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[OFFICIAL] Rowoon ❤️ Park Eun Bin (RoBin/Park-Ro Couple) | The King's Affection


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These visuals and chemistry (on and off cam) remain unmatched.  :7555_attack:


PEB was so comfy and trusting that she didn’t mind to be so close to him and her legs and her knees would touch his. Memories of the good old days! 


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Im looking forward to the Baeksang Awards this year end. They will most likely be there. I hope to see their interactions with each other. I remember KMJ, former ML, being a few seats away from her. Then PEB saying Rwn is her ideal man. Now its gonna be Rwn, former ML, a few seats away from her. Same feelings about the shipping thing. I'm still hoping... But there's just no crumbs... So I am just looking forward to the Baeksang hoping to get something... It's just that PEB never looked at a man like she looked at Rwn you know.... and I'm still thinking up to this day when it was charades promo of DWY why did JBA point to rwn when it was woo young woo like what did she want to say... :crazymad:

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On 10/30/2023 at 9:40 PM, Yuen10 said:

KSW a lot of short stories on his IG for all the rice wreaths he received for the press con.  Did you do the same for DWY? I don’t remember seeing it and thought he really didn’t advertise much for DWY himself but maybe because PDnim and staff and the networks are doing a lot.  I am not sure.  

Yes, he also did share the rice wreaths he received for DWY in his instagram stories.

On 10/31/2023 at 5:23 PM, Pen G said:

Oh my gosh!!!!! Rowoon is at his best in comedy!!!!!! Oh my gosh! He is so hilarious!!!!!!!!! So phenomenal at comedy.


Comedy is actually the hardest genre!!!

Asked about his character traits he once said in an interview that he believes he is quite funny, because his close friends keep saying so.

So I think that he is some sort of a natural comedian. And I think that it really shows in MM. It is not only his tonation or facial expressions, he is acting with his whole body :-)

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9 hours ago, woobin said:

Oh I just love these two! They’re different from other K actors/actress. Talent and skills can make a person successful but it is a kind heart and humility that can take him to greater heights. For me this is them individually… and much better if they’re together, if not, still he is still the Kim Seokwoo and the Eun Bin Park I loved from TKA. 

Well said in this post! :thumbsup: I completely agree.  

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19 hours ago, Yuen10 said:
20 hours ago, MimiSchu said:


I agree with this.  He seems to be honest and accountable as well as set boundaries.  The lastest release interview he had, he gave ris the reason why he chose to the acting path.  He basically said he wants to focus on his acting.  He could have many reasons that SF9 fans may hope to hear more such a back injury etc.. but in an article it wrote “Rowoon said, “I wanted to be a little more serious about my job as an actor now.” He explained the reason for leaving the team. “I’m sure some people will be disappointed, but it’s something I have decided on considering that in mind. I thought it would be a good stepping stone for growth if I were to make them understand, so I made a difficult choice,” he said.”. 

I think he might have gotten some harsh comments with regards to his reason but it shows his mature and strategic way of thinking.  If he wants to focus on acting and be recognized as an actor, letting go of being an idol would eliminate having buckets half full.  

As fans we should be proud for him to have the courage to be honest and the courage to chase after his dream.  If he was my son I would be proud.  

I strongly believe that KSW has a really high tolerance level and I think in some show he did say during his trainee years he almost quite.  In such an extremely competitive field, I cannot even fathom the stress and training they went threw to get to where they are.    Some people say idols use being an idol as a stepping stone to become an actor, but some times I think, being a well known idol was not easy.  They journey, they go through to get to where they are or even debut.  They also had to probably fight down auditions and then spend years and years to dance, sing and be expressive or act a certain way.  It was probably not easy and then they get put into actor roles and then have to prove that they can actor also.  Not easy at all and not a “walk in the park”. 

I love both their new series.  CAD made me cry again on episode2.  The female old idol on that stage when PEB sang and the flood of emotions and comfort and affirmation.  WOW!  

i am also really happy that both their drama is airing at the same time.  So much fun :blush:

I am glad that he got the chance to explain about the current situation and his motivations behind it. I really hope that what he says is true, that his former members are rooting for him, just as he is always rooting for them. Not so sure for all of them to be honest….


Yes, I also believe that he has a high tolerance level, otherwise he wouldn’t have made it through all the hardships of being a trainee and an idol. Especially with his worsening health condition because of his herniated disc.


He has come a long way and should be proud of all his achievements. 

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NOT all the members are rooting for him. TWO specifically have been ignoring him,

very obvious during performances, he makes all the effort, ZUHO is the member who loves him the most, he changed his profile pic to black when it was officially announced Rowoon was leaving. Youngbin the Leader appreciates his efforts, Rowoon posted support for the SOLO projects of Hwiyang & Yoo-Taeyang .. I was attacked when I posted my observations. 

So YES - aside from his back problems, Rowoon stans are happy he finally decided to leave because we saw him doing his best to PLEASE everyone .. and NEVER ENOUGH.



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25 minutes ago, sydneygirl2000 said:

NOT all the members are rooting for him. TWO specifically have been ignoring him,

very obvious during performances, he makes all the effort, ZUHO is the member who loves him the most, he changed his profile pic to black when it was officially announced Rowoon was leaving. Youngbin the Leader appreciates his efforts, Rowoon posted support for the SOLO projects of Hwiyang & Yoo-Taeyang .. I was attacked when I posted my observations. 

So YES - aside from his back problems, Rowoon stans are happy he finally decided to leave because we saw him doing his best to PLEASE everyone .. and NEVER ENOUGH.



I’ve come to know Rowoon from TKA. I don’t know everything about him but as I observe and read about him, I must say he’s a legit nice guy. Poor him for enduring such mean people in the group. Who’s that male idol from the same group casted in MM by the way? 

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16 hours ago, sydneygirl2000 said:

With this shipping thingy .. 


I felt very strongly PEB & KSW were in some sort of relationship after seeing their

chemistry and BTS interaction .. after 2 years I am not sure anymore. ALTHOUGH, I still believe Rowoon is the only guy PEB was attracted to and allowed to get close to her. STILL .. PEB is not yet ready or ever will be. 

PEB i feel is married to her career and no one is worth risking everything shes worked for since she was a mere child. Rowoon will be her TOTGA - The One That Got Away ..


After watching DWY, I see a lot of differences but many viewers absolutely believe that JBA & KSW are in a relationship. Its like hey, I was in that exact same position - your hearts will just be broken. 


So now .. I think I am over that shipping thing. I just really like PEB & KSW and will support their projects with different partners .. but you guys know what, I really don’t like nor trust KTO, he is a user in my opinion and I hope PEB will decline EAW2 .. she has no need to do it. 


We’ll probably get some news minimum 10 years before we find out who they end up with ..

I am afraid that you might be right about their relationship status…

And like Pen G also pointed out before, PEB is more likely to be the one who isn‘t ready or willing to commit to a serious relationship.
Unlike RW, who has been in at least one relationship before, she seems to be unaware of all the value a relationship can add to your life. And that is just such a pity. At this point in her career, I can’t even see how committing to a serious relationship could be of any risk for her. She wouldn’t need to start a family right away or at all, if she doesn’t want to, and could continue pursuing her career.

I also believe that most of her fans would wish for her happiness, as her fandom seems much more balanced than RW’s. Hopefully he can get rid of some of his toxic fans now that he decided to become a fulltime actor.

Just like you, I strongly believe that there was something going on between those two. And if they both would have wanted, they could have had it all. Perhaps the timing just didn’t feel right then.

By now, all we can do is to continue supporting them in their careers and wish for their happiness. 

18 minutes ago, woobin said:

Who’s that male idol from the same group casted in MM by the way

it is Hwiyoung.

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10 minutes ago, MimiSchu said:

By now, all we can do is to continue supporting them in their careers and wish for their happiness. 

it is Hwiyoung.

Thank you @MimiSchu


Totally agree, whether they are in a romantic relationship or just a normal friendship (definitely they are friends and not acquiantances who met in a drama then ended as if they didn’t share the good and the bad times during filming), they deserve all the love, respect and every bit of happiness in the world. 

So Hwiyoung must be one of those two who’s not rooting for him. 

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34 minutes ago, sydneygirl2000 said:

NOT all the members are rooting for him. TWO specifically have been ignoring him,

very obvious during performances, he makes all the effort, ZUHO is the member who loves him the most, he changed his profile pic to black when it was officially announced Rowoon was leaving. Youngbin the Leader appreciates his efforts, Rowoon posted support for the SOLO projects of Hwiyang & Yoo-Taeyang .. I was attacked when I posted my observations. 

So YES - aside from his back problems, Rowoon stans are happy he finally decided to leave because we saw him doing his best to PLEASE everyone .. and NEVER ENOUGH.

I have never really been into sf9, but i was following enough to definitely agree on Zuho. To see the black profile pic was sort of heartbreaking. I believe that they really became true friends during all those years. I never liked Dawon, cannot exactly define why, but I believe he must be one the two members you were pointing at…

I believe we will never be able to fully understand the dynamics and what was really happening between the members. And RW is too much of a good person to share anything about it in public. It is best for him to follow his own path now.

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Just now, MimiSchu said:

And RW is too much of a good person to share anything about it in public. It is best for him to follow his own path now.

A good man never uses another person or circumstance to get sympathy from other people. He remains respectful and speaks with honesty but with caution and he knows how puts up wall in a polite manner…. And I’ve observed and seen this kind gesture with Rowoon. One thing to really admire about him. 

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Extract of the MM press conference - 231030 (rough translation through google translate):

Q: I think the romance begins in this work itself as it explores marriage, each spouse, and what is desirable. While working on the project, was there a point where you thought, ‘Ah, I wish I could marry someone like this?’ If so, I would like you to send a video message to your future spouses.

RW: And then…

Q: Oh, are you ready?

RW: Yes yes

Q: Oh! Which?

RW: I don’t know much about video letters.

Q: What is your ideal type of marriage?
RW: I think a synergistic relationship would be good for now. We have things to learn from each other, our hobbies match well, and yes, that's the ideal type!

Q: [If it's a perfect fit] What about appearance? What in particular?
RW: You should see it with your mind's eye.

Q: She's pretty in your mind's eye, upward relationship hhhhh

RW: I think there are a lot of married people, but I thought it would be nice to be like a close friend. I hope to be a close friend, a friend who will stay with me for the rest of my life. Well, rather than loving passionately, I thought that I would like to be a friend who I can show my all to.
Q: Yes, then it's not that you have developed your view of marriage while doing this [MM], but it's just that you originally had it.
RW: Yes, that's right.
Q: [To Cho Yi-Hyun] Are you ready? If it's difficult, you can send a video message to your future husband.
C: First, look at the pupils. I think I look at the eyes the most. I can't explain it, but I think there's something about his eyes that I'm attracted to. It seems like I like kind eyes. There is nothing else than that.

Q: Good eyes! Does it matter if tall or short?

C: Yes

Q: Cho Yi-hyun, who is looking for the person with kind eyes, is it a bit difficult to send a video message?

C: See you sometime ~~

Q: Oh! Good.hhhhhh Where is RW? hhhhhh

RW: Where will you be? [Where are you?]


So, he is consitant in his describtion of his ideal type…and he is again telling us that he is single. Like he did in HOW and other interviews before. What do you think about this?

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28 minutes ago, MimiSchu said:

I have never really been into sf9, but i was following enough to definitely agree on Zuho. To see the black profile pic was sort of heartbreaking. I believe that they really became true friends during all those years. I never liked Dawon, cannot exactly define why, but I believe he must be one the two members you were pointing at…

I believe we will never be able to fully understand the dynamics and what was really happening between the members. And RW is too much of a good person to share anything about it in public. It is best for him to follow his own path now.

Agree. All of those SF9 members are adults. They will get over it. Some faster than others. Right now, what they are feeling is that they probably feel Rowoon abandoned them. True or not. Yes, it may be painful but they will eventually get over it. In time.


Last time I checked. SK is a democratic country. Rowoon can make decisions for himself. Whether other SF9 members agree to his decisions or not. Unless I am corrected most idols coming back from military service don't continue to be in their bands anymore. Rowoon is just probaly preparing way ahead of the other SF9 members.  :blush:

4 hours ago, MimiSchu said:

Yes, he also did share the rice wreaths he received for DWY in his instagram stories.

Asked about his character traits he once said in an interview that he believes he is quite funny, because his close friends keep saying so.

So I think that he is some sort of a natural comedian. And I think that it really shows in MM. It is not only his tonation or facial expressions, he is acting with his whole body :-)

Ahh really! Well, it seems like it. Phenomenal Precision in Comedy! Yep, a natural comic. And his body acting. OOFFFFFHHHH. hahaha

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1 hour ago, sydneygirl2000 said:

ZUHO is the member who loves him the most, he changed his profile pic to black when it was officially announced Rowoon was leaving.

I too notice Zuho being a complete sweetheart. Out of the member beside KSW I also follow ZuHo because I think he is also a kind honest soul.  I am not an official fan of SF9 but came to know them through Rowoon and got curious about his other life.  I do notice notice Rowoon and Chani seemed close on the earlier days but recent clips seems less interaction between them such as seeing them sitting or standing beside each other. Please note that I don’t watch too much and it is out of just a couple of clips that I see and they could be very well still very close but with maturity interaction may be different.  I also hope what he says about his band members are true.  

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13 hours ago, woobin said:

It’s okay not to focus on shipping these two as shipping is self destructive LOL been there done that with Son Yejin and Hyun Bin (which a lot of you here have no idea who they are). I shipped them hard, my one and only ship! Then I stopped when I saw nothing circulating about them in the entertainment world not even in social media to prove their relationship whether as romantic or even just friendship, THEN one day, boom they confirmed they’re dating like after 4 years (?) of speculations going around.

Seokwoo and Eun Bin are good and matured people with strong values. Them as such kind of human beings won’t just waste a good foundation of any sort of relationship they have established during TKA. We’ve seen how they treat people, how they value friends and family. I believe that they are good friends and they still chat, if not talk personally as they’re both booked and busy even without a trace or a proof that they are. And the “rock bottom” that KSW mentioned in his magazine interview must be about SF9 considering what just happened recently when he left the group, I guess those issues are connected. I don’t think it’s a heartbreak from a break-up but definitely something that involves being an idol. And even if they became a couple after TKA and broke up, the fact that they are (again) mature people, they would still be okay with being friends. And they seem to be cautious and thoughtful that they would not just jump into something serious  just to withdraw and turn away from each other. I hope you all get what I mean.  

We just sometimes overthink and we forget that apart from being private people, they are K celebrities who keep their private affairs and private life separate and away from their career and what we see on screen. Meanwhile, JBA seemed to be close with Lee Dong Wook, her co-star in The Tale of the Nine Tailed. It just happened that I came across with a clip from one of the BTS, and that made me check other clips. And like TKA to RoBin, the BTS showed a certain level of comfort and closeness between the two, it was way different from that of DWY BTS between KSW and JBA. Just saying.

Just like what RoBin said, we should not get swayed by what other people say. We should trust our gut and without bias be neutral with what we saw and how we feel about them. A reasonable judgement without getting ahead of ourselves won’t hurt us. And look at the beautiful side of these two (as fans and supporters especially those who knew them from day 1 and who’ve been supporting them since whenever must know them by heart). I’m very selective with K celebrities, very picky because I can sense sincerity even just by watching them. For me pure intention and a good heart radiate. I guess their charm won and I was swayed by them or maybe I just give much high regard on these two… maybe that’s how positive I am with their kind of personality that I believe in them so much… maybe, just maybe. And it’s just me and how I look at them and the different “spark” I saw and felt between them. 

Why am I being so serious now? LOL 


Oh I just love these two! They’re different from other K actors/actress. Talent and skills can make a person successful but it is a kind heart and humility that can take him to greater heights. For me this is them individually… and much better if they’re together, if not, still he is still the Kim Seokwoo and the Eun Bin Park I loved from TKA. 


"And they seem to be cautious and thoughtful that they would not just jump into something serious  just to withdraw and turn away from each other. I hope you all get what I mean."


Yes we get what you mean. Agree. Both are intelligent and wise. I like what you said above and I agree.


However, like in a TKA Line: "with expectations come disappointment". I am just preparing myself that they are just friends. And like you said, that is still okay. Rather have them friends than enemies. 


Yes, I just view them as separate individuals for now. But if there comes a time wherein I have to chose between PEB and KSW. Please don't hate me for this. I will chose PEB even though she may be or will be misguided about her views on love and relationships.

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2 hours ago, MimiSchu said:

RW: I think there are a lot of married people, but I thought it would be nice to be like a close friend. I hope to be a close friend, a friend who will stay with me for the rest of my life. Well, rather than loving passionately, I thought that I would like to be a friend who I can show my all to.

This answer is quite interesting and maybe a key to his most precious relationship and status. Interesting how he answers rather than living passionately, I thought I would like to be a friend who I can show my all. That sentence triggers a lot of delulu scenarios but I feel there is someone he is referencing to.  

2 hours ago, MimiSchu said:

and he is again telling us that he is single. Like he did in HOW and other interviews before. What do you think about this?

From his answers I can’t tell whether he is in or not in a relationship.  It seems that he has given it much deeper thought as he seems to be able to articulate it better.  The theme around his relationship values is synergy, friendship and of being able to learn from each other.  

1 hour ago, Pen G said:

with expectations come disappointment"

That is a good line.  Perhaps being friends for life and being able to show all is along the line  is more precious than loving passionately? :wink:

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1 hour ago, MimiSchu said:

RW: I think there are a lot of married people, but I thought it would be nice to be like a close friend. I hope to be a close friend, a friend who will stay with me for the rest of my life. Well, rather than loving passionately, I thought that I would like to be a friend who I can show my all to.

Wow, our boy is really mature guy. The common man use to say something about the looks like of his ideal girlfriend. But instead of that, he put in the first possition about that frienship relation. With this answer for me his already dating with someone who make him fell comfy in his private life. 

Opposite of what some of you mention that is time to give up this shipping, today for after read this interview, I could say that I'm really confident with Robin. I still have not see  any evidente that they are not in a realationship. All the hints that make us to be in the forum are still there:

      1. Rowoon only has couple picture of PEB in his IG and after 2 year are still there. 

      2.Rowoon has not send any FT to his FL in the same way like he did to PEB

      3. The off camera interactions  with his FL are still lack of real heart flutterate feeling




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Hi Penny

I am only giving-up on the shipping bcos it will be a long, long wait before they confirm or not - maybe another 10 years, Rowoon will only be 37 then. It is TIRING ..


I read in his TOMORROW interview that he is not interested to have kids esp IF BOTH of them are actors. They will work hard to have time for each other even harder with kids. 

So marrying late is not a problem. 


As I’ve mentioned above, Rowoon is the only male PEB allowed to get close to her and she hasn’t shown any interest at all with others.

Rowoon is a FLIRT .. but that is his youthful personality. 


IF indeed, they had a mutual understanding before, a deep friendship and had a falling out last year - that explains why Rowoon is bolder, edgier and flirtier nowadays ..




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14 minutes ago, sydneygirl2000 said:

Rowoon is a FLIRT .. but that is his youthful personality. 


IF indeed, they had a mutual understanding before, a deep friendship and had a falling out last year - that explains why Rowoon is bolder, edgier and flirtier nowadays

He is definitely a warm, touchy intimate person but I am not sure if I would use the word flirt to describe him since I think he has set boundaries.  In HOW he appears to be more of a dork.  I think the real KSW is probably more dorky and clean freak.  

His edgier image may also be from his new stylist.  I think most celebs have a stylist to package them a certain way and they relay them can be completely different or just down to earth jeans an d sweatshirt

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