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[Drama 2024] The Two Sisters - 피도 눈물도 없이 - Mon to Fri 19:50 KST


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13 hours ago, maribella said:

The whole list of tragic/comedic events was spawned by him cheating on JC’s mother.  

Yes he cheated but this was an unhappy family to begin with. It was not like he destroyed some happy unit. It was broken already. They had been leading separate lives for years. If it wasn't Hye Ji, it would have been someone else he had an affair with. 


Grandma would have come around to accepting Hye Ji as second wife because she said that she can't command a 60 year old man to do something else. Art MIL would have eventually accepted because this marriage was long dead. She was only holding on for the sake of Ji Chang. So they would have gotten divorced and he would have married Hye Ji. Now whether they would have been happy is a different issue altogether. 


What messed up the events was Hye Won meddling and instigating everyone and taking it all personal. If she had stayed out of the mess, then things could have gone a different direction. Till date, Hye Won hasn't accepted that her words as a child messed up Hye Ji's direction. Similarly, Hye Won did have a role to play in how things turned out in the family. She was the bad omen as chairman Romeo put it. 

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So since we're beyond the halfway point, how do you guys see this ending?


- After Hye Ji's attack by the WTOD I thought we were slowly getting some begrudging sister bonding but that went nowhere, primarily due to Hye Wons vitriol.  I really don't get that - sure be suspicious of Hye Ji at first for her antics, but that was a FIVE YEAR time jump, and the drama showed us nothing other than Hye Ji living a modest life trying to gain alittle of her memory back. When she finally does, shes genuinely revolted by her own actions, only to be pushed back into that corner by Hye Won's complete unwillingness to even try to forgive her ... again 5 uneventful years later.


- Chairman Romeo I just don't get.  At the start of the drama he was painted as a love struck fairly useless executive. Grandma ranting constantly about both him and Crazy Aunt.  This is clearly a new-writer villain replacement, I'm guessing to replace a previous revenge driven version of Ji Chang.  Nevermind the whole "1 year to live" story arc makes no sense, the way its been shoe-horned into the base story.  If he is supposed to be the driving force keeping Hye Won in check to keep her son, that all evaporates when he's gone in a year.


- Golddigger Couple.  Not sure if they are a victim of the writer change or not, but they have clearly been tempered. They now seem sincerely interested in seeing the war between the sisters end, although there's really not much they have the power to stop at this point


- Sane Aunt & San Deul.  These two seem like superfluous characters. They have scenes to remind us they exist, but they have no real underlying sub-plot relevance. For instance, when was the last time Hye Won saw her brother?


- Lawyer Min Jun.  I think this character was supposed to be an old love interest for Goofy ML with ties to his tragic past, that was supposed to be a foil for Hye Won to flesh out her actual feelings for Goofy, but like others above, I think she got lost in the writers switch.



So ... at this point my predictions are ( all subject to future twists ... like "dead" Art MIL :rolleyes: )



- Chairman Romeo continues as a villain, and succumbs to his illness before ever going back to jail


- Hye Won & Chad Oppa save YJ group, but go their separate ways after ... friends, nothing more.


- Goofy ML is saved in a critical time of need by Min Jun, and they're off to the races - he stays friends with both Hye Won & Chad Oppa


- Hye Ji will never make peace with Hye Won. Call it at best a truce, and she disappears ... her last scene will be smiling her impish smile as she opens the slush fund safety deposit box after finally remembering where she put the golf bag.


- Hye Won leaves YJ group and goes back to work full time in an art gallery


- Crazy Aunt takes over YJ group ... because of course she does :glasses:



Just my guess ... but with these writers, I'm probably nowhere close :lol:


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Here are my guesses @LeftCoastOppa:

-- Both chairman romeo and Hye Ji will die. She is already suffering from delusions from time to time and they will later say that she too has a clot in her brain like him. He will die first and she will realize that she did really love him as well. Then she will be chapter closed, more likely at the hands of Hye Won or one of her schemes. 

-- When Hye Ji dies, Hye Won will finally be forced to confront herself in the mirror and she won't like what she sees. She will then say that she has become just like grandma while sitting in prison cell. 

-- Maybe crazy aunt will raise the kid or he too will die. Since the writers like twists so much, there will be more killing off characters.

-- Chase Lee will go back to US and goofy lawyer will lead separate lives. Both will have moved on from their short lived love for this weirdo woman. 

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6 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

Since the writers like twists so much, there will be more killing off characters.


With what seems like almost daily, out-of-the-blue, plot twists, it makes me wonder if the current writer actually wanted this assignment, or was merely tasked with it. :lol:


I can see the producers ... its your show now, change the story, and kill off whoever you want ... Princess Aurora is still the standard.


The new writer ...


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2 hours ago, Lmangla said:

Yes he cheated but this was an unhappy family to begin with. It was not like he destroyed some happy unit. It was broken alread

I have read the same excuse many times and also watched  a few Judge Judy which have cheaters in her 'court'.  Cheating on a spouse who is bad, ugly, evil, frigid  and all kinds of adjectives is still cheating. If he has a gun to his head, that may be the only reason for a man or woman to remain in a marriage and cheat. I remember reading about a very well known marriage gone wrong, he said he cheated because the marriage was irretrievably broken. He had a whole nation to think off. But did he tell his wife what he had decided? No he did not.


People cheat on their spouse because they think they could get away with it. Old Yoon could divorce his wife or if he was afraid of his mother, then come to an agreement with her, have an open marriage. But she almost fainted when she was confronted by the mistress. 

Sorry, he is a piece of rubbish, whether he loved his mistress is secondary. Break off legally with your legal spouse and people around you will accept your new family after some time.


I believe JC the son was hurt when his mother hurt, so it wasn't a matter of  his parents business only. I am sure if HW cheated on JC, his father would not sit by idly.

Sorry for this treatise on infidelity @Lmangla, I have seen too many children from broken homes, they may heal but always scars are there, which often end up hurting their own children. This is kdrama, the writers can write anything they want, I guess.


48 minutes ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

Chairman Romeo I just don't get.  At the start of the drama he was painted as a love struck fairly useless executive. Grandma ranting constantly about both him and Crazy Aunt.  This is clearly a new-writer villain replacement, I'm guessing to replace a previous revenge driven version of Ji Chang.  Nevermind the whole "1 year to live" story arc makes no sense, the way its been shoe-horned into the base story.  If he is supposed to be the driving force keeping Hye Won in check to keep her son, that all evaporates when he's gone in a year.

This is definitely a new character. Earlier, he was happy to be able to undo his zipper for HJ, taking long baths plus taking Korean herbs or was it Ginseng? Now he talks about killing her?🤨


I am taking a break, just relying on you chingus who have the forbearance of J**. Just kidding, just kidding. I don't want to offend anyone.

I think your scenarios sound kdramaish and the show is petering out @LeftCoastOppa.  No new conflicts in the horizon?  But killing off the characters?? 


What went wrong with the previous writer? HJ actress was injured and the writer lost her job. 

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3 hours ago, maribella said:

Sorry for this treatise on infidelity @Lmangla, I have seen too many children from broken homes, they may heal but always scars are there, which often end up hurting their own children. This is kdrama, the writers can write anything they want, I guess.


I get where you are coming from but I have a different perspective. I will keep it short -- generally speaking, am rather detached when it comes to watching cheating in dailies. I know it annoys some viewers based on their personal feels and experience.


For me, cheating is either a symptom or the cause of the relationship breakdown. It is far more interesting to watch dramas where cheating is a symptom because you can get insight into how relationships can get beyond repair. Even when cheating is a cause, the dramas can still be fascinating to watch as it is high impact. 


Here, cheating is one of the most boring arc in this drama and barely creates any noise. She got cheated on but she hardly had any reaction to Ji Chang but she is still upset with Chairman  Romeo -- that makes no sense LOL. :lol:


Rather than the cheating, Hye Won's interference and her nonsensical rage take centre stage and pushing the plot. 


Pretty much all the characters are placeholders and react in relation to Hye Won's rage and seem to barely have any arc on their own. This is why the writer keeps killing off one character after another and it hardly causes a blip. 


The only reason I am still watching this mess is to see who else dies and what bizarre twist they will come up with next. kekeke. ^_^

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20 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

The only reason I am still watching this mess is to see who else dies and what bizarre twist they will come up with next. kekeke. ^_^


... and on that note ( while waiting on subs )


No one died - the all in blacks were attending Art MIL's 6th death anniversary BUT....


Art MIL is still alive, and apparently Hye Won knew it!



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17 minutes ago, LeftCoastOppa said:


... and on that note ( while waiting on subs )


No one died - the all in blacks were attending Art MIL's 6th death anniversary BUT....


Art MIL is still alive, and apparently Hye Won knew it!




bwahaahahah... So her rage and anger at chairman and Hye Ji is even more pointless???? Can we have grandma come back to life as well? hahahhaha.. This is beyond ridiculous now....


Haha GIFs | GIFDB.com 


3 hours ago, LeftCoastOppa said:


With what seems like almost daily, out-of-the-blue, plot twists, it makes me wonder if the current writer actually wanted this assignment, or was merely tasked with it. :lol:


I can see the producers ... its your show now, change the story, and kill off whoever you want ... Princess Aurora is still the standard.


The new writer ...



I think new writer was merely tasked with it. hahahhaha....

I have always wanted to watch Princess Aurora just to see how bad it was. I would love if this daily surpassed Princess Aurora kill count. Does anyone know how many characters have been written off so far? Then we can all be able to say, "I watch that stupid drama!" :lol:

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3 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

bwahaahahah... So her rage and anger at chairman and Hye Ji is even more pointless???? Can we have grandma come back to life as well? hahahhaha.. This is beyond ridiculous now....




Now its just a matter of degree's - how much did Hye Won know and when?


If she knew from the beginning then she, and Art MIL are responsible for Ji Changs death. He only went mad because he believed Hye Ji killed his mother.


Even if Hye Won was clueless til this episode, Art MIL is still guilty. And you can already smell the hypocrisy, as you know Hye Won will never hold her accountable.



... gotta post this again



44 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

The only reason I am still watching this mess is to see who else dies and what bizarre twist they will come up with next. kekeke.


nailed it GIF

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@LeftCoastOppa ~ I was reading up on Princess Aurora and it turns out that both goofy lawyer and Chase Lee were in the drama. LOL. :lol: Goofy lawyer was the male lead at one point and she divorced him. He also died later in the series. She married Chase Lee who was the second male lead. Maybe writer is taking tips from Princess Aurora. That drama has kill count of 12 characters and that includes a dog. :lol::lol:

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What a ridiculous storyline! MIL is still alive but who did they cremate? Some vagrant? 

Maybe @liyahsbutterfly guess is saner. There are always twins from the US, adopted during the Korean war. 

I believe ‘they’ want the actress to continue working for them. 

9 hours ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

she knew from the beginning then she, and Art MIL are responsible for Ji Changs death. He only went mad because he believed Hye Ji killed his mother.


That’s a bit much, just as blaming a 9 year old kid for messing up HJ’s life when it’s the adults’ faults for not taking up their responsibilities. 


JC didn’t seem to plan to kill her but the smirks and the taunts would get anyone to hit her, killing is overkill. Going crazy over mum’s death is also nuts.

This is one very strange show. I am going to try and watch Princess Aurora. Tried reading up the forum on the highly recommended ‘secret affair’. The very basis of the story, cheating is already off putting, again ‘they were unhappily married’. 
@Lmangla I don’t delve into the symbolics or messages in kdramas, just not the place for me. I am doing it with Hardy’s and Flaubert’s , heavy going but finishing Madame Bovary is in my bucket list.


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11 hours ago, liyahsbutterfly said:

... Huh? I thought that was Art MIL's twin sister?


You're right! :lol:  ... with subs, it turns out Art MIL had a twin sister.  A twin sister that we've never seen before ... that never showed up to her sisters death ... that was never mentioned once til today ...


Accept Season 4 GIF by Billions


2 hours ago, maribella said:

JC didn’t seem to plan to kill her but the smirks and the taunts would get anyone to hit her, killing is overkill. Going crazy over mum’s death is also nuts.


Killing is overkill? :blink: Ji Chang definitely planned to kill her, he said so himself as she lay there unconscious, and he took her phone to write a note for detectives to find to try and cover it up as a suicide. 



As for the rest ...


- Chad Oppa obviously has done background research as he has Chairman Romeo's brain tumor diagnosis, and uses it to get Hye Won's son back.


- Looks like Chad Oppa had/has plans to split YJ group in half, that he's not sharing with Hye Won. He mentions his father who it seems might also prove problematic for some reason.


- Per conversation with her brother, Crazy Aunt may be wavering on her support of Hye Won in favor of her brothers $$$.  I hope its all part of a ruse - I don't want Crazy Aunt on team bad.

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3 hours ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

Killing is overkill? :blink: Ji Chang definitely planned to kill her, he said so himself as she lay there unconscious, and he took her phone to write a note for detectives to find t

Overkilling the narration of JC going bad. He didn’t go there to kill her.


3 hours ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

Looks like Chad Oppa had/has plans to split YJ group in half, that he's not sharing with Hye Won. He mentions his father who it seems might also prove problematic for some reason.

Another mean old man to replace old Yoon when he dies. Why don’t they just end the show and start afresh?



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1 hour ago, maribella said:

Overkilling the narration of JC going bad. He didn’t go there to kill her.


1 hour ago, liyahsbutterfly said:

He absolutely went there to kill her. He kidnapped her first, then intended to kill her. He failed, though, since Hye-Ji pushed him off the balcony.


Exactly - she walks in the room, JC grabs her, she screams, he throws her to the floor, she screams where is Yi Chul, JC taunts her that he will hear her scream, he then smashes her in the head with a vase, ties her up, tells her that she doesn't belong in this world and he will kill her.  He then takes her phone, saying he'll return it to her so the police will find her suicide note.  He sits down to write the suicide note on her phone, and she wakes up, she cuts herself loose, they fight, and she pushes him off the balcony in self defense.


JC may have misled Chairman Romeo about his intent, but he clearly went there to kill her.

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13 hours ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

JC may have misled Chairman Romeo about his intent, but he clearly went there to kill her.

In which case we can assume that JC won’t be returning as his twin. 
I thought he was a good guy for many episodes. 

I vaguely remember another show which had main characters that were ‘un-engaging’.  

I hope they will make MIL 2 easy to like. Had Just watched a minute of the raw, :neutral:


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