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[Drama 2021] A Good Supper/ Be A Meal, 밥이 되어라


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YS won the competition in the end, and just to see the demon fuming in her defeat despite having the secret recipes was fun. Not quite a “Sprite moment” because this is the demon we’re talking about. But I’ll take.

By the end of the episode, after ~30 episodes (6weeks) since others have seen that photo, YS is finally suspecting why the demon wanted so badly to get rid of the picture, thanks to MK’s eavesdropping on a conversation. But she took that suspicion and brought it up to whom? Yep, the demon herself. *facepalm*

If preview is any indication... YS might have been either kidnapped or perhaps suffered an attempt. Preview says she disappeared when she was on her way to meet the Chairman...


Some people believe the preview has been edited as such to trick the audience, though. That there is no kidnapping... Which is also a possibility if we think from a more “realistic” point of view, aka, money. Which the demon supposedly doesn’t have at hand right now.


We’ll see.




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No wonder the woman has managed to snare the Chairman, stupid, gullible, passive... it's a wonder he did not fritter his inheritance away.


Now YS has vanished. If it is her doing, it should be the last few sly deeds she pulls over YS since there are less than 15 hours of viewing. We still need OB's and DJ's engagement, maybe OB's parents will come home. Their names have come up.

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I feel like the birth secret will come out at the end of episode 100 (revealed only to KS/YS). The upcoming week will be CSJ's final week of terror before her downfall begins. Of course, it won't happen right away but at least the start of her decline will get going. My guess is that the Idiot Chairman will find out closer to 110.

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From the preview of Episode 96 where YS is apparently abducted...  she should have made that shirt...  but at least it is now clear to everyone that SJ's problem with YS has to do with YS's mother and her husband.  It will take another week for someone to put those pieces together... 


@bluesappire.  SJ doesn't have funds but she has a criminal brother who is adept at making Kim women disappear.  Oh, oh, what if OB's fate is tied in with the search/rescue of YS.


Happy weekend. 

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I don't understand why KS is such a great cook and he stays in a village all his life. Even if the reason was to bring up YS safely, he could still work in the city. 

Perhaps there is some story behind it.


The corniest thing I have heard in this show is the woman with a straight face saying that KS is the most important thing in her life followed by the restaurant.  :lol: 



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2 hours ago, Chickpea said:

@bluesappire.  SJ doesn't have funds but she has a criminal brother who is adept at making Kim women disappear.  Oh, oh, what if OB's fate is tied in with the search/rescue of YS.


Happy weekend. 


For what it's worth, I do think that the abduction is a very real possibility, funds or not. I agree with you, her brother would have no problems in carrying out such plans, even if he would likely get the demon to agree with whatever he demands of her later on.


In the Korean speaking community, no one is even thinking about OB possibly being at risk, since I don't think anyone knows about that part of the plot (whether it's been changed or not). It was only thanks to the posts that have been shared here, that the idea even crossed my mind.


It's highly likely that someone will end up hurt, though... The latest list of extras released did include a doctor. Also, people speculated for the longest time that one of the leads (their money is on Kyung Soo) would get seriously injured while trying to save someone, mostly because of the writer's two previous works.


Either way, I'm looking forward to Monday. 


Good weekend, everyone.

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44 minutes ago, bluesappir said:

doctor. Also, people speculated for the longest time that one of the leads (their money is on Kyung Soo) would get seriously injured while trying to save

In the writer's You are too much the ML became a priest but he had lost his fiancee earlier when she got married to someone she did not love. Maybe that's why Koreans think KS could be the sad element.  The ML was a lot like KS. 

It's rather unpleasant to have good characters die or be alone when I watch a show for entertainment.:flushed:

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@bluesapphire, @maribella

Hmmm... now you've got me thinking KS is the disposable one.  What if OB's father turns out to be a doctor,  then DJ and Mom get their wish to marry into a medical family, all the incest nonsense becomes moot and SJ loses everything she says matters to her, the restaurant and her son.  That would be just too painful to watch, though, how KS would have literally sacrificed his entire life for YS.  My question is, why would his father do that to him, put him in that position.  What's the relationship between YS and KS's family that his father would burden this single young man with someone else's child knowing the affect it would have on his life?  Unless dad knew what SJ did and the son is atoning for the parent's sin?  So, YS and mother are related to grandma and the Y restaurant and maybe KS's step-mom?  Are YS and KS cousins?  In this scenario,  YS inherits the cooking skill of grandma and the Kang family, the two best Korean restaurants, so she is the best Korean chef or whatever title SJ covets and keeps going on about.  Hmmm... it's a good thing dad gets killed in the first episode of Law School.  Oh, wait, his death caused havoc there too.  Some people just don't know how to exit gracefully.   Happy weekend. 

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9 hours ago, maribella said:

I don't understand why KS is such a great cook and he stays in a village all his life. Even if the reason was to bring up YS safely, he could still work in the city. 

Perhaps there is some story behind it.


The corniest thing I have heard in this show is the woman with a straight face saying that KS is the most important thing in her life followed by the restaurant.  :lol: 




Indeed I can see SJ's point of view that at this moment in her life, GS is her weapon to use on YS to make YS do what she wants her to do, thus her claim that GS is the most important person in her life followed by her husband's wealth & restaurants.

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8 hours ago, maribella said:

In the writer's You are too much the ML became a priest but he had lost his fiancee earlier when she got married to someone she did not love. Maybe that's why Koreans think KS could be the sad element.  The ML was a lot like KS. 

It's rather unpleasant to have good characters die or be alone when I watch a show for entertainment.:flushed:

Unpleasant, indeed. There’s a reason why I usually prefer to get into a story after it’s been concluded, so I know ahead of time what I’m getting into. This one was an exception at the time because I had gotten so excited about seeing Jae Hee on screen and completely forgot myself, haha... 


I guess we’ll see how this one will go. I want everyone to have a happy ending, except for who doesn’t deserve it, obviously. I mentioned elsewhere that while personally I want SJ to not be forgiven, I think that she might have to get one, if anything for the sake of Kyung Soo’s peace. Anything less than a happy ending for him would be too painful to watch. For me, at least...


There’s another work of this writer, Make a Woman Cry, which also reminded a couple people about the current story, arguably even more than You Are Too Much. The story of the leads over there was already quite complicated thanks to their family members, including the death of a loved one of the FL... thanks to actions of a family member of the ML. All that was before they had even met.

Ah... and yep, the FL got seriously injured while saving someone and was apparently in a coma for about a year before recovering (the recovery happened off screen, though... so you might imagine people like me going “WTH?” when she appeared in the next episode looking just fine o.O??). 


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13 hours ago, Chickpea said:

and SJ loses everything she says matters to her, the restaurant and her son.  That would be just too painful to watch, though, how KS would have literally sacrificed his entire life for YS.  My question is, why would his

But she does deserve a life in prison for practically killing another person. Only proving it in court will be almost impossible. 

I think they have tried to whitewash her by bringing in how awful her gold digging mother was. But killing a rival is much more vile than trapping a rich old man. Send her off to live in monastery to repent for the rest of her her life. 

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I wonder what the point of having YS kidnap? Do we need it?

I'm the odd one out I think because I like watching the sister in law and Mrs Choi scheming with each other. I just thought it's just amazing how could they go on like that for that long.  And it was so funny to see MinKyung hiding under the table and got caught by Mrs Choi :D


As for GS and YS status as now step sister and brother. What to do?


This writer is a fan of JaeHee since she keeps saying GS is handsome quite often lately. And yes, he is as GS hehe

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Surprise, surprise... 


If previously, there was nothing the law could do about the demon (re: YS’s mother’s death), it will sure have plenty to put her in jail now.


(Yes please).


She dug her own grave, can she just jump in already?


Young Shin now knows who her father is, and by tomorrow, so will Kyung Soo. People were joking that the Chairman would still be in the dark, at least until Friday. Jokes aside... we’ll see how this will go.



In the preview, Kyung Soo is looking for Young Shin in some obscure place. And I couldn’t help but notice that the person with him is Oh Bok...


It might not mean anything, of course... but I think we’ll always continue to be concerned about him until the end, thanks to that original plot that was presented only in languages other than Korean...


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4 hours ago, bluesappir said:

In the preview, Kyung Soo is looking for Young Shin in some obscure place. And I couldn’t help but notice that the person with him is Oh Bok...

He has always got on my nerves. Knowing the evil woman was manipulating DJ to do horrible things, he kept his mouth shut; knowing she was doing horrible things to YS, both of them were on the mother card; now he knew she is responsible for YS' disappearance, he is thumping this and that. Just go to the Chairman, he is the only one who could cut her down.

I think it's KS who's going to be eliminated if any character is leaving. OB is a minor character, his absence is not going to impact the plot much.


Thank goodness for Taxi driver, that is one invincible, decisive, loyal hero :yay:

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1 hour ago, maribella said:

Thank goodness for Taxi driver, that is one invincible, decisive, loyal hero :yay:

Taxi Driver, what a blast that was! It was one of the best dramas recently, and such a welcome escape when the sweet potato feast here was too much x_x Even in the AGS chat room, a couple people would joke that we should call the Rainbow Taxi on SJ :lol:  


Hehe, as much as I adore and tend to be protective of Kyung Soo, I do understand people being frustrated by him. I might understand where he’s coming from, but it doesn’t mean I don’t have my own moments where I think they tend to make the good guys struggle a bit too much over blood. 

(And to see either Young Shin or Kyung Soo sort of show their cards to the demon first is always a facepalm moment. At that point, of course people will joke that it’s the writer being forced to drag the story to fill up the 120 episodes... -.-;;)

For what it’s worth, if anyone does end up hurt in this story, my money is actually more on Kyung Soo than Oh Bok as well, especially if we’re talking plot here. I do think that he’ll be fine at the end... at least eventually. Guess we’ll know more tomorrow. 

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I haven't been on this forum for a while due to my busy work schedule so I'm not sure if it's been discussed but I just wanted to add a little perspective about why Kyung Soo has been struggling to destroy SJ even though she pretty much doesn't count as his mother in the ways that matter. Even though I'm not Korean and can't speak in depth about this but after years of watching their dramas, I've noticed that bloodline is a very important aspect of the culture. I remember my first observation of this was in the drama "Creating Destiny" starring Eugene, where the elders were very opposed to the idea of the marriage between the main leads because Eugene's character was adopted and her family had not notified them prior to the engagement ceremony. I remember the main leads eventually overcame it but it took a lot of drama and back and forth between the elders for them to finally accept, it almost seemed like they begrudgingly accepted it. I find that this drama hasn't been the worst I've seen with this plot (the idea that someone isn't defined by their blood ties) just by the fact that they've been playing around with the idea that YS and GS have fallen in love with each-other and may potentially end up together after all these obstacles. Considering that KS' mom murdered YS' mom, the dramatics surrounding that haven't been that much considering how much of an obstacle this would be in reality, I don't know if KS good character and him raising YS maybe softened the blow of the gravity of SJ's crime and maybe that was the reason his father dropped off YS with him from the very beginning. He knew what SJ did to rise up the ranks and again, the idea of bloodline, lead him to drop YS off to his son as a form of penance. Little did he know, that instead of punishment, it was a blessing to bring her into KS' life. In many ways she has made KS' life richer at a time when he was very depressed and closed off to others. Bloodline is so emphasized in Korean culture that it makes sense as to why KS had misgivings about quickly exposing his mother because the type of parents a child is born into is seen as destiny, whether good or bad. So essentially, culturally speaking, since bloodlines are seen as a major part of identity, it's viewed as his tragic fate to carry on the burden of his mother's misdeeds and pay for his mother's sins. Another example of the weight of bloodline in Korean culture is the difficulty of the adoption process in Korea because there's so much emphasis on your biological roots, people don't want to "taint" their family name by bringing in a person with a questionable bloodline. I find this very prejudiced but there's the belief if you have a criminal in your family tree the inclination to be a criminal might be higher in you as a result of the blood ties. I've seen this expressed in other cultures as well, like the caste system in India. I would say more on the subject but I'm not Korean, I'm an outsider, so I don't want to jump to erroneous assumptions based on my observations of Kdrama plot-lines, which can themselves be inaccurate of social mores/taboos due to their fictional nature. 



Also I agree that I think something will happen to KS, I think it's the writers way of making it possible for him to be with YS. Again playing around with the idea that there has to be some sort of penance for what SJ did to YS and the Chairman; unfortunately it's gonna have to be him to pay the price since SJ doesn't seem like she'll ever be humbled. She looks like she's mentally spiralling downward and incapable of it at this point. By him getting injured in some way, they will make it seem acceptable that YS and KS end up together, since he's lost so much; it will probably make it more acceptable to those around them in those circumstances. I wonder if they're gonna use his potential accident/injury as a way to bring down SJ, maybe it will reveal that somewhere in her dark soul, she truly loves her son even though I personally find it too late for her to make any amends. I also find it difficult for the chairman to accept their relationship once he fully discovers the extent of SJ's villainy but again, he might die of a heart attack before he can have a say on the matter, who knows what direction they will take this story at this point with only just a couple weeks left?

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CSJ is an actual sociopath, like hands down. Most drama villains are actually evil or selfish. CSJ is just a robotic mess. There's no feelings inside her for her husband, her nephew, her own son even. All she cares about is power, she's so drunk on her own hubris that she can't see how crazy she actually is. She just manipulates others by using her story about the rape/being forced to have KS for money and then the rest of the time she just wanders emotionlessly thinking of how she HAS to be the best (despite knowing that she possesses no talents).


I hope that maybe the whole kidnapping YS incident will set KS straight on his priorities and realize that he needs to stop distancing himself from YS, that life is too fragile to let others opinions get in the way of their mutual happiness. Of course, as others have said, the whole "pay for your parents sins" noble idiocy will probably kick in instead and leave us with more angst till the end haha.



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8 hours ago, bluesappir said:

And to see either Young Shin or Kyung Soo sort of show their cards to the demon first is always a facepalm moment. At that point, of course people will joke that it’s the writer being forced to drag the story to fill up the 120 episodes... -.-;;)

Aren't there ever? I'm ffwding this show a lot to get the story, and even so the number times YS and KS have been confronting evil woman with 'their cards' are already many.  Are they idiots? Or plain suicidal? The woman is a murderer- she killed your mother YS.  Most people of normal IQ would work at getting her out of their lives ASAPnbut the evil witch is still running the office?

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