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12 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

It doesn't change the fact that he is the one who did it.. in 1994.. but its him... when he first came into the future and came to know abt BH adn JH even then there was no remorse.. mind you.. he had no doubt that he could behave the way he did.. he readily accepted the situation that BH got impregnated and had JH..


Therefore, this character is as tainted as 1994 HJ could be...


So you see there are two problems:

1. This HJ is pompous enough to accept that he could veryw ell have done what he did.. and yet not even an iota of guilt or remorse.. (side note: WS angle disturbs me so much because of his behavior)

2. If a murderer has amnesia doesn't mean he didn't commit the murder.. 



I mean.. if you know that you runed someone's life ROYALLY.. would you not spare even a second of sincere thought towards that person ? But rather worry about your love life , your mobile phone, your stardom, your attires, or whatever he worries about?

However this is not a murder - its a relationship thing. If someone has a b/f or g/f but has amnesia - for that person - he/r bf/gf is a stranger to them. Will you spend time with a stranger? Will you feel comfortable with a stranger? nope

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26 minutes ago, burlee said:


However this is not a murder - its a relationship thing. If someone has a b/f or g/f but has amnesia - for that person - he/r bf/gf is a stranger to them. Will you spend time with a stranger? Will you feel comfortable with a stranger? nope

Your example, if I may point is wrong..

It is not a case of a boy flirting, having a relationship with a woman.. had sex.. then asked her to break up this relationship and went his way


Let's take the hypothetical example

If the amnesiac you finds your ex a stranger, however you know and have wholeheartedly accepted this and have no doubt that she is indeed your ex and that the two of you have a child.. 

You also know that she suffered a lot of insult because you chose to do something without as much as extending her the courtesy of letting her know you are dumping her..  

infact you literally used her fuc(ed her and left..


And here you are living with your son.. being all pally with him.. BUT being invested more in your mobile, new girlfriend, your clothes..

I just don't understand this character



He even seemed to recongnize his hand writing in his diary regarding BH adn their secret affair...( whether he actually had an affair or not).. at this point he believe he did all of this to BH and still is n't bothered.. that is just weird


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33 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

1. You have got the timeline wrong.

HJ lived till 1994 and disappeared one fine day. In between he (apparently.. or as confirmed by his diary and pager he really did it) dated BH, hid the money.. and then disappeared

SOmetime in the 2017, due to some variable ( and my feeling is it is JH's despearate yearning for his father as seen in opening scene of ep1 which hints how much JH is in awe of HJ and dreams of him), universe turned back the clock to 1993.. and HJ dissapeared for the first time in 1993 into the future..


Please note, while the new timeline is playing again, other people still hold memories of earlier 1993-94.. if HJ goes back and changes something then the memories will alter.. if HJ never goes back.. the old original timeline will remain in memories.


2. FOr the longest time i have also believed that HJ may not be the father... but him being father or not is immaterial.. BECAUSE if he is ready to accept this fact means he thinks he is capable of doing something like this... and if he thinks he is capable of doing what he did.. and still shows no remorse towards the ones he has hurt.. i don't see a redeeming quality in him..


Ya.. may not curse him because Dong Gu is a nice person.. and other people here may not curse him because he is a lead.. or because some like HJ-WS and care only for the romance.. BUT from do bong's perspective.. there is no redemption... he is as much of a jerk as he was in the original timeline

1) We don't know yet if that's how the time-travel works.

2) He thinks he's capable of having sex? The monster!

3) By your own theory he went missing in 1994 in unknown circumstances, therefore couldn't be with BH and the kid. He doesn't know why he went missing, and, as a 23-year-old, doesn't feel guilty to a late forties woman with a grown child for having had sex and having something mysterious happen to him, none of which btw has even happened to him yet. Again. The monster! I can't think of any other 23-year-old who when suddenly faced with their kid of the same age as them and an ahjumma who claims to have dated them would not know how to react.


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Its not that weird - he heard it from others who said he did this BH. For someone who didn't experience the whole thing - how could he reacts to something he never come across? BH has moved on from it plus we are not sure if JH is HJ's son yet. The letter in the last scene of the latest episode seems to be important. So chill.

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In this episode, there's a part when Dabong was having dinner at WS's new place, and he talked about himself, his background story. Although, in the usual manner, he said it's not his story, its someone else's story.

anyway, the background is that he was a single child, grown up alone. His parents were busy people, no time for him since young. One day, they got in a car accident and died, leaving him alone since high school. He doesnt have any friends because of his selfish character. He likes music alot, so he did not go to college, but look for an entertainment company to make music and debut. He always does whatever he wanted to do. But he is always alone, always lonely. Many girls liked him, and its easy for him to get girls. But he never appreciated them, easily dates, easily breakup. Probably many people wanted him gone. To that story, WS asked how is the guy now? And Dabong replied, luckily he is not that lonely anymore it seems... he finally managed to eat a warm homely meal (referring to the meal WS made for him).

Maybe for someone who grows up alone, its undeniable that he will be selfish. And its understandable that he will always do whatever he wants to do. He has lived a carefree life fending for himself since young. Never having to be considerate of others because there's no one beside him anyway. Nevertheless, since coming to 2017, he has changed much.

I disagree with @enigmatic_zephy that he shows no remorse towards the ones he hurt. Technically he never hurt those people directly. But even so, he has done more than he could, given his original character, and did his best to help them to the best he could, assuming he did indirectly hurt them.

to GJ, HJ approached YJ directly at risk to himself (since he suspected YJ as the one who made him dissappeared), to get the money to pay off the bank loans on behalf of GJ. HJ also wrote a song as requested by GJ, to help JH debut. He also told GJ in this ep, anything GJ wants, just ask him. To him, GJ is his one and only friend that he treasured. 

JH being his 'son' is something that came as a surprise to him because he never conceived JH. its a weird feeling to have a son whom you never conceived. Could you still call that a son? He met JH as a stranger who is the same age as himself, then thought JH is GJ's son, before getting the bomb dropped on him. You cant blame him for not feeling fatherly towards JH. But as a friend, and with some 'fatherly' concern, when he knows JH wants to be a singer, and is hiding truth from GJ, HJ tried to helped him hide his student identity. When that failed, HJ not only gave advice to JH (good advices are always harsh to take in), HJ also argued on behalf of JH with GJ. He got through to GJ that JH should be allowed to do what he wants to do with his life. Truth is always hard to accept, and we see JH and GJ struggling with their decisions, but in the end, they are starting to take the right steps. HJ could have just ignored all these, mind his own business and not get involved... it only made him less popular with both of them, despite giving good advices. But HJ did not. He stepped in, and do whatever he could to straigthen their attitudes in life. 

For BH, its even more complicated. She is someone HJ have no feelings for, never dated her, never dreamed he would date her. To be suddenly given news that he have a son with her, and she has pined for him for over 20 yrs, suffering from a scandal and all.. its obvious though HJ doesnt love BH, he do treat her with as much respect and consideration as he could. You cant expect him to suddenly be lovey-dovey to BH, since he never have any feelings for her. But when he sees/knows BH needs help, he never hesitate to help. He cant do anything about BH's pining away for him, but in this episode, he did ask BH if she still waits for the YHJ she mentioned. And BH's reply was no. By asking such a qs means HJ did feel compassionate for BH. But there's nothing much he can do. He couldnt possibly lead her on, esp not when HJ is now 23yo, and BH 43yo. 

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Why Hyun Jae should feel guilty or remorse for something that has not happened?? Hyun Jae from 1993 who is now in 2017 has NOT had sex with Bo Hee, why he should pay for something that he's not done? 

Let's think of someone who comes from the future and tell you that you killed someone in 2018, so he wants to punish you now,  is that fair for you? you'll be willing to accept your "punishment"?  you need to accept "you from 2017" is not the same as "you from 2018", same goes for Hyun Jae-1993 and Hyun Jae-1994. 



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1 hour ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

It doesn't change the fact that he is the one who did it.. in 1994.. but its him... when he first came into the future and came to know abt BH adn JH even then there was no remorse.. mind you.. he had no doubt that he could behave the way he did.. he readily accepted the situation that BH got impregnated and had JH..


Therefore, this character is as tainted as 1994 HJ could be...


So you see there are two problems:

1. This HJ is pompous enough to accept that he could veryw ell have done what he did.. and yet not even an iota of guilt or remorse.. (side note: WS angle disturbs me so much because of his behavior)

2. If a murderer has amnesia doesn't mean he didn't commit the murder.. 



I mean.. if you know that you runed someone's life ROYALLY.. would you not spare even a second of sincere thought towards that person ? But rather worry about your love life , your mobile phone, your stardom, your attires, or whatever he worries about?

1. HJ don't really seem to accept the fact JH is his son completely, if he did we would've seen him grow some emotional attachment to him or at least look at him as his son, other than reminding himself "this is the girl your alleged son loves" we didn't see anything else (I'll wait for next episodes camping scene to see if they're really going to click as father and son). 

As I said "he is trying to understand what really happened", for now he just taking things as it is (not denying neither believing completely), in one hand he was a selfish playboy so it's not really out of him to date someone and accidentally impregnate her, but on the other hand up to 1993 (till where the current HJ lived his life) he never saw BH as a woman, what did change in few months that they suddenly started dating? did they really even date? until he can connect all the missing parts between 1993-1994 he is not obligated an apology to BH. 

2. but HJ didn't have amnesia about dating BH, he simply just didn't do it yet! You can't call someone murderer for a murder he'll commit in the future! even if his current violent behavior suggests so. Just because 1993 HJ was selfish and playboy doesn't mean it's for sure he'll date BH, impregnate her and than abandon her! and most importantly there's no evidence that he did, other than BH no one clearly know what happened so he could still not be behind all her misfortune, and she might be hiding something. 


sure HJ is little a bit of an immature character, worrying about the most silly things when he have tons of important issues going around, be it his disappearing or having a future son etc .. but that's the main point of the show, HJ's growth, also this a comedy so we're not suppose to deal with things in a dramatic way.


anyway this is my humble opinion about the show and HJ, not going to claim mine is the correct one, you're free to see things as you want.

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1 hour ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

1. You have got the timeline wrong.

HJ lived till 1994 and disappeared one fine day. In between he (apparently.. or as confirmed by his diary and pager he really did it) dated BH, hid the money.. and then disappeared

SOmetime in the 2017, due to some variable ( and my feeling is it is JH's despearate yearning for his father as seen in opening scene of ep1 which hints how much JH is in awe of HJ and dreams of him), universe turned back the clock to 1993.. and HJ dissapeared for the first time in 1993 into the future..


Please note, while the new timeline is playing again, other people still hold memories of earlier 1993-94.. if HJ goes back and changes something then the memories will alter.. if HJ never goes back.. the old original timeline will remain in memories.


2. FOr the longest time i have also believed that HJ may not be the father... but him being father or not is immaterial.. BECAUSE if he is ready to accept this fact means he thinks he is capable of doing something like this... and if he thinks he is capable of doing what he did.. and still shows no remorse towards the ones he has hurt.. i don't see a redeeming quality in him..


Ya.. may not curse him because Dong Gu is a nice person.. and other people here may not curse him because he is a lead.. or because some like HJ-WS and care only for the romance.. BUT from do bong's perspective.. there is no redemption... he is as much of a jerk as he was in the original timeline


1) i did not say he did not live until 1994. i just said he jumped as in time jumped to 2017 from 1993. so whatever happened in between1993-1994, this time-jump HJ aka Dabong has no knowledge of. i think by now we all think there are 2 HJ's. one in 2017 and another HJ living in 1993 and dissapeared in 1994. 

2) HJ's characterization is an immature 23 year old. and suddenly shove a son the same age as him, its hard to comprehend. cant force the character to suddenly have a maturity of a 46year old. Besides, did he actually said he accepts the fact JH is his son? it seems he barely registers anything and just goes with the flow. 

as for his relation with BH, there are limitations of what he can do, 2017 BH does not know Dabong is HJ. to her he is 23yo Dabong who is JH's friend. until Dabong reveals himself to BH, and BH tells him everything, Dabong has no reason to apologize to her. imo it would be totally weird if Dabong just goes to BH without any explanation and suddenly apologizes. (earlier on he did want to confront BH, GJ prevented him from doing so)

I think Dabong is different from HJ. he now actually listen to other peoples problems and try to help. when he was aware GJ was in debt he tried to help by working at starpunch and getting money from all his written songs stolen by YJ. he helps WS a lot (well maybe its because he likes her a lot too). he saw malsook being sad and stop to hear her woes. he helps BH at the bakery when needed. if this was 1993 HJ, his ego would have prevented him from doing the positive things Dabong is doing. 

usual disclaimer: all are personal opinions, subject to change when we have more info :)



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@enigmatic_zephy your description of the timeline is your view of it, because you saw JH's opening scene, so you think of it as JH's wish is what brought HJ to the present. 

But sit back and think about it, the way you described it makes it seems like JH is the driving force behind this whole story. Cause JH brought HJ to the future through his wish, and thus set off this entire story. 

You make it seems like JH is the main lead character no? The one leading the story is always the lead character, no? And in your timeline description, JH is the driving force no?

but we also know from the beginning YSY (HJ) is the lead actor/character. So what does that makes your timeline description? isnt it weird? 

As HJ has always been the lead character, the story should look from his point of view no? Here's another view of the whole timeline (from HJ's point of view).

HJ has always does what he wants, having grown up fending for himself. In 1993, after a successful first debut album, knowing the enormous amount of money he is to receive, he wants it all to himself. Furthermore, having never signed any contract with SoonTae, he is also afraid that the portion he would end up getting might be too little or none if left to ST's decision, and its unfair since he did all the work. So he jumped the gun with Cathy's advice and help, took the money and wanted to leave with it all in an arrogant, selfish and inconsiderate manner as he always has been. Because there was insufficient time to runaway with the money, he hid it in the rooftop studio. He arrogantly left after the confrontation with ST, without any guilt. But that night, by chance, the Kaola typhoon strikes, and HJ suddenly fell down the wormhole to arrive in 2017 where he was nothing, not famous, and penniless. Here, he eventually meet his ex-manager GJ who hates him, learns he have a son ,whose mother BH still pines for him although he never dated her. ST is also now an old man whose company World Ent is not active anymore. And everyone he used to know back in 1993 has been living a poor life. Slowly, he began to realised how his selfishness has affected people's lives. and the biggest bomb is to know he dissapeared/died in 1994. Thus begins the story of HJ's redemption. HJ is basically given a second chance to live a better life. If he had continued on his ways, he would have ended up 'dead' in 1994, all lonely, as he always has been. But here in 2017, he learnt to change, made friends whom he cared about, and finally learned to love (WS) unselfishly.


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The only difference between the two point of views, is how this drama was presented in the first episode. So, might i remind us all... this drama have never been the typical KDrama. It strives to be a 'variety' drama. 

Therefore, you should expect that the way they presented it might not be in the usual kdrama manner. We usually see the lead actor/character opening the scene in a normal drama. But in this one, we have a second lead opening the scene. In fact, our main lead doesnt even show up until end of ep2. 

This unusual manner is a theme throughout this show. We see how the show gives so many of its characters screen time in the beginning episodes.. sometimes even more than the lead character. They build the story arc for other characters as well, not just the lead actor. To the extent we get complaints from Knets that they find it confusing who is the main lead... isnt it YSY? 

They could have purposely done it so that it builts more suspense and mystery... also, they want to make you love other characters as well, not just one. No doubt, they do it in such a refreshingly witty manner that you cant help but liking all the characters. 

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I get the feeling WS's 'friend' has some sort of complex that she only wants guys/things that others have. She was probably getting cold feet with the wedding talks, and wanted to come to WS to again get that feeling that she's taking something away. She really turned on the charm for HJ in a weird way, which made me think so.

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49 minutes ago, blackberrypie said:

@enigmatic_zephy your description of the timeline is your view of it, because you saw JH's opening scene, so you think of it as JH's wish is what brought HJ to the present. 

But sit back and think about it, the way you described it makes it seems like JH is the driving force behind this whole story. Cause JH brought HJ to the future through his wish, and thus set off this entire story. 

lol.. no.. JH is immaterial.. that was just a conjecture on why universe is playing the timeline again... it doesn't matter.. anything can be a reason behind it.. BUT the fact is that the universe in playing the timeline again.. and that is where i pointed out that you got the timeline wrong..


because you completely negated existence of the original timeline.. and this drama is not following that route.. original timeline still exists

49 minutes ago, blackberrypie said:

You make it seems like JH is the main lead character no? The one leading the story is always the lead character, no? And in your timeline description, JH is the driving force no?

but we also know from the beginning YSY (HJ) is the lead actor/character. So what does that makes your timeline description? isnt it weird? 

As HJ has always been the lead character, the story should look from his point of view no? Here's another view of the whole timeline (from HJ's point of view).

HJ has always does what he wants, having grown up fending for himself. In 1993, after a successful first debut album, knowing the enormous amount of money he is to receive, he wants it all to himself. Furthermore, having never signed any contract with SoonTae, he is also afraid that the portion he would end up getting might be too little or none if left to ST's decision, and its unfair since he did all the work. So he jumped the gun with Cathy's advice and help, took the money and wanted to leave with it all in an arrogant, selfish and inconsiderate manner as he always has been. Because there was insufficient time to runaway with the money, he hid it in the rooftop studio. He arrogantly left after the confrontation with ST, without any guilt. But that night, by chance, the Kaola typhoon strikes, and HJ suddenly fell down the wormhole to arrive in 2017 where he was nothing, not famous, and penniless. Here, he eventually meet his ex-manager GJ who hates him, learns he have a son ,whose mother BH still pines for him although he never dated her. ST is also now an old man whose company World Ent is not active anymore. And everyone he used to know back in 1993 has been living a poor life. Slowly, he began to realised how his selfishness has affected people's lives. and the biggest bomb is to know he dissapeared/died in 1994. Thus begins the story of HJ's redemption. HJ is basically given a second chance to live a better life. If he had continued on his ways, he would have ended up 'dead' in 1994, all lonely, as he always has been. But here in 2017, he learnt to change, made friends whom he cared about, and finally learned to love (WS) unselfishly.


dude... what are you talking about??? HJ has wholeheartedly accepted JH to be his son.. he doesn't even doubt any part of the BH-HJ-JH story... and since he has accepted that as a fact, his behavior is completely offbase..  and there is no unselfish love anywhere in HJ .. 

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unfortunately, it does looks like in tomoro's episode, WS is likely to be distancing herself from HJ. I think she feel guilty, betrayed and scared. But it also looks like she will be thinking back on the things HJ told him before. I hope she remembers the time HJ told her about time travelling. She did not believe him then.. but to her, HJ has actually revealed the most, other than GJ of course. -_-

on the time travelling, it could likely be a one-time magical chance thing. Unless the typhoon Kaola makes a return (those raining scenes is a worry), it should be quite impossible for HJ to 'return'. Even with the typhoon Kaola, there's no guarantee that HJ can return to the exact time he come from.. he fell through the wormhole by chance, not something he can choose. If he falls again though a wormhole, what is the guarantee that he could go back to his time, and not go forward another 20yrs? His time travelling doesnt have a control mechanism for him to choose the time to go to. Its purely by accident and chance. So for now, im going to believe there will be no 'going back' for HJ to close the loop. Unless the typhoon Kaola makes another return suddenly....

actually there is no loop that he need to close. Time in 1993-1994 doesnt seem to have been altered in anyway by HJ's future actions in 2017. So, think of it as 2 paralel universe, both is independent of each other. Dabong of 2017 is from universe 1. And HJ that dissapeared in 1994, siring JH (?), dated BH, etc, are all from HJ in universe 2. 


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1 hour ago, katakwasabi said:


1) i did not say he did not live until 1994. i just said he jumped as in time jumped to 2017 from 1993. so whatever happened in between1993-1994, this time-jump HJ aka Dabong has no knowledge of. i think by now we all think there are 2 HJ's. one in 2017 and another HJ living in 1993 and dissapeared in 1994. 

he has knowledge of it.. hasn't GJ been telling him what all happened?...  why would you say he doesn't know.. ofcourse he knows what all transpired in 1994.. which is relevant to my question..

I don't care for second by second account of his life between his date of time travel to dat eof dissappearance in 1994.. what matters is that the information that he has, he is not being weird by accepting that information but being so so so selfish

2) HJ's characterization is an immature 23 year old. and suddenly shove a son the same age as him, its hard to comprehend. cant force the character to suddenly have a maturity of a 46year old. Besides, did he actually said he accepts the fact JH is his son? it seems he barely registers anything and just goes with the flow. 

23 immature is such a weak logic to defend his actions.. 23 yr olds are mature enough to know if they fuc  ed someone and ruined their lives...

23 is mature enough to see what has he made his ceo and manager go thorugh and how much they are struggling ,, but no... chinese restaurant is more important than even sparing a second of thought to people whose lives he has indeed ruined

as for his relation with BH, there are limitations of what he can do, 2017 BH does not know Dabong is HJ. to her he is 23yo Dabong who is JH's friend. until Dabong reveals himself to BH, and BH tells him everything, Dabong has no reason to apologize to her. imo it would be totally weird if Dabong just goes to BH without any explanation and suddenly apologizes. (earlier on he did want to confront BH, GJ prevented him from doing so)

You still don't understand.. he doesn't need to do anything.. I am talking about a basic sincere realization of his actions... which is completely missing.. and then if he tries to act this mature thoughtful caring HJ.. it just falls flat..

I think Dabong is different from HJ. he now actually listen to other peoples problems and try to help. when he was aware GJ was in debt he tried to help by working at starpunch and getting money from all his written songs stolen by YJ. he helps WS a lot (well maybe its because he likes her a lot too). he saw malsook being sad and stop to hear her woes. he helps BH at the bakery when needed. if this was 1993 HJ, his ego would have prevented him from doing the positive things Dabong is doing. 

usual disclaimer: all are personal opinions, subject to change when we have more info :)

You are talking about everything irrelevant..

It doesn't matter whether he really slept with BH..

Infact what you say makes it worse.. if you are trying to call his character wise or sympathetic or even remotely selfless.. this whole story falls flat..


Keep relevant points in mind and the reasses the situation: Current HJ "KNOWS" and feels it and believes it that he secretly dated BH, made out with her, left her, she suffered peoples angst, she still loves him, and that she is mother of his SON. ( forget whether any of this is true or not because current HJ already thinks this is true)..

Sso now when he knows this is the turth... why would he continue being a jerk.. why is anyone more important than the people who should matter the most




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1 hour ago, Seiran029 said:

1. HJ don't really seem to accept the fact JH is his son completely, if he did we would've seen him grow some emotional attachment to him or at least look at him as his son, other than reminding himself "this is the girl your alleged son loves" we didn't see anything else (I'll wait for next episodes camping scene to see if they're really going to click as father and son).

Hmm he does accept JH as his son... last few episodes we have got that message clearly.. he no longer doubts JH not being his son...... and what you write is precisely my question.. why is he not invested in JH;'s life 

As I said "he is trying to understand what really happened", for now he just taking things as it is (not denying neither believing completely), in one hand he was a selfish playboy so it's not really out of him to date someone and accidentally impregnate her, but on the other hand up to 1993 (till where the current HJ lived his life) he never saw BH as a woman, what did change in few months that they suddenly started dating? did they really even date? until he can connect all the missing parts between 1993-1994 he is not obligated an apology to BH. 

Again, it doesn' tmatter what is REALITY.. because my point is about current HJ.. if HJ believes JH is his son then his behavior obviously exists despite knowing that JH is his son.. that is plain distrubingt

2. but HJ didn't have amnesia about dating BH, he simply just didn't do it yet! You can't call someone murderer for a murder he'll commit in the future! even if his current violent behavior suggests so. Just because 1993 HJ was selfish and playboy doesn't mean it's for sure he'll date BH, impregnate her and than abandon her! and most importantly there's no evidence that he did, other than BH no one clearly know what happened so he could still not be behind all her misfortune, and she might be hiding something. 

Then why does he accept that JH is his son.. he is not refuting any of this.. he initially did.. but no more.. he accepts it all.. and if he accepts it all.. why does he act so pompous is the question

sure HJ is little a bit of an immature character, worrying about the most silly things when he have tons of important issues going around, be it his disappearing or having a future son etc .. but that's the main point of the show, HJ's growth, also this a comedy so we're not suppose to deal with things in a dramatic way.

See.. he can do whatever he want to.. but i find it hard to digest that up until now with all revelation to him and him accepting his son.. he is still bein ga jerk .. it is not cute, it not being immature.. BUT PLAIN CRUEL

anyway this is my humble opinion about the show and HJ, not going to claim mine is the correct one, you're free to see things as you want.

:) .. i think you and i disconnect on one main point.. you think DB has not accepted JH as his son and is still doubtful of JH's parentage... But from what i am seeing he has accepted JH as his son (when talking to himself why does he have to keep referring to JH as his son)


1 hour ago, blackberrypie said:


I disagree with @enigmatic_zephy that he shows no remorse towards the ones he hurt. Technically he never hurt those people directly. But even so, he has done more than he could, given his original character, and did his best to help them to the best he could, assuming he did indirectly hurt them.

tHJ is now 23yo, and BH 43yo. 

What has he done???


So are you saying that if you were 20 yr old and conned a 40 yr old.. you will not be responsbile and held guilty of conning an older person?

Specially when you know and accept that you connect the person?

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2 hours ago, siobhanne said:

1) We don't know yet if that's how the time-travel works.

2) He thinks he's capable of having sex? The monster!

3) By your own theory he went missing in 1994 in unknown circumstances, therefore couldn't be with BH and the kid. He doesn't know why he went missing, and, as a 23-year-old, doesn't feel guilty to a late forties woman with a grown child for having had sex and having something mysterious happen to him, none of which btw has even happened to him yet. Again. The monster! I can't think of any other 23-year-old who when suddenly faced with their kid of the same age as them and an ahjumma who claims to have dated them would not know how to react.


OOOhhh.. fucing a girl and using and throwing her is monstrous.. if you think women in this world are supposed to be a toy to satisfy male lust.. then you and I don't see eye to eye on this ..


By my theory, had you bothered to read properly, it does not matter what happened in 1994.. what matters is if current DB accepts that what is being said has indeed happened.. then where is his responsible side? And by that i want atleast on thoughtful consideration for BH.. this is soliloquy that i talk about.. but show me some sincere realization from him off his behavior... and i am sure the entire persona was not created in a feww weeks in 2017 june.... show some politeness at his end

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