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15 hours ago, vangsweetie637 said:

Hello chingus!

Thank you @moodypie chingu for the shoutout :D

I usually do not watch 'high school' based-dramas because it is not my cup of genres (I didn't watch Heirs even though LMH is one of my biases).

But I do make some exceptions (I watched School 2015: Who Are You?) 

I also see some old chingus here as well @Bambiina @hazeljrr_c922 @USAFarmgirl:)

Thus..I will give this drama a try so I can spazz with you all :wink:



Please join...I am jumping with joy to see you chingu!! Hope you will like our love birds here...:blush:

I've never watched any school series too even though some of theactors like LJS and KWB are my fav. But this one is exception. I started watching because I was curious about kim se jong our lead actress. After watching a few eps, I got hooked. The chem between the two leads are beyond description. You have to watch it yourself. Despite the lack of kiss (Compared to BOWG), the level of excitement is not any lesser...in fact i find it so heart fluttering. TW will melt your heart. :love:


6 hours ago, shinesun said:

@honeywell ommooo, TW goes cheeseyyy, omaigodddddd!lol..next ep might be so greasy afterall.i can't wait :D hahahahahaha..mmm, i guess, the tall guy who wearing white shirt under the umbrella is him. but i cant seem to find Eh there, too crowded, she's tiny little peanut. 

Anyway, new GIFS. These are gifs that TW seems to always find a CHANCE to sneak some popo :D


omo...thank you for doing this compilation. Love it!!! made my day!! PD nim trolling with us and playing with our hears...

i believe he will give EH her first kiss:heart: . He always remembers what EH said. EH said is previous ep that she has never  been kissed before.:blush:


4 hours ago, hazeljrr_c922 said:

@honeywell   Teddy bear with heart that says. love?   Omg, Kekekeke.  :D  But I really should't laugh.....I got a white bear once upon a time from a guy tooooo, no heart though, heee,   I eventually had a happy ending with my bear giver.  What a way to remind me.....I love you School 2017! 

@leina93  woooo,   am squealing so hard,  this is way too romantic, and she has her hair up, Taewoon ah, can you handle it?  Kisseu!! 

@shinesun   These two had chemistry from the word go. Love your compilation!   

@hazeljrr_c922I don't think TW can handle. The last time when she tied her hair up, he actually hair to mess up her hair. This time, i think he will leave it and drool on her neck. 

@Bambiina this is your fav topic! lol

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@moodypie haha, your welcome :D  and yes, i even left pdnim a message in his post lol,that the lip action, whatever level that is, needs to happen! LOL.. i've never done this actually, but gosh..i can't even believe my self that i did this kinda thing,hahahaha...And yes, TW always remember what EH said to him, even the insignificant one. Now just imagine if its as important that she never been kissed :tongue:


oh wait, is he practicing the lip action now? kekekekeke

i was so bored, been browsing a lot about our two leads. Its too bad that i can't seem to find any article or other info bout KJH. The fandom still small i guess. But i really do hope, that his "taeswoon" will create a huge impact on his career just like his predecessor ^^

And this is just some random video i found on YT about uri EH. Gosh Sejong is sucha dork and extra, she is really tomboy! hahaha..everyone is flabergasted around her i guess. No wonder, JH was left speechless during BTS when she told the world that he bought her a vitamin. LOL.. She's the boss in drama and IRL, haaha





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1 hour ago, bonuibonui said:

Ohhhhhhhh....what a spin off?! I love it. 

I'm Team TaeWhi! 


I'm guessing that this is only a dream sequence cause the pic looks so dreamy. It might be TW imagining him and EH on a date or its EH imagining something sweet and lovely for her webtoon's new update. 

But I'm hoping that this is for real and maybe this is where their first kiss will happen! 

Andweeee, please don't make that as dream sequences please.huhuhuhuhu..i want cheesey and greasy taeswoon IRL.hahahaha

2 minutes ago, moodypie said:

@shinesun Omo I just saw the multi- annoying faces of TW. That's brilliant!! I can never get tired watching that. Thank you....pls do more hahahaha.


hahahaha, i will. i will definately! He's for me, a new MEME KING. His multifacial reaction are so memeable :tongue:

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15 minutes ago, shinesun said:

@moodypie haha, your welcome :D  and yes, i even left pdnim a message in his post lol,that the lip action, whatever level that is, needs to happen! LOL.. i've never done this actually, but gosh..i can't even believe my self that i did this kinda thing,hahahaha...And yes, TW always remember what EH said to him, even the insignificant one. Now just imagine if its as important that she never been kissed :tongue:


oh wait, is he practicing the lip action now? kekekekeke


i was so bored, been browsing a lot about our two leads. Its too bad that i can't seem to find any article or other info bout KJH. The fandom still small i guess. But i really do hope, that his "taeswoon" will create a huge impact on his career just like his predecessor ^^

And this is just some random video i found on YT about uri EH. Gosh Sejong is sucha dork and extra, she is really tomboy! hahaha..everyone is flabergasted around her i guess. No wonder, JH was left speechless during BTS when she told the world that he bought her a vitamin. LOL.. She's the boss in drama and IRL, haaha





What....you have never done this? You look like a pro doing this to be honest. 

I agree...can't seem to find much to read about them especially KJH. I will definitely support Taeswoon's future project. Already I am waiting for his next project lol. He is definitely gaining popularity. 

Sejong is my fav girl actress now. It used to be PSH and then after that Kim Yoo Jung, and now Se jong is my fave!!!! I can't imagine anyone else taking EH's role. Sejong is the perfect actress to be EH, same goes for KJH ..the perfect actor for TaeSWOON! 

Sejong is a very natural person. I love her tomboyish as well..she's not too rough. I remember the chicken delivery scene where she was so irritated with the repeated order by TW. When She swing her punch it was so cute and natural.....and I love that. 

I have been watching a number of BTS as well.. and one that i noticed that the director was also playing a fool with them. I think that the director has a crush for the leads as well. hahahah...

There is one video ...i dont really know which reality show is that, but she was dressed up in a wedding gown. She looks so pretty. 

And finally ....still thinking about what TW said on earlier eps, he said EH is so cute he wants to punch her. lol.

Now that they will start dating I believe his tagline will change to "You are so cute, I want to kiss you"!!

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I want to see how Sarang will react to this new development of Eunho's love life, specially that Sarang is as clueless as Eunho in Taewon's feeling. 

I want to see if we can get a formal meeting with parents. I can just imagine Taewon going to Eunho's house to introduce himself as the official boyfriend XD. Without Eunho's permission, he'll just show up. 

And since we already see jealous and frustrated Eunho. I want giggling Eunho while exchanging cute text from Taewon. Or any that will actually show Eunho being all excited with this relationship.

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21 minutes ago, amaiirichards said:

I want to see how Sarang will react to this new development of Eunho's love life, specially that Sarang is as clueless as Eunho in Taewon's feeling. 

I want to see if we can get a formal meeting with parents. I can just imagine Taewon going to Eunho's house to introduce himself as the official boyfriend XD. Without Eunho's permission, he'll just show up. 

And since we already see jealous and frustrated Eunho. I want giggling Eunho while exchanging cute text from Taewon. Or any that will actually show Eunho being all excited with this relationship.

I am so prepared for mon's ep. I can't wait..as I am anticipating lots of swoony moments. TW has been waiting for the day ..the day that he will finally date her.

The moment she confesses her feelings to him, he held her hand...didn't even wait for her to finish her sentence. he didn't say much too...only two sentences to EH ..."what you mean is you like me too" and "from now on, we are dating". and went straight to that pretzel hug..lol (thanks to @USAFarmgirl for the name. hehe. I find the pretzel hug so special, And the fact that they are both standing on the stairs, her face and his face gets very close. :love:

I reeeeaaaally can't wait to see how he is going to break the news to EH's admirer that they are both officially dating. Can't wait...can't wait ...can't wait to watch their dating scenes. @shinesun get ready your gif making skills for the next ep!!

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Sucha nice side profile! Pic CTO (i dunno who,lol)


@moodypieyes, this is actually my first time making GIF tho, not necessarily hard, but not as simple either for an ahjuma  like me. hahaha. Gah, nothing pro at all!But i remember during healer time, i even made a video for the first time, so nothing is impossible as long as we have passion!kekekekeke

And yes, I couldn't agree more with everything you said! I've come to liking Sejong more and more. I was so surprised with her natural acting. I mean, often we got dissapointed when some idol got casted as leading lady. But i guess now sejong could be in line with Eunji or hyeri as ido actress who prove the haters wrong! I LOLing hard when i read that you already waiting for KJH future project, cause that's exactly my thought, lol! I can't get enough with him just yet. let Sejong and Junghyun walk on the flowery path after school 2017!

And yes to that BTS where even the director seems to have a crush for them, actually it's not Daehwi who become the shipping captain, but its Park Jinseok PDnim who actually low key shipping them!puhahaha..he ven asked " Are guys really falling in love?" during those NG lovey-dovey-scene! Gaaaah, if only they release the BTS of thats pretzel-hug. We're gonna whipped so hard, so hardddddd...oh talking bout that pretzel hug, i was trying on my hubby this morning. Seriously it's hard and awkward. I try several time, but then my hubby Glared at me.puhahahahahaha..so i stop trying! can't wait what monday gonna bring, curious on his move-he always come with sucha original move. like that show-off-long-leg-spinning-move! That just gimme idea to make the gif later on :D

@amaiirichards Ahuuuh, sarang is one funny gurl!She's like observant one moment, but failed to really depict what had she been witnessed all along. Dimwitted and dimwitted really goes along well, hahahaha.. I laugh so hard when she guess it right that Taewoon was the one who "troubling" EH mind but for different reason. hahahha, sucha SLOOOOOOOW girl :tongue: I guess the reaction would be so epic funny. But no worries sarangkeeee-rangke, when EH busy with love-life, you'll get busy also with kyungsoo, the real observant of the show :) 



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21 minutes ago, shinesun said:

moodypieyes, this is actually my first time making GIF tho, not necessarily hard, but not as simple either for an ahjuma  like me. hahaha. Gah, nothing pro at all!But i remember during healer time, i even made a video for the first time, so nothing is impossible as long as we have passion!kekekekeke

And yes, I couldn't agree more with everything you said! I've come to liking Sejong more and more. I was so surprised with her natural acting. I mean, often we got dissapointed when some idol got casted as leading lady. But i guess now sejong could be in line with Eunji or hyeri as ido actress who prove the haters wrong! I LOLing hard when i read that you already waiting for KJH future project, cause that's exactly my thought, lol! I can't get enough with him just yet. let Sejong and Junghyun walk on the flowery path after school 2017!

And yes to that BTS where even the director seems to have a crush for them, actually it's not Daehwi who become the shipping captain, but its Park Jinseok PDnim who actually low key shipping them!puhahaha..he ven asked " Are guys really falling in love?" during those NG lovey-dovey-scene! Gaaaah, if only they release the BTS of thats pretzel-hug. We're gonna whipped so hard, so hardddddd...oh talking bout that pretzel hug, i was trying on my hubby this morning. Seriously it's hard and awkward. I try several time, but then my hubby Glared at me.puhahahahahaha..so i stop trying! can't wait what monday gonna bring, curious on his move-he always come with sucha original move. like that show-off-long-leg-spinning-move! That just gimme idea to make the gif later on :D

That's a very nice photo of KJY..somewhat serene?  hehe..

i just want to say that your pretzel hug with your hubby was really funny...i am trying to imagine here. By the way, did you and hubby did it on the stairs?? haha. Maybe i should try it with my hubby too ahaha. he'll probably be wondering what's gotten into me. Sorry...i don' mean to be a pervert...but I was just curious how TW did it..you know the hand coordination thing. 

you reminded me again of the long-leg-spinning move...could you also do a gif of that...mian for being demanding...but i think that will be quite funny. Oh...i just saw your last sentence. you read my mind too.. :) 

I tried making gif before but I gave up..coz it took too much of my time. maybe it's just me...and i was saying "don't they have a better app to do it" ahahaha. 

Just a random question - do you think TW will get EH flowers? I cant help but to think back the scene where he asked her what flower she likes, but he didn't wait for her answer. It was only an excuse to DH that he wanted to talk to EH when he was obviously jealous that she was sharing the earphone with DH. 

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Looks like YoungGun and BoRa become friends? That's great to see:blush:

SaRang is finally know who is HyunTaeWoon to RaEunHo = Her Namchin!B)

Now they're dating, they're so ready to flirting with each other LMAO but I'm not complaining:tongue:


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@honeywell    thank u for tthe preview, that was fast!  So sweet!   Is there finally going to be a kiss????    What does Sarang feel that she found out in that way?    

Did Ofcr Han  handcuff Yeounggun and Bora so they talk?   Brilliant, after BR regained confidence and YG positively counseled,  I think it is the right timing.   These side stories neither feel  forced nor treated as filler.  Very nicely done as it is and as part of the whole.  

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hi hi.... first time posting here.... but if you need a translation to the preview for ep 13.....

TW: You caught on quick... why else would I call you late at night? 
Sarang: HEY get away from her! 
TW: What the...
EH: He's my boyfriend. 
YG: What's up with this? 
Bora: I'm fine with this. If we're not tied together then you wouldn't listen to what I'd have to say. 
Sarang's Mom: I saw these in the trash... did you see the expiration dates? 
Principal: This feels as if its gonna be a pain. 
TW: I missed you. I can't sleep because I wanted to see you so much.  

i had major heart palpitations just from that 30 sec clip... i don't know if i'll survive the episode! 

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Thanks @juhee!  I'm not going to dwell on this but there seems to be a sense "sadness" during that scene of TW and EH at the park.  Not saying it's because something bad is happening but possibly TW feels bad how worn down EH is from the problems she's facing.

So I'm assuming the stomach pains EH is experiencing is due to food poisoning from the expired products the school used.  The look on SR's face after finding out that Eh and TW are dating.  Lol.  Poor girl.  TW seems like he's teasing for a kiss and they're sneaking around with their relationship.  What's with the clown make up on EH?  Was she trying to prepare for her date with TW? :lol:  I guess just looking at EH's picture is not enough for TW.  He needs to see her everyday!!

YG and BR will probably end up being in the police academy  together.  These two need to make amends.  

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Hello Everyone, 
This is my first post here. I am tituyphing, maybe some of you saw my ID on KBS Drama comment section before~ Haha I hope it's not too late to join the thread now. Sometimes I translate YT clips after the broadcast ends, mostly I am following DC Gallery so closely, so in the future I hope I can contribute something~ 



actually there is reason why I am avoiding soompi forum, last time I was active when Rseries and the threads becomes so ugly mess, beside that I am type that addicted to one drama, I could be camping here all the time.


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