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i hate how everyone is suddenly coming to perth to perform.

missed out on linkin park thurs night because i had WORK :tears:

i've got tickets for JT as well, but since i've got exams i doubt i'd go.

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Guest `super joeyy

^ OMG!!!! I FORGOT ALL ABOUT JT!!!! :o i remembered everyone was full on talking about his concert coming up... then days/months passed and it felt as though the concert was already over XD when's his concert??

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Guest `super joeyy

ahhahah i feel so sorry for those doing TEE XD i did it in year 12 (last year) *sigh* wished i never chose it D:

ooo it's on the two days?? XD *sigh* i have jury duty!!! *cries* i wouldn't even be able to go D: it's gonna be like jail!!!!! D:

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everyone I know is spazzing about JT -___-;; But it sold out so quickly and cost so much ><

I sort of wanted to go to the LP concert but I was scared about the kind of people who would be going. =x I went to rockit when I was 13 and scared myself out of rock concerts hahaha as awesome as it was. Got to see Green Day =D

*sighs* I need to get a job. I'm too slow to work at a supermarket or a fast food place xDDD

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Guest Shellae

I wish all these concerts were held at the end of nov.. but i guess thats just wishful thinking..

i need a job too.. anyone know of any openings anywhere? >.<

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^ the perth convention centre. good pay, but crappy hours (events can go on until 3am+). they have interviews every few months.

and i've seen a few random places in the city looking for people. i think its a good time to apply for holiday work now at like, myer or wherever.

jury duty =/ i hope i never have to do it

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Hey guys!

I can't believe there's a Perth thread! I'm a Perth-ian too!! I'm currently at UWA... studying :( What are you all on soompi for? Lol, like for what news and stuff???

As for job openings... um. Utopia in Myaree just opened up. Crap pay but easy work. Quite a friendly work environ :) Burswood is always looking for people. Awesome pay, possibly crap working hours depending on which site you get offered.

Newaiz, wow. A Perth thread. Working the brain. Okies ^^

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Guest `super joeyy

LOL i've only just realized i spelt it like jury JUDY HAHAHAHAHAHHA abit embarrassing XD but it's coz everytime i think about a court room i think of judge judy ok~!~ ahahah hrrrmmm one of my manager's like "YOU'RE GONNA FEEL LIKE YOU"RE IN JAIL!!! MAUhAHah........ QUICK!! break a leg!" >_> awww... i really wanna get out of it!!! i'm gonna try asking my area manager or someone to say i can't do it coz of work ((short on staff)) or something XD hope it works O_O it's in 2 weeks!!! *cries* AND IT'S GONNA BE AT 8.15am!!! D; that's fruggin early!!!!

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Guest TrainDriver

well last couple of days of school :lol: its finally over :D:D:D:D:D but gotta start stressing about final exams and then its all over. not going on leavers so i got a lot of time to kill.

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I just realised my school pretty much banned muck up day. xD

Not even allowed waterbombs. They announced over the PA "Year 12s, return to your classes. No throwing waterbombs, or eggs, or do anything silly or else it will affect your graduation"

Some year 12s glad wrapped a teacher's car. He didn't mind and even said it was nothing compared to another group of kids who used a giant roll of it once.

Some caution taped everything, like a teachers motorcycle.

Some guys dressed as girls..=x

Gah, I hate it when the year 12s leave. It gets a bit lonely haha

At least we can move up to the Year 11 quad by tomorrow.

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Guest rain.lee.bow

haha today we had two guys come in dress in MLC school uniform and blonde wigs and danced around the yr 12 area. then dey lined up at the canteen and bought food! lol. and got kicked out.

there were two other girls dressed in banana in pajamas suits and ran away when the teacher approached them.

haha. we were told that if we went to any other schools they would either stop us from graduating or sitting the TEE exam at our school! harsh.

and we don't even have a muck up day. lol boring..

final day on thursday! how exciting and sad!

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rain.lee.bow: I think you go to my school o_o CSC? xDDD zmg that's freaky. I'm like thinking "We had 2 people dress up as bananas in pajamas and had guys in blonde wigs and some private school uniform..."

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Guest `super joeyy

that sucks!!! >=( where's the fun in leaving the school when you can't have fun with it D: i know i didn't do anything for my muck up day... but if i remember correctly all we did was graffiti everywhere and yeah .__. water fight XD i remember one of the previous years... they took out the fire hose and was hosing down everyone.. ahahahha it was fun XD

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grr muck up day tomorow. BTW!! just reminding that stupid daylight saving starts this sunday. Just which idiot person came up with that idea. I personally hate waking up 1 hour earlier every morning... but thats just me.

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Guest sulfuric_ACID

omg i forgot about daylight savings..noooooooo i won't be able to wake up earlier..lucky study break starts next week for me...or am i lucky? exams soon...

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