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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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Just finished checking the link recently shared by siena. Since it's korean, my browser automatically translated it to english and I know it's probably not accurate but the last part really caught my attention!! Hahaha! :wub: 

Does it really translate to this? Kekeke


I wanna be delusional but don't want to be hurt at the same time. :D:wacko:

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10 minutes ago, curlygee said:

Just finished checking the link recently shared by siena. Since it's korean, my browser automatically translated it to english and I know it's probably not accurate but the last part really caught my attention!! Hahaha! :wub: 


Does it really translate to this? Kekeke


I wanna be delusional but don't want to be hurt at the same time. :D:wacko:

What a coincidence! My delulu mind has gone in the same direction. What caught my eyes are 'We will deliver good news soon' and 'If you cheat on me, I will kill you'. Could the last comment be a secret message for NG by any chance?:D :glasses:

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16 minutes ago, lovelycate said:

What a coincidence! My delulu mind has gone in the same direction. What caught my eyes are 'We will deliver good news soon' and 'If you cheat on me, I will kill you'. Could the last comment be a secret message for NG by any chance?:D :glasses:

Hahaa @curlygee  I think the cheating/affair message is referring to KAJ's candles for her fans which says "I'm the only actress in the world" ie her fans cant cheat on her.  



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16 minutes ago, kfan222 said:

Hahaa @curlygee  I think the cheating/affair message is referring to KAJ's candles for her fans which says "I'm the only actress in the world" ie her fans cant cheat on her.  



I thought as much while I was taking the shower. Hahahaha! I need to snap out of it :tongue:


@lovelycate i was about to say what @kfan222 said. But.......if KAJ and KNG has something hidden and good going on right now, ehem,  then it must be a hidden message! :wub::D ahhh,  my delulu mind ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ not to mention, she's biting her lip in one of her pics! The more i can't control my thoughts. Lol

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1 hour ago, amy_souma said:

@gogumajet I was wondering the same thing as well as I've been checking her IG on a daily basis and she has yet to list down LUTYN on her IG description :ph34r: However, happy enough that it changed to a kiss emoji instead :heart: My delulu mind is telling me the same thing, something good must be happening to her right now :wub:

Right?! It's like "kiss emoji!" There is a lot of other emoji out there. "Kiss emoji"? Oh, come on KAJ! "Kiss" is indeed a hot topic in your latest drama. Lol! Pardon me please.

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2 hours ago, amy_souma said:

@gogumajet I was wondering the same thing as well as I've been checking her IG on a daily basis and she has yet to list down LUTYN on her IG description :ph34r: However, happy enough that it changed to a kiss emoji instead :heart: My delulu mind is telling me the same thing, something good must be happening to her right now :wub:

Haha...Maybe now she already recover from flu, she want another kiss from our KNG.:wub:

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1 hour ago, lovelycate said:

What a coincidence! My delulu mind has gone in the same direction. What caught my eyes are 'We will deliver good news soon' and 'If you cheat on me, I will kill you'. Could the last comment be a secret message for NG by any chance?:D :glasses:

Omg different kinda translation but this translation so extreme hahaha reminds me of :joy:


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9 minutes ago, kaykay0920 said:

:heart:LUTYN BTS Kim Nam-gil and Kim Ah-joong (with English translation):flushed:



Re-watching this over and over. Missed them so so so much. How to move on ㅠㅠ


Thanks for sharing and thanks to the subber too!:heart:

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On 10/27/2017 at 2:23 PM, martanur said:


That's why @iamemilykay I asked someone in the main thread... to translate some points from those videos since it is more intimately than the press con. The way KNG teased, laughed and looked at her... I saw...ehm, it was so different than the way he treated his other co-stars.  


@martanur So sorry for the late response, chingu! I'm really lagging in following the thread, hurhur~ it's really great that your request at the main thread was heard and I guess @xxPeepsxx have provided the video with Eng subs, hehehe. :blush:



On 10/27/2017 at 5:20 PM, ImKyung said:

(I can't believe I'm hiding again in a meeting room to watch a random award ceremony in a language I don't understand... KAJ & KNG the things you make your fans do...)


@ImKyung I LAUGHED OUT LOUD so hard when I saw your post! :lol: Even read them out loud ~ which alarmed my mom, making her ask me, "are you talking to yourself in front of the computer??!" :D I'm wondering what went through your boss' mind when he/she saw you in the meeting room and waved~ It could be "wow, my staff is so hardworking -- she purposely head into the meeting for a quiet space to focus on work" OR "I can't see what she's doing with laptop inside~ can't see the screen from here...but she seemed like she's at FULL FOCUS...hmmm...." hahahaha~~~


Seriously, I'm starting to wish for us, shipper chingus, to work together in a company~ imagine all that shenanigans we can do together for our Gum Couple while working! And we'll be stealthy for each other while we're at it, covering each other's back~ kekekeke! All for the sake of catching up with whatever updates of our Gum Couple~ wheeehehehehhe! :D:tongue:



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On 10/27/2017 at 6:32 PM, etherealk408 said:

She looks so statuesque & untouchable here..makes you realize not just any man can look good enough to stand beside the goddess,let alone to look so perfect with her and emits "married couple" vibes:wink:


yup i'm talking abt our rare pokemon here :lol:



@etherealk408 :heart::heart::heart: for pointing this out! I COMPLETELY AGREE with you that not any man is able to look good enough to stand next to KAJ. :rolleyes: And may I add that this here is THE PERFECT EXAMPLE of the difference between "standing next to a co-worker" and "standing next to not just a co-worker" [me believes, its lover:wub::wub::wub:









There's undeniably, ABSOLUTE STARK DIFFERENCE. Girly vibes are so prominently emitted all round KAJ when she's next to our rare Pornstache-mon~ while with JHM, she's just all that professionally gorgeous and confident lady aura -- ZERO girly vibe.  Plus, the way she stands next to KNG, she sorta 'hid' behind him, as if to say she feel protected beside him~ AIGOO AIGOO AIGOO :heart::heart::heart:~~ but with JHM, she just stands tall and confident, and even put her hand (that's next to JHM) behind her back -- as if to avoid having any contact with him, hah! 


Seriously, I can stare at our Gum Couple being next to each other whole day. Hmm...I think its high time I go change my office computer's desktop background to uri Couple. :tongue::lol::wub: 









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7 minutes ago, iamemilykay said:


There's undeniably, ABSOLUTE STARK DIFFERENCE. Girly vibes are so prominently emitted all round KAJ when she's next to our rare Pornstache-mon~ while with JHM, she's just all that professionally gorgeous and confident lady aura -- ZERO girly vibe.  Plus, the way she stands next to KNG, she sorta 'hid' behind him, as if to say she feel protected beside him~ AIGOO AIGOO AIGOO :heart::heart::heart:~~ but with JHM, she just stands tall and confident, and even put her hand (that's next to JHM) behind her back -- as if to avoid having any contact with him, hah! 


Seriously, I can stare at our Gum Couple being next to each other whole day. Hmm...I think its high time I go change my office computer's desktop background to uri Couple. :tongue::lol::wub: 



Not only this coming from you shipper. 


I think with JHM  nNbKaE0.gif .....AJ-ssi can strangle his neck with that height  :smirk:


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21 hours ago, leba said:


Thank you @iamemilykay for sharing your thoughts and wording them so beautifully. I only read a couple of them. One of them

was his thoughts on eating. And how he wished we didn’t have to waste time eating.... haha. I was like, “huh?! Eating is such a great way for me to pass time...” haha! But he sure is a very deep person who thinks a lot. Maybe too much sometimes.


You make me wanna read some more of his thoughts and to understand him more. I think the best part is, he voices out his inner heart. I guess that keeps him sane too, in a world that doesn’t make sense all the time. I also hope his heart has found in KAJ a place to call home. I think given her more simple and straightforward way of looking at the world (I dunno, that’s just the vibes I get from her interviews), I think she will be able to give him comfort and strength in the things he over-thinks or tries too hard to understand (only to bring him more despair). Hehe. If only she’s the one who really makes his heart beat! Or maybe it’s true,  that’s why PD-nim just had to use that line to sum up the whole drama. :wub: it’s a hint! PD-nim is shipper number 1! Haha!


21 hours ago, leba said:

Sighs. I just read a few more articles from his journal. My heart also aches for him too. Though it was written quite some years ago, but i believe some of these thoughts still stay with him. 


I feel sad when I read his prologue, comparing fame to rain (can be easily forgotten); his life as an actor to a doll with 2 faces ( though he ends off with being content that at least the doll can enjoy having 2 faces); and also about the teenager opening up his sorrowful notebook for people to know what he’s thinking. In the teenager analogy, he mentioned about the teenager having an illness. I wonder whether he meant it literally or just poetically referring to some problem. I really hope KNG has good health. Sorry i’m a bit paranoid when it comes to people’s health. With the big C (cancer) happening to so many people nowadays, i’m quite concerned when I read of actors and actresses whose lifestyles are so stressful and so hectic that I worry they would get such scary illnesses. Just hope KNG is really in good health. And that he would have found the happiness he was seeking all along. You can tell from his writings he is seeking something. Searching for a meaning in life. Searching for happiness, for love. Just hope he will find them soon. Be happy, KNG-ssi! Don’t think too much! :)


@leba I know right, I also thought how could he think that eating is a chore? Eating is like one of life's MOST ENJOYABLE thing! :lol: I'm an outright foodie~ who's willing spend A LOT of time and effort to look for interesting places to eat. And when I do come across good food, I go into marathon eating mode and SAVOUR them properly. Because good food DESERVES respect. B) 


I guess that's why my heart felt heavy for him~ He works so hard to earn money, but he doesn't even enjoy the simple pleasures of life. This shouldn't be~ hurhur. And I'm totally with you on hoping he's in good health, more than anything. It's only when he has a healthy body, can he pursue what he desires in life. Based on his recent interviews (was it Life Bar and Entertainment weekly? I can't remember...), seems like he's now very well-aware that he needs to take good care of himself. I really do hope he follows that awareness with tangible actions. :)


And I get the feel too that KAJ is a more simple and straightforward person in her outlook on life.  It'll be really good if KNG could be 'healed' through these qualities of hers. Or maybe like you said, he has been healed! And PD-nim witnessed it! If PD-nim is shipper no. 1 and he intended to spread the love of uri Gum Couple, he'S totally successful! Because he got ALL OF US in this thread on his side! Hahahaha! :heart:


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@bluehopeatm CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH for ALLL the juxtapositions you did for our Gum Couple! :heart::heart::heart: Seeing their stills side by side more than cemented how they look so similar to each other. Not only in terms of the shapes of their face and the way they smile, but to the poses and little expressions they have. Everything shouts "hubby and wifey looks" to me, no matter how I look at them~ They're really mirroring each other ~~ happy sighhhhhss :wub::wub::wub: 


Btw, are you still at risk of being sent to Jupiter for doing these lovely things for our Couple? I'm thinking if we should start planning an escape strategy for you.....like maybe intercept somewhere to rescue you~~ WUAHAHAHA~ :D:D Because I think our thread needs you to continue to be here~ you contribute so much fun to this ship! Keke! :D

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