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Song Il Kook 송일국


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How did I miss this overwhelming review. The drama is underrated by Korean viewers, whom, in my opinions, favor melodramas played by younger and newer actors.  However, I still have hopes that Kimchi Family will be recognized for its true value some day.

September 25, 2012 By Josephine Nolan editor Films and Books

Kimchi Family is My Korean Drama of the Year

From funny moments and squabbles to romantic intensity
to tragedy to complex family drama,
Kimchi family drama has something for every fan,
 including a killer cast featuring Song Il Kook and Park Jin Hee.

Balhyo Kajok, known to Western fans as Kimchi Family (or even Fermentation Family) has my vote for best drama of the year. The combination of complex story, genuinely lyrical writing, superb acting by all players, and an emotional depth rarely taken on in dramas, makes this the best drama of the year, at least so far. Take your choice, 2011 or 2012, since it began airing in 2011 and finished in 2012.

By Josephine Nolan
Note: This is my vote, not the opinion of Films&Books

Perfect 5 rating

Korean Drama Balhyo Kajok (Kimchi Family appeals to everyone at all levels. If you enjoy family drama, you’ll never find a more complicated or fulfilling plot line in any drama on any continent. For those who prefer action, Song Il Kook in classic form, swings into martial arts action. I’m a mystery and cop drama nut, and Kimchi Family, despite the name, weaves in a very deep crime drama and mystery, not solved until the very end. Looking for uplifting? There is no more philosophical or subtle drama I can think of—full of very poignant vignettes, meaningful lives and philosophical questions such as the meaning of life and death, why do bad things happen to good people, and other very Zen topics.

Kimchi Family brings on plenty of romance,
from sizzling scens featuring Song Il Kook and Park Jin He—
always G rated but sexy none-the-less,

If you’re looking for romance, you’ll have plenty to digest, from our main two characters touching love, to tragic love stories with secondary characters (who still enjoy deep plot arcs of their own). Just love sexy actors? Well, you’ve got A-Lister Song Il Kook, who’s aged well through his career and still one of the sexiest screen idols on my list.

The Cast Truly are Stars

This ensemble could probably make a bad story watchable, and it features some of my all time favorites, with Song Il Kook (as Ki Ho Tae), Park Jin Hee (as Lee Kang San). I really liked the character role of Choi Jae Sung as Chef Kang Do Shik and a superb performance from Kang Shin Il.

Song Il Kook is simmering and sexy in his portrayal of an ex-gangster turned romantic lead chef.
He sports a scruffy look, sheepdog hair and never-shaved beard that seems endearing rather than tough.
In the past, he’s proven his acting chops as action prince (Jumong),
Batman-like hero (A Man Called God), and bad-richard simmons cop (Detectives in Trouble.)

Song Il Kook Sexy and Vulnerable

My number one guy in Korean Drama—for me anyway—is Song Il Kook, and here he’s in prime form at about 43 years of age (but not looking like it!). He is a real character actor, equally at home as a prince (The Kingdom of the Winds), hero (Jumong), cop (Crime Squad), vengeful secret agent (A Man Called God). Here, in Balhyo Kajok, he perfectly plays an ex-gangster orphan who seeks meaning in life through the unraveling of his own tragic past. He’s thoughtful, intense, sexy, romantic, intelligent and vulnerable all at once, and it’s a treat whenever the camera makes love to his face. Although he plays a thug, once we get to know him, half the time you just want to hug him and have a good cry.

Below: Romance a-plenty in Kimchi Family, and great kiss scenes (with superb cinematic composition, by the way):

I enjoyed Park Jin Hee also, as his lead romantic interest. Not all Korean Dramas have strong female leads (notable exceptions Dae Jang Guem, etc.) Too often, the male dominates, without a strong enough opposite to make it credible. Here Park Jin Hee plays a never-say-die, eternally optimistic yet earthy character who shoulders her own pain—career struggles, a dependent sister and a father with Alzheimer’s—yet manages to be just charming throughout. Herein, might lie my single criticism. The writers laid on a little too much sugar on her role. Is she sometimes a little too sweet, no matter how dire the situation. No, not really, but she can preach up a storm, zen style.

Below: Early trailer for Kimchi Family:

Cinematography the Real Star

Normally I review story first, then character, finally cinematography and direction. I think I’ve made it clear that I believe story and character are perfect in this drama. Am I leading up to criticizing the crew and visuals? The opposite, in fact. The cinematography is worthy of a big budget film, despite a modest number of locations. The scenery is stunning to begin with, views we see in all four seasons in this drama. I wanted to highlight the camera crews and director for some of the most breathtaking framing I’ve seen in a long time. I review hundreds of dramas and films every year, and this certainly stands out as an eye treat.

Kimchi Family, though not a genre drama,
features plenty of suspense and action.
Here star Song Il Kook fights with over a dozen thugs armed
with clubs in his quest to shed light on his hidden past.

Every frame is immaculate. You could frame grab any scene in this drama and hang it on your wall as art. It’s that good. Am I over gushing? Maybe the one area where the crew lets us down is in the car scenes, with the artificially lit car interiors and autos that move at a snails pace down the highway. Many Korean Dramas are guilty of this, and it’s the one weak point in the shooting.

The seasons arc beautifully with the story, making the visuals an integral part of the plot arc. The story takes us from birth through death through rebirth and all the agonizing and wonderful steps in between—reflected in gorgeous seasonal scenery. Winter, in this show, means something. Spring, even more so.

Complex and Riveting Story

I know it’s a good story when I am disappointed at the ending of an episode, and simply can’t get it out of my mind as I wait for the next. Kimchi Family is like this. You feel like part of the family, emotionally involved, and can’t wait to get back to their lives.

Multiple complex stories weave through the series, ultimately threading together like an integral whole. Here, I can’t reveal any of these intricacies, for fear of plot spoilers, but the disparate themes and threads all arc together until, by the end, with laser precision, they meld into one, unexpected aha moment.

Laugh Out Loud Funny and Cry Out Loud Touching

Typical of the best of Korean drama, Kimchi Family wrings tears out of audiences, while simultaneously giving us laugh attacks. There’s suspense, humour, romance, tragedy—what more could a drama do? Oh, and great sound track, too?

Below, one of the hits from Kimchi Family, Afraid of Love:

From reformed gangster turns kitchen help—stated another way, thug turns to romantic lead—to zen-master father’s journey into a hazy Alzheimer’s world, to sharp and hateful businesswoman transformed into tragic mother, to… trust me, the wonderful moments here are simply that—wonderful. Balhyo Kajok (Kimchi Family) is the don’t miss K-Drama of the year—and my vote for 2012′s best so far.


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Ohhh..then I would of notice that scene..from Oasis..have the dvd!!  Gosh, I need to go back there again!!  Thanks gab..

Very cool, Alex you went to visit coex..HUGE isn't it!!??   There's like two musuems, theaters, Aquriam..which went for a visit..so many animals!!  v    Must be cold there, as I went in early October..fall was about to peak in..with some lovely reddish leaves..Mm..  Yeah, really love Seoul and love to explore more area's!  Jeju lsland was icing on my cake!!  v Another place you should visit  v  Your welcome on the baseball photo..if you reconize the other guy he's Malo on KOTW..they should play together.. v 

 Thanks KB for more reviews on Kimichi family!!  Will have to go back soon..will wait for the dvd's to come!

Hey dana, lovely hearts art work as now Valentines is ahead of us!!  v   :x


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Special Song Il-Kook's Edition by Emanuelle9
English subtitles

Selected scenes of Song Il-Kook only.
Thanks so much Emanuelle9 4960342361_f4dd0c31f4_o.gif.

I realized SIK was stuck with the "Young Master" image in the early years
(Album of Life, Bodyguard, TOE) until he had the chance
to show the ability to play a "dark" role in EOTS. 
It's too bad that he could have been recognized sooner.

This is not all of it.
I hope some SIK fans can continue where Emanuell9 left off.

Here's a hilarious NG:

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Kona’s posts made me go back on soompi again and I feel grateful to her. The thing is soompi is like the internet – you know when you get in but you never know when you’ll be able to get out. Reading older posts is both delightful and sad. I found a lot of interesting comments coming from fans for whom the English language is not an obstacle. I can only regret that those fans like mlu12, mskololia1, silver_linda and many others are no longer active here, although I am sure they still love SIK. I liked Ml’s comments re-posted by Kona and I felt the need to see what other conclusions to AMCG were there. I went back on soompi and I am glad I did it.

Kona says that, at the beginning of his career, SIK was stuck with the role of the young master, and she’s right. However, re-watching the clips from Bodyguard I can’t help thinking that in that drama SIK has started the line of bad guys whom we’ve come to like and wish them well partly because of SIK’s acting and charisma.

Since Michael King was one of these great characters and AMCG, in spite of all the controversy, one of his best dramas, I think that some parts of the fan’s final conclusions are worth revisiting and adding to the comments that Kona has already reposted for those who are too busy to “go back in time”.


[…]  As much as we humans seem to thrive on and enjoy the idea of revenge and punishment, I think there is an equal thirst and desire for redemption and forgiveness. I like the idea of second chances. I am not trying to negate his wrongdoings, or saying he is good... because essentially, most people in here are not "good" especially him... but I can't help but to want to forgive him. Again, has he done anything to deserve my forgiveness? No, I suppose not. But does anyone earn forgiveness in the first place? It's usually the one who is doing the forgiving that allows forgiveness to take place. I guess it's a matter of making that decision or not as the viewer. In episode 21, his sister tells him that "Punishing a sinner with death... that's God's domain." Ultimately, he is a man who is called a god, but he's still just a man. He is a tortured man who's lived a sad life, and who is more imperfect than perfect. It may seem like he has everything externally (looks, wealth, power, skills), but he really has nothing. And in the end, the things that he gained that are actually worth something, will quite possibly be stripped from him. As much as I so desperately want this so-called murderer who seems to be digging his own grave and whom I have come to sympathize for, to leave happy... maybe it really is fitting that he loses his life in the end to emphasize that he is just a mere man.



What an ending to such an enjoyable drama! I can't really say I am "happy" with what happened because Kangta did indeed lose someone special (as Mr. Song implied in a recent interview) at the end - he lost his beloved sister Kangxi. It is not a perfect ending, but it is the ending best suited for this drama. […] The past 12 weekends have been filled with such an intricate story, top notch performance and high drama. As we have reached the end of this wonderful journey, I would like one last time to express my sincere appreciation for such a unique and entertaining drama. The plot was supposed to be gloomy and grim as Kangta sought revenge on those who murdered his family, but it was done in such an entertaining way. There were so many clever "comic book" moments - a lot of sudden stop-and-stand, stare poses, astonishing fighting scenes, surreal appearances and vanishings, unimaginable wisdom, and absurdity. There was also a continual rollercoaster of powerful emotions and mind-boggling tension built into each character and throughout the plot ... I laughed, I cried, I raged, I was stunned and I went through the cycle all over again as the story unfolded in each episode! Could this drama have been presented in a more direct and traditional way so that more viewers could easily relate to it and to appreciate it? Sure, it could have been, but then, it would have been just like any other revenge drama. And then we would be obliged to ask, "Why bother making it all? Why bother doing what has been done countless times before?"

This drama has inspired me to dig deeper, but it has also confused and troubled me - which is why I find this drama so fantastic. Finally, a special thanks to Mr. Song for his unmatched dedication, unparalleled professionalism and first-rate performance. I look forward to more greatness from him.



[…] Least but not the least to Mr. Song for his superb performance as Mk/CKT his endless dedication to his craft as always, it might not be JUMONG or MHUYUL character but still he gone out of his way to make this entertaining for us. Thank you for being professional in addressing the negative reviews and being open to opinions, also to his co actors who supported him well I also salute YOU guys. Mr Song good luck to your next project, it is too bad for us outside Korea for not seeing you in your new project. We(SIGER's) knows that YOU will be successful in your new horizon. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



If anything, this also made me appreciate SIG more. I've seen him in Jumong, and I even saw the Lobbyist. I also saw parts of Kingdom of the Wind and Emperor of the Sea when it came out. I always thought he was a good actor, but that was it. I never thought he was extremely good looking... but he proved me otherwise here. I also didn't expect this character from him at all, so it was a pleasant surprise. He really showed me a different side to him, and for some reason... I think this character will be one that stays in my memory.



I liked Kona’s comments too but they are too many (she's so involved!) so I will only give you this remark: :)


BTW, I think this is the FIRST drama that SIK actually smiles at the ending .

Way to go, Mr. Song Il-Kook!



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@hoodjoonwood, you amaze me sometime with your unique pictures.  Thank you dear.

Hi @alex1999, I can understand why our daughter likes South Korea, especially Seoul. 

There's so much for young girls to discover, see, try, and buy.

It's too bad that you didn't get to meet at least one of your idols.

We'll be thrilled if SIK does a theater play like BSB, we'll go see him performing live again.

The good thing about it is actors are likely to come out to greet fans after the play, you can see your BSB up close and hopefully, personally too



I should have shared some of the pictures from my September trip sooner.

Weather in September is just perfect, I couldn't ask for better.

Here are a few:





TEA HOUSE in Insadong
Don't expect traditional tea, if you don't like sweet, I don't recommend.
Very pricey, average 7 USD per cup (or should I say bowl).



Seoul Tower




Korean Bathhouse "DragonHills".
You only see half of it in KDramas.
Experience it for yourself.
Highly recommended.



North Korea Soldier  2012_Seoul_40.jpg

South Korean Soldier


Border of North and South

KOREAN BBQ IN MYEONGDONG (with Charmy and friends)






There was a floral displays on the morning we left Seoul.


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Art of Seduction Party

Wow, so many "ajumma" fans; and SIK was popular, young, handsome, and very much single then :-O .
I wonder if he received a lot of love confession from fans?  I bet.

Where are the Korean fans now?  This tells us how fans quickly move on with their passion.
Hmm 8-> , but, what's news B-) ???

I just remember he wore the same (or similar) pink turtleneck in Lobbyist.
@alex1999 can confirm this since she's watching Lobbyist :) .

Pink turtle begins at 5:09.








Credit as shown.
Thanks Mewre for the links.


Updated:  Harry with pink turtle :@) .

Credit as shown.






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Hi, dear SIKers!
About pink: my eyes say that in AOS fan meeting the pink has more violet in it than in Lobbyist; or maybe is the natural light vs artificial light vs computer's colors. Here, in this Lobbyist picture, the pink is pure pink (but also maybe is the light's influence):


A color on desktop is not necessarily the real color, in natural sunlight. Anyway, SIK is that unique guy I saw who looks fabulous in pink. :D
Love you all, SIKers!

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Guest danasibro

The thing is soompi is like the internet – you know when you get in but you never know when you’ll be able to get out.You are right dear Celia I liked very much your post and I also miss silver_linda, I do not remember mlu 12 may be I came on forum latter but I like very much the post you shared dear Celia
a special thanks to Mr. Song for his unmatched dedication, unparalleled professionalism and first-rate performance. I look forward to more greatness from him..
Dear Kona Beans I am reading every day your awesome posts even I have no time to post this week I am touched by your dedication and love, awesome pictures and videos of SIK, great insightful posts and more then that you make time to read and to appreciate the sharing of other SIKers, thank you. I liked very much this picture but I do not know very much about it...may be you dear Kona know more
I also still have hopes that Kimchi Family will be recognized for its true value some day.!
.I miss emanuelle and sophy why aren"t they comming any more on forum?
Dear Alex thank you for sharing your trip in Korea, It's a pity that you did not meet any idols. However, I also think you felt so good just to be in the same country as them because I feel good even when I have this dream .
He was just perfect for Yeom Moon role. I could not think of any other actor who would portray better than him.Dear alex  I feel the same...this artwork is for you..
Dear HWG my heart is always with SIK with SIK and SIKers, thank you...reading your post I remembered one of the poems I wrote last year ...
Dear Gabi I do not like dressing in pink but I also think SIK looks fabulous...the color is not important he will be always my symbol of elegance!.
Love you all SIKers

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Guest danasibro


This is a poem written by a Romanian fan  named Violeta she is always coming on soompi with her eye to appreciate the SIKers posts...but she never made a post...I translated the poem in English and I found a photo for it.


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Hey alex, what show did you see at the coex?  :)  Yeah I know too much to explore all in one week!!  lol..it's like a mall/theme park all at once!!   Oh yes in Jeju lsland we were on a tour group...which was my first time in korea a year before..then another year more in Seoul for the weekends..  Lucky we stayed not far from coex, well everything is near Coex..to me!  :)  
:D..yeah can't forget our Malo sidekick, and sad he had to let go..too..  

:D..thanks kb with more Songie in glasses, I'm always hooked on those!!  Handsome, like a professor!!  ..faints...

lol..so very true, Dana, our soompi is like a homecage we just can't get out..or escaped!!   Will have to them someone!  v


 Love to room my fingers on those lovely hair.....~~~~ 

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Source: Blog "From Korea with Love "


20 Dec 2012

“Jumong” in Person

Last Saturday, I went to the bar with my husband. When I have nothing to do in the house, I usually go with him to his workplace. It was a weekend, so there were so many customers. It was getting crowded in the bar, so I thought of staying in the kitchen to call my Mom. After a while, my husband came looking for me, and told me to go back to the bar and see Jumong. There’s a big flat screen TV in the bar, so I thought he was asking me to watch the Korean drama, “Jumong” (주몽), but later he told me that it was Song Il Guk he was referring to, the actor. I got excited to see him, because I have watched him in a few episodes of ”Jumong”. The historical drama “Jumong” became quite popular in the Philippines. The story is about the life of Jumong Taewang, founding monarch of the kingdom of Goguryeo. Before I came to Korea, my family in the Philippines was getting crazy about this Korean drama which was dubbed in Filipino. In fact, my cousin Barry even copied Jumong’s hairstyle, so my husband and our Korean friend Chan call him “Jumong”.

I was told that Korean celebrities don’t like signing autographs or having their pictures taken when they are in public places, but I wanted to give my Cousin Barry a snapshot of his idol, so when Song Il Guk finished drinking and he went to the cashier to pay for their bill, I came up to him, greeted him and asked if it was all right to pose for a picture with him. I thought he would refuse, because he looked a bit confused, but my husband translated in Korean what I told him in English. Song Il Guk smiled and said it was okay… so here’s the photo. ^^


Isn’t he handsome? My sister-in-law is a tall woman, but posing next to Song Il Guk, she looks shorter… ㅋㅋㅋ. He’s a really tall guy. With my husband’s help, I told him how popular “Jumong” has become in my country. He said thank you and asked where I’m from. We thought nobody recognized him except us, or maybe the other customers were too drank to know that Song Il Guk was there, but just as we were saying goodbye, one of the customers in the bar approached him, congratulated him and shook hands with him. I’m not gaga over celebrities, but I was happy that night I met one of the friendlier ones here in Korea.



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Hi, dear SIKers!
Dear Kona, thank you for posting the comments from Chrissantosra's blog. She was really lucky seeing SIK; and I hope our Prince's meeting with an actor and his sister-manager can be a good sign for us, maybe they didn't just drink, but also planned something - a drama, a movie, who knows? Let's hope & pray! :D

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Guest danasibro

Thak you Kona, gabi, HWG, Alex I posted a winter picture  for you my friends I do not know another whey to thank you for being so kind!





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Guest siknamja

Thank you Kona for posting that blog about a lucky fan that was able to see and get her picture taken with a SIK. For those of you who were able to meet SIK in person, we all know how accommodating he is so I'm not surprise that he posed for that picture. Anyway, about a new drama, I'm hoping he does one with Yeo Ho Min. He's one of SIK's good friend and acted in 2 dramas I know together. EOTS and Jumong. Sorry I don't know how to post pictures on here so maybe Kona can do that for me. Back in 2009 when SIK came to visit his fans here, Yeo Ho Min came with him. Again although I have a picture of both of them when they came down here I am not able to post it. Just a thought..

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Have there been any articles about how his stance on Dokdo has affected his career (if at all)? It really bothers me to think that he might not be cast in dramas because revenue from Japan is so important nowadays : - /

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Hi, dear SIKers!
Dear Aemi, I'm sure it's not what you think; actually more Korean officials declared they are proud of SIK's gesture (swimming to Dokdo) and FF will be re-broadcasted in Japan from March 2013 (as Kona said). So, if he is not now on some filming locations, the real reason has to be the three little & sweet babies. But he is almost an workaholic, this break will not take long (my opinion).
See soon, SIKers! Love you!   

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HWJ, I did not see any show in COEX. We just walked around. It is huge. I just imagine how celebrities attend VIP premier here. I did not spend time much in Seoul. Hope there will be next time to explore more of Seoul. Actually we did wonder around Seoul a lot in 2010.
Dana, thank you for your kind words and awesome artwork as always. I will see if my faith will allow me to see our prince some day. 
Kona, thank you for SIK pix in pink turtle top. I have not seen him in this one yet in Lobbyist. I'm only on ep 12 and Harry does not have very short hair yet. He looks ABSOLUTELY gorgeous in those pix.  Oh I was so thrilled when reading story about a fan seeing our prince in a bar. It was on Dec 20, only 2 days before I arrived in Seoul. I wish I was there. He is so nice to his fans. As Gabi said, I also hope this is a good sign for his new project. here are some photos of Korea in Winter. We were walking up Mt Hallasan in Jeju. We could see no soil as it was totally covered with snow!!

We did not have enough time to climb up the top, we could only do half way. It was tiring but we really enjoyed the view surrounded us. My hubby said it was so beautiful like heaven!

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:)..thanks again KB, loved all of your posts..and update news, especially from Songie's officials, where some of us can't join??  Really appreciate for sending them here.. v

Very nice Dana very wintery arts on our man, it's makes him look like an angel!!  :D  

HI sik, think Mr. YHM is also on amcg, think pracitcally all of them, even his first drama! :)  Hope more to come...  :)

Hi alex, that's great, hope least some shoppings, that I haven't got a chance..yet!  Most were in the Myong dong area, that was very cool...and we almost went to the Seoul tower!  AND nice to see the National Meusume!!  That's a huge one.. :)  OH so you did go to Jeju, and it's all covered with snow!! So pretty..thanks for the photos!! 


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Hi, dear SIKers!
Dear Dana, indeed pink is a complicate color, not many men can look good in - but our beloved can! :-P  Thank you for winter pictures with SIK, they are lovely!
Dear Alex, you had a wonderful trip, what can be more beautiful than winter in mountains, with snow and a walk with your loving hubby? Maybe a meeting - during this walk - with SIK as a skiing monitor. :D :D   (how it sounds?)


Dear HWJ, I envy you a bit for your trip to Seoul; but as I read about, Seoul is a huge town, somebody with less leisure time has to visit it according to the principle "Point taken, point hit". Of course, this too-cold principle may miss you of some beautiful surprises. A place must be "felt" with all your 5+1senses. Last year, on Acropolis - Athens, a local guide (very wise, actually) told me not to take pictures (as all Japanese tourists did) but to close my eyes and feel the place's spirit. He was right (but of course I took a lot of pictures after my "login" with ancient gods :D )
Big waves for all SIKers! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Love you!

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