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Song Il Gook Thanks Triplets for His Latest Role in “Jang Young Shil”


On December 28, the actors of KBS’s upcoming epic drama “Jang Young Shil” met for a press conference, where Song Il Gook thanked his triplets for his role.

He said, “I’m really craving acting. With that, this feels like a new experience for me.” The actor continued, saying, “I have a fixed image, which is one of the reasons I may not do a historical drama.” However, he explained that while watching television with his wife, he was watching a historical drama and thought that if he did one now, he could do a good job.

Song Il Gook said, “I have the fortune of being able to do a historical drama when I feel I can do it well, and when I most want to do it,” and added, “Thinking back, after I was cast for the drama, I think this is a big gift that my children gave me.”

Song Il Gook plays the historical figure Jang Young Shil, a scientist and astronomer who was born a peasant, but comes to work in the royal palace, making pivotal advancements in science for Korea during the Joseon Dynasty.

“Jang Young Shil” is the first epic historical science drama, and will air its first episode on January 2, 2016.




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Hey ladies....you know what came across my mind? When Jumong was a hit, SIK and wife had a wonderful marriage. A few years later, the triplets came along. Now with JYS, do you think they'll try for twin girls, and thus having a bigger family? :grimace: Just a thought...then maybe he'll come back to TROS this time taking care of twin girls. Hahaha! One can dream, right? 

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31 minutes ago, adelinetew said:

I read the news from some Korean websites earlier saying that SIK was not in good physical conditions in today press conference and from the below video, he looked so blur and lost, could not answer simple questions from the reporters, poor thing...


Im so sad watching the video :( I hope he is alright....

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4 hours ago, adelinetew said:

I read the news from some Korean websites earlier saying that SIK was not in good physical conditions in today press conference and from the below video, he looked so blur and lost, could not answer simple questions from the reporters, poor thing...



Hi, dear SIKers, splendid to be again on soompi forum (I had problems with some caches / cookies, I hope this is all, keep my fingers crossed)

Maybe SIk is tired, he worked very hard last months. Fighting, SIK! Take care of your health!

Love you all, SIKers!


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Read from Chinese media website that SIK was having digestion problem during the Christmas festival and he had to take charge of the triplets at night as Song eomma was also not feeling well, inadequate rest led to his fatigue manifested in yesterday press conference. 


Fighting SIK! Take good care of yourself!

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On 12/27/2015 at 5:50 PM, shuurin said:

Here are the episodes I'm missing. I would deeply appreciate it if someone could upload these for me and hopefully this would help others who are missing episodes as well! Thanks ahead of time everyone!
Missing Triplet Segments ENG Subtitles: Episodes 37, 43, 80, 81, 82, 88. Also missing Triplets Segments X-Files 02, 03, 04, 05


@shuurin, I don't have X-Files.  Followings are the Song Family cuts available in my Drive.

Links are valid in limited time only as I will have to remove them for new episodes, so download now if you're interested.


37:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficSnd4T1NTYXNqU2s

43 FULL:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficV0FqS2RNbkoxM1E

80: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficYUxiWlZRek9iZXc

81: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficT0FSQkMzUTRrQU0

82: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficYURVekgydEc1Q2c

88: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficeVJkMDZZMGNMLVE


Additional links:

103: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficWHFITDB3VmNIUXM

104: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficUWVhMExuTVBoMXc

105: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficTUFHVkZqUS1ybm8

106: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficTDY3UkxPeHlfMlE

107: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficSElxaUNNU3NhM1U

108: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficcGFLM1JyZTBMVDA


109 The Song Family (ENGLISH Subs):  



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Song Il-Kook Transforms into Joseon Scholar in New Poster for Upcoming Historical Drama



Song Il-Kook’s upcoming historical drama, “Jang Young Sil,” has released a poster of the actor in the titular role. The KBS 1TV drama is about the historical figure Jang Young Sil, who was a prominent scientist and inventor during the Joseon dynasty.

On December 24, the production staff released the poster, which features Song Il-Kook looking wise but charismatic in simple white clothes, standing in front of his inventions. The character has appeared in historical dramas in the past, but never as a main character. This will be the first time that his story is told through a drama.

Song Il-Kook is reported to have felt great responsibility to take on the role of a historical figure that the nation respects and admires. In addition, despite Jang Young Sil’s advances in the field of science, there is not much in historical records about him. In preparation for the role, Song Il-Kook is said to have studied up on the character and consulted the script often.

“‘Jang Young Sil’ is a production that we’ve worked on for a long time in order to live up to the reputation of KBS’s historical dramas,” the production staff said. “Song Il-Kook and the other actors are working hard in anticipation of the day the viewers see the first episode. Please anticipate it.

The first episode will air January 2, 2016.




Song Il-Kook, "I met Jang Yeong-sil when I wanted to be in a historical"



It took about an hour or so for actor Song Il-Kook to start talking like an actor and not like the father of triplets. He is coming back for the first time in 5 years with the KBS 1TV historical drama "Jang Yeong-sil - Drama". He seemed tense. The premiere of the drama was held on the 28th in Timesquare.

Song Il-Kook didn't feel good since the morning. His body had weakened from the continuous drama making and going back and forth from his hometown with the triplets. He had an upset stomach and threw up just the day before and wasn't feeling any better. He seemed fidgety and kept drinking water. He also seemed very tense and said that he wasn't able to sleep well because his wife was sick too and he took care of the children.

The fact that he's playing the role of Jang Yeong-sil, a true character seemed to pressure him. He said, "It's an honor just being called Jang Yeong-sil alone. I shouldn't do anything to bring harm to the name and my image outside the screen also matters".

"Jang Yeong-sil - Drama" is the first scientific historical drama about a character who was a slave meeting King Sejong and brings Joseon science to a standard that made it the best out of the world then. Song Il-Kook is Jang Yeong-sol and this is his first historical since 2008.

Every historical he's starred in hasn't failed yet. He said, "I thought one day I would be good in a historical drama and that's when I met "Jang Yeong-sil - Drama". I am grateful to be doing what I want. At it's not a general or king that I am playing".

However, he's disappointed that he'll be spending less time with his children. "They are going to be disappointed too. It's not easy raising 3 children so I have to work hard".

"I am thirsty for acting and I always think of myself as a newbie on site".


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On 27/12/2015 at 9:50 AM, shuurin said:

Also missing Triplets Segments X-Files 02, 03, 04, 05

I can help you with the X-files, but all are in raw form, without English subtitle:

X-file 02: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8_ICXposizhemNmZEhTRm1uRmM/view

X-file 03: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8_ICXposizhTVVoWmhJaHBhVTA/view

X-file 04: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8_ICXposizhY0g5TnFpaXZRN0U/view

X-file 05: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8_ICXposizhc0FXbWI1b21lSWs/view

Please download the files soonest as I need space for new episodes...


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It is very typical of SIK to take his role so seriously, that it becomes more than just a K drama role, but a personal responsibility to play a national hero. I hope he can somehow relax and not put too much pressure on himself.  

Thank you, kona and adeline, for you timely videos.  I never tire of watching them. 

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