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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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9 hours ago, starrymaze said:

Thanks for the warm welcome. This is certainly a great place to chill and share our excitement, united in our common goal of ultimately wanting the best for these two stars who have brought us along on their wonderful journey. Regardless of the outcome of their personal lives, you guys have been amazing. Having said that, wow! So much to backread. So much to share.



And it’s because of those reasons that I believe it’s a conscious choice by KNG (and not what the script required), to always take KAJ’s hand in his, during scenes that required him to so. So often in Kdrama, we see male leads grabbing the female’s wrist, dragging her away to wherever it is he needed her to be. I know some may view it as romantic, and maybe it’s the feminist in me, but it often made me feel slightly defensive of the female lead whenever I watched that. Correct me if I’m wrong, but in the drama, KNG almost always takes her hand in his, progressing from simple hand-holding to interlocking of their fingers as their relationship evolves. What I love about this aspect of the show is that it wasn’t just a simple physical gesture that signifies tenderness, but it symbolizes the respect and equality that the male lead has for the female. In holding her hand, he is saying that she is his equal, that they’re standing side by side, on equal footing. Sure he is protective of her, but it isn’t borne out of an unnecessary sense of superiority over her, but merely out of admiration, care, and respect; something that I suspect KNG has in abundance for KAJ, the longer they worked together.


That suspicion was further fueled by the bts of him running off to get her shoe, even going so far as to help her put it on. Those few seconds of footage goes a long way in showing us the kind of man KNG is. A caring, protective man who is not above putting aside petty issues like status and seniority. He did not seem to care how those actions might possibly be misinterpreted. All he seemed to care about that moment was tending to her comfort first and foremost. And it was exactly this evidence (amongst many others) that made me believe that holding YK’s hand as opposed to grabbing her wrist, was his input all along. How do we not fall for someone like KNG? This guy is truly a Pisces. Wait till he falls in love (or has he already?), because a Pisces in love is the best kind of romantic you could hope to find. That woman *coughcough* on the receiving end of said love would be one lucky gal. So babes, even if we don’t get to hear news of any impending romantic relationship, at the very least we should be comforted by the fact that there was definitely mutual respect and admiration between our two leads. Because they say that a long-lasting relationship is built on respect and trust. So I guess they are off to a good start? No?


@starrymaze So sorry to cut your post, chingu. After reading it, I seriously wanna give you a BIG trophy for it. What you wrote is SO BEAUTIFUL. :heart: (the little reaction option to give a trophy of thanks ain't enough and doesn't do justice,  -_-)


Thank you so very much for pointing out that aspect of hand-holding by KNG. You literally made me realised the rationale on why I felt deep warmth and satisfaction whenever he holds her hands. Earlier, my brain could only recognise that "Oh, I like them when they hold hands A LOT", but couldn't really explain why. Now, I truly understand. It is because KNG demonstrated so much of respect and equality to KAJ, not only in terms of accepting her as his acting partner and being open to her ideas and suggestions as well as going with them, but downright to the way he touches or approaches her. There was so much of tenderness and respect in them. Never once was he harsh or rough to her. Even in the earlier episodes when their characters weren't that close yet, he has never portrayed anything rough sort. He's always, ALWAYS gentle with her. 


I'm also totally with you on KNG being a caring and protective man. Through the things that he does for her, big or small, and to the other co-workers and staff, we can clearly see what kind of person he is. Someone who puts others before himself, has depth and is grounded -- these qualities are incredible and are what makes a man, A MAN. Therefore, yes, how can we not fall for him? Sigh.....:wub::wub:



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14 hours ago, leba said:

Sighs. I miss them... 


And after re-watching the presscon bits, I realized KNG was quite distant with KAJ. In fact his body language was a bit closer to the lady who acted as Mak Gae. Or maybe he was just trying to be gentlemanly to include her more in the photos that’s why he kept gesturing her to stand closer. But theb again, these were their earlier interactions. It must be really an uphill task for KAJ to warm up to people. But she was just so girly and shy in the entire press con that u can tell she has some crush on KNG. Just that KNG probably didn’t feel anything at that time. 


Just some observations. Hope it didn’t dampen anyone’s mood. Hehe. But once again, these were early interactions. :D




@leba Sorry to cut your post, chingu. Wanted to say that compared to the press con, I actually preferred to watch the side commentary with Park Kyung Lim for their earlier interactions. Somehow I feel that is a better depiction of their relationship at the beginning? Because to me, there were too many people at the press con and therefore, the full focus couldn't be on them and their interactions. But for the commentary, it was just the two of them and PKL as MC. And if am not mistaken, this commentary took place right after the press con (I'm deducing this due to the fact that their attire were the same for both segments). In the commentary, they actually gave me the impression that they are already close but are holding back from showing it. But there are times when their overflowing chemistry and familiarity with one another got "exposed" anyhow. I particularly love the part where KAJ almost wanted to "strangle" KNG and even gave him a good shake when he doubted/teased her that she shared the same view on their characters' first meeting in the drama. Oh, and another is when KNG and PKL wanted to do 'Girl Crush PPOM PPOM' again (since the first time didn't work) and KAJ had to do a hair flip. KNG burst out so hard laughing when KAJ responded with "again?" I LOVE IT! Ohoh, and not forgetting the part where the first 'Girl Crush PPOM PPOM' didn't work. It was quite dubious where KAJ put her hands when she laughed! In my eyes, it seemed like she put her hands on KNG's lap for a moment~ kekeke :wub: Watching these always lifts my mood, and I hope it does yours too. So I'm sharing them here. I wonder if you'd have the same sentiments as me? Please do let me know, hehe. 




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@iamemilykay yes i agree with u.. that interview with PKL was so great.. i think she is good MC and didnt make both kng n kaj felt awkward at all.. watching them again in that inteview, i was smiling from d beginning until d end..

Altho kaj likes to zoned out but i think she wasnt at all at that interview (compared to prescon n vlive).. i watch her closely and i think she always smile shyly or laugh hard if kng makes jokes.. she even covers her face couple times.. and i agree with u that she maybe put her hands to kng's lap when they laugh about making girl crush poomm poommm.. :D yes both of them already close that time.. if they dont, she wont grab his neck when he teased her..


I found kaj's habit when she likes to zoned out is so cute..lols. she always had an image of a tough girl outside.. but looking at her zoned out many times makes her "more" have a girly side that needs a man's protection.. thats why she has many charms that can make people loves her..


P.s: kaj's habit to be zoned out is similar to running man member, song ji hyo.. she likes to do that too.. others member (male) even called her "mong" ji (hyo) :D

So kaj should be called "mong" ah? Lols..

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57 minutes ago, iamemilykay said:


@leba Sorry to cut your post, chingu. Wanted to say that compared to the press con, I actually preferred to watch the side commentary with Park Kyung Lim for their earlier interactions. Somehow I feel that is a better depiction of their relationship at the beginning? Because to me, there were too many people at the press con and therefore, the full focus couldn't be on them and their interactions. But for the commentary, it was just the two of them and PKL as MC. And if am not mistaken, this commentary took place right after the press con (I'm deducing this due to the fact that their attire were the same for both segments). In the commentary, they actually gave me the impression that they are already close but are holding back from showing it. But there are times when their overflowing chemistry and familiarity with one another got "exposed" anyhow. I particularly love the part where KAJ almost wanted to "strangle" KNG and even gave him a good shake when he doubted/teased her that she shared the same view on their characters' first meeting in the drama. Oh, and another is when KNG and PKL wanted to do 'Girl Crush PPOM PPOM' again (since the first time didn't work) and KAJ had to do a hair flip. KNG burst out so hard laughing when KAJ responded with "again?" I LOVE IT! Ohoh, and not forgetting the part where the first 'Girl Crush PPOM PPOM' didn't work. It was quite dubious where KAJ put her hands when she laughed! In my eyes, it seemed like she put her hands on KNG's lap for a moment~ kekeke :wub: Watching these always lifts my mood, and I hope it does yours too. So I'm sharing them here. I wonder if you'd have the same sentiments as me? Please do let me know, hehe. 




 Hi @iamemilykay, I watched the side interactions a few weeks ago. Maybe that’s why I forgot how they were. Yesterday I only managed to watch the earlier parts where the 4 leads introduced themselves and talked about their characters. And in that short clip he didn’t look close to KAJ (which I understand too because they have just finished filming probably the first 4 episodes). And probably I felt weird that he was gesturing at Mak Gae to stand closer to him and not KAJ. ( haha the jealous streak in me for KAJ). 


Now that u mention it, yah, I remember the friendly strangle and the Girl crush ppom ppom that made her so shy and embarrassed. Haha. They were closer in that segment of the presscon. Maybe, as you said, they just tried to downplay it when the rest of the group were together. Thanks for sharing it again! It’s definitely more positive than the earlier part of the press con. Haha! 


Anyways, I also agree that he is a very accommodating, accepting and patient colleague to his co-stars. Just want to explain myself a bit more that when I mentioned about him probably feeling KAJ wasn’t totally his best partner (or his match) YET at the press con and Vlive, was because maybe of her performance in both presscon and Vlive, that shy and zoned out impression, while KNG was confident and everything like a leader. This is especially for the VLive that I felt he might have felt quite flustered that both his co-stars weren’t keeping up the atmosphere. But he was definitely always kindly and gently at her defense, being understanding of how tired she  was that day. But still, it may be just for the Vlive event that he felt that flustered because the show had to go on and his 2 co-stars weren’t totally keeping up. So that was what I sensed. I may be wrong. But having that observation doesn’t discount the fact that I do see his very caring and patient spirit to his colleagues and especially to KAJ.  :)


That being said, I also observe that he already admires some qualities in KAJ during the press con, because he said that her passion is different from the other co-stars he has worked with. Because of her attentiveness to detail. And I think he holds that trait very dearly and works along with that to bring out the best in KAJ through their partnership. That would also explain why he would always hear out her ideas and was always flexible to incorporate her views. 


But I must say also that the Vlive and press con aren’t the best places to judge their working relationship. Hehe. I think the bts would be better. Haha. He was really very considerate and tender towards KAJ all the time. And he’s always discussing with her. I love how comfortably he held her hands, whether intertwined or in an assuring grasp. He did it very tenderly and with much feelings. It speaks to me of him cherishing her or YK a lot. And when in the bts where he brought her shoe for her, and EVEN wears it for her, shows a lot about how he respects and cares for her as a co-star and friend. I like men when they know how to treat a lady properly and with respect. :wub:


haha. Not sure if i’m making sense in some of the parts. But forgive me if I don’t. Sometimes I find it hard to express accurately what I feel too. Haha. :D



And yes, @Cherrine Kim, I want to agree with you that I find KAJ’s habit of zoning out very cute too. Makes her quite harmless person to be with and actually very lovable. Haha. 

Edited by leba
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3 hours ago, mrcyber said:

hello friends

nice to meet u all ^_^

i'm just want to tell you, please vote for our kim nam gil in BLUE DRAGON FILM AWARDS :blush:

Let's get him an award ok? ^^b

#3daysleft! #1accountfor1vote

if u want to vote please check @he0dang's twitter

Thank u




Done! Vote for One Day and KNG only. Lol! Will make new account to vote KNG new movie tomorrow. 

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1 hour ago, Cherrine Kim said:

How to move on? Pls tell me...



Thank you so much for the MVs! So much feels! Hahaha. Me too.... Can’t move on.... What I do is, I go back to episode 1 and watch all the way to episode 16... get lovesick again and go back to episode 1 for another round..... (the comical first few episodes cure the lovesick part. )

But at this rate.... we’ll never move on.... haha


1 hour ago, butterflysaga said:


My thoughts while watching it:

Kim Nam Gil with clean shaven is hot.

Kim Nam Gil with moustache is hot.

Kim Nam Gil with beard is hot.

Only Kim Nam Hil who can pulled facial hair into hotness overload.


Ohhhhh I'm so screwed.

KNG-ssi what are you doing to meeeeeeee?!!!!! HELPPP!!


My sentiments exactly! I’m beginning to like him with the moushtache now (my 5th time starting from episode 1, watching pervy-ahjussi)!!! Horror of horrors! Never liked men with moustache! What’s happening to me now? :o

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1 hour ago, Cherrine Kim said:

How to move on? Pls tell me..


OMG. The first video make me smile. The second video make me cry. A very good editing and good choices of song. Make me wanted to watch them again.


1 hour ago, butterflysaga said:

My thoughts while watching it:

Kim Nam Gil with clean shaven is hot.

Kim Nam Gil with moustache is hot.

Kim Nam Gil with beard is hot.

Only Kim Nam Hil who can pulled facial hair into hotness overload.


Ohhhhh I'm so screwed.

KNG-ssi what are you doing to meeeeeeee?!!!!! HELPPP!!

Lol! We have the same thoughts. Just as for me, it takes quite a time to fall in love with his clean shaven face. I even frown a bit when he suddenly clean shaven his face on LUTYN. Lololol!

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Come across this on the web: "Kim Nam Gil, journey and record Into the Wild" (English translation by his fan, unfortunately not all contents were translated). This might give us some insights about KNG (in his own words).  :)


For "028  Type AB + Pisces"  in the book:


‘Appears to be a fussy partner 
but will realize is a good person once in an actual relationship.
Will not ponder over complicated interpersonal relationship, belongs to the tranquil type
well rounded in every aspect. Therefore there is no need 
to sacrifice one’s own personality and ideas in order to accommodate the other person.
Encountering when each person is on equal terms, itself is the ideal way of an encounter.’

‘Generally, is the person who first proposes marriage
in respect to females, there are a lot of situations where they proactively pursue you.
As a result, it is still long before you are determine to get married
due to having almost no progress, it often cause the 
female side to feel very uneasy.

Using this chance, it will be a good thing to 
fix your indecisive nature.’


Mmm, sounds familiar... I hope KNG and KAJ will pass this phase smoothly...

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Good morning to all my lovely chingus


@butterflysaga chingu you made such sentences a turn on . How you do that?:tongue:

 ""KNG is the definition of finely aged with smooth finishing. Meanwhile, hallyu "pop" actor nowadays more like a coke, maybe even flat coke, still a bit fizzy but hey.. its all sugar dump. Now, it's time to be a grown lady, take a sip of that high quality wine and leave the soda to the kids""


Let me wake you but....well its not working on you anyway. I know because its not working on me too 





Alright time to run my duties. Bye all ((hugs)) :tongue::heart::kiss_wink:

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Hi guys, came across the 'rice ball n morning kiss' clip without any background music. Rather interesting, it's like watching them film the raw video without any effects. I was able to appreciate their tone better, especially the softness n agyeo-ness of YK. ^_^


It's from tvn naver website for LUTYN.




I'm still searching if there are any other clips like this.

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Hi everyone!


Don't forget Seoul Award today!

I searched on twitter for live streaming links, try these: 



A fans shared her convo with AJ at the fansign. She asked AJ if she already chose a dress for the Seoul Award, AJ told her that she has carefully selected a dress.


Can't wait to see her walk the red carpet and host the event!!


FYI, the rare pokemon was seen filming outskirt Seoul since this early morning.

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I wish KAJ won an award tonight so that she can say thanks to KNG. If she mentions his name and says some sweet words about him, I would swoon and spazz over it. How I wish they were together. Anyway, someone has posted a message saying she witnessed KNG filming some scenes in Kangwon Province, which is far away from Seoul. He is busy now with his new projcet but I hope he has some time to spend with his new found love. I feel nervous because I'm sure she will definitely mention his name and we will have something to spazz with each other.

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29 minutes ago, siena said:

Gangwon-do is not that far from Seoul tho'. There are 2 location of his filming in Gangwon-do. However it's not that far around an hour or 1.30 of driving.


Edit: forgot to tell you. According to DC Gal, rehearsal starts at 2pm. The lunchbox and flowers will be sent to location at around 1.30 pm.

Wow, Siena! Thank you so much for feeding us such precious info!! :D:D

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1 hour ago, jadore1 said:

Watching Ep 4 when they ended up in Joseon 1st time ...and YK is pleading that HI take responsibility ...and he rolls his eyes and reminds her that she punched him , kicked , twisted lol.. just had to share . :grin:

That absolutely my fovorite too...eps 4, I can rewatch this part million time:D


5 hours ago, capristar said:



Come across this on the web: "Kim Nam Gil, journey and record Into the Wild" (English translation by his fan)

@capristar, Thanks a lot for this link...reading his livejournal, makes me miss him more (and our girl crush poom ppom too...God Bless them)

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