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Song Il Kook 송일국


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Song Il Kook’s Triplets and Lee Hwi Jae’s Twins Have a Playdate on “Superman Returns”


In an upcoming episode of KBS2TV’s “Superman Returns,” TV personality Lee Hwi Jae and his twins, Seo Joon and Seo Eon, will pay a visit to actor Song Il Kook and his triplets, Dae Han, Min Gook, and Man Se.
A representative of the show revealed to Star News, “On October 10, Lee Hwi Jae and his twins visited Songdo, Incheon, where Song Il Kook and his triplets live.”
Previously, the two fathers shared their mutual feelings about raising twins and triplets during the first anniversary special of the program. However, the recent meeting was their first one taking place while the fathers have full responsibility over looking after their children for 48 hours.
The playdate has attracted great interest in social media, and photos taken by citizens of Song Il Kook pulling around a ‘train’ with the five children sitting in their respective ‘wagons’ has increased excitement for the full episode.
The episode is expected to air in November.


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Song Il-gook and the triplets; who is their mother?
People are curious about Song Il-gook's wife.
Song Il-gook ran the torch relay for the Incheon Asian Games with his triplets on the KBS 2TV show "Superman Is Back".
Although his wife Jeong Seung-yeon wasn't on TV, apparently she got married to Song Il-gook after a year and a half and is currently a judge at the Incheon Court.
Song Il-gook had mentioned in the past on a TV show, "I fell for my wife the minute I laid my eyes on her and we talked on the phone until 11:30 at night on the first day. He pointed out her 'domestic disciplinary' as her main attraction.
Netizens say, "Song Il-gook's wife is an amazing person", "Looks like Song Il-gook has everything", "We hope you are happy" and more.
Source: http://www.hancinema.net/song-il-gook-and-the-triplets;-who-is-their-mother--74265.html

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They are fated to love each other. I wish they would stay like that for the rest of their lives. Both are good children to their parents, especially Sik. We know how much he loves his mom. They get their reward: three cute sons, a happy, peaceful and blessed family.

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lol..agrees with Charmy..first sign for them to become the next jumong/daeso/yopong OR three yuri's..to come to Jumong temple..first are tripping and falling..  v  well gently that is..  :D

Hey zag, how you been??  Lovely yellowish card with the new Maetro sets!!  Very like autumn/halloween colors..with orange/reddish..  mmmm  :)

Wow..chellsee do I see FIVE kids he's pulling from the song brothers train mobile??  Or I'm seeing double??  :)   Nice new four song brothers, photo, more of a wintery style and darker the one I have below..with jumong brothers.. lol..  

Thanks for the Maetrio clips..Sig, they are absolutely charming..  

Thanks KB for the translation during  the 2012 interview..he's just so in love..which what counts!!  v

 Nice, I'm listening to KOTW OST, I'm always playing these, whenever i'm typing in here..   So sweet..  

And don't think I've added this ost photo yet??  



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Hi I'm new here. I didn't know anything about Il Gook but I got to know him trough his triplets :)I fell in love with the triplets, it was love at first sight  :xThey're so adorable and awesome! They never failed to make me smile and happy.
I read comments about the triplets on tumblr, instagram, and other social media. It saddened me that some people forgot that the triplets are only babies. They could be nice or naughty. You can't expect them to behave all the time. Even when they're being naughty, they're still adorable and cute. Never have high expectation on babies!
I can understand the reason Il Gook prefer to be on the show only for a short time. Their popularity raised high and they don't have freedom anymore, they can't go out without making the public surrounding them, it's not good for the children. And of course they need to go to school and live their lives like normal kids.
I can see that Il Gook and his wife educate their kids really well. I learn a lot from them, on how I should educate my children when I have ones someday.
Anyways, I hope Daehan, Minguk, and Manse grow up well, healthy, and happy.
This one is from @051906 on instagram.So, they're imitating Robocar Loui and Amber :)To the rescue!!!! 

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"I Am You" Press Conference...
1 & 2 pics from: http://eyenews.hankooki.com/mm_view.php?gisa_id=162611&cate_code=0101







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Chell, thanks for the I Am You pictures. He looks heavier but more handsome than his first IAY play. I wonder if he would also act a dual role here like before.

Irella, welcome to Sik world. Have you already tried watching some of Song Il Kook's dramas? I'm pretty sure you'll fall in love with him,too.

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said: Chell, thanks for the I Am You pictures. He looks heavier but more handsome than his first IAY play. I wonder if he would also act a dual role here like before. Irella, welcome to Sik world. Have you already tried watching some of Song Il Kook's dramas? I'm pretty sure you'll fall in love with him,too.

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'Superman is Back' PD reveals the father who took the longest to recruit was Song Il Kook

Dae Han, Min Guk, and Man Se are one of the best things to happen to KBS 2TV's 'Superman is Back', and the show's PD revealed that he tried to recruit Song Il Kook long before he joined the show!

On the October 11th broadcast of KBS 2TV's 'Entertainment Relay', when asked which father took the longest to recruit, PD Kang Bong Kyu chose Song Il Kook. He revealed, "From the time that we contacted him up until when he joined the show, it took almost a year."

But the wait was definitely worth it as now we we can't imagine what the show will be like without the dependable, oldest son Dae Han, the cutie Min Guk, and the free-spirited Man Se!


Thanks Chellsee for the 'I Am You' press conference news.Awesome news although expecting it, it's still exciting to see it's happening.SIK is a bit heavier than 2010 and 2011 but still has the charisma to portray the national hero.

Hello Irela, thank you for dropping by.I'm not aware of harsh comments for the triplets, but that's the price to pay when you're exposed to the public.However, I'm certain the boys and their dad receive much more love than criticisms.Although we'll miss seeing them weekly, we'll still happy to know they're growing healthy, happy, and loved by their wonderful parents.
Ardent, about hanging / drying clothes by the window.  I think those bars are designed to hang clothes.  From what I know, in most Asia countries, they don't use high-power dryers like in America.  They hang the clothes until they become lightly damp, then use the dryer as the last step to blow dry and smooth out wrinkles.  Songdo, the new developed city where the Song family lives, is a high-end area known where the upper-class people live, a waitress at the restaurant there told us so.


Fantastic gifs especially for the super Dad by TaThien. 


said: Watching the triplets is fun, but I also really adore their dad. Song Il Gook is so sensitive and affectionate, sweet and gentle. He's a great dad and a wonderful friend to his children. Sincerely wish him and his family the best!

Made these gifs because of this quote of his~

"It may be three times as hard, but the joy from it is three squared the amount."











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Really???  How could there possibly be any criticism on these triplets?  They are the most adorable, sweetest, and cutest things on this planet!  These critics must have come from Mars or some other planets where there are sweeter, cuter, more beautiful creatures that I'm not aware of!  The naughtiness in them is so super cute.  They're are alwasy nice and sweet to other people around them even stranger.  Ughr.....I feel angry!.  X(

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