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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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On 10/8/2017 at 2:03 PM, siena said:


On DC gal shipping is not allowed. But some of them are doing it really careful using IM and Kyeong.

You only find comments telling them to date and get married under the videos on Naver.



You must open it on IG apps, see third slide there's a pict of AhJoong.


@kfan222 found it! here.. look at slide 3 and slide 6, KNG is totally drunk lol @siena is the one posted it :D 

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17 hours ago, etherealk408 said:

In this drama not only KAJ showed a professional side as a doctor but she also showed a sorrowful love story that transcended time and space with Kim NamGil's character "HeoIm". 


Kim AhJoong says,"Every time I do a project, I make an effort to give love to  my acting partner more than the script requires. But the actual thing is it's been 9 years since I did any drama that has romance. "I loved HeoIm to the point that I don't have any regrets. Kim NamGil-ssi  loved YeonKyung a lot too and I was happy."


"I think it would be great if I find a person that I like so much to the point I feel like wanting to get married." She added, "But personally since I'm of the style that needs a lot of time to fall in love it isn't easy."

OMG I'M SCREAMING WITH WHAT SHE SAID IN THE INTERVIEW ABOUT LOVING HEO IM SO MUCH. Why do I feel like she's not just pertaining to the character but to also the man the gave life to that character. I'm in awe reading her response. She doesn't hold back. She's unstoppable. She's not afraid of any dating rumors and scandals after that comment. She's so bold about her feelings. DAEBAK KIM AH JOONG B)


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3 minutes ago, chelleshawol said:

OMG I'M SCREAMING WITH WHAT SHE SAID IN THE INTERVIEW ABOUT LOVING HEO IM SO MUCH. Why do I feel like she's not just pertaining to the character but to also the man the gave life to that character. I'm in awe reading her response. She doesn't hold back. She's unstoppable. She's not afraid of any dating rumors and scandals after that comment. She's so bold about her feelings. DAEBAK KIM AH JOONG B)


Hahahaha, i can imagine you shouting



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15 hours ago, prenchpries said:

Hahahaha, i can imagine you shouting



I know right.KIM NAM GIL really should get himself together and do what he has to do or else I will really grab his collar when he cannot protect it :angry:

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2 hours ago, sublimelyheureuse said:

To everyone who might be worried about KNG’s nonchalance during the wrap-up party, I submit to you @Fallenangel_c‘s keen observation. (If other people have made the same observation in this fast-moving thread, please accept my apologies and know that this acknowledgment and my appreciation extend to you.) After reading it, I looked more closely at the footage and, sure enough, KNG quite slyly slides against KAJ’s body for some subtle contact. Nicely done, my man.


Also, I am in the camp that believes KAJ would not have sung KNG’s praises to the heavens without prior communication with him. Overall, I really admire how she has handled her crush on him. In the beginning, I can imagine KNG staying at arm’s length, for fear of how KAJ’s admiration for him might affect their ability to work together. But at no point during filming did she ever pull her punches for him. Admiring him did not mean losing sight of her own purpose or vision as an actress. Interested in him though she might have been, she never faltered in shaping their scenes together or providing input for the show’s direction. Once he saw that KAJ could like him without losing herself, I think KNG opened up to her more, too. (The open-hearted acting that KAJ credits for their explosive chemistry was definitely two-sided, as was their artistic trust.)


One of the BTS clips, when KAJ and KNG are rehearsing post-Joseon-fire scenes, complete with burnt hanbok, shows KNG holding onto a railing and cocking his hip, as he stares at KAJ. In this moment, he strikes me as considering KAJ from a new perspective. He’s not smitten with her. She’s probably not what he would consider his “type.” But she is saying and doing things that he considers “interesting.” With his curiosity piqued, the tenor shifts. He stops putting professional distance between them and, bit by bit, the sparks really start to fly.

This was one of my fave points too. KAJ was wittily doing her lines in ways so different that the one she ended up delivering for the actual episode, and I feel like KNG was impressed with her playfulness and creativity. Usually, KNG is the one known among his co-stars to be playful during off-scene and then turning on the "switch" when the camera actually starts rolling. I feel like it could've been one of those moments where KNG felt like looking at himself from someone else's POV or maybe being reminded of himself? So maybe that made him understand her working style as an actress better too; her flexibility and her capability to match up to him.


2 hours ago, leba said:

Yes, I agree with you @etherealk408! She seems torn between wanting to do more rom-coms for TV (since she enjoyed so much for LUTYN) and wanting to be in love and date. But since many of her friends are married already, and she’s not dating, so she wants to get into work ASAP. So I guess that means she and KNG aren’t dating yet. But still promising due to her answers in the interview. She’s still very much in love with Heo Im. And I don’t think KNG is playing hard to get and not seeming to make any move. I think he’s just not being rash (one of the characteristics traits KAJ looking out for in her man). And I think he’s just taking time to get to know AJ better first apart from knowing her as YK. And same for her too. Let’s just hope the getting to know better process will really reap good results for them! :wub:


There's a good interview from last year when KNG was promoting the movie Pandora where he was asked about marriage and his answer showed his depth of thoughts regarding the topic. If I have the chance I'll try to translate it for our Gummers. Yeah he definitely isn't the type who would take things lightly and do certain things just because people are expecting him to do it, definitely is a thinker who would take his time and follow his own pace. 


46 minutes ago, parootpatootie said:


Hi. It's my first time joining Soompi. And a lurker of this shipper's thread since day 1. Please guide me.


I'm not a fan of period dramas nor medical dramas and find it ridiculous, delusional and disrespectful for fans to ship actors in real life and yet, here I am. Haha.



And don't worry, you're not the only one throwing caution to the wind because of them, I bet there are thousand others not just in Korea but all over the world who had no choice but to consider themselves a "shipper" because of these two lol. I say let's just blame it on their MAGICAL chemistry, it's all KNG and KAJ's fault, we have no part it in..we are all bewitched by the magic they have when they're together.Even if it turns out all wrong one day, it's all their fault hahaha who asked them to be so good together?!


@triplem  those gifs  are so precious...can I just say that our Gum Couple is probably the cutest pair of late-30s I've ever seen:wub: KAJ said she had fun and enjoyed herself while shooting with KNG, we could really see it too. Kfans kept being amazed how the atmosphere between the actors at the shooting location were always so cheerful even when it was a killer schedule especially towards the last 2 weeks when they were literally doing live shooting straight to airing. Guess if you love the company you're with, even the toughest,non-fun things could be the most interesting stuff ever,just like our KAJ once said.:wink:

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16 minutes ago, bluehopeatm said:

@fans123 :))) *rushing to hug you* :))) i miss you so much in this shipping thread :))) you always make me laugh so hard :))


@vangsweetie637 @sight_stv thanks for encouraging me :))) 


@kfan222: here you go!!!


Hehehe ((hugs:heart::kiss_wink:)) @bluehopeatm miss you too with the old timers and our captain with bunch of craziness back then :lol:

I don't hang out permanently at a place reason is i'm very Hyper hahaha:lol:


Nah... I'm not shipping em but just pops in and out sometimes. It's all great lots of newly join members which are very active, this ajumma can't cope back reading :tongue:, just leave it as it is. 


Oh yesss...can't wait to see your scrapbook, how is it coming along? I want to see your artwork :grimace:

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So I just read on KAJ gall that AhJoong's V-Live event got delayed to 7.30PM KST because the "preparations are not completed yet"<_<


I hope everything goes well ㅠㅠㅠㅠ



2 pics of KNG during EP8 & while receiving medical services on location. Cr: lutyn dc gall

Check out the jibbitz on his Crocs :D




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5 hours ago, leba said:


His eyes say it all. He has similar love vibes.... it’s just his distracting moustache that makes it hard to see his facial features and expressions clearly. Hahaha. :lol:


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! When I read your comment, I'm immediately reminded of a new word someone posted over at dramabeans -- PORNSTACHE! :lol::lol::lol: KNG's moustache created a new word! And I have to agree that his moustache CAN get distracting, but in a GOOD WAY~ :D because he really does look good with it. And I'm a person who 9.5 out of 10 times would prefer men who are clean cut~ gosh, what has PORNSTACHE done to me????? :o:o can someone save me???? :o





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5 minutes ago, littlebluecat said:

Yeah, I even set my phone alarm at 6.30pm  KST. I have to wait like another hour. Pish... My heart's gonna burst right now from excitement. 


Too much excitement! im feeling nervous right now lol! KAJ-shi.. can you feel it? nae sim-jang... *go ahra voice* 

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7 minutes ago, ImKyung said:

anyone wants a question asked in particular ?


Maybe some question about KNG? like how is KNG in real life when shooting together or maybe do you still keep in touch? or maybe she said KNG oppa? lol some undirect question will do 

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