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Omgsh, I wake up and find so many replies!! :D


Omgsh, I can't believe you're rewatching AMAHAE!! D8 Please tell me how you do it because I can't even sit through one episode LOL

Do you watch it online or on a DVD?

And it's okay.. we all miss her long hair :P It's going to take a while for her to grow it back out to the length it was before if she decides she wants long hair again. Maybe she'll stop cutting it after Heaven's Postman promotions ends?

And it's no problem ^^ I also wish news of Falling in Love were released T_T Perhaps you're right that more information will be released when Heaven's Postman promos are over.

heartnet_XIII: Ahh, Google is man's best friend after all :P

And omgsh! Shame on you for not knowing Spring Waltz in your country! lol jk

But none of your friends told you about it? haha

I wonder if you would've became her fan if you had watched Spring Waltz before BL.. :P

Ahh, yes VIIKII is kindly subbing Soul Special and Haru2subS are also subbing Soul Special! 8D

Lots of Hyojoo love <3 lol

What do you think of Soul Special so far? ^^

Hmms... I know Ride Away used to be on Youtube, but the user's account got suspended :(

I just Googled (lol) it, and I can't find any links that have it :( like you said, they're all broken links D:

I guess your best luck is to just download the Veoh player, which isn't bad btw. You can just uninstall it right afterwards, lol. I've done it before XD

Hmms, I've never tried making a Cyworld account before but here's a link to a tutorial:


Hope it works out for you!

Ahh, you're lucky that you have Korean classes at your school D: lol

And yup, Hyojoo's transferring to BH Entertainment :) Most of the reason is because of her salary, and both sides unwilling to negotiate, but there was a rumor going around that Fantom made her partake in Chuno, and possibly has been choosing her past works as well.

So high school is pretty much the equivalent to middle school for you guys?

Haha, yeah I've been a fan of Hyojoo's since either 15 or 16, I can't remember ><

And yes I'm American ^^

I like the second fanart a lot too! It's beautiful! <3

YunKyo: Haha, we always find something to talk about XD :P

Ahh, yes.. I've seen his acting in the Banjun dramas LOL. It is unnatural, but maybe Hyojoo helped him? Hopefully :X I'm dying to see the NGs though! haha

The Banjun dramas were a long time ago, so I'm sure their acting improved.. Like Yunho has gotten a lot better since the first episode of HTTG. But JJ's situation is a bit different since HP is just a movie :\

Hmms.. I think the JJ's acting being unnatural was actually her saying that their chemistry didn't feel right yet? Because they had just met each other and were supposed to act like lovers, lol. I remember commenting that the title of the interview was really misleading.

Omgsh, there are so many things happening around the release date of HP! D: I'm so excited! But I have no patience =.=

Ah, yeah I know about the whole the Yoona/Seung Gi thing.. Made me a bit sad because a part of me still likes him with Hyojoo lol. Aww, you don't like SNSD? Lol I like them because Hyojoo likes them LOL

And Hyojoo's always saying nice things about Seung Gi, but you never really hear anything about her from him D:

Well.. My mom was born in Da Nang, but she's Chinese.. Same with my dad, lol. So they're not really Vietnamese, just Vietnam born. But they speak Vietnamese! haha They never taught me it though T_T Only taught me Cantonese D: I'm always so clueless when ordering Vietnamese food LOL It's so pathetic D:

I wish Hyojoo came to LA! T_T

I agree.. I liked Won Bin more than SSH in Autumn in my Heart.. I never even watched the whole thing LOL I just skipped all the way to the end and it was heartbreaking to see Won Bin's character :( I hope Won Bin and Hyojoo can do a CF or something together one day 8D Won Bin's a little hottie XD

Haha, yeah... the guy Hyojoo has a scandal with was just... ew. >< But I did feel really bad for him reading netizens comments. They were really mean to him :( And one of the netizens created a fake Cyworld account and pretended he was the guy and posted up entries like "Yes, we are together." then changed it so that they weren't together. It was all very confusing =.=

I don't think Hyojoo cares too much about looks either, but she does think guys like So Ji Sub and SSH are hot :P

But relationship wise, I don't think she cares what the guy looks like.

Yeah... HP people really styled Hyojoo ugly in the movie LOL Ugly hair, ugly clothes, and bad makeup haha. She's pretty at the last scene though :) With her hair straightened and wearing the turquoise scarf :D

They did make her look very Japanese.. Wish they styled her differently because people who first discover her through HP think she's ugly T_T Maybe she'll win them all over when they have a press conference :P

Ahah, yeah a lot of free time because I'm not going to school this semester. So I'm pretty much free until January LOL So much timeeee D:

You need to do good in school! You're graduating remember! D:

Hyojoo was super thin as a teenager.. Makes her look all awkward lol

She's always been a happy girl ^^

Q-Girl: You're always updating us on new Heaven's Postman photos and news!

Thank you so much!! :D :D

I also can't wait for HP to be released!

The poster is beautiful btw~

Makes them look like they're looking up at the title though LOL

sandixbabo: Ah, I think Gi or Ki is just up to preference, lol.

Like I use Gi with Seung Gi and Bae Seul Gi and then I just use Ki with Jun Ki, haha.

She was extremely skinny during her early teen years ><

Good thing she grew out of her awkward phase and is all pretty now! :D

She really resembles her mama though... Good genes D:

I definitely see the similarities between the teeth, smile and nose though. The face shape is the same too~

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OMGoodness HP updates !

HQ too ! WAHH thank you so much for sharing !

everything is perfect, even though its back then the hair is still bothering me but not as much as before

when my friend saw the pictures (she doesn't know much about korean entertainment), she said "the guy is hot but the girl is ugly cus of her hair" :'[

she obviously didn't see her with her long hair before

-sigh i don't want ppl to start hating her because of her hair when they haven't seen what she looks like before she cut it..

& i still want one of those cameras ! ^^

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Guest heartnet_XIII

heheh..it's pretty weird that none of my friends told me about spring waltz..

but either way, i would still like hyo joo even if i saw spring waltz first.. hehe :)

hmm...i think soul special lacks the story.. its so short thats why some people get bored watching it.. but it wasn't supposed to be a drama to begin with right? so i guess its ok.. :)

i like soul special because of han hyo joo's hair.. hahah! :lol: and i get to see her nice facial expressions there..that makes it still worth the watch.. :D

i hope they fix the broken vids for adlib night soon.. and i'll try downloading the Veoh so i can watch ride away..hehe :lol:

thanks for the cyworld guide.. :lol:

i'll go and try it at once..hahah!!

wait..about the rumors.. so hyo joo doesn't want fantom to decide what projects she'll take? or is it something else.. i don't quite understand.. haha :lol: anyhow, BH entertainment isn't such a bad company right? so i guess there's nothing bad about her moving there..haha

hey, thanks for the latest pics.. haha

will HP air in the philippines as soon as it airs in korea? haha

anyway, if it airs earlier in your place, you'll always send links for us to watch..ryt? hahaha!!! :P

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Heartnet_XIII, you're the same as me that none of my friends know about Spring Waltz although it was broadcasted in Vietnam :( Unfortunately, its rating is so low :( poor HJ! It's commented that the motip is not new and the cast is not nice enough to attract the audience :(

Cindy, yes, we talk as if we can think of many things to say and say. Endless talking lol

You really make me confused alot of my love for SeungJoo or JaeJoo now lol. I still love SeungJoo so much that I've decided to make a tribute for HwanSung :x hope someday I'll post it here if no one feels it's off topic in HJ thread :D

Ah, SG rarely talks about HJ, I really can't understand why. I think he doen't hate her b/c in a interview (I can't call its name), he said that HJ is like Eun Sung, also very extrovert and kind, always smile and tease everybody. Haizz, I just think it's unfair to HJ b/c she talk many things nice about SG meanwhile he nearly doesn't mention about her :( After casting in BL, SG seems to forget it, he continues to release his album and begins as an MC of Strong Heart, therefore, he has no time to think about what he has done. Sometimes I want to run to him and shout him that he need to realize who he needs (not Yoona, not Chae Won but HJ lol) plz don't think I'm crazy lol

About JJ's banjun theatres, when I watched them, I felt really funny maybe b/c his acting. It's clumsy and unnature, which makes those films awkward a bit :) He made many NGs. Through some stalker vids, I still feel his acting is not really good but I hope he can improve at the end of this movie. HJ says that she feels very strange and nervous when standing face to face with JJ lol The reason is she thinks his face is small and his eyes is big lol OMG, I feel HJ nearly falls in love with JJ :rolleyes:

Maybe it's the main reason why we have 7 NGs for kissing scene. I mean the fault is not just JJ's but HJ's b/c she also feels nervous. But it proves that JJ's acting seems to be better than SG b/c HwanSung's 1st kiss scenes even has 10 NGs (just kidding, of course, SG acts better than JJ, I think so)

I really discover that your nationality is quite strange :) Sorry for discussing this sensitive prob :) Your parents are Chinese but were born in Vietnam while you're American :) So odd, rite? *shy*

In fact, Vietnamese language is so difficult to learn and maybe your parents think it's not really important for u so they don't let you learn it :) This means you master two languages (US and Cantonese) and I think it's enough :)

Wonbin, lol, it seems that whoever you like, you want them to co-operate with HJ lol CF of Wonbin and HJ, it's possible if HB company wants it :)

Netizens really make us richard simmons off by doing many non-sense stuffs like that. I wonder if they have so much free time that they don't know what to do except this stupid stuff as such :angry:

Many people think HJ's ugly when they see her at the 1st time in HP. But I feel it in other ways that HJ may make them change their mind b/c of her acting :) Although they see her ugly, they still admit her talent and it's great, rite? Hope it comes true :)

Yeah, thanks so much for your advise. Sometimes, my parents appear annoyed and angry when they know I love some celebs who they think it's very unreal and childish. Even some friends of me can't also understand me when seeing I spend time on forums *sad* but in fact, I can't escape from this fandom, in contrast, I think it's very interesting and nice to join in now :)

At least I'm beneficial of making with friends like u :)

Ah, I love this semi-professional camera in HJ's CF :)

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hello...I'm new in han hyoo joo's thread ..i become a fan after watching her in brilliant legacy..i really like her specially when she smiles ...I like to read updates on her and whats the latest about her...she's really beautiful...just simply beautiful...

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Guest heartnet_XIII

Cindy, in our country spring waltz crated a huge bang..! :lol:

although i wasn't able to watch it, i asked friends who watched it and they said it was really great.. too bad spring waltz didn't have good ratings on other countries though..:(

i heard hyo joo almost quit when she found out about the low ratings..hehe

it's a good thing she didn't.. :D

hmm..no matter what you guys say about JJ and HJ match, i still think the SG and HJ pair is the better one.. <no offense to the JJ fans ;) >

but i can still change my mind if HP becomes a total hit..hahah

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Oh, you're also addicted to SeungJoo couple :) Yes, I like this couple maybe a bit than JaeJoo and I also hope HP can change my mind on Nov. 12th lol

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Omg look at all these updates! But Not enough D:

I need MOAR!! lol :lol:

I really cant believe that HP is finally releasing. Like Damn, am I dreaming?

I think the hairstyle she has now is better than the one she had in BL. Maybe b.c I like the curls better than the waves haha :D

That clear view of the HP kiss left my mouth open and me stunned for like a guhbijillion seconds Lol

It shocked me so much Im not making any more sense xP

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Guest jelly_pudding

are we all sharing our opinions on who would be a good pair with hyo joo? lol

in my opinion, i think it's KDW.. after watching soul special & their interviews together, they look like the would be such a cute couple in real life!!! i'm so sad soul special is coming to an end.. (even though i really didn't understand the story of the drama... lol), i really hope they both will meet again in a drama or a movie sometime! that would be awesome!!

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Hi everyone!! ^^

itic: Huuhuu, I feel the same as you about people hating Hyojoo because they don't think she's pretty enough when they first see her in Heaven's Postman :(

It makes me angry because we all know Hyojoo's beautiful inside and out, yet she's still vulnerable to these kinds of attacks *cries.

That's why I'm hoping she is like crazy beautiful at the press conference and she does a magnificent job portraying Hana/Saki in Heaven's Postman, so that people who don't think she's that pretty can still recognize her talent and potential as an actress.

After your friend made that comment, did you show her a photo of Hyojoo with her long, dark hair? :P

I want the Samsung VLUU ST550 too! D: It's 300 dollars in the USA =.='' Don't have that kind of money to blow away especially since I just got a new camera early this summer T_T

I bet you Hyojoo gets all the cameras for free D8

heartnet_XIII: I don't really see Soul Special as a drama, it seems more like a really long CF for the Kia Soul to me, lol. It's not even long enough to be a movie! Barely adding up to an hour long ><

There's only 2 episodes left, so I'm curious to see how they're going to wrap it all up, lol.

Personally, I don't get bored watching it because it's so short, lol. I'm not the drama-watching type, so it was hard for me to watch Spring Waltz and Brilliant Legacy ><

But I agree that I'm enjoying Soul Special because we get to see a different Hyojoo, personality-wise and physically. I just love her character Mia XD She's just so carefree, but from her monologues, you get the feeling that she puts that on that exterior to lie to herself. Not sure if that made any sense, lol

Tell me if Ride Away and the Cyworld tutorial helped! =D

If the rumors are true about Fantom previously choosing her roles for her then, from my understanding... I think if Hyojoo had to drop out of Chuno because she had decided to leave Fantom around that same time. If she had stayed with Chuno, then she would've signed the contract while still being under Fantom. So she probably felt that she should drop out of it since Fantom forced the project on her but she never wanted to be in it in the first place. Sorry if that didn't make any sense >< I don't know any other ways to explain it, lol.

I think Hyojoo chose a good entertainment company because Lee Byung Hun was once under Fantom Ent. too, so she can probably learn a lot from him. A good sunbae :)

I don't think Heaven's Postman will be airing or screening in any other countries other than South Korea and Japan ><

Ahh.. yes.. Hyojoo almost gave up on acting after Spring Waltz flopped in South Korea :( Luckily it did moderately well in other Asian countries, especially the Philippines and Japan. Quite sad that she blamed it all on herself :( It was a lot of pressure to live up to, so it's not that surprising that Hyojoo felt this way. But I'm glad it happened because it made her grow as an actress and as a person. She learned a lot from that.

Keke, like I've said.. I'm upset at Seung Gi a bit right now (nothing personal though!) so I don't want to think of SeungJoo together :P I'm hoping Heaven's Postman will change everyone's minds and opinions when it's released! hehe

YunKyo: Haha it's like we're both endless conversationalists :P

Haha, yeah you can post your SeungJoo fanvideo :P It's perfectly fine! It relates to Hyojoo so why not?!

Yeah... I rarely hear Seung Gi talking about BL :( Kind of makes me upset because BL made him really popular, and fleshed out his abilities as an actor D: BL gave him the multitainer role: singing, MCing, and acting~

And no, I'd never think you're crazy :P I'm a bit crazy myself (says my BFF =.=) so that is not crazy at all haha.

It makes me happy to know that Hyojoo is very much like Eun Sung XD Her own brother left her a comment on her Cyworld saying how similar the two were :P And the director of Iljimae said that on his blog too :P I find it funny that Hyojoo doesn't think she's like Eun Sung haha

And I love what Hyojoo said about JJ!! LOL Of all things to say, she says that! haha XD I also like what she said about how she never got the impression of JJ being an idol.. It must be refreshing to JJ since that rarely happens considering how popular DBSK is. Like when DBSK were on XMan a couple years back, even the other entertainers treated them respectfully because of their idol images and the Cassies ><

I like to think JJ is the one that's more into Hyojoo then it being the other way around XD :P I just love the way he looked at her in their afterparty pictures keke~

I think the 7 NGs for the kiss scenes were actually just the number of times they rehearsed.. Because rumors of that came out before filming even started o_o So they probably started practicing on the kissing scene during scriptreadings ><

Hey, maybe JJ will surprise everyone with his acting in Heaven's Postman :P You never know.. haha

And nah, my nationality/ethnicity isn't really that sensitive to me, haha. My grandparents came from China to Vietnam during World War II, and so they settled down in Vietnam. My parents were born in Vietnam but are of Chinese blood, then the Vietnam War came, and they both went to settle down in America, and then my parents met and well had me :P There are actually a lot of others with similar situations as my parents haha

I want to learn Vietnamese though because the food is sooo good LOL >< I only know basic stuff like pho and com tam and soda chanh! LOL XD

Oh yes, I like to pair every hot guy I like with Hyojoo XD I can't help it :P Have you noticed the double standards of that though? Like most fangirls don't like the idea of their male celebrity pairing with a female, but fans of female celebrity pair her up with every guy LOL

Yes.. netizens are annoying sometimes, but you can't help but be amazed by their stalker powers LOL They dig up so much stuff on celebrities it's amazing!

I also hope Hyojoo's acting will be able to woo people in Heaven's Postman. She's never disappointed me with her acting though, so I'm sure she won't disappoint me. The only scenario where her acting was weak was in Iljimae because Eun Chae was just... not a very good character.. There wasn't much you could do with her :\

Haha, yeah.. Soompi is all I'm on all the time now even though it's such a distraction, it's like.. an escape for me :P Yeaayuhhh we're Soompi pals! :P Along with everyone else in here! :D

mench: Welcome to the thread!! ^^

Ahh! Another person who discovered Hyojoo through Brilliant Legacy! :P

I'm so glad she was in the drama and that drama became so successful!

Yes, Hyojoo has a very pretty smile! ^^

I'll be sure to update on Hyojoo whenever I can :D

I promise not to disappoint :)

Pshh: LOL

I'm sorry! There hasn't been that much Hyojoo news lately this week D:

Same with photos.. It's like she stays incognito until every Friday/Saturday :P

The Samsung VLUU cruise/fanmeeting starts today so maybe we'll see a lot of updates and photos! :D

And I knowww righttt. It feels so surreal that Heaven's Postman is really being released! It's been a year already!

I like the hairstyle she has right now more than the BL one too.. the BL one wasn't that flattering on her :\

Haha, you Jaejoo fangirl :P Speechless from just the .gif! Imagine when you watch the whole thing! XD

sandixbabo: Yes.. I've been feeling that way about Seung Gi lately too :( I mean I'm happy that he's become so successful and popular now, but it's like.. BL made him who he is too.. Sure he was popular before too, but BL gave him more diversity as an entertainer. It made him a multitainer! Singing, MCing and acting.. so it makes me sad that he doesn't seem as fond of it as Hyojoo :(

You really think Nonstop 5 was one of Hyojoo's best work? Ughh... haha. She was a newbie in that! You sure you don't just like it because you think she looked the best in Nonstop 5? :P lol

Haha once again with Jung Il Woo :P Your taste in guys is soooo different from mine >< I don't really think the first two guys are attractive :\ So Ji Sub though... he's a hottie XD

Don't know why they're taking so long to release more information on Falling in Love.. maybe they're waiting for Hyojoo to finalize things with Fantom Ent. and her new company before having her sign the contract? It could be a possibility...

suee_x3: Haha yeah we're sharing which Hyojoo pairing we like the most :P

I'm surprised that you like the Hyojoo/Kim Dong Wook pairing the most! Especially since Soul Special is so short! haha I like how Hyojoo teases him all the time, especially about falling asleep during filming XD lol

Let's hope that we'll get to see them together again one day in the future ^^ I also find Kim Dong Wook appealing in a way.. I don't know why though! haha

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DBSK Hero Jae-Joong’s new role as an actor

Jae-Joong had take a lead role of a movie called “Postman to Heaven” along with actress Han Hyo-Joo. This movie is part of a project (called “Telecinema 7″) that consist of 7 episodes of dramas and movies created by top Japanese writers and Korean directors. ”Postman to Heaven” is Jae-Joong’s first work as an actor and it was told that the movie was already filmed a year ago.

The story of the movie is about a postman who can deliver letters to those who cannot be forgotten in heaven. He falls in love with Han Hyo-Joo, who cannot forget her beloved one in heaven, for 14 days. The movie was directed by the director of hit Korean drama “I am sorry, I love you” and is scheduled to open on November 12th.

source: http://allkoreangossip.com/2009/10/dbsk-he...or-for-a-movie/

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Wow. So I finally just got to read everyone's comments. Darn college <_<

But how could people think that Hyojoo's not pretty?? D:

If She was walking in NYC, damn. Guys would be crashing into buildings up and down the street.

Not to mention across the street as well! D:

That's just how pretty she is! lol

I still want that camera too. I recommended it to my friend whos planning to get a new camera. I hope she gets it [:

&I just couldnt help but comment on this part:

"Oh yes, I like to pair every hot guy I like with Hyojoo XD I can't help it tongue.gif Have you noticed the double standards of

that though? Like most fangirls don't like the idea of their male celebrity pairing with a female, but fans of female celebrity

pair her up with every guy LOL"

[Think it was from bashful] :lol:

I guess Im just a different kinda fangirl. For guys I do exactly the same thing with girls!

I guess Im not the type thats all like 'omg He's Mine!' xP

But seriously? I thought Hyojoo looked beautiful in the Heaven's Postman Poster.

&Im not just saying that because Im a fan. I REALLY think so x:

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Omgsh! Happy Halloween guys!! :D :D

Pshh: Haha, you go to college too?! I didn't know :o Are you a freshmen like me? :P

Well, people who don't find Hyojoo pretty are usually first discovering her through Heaven's Postman..

which... we all know she doesn't look her best in >< Especially with all the dingy, grandma clothing and the unflattering hairstyle.

And LOL at your little NYC scenario XD I'm sure men were looking at her, especially during the photoshoot~

I remember seeing this guy was walking past her, looked at her and slowed down walking and just smiled.

Okay.. that came out kind of creepy LOL

I realllllyy want the ST550 :( It's so revolutionary in the digital camera field! D:

And they keep playing USA commercials for it here alll the time T_T

Haha, yes that quote was from me ^^

Well, you're a really awesome fan then LOL

I understand being jealous and somewhat possessive, but sometimes it just becomes too much when fangirls start bashing the female their male idol is working with or seen with. Case and point: Hyojoo :(

And I don't like her makeup in Heaven's Postman.. I don't know why.. but it's just totally off from what she really looks like o_O

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Photos from the first day and night on the Samsung VLUU cruise/fanmeeting

She looks so friendly and nice TT-TT

She's smiling in almost every single photo here D:

And I like her hair here... so much better than the hair she had at the LG SU:M 37' autograph signing :angry:














































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