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[KBS Drama 2017] Fight for My Way 쌈 마이웨이 - Park Seojoon & Kim Jiwon | Mon-Tue


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Yay! It looks like it went smoothly with the copying over here on Soompi! Thank you @aunniek and thank you to the people who stopped by to say hello!

Y'all this episode was sooooooooo good!!! Has everyone noticed that when Dong-man ets really emotional, he gets really quiet and flustered. But when he gets provoked, his mind is clear and he is so calm it is almost scary. Like when he attacked SK at the Club or when he was protecting Aera in episode 2. Something clicks in his brain and everything is clear.

Maybe that is why coach told him not to think too hard about something? Dong-man is more of an action person, but when he is provoked he actually speaks very clearly and fluently and has some great comebacks.

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This is my face when that skank appeared:


And I totally wrote this while the scene of her invading AeRa's house (THE FREAKING NERVE!) was running in the back. And then I took a while to post it because I couldn't give up on the scene of DdongMan telling her to "Please Get Lost". *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!*



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5 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

@aunniek, here is the second clip. This is the post-mortems on the fight between DM and the Brazilian.


(Coach is watching the fight of DM vs the Brazilian while DM eats.)
Coach: Yah. Anyway, here, you did get a punch in, didn’t you? 
DM: I don’t know. I was beaten up so badly, I don’t even remember. 
Coach: Watch. Watch. Here. He was hit by you, and for a moment, he was dazed. 
DM: Wow, people are quick. When did they record this? So embarrassing. 
Coach: Who do you think recorded it anyway? It was probably Yang Tae Hee (the promoter guy who proposed the match, but was actually colluding with TS). 
DM: Manager Yang?
Coach: What do you mean calling him Manager Yang? Yah. You were totally fooled by those guys. That’s why they didn’t record even a glimpse of Carre’s face. (Carre is the Brazilian guy.) 
DM: Carre? Do you know the guy who fought me?
Coach: Watch. Watch. This tattoo is their insignia. 

(Flash to TS shaking hands with the Brazilian fighter and the tattoo on his wrist. TS and gang are seeing him off at the airport.)
TS: Thank you. Thank you. Uh, your wife…will be okay. And, uh…money. Money. The money that I owe you… (to TH) What am I saying? Tell him about his wife’s hospital fees being paid. 
TH: You… (to TS) He knows anyway. As soon as it was over, he was confirming the payment immediately. 
Carre: Hey, thank you.
TS: Yeah? What. What? 
Carre: Try your best to avoid it. Cause you will lose. 
TS: Wow. (to TH) What is he saying?

(Back to Coach and DM)
Coach: Carreras has never operated outside. In his home, he just coaches with his nephews. But the family that they are. Brazil jujitsu, three generation of masters. Carre, is the second son of that family, he’s the one who fought you. The nephew that he slowly coached at home is the UFC legend Juan Carlos. So, a kindergartner to his college attending older brother was able to get one punch in. (speaking now of DM and Carre) So, you won. 

(Back to TH, TS, and his coach in the car)
TH: Tak Su, here is your coffee. (hands it over to TS)
TS: Hey, Coach. Did you get a business class ticket for Carre? Anyway, you spend freely with other people’s money. 
TS Coach: Then what should I do? Should I tell a kid who has a broken rib to hold himself in all the way to Brazil? 
TS: He broke a rib? Why?
TS Coach: During the 58 second match, Dong Man was able to get in one shot and broke his rib. But, that wasn’t with a kick, but with a hook. (So, with his fist rather than with his legendary kick.)
TS: (to TH) Turn on the video of the fight. 
TH: Oh, okay. 
TS Coach: You heard what Carre said earlier, didn’t you? 
TS: How should I know what he said? (TS doesn’t understand any English apparently.)
TS Coach: He said do your best not to meet Dong Man in a match. 
TS: What?
TS Coach: He said you’ll lose. 
TS: That bastard. I gave him money and sent him off. What does he know anyway. 
TS Coach: What do you want to do? Do you want to go to the hospital or…. (clip cuts off mid-sentence)


LOL. I loved this scene, and had to laugh. DM really is going to be an amazing fighter.

YES!!!!  Thanks so much @stroppyse!

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53 minutes ago, alleram95 said:

I was wondering why the owner who is a supporting character appearing quite often for the previous episodes, but in episode 6 I totally like her. She is just a badass character that the fantastic four might need in their lives. Maybe AR had told her that she has to quit her job because of the thief incident ( I don’t remember saw this scene, I think I need to re-watch ep 5 again) and she who is actually rich came to the department store and made the person in charge shaking. I also like that she is protective with the residents in her villa. I’m happy that she looks like that she supports DM and AR and I hope she will help when the problem between JM and SH arise.

HR, the intern and TS and his people are in my dislike list. Although MB and the rest of them are part of the plot for our fantastic 4 to grow up and realize their feelings toward for their respective partner, I just can’t help my desire to strangle them because they are so annoying. Not really with MB antics, but the intern and HR are quite annoying. Oh and JM’s family too. I can’t stand their actions who act so mighty when SH was the one who helped and support JM until he can stand by his own like now.


(not 100% accurate)

AR was crying over DM who was lying unconsciously in the ER. Actually he was awake but quite embarrassed with AR’s loud crying over him. Finally he couldn’t stand it anymore and open his eyes.


AR: *crying* What should I do?
DM: It’s embarrassing, why are you crying? Did anyone die?
AR: Don’t do it. Don’t you ever do it. If you insist that you still do it, our friendship will end. I won’t see you anymore. Don’t you dare to do it again
DM: Ya, did he(MB probably) know?
AR: About what?
DM: That when you cry your big nose looks like a monkey. It’s so big
AR: Shut up! Don’t you ever bring it up again *crying*
DM: Why are you crying like this? It will make you tired. Don’t eat your hair *touch her hair*
AR: Don’t touch it
DM: Stay put *he able to touch it and HR came to ruin the moment :angry:*

AR: Why do you come here?
HR: Are you okay?
AR: Why do you keep appear?
HR: Because I’m here, you can go
AR: Who are you to him that telling me to go?
HR: Please, just go. Who do you think you are? I ask you to go. Go
DM: You are the one who need to go
HR: What?
DM: (grabs AR hand) You go. Don’t send any messages. Don’t come to my house. I’m sick of it
HR: Because I have seen you, I’ll go for now. I will come often in the future
AR: Do you think you are having a blind date? I warned you to not appear in front of DM anymore
HR: Ae Ra, please wake up
AR: What?
HR: I don’t want you to misunderstand but the reason that Dong Man is holding your hands isn’t because he wants to but because he wants me to see it
AR: What are you talking about?
HR: Pick up my call or I will go to your house again
AR: Sheessh *glaring at DM*
DM: Why do you glare at me?



AR: Adult will adore you like you are a puppy
SH: Really? Then men must be like you because you are like a cat
AR: Really? A cat? (AR and SH make a cute cat sound to each other)
SH: Why are you not saying anything? It makes me feel offended
DM: When you say that AR is like a cat then what should I say? You just can go and you cat-girl let’s eat together
AR: Why should I eat with you? Do it with your Hye Ran. With your Hye Ran (she linked arm with SH and bumped DM on their way)
DM: Why does she do that? Why does she look annoyed? Just like a woman… Hey wait!

They ate on separate table in front of the convenience store. DM was glancing at AR while AR was looking at her phone. She got a message that she passed the 1st audition for the anchor test. AR was standing in shock
DM: Why? What happened?
AR: What should I do? I think I have broken it
DM: Huh? The chair is fine
AR: I passed the audition for the anchor. They asked me to come for an interview. Kyaa *she hugged DM*
DM: Good job. Good job. But wait *DM freeze*
AR: What should I do? Huh? What is it?
DM: Wait. Uhm you… Are you perhaps?
AR: What?
DM: You should wear it. Even though it’s only in the neighborhood *making X sign in front of his chest*
AR: What? *AR realized what DM means and closed her own chest. DM legs gave away while he took a step back*




@stroppyse Hi, nice to see you here too. It looks like whenever we (you, @xxPeepsxx and I) meet at the same place, somehow we will give translation for the same scene once in a while. Not that it's a bad thing to do, since I'm happy that there are another translator who can give a better translation than mine :)  



I really love it when we get multiple translations because translating is so skeptical sometimes! That way we can kind of figure out what the writer wanted to convey by reading different people's interpretations of it! So please keep uploading your translations @stroppyse and @xxPeepsxx , Even if you have the same ones from now and again. You can always put them in a spoiler!

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Hello everyone - saw some familiar names here!! 

Just started watching this rom-com and it is really hilarious!!!  PSJ and KJW chemistry is a blast!!!  They know how to make us laugh!!!

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HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!! One day, I will die laughing at Coach's words!

Coach: Yah, what are you thinking of? You, don't think! Your head is, like, not to be used for thinking! Eo?!"


And his kid is equally as hilarious!

Kid: "97, 98, 99...............80, 81.................96, 97, 98................92,93......................."

WHAT IS THE REAL NUMBER, KID? How many kicks have you exactly done?! PFFFTTTT.

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I second @V. I love multiple translations too! I find it a great way to figure out for myself all the possible nuances the writer wishes to convey. 

I love PSJ's take on DM. His moments of stillness just get to me. He has this ability to convey an undercurrent of emotions. In the scene between DM and HR outside AR's apartment, his disgust at HR was palpable even without having to exaggerate his facial expressions. 


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1 hour ago, xxPeepsxx said:

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!! One day, I will die laughing at Coach's words!

Coach: Yah, what are you thinking of? You, don't think! Your head is, like, not to be used for thinking! Eo?!"


And his kid is equally as hilarious!

Kid: "97, 98, 99...............80, 81.................96, 97, 98................92,93......................."

WHAT IS THE REAL NUMBER, KID? How many kicks have you exactly done?! PFFFTTTT.


Ha ha ha! Editing fail...

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59 minutes ago, deadorblack said:

I second @V. I love multiple translations too! I find it a great way to figure out for myself all the possible nuances the writer wishes to convey. 

I love PSJ's take on DM. His moments of stillness just get to me. He has this ability to convey an undercurrent of emotions. In the scene between DM and HR outside AR's apartment, his disgust at HR was palpable even without having to exaggerate his facial expressions. 



YAAAAAAAAAASSS! You took the words right out of my mouth. That man is an amazing actor. My favorite scene (or at least the most poignant) so far has to be when he just finished kicking Tak-su at the Road FC match and was walking across the street.

There were so many feels when his manager called and Dong-man had to listen while his boss cursed him out. When Dong-man wanted to say he quit, it was so hard for him to say it, like he couldn't say those words but he really wanted to say those words. He was literally crying while trying to say them. I love how he was walking across the street but then turned around. It was like his body knew that he needed to change his path even before his brain did. He changed his path/direction both literally (by turning around and walking in the other direction) and figuratively (by quitting).

Oh my gosh that scene is just so good. All his scenes are really good, but that scene, tho. PSJ is really doing an amazing job. I feel like I need to watch some of his other dramas.

Actually, all the actors are really great. I love them all. They must be bringing out the best in each other.

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Here is the edited live recap with all (or at least a lot) of the typos fixed. I also changed the short hand of their names back to their full names.






They are at a hospital and Ae-ra is crying like a baby, she is balling. She is at the hospital with Dong-man, he is laying in a hospital bed. Some funny music is playing. Dong-man is looking like her like she is making him embarrassed. He looks okay, just beat up. He said no-one is dead. Area said Don’t do MMA, if you do it one more time then we aren’t friends anymore. Area said when Dong-man cries she has some monkey nose (her nose moves a lot) She told him to shut up. He is tired and his voice is pretty low and quiet. He is telling her to not eat her hair and it is okay. He is comforting her more than she is comforting him.

Hye-ran came! She is crying and is telling Ae-ra that she is there so Ae-ra will leave. They are all standing over Dong-man. They are arguing and telling each other to leave. Dong-man told Hye-ran to leave and is holding Ae-ra’s hand. Dong-man told Hye-ran to not text or call him anymore and to not come to their home anymore. She is terrible. Hye-ran said she is leaving for now because she got to see him, but they have a lot of days left. Hye-ran said to Ae-ra a lot of bad things like how Dong-man is holding her hand, not because he wants to hold her hand, but only to make Hye-ran jealous. Hye-ran said if you don’t take my calls then I will come to your home.

Dong-man is looking at Ae-ra and she pulled her hand away. She yelled at him, why did you hold my hand? He was like, I don’t care, and laid back down.

They are talking about Hye-ran. Dong-man said Hye-ran waited for him when he went to the army and Ae-ra said she was dating other guys. Dong-man said to not talk about the past. Ae-ra said she can see the future. They are continuing to talk about those things. Ae-ra said she doesn’t care if Dong-man dates Hye-ran. 

Coach showed up and he is walking toward Dong-man. Dong-man is stammering because he is scared that coach is coming to be mad at him, but coach just gives him a big hug and tells him it is okay because he isn’t dead.

Coach bought Dong-man something to eat. It looks like Ae-ra might have gone home. They are looking at the match and wondering who uploaded it.

SK and his manager are speaking English to the Brazilian fighter. It looks like they are paying for the fighter’s wife’s hospital bills. It’s a pretty funny scene.

Coach knows the Brazilian fighter and said that the Brazilian fighter is not an amateur, he was a super professional!!! It is great that Dong-man even hit the other guy once. Hitting the other guy once is like Dong-man winning the fight because the Brazilian is from a fighting family.

The coach of the bad guys said Dong-man broke two ribs of the Brazilian with a right hook!!! They are talking about the fight and about how strong Dong-man is. The coach is worried but the other guys don’t care. SK is going to the hospital to get Botox.

Dong-man is working gout outside. Ae-ra said Dong-man should get hit more so he will quit. Sul-hee said she is going somewhere with a dress. Sul-hee and Ae-ra are talking about how pretty they are and they don’t need any pretty clothes because they are both pretty. They look like a kitty, meow…meow…meow. They are having fun with each other.

Sul-hee is like a doggy and Ae-ra is like a cat. Dong-man said he can’t talk to dogs and cats. The girls walked away and Dong-man said: “Wait up!”

Dong-man and Ae-ra are not sitting together because Ae-ra is still made at Dong-man. They are both eating by themselves at tables next to each other.


Ae-ra looks at her phone, she passed the first step of the announcer test! She isn’t mad at him anymore. They are both celebrating and hugging each other. But then Dong-man starts acting weird and standoff-ish, he says, “Um, no bra……” they are both weird now. Dong-man’s legs are wobbly, lol.

Sul-hee is talking to either her mother or her mother’s friend. She has a lot of luggage. They are walking somewhere, they prepared a lot of food.

They are still weird. Ae-ra forgot she wasn’t wearing a bra. Dong-man said she is crazy. Ae-ra kicked him. The owner is walking down their Namil apartment steps and stopped to talk to them. The owner said she is not an ajumma and she hates people who don’t work during the day. She is telling them to pay their rent on time and to not sleep together even though they are so familiar with each other.

Dong-man – “I am more honest than a temple monk! I will never sleep with her.”

The owner left. Dong-man said he wants to have stick coffee with Ae-ra. Ae-ra blocked him from coming in and said something about how Dong-man said he won’t ever sleep with Ae-ra. She closes the door on him.

Umma is using a thick saturi. Umma doesn’t want Sul-hee to work at the telemarketing company anymore. They are standing outside somewhere and talking about going inside or not. It looks like they are going to the 1st-year-old birthday party they mentioned in episode 5.

Hye-ran is there again.
Ae-ra is inside her apartment and preparing for her interview. It looks like she is surfing the internet not. She is reading an article about Hye-ran on the internet which says Hye-ran is going to be on TV again.

Hye-ran was going to ring Dong-man’s bell but decided to ring Ae-ra’s bell instead. Ae-ra thinks it is Dong-man and is telling him she is not giving him coffee. She opened the door and is shocked to see Hye-ran there. More annoyed than shocked actually. The announcer goes in and makes herself at home. Hye-ran sees that Ae-ra is reading about her and comments about it. Ae-ra closes the laptop. Hye-ran said Ae-ra’s conversations always sound childish. Hye-ran is saying that she is going to date Dong-man again.

Dong-man is on the steps and looking at AR’s house, he is thinking of knocking on the door, but he leaves instead.

Hye-ran is talking about Dong-man and saying how Dong-man is not married and Hye-ran is famous and has social status. She just needs Dong-man (she doesn’t need Dong-man’s money), Dong-man doesn’t need to be anything. Hye-ran told Ae-ra to not be pitiful anymore and to stop pretending like she is a friend to hang around Dong-man. Ae-ra is asking Hye-ran if she ever won against her.

Dong-man is back and said he is canceling what he said about the temple thing and is telling Ae-ra to do something she has never done before.

Ae-ra goes outside and tells Dong-man that Hye-ran is there and for Dong-man to take her with him. Dong-man doesn’t look happy, but Hye-ran is putting in a lot of Aegyo and saying that she is concerned about him. Dong-man said that when he found out that Hye-ran was divorced, he was kind of relieved, and when she called him, he couldn’t breathe anymore. Ae-ra heard that part and is upset in her apartment. Dong-man said he thinks he was afraid because Hye-ran would act in this way again and told Hye-ran to just leave him alone. Dong-man walks down the stairs alone.

Sulhee is having a hard time pleasing Joo-man’s family. She prepared so much food (with her mom). Sul-hee is being very delightful to Joo-man’s family.

The copier exploded or something. The intern is there and she thinks she broke the printer. She is looking at Joo-man like some little kitty cat. The intern is saying things the same way Sul-hee says things, so it looks like Joo-man wants to help her because of that. He starts to help her fix it.

Dong-man is sitting outside Ae-ra’s house. He wants to talk to her, but she is still made at him. Moo-bin calls Ae-ra, he is at the department store. Dong-man is telling Ae-ra to just yell at him and not to be pissed off at him and not talk to him. Ae-ra is talking to the doctor and telling him, okay, let’s see each other. She goes outside and Dong-man grabs her arm. He says he wants to talk to her. He looks sincere. Dong-man is saying he didn’t call Hye-ran, he doesn’t know why she showed up. Ae-ra is telling them they don’t like each other so they should just keep their line. She is saying that Hye-ran told her she is pitiful, so she is upset and leaves. Dong-man sighs.

Joo-man fixed the copier and the intern touched her mouth and put ink all over her face on accident. The intern wants to treat him. She is trying really hard to set a date. SHE KISSED HIM SUDDENLY. Now she is yelling at him that she told him she liked him! The title of today is HEY GIRL, DON’T KISS ME. The intern ran away.

Dong-man is texting Ae-ra that he is sooooooo sorry. But he erased it. Coach and Dong-man are putting up posters of Dong-man around. They are putting all his details like height, weight, foot size, and everything. Coach wants to use Dong-man’s look to market to more women, lol. They are hanging up flyers everywhere.

Coach is so happy that Dong-man broke the other guy’s ribs. They are setting a trap for Kim Tak-su by showing that Tak-su set up that revenge to Dong-man. They have a reporter at the gym and the photographer is taking a lot of fighting photos with Dong-man. The other guys want to be in the photo too and are photobombing the pictures. LOL, this scene is pretty funny. Their poses are hilarious.

The mean guy wants to fight with Dong-man again. He is asking Dong-man why he has an interview. He shouldn’t have an interview because he is just a beginner. The mean guy is saying Dong-man should quit. The mean fighter said Dong-man is his sandbag (he wants Dong-man to hold mittens for him) and they are sparring with Dong-man as the punching bag. But Dong-man is super strong so when the other guy punches one of Dong-man’s mittens, Dong-man puts a little force behind it (as you should) and the other guy falls to the ground

Sul-hee’s mom sees that Sul-hee is basically a maid to Joo-man’s family. She is pissed. Sul-hee’s family is talking about how poor Sul-hee is and that Joo-man should marry someone else. They are talking about how Sul-hee does whatever they ask because she is poor. They are saying that Joo-man has a blind date with a restaurant owners daughter. Sul-hee’s mom is super upset, but she isn’t confronting them about it. She is holding an envelope and crumpled it up.

Ae-ra is holding her side (it hurts). She is surprised to see Moo-bin. They are talking outside by his car. Moo-bin is wondering why she is wearing her regular clothes and not her working clothes.

Cut to the NAMIL owner leaving the Mall, she looks super rich!!!!!! She is talking to the manager about the shopper that was a thief and how they fired the info girl. The NAMIL apartment owner is pretty much going off on them in a sophisticated way. She wants to eliminate the other bad thief shopper from the VIP list or she will do something. (I really like this woman).

Ae-ra said when she is stressed he has a stomach pain. They are in MB’s car. Ae-ra said when MB shows up it makes her stressed. MB said he does that because he just wants to see her. MB said he likes surprised (in his super cute way). He said he will call her from now on. Ae-ra said she didn’t want to tell him because it was embarrassing, but that the quit the department store. She is telling him that she wanted to do something else, she wants to be an announcer. MB is impressed and supportive. Ae-ra is telling him that she passed the first round so she is going to have an interview somewhere. MB is telling her that she is super cool and he is really happy that she told him honestly. It is personal so he is so happy that they are closer now and not strangers anymore.

Umma secretly puts all the trash away for Sul-hee. Sul-hee is wondering who did it. She is asking if someone did it. Sul-hee is talking at a woman with a cute baby (maybe Joo-man’s mom). She is asking when they will have a meeting of the parents. Joo-man Umma is avoiding the question and telling her later…later. Sul-hee is not stupid, she knows what is going on, she is just too nice.

The son of the coach is doing 100 kicks again, lol. Dong-man is looking at Tak-su on the phone. Coach is telling him to not look at Tak-su stuff and to not look at Tak-su’s pictures. Dong-man is sitting and said he is so angry that Tak-su set him up. Coach is saying Dong-man is always like this. Dong-man is really angry now, like almost crying angry, and is very quiet. Coach is asking him why his is thinking, that he shouldn’t think much because his brain is not for thinking (more like he is great with action, not thinking)

TS is having an affair with a woman in a club. It looks like he might have sooooo many girlfriends and he is texting one girl while going on a date with another girl. Dong-man showed up!!!! Dong-man found the manager and is confronting him. Dong-man looks calm and asked the manager where Tak-su is. The manager said he is down there…..Dong-man is asking the manager if he is going to go down there or not. The manager said no.

Tak-su told the girl he is going to the restroom. They see each other and Dong-man just grabbed Tak-su by the hand and flipped him around. He knows som Hapkido fighting styles! Tak-su is on the ground. Dong-man said he didn’t know jujitsu at all, but now he is learning jujitsu and he is thanking TS for that. They are standing close to each other. Dong-man is so calm, it is freaky. He is telling Tak-su to do his best, that whatever Tak-su does, he will see Tak-su in the ring. Tak-su looks very afraid. Dong-man left.

They are counting all the money. They see that Sul-hee’s mom left $300. They are pretty impressed. Joo-man is wondering where Sul-hee is. It looks like he knows they mistreat her. Joo-man finds Sul-hee and he looks angry. Joo-man grabbed Sul-hee and pulled her out. He is confronting his family and telling them not to look down on Sul-hee or he will be very angry.

He is telling them that if he doesn’t marry Sul-hee then he won’t marry anyone.

They are at Ae-ra’s place outside their apartment. They get out of the car and Ae-ra tells him he doesn’t have to come inside. Moo-bin opens the trunk of his car and has a lot of big flowers and gifts for Ae-ra. He bought her some more shoes! Ae-ra is like “Uh…………you didn’t have to do this.” MB said he wants to carry it to her place. She keeps telling him that she can carry it. Ae-ra’s stomach is hurting a lot. She keeps telling him that she can carry it while holding her stomach and bending over. She looks really sick but Moo-bin doesn’t notice. The owner ajumma is there and is asking them why they are going to the same place together. Ae-ra passes out!!!

Joo-man and Sul-hee are on the bus. Sul-hee looks pretty happy that Joo-man stuck up for her. Joo-man is still a little upset at his family and says Sul-hee shouldn’t be too nice to his family. Sul-hee said she really likes him so she likes his family as well. She said he looked sexy when he was angry. They have some cute kisses. Sul-hee is wondering why he went to the birthday party because it looked like he was busy. Joo-man said Sul-hee’s mom text him and Sul-hee was like, huh, she doesn’t have your number….

Sul-hee’s mom is cleaning everything with her bare hands. She looked around at Joo-man’s family and she is pissed. She is walking away and is talking about how horrible Joo-man’s family is. She texts Joo-man and tells him not to come to visit anymore and she won’t send her daughter to their family. But then she erased the text. She writes, Joo-man are you doing okay? It has been awhile since I saw you. Sul-hee likes you a lot, please take care of Sul-hee. Joo-man is saved as future son in law in Umma’s phone.

Sul-hee is crying. Now she knows that her Mother is the one who picked up all that trash. Joo-man is soothing her now.

Sul-hee’s mom and dad are working and talking. Umma said they should close their business and open a real restaurant. Umma said she doesn’t want Sul-hee to be a Dokbal bar daughter.

Ae-ra is still passed out/sleeping. Moo-bin is looking after her. He is talking to another doctor. Ae-ra wants to pass gas. The doctor is saying that Ae-ra needs to pass gas because she has a lot of built-up gas in her body, how much stress did Moo-bin give to Aera for her to have that much gas? Moo-bin looks sad/concerned.

Dong-man is still trying to contact Ae-ra but she isn’t responding. The owner drives up in her expensive car. She asks Dong-man which one of the girls he likes better and tells Dong-man that Ae-ra is at the hospital in an expensive suite that the Owner paid for. (or Moo-bin paid for)

Ae-ra passes a lot of gas and finally feels better. Moo-bin said it isn’t a big deal and that she needs to pass a lot of gas in order to feel better. Moo-bin said for her to stay there tonight, but Ae-ra wants to go home. Moo-bin wants to know why she always wants to go home when she is with him. Then Dong-man calls and they are both looking at the phone. It is basically the worst moment for Dong-man to call. 

Dong-man is walking through the lobby of the hospital, his is upset that Ae-ra isn’t picking up. Moo-bin is telling Ae-ra that the room is super expensive and that Moo-bin wants to impress her (ah, so maybe Moo-bin got the room?) Moo-bin is saying that he didn’t even get this room for his Mom’s surgery. He wants to look cool to her and for her to like him.

Ae-ra thinks Moo-bin is so sweet that it makes her sick (she is thinking this). She is thinking that MB makes her feel strange and that she is sick. Moo-bin is still saying lots of wonderful things about her like she is his goddess and his heart pumps, she drives him crazy. Ae-ra is like uh………… She said Moo-bin shouldn’t do this when someone is sick, it is cheating. Moo-bin just tells her that he wants to be a cheater today. HE KISSES HER!!!! But she isn’t into it. He kisses her two times and on the second time, Dong-man burst into the room. He has a stunned face. Ae-ra said it isn’t what he thinks. Dong-man is stunned, he doesn’t know what to say so he just leaves and the camera follows him walking down the hall. Then he stops. He stops and is looking at nothing, but he is thinking. HE TURNED TO GO BACK. He is walking back to the room. He is determined!!!! Fade out…

They are kids and have to take shots. Ae-ra is stressed because she has to take a shot and passed gas. Dong-man is standing behind her and passed a lot of gas to protect her from getting laughed at. It looks like this might be how they became friends. It looks like Ae-ra might be super poor. Later, Dong-man comes back and farts in her face and asks for some of what she is eating. Ae-ra hits him, lol.

It will probably come out in a few days

We have to go to work, but we will still try to update the English and fill in some scenes that were too fast to explain. As usual, the full recap should be done in about a week!



I also highlighted the scene/character changes in black to make it easier to read. 

If anyone has any comments/or ideas on how to make the live recap easier to understand, please let me know!

*Also, we are preparing to have a Fantastic Four Week by showcasing their past interviews (written interviews). So far we will have an old Park Seo-joon Grazia interview and I think and Elle interview. Does anyone know of (or have) any Kim Ji-won, Ahn Jae-hong, or Song Ha-yoon magazine interviews they want translated? I will check with their Soompi fan pages as well.

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19 minutes ago, V said:


YAAAAAAAAAASSS! You took the words right out of my mouth. That man is an amazing actor. My favorite scene (or at least the most poignant) so far has to be when he just finished kicking Tak-su at the Road FC match and was walking across the street.

There were so many feels when his manager called and Dong-man had to listen while his boss cursed him out. When Dong-man wanted to say he quit, it was so hard for him to say it, like he couldn't say those words but he really wanted to say those words. He was literally crying while trying to say them. I love how he was walking across the street but then turned around. It was like his body knew that he needed to change his path even before his brain did. He changed his path/direction both literally (by turning around and walking in the other direction) and figuratively (by quitting).

Oh my gosh that scene is just so good. All his scenes are really good, but that scene, tho. PSJ is really doing an amazing job. I feel like I need to watch some of his other dramas.

Actually, all the actors are really great. I love them all. They must be bringing out the best in each other.

Did you notice in today's last scene they again focused on his feet changing direction?  What could it mean???

Has anyone noticed if AeRa has an action that symbolizes when she is changing her direction?

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6 minutes ago, aunniek said:

Did you notice in today's last scene they again focused on his feet changing direction?  What could it mean???

Has anyone noticed if AeRa has an action that symbolizes when she is changing her direction?


(I'm clearly not doing any work at work)

I didn't notice that @aunniek! I actually need to watch the episode again. I think it means that his body just reacts with what he really wants? Like the 2 or 3 times he just grabbed Ae-ra without realizing it, when he did the roundhouse kick off of that car and obliterated that chair, when he embarrassed Tak-su on two occasions, when he really wanted to quit his job, and then at the end of episode 6 when he turned around. His body just kind of reacted to his emotions without him thinking about it at all. That might be what makes him such a great fighter.

With Ae-ra I think I need to go back and watch some episodes again to see if I can catch something. The only thing I remember off hand is when she was ending a date with Moo-bin (maybe episode 4?) and the navigation said "You are on the wrong path" or something like that. She might have more external things (like the navigation) showing that she is on the wrong/right path, whereas Dong-man has more physical signals with his own body?

Has anyone else noticed anything?

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“Fight My Way” Breaks Its Own Ratings Record With Latest Episode


KBS2 TV’s “Fight My Way” continues to be the top drama in viewership ratings this week, as it recorded a viewership rating of 11.4 percent (according to Nielsen Korea) during its sixth episode, which aired last night. This is a 0.8 percent increase from the previous night’s episode, which was 10.6 percent, and the highest it has recorded so far for its run.

The rom-com drama, starring Park Seo Joon and Kim Ji Won, was followed by SBS’s “My Sassy Girl,” which recorded 8.1 percent and 9.3 percent ratings for episodes 7 and 8 (airing back to back), while MBC’s “Lookout” recorded 7.1 percent and 7.7 percent for episodes 11 and 12 (airing back to back).

If you haven’t check out any of these dramas yet, read our first impressions for “Fight My Way” here, “My Sassy Girl” here, and “Lookout” here.


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8 hours ago, alleram95 said:


AR: Adult will adore you like you are a puppy
SH: Really? Then men must be like you because you are like a cat
AR: Really? A cat? (AR and SH make a cute cat sound to each other)
SH: Why are you not saying anything? It makes me feel offended
DM: When you say that AR is like a cat then what should I say? You just can go and you cat-girl let’s eat together
AR: Why should I eat with you? Do it with your Hye Ran. With your Hye Ran (she linked arm with SH and bumped DM on their way)
DM: Why does she do that? Why does she look annoyed? Just like a woman… Hey wait!

They ate on separate table in front of the convenience store. DM was glancing at AR while AR was looking at her phone. She got a message that she passed the 1st audition for the anchor test. AR was standing in shock
DM: Why? What happened?
AR: What should I do? I think I have broken it
DM: Huh? The chair is fine
AR: I passed the audition for the anchor. They asked me to come for an interview. Kyaa *she hugged DM*
DM: Good job. Good job. But wait *DM freeze*
AR: What should I do? Huh? What is it?
DM: Wait. Uhm you… Are you perhaps?
AR: What?
DM: You should wear it. Even though it’s only in the neighborhood *making X sign in front of his chest*
AR: What? *AR realized what DM means and closed her own chest. DM legs gave away while he took a step back*

this part (bra scene) crack me up :lol::lol::lol: i'm covering my mouth at my workstation while typing this *my stomach hurt

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I didn't watch ep 6 so I'm not sure what happened. But just there's something i wanna add.

When MB and AR were having dinner in that luxurious hotel in ep 5, in the background you could see red traffic lights and I was like "dude that's a warning. Stop you two"

As much as i looooove the actor playing MB I hate hus character so much. Not just because he is a love rival for DM, because DM has to still realize the overprotective feels he has for AR is because he might be in love with her, but because MB is very concerned about how AR lives. He gets very territorial and they just went on their first date. He should calm down before DM calls the police on him. Cuz I'm sure DM will do sth like that.

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