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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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@ummnado I do have wacom but I suck on digital drawing and I dont remember when the last time I even draw anything.. I think the skills probably gone missing by now. :lol:




And finally I have time to rewatch LUTYN and make some gifs since it's weekend. :lol:

I actually love LUTYN shots, from long shot to close-up shot since I can see ImKyung eyes.

I only manage to gifs for 4 ep for now, but still sorry for the long post. :wink:










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32 minutes ago, 3z3zm3lp said:

@ummnado i always thought it was inside his coat. Maybe his coat has an inside pocket too. :))


Yeah! Her hand was inside his coat. He must have told her to “just put it there. It’s much warmer in there.” :wub:


but poor AJ must have been shivering really badly for him to hug her so tightly. The bts showed him trying to hug her more to keep her warm. And when he was caught red-handed, yes, he pulled away and shyly stuck out his tongue and looked embarrassed and so on, but this nice gentleman did not stop being nice to AJ. He continued to smile at her and held her hands. (Please tell me it’s not an agreement between them and the directors that they should be lovey-dovey all the way without any breaks so that they could just use any beautiful lovey dovey scenes in the end.) 


Because there can only be 2 explanations for such:


1. As I mentioned earlier, there was probably an agreement between director and the couple that they should be “dating” all the way whether during camera cut or roll.... and that’s why he was so sweet even during a “break”.


2. The other explanation is what I choose to believe. That that bts was a real break. They were waiting for cameras to roll. AJ was shivering badly. NG hugged her tightly to keep her warm. He found out he was caught. But that still didn’t deter him from being nice to AJ all the way. ( I mean if he didn’t want AJ to get wrong idea, he would have stopped and asked staff to bring her more blankets or the electric warmer.) but he didn’t. He just held her hand and smiled at her and continued to walk on as though nothing happened.

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Thks for many info @siena & it's great and also i do have same thought as @ummnado say about he touch her hair.  Sometimes i think he really like her hair.. Lol 

The is the article about it. Its only for fun reading.. 


What does it mean when a man touches your hair? 

One great example of body language is hair touching. If a guy touches your hair, chances are he is feeling one of four ways about you...

-He’s Just Innocently Flirting 

-He’s Attracted to You 

-He’s Crushing On You/He Likes You 

-He’s In Love 

here full article :https://fidori.com/what-does-it-mean-when-he-touches-your-hair/ 

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6 minutes ago, delusionalsquid said:

I really like the scene where they bickered outside police station. Heo Im's expression :D


Yeah. Right at the beginning before they started talking, he was pouting in displeasure. Haha. And I liked it too that he grumbled in one breath how rude she was to walk away when he was talking and explaining what she herself wanted to know.... haha. 


I also liked it when they were in Josoen first time and he was trying to console YK that he totally understood how she felt and he was rambling on and on like an ahjumma when she suddenly screamed and he got shocked and tried to cover the sound (like how could he rite?). It was so funny and well acted. Just love them both. And that leads me to think of my other favourite bickering scene at Josoen outside the inn, where they tried to bicker, using the innkeeper as a middleman. Haha. 


I feel they weren’t able to bicker so well in episode 16 anymore. Maybe because as a viewer I wasn’t used to seeing them bicker anymore after all the touching love scenes. And maybe also for themselves, it’s hard to find themselves quarreling after they are so in love with each other’s characters. Haha.

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@ducan Thank you for the interesting article, and I want to believe he's in love  because I got the impression he really liked to touch her including her hands, arms, her hair, etc even. Haha. 


@leba You know what? In epi9 when HI gave YK the cold shoulder,  there was a scene he got angry, saying 'Do you pity on me? Do I look like a child who becomes happy for a few candies? Stop acting so generous'. In that scene, HI has to be cold with his harsh words. But when YK told she came to know what kind of person he is, and gave him praises, he looked too soft to me and even supressed a laugh or smile for a split second. It was like NG couldn't get angry at AJ. :D

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Thanks @siena for the new info! Especially on AJ editing her IG! And yes, why is DC gal reminiscing their kiss this week? Haha. Something going on? 


Thanks, @ummnado for the new drawings! So pretty. 


And thanks @YuKo Wong for sharing the compilation of KNG’s faces! I think he has very beautiful and well-defined lips. Nice shape. Erm.... very kissable lips... ok. Getting pervy too! But I burst out laughing at your comment @sukbin! AJ hand there to massage him was a good one! :lol:

1 minute ago, lovelycate said:

@ducan Thank you for the interesting article, and I want to believe he's in love  because I got the impression he really like to touch her including her hands, arms, her hair, etc even. Haha. 


@leba You know what? In epi9 when HI gave YK the cold shoulder, and there was a scene he got angry, saying 'Do you pity on me? Do I look like a child who becomes happy for a few candies? Stop acting so generous'. In that scene, HI has to be cold with his harsh words. But when YK told she came to know what kind of person he is, and gave him praises, he looked too soft to me and even supressed a laugh or smile for a split second. It was like NG couldn't get angry at AJ. :D


Yeah I felt so too! I felt he didn’t reject her hard enough. I mean the scene where he rejected her in his clinic was quite well done. But the one outside the hospital u mentioned, he wasn’t as harsh. Hahaha.

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@leba let's just say WE LOVE ALL OF THEIR SCENES :D


About their BTS's hug, if I were KAJ, I'd definitely hug him back and lean my head to his shoulder (come on "I'm shivering atm" lol). Or did they edit that part out? KAJ looked blank when he hugged her... Did she fully aware that he hugged her...? Hihihi I don't know anymore...

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2 minutes ago, delusionalsquid said:

@leba let's just say WE LOVE ALL OF THEIR SCENES :D


About their BTS's hug, if I were KAJ, I'd definitely hug him back and lean my head to his shoulder (come on "I'm shivering atm" lol). Or did they edit that part out? KAJ looked blank when he hugged her... Did she fully aware that he hugged her...? Hihihi I don't know anymore...



Yesh! I can’t agree with you more!! All their scenes!!  :wub:

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I strongly think the hug is bts because:


1. Someone (staff) walked pass them.

2. Their eyes were looking down? And they stood still with straight face (the freezing look of AJ NG even pulled her tightly)

3. The extras behind them were on standby, standing still.

4. Then we can hear a voice, Ok....Roll.


I don't think they were shy because they got caught hugging, more like the staff teased them.


Btw, the bts captions sometimes made us confuse to differentiate was it HI or NG/ YK or AJ but remember the staff called them by their character name i.e HI (NG) and YK (AJ).

In early bts the caption still wrote HI and sometimes NG or AJ and sometimes YK but I guess because most of the time NG and AJ could be too sweet and lovely to each other (a lot of captions said this, they're so sweet, shy, etc for ex. like one when NG put AJ shoes) so they decided to just wrote their character names instead.

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25 minutes ago, siena said:

I strongly think the hug is bts because:


1. Someone (staff) walked pass them.

2. Their eyes were looking down? And they stood still with straight face (the freezing look of AJ NG even pulled her tightly)

3. The extras behind them were on standby, standing still.

4. Then we can hear a voice, Ok....Roll.


I don't think they were shy because they got caught hugging, more like the staff teased them.


Btw, the bts captions sometimes made us confuse to differentiate was it HI or NG/ YK or AJ but remember the staff called them by their character name i.e HI (NG) and YK (AJ).

In early bts the caption still wrote HI and sometimes NG or AJ and sometimes YK but I guess because most of the time NG and AJ could be too sweet and lovely to each other (a lot of captions said this, they're so sweet, shy, etc for ex. like one when NG put AJ shoes) so they decided to just wrote their character names instead.


Yeah and even after the scene was taken, and the director said 'leave now, go go?(나간다,이제, 고고), NG reached for and held her hand as if it was the most natural thing to do when walking away. Was it necessary for acting? Haha.:blush:

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Rewatching the eng subbed commentary made me smile :blush:


Maybe I'm too biased, but they seemed to be completed each other in the interview...


I agreed with KAJ's opinion that the script is fresh and intimate (yes girl, very intimate indeed *I'm talking about their chemistry, not their certain intimate kiss lol*).


KAJ didn't seem too greedy to talk about her part in the drama, she mostly talked about Heo Im, how interesting this character is, how interesting the storyline. While KNG made point about the impact/message of the drama. Did she intentionally put the burden to KNG's shoulder for the success of drama? Well we all witnessed that drama success because of them and not a one-man-show. :wink: *thank God*


I am KAJ when KNG showed his accupuncture skill lol. *Why am I embarassed? Haha ignore me*


When KNG was anxious and serious when PKL asked about the rating (maybe he felt burdened already), KAJ 'helped' by saying the rating will increase slowly (3,5-6-8), but then she revised it to 3,5-5-7 (which is coming true hooray!). I liked that KNG took the lead to apologize to viewers when KAJ said her prediction of the rating. *this for me is sweet act from him :)*


Feels like they came to understand each other at that moment, that success of drama is not coming from one lead only, but both of them. They understand the storyline, their characters (maybe they shared one/two/all traits with the characters they play), and very open to others' opinion and how they'd portray the characters. Ahhh the feels... :rolleyes:


Well if LUTYN casts/staffs happen to read this, just so you know, that I really really really really really really love and appreciate your hard work in this drama. Maybe entertainment industry won't give you any award/recognition, but you already get recognition from viewers' hearts, which lasts long/lifetime *I hope*. I believe viewers can catch which drama/movie that made by heart, or just act. 


*why suddenly became so serious here? Sorry guys.. :D

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Finally gotten some time to type in here. What a busy weekend... Good to see some news tidbits about our couple. Spazzing them does need a certain level of stamina. :lol:


About KNG's pornstache, I guess he really set the bar so high that I'm regretting my actions. Here's my story. Anyone heard of Movember? It's a man thing where they grow a mustache for the month of November. My dear husband decided to try one this year. I was never a fan of mustache. But ever since seeing KNG, I thought well, no harm right? Ok fast forward 2 weeks into it, the mustache is growing well... Except for the middle part. Now it looks like that brown HI shirt! *Faints* My oh my, when I thought it will be +10 to sexiness, it's now +10 to goofy-ness. :blink: 

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