time round. As for his mother, she wants Woo Jin to appear strong and to do that he needs to be seen taking action. She doesn’t care whether the other person is innocent or not. When this isn’t seen working both women take matters into their own hands and have a disciplinary meeting called for Su Jeong but make it appear as if Woo Jin was responsible for it.


Now in regards to whether Su Jeong was responsible or whether her company was in a position to be sued we need to understand the situation. If the pearl company can prove that it wasn’t due to their pearls that she had the reaction, then someone needs to take the blame. Her company in return could possibly have held her supervisor responsible for the incident. As she should have ensured that whoever was showing up wouldn’t have any issues, especially if they realize that Su Jeong was the one that caused a few incidents before. As for Su Jeong she probably knew that her neck was irritating her so she should have taken a few precautions. Granted she can argue that since she never had a reaction like that prior, she couldn’t have known of the results. She probably should change her cream at this point and probably sue them after all, this is how the cycle continues.


She is rushed to the hospital and her life is also fortunately saved due to the quick thinking of Ui Joo who ended up performing CPR for her before the ambulance arrived. When she does wake up she realizes to her horror that the video of her fainting has gone viral but unfortunately people are making fun of her instead of being sympathetic. The swelling due the reaction is instead being made light off and people are calling her fat or at least her neck and how pearls shouldn’t have been on it. At least the male leads are decent in regards to this matter and try and correct certain people about it. For instance, Woo Jin’s daughter was finding the thing funny until her father corrected her that Su Jeong didn’t do it deliberately and she was unwell. So, he at least gets some points for that.


As for the stepmother, she has her own issues to worry about. She had just obtained a box of belongings of her Ex Husband and she discovered an ultrasound picture in it. Before she could hide it, her MiL had entered the office and once she realized that the box belonged to her son she demanded to have it back. Since the stepmother couldn’t hide the picture, she returned it to the box. She probably would have tried to sneak it out, but the grandmother didn’t give her the opportunity to do so.


What I found amusing in regards to the picture was how the stepmother was trying to figure out what it could be. Now I get the fact that she may have never seen one in real life but almost everyone knows what an ultrasound picture looks like. Not only that, but she was also aware of the fact that Ui Joo’s mother was pregnant before she dropped her from the cliff. She said as much to her as how she may have thought that she was using her kids to get to her position. Both back then with Woo Jin and her unborn baby. So, she shouldn’t have been surprised by the ultrasound picture.


As for the grandmother, she has indeed found the picture and is wondering about it as well. She did deduce that since the picture was taken after Woo Jin was born it couldn’t be him. She is now suspicious whether she has another grandchild out there. The stepmother enters the room to find out if the grandmother is aware of this new development because she did sneak into the grandmother’s office searching for the picture but couldn't find it in the box. Fortunately, the grandmother doesn’t trust stepmother and tells her that she has decided to leave the box as it is respecting her sons last wishes and privacy. This doesn’t take care of the stepmother’s unease, so she sends Henchman to verify if the picture is in the house (was it the grandmothers’ room or just her office perhaps both. This is a bit unclear). He informs her that while he has failed to find the picture, they just need to observe the grandmothers’ movements. If needed, they could then make a countermove.


As for Hyera she already thinks that she owns the company and is part of the family because she is ordering people about. She tells Su Jeong that she doesn’t need to do anything and that the company will handle the situation on their own. Again, she doesn’t like the fact that Su Jeong has broken the chain of command and spoken with Woo Jin. She may be a team leader, but she wanted the office manager to arrange for her desk to set up for her. The manager clearly is unimpressed by her and tells her to contact the proper department that is responsible for doing this and gets back to her own work.


Su Jeong and Ui Joo are still unaware that they are living in the same house. He on the other hand has been scouted as a model for their company. Though Su Jeong thinks that he is there stalking her and wants money for the ribs that got fractured (when she hit him with her helmet in the previous episode.). But speaking of him being scouted he informs his mother who is excited to hear the news. He even tells her that she can let the monk that housed them (female monk that knows both the female lead and him) about this. Her reaction to this is going to be interesting. Does she know his backstory because he did mention that she raised him and taught him not to be into worldly things. Now this could have double meanings. As a monk this makes total sense but at the same time if she is aware of his birth secret (assuming his mother told her before her current condition) then it could be so that he doesn’t get into a succession fight with his brother over the company later on. Either way let’s see how things turn out.


Oh, dear me while I didn’t intend for this to happen. I just realized that this has become a small recap of the episode. Just that things didn’t happen scene by scene. Anyway, I think that I will end this post over here for the time being. Take care all of you and keep posting.

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43 minutes ago, yamiyugi said:

what revenge and what exactly was stolen by the helper. I mean compared to Man In A Veil. Over here nobody knows that anybody needs revenge at this point.

The FL was a young kid who was taken in by a stranger. Did she just wander off? 
The amount stolen matters little if it changed her life. 
There are issues here: young dependent kid and  irresponsible thieving adult.


In Taepoong’s case, SFL’s parent were complicit. He was autistic, it is criminal to take anything from him outside a buying/selling transaction. 

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2 hours ago, yamiyugi said:

But since you brought up the topic of the word Eemo for Aunt I was wondering if Koreans call their Aunt and Uncles Eemo and Samchon regardless of which side of the family they are or is that the generic term regardless. I am asking because in some country’s aunts and uncles from the maternal and fraternal sides are called by another name.


In Korea, a person calls their aunt on their mother's side (mom's sister), Eemo and their aun on their father's side (dad's sister), Como. 


Samchon is a term used to call their uncle on their mom's side (mother's brother), but you can use that term to call their father's side if hey aren't married. People normally call their uncle on their father's side... Jagun Appa if they younger than their father, and Kun Appa if they are older than their father.    

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5 minutes ago, kboramint said:


In Korea, a person calls their aunt on their mother's side (mom's sister), Eemo and their aun on their father's side (dad's sister), Como. 


Samchon is a term used to call their uncle on their mom's side (mother's brother), but you can use that term to call their father's side if hey aren't married. People normally call their uncle on their father's side... Jagun Appa if they younger than their father, and Kun Appa if they are older than their father.    

I was wondering why ML called WJG  Jagun appa in Third Marriage but forgot to ask.

Does Korean have gender in the subject? He? She? I got the impression that it does not because I have been confused as heck when a man turned into she and her and vice versa.

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28 minutes ago, kboramint said:


In Korea, a person calls their aunt on their mother's side (mom's sister), Eemo and their aun on their father's side (dad's sister), Como. 


Samchon is a term used to call their uncle on their mom's side (mother's brother), but you can use that term to call their father's side if hey aren't married. People normally call their uncle on their father's side... Jagun Appa if they younger than their father, and Kun Appa if they are older than their father.    


Thanks for the clarification I knew I had once heard an Aunt being called Como in a drama. Now I get the reference. It really helps when someone has a better understanding of the language.


1 hour ago, maribella said:

The FL was a young kid who was taken in by a stranger. Did she just wander off? 
The amount stolen matters little if it changed her life. 
There are issues here: young dependent kid and  irresponsible thieving adult.


In Taepoong’s case, SFL’s parent were complicit. He was autistic, it is criminal to take anything from him outside a buying/selling transaction. 



Actually this is something that I failed to mention in my previous post as I got sidetracked and got lost in my own ramblings. It is quite possible that she did sort of wander off. After she was rescued from the fired and was admitted to the hospital. People popped up over there claiming that her family owed them money. How true that remains I don't know. Later on after they were ushered out by her adopted father and he left. He discovered that she had snuck out in his truck because she was afraid that they would return to harass her. It was at this point that they discover the male leads mother about to go into labour.


So if we look into what could have happened next logically it would be as follows. Assuming the house survived the fire (considering the firefighters arrived early enough) and there was enough property that wasn't damaged in it. I would assume that all those debtors if they could prove their claims would require money or its equivalent to be paid off and they would be the ones that actually took her wealth and property. At this point anything Second Lead and her family would have taken or not would have been trivial.


It is possible that after everything that was left perhaps they used the remaining money to open the guesthouse. But I have my doubts regarding this theory because it was shown that the next day after they delivered Ui Joo and his mother to the monastery the father decided to adopt Su Jeong. But at that time they also showed her helping him sell his wares and singing to make a living. If they already had access to the remaining money that wouldn't have been necessary.


at least this is my take on the situation and like I said I can easily be wrong.

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2 hours ago, yamiyugi said:

at least this is my take on the situation and like I said I can easily be wrong.

I could be wrong too. I have very low tolerance for child abuse and/ or neglect. 

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4 hours ago, maribella said:

I was wondering why ML called WJG  Jagun appa in Third Marriage but forgot to ask.

Does Korean have gender in the subject? He? She? I got the impression that it does not because I have been confused as heck when a man turned into she and her and vice versa.


Korean does not have different terms for "He" and She". "Geu" (그) can mean "He", "She", "It", depending on the situation and context.   

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