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[Official] Katayose Ryota & Tsuchiya Tao (RyoTao | 涼太鳳) - Anikoma couple (real-life couple)


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@setokaonii Hi! Welcome back! You don't have to apologize. We really appreciate your effort to edit the clips and sharing it with us. So thank you very much! I'll watch it soon and then I'll be back with some comments about it :)


Here's the clip of Ryota's IG story. I'm not sure what it is but there were some fans who guessed that it is some kind of food/cake from that certain city in Japan that Tao went to. 




I also like how Ryota isn't like other boyband members who see marriage as a hindrance in their career and therefore get married in their late 30s and 40s. 


It feels empty knowing that there won't be more Anikoma updates from now on. I also hope that the accounts won't be deleted. Although they will all be busy with other projects may the friendship of the cast remain this good always (as for Ryota and Tao, hopefully their bond and feelings would only grow more for each day that passes).


@thuyhoang62 You are welcome! :)

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Ryota then said getting married won't stop them from working. There are a lot of people who would still work after marriage. So they won't contradict one another. 

I notice "contradict one another". 

Only I think he talked about his girlfriend job? He doesn't want she to retire from work.

in Downtown and some interviews in 2017, Tao really thought she will retire after marriage, she wants to give all her heart for only her husband.

I know what she means, she is an actress, she has to work with many actors and very busy to take care her own family. So she decides that she will retire. She will give up her dream, her job because of her husband.

I don't want and I'm quite sure Ryota doesn't want it. I can see Ryota really like Tao as an actress, dancer... it's herself. She is full of energy and loveable, she makes everyone happy. If she gives up herself because of marriage, her husband will be sad, right?

Honestly, most of Japanese boys want their wifes retire from work to take care family. Japanese boys have more responsibilities for his own family. They have to take care wife and make money, wifes will be at home and don't need to make money. I don't like it.


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@setokaonii  Thank you once again for sharing the stage-greeting with us! I have now watched it. I think the one with only the girls is cute because Ryota came to especially support them (on his spare-time). I'm curious about what Ryota and Tao said around 07:39 and forward. It seems like she was nervous and he was teasing her about that? My favourites are the two stage-greetings with the letters. Did Ryota try to stop himself from crying when Tao cried after she heard what he wrote to her in his letter? He was looking down a few times. It was cute when he was trying to find his handkerchief for her. At the last stage-greeting, when it was Tao's turn to read her letter Ryota was already trying to hold his tears back by closing his eyes while it seemed like Tao was tearing up while reading it. In a recent interview of Ryota's he said he isn't someone who cries easily so this shows how special and important this is for him. What I think was missing in the stage-greeting BTS was of the event that Ryota and Tao went to in Okinawa. I would like to see some BTS when they were there. 


I have also re-watched some parts of the BTS of the movie and also read some comments on weibo. Did you guys also notice a part of the BTS of the festival where a staff was helping Tao to fix her hair and Ryota was standing beside her, then he turned his face to face hers and then moved in closer to look at her and then he took his hand-fan to touch her face lightly?


It looks really sweet. I decipher it as a sign of affection. When you find someone really cute and you can't help but want to touch her/him. What do you guys think?

Here's a link to the gif



When Ryota and Tao were going to film

the-falling-down-the-stairs scene they had a funny and cute conversation.


Ryota: "If Onii (I) gets bald after falling down here you will have to continue to love your Onii (me)!


Tao: "Eh?! Getting bald by falling down here?"


Ryota: "Yes, if the head accidentally get scratched when falling down the stairs then there will be a bald spot on the back of the head."


Tao: "Onii, please be careful! If you fall down you will get bald!"


Ryota: "You are actually more concerned about me getting bald more than if I get injured or not!!"





Haha, these two are really cute together.


@ryotatao9495 That's true what you are saying. That he might also be talking about his future wife. I agree with him. No one has said that you can't work after getting married. I would think it is a pity too if Tao retired from the industry once she gets married. She is a very considerate person though who doesn't want to be a bother for her boyfriend/husband. She has said she wants 3 children. So I guess she wants to take care of them so her husband can fully focus on his work and not having to get worried for them? I think every couple would face this kind of situation and most of them will solve it by helping each other out, at least in many countries in Europe. That is the wife takes time off-work after giving birth for a year then usually it is the husbands turn to take vacation and the wife gets back to work. 

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Tao's Instagram 180118:

(Only a part of the entry)


Today I have a new job/project again.

I encountered people I'm close to so I'm especially happy and excited. Since I can't reveal what it is yet I'll have to use this time properly to do my best...!


I wonder what kind of new work it is. Movie probably? She is working with someone she is close to. Then it is most likely someone she has worked with before. I know the chance is slim but I'm hoping it is Ryota. 

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staff was helping Tao to fix her hair and Ryota was standing beside her, then he turned his face to face hers and then moved in closer to look at her and then he took his hand-fan to touch her face lightly?
It looks really sweet. I decipher it as a sign of affection. When you find someone really cute and you can't help but want to touch her/him. 

Here's a link to the gif
I agree with you that was a sign I think Ryota liked Tao at that time. It looked like Ryota wanted to kiss her *cough*, like the way Takane did in kiss scene at festival. I notice this scene before too, very cute and sweet. Tao pouted her lips later, I think she was happy and shy a little bit. 
Honestly, I always think Ryota had a crush on Tao since September 2016 but I didn't 
have any proofs to tell you guys. Now I have it.  

This is the scene when Ryota and Tao were watching a video where GENE members were lifting Ryota. It was Sep 19, the day Ryota and LDH announced he joined Anikoma. 
Ryota shared about his funny moments with best friends to Tao, when these boys were normal and humorous, very different from their artists images, it meaned he wanted Tao to know more about him as a normal boy, not an artist or prince. He is a young boy, funny and friendly, isn't cold or scary like Tao thought before. Tao said at first she thought Ryota was cold and scary in GENE. 

I'm quite sure the festival in Anikoma was taken in Sep 20 or some days later, not far from 19. And Ryota - Tao were very close at that time. They had many moments looked like a couple, very close. So I think their feelings stared before Sep 19.

I like the way Onii sat and Tao took photos for him. Ryota was tsundere, he was real Haruka. And Tao was real Setoka. 
I like when Ryota was taking photo for Tao (sitting on the chair), Tao " Oyyyyy" and Ryota replied "Haaaii", they were like husband and wife LOL.
I think Ryota is really tsundere with Tao (the girl he loved) after I watched BTS, stage greetings, etc. They are very cute, a cute couple in Asian dramas.


About Tao's new works, it's hard to be Ryota. But, maybe :)) someone makes Tao happy to work, and she is close to that one. Ryota??? But I don't think she will talk about Ryota that she's close to him.
Tao'S new project is drama "Let's go, Jets", she will dance a lot. Maybe her male partner is someone who can dance. Ryota can dance, but not much. But the drama and movie mostly about girls's cheer dance, so main actor won't dance a lot, just a little bit and Ryota can do it. His dancing skill is enough. Why I have feeling that E-girls and LDH will joined it. This drama is about dances, LDH is famous about dancers.
Recently, we saw some related things between Tao and E-girls like Karen watched Hachihana, Aya watched PLUTO. If you find Karen and Aya profile, their works, you will think so.
Some LDH artists promoted DVD Anikoma like Leola, Taiki Sato, Yuta (GENE),...

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@ryotatao9495 I noticed too how Tao pouted after Ryota touched her cheek lightly with his hand-fan. I also think it was because she was a bit shy. The smelling chocolate part was cute. Another thing I paid attention to was when Ryota filmed the scene where he fell down the stairs to save Setoka, a staff member and Tao took each hand of his to help him up but when he got up he let go off the staff member's hand while he was still holding Tao's hand with his other hand for a while before letting go. Overall I really like the BTS of the festival scene. They had many cute moments there.


I like the fact that Ryota was showing the clip of his members being happy for him for getting the role as Onii to Tao. It means that they at that time already became close enough for him to want to share this happy and warm clip with her. I agree with you that he probably started liking her during the filming period of Anikoma.


Isn't the drama "Let's Go, Jets" going to air in July? If she has already started with the new project I was thinking if it could be something that she is going to film now in-between Pluto and the upcoming promotions for "My Little Monster"? A movie perhaps, since it usually only takes 1 month to film. If Ryota and Tao will have a chance to work together again I'm hoping it will be a romance-based movie. 


According to the synopsis of "Let's Go, Jets" drama version there seems to be another important female character. So there's perhaps a chance that it is a singer who got the role, someone from LDH? 

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Ahhh, I forgot this
When Ryota and Tao were going to film
the-falling-down-the-stairs scene they had a funny and cute conversation.
Ryota: "If Onii (I) gets bald after falling down here you will have to continue to love your Onii (me)!
Tao: "Eh?! Getting bald by falling down here?"
Ryota: "Yes, if the head accidentally get scratched when falling down the stairs then there will be a bald spot on the back of the head."
Tao: "Onii, please be careful! If you fall down you will get bald!"
Ryota: "You are actually more concerned about me getting bald more than if I get injured or not!!"

 Ryota's question was really weird LOL
It's a type of question girls will ask someone she likes, right? If I..., what will you do/will you still love me? :))
And it's weird when Ryota asked Tao while they were just friends/partners about 1-2 months. 
I don't know if he meant Onii and Setoka or Onii (Ryota) and Tao. 
But his question looked like Ryota and Tao, not their characters. So, can I think it's a sign that Ryota wanted to tell Tao that he liked Tao and wanted to know if Tao liked him?
Anw, Tao answered isn't suitable. She only focused "get bald". I wonder if Tao understood but she tried to talk about "bald".
And Ryota, a sign that he said "You are actually more concerned about me getting bald more than if I get injured or not!!" He wanted Tao to worry him if he got injured (not bald, but he couldn't asked straightly), but he failed.
Anw, this conversation was very cute. 

My favourites are the two stage-greetings with the letters. Did Ryota try to stop himself from crying when Tao cried after she heard what he wrote to her in his letter? He was looking down a few times. It was cute when he was trying to find his handkerchief for her. At the last stage-greeting, when it was Tao's turn to read her letter Ryota was already trying to hold his tears back by closing his eyes while it seemed like Tao was tearing up while reading it. In a recent interview of Ryota's he said he isn't someone who cries easily so this shows how special and important this is for him. 

I agree with you that Ryota looked down after gave his handkerchief to Tao. He cried. I think because Anikoma is very important and he told everything to Tao on stage, he was confused a bit. I love the way he patted Tao's back and found handkerchief for Tao. I like his soft smile when seeing Tao cried. He looked like a real boyfriend of Tao.  I can see Ryota really understood Tao too much.


 when Ryota filmed the scene where he fell down the stairs to save Setoka, a staff member and Tao took each hand of his to help him up but when he got up he let go off the staff member's hand while he was still holding Tao's hand with his other hand for a while before letting go.
I notice too. I replayed it many times. So sweet. The HANDGRIP Of RyoTao was very tight, so Ryota could stand up. Ryota didn't keep staff's hand (a strong man) but he kept Tao's hand (a small girl). When Ryota stood up and still touched only Tao's hand, I saw Chiba and that staff (who gave hand to Ryota before) smiled and talked something. 
Let's talk about RyoTao. I think their relationship is very good at that time.
They really believe and feel safe with each other. When feeling hard, they would find and need each other. When Tao was stressed, Ryota would be beside her. When Ryota need someone, he would choose Tao (like the way he keep Tao's hand). 
I notice Ryota and Tao talk and laugh too much together. That's why they understand each other. I love a relationship like that.

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@ryotatao9495 I was thinking too that what Ryota said about wanting Tao to continue to love him even if he gets bald that it was like a conversation between a girlfriend and boyfriend, although with switched roles. Haha.

Yes, Tao's reply was not something Ryota was expecting but that is also typical Tao :tongue:. As setokaonii said she probably didn't get the meaning and hint behind Ryota's words. It would have been very sweet though if she said that she would continue to love him no matter what happened to him. Nevertheless, the conversation was really cute and funny. 


I really like the relationship that Ryota and Tao share. Like you said, they understand each other and when the other feel sad they would feel sad too (Ryota tearing up when Tao cried after she got his letter and Tao crying when Ryota started crying on the last stage-greeting). In the scene when Setoka knew about the truth that they aren't real siblings, Tao was still crying after they had finished filming the scene so Ryota walked to her side and stood there beside her, silently accompanying her. I thought it was sweet. 


It reminded me of an interview of his from 2017


Q: When is the moment when you would think "This girl is very cute"?


Ryota: When I see her fragile side. Probably because I would then have the urge to protect her. When I see her being down or when she feels troubled with something I would like to help her out.


As we have noticed before, fans on weibo have also noticed that on the BTS of the movie and drama Ryota would look at Tao a lot but then on the stage-greetings the eye-contact between them isn't as much, which they think is due to Ryota being shy and more anxious on public events. Or if our guesses is right that they started dating in 2017, then it might be because of that which make them a bit more tense? 


@setokaonii  Tao will be going to three countries in Europe next month so let's see if Ryota would post something regarding souvenirs on his IG this time around. I'm hoping to see them work together for a movie or drama too. The biggest chance is if LDH would invest in a project again and the director chooses Tao as the female lead. 


I just went back to watch the clips again after reading your comments. You have good eyes and ears. Regarding the BTS of the movie, I didn't hear that Ryota was calling her just Tao the first time I watched it. He has called her that on two different occasions also (when they had an interview on a building in Okinawa and in a clip with Chiba Yudai when they were talking about what kind of food she likes). Could it be that he usually calls her Tao thus sometimes when he is isn't fully alert situations like this would happen? As for the piano scene I also noticed that Ryota was smiling shyly and looked back at Tao a few times. The director was also smiling at both him and Tao after he had requested Ryota to play that bridal song. 

As for the backstages and stage-greetings, I didn't notice that Tao was playing with Ryota's hands with the fan. That's cute. I also think the way Ryota looked at Tao and the way she looked at him was different, at 07:35-08:20. I have probably said this many times already but I like how he always encourage her and make her feel calm by saying daijoubu to her. Chiba Yudai really likes to tease Ryota. Speaking of Yudai, he was on a variety show today and when he was asked who he is close to among his juniors he mentioned Ryota and Mamiya Shotaro and two other artists. He probably knows something regarding Ryota x Tao. 

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Congratulations to Ryota for getting 1 billion views/hashtags on weibo! Anikoma the movie has just been out for a little more than two weeks and he has gotten a huge boost of popularity ever since (400 million extra views/hashtags). I'm happy for him! 


A compilation of the matching outfits that Ryota and Tao have worn together. I wonder what kind of occasion the picture of them in jeans and Snoopy T-shirt is from (the first picture). 






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@setokaonii thanks for your translation. You are great! I can hear Japanese a little bit, what I heard is similar what you heard. 


I love the way Ryota hugged Tao and his smile, his eyes, his tongue. I'm sure he was shy but happy LOL

I like when he put his hand on Tao's shoulder, it sweet. I notice Ryota often puts his hand on her shoulder naturally like her boyfriend. It means he feels comfortable and close with Tao. 

I love when they eat together. Base on the way Ryota took food on Tao's hand and eat naturally, I know they were very close and eat together, same thing many times. They really looked like a couple. 

 It's was cute when they took selfies together. I like the way Ryota appeared everywhere Tao was, if she took photos by herself, he would appeared in those pictures. 

Yes, I notice Ryota always put his eyes on Tao, he looked Tao too much. I always think the tittle "I Have Difficulty to Be Loved Too Much by Older Brother" is true for RyoTao. Ryota is really crazy because of Tao *cough* He cares about her too much.


 They were really close at the filming time for festival. It was cute that they did many thing together, work - study - joke - play. 

I agree that the way Ryota looked at Tao in this scene was very different. It is the way a boy looks at the girl he loves. Sweet and passionate eyesight of Ryota for Tao. 


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@Transition Yes, Ryota had 1 billion for his hashtag on Weibo. I'm happy for him and GENERATIONS. I'm glad to hear GENERATIONS will have China tour, it means they are really famous in Mainland. They got good results after Summer Sonic Shanghai, so now they will be more popular in China. Anikoma hashtag had 530 million on Weibo.

Ryota is very popular after Anikoma. But I hope he will have many many fans who always support him and GENERATIONS, I don want he has new fans who just loves his handsome/cute face, his prince image, love his role Onii. I hope they will love Ryota and GENERATIONS, love their music. 

Tao got 260 million for her hashtag on Weibo. She isn't famous like Ryota. She is the most beautiful girl in my mind but I know most of people think she doesn't have a beautiful face or nice body, sweet voice like other actresses. She doesn't have many fans like others but most of people love her sincerely and deeply, uneasy to give up Tao. She isn't type of artists make everyone crazy, but she makes everyone love her more and more everyday. That's what I want.


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I have been reading a few translations of Tao's interviews and I noticed that she has mentioned a few times about Ryota's traits in interviews and like I have also said before, those traits match her ideal boyfriend criteria perfectly. I have also read a few translations of her IG posts and some fans pointed out that there seems to be some hints here and there. I will translate them later on. 


November 2017

Q: Your ideal type? 


Tao: "Someone who would take others in consideration. I also like people who are full of knowledge. The best would be someone who would talk a lot with me." 





April 2017 (in Okinawa)

Interviewer: Tsuchiya-san, have Katayose-san asked you a lot of questions because he is worried about you? (In the earlier part of the interview Ryota said he was afraid that her body won't be able to tolerate the stress and fatigue and she would collapse due to her not having enough rest.)


Tao: "He really has, which made me think "there's actually someone who is so considerate of others". The way he treats me and including all the staff members make me think he is a person who would treat others very well. "


Tao: "Appearance-wise he is Generations while on the inside he is actually Akira Ikegami (a known professor in Japan)."


Interviewer: "Is he like that?! Like Ikegami-san who would explain to us all kind of things?"


Tao: "It is because he (Ryota) knows a lot of things, he is very gentle at the same time as he is very tough in some aspects."




June 2017

Tao: "He (Ryota) treats all the staff and actors including me, who is acting as his younger sister, very well. He knows a lot of things that I don't, and he would also patiently teach me those."





September 2017

Interviewer: "What's your ideal type?"


Tao: Someone like a warrior. When he is "outside" he would work hard and protect himself well and when he is at home he should be able to let his guard down and feel at ease.




January 2018

Interviewer: "Are you someone who likes to achieve things?" 


Ryota: "I like that. If I want to do something then I would want to give my best effort but it is also because of this that I would feel troubled. Actually I was already a perfectionist when I was in primary school. I also went through a period when I was in high school and I got sad when I had tests in other subjects at cram school and didn't manage to get 100 points. It was to the degree that the teacher asked me "Do you want to get 100 points every time?"


Interviewer: That's very strict. 


Ryota: "The words of this teacher made me feel more at ease but until now I still has the perfectionist part in me. Being able to achieve an above average standard and being able to keep doing that while feeling at ease is a task of mine from hereon."




@ryotatao9495 It is sad that some people are judging a person based on appearance before trying to get to know her. I think Tao is beautiful inside and out. Once you have watched her off-screen (in variety shows and interviews) it is hard to not like her. Hopefully, more people would be able to see that. As for Ryota, hopefully these fans will learn to like him as a singer too since most of them got to know him as an actor and most of them like him due to the role as Onii/Haruka. But then Ryota is quite similar to Onii so I believe they will like him as he is too. 

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Regarding the hints I talked about in the previous post, here they are. After translating them, I don't know if I'm getting the hints that some other fans on weibo are talking about but you can read them yourselves and see. 


In the first post I think the last sentence "Waiting for you is a form of loving you" might one of the hints that the fans were referring to? Ryota came to this event and was watching the girls back-stage. So she was saying to him (and also all the fans) that they shouldn't rush to the event because she is willing to wait for him/them?


As for the second post, they think the way Tao emphasized on being an adult, flowers, scent, wanting to be beautiful and heartfluttering that they are signs of her being in love. 


Tao's Instagram 170605: 

The Anikoma-theme of today is the big sea and sky that have silently protected the whole filming process of this movie. 


Opposite of this big sea are people living in different countries and with different cultures. In the future there is probably a chance or coincidence that they will be able to watch this movie, Anikoma. With this project we are hoping that no matter what kind of culture you have or what kind of language you speak that you will feel a bit touched by the funny parts, the sad or the warm parts. Although when the movie reach overseas the feelings that we are trying to convey may not be able to reach everyone due to the culture differences but I believe that there isn't any barrier between human. It would be good if our beautiful message can reach everyone's heart, even if it might just be a few right now, I would still think it is good enough. 


Tomorrow is Anikoma All Girls' Meeting!!! Ono Ito-chan and me will be waiting for you all! If we could make people who can't come tomorrow have the curiosity and think "I wonder what Tao-chan and the others are doing" then it would be good. To everyone who are able to come tomorrow, please be careful while coming here. Waiting for you is a form of loving you.....!




Tao's Instagram 170921:

These flowers that I got give me a very strong autumn atmosphere. Not to mention recently I received many times flowers that have a very "adult" feeling which make my heart beat chaotically.


Recently I have searched a little about that kind of (classic) scent from England. Although what I see is a traditional perfume brand but it actually added Nicotiana tabacum as an aroma, this fact made my heart flutter.


I would suddenly think the me right now if I do this would I feel like an adult, if I do this does it give off a beautiful feeling?

In my small world I actually want to know and understand even more different kind of things. It is the same with flowers. It is just because I have received so many flowers that I started to know that there are so many different kind of flowers in this world. I would also like to get to know all kind of people coming from different places, although this thought might be dangerous.


Because the house is full of flowers my mother said "Wow, this does indeed look like a house of an actress"!!!






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Tao's Instagram 180122:

It has been snowing a lot...!!! I remember last time Tokyo had a warning for snowstorm was 4 years ago on Valentine's day. 


Actually on that Valentine's day my memory of it is still as if it was yesterday. The reason to why I remember it that clearly is because I was in a hurry that day. I had made quite a lot of different chocolates and due to it being so cold the chocolate all took form and became hard very nicely. I thought, so that's the reason to why it is snowing and that it is cold....!

Although I really really like snow but it also causes traffic problems for cities like Tokyo and other places where it is snowing constantly.

So looking at the weather today you will have to be careful and be extra cautious...!

The picture is of the clothes that we wore in the movie and drama Ani Ni Aisarusugite Komattemasu which have been on display at Shibuya Tsutaya until today. 


The role Setoka is actually quite difficult to act for me. This role made me feel what feminity is. 

I think it is great being able to see this outfit, along with the flower tiara, which is full of that feeling again....!!!

I didn't hesitate and rushed forward to "pray" in front of it. Laugh. 


Once I thought that these outfits from hereon would probably be sent to another place, the feeling of missing is welling up on me. 

I hope I will be able to see them again...

Due to the shortage of time I didn't manage to leave my autograph there. 

I'll see if I can go there again. 


Due to the huge snowfall my elder sister and younger brother had to walk back home. Many public transfer stops have also been shut so I believe there are a lot of people who have been affected by the weather. 


I hope you will all be able to take yourselves to a safe place and stay there for the night. 

Please take care of yourselves. 




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@Transition thank you very much. 

April 2017 (in Okinawa)

Interviewer: Tsuchiya-san, have Katayose-san asked you a lot of questions because he is worried about you? (In the earlier part of the interview Ryota said he was afraid that her body won't be able to tolerate the stress and fatigue and she would collapse due to her not having enough rest.)

Tao: "He really has, which made me think "there's actually someone who is so considerate of others". The way he treats me and including all the staff members make me think he is a person who would treat others very well. "

I know Ryota never hides that he always worries for Tao. 

On TOKYO HI-IMAGINE, Takuya said the most worriment about Tao-chan was her dense schedule. She didn't sleep in 2 days but she was still happy when filming. Later, Ryota said "everyone very worried for her".

To described about Tao, Ryota said when filming, he didn't realize Tao is a phenomenon. After completed Anikoma, he realized it. He said he would tell Tao that thing on premiere day. (It means after filming ended, they still meet and understand each other).

here are links: 




we talked about it before,  Tao also said Ryota is a phenomenon although he is ikemen LOL

I always think what Ryota thought and did at the time Tao made big news in Japan last year after she ran marathon in a show of TBS. I think he worried a lot, and angry, advised Tao "don't do that again". Just my opinion, but I believe Ryota did something similar I thought. He is strict but still knows when he should stop, how to make himself comfortable. And he always worries about Tao, he didn't hide it, he lookes like Tao's real older brother too. 

I said before, Ryota very liked Tao before Sep 19, Tao ran Oct 8, and Anikoma would end in just 1 month later. I mean at that time Tao ran, Anikoma mostly completed 2/3 project. I mean his feelings was deeper than Sep.

I used to search Speedst concert schedule in 2016, he didn't have concerts some days before the marathon and some days later. So maybe he had free time or filming Anikoma at that time. Surely he watched the marathon. Tao's marathon was very very famous, many artists talked about it, both Kame watched and talked about Tao. Chiba said in an entry in his blog (1 day before the premiere of Anikoma) that he admires Tao's effort a lot since he knew Tao. About Chiba's entry, I will translate it later.

Let's talke about the marathon, I wanna say something:


Tao ran around 5th street of Akasaka 4 times about 20 minutes. Before it, she played some games in that show. I mean she didn't have time to rest before she ran.

That was the time she was filming in Anikoma, PtoJK, Tori Girl ( a movie she had to ride bike, had many actions scenes) and promoted IQ246, Aozora Yell, CM, tv shows, many and many works. She was very busy and tired. Like Anikoma cast said, she didn't have time to rest, didn't sleep in 2 days...

Tao was the only girl and 8th person Who completed it on time Of the show. In the end, she couldn't stand or walk, talk and some people helped her. Almost males and females in the show cried and admired Tao. In that show, about 40-50 people (males and females) ran, but only 9 people completed it on time of the show. She was the shortest but she ran very fast and strong While most of males and females who was taller, wasn't busy like Tao gave up or didn't complete it on time.

So I really angry when sometimes (until now), many haters on Japanese netizen blame Tao that she was weak because of pictures she couldn't stand and talk, need artists helped her at the end of the marathon.

After that show, Tao was very popular and many many many people love, admire Tao. She has very good impression, a strong and patient girl, never gives up. Her image was better, wasn't hated by shoujo live actions like before.

Honestly, too difficult to find a girl/female artist like Tao. But I hope Tao won't do it again.

She said she thought she would die, but she still tried to run until she couldn't anymore. I really worry for Tao if she still thinks and does like that. Sadly, she wasn't leading role in IQ246, she was main female, but her role wasn't important or special, the plot was about main male role, but she still did her best. She is very strict in everything. 

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@Transition Thanks for your translations. 

I think Tao is really a girl in love. I have feelings that her recent posts are different. They look like talk about someone (her boyfriend) more than fans or everyone. She worries for her lover, misses him, cares about him...

Tao really loves Setoka. She misses Setoka's clothes and flowers tiara. It means she wants to be Setoka again. *cough* Onii *cough* 

she wants to know about England's scents, feels "adult", wants to be beautiful in another's eyes. It mean she is falling in love.  

Here is a post from Valentine Day which Tao mentioned in her latest post on IG. She was very beautiful, natural, lovely. 



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@ryotatao9495 Yes, Ryota really cares about Tao. In the interview in Okinawa he said although there was some spare-time between filming she would put sleep/rest last on her priority list. When he took a nap and woke up again she was still doing some preparations for filming.  Although he thinks it is awesome how hardworking and disclipined she is but he hoped she would rest more. He would think "Please don't make your body collapse." 


I think Ryota knew about the marathon too. Like you said it was around that time when they filmed Anikoma. Tao is really admirable for her strong will and disclipline but as Ryota said she should think about her body and health more and let herself rest. 


The way Tao said she wants to know more about different kind of things and her interest for scents seem to be influenced by Ryota. Like you and the others on weibo said wanting to be an adult and become more beautiful is also signs that she is currently in love. 


Thank you for sharing the old post by Tao in 2014. She looked really pretty indeed. I think she suits this hairstyle the most, long straight hair without bangs. 


@setokaonii I was thinking if the snoopy and jeans outfits were after they had recorded for a show (in other words when they were off work) so that's why we haven't seen any interview or show of them with those clothes? Ryota was holding on some glasses too which he usually doesn't wear on-screen. 


Tao does seem to be more open with mentioning and talking about love, which I think is good. It is normal that girls around her age are dating. I believe it feels even more special and interesting for her since it is her first love. Hopefully, this relationship would bring her a lot of happiness and laughter. I believe it will, especially if it really is the guy we are all thinking it is (*cough*Ryota*cough*).


Regarding scent, Ryota has indeed emphasized on how important a girl's scent is to him so with Tao being suddenly interested in this and searching about it, it is indeed difficult not to associate it with him. Thinking back now, since Tao likes flowers there may be a chance that she knows the meaning of the flowers that he gave her on the first day of Pluto (which we talked about on page 23)? Blue Vanda means "Beyond beautiful, "Hydrangea macrophylla" means "Fickle" (changing back and forth) and Eustoma grandiflorum means "Unchangeable love/eternal love, my heart will always belong to you". 


I think soompi had an update yesterday that's why we couldn't log in. 


Ryota knows now that his name as hashtags have reached 1 billion on weibo. Here's his message to fans.


#Katayose Ryota# hashtag views have reached 1 billion now. 

I'm really surprised and really really happy.

Thank you everybody!!

Regarding the Mainland tour in March, I'm already starting to look forward to meeting you all.

Next month there will also be a very amazing surprise. Please start to look forward to it.

I love you guys!





I wonder what kind of surprise it would be. Something related to Generations or himself? 



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Before your comment, I notice "surprise", too. Although I know it's difficult to be related Tao but I hope so. I hope RyoTao will meet again. I remember that Tao's birthday is next month, too. 

But I wonder that surprise will be for all fans or just Chinese fans? 

If LDH and Ryota care about Chinese fans, so I'm quite sure they know Chinese fans really like RyoTao, hope there will be a real couple. Ryota is famous because of Anikoma and RyoTao couple, so if they have a reunion, it will be very good for all. Tao is also famous in China after Anikoma and RyoTao couple. I wonder if Sony knows it and make Tao more popular?

Talk about Tao, she is a hard worker. I remember we posted it before, the first time Ryota mentioned Tao in  GENETALK, he said Tao is very wonderful, very good and she is very busy, while he isn't. GENE members talked that Ryota is also busy, but he denied it, because Tao is more more busy than him. 

There are many signs that Ryota and Tao become similar. And base on "that secret reaction ", honestky I'm sure 100% Ryota really loves Tao.

I agree that there chemistry is better, they are close in making, backstage more than on films, on stages. It means they really have "something". 

I notice Ryota always halts some seconds and unnatural when he calls "Tsuchiya-san" on stages, interviews and Koukou TV. Looks like he worries that he calls wrong (I mean he will wrong if call her Tao, Tao-chan). But when he calls "Tao", "Tao-chan" naturally and fastly, especially "Tao" *cough*

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