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Lee Dong Wook 이동욱 Global Fans at Soompi


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I just finished watching Roommate S2 eps 9 and I didnt realise that I have spent more than 2 hours just for one episode.Why? Because I kept on rewinding LDW's parts..OMOOO..he's wanjeon gorgeous!!I was thinking to watch RM this weekend but I just couldnt help myself after looking the screencaps, his gifs and pics on this thread.Also my unnie texted me about LDW parts on this eps while I was at work so I better watch it when I get home...and there you go I spent hours just to see it. Sorry I didnt pay attention to GJ's bro, Hara & YoungJi when they were dancing mamamia because I was busy looking for LDW standing behind them and laughing XD 
It all started from Blade Man. I knew LDW long ago, well who doesnt know him?, but I was never interested in watching his dramas until I read positive reviews about Blade Man and saw his priceless expressions in this drama. Gaaahhhh...and now I cant get over him :)
Thanks guys for sharing his news, pics, gifs etc :-bd :)>-

Btw, @zagigirl re your gifs above, would you please tell me which eps it was on? I started watching Roommate recently and it's because of LDW...LOL

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@ucieh how familiar it sounds  :)) I was watchin RM Season 1 almost two weeks, since I was rewatching...and rewatching...and again rewatching all parts with LDW trying to catch all of his facial expressions there and words. If to take Blade Man, it was heaven. I was just sticked to the screen because of Wookie's acting. His Hong Bin turned to be one of my faves characters, nevertheless of his childish behavour. I'm always pissed when I see comments, that Dongwook's acting is the same everywhere and that he always portraits the same characters. X( It's absolutely not. I strongly reccomend you to watch RM Season one, especially those episodes where he's present almost all the time. My faves are when they went for camping close to Wookie's filming location, then all epies from 15th, as @mon1459 said. And the most with "LDW" heaven for me are when they went to Osaka and Kobe. 
Here are some spoilers from my fave epi:
This pic just lol. Look how she gazes at him. :))6568349.jpg

6406413.jpg 6561181.jpg

This pics were taken from Ig and Donghae thread. 
p.s.: Sorry for my foolishness, but how can I put the spoiler?

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@Princi_86Yeahhh...I know I should watch RM S1 but sigghhh...once I start to watch it I wont be able to stop, cant control myself XDJust like now, I havent done anything after watching and rewatching RM S2 eps 9. I will watch it in my free time because it may take me more than 2 hours if the eps is full of LDW, not to mention about watching it all over again LOL...My unnie has been rewatching RM S1 for countless times and she told me that she is going to rewatch BM.At the same time, she is in the process of finishing Mandate of Heaven. We both love rewatching BM because we saw LDW first time in BM and we are very impressed by his acting, very good!!

Btw, you can read from the soompi rules thread about putting the spoiler tag. 

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@ucieh oh, there is one more perfect epi, where Wookie and Seho have lunch with their sisters. That was awesome.Yeh, I understand you. Especially when you have to work, and in you mind is only Wookie's smile...But you need to watch at least scenes with him. They are incredible. I'm watching Mandate of Heaven too...and before I've finally watched Running man with Wookie. He was awesome. And I've found that his partner from Mandate of Heaven Song Ji Hyo adores him. She was always touching him and chasing after him to hug or to touch.  :))But he was as usually just friendly oppa. 
Thanks, I'll try to find it here.

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Guest littlelolo

Hi everyone.. Im a new here but an old fan of lee dong wook... I've known him since his drama partner.. and then I liked him more in SOAW then I kept watching all his works till this day.. just wanted to share my love for him with you guys.

I'm also watching roommate for him only (only his parts) and I want to say I really liked the interaction between him and Nana in this last ep.. they were adorable together..TBH, I want more of them in next episodes. Sorry Dahae, I also ship her with dong wook btw.

well thats it for now, I might not be here most of the time but I will keep visiting from time to another.. bye bye

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He really loves the song, Sugar by Maroon 5, when Guk Joo called him on radio show also, he asked this song... Sometimes, his dancing really made me cringe! AHAKS! but yeah, he's so funny..where to get a popular actor like him to dance like crazy? He's the only...and he really fits variety show too, chingu deul..don't forget to watch Strong Heart too, since he also become MC of the show, and he's also funny there too... ^^V

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Guest itybittykitty

yes he is so good on Strong Heart...and so many episodes to watch him in 8-> also make sure to watch him on Running Man ...cute Wookie moments their too! ...I am still catching up on his dramas and movies....just finished watching La Dolce Vida/ Bittersweet Life ....  already watched:



My Girl

Hotel King

Blade Man

La Dolce Vida

Scent of a Woman

Wild Romance


the perfect couple

heartbreak library 


Strong Heart (most episodes)

Running Man

and all that I have yet to watch!!!!

@ucieh ...it was really cute...we need a gif of that part .... 8->

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In Strong Heart, you need to watch from episode 125 onward because he started to become MC in that episode, and you can know some of his secrets and different sides of him and in Running Man, he appeared in episode 133,134, 136 and 179... He's so funny there : ) 

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@littlelolo thank u for sharing you love to Dongwook with us  :x Visit us more often ;)
As for me, I like Wookie's interactions with everybody on the show, of in the Bts videos from drama. I don't ship (exept Donghae which seems to be real), thust adore his personality in real life and how really easy he gets close with everyone. I guess he has such an huge exploding charisma and aura, that everybody couldn't resist his charm. If to take his interactions with Nana, for me there were few variants: 1) bad cutting, and no sence from Pd to push the ship; 2) very delicate move from Pd's to start the ship; 3) nothing more then friendship + bad cutting; 4) they've tried to to hide smth. But my stake will be that the're just friends, since Wookie had interactions with everebody in the mud battle. But everybody noticed him with Nana. In order to prove this version, we need to wait til next epies. I just hope netizens will not spread hate on Wookie for this. 
I need to watch firs the whole epi in order to see his dances firs by myself :))
@itybittykitty such a big list ;) mine is almost the same. I haven't watched Bittersweet life and Strong heart. But I've watched Kang-Koo's story, Mandate of heaven and one his very old movie.Are you watching RM?
@sassygirl94 so you recommend to watch Stron heart? Is there some personality of his reveals, or just scenario?He was also present on 180th epi of Running man (the second in Culinary battle). But there weren't a lot of Wookie, since there were too much cooking details.

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@Princi_86 owh yes, there are lots of things as fans that we usually don't know are revealed piece by piece especially if the guets are his good friends like Lee Jin Wook and Kim Ji Suk, Choiza n Gaeko...e.g i think its kim ji suk who reveal during army time, Wookie went naked after taking his bath, and Gaeko revealed Wookie gave  sum of money to his wife and didn't let Gaeko spend it, only for his wife...There are many things abiut his life that we don't know.

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@sassygirl94 wow! Naked? Omo! Wookie is the best  :)) regarding his friendly side, I knew that he's very generous and relieble friend. But it's always good to hear new facts about it. And how many episodes are with Wookie as MC? Btw, do you know that we'll be able to vote on MBC awards for Best couple and Favourite actor & actress?And I've found that last year's lists were quite long, so I'm almost sure Donghae, Dongwook and Dahae will be present in all this categories. The only problem is to register and vote without knowledge of Korean :)) But I've seen some recommendations on how to do it. 

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