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Han Hyo Joo 한효주 - [FIN: Happiness (2021) || NEXT: ThePirates: Goblin Flag (Jan 2022)]


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The so-called shipping wars are brought on by a single unbalanced individual, and both Jongjoo and Darling shippers have spent way too much time trying to deal with this issue. I can only speak for Jongjoo shippers, but most of us do NOT want any argument with anybody, and we are hyper aware of and distressed by the invasion of privacy and the antagonism this one individual is causing. As we are serious fans of Hyo Joo, we just want her to be happy with whoever she herself chooses, and to be free of antagonism and harassment.

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Thanks @frozentundra for the explanation. I don't particularly care for LJS or shipping in general, as I am a HHJ fan first and foremost, but seeing all the unnecessary drama and hate brought upon HHJ caused by shipping wars frankly sucks richard simmons. I can't even look up her name on IG without seeing posts on JongJoo le sigh lol

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@ohnoitscindy Many, many, many people who started out as JS fans came to love HJ and today are absolutely her fans as much as you are. And come over all prickly when they see her threatened.


I am not much for shipping in general, either. I have never been the slightest bit interested in what actors do in their private lives, as long as they can produce a believable movie or drama. I don't care if they are my favorite actors of if they look good on screen together (because that alone doesn't constitute a relationship to me). But I have never seen any two people connect like that or look that happy together as I saw LJS and HHJ off script. So if he is someone who makes her that happy, then I am all for it. If at some point there is someone else who makes her even happier than that, then I'll support that at that time. After all, it's her life and her choice who she picks--not ours. But there is definitely a line you don't cross when it comes to one's staff, personal friends, family, etc, and to have someone blast through all of those private areas and do it while claiming to be a fan...well, it makes me ill.

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Hmm, it's true that it's hard to look her up anywhere without seeing Joongjoo thus I stopped searching and just go to her FB fan pages mostly if I'm curious and want updates lol, so I'm not aware of any shipping war, but I ain't surprised. I as well don't care much for shipping and I have always stanned individual talents not tandems. I just hope her true fans would be levelheaded enough when it comes to shipping though, most importantly to not disrespect the other party. Whatever you do in the name of your bias would most likely come back to your bias and not to you, fans. Actually, there's nothing I find more dumb than shipping wars. Fan wars i can understand  bec there will always be competition. But fans fighting over "imaginary" couples? Plus you have to admit that in these cases the actresses are more vulnerable to hatred, compared to the actors involved. So just spread love Hyolics lol. 


Anyway, thanks for the updates. Really cannot wait to see HHJ and KDW onscreen. 

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Yeah, RPF shipping is kind of weird to me? I get shipping characters but when it bleeds over onto the actors themselves it seems like an invasion of privacy as we don't truly know them as people, only the characters they portray. But I know that's not gonna stop people lol As long as it's harmless fun and not so serious that it interferes with the actors' lives... 


But I can totally acknowledge that the JongJoo couple has introduced and strengthened the support Hyo Joo is getting internationally, which always makes me happy and proud as a Hyolic. The JongJoo thread is definitely a lot more livelier than this thread with updates, haha. But just... be mindful of one's own actions lol. 


Can't wait for KDW-HHJ either! Really hope they go all out on promotion to make up for the absolute radio silence we've had to face for the past half year lol.


Anyways, some Thine adverts





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After hearing her voice I actually realized that I missed her onscreen, more than I thought lol. If I had to choose the best thing abt her, it is her voice, and the best thing abt her as an actress is her skill in delivery using it. I just love actors with beautiful voices,  and who are wonderful at using theirs as an emotional tool. 


Yes, waiting for an all-out promotion, too, Running Man, 1N2D, promotions overseas maybe and most importantly, photo shoots!


Sometimes I wonder why I still come here when social media has become the most effective way to promote and spread the HHJ love lol but I guess this is where it began. @ohnoitscindy thanks for keeping the thread alive!

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I really love her voice, too. Maybe because I'm learning Korean and focusing on listening harder than usual, but I really notice people's voices these days. One of the things that makes me drop dramas is if the lead actress is shrieky. So it's not a good way to describe a positive attribute, but HJ's inherent "not-annoying" voice is definitely a plus. Love her speaking, love her singing, too.

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Maybe because I get attracted to a voice first of, like my musician husband has a great speaking and singing voice, but same, I've found myself dropping films and dramas, too, if I don't like the voice acting lol. I remember how great Hyojoo was in Cold Eyes, her voice acting added a lot of tension to what was happening. And then there was her granny voice in Love Lies. 

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Han Hyojoo's record. The youngest among the big names (actresses) in Chungmuro.



Thank you to the source. CTTO.


BUT my question is, when is she going to act with any of them ladies above? Oh, her cameo in My Dear Enemy with Jeon Doyeon does not count although that was great. I'd probably want her to work with Kim Hyesoo the most because I loved their interactions in the past and they have different auras as actresses.

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HJ update:



“2 Days & 1 Night” celebrated their 10th year anniversary with a “10th Year Anniversary Awards” on the October 22 broadcast of the show.
The awards were voted by the viewers and the members had to guess who came in first place in each category in order to win a bite of food. Actress #HanHyoJoo came in first place for the Best Goddess Award, with #ChoiJiWoo in second, #ParkBoYoung in third, #KimHaNeul in fourth, and Shinji in fifth place.


(credits to hanhyojoo.joo for the caption)

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That is such a beautiful picture of her. I get it that she would rather put the spotlight on what she is seeing or thinking about than on endless selcas, but once in a while it's nice to see a current picture of her just looking like herself. I love it!


So, a question--I saw all of the pictures from the recent Harper's Bazaar photoshoot, but was there ever any interview with it? Just curious.

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I just posted this over in Lee Jong-seok's forum, but I thought I would post it here as well! It's the interview they both did with Dazed Magazine a year ago.






Dazed Magazine // Legend of the Fall // October 2016
Interview translated by Bah+Doo


After the drama W ended, we had a very private moment with Han Hyo-joo and Lee Jong-suk in Tokyo.


How was today’s pictorial? You had a lot to overcome since you are wearing thick clothes on a hot day. 
Hyo-joo I heard Korea is already in Fall weather… I enjoyed the last bit of summer here.
Jong-seok Even though it was warm, I enjoyed it.


It has been a while since you two have seen each other since the drama [W] ended, how do you feel?
Hyo-joo We were together all the time during filming, it is the first time to see each other since the finale.
Jong-seok That is true. It has been 2 weeks!


You both have a deep connection with Tokyo. Jong-seok is very popular in Japan, you even had a fan meeting until late last night, and Hyo-joo, last year you shot the movie MIRACLE: Devil Claus’ Love and Magicwith Masaki Aiba in Japan. What is your impression of this country every time you visit?
Hyo-joo First of all, I like it here because of the delicious food. I really like to visit good restaurants.
Jong-seok Right. I like this place because of the food too. Personally, I visited Tokyo when I was in high school as my first trip abroad. I like simple and quiet towns like this.
Hyo-joo I like to be a traveler somewhere not that far away from Seoul.


The drama W was a success. The critics said the drama ventured into a new genre, a fantasy drama, so I guess it would be remembered as a special drama for actors in the drama as well.
Hyo-joo Because the theme and script themselves were very fresh and new, it was meaningful to me personally and I guess it was interesting to the audience for the same reason. I was very tired because we had a lot of overnight or all-day shoots due to the drama production system, however, it made me focused on the drama. Because I spent a lot of time at the site, I was able to focus more on the drama without realizing it. I became even closer to the staff members, so when it was done, I really felt sad.
Jong-suk Noona (Hyo-joo) was sorry to say goodbye. It was my honor to work on a good project together.


Did you have any hardship?
Hyo-joo We started the drama semi pre-produced with the script up to the 10th episode. Because we didn’t shoot the drama chronologically from the 1st episode to the 8th, I had to memorize a lot of dialogue each day. It was difficult for me at the beginning.
Jong-suk Agreed. Too much dialogue to memorize… (laughs)
Hyo-joo I always had my script in my hands even when I was taking a break.
Jong-suk Right. It was too much to read it at once. After practicing the dialogues from episode 1 to 4, everyone was knocked out.
Hyo-joo However, it was great to have enough time to prepare.


I guess you had many interesting incidents since Kang Chul and Oh Yeon-joo in the drama went back and forth between the real and the fantasy world. Do you have memorable episodes?
Hyo-joo We had a lot of time and space jumps in the drama, the scenes where we time jumped two months forward or night became day were memorable for me. I honestly thought it would be easy with the help of computer graphics, but I was surprised to see them actually shoot a still scene every second and stitch them together afterward. It was more of an analog way. Something like taking a 30-min night scene, then taking the day scene at the same location the next day, then run the 1-hour scene very fast. It was less than 30 seconds in the drama, but we spent 1 hour in two different days to complete the scene.
Jong-seok I entered into the comic world after saying, ‘I summon myself into the comic world!’ and it was nighttime in that world, but daytime in the real world (laughs). It was hectic because the drama was running so spectacularly.


Maybe because of those underlying efforts, such a well-made drama was created. What is your secret for the good chemistry you two had?
Hyo-joo I think it is because we communicated a lot.
Jong-seok Because the project was difficult, I personally wasn’t sure if my emotional line was the correct one. That is why I had to ask someone closest to me, and I relied on Hyo-joo noona a lot. Especially, I was following Kang Chul’s emotional line well until the moment on episode 9 when Kang Chul’s memory was reset after saying “Oh Yeon-joo, please forget about me.” I had to think a lot and asked for advice from noona for how to express Kang Chul after his memory was reset.
Hyo-joo Usually, actors don’t ask each other how was his/her acting, but Jong-seok enthusiastically asked me about his acting, which was impressive.
Jong-seok People usually say it’s okay even if it wasn’t good, but noona gave me her honest opinion (laughs). Therefore, when noona’s response was lukewarm then I thought ‘Ah, it wasn’t that good.’
Hyo-joo I didn’t want to answer roughly.


The comradery of actors?
Hyo-joo I just wanted to tell him honestly. Actually, I asked him a few times as well.

What did he say?
Hyo-joo He is pretty honest as well. When we take one scene three times, he told me “The second time was better, noona” (laughs).


Of course, communication is always very important. Do you have anything to hope for each other as actors?
Jong-seok Before I met her in this drama when I thought of an image of the actress Han Hyo-joo, the quiet image of her was dominant. A feeling of somewhat sad and tragic love? I was surprised because she was so bright when I actually met her. My wish is for her to take parts in projects that can shine that side of her.
Hyo-joo In my point of view, Jong-suk has many advantages as an actor. He has the potential to be a good actor in the future, but it is pitiful that he himself feels nervous and worries so much about it. I think he doesn’t believe that he is a powerful and good actor more than he thinks of himself. I wish he becomes more relaxed towards acting. He is already doing well!


Heart warming conversations between you two. You have nicknames like ‘Man jjit nam’ and ‘Man jjit yeo’ (a man/woman came out of a comic book).
Jong-suk Knock it off. Aren’t those words made by the PR agency?
Hyo-joo I like good comments on the project or our acting better, rather than those comments.
Jong-suk Agreed. They control our moods.
Hyo-joo When people say it was good, feel good, but when people say it was bad….
Jong-seok It feels rocky (or shaky).
Hyo-joo It feels tattered. But who doesn’t care about them?
Jong-seok No one.


I guess you feel great because this drama ended successfully. You have a break after a long time, what do you want to do the most?
Jong-seok I don’t think I can take a break for a while since my new project starts in 2 weeks. My role is a serial killer and I am distressful to show a new kind of psychopath which no one has ever seen before. I am thinking about it but I haven’t come up with a breakthrough idea yet.
Hyo-joo I am going to take a break for a while. Recently, for the first time, I had an idea of just resting without doing anything. I worked hard without any rest. Lately, I gradually realized the importance of resting.


It is okay to rest. I hope you have a nice time relaxing as a gift to yourself. Office workers (or Employees) have those moments every 3, 6, and 9 years.
Jong-seok Agreed.
Hyo-joo That is right because next year is my 12th year since my début.


We only have two more months for this year. What do you want to accomplish?
Jong-seok I haven’t done movies for a while and it is kind of scary to start a new project right after the drama. It is a difficult role but I want to accomplish it successfully, and I want to do the best acting job of my life…That is my wish for this year.
Hyo-joo I just let it go. I intentionally didn’t make a plan to focus on the thoughts coming into my head all time.


The best plan is no plan.
Hyo-joo & Jong-suk That is cool.


1 // All the clothes Han Hyo-joo and Lee Jong-suk wore here are by AllSaints, the blue sunglasses are by Vedi by Vedi Vero, Han Hyo-joo’s nail motif Juste un Clou ring and Lee Jong-suk’s Juste un Clou bracelet are all by Cartier.
2 // Jacket, knitwear, pants, and bag are all by Bottega Veneta, Juste un Clou and Love bracelets are all by Cartier
3 // Pink velvet shirts and high waist pants are all by Fayewoo, pink frame glasses are by Vedi by Vedi Vero, Pink gold Love Bracelet, Juste un Clou bracelet and Juste un Clou are all by Cartier.
4 // All the clothes and shoes that Han Hyo-joo and Lee Jong-suk wore here are by Bottega Veneta


Fashion Man Hyun Park, Jin Young Choi // Text Ruby Kim // Photography Yong Gyun Zoo // Hair Min Seon Kim(한효주), Hyun Mi(이종석) // Makeup Hee Young Seo(한효주), Seo Ha(이종석) // Styling Assistants Mi Hyun Kim(한효주), Ju Yeon Lee(이종석) // Location Jong Geun Park



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16 hours ago, frozentundra said:

Thanks, @V. I don't think that was ever posted here?

Your welcome! If anyone has any magazine interviews of Han Hyo Joo they want translated, let me know! Someone requested a Harpers Bazaar one, so we'll start working on that one next.

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4 minutes ago, V said:

Your welcome! If anyone has any magazine interviews of Han Hyo Joo they want translated, let me know! Someone requested a Harpers Bazaar one, so we'll start working on that one next.

Oh, thank you! She has had many, many interviews translated and posted in the Jongjoo shipper thread. But no one seems to know anything about the Harpers one.

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10 hours ago, frozentundra said:

Oh, thank you! She has had many, many interviews translated and posted in the Jongjoo shipper thread. But no one seems to know anything about the Harpers one.

Here is the link for the Harper Bazaar one:


It looks like it might be her most recent one?

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hello to everyone....excuse me i am so busy these days and i can't write comment here every day... but i just see new news in instagram... last day i saw new news that our love want to come back to 1N2D again !!!! is this right news ? she really want to play in 1N2D soon ???:o:o:lol:

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Here is the Harper's Bazaar Interview!




Harper’s Bazaar
September 29, 2017
October 2017 Edition
Editor Kim Ji-sun
Translated by Bah+Doo


The Cinema Angel Project hosted by BAZAAR and Burberry Korea supports the right to watch movies for those who don’t have a chance to watch movies. Han Hyo-joo became the Cinema angel of the year, who deeply agree’s with the quote “One movie can change your life.” Let’s meet different sides of this person who passes through the infinite world of movies as a movie fan and as an actress.


Last time I saw actress Han Hyo-joo was in the movie Love, Lies in 2016. It didn’t do well commercially, but Han Hyo-joo was very impressive in the movie. Unlike the nation’s heartthrob in Beauty Inside, her character in Love, Lies was not satisfied with love or desire, she was wavering because she could not control her own emotions due to her strong jealousy. It was a movie that showed her fresh and innocent image, which we believed dearly so we never questioned it wasn’t all she is. Soon I am sure we will be able to witness many different sides of her on-screen. She is waiting for the movie Golden Slumber, who she starred with Kang Dong-woon, to be premiered, and she is working on the movie In-rang with director Kim Ji-woon.


Han Hyo-joo is the 11th heroine of the Cinema Angel Project presented by BAZAAR and Burberry Korea. The pictorial starts with no make-up. When she had a request from the photographer that he/she wants to start this pictorial with her bare-faced picture, she removed her make-up and stood in front of the camera with only lotion (on her face). What was the reason that she suddenly looked attractive while we could catch a glimpse of her freckles and dark circles, while she demonstrated impressive concentration with a cool gaze?


“Really? I have more freckles recently. More dark circles as well. The first cut is my favorite as well. It resembles my motto of how I want to live my life recently. Live honestly. I think I wasn’t that honest. It doesn’t mean I was faking, but in terms of my emotions, I always suppress them a little. Now sometimes this kind of thoughts comes to my mind: be honest to my moment-to-moment emotions, like when I feel angry, get angry, when I feel sad, just be sad, if I like something, just like it.” Then when I asked her do you get angry when you are angry and do you cry when you are sad, she peeked back at her manager. “Yes, this person knows it well. (laughs)”


In the next scene, she has bobbed-hair. She said it was her first time to wear a bob since 2009. She became a totally different movie heroine with tiny gestures like her hand gesture or her eye glitter. Just like an omnibus movie where after the first episode ends you start a new episode in one movie. After the pictorial, she told us at the interview table. “Please pick pictures with an interesting face, a never before seen face, a new face. I kind of feel bored when I look at my face.” This was the reason that the interview with Han Hyo-joo went unexpectedly. We started to talk about boredom.


Why do you feel bored?
Because I see similar things all the time. You know there is an image that people want from me. It is not like I don’t like that. That is a large part of me and thankfully, I was loved a lot because of it. But now I started to feel a little bored of it. I am actually having a little slump. I think it is time to completely break my own image and show a new side of myself. I worked for a while, and everything I accumulated over time is also precious for me, but I think it is time to show something more than that. But I can’t figure out how to do it yet.


I think it is a very positive kind of slump. Are you trying anything in particular to change? 
I will try to live this way or that way. First of all, I changed my lifestyle. I used to be really alone when I was taking a break. When I don’t work, I was totally isolated, I didn’t want to meet anyone, I lived a quiet and almost boring life, and all of a sudden, I felt empty. To change the energy itself, I try to go out and meet people when I have any bit of time. I am going to go out after the interview.


What are you going to do?
I am just going to drink and hang out. (laughs)


Maybe the best way to completely break out of yourself the way you want is to meet a good project as an actress?
Right. But actually, I think I finally met it. I am lucky. I am working on the movie In-rang with director Kim Ji-woon, and I am still debating on whether I can do it or not. But breaking out of myself is not as easy as you may think. Therefore, after coming back from the film site, it is physically very tiring and I feel anxious as well. However, the reason I can say I was lucky is because, at the moment I felt I needed to change in some way, the movie In-rang came to me. If I didn’t do this project, I would not have been thinking about these things at all.


What kind of anticipations do you have in In-rang?
I am a little hesitant to talk about it because we are still filming it and not much about the movie is released. I will wait to discuss the details of the movie until it is about to première, then I can talk about it freely.


Instead, can you tell me something about the movie Golden Slumber, which is about to première?
While shooting the movie, I thought it was about the era we are living now. In this world, with a lot of out-of-bound things happening, should we live with common sense, should we live nicely, well yes, we should. (laughs) It is that kind of movie.


What can you say if you ask yourself the same question? Should we live with common sense?
It is very difficult to answer.


What kind of changes do you need as actress Han Hyo-joo?
My shortcoming as an actress is that I try too hard to do it well. When I start a new project, when a character is given to me, I push myself into a corner because I have this compulsion and sense of duty to do it well. That is why I am not fun to watch (or not fun to act with?). Feeling like just doing good enough. I have ups and downs where sometimes I fall into this bottomless pit, sometimes I do it too well, sometimes I feel like I am average. Maybe I can put it this way, I acted like a vegetable…? Therefore, now I really want to act with animal instinct.


Do you think having a profession as an actress makes you restrain yourself, suppress your feelings, and think rationally?
It is an entertainment profession. Instead, I think actors actually have to break them. It is strange to divide them, but it is a job that is exposed to others, I had to be careful with my behavior because I was afraid of being distorted or mistaken, and I was under pressure for the last 10 years. However, acting is a job where you have to express yourself. It is more explosive to feel the emotions as is and express it as well. I think that is where I was lacking.

“I liked the first cut the most. It resembles my motto, the way I want to live now. Live honestly. I think I wasn’t that honest before.”


As a professional, what kind of feelings do you have toward the profession of actor?
Love and hatred. (laughs) Really, love and hatred.


Everyone knows it is hard to be an actress in Korea. How do you experience this reality as an actress who works in the Korean movie industry?
It is pitiful since this chronic problem isn’t something that happened in the last 1-2 years and not improved at all. It is difficult to find attractive female characters (female characters that are not one-dimensional). Recently Mun So-ri sunbae made a movie about it. I am very thankful that I have sunbae’s who are not giving up and keep knocking down doors. I enjoyed the move Hidden Figures. I want to see more of those movies with attractive female characters. I wish those movies are loved by the general public and shown on many screens. When a movie with female leads fails commercially, people make rumors like, “Female lead movies are not commercially popular,” which greatly affect the next movies as well.


There are a lot of attractive women in real life, but it is regretful that female characters are described one-dimensionally in Korean movies. Have you found any attractive characters in recent movies?
Among actresses, I like Amy Adams. I liked her in Her, she looked empty and sensual in Nocturnal Animals, very sexy in American Hustle, and appeared very different in Arrival and Big Eyes. I think she is incredible and at the same time, envious as well because she can express so many facets of herself. And I also thought while watching Old Boy again recently, it would be cool to play a female version of Yu Ji-tae. Don’t you think it would be super cool? A super cool villain, if I played that kind of character, I would have no regrets.


I think it would be refreshing if you played a part like that. 
It would be fun. I have asked around to see if I can get a role in any action movie before I get too old, but I haven’t gotten any yet. However, at the same time, getting old gave me more choices on acting roles as well. I am at the age where I can act woman with different stages of their career.


What do you wish for the most now?
Above all, I want to find what my true nature is. What do I really want, what is my real self after throwing away all my sense of duty, which unknowingly grows inside of me, and the desire to be seen as a nice person. I desperately want to know about myself. I don’t know the true me. Now I realize that people don’t know their true self until they die.


Once you know your true self, what if it is not good?
Well, then I have to work hard to be a good person again.


Maybe boredom is the exact emotion that Han Hyo-joo needs the most. Getting tired of something (the literal translation was infection = 염증) is a good source of inspiration, which makes people start something new.
Oh, that is a cool quote. Then I will just put it that way. (laughs)


I removed the images so it uploads faster. If anyone wants any other magazine interviews translated then hit us up in the comments at Bah+Doo!



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Thank you for the translations. This is a good and insightful interview. I've mentioned before abt Hyojoo breaking her image and I'm glad she actually talked abt that. I'm rooting for her. More importantly, I applaud her for mentioning yet again the lack of good female roles in cinema, the ones that get the support from major distribution companies. I hope she finds the role she's looking for even if she has to turn to independent productions. 

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