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Song Il Kook 송일국


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lol…Chellsee,   seems minkook is taking over daddy's duties…with all these fights..with his brothers! Gosh, kind or reminds me between Jumong/daeso/yopong..trio's!   Jumong trying to calm things down..while the two princes fights to no ends..ehhe.  
Wow..is this photo set, also from the Maestro fashion page/issues??  Gosh, I haven't been checking back..  

Hi poohadawinnie, welcome to soompi and songie world too..and all newbies I've missed too!   Hope you enjoy your stay..   :)

:)..of course Ard, our king of father will always gain people/fans/wonderers..til there is nothing left!!  :)..I'm enjoying this..v  

Charmy, I'm still learning to notice who is daehan and manden.Minkook I know for sure?? Think D/M more look alike..  v   

Course song brothers, will always love each other..in trio's!!   Then jumong worlds..v 




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I can't get enough of watching the triplets in ep 44!  With all your posts and comments, I'm beginning to appreciate each of their distinctive personalities.  Their interaction with both parents and each other is amazing and so much fun to watch.  What a happy, joyful family!  
Welcome to cutiechellsee, poohdawinnie, sw33tmary to this joyful forum family.     :-h >:D<
Love, as always to hoonwoodjoon, charmy, and yvonneallen.
BTW, Kona, do you mind adding an identifier to your "43 and fabulous" pic so I can show it at our next GSIK Hawaii mtg?

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머니위크 class="subject" id="articleTitle" style="font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; margin: 0px; padding: 7px 13px 3px; font-size: 22px; line-height: 28px; font-family: AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular; color: rgb(37, 38, 40); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"쎌바이오텍 '듀오락', 송일국과 세 쌍둥이 전속모델 발탁

프로바이오틱스 유산균 전문기업 (주)쎌바이오텍이 최근 ‘슈퍼맨’ 아빠로 큰 인기를 누리고 있는 배우 송일국과 세 쌍둥이(송대한, 송민국, 송만세)를 브랜드 전속모델로 발탁했다고 15일 밝혔다. 

이에 송일국과 세 쌍둥이는 수출하는 한국형 유산균과 쎌바이오텍의 세계특허 이중코팅 기술에 대한 내용을 중심으로 다양한 광고 모델 활동을 펼칠 예정이다. 

쎌바이오텍 정현석 경영기획실 실장은 “아빠 육아 관련 예능 프로그램에서 보여준 송일국과 세 쌍둥이의 건강하고 진정성 있는 이미지가 소중한 가족의 장 건강을 지켜주는 프로바이오틱스 유산균 ‘듀오락’의 이미지와 잘 부합한다고 판단해 브랜드의 새로운 얼굴로 선정하게 됐다"며 "오는 10월, 쎌바이오텍 듀오락의 TV CF를 시작으로 다양한 프로모션을 통해 소비자들에게 한층 더 친근하게 다가갈 계획”이라고 밝혔다. 

한편, 송일국은 드라마 ‘해신’, ‘주몽’, ‘신이라 불리운 사나이’ 등에서 선 굵은 연기로 꾸준한 사랑을 받아왔으며, 현재 KBS ‘해피선데이-슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다’에서 자상한 아빠의 면모를 보이며 화제를 모으고 있다.


실시간 재테크 경제뉴스창업정보의 모든 것

강인귀 기자 deux1004@mt.co.kr

<저작권자 ⓒ '성공을 꿈꾸는 사람들의 경제 뉴스' 머니위크, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>

...can't wait for the CF! 

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Good morning lovely SIKers!  thank you for all exciting news and great videos of SIK and the beautiful super cute triplets.
Daehan is so warm and caring.  He's so attached to appa.  I bet he'll be the one living with and taking care of parents when they're old.  Good boy Daehan!

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Y Star스타뉴스 140914 삼둥이 광고촬영현장 

Once again, Manse proved his stubborness in this video. He's very impatient and a headache to his dad. Of course, Minkuk was feeling like a real celebrity trying his best to do his homework. As usual, Dae Han was sometimes clueless on what's going on. People around knew how to appease and pacify them, with FOOD.

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LOL…..ard even daehan..sounds like daeso…. though minkook looks more slighty more to daeso..and shorter?  ;p  Yeah…Jumong like in 2020ish…  Songie can play King geuman or even Hae mosu    You and me be directors and writers.. YOU definitely.  write better then me..ahah.    :D  

Awww..thanks for the updates KB on the very soon upcoming BD/FM..times sure has gone by very quickly…thought he just ad a bd..last year!! v    Liking this artwork..I shall do some for the holidays..and NOT old one's that I've been lazy the past ones!!  v   I'm welcoming him for his 43 years..hope yours will be just fun..

 Hey Metal, it's nice he's spread his genies to his boys, there's just not enough SONG in this world!  All the episodes been great, wishes I still had KBS world..  :)

Hi zonZ…thanks for the BTS..photoshoot clips….always on a go, they are!  :)  And welcome to soompi and songie form..enjoy!  

THanks, cutie, so this photoshoot is different.., they sure are all growing fast these FOURS!   v  

Waves to Sig and Gab…. 


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Song Il-Kook Prepares For Fall With FILA OUTDOOR


[by Sora Ghim] Outdoor brand FILA OUTDOOR released photos of actor Song Il-Kook modeling its 2014 fall season line.

In the pictorial, Song Il-Kook is seen in the ‘mountaineering’ line and ‘trekking’ line looking masculine and stylish. He looks ready to start hiking outdoors.

The ‘mountaineering’ line consists of hybrid jackets and has the highest functionality for a strong male charisma. Enjoy a family camping trip or hiking with the comfortable ‘trekking’ line for a dandy style. Song Il-Kook perfectly expresses both lines and its uses, looking trendy and prepared for the fall season.

Song Il-Kook showed professionalism despite it being his first shoot for the brand. This pictorial had to concept of finding joy in nature and the actor understood exactly what the company was looking for.

Meanwhile, Song Il-Kook is currently on KBS show ‘Superman Returns’ showing his skills as a father of triplets. (photo by FILA OUTDOOR)



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Wow..thanks KB, for now it's FILA outdoor brand, think I've heard of this one around here?   Nice to see him doing seasonal stuff….  Now I'm really looking forward for some Holiday fashions..especially Hallloween..awww.. v

lol..Wow.Charmy, I'm honored, was more looking them in there names…haven't yet studied there persnallites yet, though so far minkook is calmed..  Daehan is fussy(daeso once again manse is look more jumong face..  ;p  

Thanks for more gifs, chelllsee..wishing anyone can help me how do to those??  Well, it's okay, will have to settle just photos??  lol..  v  Now I'm calling them.. y/d/j team…   As in Yopong, daeso, and jumong..   :D

Will be adding this..like a signaure..time to time.. let me know if this bothers you??  :)   


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Look here SIKers!!!!!
Wonderful photos of our SuperDad and SuperBoys from the opening of 17th Asian Games Incheon - 2014
The boys have their own torch as well, super cute!
Credit: @ZonZ


Source of last pic: http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=102&oid=001&aid=0007124597

Love Love Love the Song SuperBoys and SuperDad!
:x  :x  :x

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