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Woah!!  first meeting!!!



I don't see Bad Romance cast! ¿¿?? (except obviously Yihwa and Sho, but where is Martin and Yihwa's Friends?) I don't  Korn's Old Sistar and her young Boyfriend Korn's friend XD or is the guy next to casper??? 




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20 minutes ago, clon_105 said:

I don't see Bad Romance cast! ¿¿?? (except obviously Yihwa and Sho, but where is Martin and Yihwa's Friends?) I don't  Korn's Old Sistar and her young Boyfriend Korn's friend XD or is the guy next to casper??? 

 You have to look at it this way.  TWM2 Was the story of how K7K met again and started college of course Yiwah was there. None of the people in TWM2 were in Bad Romance except for Yiwah and Cho. Bad Romance ( although hit came first ) is really the sequel.  TWM3 ( the Next Chapter really occurs after Bad Romance...the the only characters that travel would be Yiwah, and Cho who were in the first two, and Dr. Bright andFarm who were in TWM2.  

So aside from those 4 characters, it seems you get a brand new cast of characters..and also looks like Parents. Korn's sister wasn't in Bad Romance. The other thing is TWM3 is an original script so there is a lot more freedom in the story telling.

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^ But TWM 3 goes after Bad Romance, that why I said about the cast, in this season Knock and Korn get married and all the friends have to be there, obviously  bad characters like Tagun, the crazy Cho's Friend or MAydear, Yihwa's rival not. But martin, Dewey and Being can appear here in this New season. I thought when I watched the first meeting that at least Martin are going to be in the new season because the actor was with Yihwa and Cho and Knock in the script reading meeting.


well, we have to wait... maybe in one episode the other characters to do it a cameo, the Dr. Bright is the Knock's Cousin and the teacher is the Korn's Sister, so I hope they appear, even their storyline is interesting too, they're dating with young people LoL XD


more pics about practice








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This might be totally off from the topic here but I have been looking for where to post this.

Recently started watching Thai dramas. Few got me hooked. The rest, I couldn't endure especially the brutality and force used on women and seen as normal thing. Even in the olden days, it's very unacceptable in my culture to use violence on women.

That aside, their dramas are generally good. The actors are cute.

But I have a serious worry concerning their males. Is leaving the armpits unsaved sexy? Anytime I see such I will wanna throw up. That's the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. Their ladies do shave. So why will the males not do that? 

I love watching nadech dramas cos the guy sure is a very good actor (picked his acting prowess only by watching a clip of one of his dramas)but I can't stomach the bushy armpits and chest. There is nothing sexy about that pls. Seems like he has improved lately.

Pls if someone who can understand their language is reading this,  the person should share that in one of their popular sites. I know there are people like me who would love to explore the Thai culture more through their dramas but we're put off by these societal unacceptable things seen in their dramas always.

Sorry please for posting this here.

Is their an active forum where Thai entertainment is fully discussed in english. Will love to know more about these cuties

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^ I think is part of the culture, I agree about stop women violence, ut we have to stop any kind of violence, women, men, boys, girls, kids, young people, old people... not just women.


In my country just a little num of guys shaves, so that is comprensible for me, anyway I wanna watch a good Thai drama without unnecesary scenes, like food sponsors or shoes spots in the series/Dramas/Lakorn or wherever... but I guess that's imposible XD 


Knock and Korn in the TWM Shots!


Tomo update Instam today!



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