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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2021] The Rebel Princess上阳赋


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1 hour ago, Nelly Lauw said:

I just notice the  new preview of "Briliant heart like jade" starred by tang sony yun /seven Tan and wallace. The actress played Su Jin Er is in the drama too ,if anyone miss her, can watch the drama tomo LOL

Oh nooo, I need to recover psychologically first lmao.


Btw I see on weibo a lof of girls do Xiao Qi's hair-doB) 

He really is a trendsetter! 


**sorry for spamming guys, last one before the finale airing I promise, :lol:



Update ! OMG OMG writers hear our prayers :wub:


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1 hour ago, Jolie Bijoux said:

Oh nooo, I need to recover psychologically first lmao.


Btw I see on weibo a lof of girls do Xiao Qi's hair-doB) 

He really is a trendsetter! 


**sorry for spamming guys, last one before the finale airing I promise, :lol:



Update ! OMG OMG writers hear our prayers :wub:



I would have liked to see the twins or baby, sigh but I'll take what I can get. A  deserved happy ending for Xiao Qi and Awu!


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Spoilers for 64...



-Lots of rumors floating around the capital that XQ is asking Zitan for “九锡之礼” – which roughly translates to Gift of 9 Tins: not a Chinese history major but basically this was the highest rite of passage/set of gifts that an Emperor would bestow on a minister, and usually means whoever gets the gift can potentially take the throne – so essentially rumors about XQ possibly overthrowing the monarchy

-Minster Wen and all the other subjects are going crazy about this rumor (because then it validates that Han people, such as XQ, can be considered as equal or better than nobles – what classist RickRoll'D)

-Minister Wen begs Awu to tell XQ not to ask for this gift

-Awu ain’t stupid (thank god!!!) and knows that these are false rumors; someone is deliberately fanning the flames to cause unrest – BUT WHO???

-Wang Su knows that Su Jin’s baby is NOT Zitan’s; he promises to keep Su Jin’s secret if she helps him get the Emperor’s Royal Stamp (Royal Stamp is an important artifact? representation? of the throne; if you have it, you can become Emperor. Sorta like have Thor’s hammer, become Thor)

-Zitan is a useless tater tot; he’s just been getting drunk and not caring about ruling or doing anything remotely caring for his empire

-Su Jin steals the Royal Stamp during one of his drunken stupors and gives it to Daddy Wang

-Daddy Wang says House of Gu has lost their influence; Gu Cai Wei is NOT a good marriage match for Wang Su

-Wang Su somehow gets his hands on incriminating letters between Zitan and HZ that shows they coordinated the attack on XQ and framed him for Zilong’s death

-Wang Su shows these letters to General Song, Daddy Wang tells General Song to take these letters to XQ because XQ still trusts General Song and will believe him if he takes these letters to him

-Awu asks XQ once again, does he have to take revenge? What if the person that accused him was her brother? Someone close to him? XQ’s too perceptive and knows she’s hiding something. He asks her what’s up babe? Tell me what’s on your mind, don’t keep it all in. She was about to tell him WHEN GODDAMN Aunt Xu (the maid) stopped her!!!!

-Aunt Xu said that in a few days, it will be the death anniversary of General Princess (Awu’s mom) and she wants to go clean Ci’an Temple in preparation of the memorial ceremony

-Aunt Xu discovers Jing’er and Daddy Wang hiding in Ci’an Temple

-Daddy Wang tells General Song to kill Aunt Xu because if she reports back to XQ that Daddy Wang is alive and with General Song, then XQ will know something is afoot!

-Aunt Xu is killed by General Song :(

-Awu worries for Aunt Xu as she hasn’t returned home yet; Awu and XQ go look for her at Ci’an Temple but can’t find and instead discovers that Wang Su has been living at the temple


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Spoilers for 65....



-Nun at Ci’an Temple says that even though Wang Su has been living there, she has been hearing baby cries; Wang Su denies it

-XQ becomes suspicious and tells his trusty General Tang to personally investigate Wang Su

-Wang Su is really sad about Aunt Xu’s death and tries to confront Daddy Wang about it – but Daddy Wang just said he did what he had to and now General Song is forever on their side because he killed an innocent person

-Aunt Xu’s body is found; epic crying from Awu in front of her grave

-XQ tells Awu that evidence points to Wang Su having been involved in her death (he was at the temple during time of her death); Awu is in disbelief and says that’s not possible and XQ asks, are you sure it’s 100% not possible? And Awu has no answer… XQ said even if it wasn’t Wang Su who killed her, Wang Su is certainly not innocent. Awu remains in denial.

-Awu asks Wang Su to come to their mother’s grave and confronts him for the truth – did he kill Aunt Xu, what is he plotting, etc. He denies all and just says that he’s doing everything that he needs for the Wang family, that he would never hurt her. He warns her to go back to Ningshou with XQ.

-Awu and XQ discuss what they think it means that Wang Su is warning them to leave Cheng (the capital). It’s because Wang Su wants to protect them, that something is about to happen in the capital. Currently, there’s only stability because XQ and his 100000 soldiers are in the capital; if they leave, RickRoll'D will hit the fan.

-Su Jin gives birth to a boy

-Zitan is sooo happy but quickly realizes the baby is not premature and gets confirmation from the royal doctor that the baby is NOT his

-Zitan confronts Su Jin; Zitan was gonna have her locked away

-But Awu came at the right moment and tells Zitan to give Su Jin to her to deal with; them two have unfinished business and Zitan’s like sure, whatever

-Su Jin and Awu have it out and Awu ends up forgiving Su Jin; Awu gives Su Jin her baby and tells her that she’s arranged everything for her to live a safe life

-General Song and Yu Xiu finally go visit Awu and XQ

-General Song apologies to XQ for that day confronting him at the border of the capital, says that no matter how much the nobles try to separate them, they will always be brothers – what a bunch of bullllllcrap

-General Song says he been investigating what happened at the cliff; he gives XQ the incriminating letters


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Spoilers for 66...



-XQ and his troops are about to heat out to confront Zitan; Awu stops him (!!!!!) and says that Zitan is the Emperor, that XQ needs to think more about it

-XQ finds out Awu knew beforehand; she tries to justify that she was just trying to keep the peace of the country (to prevent the General from confronting the Emperor)

-XQ tells his troops to protect Awu and keep her in the house; Awu tells him stop, that they need to talk and HE IGNORES HER (AND I DON’T BLAME HIM. GURL, YOU EARNED THAT DISTASTE AND DISAPPOINTMENT.)

-I SUPREMELY DO NOT LIKE AWU AT THIS POINT. We get a long scene of her changing clothes (but she’s already in an outfit????) – you DO NOT deserve this extra screen time.

-XQ storms the palace, looking like the beefcake he is

-XQ reveals it was the king that set up what happened at the cliff; the court subjects deny it!

-Meanwhile, Awu tries to leave the house…and the guards let her??? Because she pulled out a sword and pointed at him and said who dares stop me???? This made no sense.

-Daddy Wang is super happy – everything is happening as he planned – XQ is confronting Zitan, which gives him the opportunity to take the throne

-Back at the palace, Minister Wen is like, don’t care if these accusations are real, XQ shouldn’t have taken troops into the palace (okay whatever??!) and are trying to convince him to give up

-XQ says shut up, I’m here for my sweet sweet justice

-Zitan admits in front of everyone it was he who plotted it all

-XQ goes to kill Zitan; XQ says that once he kills him, he will take his army and go back to Ningshou

-Awu shows up at this moment (ughhhhh)-She stands in front of Zitan to protect him – she says some hurtful things to XQ, saying that if he proceeds to kill the king, then he will always be just a bluebood warlord

-XQ moves past her and chops off the chair (instead of Zitan); he tells his troops to bring the bodies of his dead comrades home to Ningshou and they leave the palace

-As XQ is leaving the capital, XQ and Awu share a knowing look and WE GET A FLASHBACK to their prior conversation – this was ALL AN ACT to “show” XQ bringing his army back to Ningshou in order to tease out the ultimate manipulator that’s been plotting everything – it was all a SHOWWWW! IT’S OKAY EVERYONE – AWU AND XQ WERE PLOTTING – she is not a sucky potato that’s just protecting the lineage of the monarchy. XQ tells Hu Yao to stay to protect Awu.

-Yu Xiu tell Awu that General Song has been acting weird lately, could it be that he’s hiding something from Awu and XQ? Oh, Yu Xiu you are too precious.

-Wang Su asks Daddy Wang what should they do now? Daddy Wang says there’s no going back, only going forward

-Awu confronts Zitan – it’s a lot of crying and walking down memory lane – at one point, Zitan asks how about I give the throne to XQ? Awu rejects it.

-Zitan again offers up the throne to baby Jing’er and Awu just asks Zitan to man up and take responsibility for the country

-Daddy Wang reveals to Empress Dowager that he’s alive



Spoilers for 67...



-Empress Dowager finds out Jing’er is still alive – Daddy Wang says that in return for Jing’er’s safety, Empress Dowager must support his ascension to the throne (and overthrow Zitan)

-Daddy Wang is ready to steal the throne!

-Before he does so, Daddy Wang tells his trusty steward to take care of (aka kill) baby Jing’er – Daddy Wang says Ma offsprings cannot live and Wang Su overhears

-General Song heads off towards the palace with his troops to start the rebellion; Yu Xiu tries to stop him but he disregards her because he is human trash and just greedy for power

-Yu Xiu’s maids report to Awu that General Song has started to make his rebellious move!

-Wang Su knocks out the steward and saves baby Jing’er! Yay! The steward is happy about it. I guess, at heart, he ain’t no baby killer.

-Awu heads toward the palace and confronts Empress Dowager – she guessed correctly that Empress Dowager is colluding with her brother to take the throne (but she doesn’t realize it’s for Daddy Wang!)

-Daddy Wang (using the name of Wang Su) calls all the Ministers to Ci’an Temple and reveals himself to be alive!

-Daddy Wang says that before the old Emperor died, he wrote a secret edict that said, “ugh, some evil people plotted against me, I leave the throne to Wang Lin”

-Minister Wen calls RickRoll'D, but Daddy Wang says, how can the edict be fake???? Check out that ROYAL STAMP on the edict! (…the Royal Stamp that Wang Lin stole earlier via Su Jin)

-Ministers try to leave but General Song’s troops stop them

-One by one, all the noble families recognize Daddy Wang to be Emperor – except Minster Wen, who tries to stay strong!

-Some scenes must’ve been cut because now all ministers are back the palace and they see themselves surrounded by General Song’s troops, but the palace doors remain closed

-FINALLY, WE SEE XQ BACK ON SCREEN! His troops are awaiting word from Hu Yao to move to stop the rebels…

-Meanwhile, General Song prepares to storm the palace but Yu Xiu appears and begs him to stop and not be a traitor, that all can be forgiven, that it’s not too late – BUT GENERAL SONG IS TRASH and he fires an arrow at Yu Xiu and tells her he has no way back, he tells her to leave…and she JUMPS TO HER DEATH :(


-Fighting ensues between loyal palace guards and General Song’s rebels

-General Song’s troops storm the palace but we see XQ’s army on the wayyyy!!!!

-Meanwhile, Awu goes to help Zitan escape via that secret tunnel she once used; but nooo! That tunnel has since been infiltrated and they must find another way.

-Hu Yao and Pang Gui and some troops get confronted by General Song’s troops – Hu Yao is hurt but she continues to fight AND GENERAL SONG IS THE WORSE TRASH AND KILLS HER

-Empress Dowager dies – I guess all the stress got to her? She got dressed, walked out the door and just died.

-Zitan refuses to escape and goes sit on the throne


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Spoilers for 68 - The End!



-Zitan refuses to escape but he also doesn’t want to die at the hands of rebels, so he asks Awu to kill him when the time comes – at the very least, this allows him to preserve the dignity of the throne (Sure? I guess?)

-Rebel surround them!

-Trashy General Song appears, makes some sorta trashy speech about how if XQ can bring troops into the court, so can he. Zitan asks, who really is behind this mess?

-Daddy appears! Gotta say, Awu doesn’t look as surprised as I would’ve expected for someone seeing their father walk into the court, wearing his full king gear – sparkly blingy embroidered kingly dress and all

-Daddy Wang sits on the throne; Zitan screams and makes a fuss, which really goes against his whole initial idea of looking cool to preserve the dignity of the throne

-Finally, Awu confronts Daddy Wang

-Awu says this throne doesn’t belong to him, but Daddy Wang makes a counter argument that Zitan is not suited, Jing’er is missing – Daddy Wang must take the throne in order to protect the country and keep it stable

-Awu threatens to kill herself in front of her father – she asks, do you want your daughter’s life or do you want the throne?

-Oh Daddy Wang – he spills sweet sweet sweet lies and takes the sword from Awu

-THEN TRASHY GENERAL SONG CONTINUES TO TRASH AND STABS DADDY WANG IN THE BACK – OMG, Daddy Wang I feel so bad for you! You shouldn’t have been stabbed by TRASH!

-THEN TRASHY GENERAL SONG takes a page from lovesick Zitan and says “what XQ had, I will have and what XQ never had, I will have.” He kneels in front of Awu, calls her Awu and TELLS HER TO BE HIS EMPRESS!

-Awu slaps him!

-XQ to the rescue! An arrow flies into TRASHY SONG and Ningshou Army is here!

-XQ and TRASHY SONG confront each other; XQ reveals that he always knew that General Song was rebelling – XQ just needed to find out who he was working for.

-TRASHY Song dies and his parting words to XQ are, “Take me home to Ningshou, brother. I don’t want to stay in the capital and I don’t want to come here any more.” XQ cries but to be honest, I didn’t feel sad for TRASHY SONG because he did sooooo many bad stuff leading up to this moment and it was just…very anticlimactic

-A look is shared between Awu and XQ

-Awu finds her father, he tells her it doesn’t matter whether he lives as long as she’s alive, that’s all that matters. They hug and talk a bit. He tells Awu once he dies, he’s willing to be buried with Awu’s mother. Daddy Wang tells Awu to go find XQ and Wang Su – he wants to talk to them. But once Awu walks away, he dies.

-Gu Cai Wei is with Wang Su

-Awu and XQ prepare to leave the capital; they have Yu Xiu’s kid

-Zitan gives up the throne, baby Jing’er is named the heir – under XQ’s advisement, Ningshou Army + two other split into three regions to oversee government to keep stability (presumably until Jin’er can assume power) – this part I didn’t hear so clearly, so perhaps I’m wrong!

-QX and Awu are living in the Ningshou grasslands with a bunch of adopted orphans.

-Awu is pregnant!

-The last scene is of all the children playing that map game that Awu played as a kid – she wants to teach them how to be good citizens for the country


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@pewpew mew Thank you so much for the detailed spoilers. The ending was not as bad as I was expecting. What we wanted all along...XQ & Awu planning things together instead of going against one another...we finally got it near the end!


They truly destroyed Song in the last 2 episodes! Did they need to go so far. Killed Yuxiu himself that *** :sweat:


So then HZ did die in Hulan then? And what happened to Zitan finally?? He escaped or died at the hand of some rebel? 

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Song’s dying moment was very very sad. I cried :dissapointed_relieved: I felt sad for him and everyone who cared about him particularly Xiao Qi. He had changed so drastically.  As much as he wanted power and recognition, he was not happy, he was not happy with what he was doing. Hence, the request to go back to Ningshuo and never to come back to Jing Cheng again. So sad....

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40 minutes ago, pewpew mew said:

Spoilers for 68 - The End!


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-Zitan refuses to escape but he also doesn’t want to die at the hands of rebels, so he asks Awu to kill him when the time comes – at the very least, this allows him to preserve the dignity of the throne (Sure? I guess?)

-Rebel surround them!

-Trashy General Song appears, makes some sorta trashy speech about how if XQ can bring troops into the court, so can he. Zitan asks, who really is behind this mess?

-Daddy appears! Gotta say, Awu doesn’t look as surprised as I would’ve expected for someone seeing their father walk into the court, wearing his full king gear – sparkly blingy embroidered kingly dress and all

-Daddy Wang sits on the throne; Zitan screams and makes a fuss, which really goes against his whole initial idea of looking cool to preserve the dignity of the throne

-Finally, Awu confronts Daddy Wang

-Awu says this throne doesn’t belong to him, but Daddy Wang makes a counter argument that Zitan is not suited, Jing’er is missing – Daddy Wang must take the throne in order to protect the country and keep it stable

-Awu threatens to kill herself in front of her father – she asks, do you want your daughter’s life or do you want the throne?

-Oh Daddy Wang – he spills sweet sweet sweet lies and takes the sword from Awu

-THEN TRASHY GENERAL SONG CONTINUES TO TRASH AND STABS DADDY WANG IN THE BACK – OMG, Daddy Wang I feel so bad for you! You shouldn’t have been stabbed by TRASH!

-THEN TRASHY GENERAL SONG takes a page from lovesick Zitan and says “what XQ had, I will have and what XQ never had, I will have.” He kneels in front of Awu, calls her Awu and TELLS HER TO BE HIS EMPRESS!

-Awu slaps him!

-XQ to the rescue! An arrow flies into TRASHY SONG and Ningshou Army is here!

-XQ and TRASHY SONG confront each other; XQ reveals that he always knew that General Song was rebelling – XQ just needed to find out who he was working for.

-TRASHY Song dies and his parting words to XQ are, “Take me home to Ningshou, brother. I don’t want to stay in the capital and I don’t want to come here any more.” XQ cries but to be honest, I didn’t feel sad for TRASHY SONG because he did sooooo many bad stuff leading up to this moment and it was just…very anticlimactic

-A look is shared between Awu and XQ

-Awu finds her father, he tells her it doesn’t matter whether he lives as long as she’s alive, that’s all that matters. They hug and talk a bit. He tells Awu once he dies, he’s willing to be buried with Awu’s mother. Daddy Wang tells Awu to go find XQ and Wang Su – he wants to talk to them. But once Awu walks away, he dies.

-Gu Cai Wei is with Wang Su

-Awu and XQ prepare to leave the capital; they have Yu Xiu’s kid

-Zitan gives up the throne, baby Jing’er is named the heir – under XQ’s advisement, Ningshou Army + two other split into three regions to oversee government to keep stability (presumably until Jin’er can assume power) – this part I didn’t hear so clearly, so perhaps I’m wrong!

-QX and Awu are living in the Ningshou grasslands with a bunch of adopted orphans.

-Awu is pregnant!

-The last scene is of all the children playing that map game that Awu played as a kid – she wants to teach them how to be good citizens for the country


Thank you for the lovely episode summaries.Life came back full circle for Awu.Liked the ending of a 2nd chance for Awu to relive her childhood of living happily amidst innocent children in safety as she awaits to rebuild her new family.She can finally lay her burdens to rest and be at peace.


No sympathies for General Song as he killed his comrade in arms in cold blood.He and Wang Lin didn't deserve the merciful farewell from people who loved and had good wishes for them.


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1 hour ago, The.Lannister said:

@pewpew mew Thank you so much for the detailed spoilers. The ending was not as bad as I was expecting. What we wanted all along...XQ & Awu planning things together instead of going against one another...we finally got it near the end!


They truly destroyed Song in the last 2 episodes! Did they need to go so far. Killed Yuxiu himself that *** :sweat:


So then HZ did die in Hulan then? And what happened to Zitan finally?? He escaped or died at the hand of some rebel? 


@The.Lannister never see HZ again. guess he died in Hulan saving awu. 


zitan gave up the throne. he went back to the mausoleum, i think. either way, he just left and gave it all up. we dont see him get killed or die. oh well. 


i mostly felt bad for hu yaos death. she was amazing til the end, but was just killed like that. we didnt even get a mouring scene for her, which im sure was cut. 

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