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Hyojoo and Bae Soo Bin reunion XD

Her favorite hyung! <3

Preview of the BH Ent. photoshoot for cancer awareness

She smacks Bae Soo Bin once he starts commenting on her Samsung VLUU dance :P

Then she starts doing some dorky dance and Bae Soo Bin joins XD

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sandixbabo, I partly agree with your point that SG changed after BL :( but I feel your thinking is being negative when judging him like that.

Don't misunderstand my idea. I just think that at first, SG WAS entertainer so of course BL is also one of the way for him to lobby and being more popular. In contrast, HJ is actress at first, rite? So she considers BL as her work, and just her work. In SG's case, he also think it's his work, but besides, he want to use it as his promotion rather than his work :)

And I think the "multitainer" job FORCES him to forget HJ like that :( I just want to think everything better in this way because in my eyes, SG's a talent multitainer, he could do all of his roles well, I like this. And maybe, just maybe, he doesn't want to be obsessed by Hwan too much that audience just remember him as Hwan, not Lee Seung Gi

Cindy, I think you also like SG b/c of his talent so I don't want to think he's bad like that. I just guess he has too many roles that he needs to complete so he has no time to remember BL although it's very famous and successful :) Moreover, he wants to do some next projects, many people think it's better to see the future, not the pass and maybe SG's this type that doesn't want to be sinked in success :D So, forget BL also means forget HJ :(

However, I still feel a bit disappoint to him b/c he's entertainer :( not a real singer or actor :( he just does some fan services for satisfying most of people and don't think of others' feelings :(

Ah, about 7 NGs of kissing scene in HP, if I'm not mistaken, it's revealed after HP is completed. Thus, I don't think those 7 NGs are just practice but it's really NOT GOOD scenes that HJ and JJ maybe made some mistakes when filming and they had to retake :D

And suddenly, our discussion makes me so sad. I know SeungJoo is impossible, but now feeling SG's change makes me really hopeless. Haizz, maybe I'm the type of person who is affected by films a lot :( I can't remember how many times I watch forth and back BL and how many times I find some fanmade vids about HwanSung :( It's my obsession :(

Maybe I should change to ship JaeJoo (oh I'm betrayer lol). Ah, yes, I've noticed the stuff you said. It's really like when I like SHK. In Autumn in my heart, I like to ship BinKyo (Wonbin). But until Full House, I change my love to BiKyo and now I'm confused rofl Just b/c I can't decide who is best for her (I say as if I'm SHK's mommy lol). And I don't know about you, but I'm fine when seeing my male idol is being with other females BUT there has to be ONE IMPORTANT CONDITION that she must be a good person :) For ex, I can't stand seeing Yunho is with Ah Ra *cry*

Yes, HJ is like Eun Sung so much but I think there are still some differences between them. I can't call the name of them but I feel this. Maybe HJ thinks she's not like Eun Sung b/c she can't be cheated as easily as Eun Sung lol

I know HJ's a talent actress but I have some vague feelings that not everyone admits this fact. I don't watch Spring Waltz so I don't know and can't judge but many people say that it's the worst film among the collection of 4 films about seasons :( And my friend says that she does not like the actress who usually shout out in the movie. In HP and BL, HJ seems to shout a lot :| I don't really know if it's true but I think the type of this actor/actress is very popular and makes people bored :( They want to see a new image of actress who can express her character's hurt inside :(

Ah, I know your natinality is quite the same as another and now, I understand clearly why your origin is as such :)

Hic, my close friend, also JJ's fan is crazy and richard simmons off when seeing the kiss scene in HP. She realize the scene is not filmed in light reflection as she expects. Now, it's launched very clearly and she can't accept it. Poor her, maybe her love for JJ is too strong to keep calm in front of it :)

OMGosh, the pictures of HJ's hair above is the clearest proof that she SHOULD let her hair curly a bit as she can. Two pics of her straighten hair is really really make me uncomfortable b/c it doesn't suit her at all :(

I'm making the tribute of HwanSung so plz wait for me, huh? :D

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YunKyo: I was never a really follower of Seung Gi and only found out about him through BL LOL

But judging from his singing scenes in BL, he's a pretty good singer! And I know about him being one of the MCs of 1N2D, but I've never watched it before.. Other than the first episode with Hyojoo in it ><

He does his job really well, even if he might not be one of the better looking entertainers.

Perhaps you're right about the way he thinks... I know Hyojoo is sort of like that too, the past is the past, but I know Eun Sung was very deep to her. I remember Hyojoo saying that she chose the role partly because of the halmoni character and Hyojoo's very close to her grandma.

Hmmms... seems like we both have different opinions about when the 7 kissing scenes :P I remember it first popped up when news of Hyojoo being cast came out, and I had created the thread of Hyojoo being cast in the Korean Celeb forum XD And then I remember first seeing it translated from a Chinese source over at the DBSK thread, then updating the Hyojoo being cast in the Korean Celeb forum XD I remember it clearly because JaeJoo's like... my OTP :ph34r: I spazzed for weeks when I found out about Heaven's Postman LOL After filming ended, there wasn't that much news or excitement... Maybe you found out after filming? o_O

Ah! I found the translation XD


This article goes pretty in-depth about the drama. I'll translate the main points here:

Han Hyo Joo and Kim Jaejoong are confirmed as co-stars in their upcoming drama.

Jae will act as a messenger between the dead (who are in heaven) and their family and friends (who are still living). His character is very deep and mysterious.

Han Hyo Joo will act as a pure and innocent girl who lost her loved one but cannot forget him. However, after working with Jaejoong at the same job, she slowly falls in love with him.

This episode of the mini-series is 120 minutes long, and the entire plot is a love story.

The producer says that in the drama (concerning the kiss scene), "the two (Jae and HHJ) both like each other. During a beautiful sunset, one of them (not specified) says 'I want to kiss

you', followed by a very touching kiss scene." They have rehearsed the drama 7 times already, and Jaejoong's acting has improved significantly.

They will start filming next month, which will be adjusted into Jaejoong's schedule.

The drama is due to be aired May, 2009.

credit: cartoongirl7 @ DBSK thread

Sorry... if I came out overly obsessive or anything >< I just really remembered it being during rehearsals, lol.

Hmmms... I don't really notice that big of a change in Seung Gi... he's just gotten a lot more popular than he was before. But I always thought he was a shy, sweet guy... All these "love scandals" are making me o_O lol

But if it is for fan service, then mehh... I hate fan service D: Especially when it's guy and guy (nothing against homosexuals!). I just would prefer seeing hot guys with hot girls, lol.

It's finee if you still want to continue liking HwanSung! HwanSung is a lot different compared to SeungJoo ^^

Haha, yeah most people don't have any problems shipping their female idol with every guy, but it's different when it's a male idol. lol Oh... you really must not like Go Ara, huh? haha :P

Well... she seems like a sweet girl, not scandalous or anything like that. Her acting still needs improvement (but so does Hyojoo's, but Hyojoo's a better actress) and she's still young, so there's plenty of time for her to get better.

Ahh.. you mean like minor details about Eun Sung that aren't like Hyojoo? haha I can see that. Hyojoo did say that she would never accept Halmoni's inheritance, so she was very shocked to see Eun Sung do that :P And then there's the whole Jun Se vs. Hwan and Hyojoo said she would choose Jun Se because she's dependent on her boyfriend so Jun Se would be perfect ^^

Well.. I'm not surprised if people say Spring Waltz was the worst one out of the seasonal dramas. Both leads had very little experience in acting, so it's not that surprising.. I think shouting is fine in dramas/movies, there's nothing wrong with it. It's always a requirement in dramas/movies. I'm more annoyed by too much crying than I am of yelling. Like in BL... Seung Mi cried in EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. It drove me insane! LOL

But yeah... Hyojoo's screaming in the Heaven's Postman previews were annoying hahaa. Hopefully those are the only scenes where she grows a tantrum >< It's just her voice that annoys me. I don't see it as her overacting because if you think of Hana's situation, then shoot, I'd freaking scream and cry my richard simmons off too! lol

I don't think those kind of traits bore people because look at Moon Chae Won in BL.. Her character cried a LOT and she yelled a lot at her mom and Eun Sung, but people still applauded her acting because of how heartfelt it was. I think it's just a matter of natural acting.

Haha, yeah my nationality/ethnicity is pretty common but I know a lot of people don't understand it unless I talk about it with more details, lol.

Lol, you should tell your friend to just skip through the kissing scene in Heaven's Postman then :P Or close her eyes! haha I know there will be a lot of JJ fans who will do that XD I'm so glad that the kiss isn't in silhouette though! I want to see their lips touch! LOL I hope there's more kissing scenes ><

And yeah.. I like Hyojoo with the light curls/waves instead of her hair in the LG SU:M 37' autograph signing ><

I hope she does her hair like that for the HP presscon!

telegraph: Hmms... who is Alexa Chung? lol

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Guest Trine29

I wonder if we're not going to hear anything more about Falling in Love until after HP comes out. I thought we were supposed to hear some more about in October, but maybe the HP release date (finally!) pushed things back. You know, HJ doesn't want the spotlight on one project to take away the spotlight from the other...

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Guest heartnet_XIII

after quite a while..here i am again to talk with you peeps..haha

our internet got jammed because a typhoon just passed our country.. it totally affected the net.. that's why i was only able to post today..hehe :P

yoh bashful.. is it really true that their gonna show adlib night in kbs soon? when is that? whoa!! :lol:

damn.. you guys have talked about many topics already! i missed so much in just one day of absence! haha..

i like those pictues of han hyo joo in the ship thing by the way..haha!!!


it's good to be back :D

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Bashful: Lol haha You called me itic xP

I feel so cool :D

Lol anyways, yeaa.. first year like you.. Darn I wanna go back to kindergarten >_>

&Oh man. Its NOV. 1ST

You know what that meanss.


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Cindy, yes, maybe I will change my love from SeungJoo to HwanSung b/c they're really opposite :tears: the couple just in drama, not in real life :) And hope HP can make me love JaeJoo later lol

Huh, so perhaps I'm wrong ^_^ those 7 kissing scenes were in rehearsal :D I can feel both JJ and HJ were shy when making this scene b/c in preview, I see JJ swallowed lol his lips even shook a bit while HJ stayed like a stone, maybe she was waiting for being touching *oh I'm pervert lol*

I'm also glad when I can see this kiss scene very clearly although I can't tell this happiness fact to my friends, it's the sin lol

There are still many Cassies being very happy with the harmony of JaeJoo and they immediately become JaeJoo fans :lol: like us :D

About the difference between HJ and Eun Sung, I agree with u except for one finale point that HJ want to choose Jun Se. I also read this article and HJ said that she would choose Jun Se but after that, she also mentioned Hwan has changed a lot which makes her confuse that no one knows the ending would be.

It is said that in every films, the leading female character tends to love THE BAD BOY (like Hwan in BL) b/c he is the one who makes her smile and even cry, it's the feeling of love. Thus, although I like Jun Se and his personality, I can't stop being attracted by Hwan lol You can see, in fact, there are some persons like Jun Se but not every girls like the type of him :) Jun Se is those who just know to GIVE, not require to RECEIVE so maybe it's his weakness :)

B/c you like Ah Ra so should we stop discussing her? :) I don't want we must argue with each other about some stuffs not related to HJ in her thread :D

Also, I know Edward is loyalty fan of HJ but I'm very surprised when I realized that he (I guess Edward is a boy :D) doesn't one who open this thread :) but it's you B)

OMG, I don't like Chae Won although I know her acting is good. I can't explain why but her face makes me so tired and her crying scenes always annoyed me :( Also her voice :) Many BL's fans assume Chae Won's voice and the way she talk is fake. I don't want to judge her like that and I think she's shy in her 1st game show. My friend praises her voice warm and gentle but I still don't like it :) I like HJ's voice, it's popular. I feel many K actresses own this kind of voice like that.

I understand the feeling of Hana which makes her has to shout/yell as such :) It's like she could die immediately to go along with Jae's character (Oh I don't remember his name) And I also think it's very reasonable in this situation.

About Samsung photoshoot above, OMG, HJ, please never let your hair be like this *cry out loud* Sr for saying like that but her hair is as if it's suffered electric shock ;) I hate this hair style. Plz don't let it in HP's press :(

HJ's dancing lol she tried a lot to take this shooting although it's not really good :rolleyes: I dont know why the director of Samsung didn't choose a singer to take this dancing :) It's easier, rite?

Now I don't know what to do but wait for HP's on air date *bless for nothing bad and messy can happen*

Hope Vietnamese film company will buy it and broadcast in cinema *dreaming*

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Hoo so tired today from Halloween TT-TT lol

Trine29: That's what I'm assuming. I've never noticed that Hyojoo usually focuses on one project until you mentioned it :o Reminds me of how she had filmed Ride Away before Iljimae, but Iljimae was released first. But oh wells... Heaven's Postman is coming!! haha

geniefortheworld: No, haha the hair is just for the photoshoot :P

The pictorial involves BH Entertainment and bringing awareness to cancer patients :)

I'd cry if her hair was like that ><

heartnet_XIII: Oh you guys had a typhoon :o

Is everything okay? Omgsh how scary ><

I'm not sure if it's KBS or KBS Joy that's airing Ad Lib Night and Soul Special... And I'll go look up the date of when it's airing ^^

Haha, yeah so many topics that we talk about here >< I like it though :D

And Hyojoo is so cute in the cruise photos XD

Pshh: OMGSH I'm so sorry >< *goes to fix it.

Sorry :(

Lol I miss Kindergarten too XD I miss elementary school in general!

Hehs, just 11 days until Heaven's Postman! That's a week and a half :w00t:

YunKyo: Haha yeah, HwanSung is more lovable than SeungJoo :P

For some reason I'm more excited to see JaeJoo in presscons than in Heaven's Postman o_o

Haha, yeah 7 rehearsal kisses :P Must have been awkward because there were probably a lot of other people in the room XD

And yeah, you can see JJ swallow before leaning in to kiss Hyojoo :) And Hyojoo's mouth was open a little bit but she closed them once JJ kissed her.

Oh yes.. us JaeJoo fans are all excited for the clear kissing scene XD But others... not so much haha But at least they can look forward to JJ's first acting debut ^^

They shouldn't focus so much on the kissing scene, but rather support him in Heaven's Postman :D

Yay! It made me happy when I read that there are many Cassies who like JaeJoo XD

Ah yeah, I just remembered that interview where Hyojoo said Hwan changed a lot. I still like to think she'd choose Jun Se XD It's just more fitting to her personality, lol. And I don't know... I couldn't like Hwan enough to want him to get the girl in BL. I felt so bad for Jun Se because he was always there for Eun Sung and stayed nice the entire time :( The nice guys never win TT-TT It's okay Jun Se! I'll take you!! :D :D

Haha, okay on the Ara topic :P

Well, I'm not the original thread creator :P But edward suggested that I replace the old creator because he/she has been inactive for a long time, so I PMed one of the mods and they made me the thread creator XD

It makes it so much easier to edit the first page lol

MCW's crying scene annoyed me too >< People complained about Eun Sung crying too much but freaking Seung Mi cried in EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. When I was watching BL with my friend we were like we should drink everytime Seung Mi cries! lol

But I do like her voice XD It's very soft and gentle haha. But I like Hyojoo's too :) Their voices are very fitting for their personalities~

Yeah.. I feel for Hana. I can't imagine having to lose two loved ones in such a short period of time :( Good thing most people who watched the preview understood her situation. There are only a few that complained about all the crying and yelling.

That photoshoot isn't for Samsung haha. BH Entertainment are doing a photoshoot to bring awareness to cancer patients :) They just showed the Samsung VLUU commercial in it because Bae Soo Bin commented on it, and Hyojoo got shy and smacked him LOL I love her XD

I think the original CF for the Samsung VLUU is good, but the additional videos Samsung kept releasing of her dancing... was not good, haha. She's too tall to dance >< lol

Oh I hope there's a lot of HP promotional activities D: D:

I really just want to see JaeJoo together again TT-TT lol

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Guest heartnet_XIII

whoa.. 7 kissing rehearsals..

jaejoong you lucky pig!! haha.. *peace*

damn.. i hope han hyo joo won't fall too much for jaejoong.. my competition with edward is already tough..adding jaejoong would make the competition very one sided..hahah!!! joke.. :lol:

yea..i find the hair of han hyo joo in those pics with BH entertainment pretty weird..but i bet her hair being styled like that was for a reason, so its ok ;)

about the typhoon..yea, everything's fine here.. there were only heavy winds. so nothing disastrous happened..haha :P

i hope there'll be vids for the upcoming han hyo joo shows.. i don't have KBS or SBS in our tv..so it'll be hard..hahah! :)

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Guest jelly_pudding


can't wait for heaven's postman.. i thought it was a short drama.. not a movie .. cool!


random pictures of hyo joo !

she looks like a doll here!~


pretty, what drama was this from?


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Cindy, at first I also like Jun Se. I think nobody can hate him b/c of his very gorgeous personality :x Until there is Hwan lol I don't know about your taste but I'm really attracted by a BAD BOY rofl Maybe I'm an odd girl ;)

I like the kind of love in BL that love is gradually discovered and realized time by time by two leading characters after they argue and seem to hate each other a lot :) Sometimes I imagine if in my life, there are some boys like Hwan lol

About JaeJoo's promotion activities :( I dont really think JJ has time to join the promotion. He's very very busy, u know. He has to fly forth and back between Korea and Japan which is also the most difficult obstacle for him. Besides, HP is just one of 7 movies in Telecima7, if I'm not mistaken :(

So maybe I shouldn't expect too much on it :(

And HP's ending, at first I'm also like you, I'm afraid of their seperation but now maybe I think this unhappy ending is better. It is said that a film which has miserable ending seems to attract and make audiences remember it longer than one which has happy ending. B/c happy ending film can satisfy them so they easily forget it and continue to new one. In contrast, b/c audience feel very disappoint and regretful of unhappy ending, they're obsessed by it too much and they hardly forget it. Have you ever try to think of this stuff? :) I think it's very interesting and I find it true in fact and in my case :)

Yeah, I don't like Seung Mi's crying scenes -_- It's annoying and I don't understand why people can get it but cannot satisfy with Eun Sung's crying scene indeed :angry:

When Eun Sung cries, I can feel her hurtness and sometimes my tears nearly drop out *so shy* but Seung Mi just makes me feel that I can sympathize her at the end of the film, just that. I cannot like her

Many BL's fan like couple HwanMi lol I can't get their taste :)

Ah, one stuff I fogert to ask you before, what is "OTP"? :D I can't get it although I try to search a lot B)

Thanks to your links :)

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heartnet_XIII: Haha, most people say "LUCKY HYOJOO!" so it's so refreshing to see "LUCKY JJ!!" XD

I know Hyojoo really wants to fall in love right now :) She said it'll be good for her and for her acting because she would be able to experience love and that would be portrayed naturally on screen.

Her hair is terrible in the BH Ent. photoshoot :( I don't know what they were thinking T_T

It's like a bad version of the hair she had for the Sept. issue of Vogue Girl =.=

And really happy to hear that everything is fine after the typhoon! :D :D

What do you mean by videos of Hyojoo's shows? haha

jelly_pudding: Hello! Welcome to the thread! ^^

Ahh.. yeah :( Heaven's Postman isn't a drama TT-TT It's just a two hour movie.. so sad :(

I'd be so happy to see JaeJoo in a full-length drama haha

Your pictures aren't showing up! D:

YunKyo: I like bad boys too, but I like nice guys more because of Wongfu XD

And it isn't weird at all that you like bad boys! haha A lot of girls do :P

Ah yeah, I get what you mean about the romance in BL. There are a couple of people who complain about the pace of it, but I like it. It's very realistic and not sudden at all. You see character growth when the romance is paced carefully. The scriptwriter was really awesome! She usually wrote scripts for daily dramas, so that's probably why the pace was the way it was.

Haha you imagine there being guys like Hwan in real life, and I pray for guys like Jun Se in real life! LOL XD

Well... JJ doesn't really have anything planned at the moment? Since DBSK group activities have been canceled for a while now, and their concert in China isn't for a couple of weeks from now. Unless I'm missing something o_o

I personally think there'll be some kind of promotional activity for Heaven's Postman and if not in Korea, then in Japan because of JJ's popularity there. Love is Blind had a scheduled press conference but it was canceled because of Lee Ji Ah's injury. The Telecinema project is really big so I think the people behind it are really going to push for its success. Like with IRIS.. it's a huge project as well, with lots of time and money spent on it and they had 2 presscons for the drama!

I totally get what you mean about endings. People generally like happy endings, but movies with an unexpected ending usually stay in your memory longer. For example, I watched this movie titled Requiem for a Dream, and the ending left me soooo depressed LOL. There was no happy ending for the characters and no hints of them recovering from their conditions. I kind of want to see either an open ending or a bittersweet ending for Heaven's Postman. It just seems more fitting than a happy ending because the theme of the movie isn't so happy and bright.

Seriously! I'm surprised people were annoyed with Eun Sung's crying! I guess it's because Seung Mi's crying was more natural. I thought she did a good job at the end with her mother though lol.

Haha, it's okay. There's HwanMi fans and there's JunSung fans XD

And OTP is One True Pairing haha :D

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Guest jelly_pudding

^ so pretty! nice fanarts!!

hmm.. i'm debating if i should start watching "High as the Sky, Wide as the Earth" .. i know it's over like 100 + episodes.. so i don't know if i want to watch it.. also i don't like the guy in the drama.. hmm.. was the drama any good ? i know hyo joo's the main actress, right??

and bashful - this is suee actually =) i changed my i.d.

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