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[movie 2005] April Snow 외출

Guest LuvU

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Guest frances

From Camille's blog http://toujours-byj.blogspot.com/ thanks a lot to Camille for tirelessly translating all these AS reviews from France !!

More French reviews of April Snow :)

From kamui's blog :


Translated from French to English by Camille


For me, there are some enigmas which will remain forever as cosmic mysteries. First of all, the mystery of divine creation and the Korean cinema. Frankly, Korea, with their opening towards the occident, and above all their cinema. Their industry comes from quite nowhere. And there, paf. Slap on slap.

But WHERE do they find the FORCE to produce movies like that. There is always a Korean movie among my favourite every year. Even More. For example April Snow. A romance in French term. A man and a woman who meet at the hospital. Their spouses are in a serious condition. Ah and icing on the cake, they betrayed them both. Our two cuckolds will be irremediably attracted to each other.

The script? Melodrama. Nothing to make the extraordinary one. But the accomplishment. The delicacy. Touching shots from the camera. The refinement of final work.

The perfection of the resplendent couple, both beautiful like gods, filmed with what it takes of implication, sobriety and tenderness.

HOW do they Make, these Korean?!

Thanks to kamui for the drawing.


From French movie portal Ciné-zoom


Translated from French to English by Camille

Une histoire simple, à la fois triste, émouvante et éprouvante grâce à un magnifique jeu des acteurs, les dialogues étant très limités. Ils arrivent à faire passer les émotions voulues avec réalisme et sensibilité. La musique accompagne parfaitement cette histoire en accentuant les émotions.

Thierry Vaslot

A simple story, at the same time sad, moving and tough thanks to the splendid acting of the actors, as the dialogues are very limited. They manage to give realism and sensibility to the emotions. The music goes along perfectly with this story by emphasizing emotions.

by Thierry Vaslot

Une magnifique histoire d’amour sur la découverte de l’autre et des blessures occasionnées qui rapprochent deux êtres meurtris. Un amour improbable et impossible, qui ne fera que passer, mais que l’on n’oubliera jamais. De beaux personnages, magnifiquement interprétés. Un film sensible et plein de sentiments, qui tirera quelques larmes aux plus romantiques.

Gérard Chargé

A wonderful love story about the discovery of the other and the occurred wounds which bring closer two hurt persons. An improbable and impossible love, which will just go by, but which we will never forget. Beautiful characters, played wonderfully. A sensitive movie full of feelings, which will get some tears from the most romantic people.

by Gérard Chargé


From French movie portal Avisciné by CM


Translated from French to English by Camille

Both of them and a couple.

A sober melodrama ? Yes, if it is Korean. It’s a chance, “April Snow” is made by Jin-Ho Hur

Perhaps do you remember of Random Heart (in French L’ombre d’un soupcon) realized sometime ago by Sidney Pollack and in which Harrison Ford and Kristin Scott Thomas having just lost their respective spouse in an air crash and who did not know each other, realized, that their spouses were intimately closed. April Snow takes the same way. Seo-Young (Ye-jin Son, already noticed in the splendid Ivre de femmes et de peinture) waits at the emergency: her husband had a car accident. It is there that In-su (Yong-joon Bae) arrives, the husband of the other passenger, also in the coma. Both do not know each other but their respective spouses maintained an extra-marital relation since a long time. Between the two survivors, between decency and a minimal approach, a difficult relation will be established at the same time. The reference to Pollack’s movie finishes there. Because the over-sentimental which weighed the Hollywood movie is not setting in Korean Jin-Ho Hur’s cinema. Less artificial than Kim Ki-duk or Hong Sangsoo, the directors of his generation, Jin-Ho Hur always knew how to show this soothe naturalism, quite contemplative (we remember of Christmas in August) which marks his cinema. Here he still goes along with decency and reserve, making the “calm-mornings” of his country a kind of intimate philosophy.

April Snow is a movie with a great sobriety, as in its psychological approach (culturally centred on the Asian culture) than in its bias of directing. The bragging does not have its place and, inside the setting, with the evolution of the relation, the bodies, shrivelled up at the beginning, seem to unfold, to untie just like the words, like the smiles which will slowly come to light up the faces.

And if April Snow, in its final scenes, gets started lightly on a more conventional melodrama, it is more for going, at the end, to this elsewhere of possible (like snow in April). Then we think about other authors : Kawabata in the narration and on the ultimate images of Millenium Mambo of Hou Hsiao Hsien.

To be continued.......

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Guest frances

~ Camille translated only the part where Dir Hur talked about April Snow .

[Trans] Interview of Dir Hur at Deauville Asian Film Festival 2006

From http://www.asiexpo.com/club/articles_show....orie=interviews

by Bastian Meiresonne - March 23th 2006 at Deauville Asian Film festival.

Translated from French to English by Camille

Q : Aviez-vous imaginé des fins alternatives à l'actuel dénouement dans "April Snow" ?

A : A un moment, j'ai pensé faire mourir les personnages principaux dans un nouvel accident de voiture, mais j'ai préféré leur accorder une fin un peu plus optimiste.

En fait, il me tenait vraiment à cœur de ne prendre aucun parti pris, ni pour les uns (les amants accidentés), ni pour les autres (les amants trompés). Je ne voulais pas que l'adultère soit pris comme quelque chose de simplement mauvais, de dégoûtant ou d'écoeurant, mais qu'il y ait également un côté beau et magnifié. Je voulais montrer ces deux aspects. C'est pour cela, que je démarre le film sur la présentation de deux personnages dégoûtés par la découverte de l'adultère de leurs partenaires respectifs ; puis je tenais à les montrer eux-mêmes attirés par l'adultère. Je ne voulais pas prendre position, mais montrer que leur relation pouvait être aussi écoeurante, puisqu'on les voit avoir une relation sexuelle pendant que le mari de la femme décède à l'hôpital.

Néanmoins, j'ai voulu que leur fin paraisse en quelque sorte heureuse – tous deux sont toujours brisés par la rupture de leur précédente relation et fragilisés par les conditions particulières du démarrage de leur relation ; mais je voulais qu'il y ait tout de même un certain optimisme. Du coup, ma présente fin reste assez ouverte, puisque libre à chacun d'imaginer la suite – ils peuvent mourir dans un accident de voiture dans le prochain virage, tout comme finir leurs jours heureux ensemble…

Q : Had you imagined an alternative end for the current ending of “April Snow”?

A : Once, I thought about making the principal characters die in a new car accident, but I preferred to give them a little more optimistic ending. In fact, I really don’t want to have any bias, neither for the ones (the accident victim lovers), nor for the others (betrayal lovers). I did not want to show the adultery as something simply bad, disgusting or nauseating, but that there is also a beautiful and magnified side. I wanted to show these two aspects. It is why I start the movie by presenting two characters disgusted by the discovery of their respective partners’s adultery; then I made a point of showing themselves attracted by adultery. I did not want to give any opinion, but to show that their relation could be also disgusting, as we see them having a sexual relation while the husband of the woman dies at the hospital.

Nevertheless, I wanted that their end looks somewhat happy - both are hurt by the rupture of their previous relationship and are weakened by the particular conditions of the beginning of their relation ; but I wanted that there is a certain optimism at the same time. So, my present end remains rather open, because it lets everyone imagine the continuation freely - they can die in a car accident at the next turn, or just finish their happy days together…

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Guest frances

~ more translations of AS French Reviews by Camille :)

originally posted in Camille's blog http://toujours-byj.blogspot.com/

Continuation of French reviews of April Snow !

From Shaengarn, a spectator on Toluna website :


translated from French to English by camille

Point of view : touching

This film is a love story, apparently nothing original. But the Asian film director probably have another point of view about love story movies and that is rather representative : all is extremely slow, nothing exceptional or incredible, the characters don’t seem to understand what arrives to them (the discovery of the betrayal of their spouses, love which is born between them). All this is very beautiful but a little long. The end does not conclude anything but leaves us on this poetic impression which goes through the movie. A must see movie if you’re not already depressed and also to discover Bae Yong Jun, the principal and particularly talented actor, besides very attractive.

From HAL Claudine (a female spectator) at Nantes city


translated from French to English by camille


Definitely the Korean cinema produces masterpieces. “Ivre de femmes et de peinture”, “Le printemps, l'été, l'automne, l'hiver et le printemps” to quote only two movies which I remember immediately now…

In this one, of Hur Jin-Ho, the scenario, at the beginning, made me believe it’s a remake of “In the mood for love” but, starting from similar facts, the Korean director chose an opposite direction : here the two betrayal spouses will make the bet of happiness and we assist, slowly, on the way, to a transformation of the most violent pain to the blooming of an authentic and beautiful love passion.

There I believed reading a message: we could only live a true love after having experienced the most intense pain ? What about your opinion? It would be a superb message of hope. (15/04/2006)

From French website Pil-lesite at Nantes city


by Arnaud Bénureau

translated from French to English by camille

There will be snow in April

He likes the winter. Her, spring. Never, they should pass the time of day to speak to each other. But there is, their respective spouses caused an accident, were lovers, are today in the coma and pushed these two survivors to come near to each other.

April snow is a modern drama, a praise of slowness where love is built in weightlessness. The capacity of seduction of this Korean movie is to assemble sensory stickers delicately. Where, at the same time, all and nothing occurs. April snow becomes immodest and arousing when it enters in this room where two young people learn, gently and painfully, to discover each other. The flesh is palpable. The body imperfections too. We have never been so close to the two actors with such natural and outstanding beauty.

Nevertheless, the director does not position us as voyeur. He invites us to be the witness of a beginning of a story.

A love story which will be eternal.

To be continued

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Guest Aoijen

I know this movie is very mature not good for children watch it...! I dun know this story but yeah I'm so BUSY!! :unsure::unsure:

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Guest frances

our thanks to Camille for the translation :)

originally posted in camille's byj blog http://toujours-byj.blogspot.com/

From Jihem’s blog Bleu Citron


translated from French to English by camille

Oechul (April snow) (2005) - Jin-ho Hur

By Jihem, May 13th 2006

Car accident, In-su’s wife is in the coma. At the hospital he meets Seo-Young who cries, her husband is also in the coma, he was in the same car. The waiting starts for In-su and Seo-Young, which discover very quickly that their spouses were lovers. They share the waiting, the incomprehension, the pain, a helpless desire of revenge and, little by little, a mutual attraction: “We could have an affair together, just to annoy them…” It is spring. Two love stories in the coma, a new ones takes form between the two shipwrecked people, alone in the world. But the reality catches up with them, the social conventions put them aside, one of the spouses wakes up. Will their raft be able to resist the waves?

Jin-Ho Hur achieves a small pearl of poetry, a kind of Korean In the mood for Love. But when Wong Kar Wai lingered on his characters, with his unforgettable slow motion on Maggie… where he gave them a maturity and a character which choked more between the narrow walls of their environment, the couple of April Snow appears much more fragile, passive, dragged away without resistance by the linking of the external events, such as a nut shell on a sea which exceeds them. This total powerlessness makes the final scene even more touching … A beautiful movie.

From Valclair’s blog, April 14th 2006


translated from French to English by camille

Finally I’ve watched “April snow”, a very beautiful Korean romance, this movie obviously pleased me a lot. I left the theatre with a liveliness of heart, a little tender music inside me, and it is that which finally counts more than intrinsic cinematographic qualities. It is certainly not a masterpiece, nothing exceptional in the way of the setting, not spectacular nor composition of exceptional actor, just a well made movie, true feelings, a palpable tenderness for these ordinary characters confronted to love betrayal, dramatic accident, death and possible rebirths. The feelings are constantly chaste and the love approach which sketches slowly then achieves is marked with a great emotion. There is no villain in it, but people confronted with their desire to live and their deep feeling of compassion which lasts in spite of betrayals for those they’ve loved, that they still love. The scene where the future lovers approach is slow, the mutual taking clothes off is made of waiting, reserve, vibrating sensuality. It is a soft scene and yet a wonderful eroticism ones. Per moment the movie is a little slow, it lingers, we can be bored but this slowness is naturally wanted, it marks that precisely the desire is often, not a brutal enthusiasm, but an effect of a slow taming. We fear a moment that the film will fizzle out, each protagonist going away separately with their pain. We say to ourselves : but goddamn, the cell-phones, for what they’re useful, call to each other, don’t let the chance go away… There is snow and there are spring flowers piercing under snow. Life continues. The two protagonists can finally welcome it. It’s that which we’re indebted to them when the black screen comes back and we return to the concrete of our own life. It’s that which gives to our heart this sweet feeling that we carry away when we leave them : yes the life continues, the love continues, let us know how to receive them too….

Snows and flowers… I looked at the weather in Tunisia. 14 to 28 degree in the next days, where I go tomorrow for a week, I’m very pleased, I need some warmth while leaving this coldness which persists, there is not any snow there but the caress of the sun…

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Guest bohemianheart.

can anyone upload this movie for me? the other links that i've looked around this thread is expired or something. <333.

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Guest goldenflower06

I really don't like this movie. It was okay, but I have seen better movies than this. I didn't like the ending and how decieving each person was to their lover.

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Guest saranghaeB

Hmm... May i ask smtg..?? Wat do u huys mean by "not suitable for children"..?? I haven watch it so i'm curious..

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Guest liezle

What more can I say? The French just love AS :) Again, congratulations to AS team.

April Snow in France today & some French reviews

French to English translation by camille / http://toujours-byj.blogspot.com/

camille wrote ~

Its more than 7 weeks now that April Snow has been released in France. After April Snow, there are 3 others Korean movies released here : Marathon 27/04, A Bittersweet Life 10/05 and The Duelist 17/05.

And today, April Snow is still shown in about thirty theatres (31 exactly, even if it's just shown 1 per day in some theatre). But A Bittersweet Life released at its first week in 45 theatres now drops to a number of 16 and The Duelist from 84 theatres in 16 theatres too, this movie didnt even enter in the top 20 of the box office for its first week released in spite of its 84 screens, maybe because of a majority of bad reviews from French media.

But the most important thing for me is that April Snow is still among the favorites of French media and French moviegoers, and the only Korean movie in the latest ranking today, May 29th from the French movie portal Allocine (13rd for French media and 10th for moviegoers, among the best 35 movies still shown at the theatre), although we just have some big blockbusters released like Volver, Da Vinci code, Marie Antoinette, X-Men 3,.

Im very happy to find so much positive reviews from French media and moviegoers about April snow and praise of Yong Joons acting. As Fumi-san has said, I hope Yong Joon sii is more confident now after reading all these reviews because they are based only on his real talent as they dont know who he is.

So today, I would like to share with you some others reviews I found from various websites, spectators and blogs about April Snow. As there are many reviews, I just post here some important parts of them but you can read them all on my blog.

From French movie portal Ciné-zoom


translated from French to English by camille

Une histoire simple, à la fois triste, émouvante et éprouvante grâce à un magnifique jeu des acteurs, les dialogues étant très limités. Ils arrivent à faire passer les émotions voulues avec réalisme et sensibilité. La musique accompagne parfaitement cette histoire en accentuant les émotions.

Thierry Vaslot

A simple story, at the same time sad, moving and tough thanks to the splendid acting of the actors, as the dialogues are very limited. They manage to give realism and sensibility to the emotions. The music goes along perfectly with this story by emphasizing emotions.

by Thierry Vaslot

Une magnifique histoire damour sur la découverte de lautre et des blessures occasionnées qui rapprochent deux êtres meurtris. Un amour improbable et impossible, qui ne fera que passer, mais que lon noubliera jamais. De beaux personnages, magnifiquement interprétés. Un film sensible et plein de sentiments, qui tirera quelques larmes aux plus romantiques.

Gérard ChargéA wonderful love story about the discovery of the other and the occurred wounds which bring closer two hurt persons. An improbable and impossible love, which will just go by, but which we will never forget. Beautiful characters, played wonderfully. A sensitive movie full of feelings, which will get some tears from the most romantic people.

From French movie portal Avisciné by CM


translated from French to English by camille

Eux deux et un couple

Un mélo sobre ? Oui, sil est coréen. Ça tombe bien, « April Snow » est signé Jin-Ho Hur

April Snow est un film dune grande sobriété tant dans son approche psychologique (culturellement entée sur la culture asiatique) que dans ses partis pris de réalisation. Lesbroufe na pas sa place et, à lintérieur du cadre, au fil de lévolution de la relation, les corps, recroquevillés au début, semblent se déplier, se dé-lier tout comme la parole, tout comme les sourires qui viendront lentement éclairer les visages.

Both of them and a couple.

A sober melodrama ? Yes, if it is Korean. Its a chance, April Snow is made by Jin-Ho Hur

April Snow is a movie with a great sobriety, as in its psychological approach (culturally centred on the Asian culture) than in its bias of directing. The bragging does not have its place and, inside the setting, with the evolution of the relation, the bodies, shrivelled up at the beginning, seem to unfold, to untie just like the words, like the smiles which will slowly come to light up the faces.

From French website Pil-lesite at Nantes city


by Arnaud Bénureau

translated from French to English by camille

There will be snow in April

He likes the winter. Her, spring. Never, they should pass the time of day to speak to each other. But there is, their respective spouses caused an accident, were lovers, are today in the coma and pushed these two survivors to come near to each other.

April snow is a modern drama, a praise of slowness where love is built in weightlessness. The capacity of seduction of this Korean movie is to assemble sensory stickers delicately. Where, at the same time, all and nothing occurs. April snow becomes immodest and arousing when it enters in this room where two young people learn, gently and painfully, to discover each other. The flesh is palpable. The body imperfections too. We have never been so close to the two actors with such natural and outstanding beauty.

Nevertheless, the director does not position us as voyeur. He invites us to be the witness of a beginning of a story.

A love story which will be eternal.

From HAL Claudine (a female spectator) at Nantes city on Caen Maville website


translated from French to English by camille


Definitely the Korean cinema produces masterpieces. Ivre de femmes et de peinture, Le printemps, l'été, l'automne, l'hiver et le printemps to quote only two movies which I remember immediately now

In this one, of Hur Jin-Ho, the scenario, at the beginning, made me believe its a remake of In the mood for love but, starting from similar facts, the Korean director chose an opposite direction : here the two betrayal spouses will make the bet of happiness and we assist, slowly, on the way, to a transformation of the most violent pain to the blooming of an authentic and beautiful love passion.

There I believed reading a message: we could only live a true love after having experienced the most intense pain ? What about your opinion? It would be a superb message of hope. (15/04/2006)

From Shaengarn, a spectator on Toluna website


translated from French to English by camille

Point of view : touching

This film is a love story, apparently nothing original. But the Asian film director probably have another point of view about love story movies and that is rather representative : all is extremely slow, nothing exceptional or incredible, the characters dont seem to understand what arrives to them (the discovery of the betrayal of their spouses, love which is born between them). All this is very beautiful but a little long. The end does not conclude anything but leaves us on this poetic impression which goes through the movie. A must see movie if youre not already depressed and also to discover Bae Yong Jun, the principal and particularly talented actor, besides very attractive.

From kamui's blog


translated from French to English by camille

For me, there are some enigmas which will remain forever as cosmic mysteries. First of all, the mystery of divine creation and the Korean cinema. Frankly, Korea, with their opening towards the occident, and above all their cinema. Their industry comes from quite nowhere. And there, paf. Slap on slap.

But WHERE do they find the FORCE to produce movies like that. There is always a Korean movie among my favourite every year. Even More. For example April Snow. A romance in French term. A man and a woman who meet at the hospital. Their spouses are in a serious condition. Ah and icing on the cake, they betrayed them both. Our two cuckolds will be irremediably attracted to each other.

The script? Melodrama. Nothing to make the extraordinary one. But the accomplishment. The delicacy. Touching shots from the camera. The refinement of final work.

The perfection of the resplendent couple, both beautiful like gods, filmed with what it takes of implication, sobriety and tenderness.

HOW do they Make, these Korean?!

From Jihems blog Bleu Citron


translated from French to English by camille

Oechul (April snow) (2005) - Jin-ho Hur

By Jihem, May 13th 2006

Jin-Ho Hur achieves a small pearl of poetry, a kind of Korean In the mood for Love. But when Wong Kar Wai lingered on his characters, with his unforgettable slow motion on Maggie¡¦ where he gave them a maturity and a character which choked more between the narrow walls of their environment, the couple of April Snow appears much more fragile, passive, dragged away without resistance by the linking of the external events, such as a nut shell on a sea which exceeds them. This total powerlessness makes the final scene even more touching ¡¦ A beautiful movie.

From Valclairs blog, April 14th 2006


translated from French to English by camille

Finally Ive watched 'April snow, a very beautiful Korean romance, this movie obviously pleased me a lot. I left the theatre with a liveliness of heart, a little tender music inside me, and it is that which finally counts more than intrinsic cinematographic qualities. It is certainly not a masterpiece, nothing exceptional in the way of the setting, not spectacular nor composition of exceptional actor, just a well made movie, true feelings, a palpable tenderness for these ordinary characters confronted to love betrayal, dramatic accident, death and possible rebirths. The feelings are constantly chaste and the love approach which sketches slowly then achieves is marked with a great emotion. There is no villain in it, but people confronted with their desire to live and their deep feeling of compassion which lasts in spite of betrayals for those theyve loved, that they still love. The scene where the future lovers approach is slow, the mutual taking clothes off is made of waiting, reserve, vibrating sensuality. It is a soft scene and yet a wonderful eroticism ones. Per moment the movie is a little slow, it lingers, we can be bored but this slowness is naturally wanted, it marks that precisely the desire is often, not a brutal enthusiasm, but an effect of a slow taming. We fear a moment that the film will fizzle out, each protagonist going away separately with their pain. We say ourselves : but goddamn, the cell-phones, for what theyre useful, call to each other, dont let the chance go away¡¦ There is snow and there are spring flowers piercing under snow. Life continues. The two protagonists can finally welcome it. Its that which were indebted to them when the black screen comes back and we return to the concrete of our own life. Its that which gives to our heart this sweet feeling that we carry away when we leave them : yes the life continues, the love continues, let us know how to receive them too¡¦.

camille : To conclude my posting, I just want to tell some thing : the last time I went to see AS, I saw a French, who is about 85 years old in the theatre. I dont know why, but seeing this old man who has some difficulty to walk but still going to the theatre to watch AS moved me deep in my heart.

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Guest kittylovespaolo

actually AS is not everyone's cup of tea. reviews on AS varies. if you're the type of person who likes fastpace movies then AS is not for you. AS may actually be classified as an art film. I think that Director Hur was able to put together AS wonderfully. For me AS is a very simple yet touching movie.

very well said. and i agree. i even read somewhere that others called called it April Snooze. that's their opinion and their perspective of the movie.

BUT i like this movie. i saw it twice before it was shown in one of the theaters here which is a rarity and of course, i watched it. my first korean movie seen on the big screen. it was extra special.

i love how they "stressed simplicity" <quoting someone here> because it was wonderful mix with the overwhelming complexity of their situation. how the movie played out - slow, less talk, gray areas, raw, scenic - for me, it was perfect.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone,

I hope I'm not too late. I do not want to read reviews for the movie as I do not want my views to be tainted.

April Snow is like the movie Il Mare, where nothing much is happening and there are not many dialogues. Like Il Mare, I like this movie for its tranquility. It is a far cry from one of my all-time favorite movies, "In the mood for love" (which was brilliant!), but it is a nice movie nonetheless. BYJ and SYJ are good actors, but I think they do not have very good chemistry together. Overall, I would recommend this movie.

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Guest frances

here's another AS french review shared to us by a BYJ fan from France, Camille

originally posted in camille's blog ~ http://toujours-byj.blogspot.com/

From http://www.pointscommuns.com/lire-commenta...ecom/44354.html

translated from french to english by camille

Some words about this movie…. which did not leave me indifferent.

In two words, the scenario…. Hoping not to frustrate you if by opportunity, this movie attracts you…

The hero goes to the East coast of South Korea, after his wife’s car accident. Except that a surprise waits for him at the hospital : his wife was not alone in the car, she was accompanied by her lover. (!!!) This one is married too. (…)

You have the starting postulate there… Which will be used as a plot to the story which will tie this woman and this man, which nothing predisposed them to meet.

A melodrama on adultery backdrop…. Again?!!

(I imagine certain reactions…) well, yes, again and always…

A little syrupy, according to some taste…? Maybe.

Slowness and purity in the way of shooting. Long silences, so eloquent unstated things…!!

On inanimate bodies backdrop, in the coma (the injured illegitimate couple), the respective spouses will gradually, by going through anger, betrayal, sadness, allow themselves to join together. The sober decorations give even more dimension to the acting of the characters.

Hur Jin-Ho, the director, proves an authentic cinematographic delicacy. It is true that I particularly appreciate the Asian cinema …

(Aren’t we here to share our sudden impulse?!!) After all… ; -)

The physical meeting of the two protagonists illustrates that perfectly. Far from a bodily, indecent and provocative demonstration… (can be appreciable in other circumstances).

By suggesting, by seeing through the intimacy of this illegitimate couple, Hur Jin-Ho shares with us their passionate desire. All in filigree… All in discretion, and yet!! With a right lighting “as it should be” we then assist to a true discovery, a superbly reserved passion. The scene is quite simply beautiful, aesthetic, the trembling bodies presented with a certain decency, so rich of emotions….

WAouuuuuuuuu. I can be moved again while thinking of it here.

Very slow, very strong, moving and also very tough. Contradiction between the feelings and the contextual reality of the meeting (fortuitous?) of the two heroes. Sublime beauty of the characters… With this “refine” manner, which I like to find in the Asian cinema.

Hoping to give you the desire to go watching this movie….

Quelques mots à propos de ce film.... qui ne m'a pas laissée indifférent.

En deux mots, le scénario…. En espérant ne pas vous frustrer si d’aventure, ce film vous tente…

Le héros se rend sur la côte est de la Corée du Sud, à la suite de l’accident de voiture de son épouse. Sauf qu’une surprise l'attend à l'hôpital : sa femme n'était pas seule dans la voiture, elle était accompagnée de son amant. ( !!!) Ce dernier est marié lui aussi. (…)

Vous avez là le postulat de départ… Ce qui va servir de trame à l’histoire qui va se nouer entre cette femme et cet homme, que rien ne prédisposait à se rencontrer.

Un mélodrame sur fond d’adultère…. Encore ?!!

(J’imagine certaines réactions…) hé bien oui, encore et toujours…

Un peu sirupeux, au goût de certains… ? Peut être. Lenteur et pureté dans la manière de filmer. De longs silences, des non-dits… tellement éloquents !

Sur fond de corps inanimés, dans le coma, (le couple illégitime accidenté) les conjoints respectifs vont progressivement, en dépassant la colère, la trahison, la tristesse, s’autoriser à la rencontre. Les décors sobres donnent encore plus de dimension au jeu des personnages.

Hur Jin-Ho, le réalisateur, fait preuve d’une véritable délicatesse cinématographique. Il est vrai que j’apprécie particulièrement le cinéma asiatique…

(Ne sommes nous pas ici pour partager nos coups de cœur ?!!) Après tout …;-)

La rencontre physique des deux protagonistes illustre parfaitement cela. Loin d’un déballage corporel, impudique et provocant… (pouvant être appréciable en d’autres circonstances).

En suggérant, en pénétrant l’intimité ce couple illégitime, Hur Jin-Ho nous fait partager leur désir passionné. Tout en filigrane… Tout en discrétion, et pourtant !! Avec un éclairage juste « comme il faut » on assiste alors à une vraie découverte, une passion superbement retenue. La scène est tout simplement belle, esthétique, les corps tremblants s’offrent avec une certaine pudeur, si riche d’émotions….

WAouuuuuuuuu. Je ne peux qu’être à nouveau bouleversée en y repensant.

Très lent, très fort, émouvant et aussi très dur. Contradiction entre les sentiments et la réalité contextuelle de la rencontre (fortuite ?) des deux héros. Beauté sublime des personnages… Avec cette manière « épurée », que j’aime retrouver dans le cinéma asiatique.

En espérant vous donner envie d’aller voir ce film…

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Guest frances

another AS review from a french moviegoer :)

bunch of thanks to camille for the translation.

From http://www.blogg.org/blog-22537-billet-340641.html

translated from french to english by camille

April Snow is a Korean drama realized by Jin-Ho Hur who is a recognized film director, (I admit it is true that before seeing this movie I did not know this film director, finally I’m not a reference^^) since this movie is the third feature film of this director. He had realized before Christmas in August, introduced at Cannes festival in 1998 (camille : semaine de la critique section).

I saw this movie in April, at my visit to my sister in Paris… I remember this afternoon of April, the sky was grey and I didn’t know what to do. While drinking a Monaco in a bar at Tuileries garden I browsed Zurban magazine… I decided to go watching a movie… the story of this movie April Snow attracted me, and as I don’t like movies which finish well this one is ideal for me even if we can’t say that this movie really has a sad ending.… At last the beginning of the movie announces its melodramatic direction: In-Su and Seo-Young go to the hospital, because they have just learned that their spouses had a serious car accident. While the last ones are in deep coma, In-su and Seo-Young discover that they maintained an extra-marital relation. Their resentment will push them to love each other at their turn and to face the same torments… I liked this movie very much, we could think that it’s an affected love story, but we find nothing affected in this sensitive melodrama where everyone cries without noises. Besides I don’t usually cry when I see a sad movie, but there I started to cry at an unexpected moment of the movie… the scene happens in spring, in April, then suddenly rises a snow storm, something very rare in April… Seeing this snow falling on the flowers made me cry but to understand it is necessary to go back a little… At a moment in the movie In-su and Seo-Young speak about their favourite seasons… “What is your favourite season? and you? me the spring, but I like snow too. Then it would snow in spring? You think that it’s possible? I don’t know…

Finally that is why I recommend you if it is not already done to go watching this movie which is simply quite heartbreaking and splendid, don’t be too stingy… ^^


camille wrote ~

This is the review from Zurban magazine mentioned by the author (I’ve posted on Quilt sometimes ago).

Korean coma

April Snow, the encounter of two lonely hearts, a duo of moving actors.

A man and a woman discover that their respective spouses, in the coma after an accident, are lovers. With the same plot as Random Hearts of Sydney Pollack, Hur Jin-Ho follows the encounter of two lonely persons.

In-Su and Seo-Young are brought together by their half doomed to silence, but fight to remain the head out of water. To understand the impossible and to continue to live.

Building his story on a succession of sensitive and reserved scenes, the film director succeeds to make a moving “pas de deux”.

The duo of actors faces the daily life through emotions and feelings, without moralizing gaze nor parasitic psychology. The note is deep and delicate, and Hur Jin-Ho excels to describe weakened persons in the contemporary Korea.

A film director to attend to.

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Guest adikkeluangman

"April Snow" to Be Re-Released in Japan



The Korean movie 'April Snow' starring Bae Yong-jun and Son Ye-jin will be

released in an uncut edition in Toho Cinemas Roppongi Hills and Toho Cinemas

Takatsuki in Japan from Sept. 9, according to Bae's official Japanese website.

The new edition includes more than 20 scenes that were originally cut, with its

running time increased by 30 minutes to 140 minutes. It also describes the love

between the two leading characters in a more detailed and elaborate way, with a

different ending.

Earning some 2.72 billion yen (26 billion won) when it was first released in Japan

last year, the movie received such a passionate response from viewers that some

watched it several times. There is high expectation that the re-release will also

attract much attention from Japanese fans. ¡±

c: KBS Global

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Guest xosandy

June 19, 2006

Japan loves Yonsama. Now for something you didn't know, Japan loves Yonsama so much, they're releasing the Director's Cut of 외출 (April Snow). This would be nothing out of the ordinary, if not for the fact this new cut, with 30 Minutes added to the original, will not only release on DVD, but also in Japanese theaters. The original, also starring Son Ye-Jin, was released last September and went on to make 2.7 Billion Yen, becoming the most successful Korean film released in Japan, until another Son Ye-Jin film -- Lee Jae-Han's 내 머리속의 지우개 (A Moment to Remember) -- beat its record. This will be a chance for Japanese fans to see Bae Yong-Joon once again, as he's currently busy shooting the uber-budget Fusion Sageuk 태왕사신기 (The Great King). No details have been revealed regarding the content of those added scenes, but they should be more or less the same you found as deleted scenes on the original DVD Release. Some netizens on Korean message boards have speculated more 'revealing' edits of the sex scenes between Bae and Son will make their way to this Director's Cut, as a sort of fan service to the Japanese fans. But I'd say the chances of that happening are less than seeing a (Snow)ball in hell. Hopefully enterOne will pick this up for a DVD Release, otherwise we'll have to get a double-serving, R2J style. Then we won't need melodrama to cry... [MSN News]


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I just watched this yesterday...and I got to say I really liked this movie....The sex scenes looked really romantic...plus they didn't need to show anything "inappropriate" to have the viewer understand that they were making love....But yeah, the ending....it was ok...but I was expecting to see them together physically showing that they ended up together....but I got the message so....it was good....It just wasn't as satisfying...:D...This was also a very quiet movie and I think that was good because it set the mood of the movie...I don't know...I guess that's just what I think....

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Guest frances

~ here's another review of April Snow from a French moviegoer.

this was shared to us by Camille, a BYJ fan from France :)

Camille wrote ~

First of all, I would like to say I’m relieved that Korea and France end up in a drawn match, now I hope both of them will go as far as possible in this World cup.

Actually, April Snow is still shown in 24 theatres in France although it was released since April 12th. Marathon and Duelist are not shown anymore and A bittersweet life released in May now drops to 6 theatres.

Today I would like to share with you some others reviews of April Snow from French moviegoers I found on the net. I like them a lot and I think it’s interesting and refreshing to translate and to share with you some point of views about April Snow from common moviegoers who don’t know anything about Yong Joon.

[i already posted the other two reviews camille translated. below is the third review that camille just posted in her blog ]


camille ~

......And the last one is a little difficult for me to translate, hope you don’t mind my english...

From : http://blogbandeapart.blogs.allocine.fr/bl...is_d_avril_.htm

April snow… and snow came to marble the roughness of April by its tenderness …

Witten by Joak on Bandeapart blog at 19/05/2006 - 22h32

Translated from French to English by Camille.

posted in camille's blog http://toujours-byj.blogspot.com/

From a Western point of view, April Snow is a movie all in nuance. Those of decency, or legitimate infidelity.

But it seems sincere from an Asian ones, sublimating the respect and the belonging to the traditions, to lived love and which we don’t want to break.

We have not a past to understand the reasons which hold back their feelings, but the cinema gives us the spirit of it…

The Jin-Ho Hur work is tested, understood by curious extension. Because if we cannot consider these esteemed relations as real and significant, we must admit that by his success in Japan, the movie tends to prove the reflection of a social community which search itself, which does not reproduce any more the example of the elders and which likes to disconnect from its familial environment. Because it is there that Seo-Young and In-su will look for the bases of their relations, in incomprehension, in the loyal support of their lover and in the similarity of their love. Traditional processes where leaves the reflection which promises to open the way to a future separated with the present.

This movie successes on the bets of a luminous delicacy like snow, because this meeting between the two protagonists is consciously improbable, and yet their destiny draws the features of the truth, of an origin founded and composed by immortal values of justice, of start to the sorrow and frightened project.

Which reactions by learning the coma of her husband, his wife?

Which feelings to feel next when they discover that the car accident which has amazed them both is an extra-marital relation incident?

Which look, also shaded of bitterness, but whose frailty is not recent at all, for the woman who discovers herself and her moral imprisonment ?

At the bedside, a present and motionless woman, broken in the flesh, whose betrayal is painfully forgivable because she never feel the force to confess.

In the other side, a beautiful, timid and sensitive woman, broken in the heart, who has for only comfort the desire of a confession deep down in her heart.

This portrayed society is noble, because the heartrending and strong thought of a person does not go over his duty. So, from this impromptu circumstance is born the delivery of the feelings, whose endeavour is only at the beginning of a love life…

The two characters are complex, and even in the depth of their intimacy feel some aloofness. A process which brings them in a love even more intense.

And beyond this magnificence is a complexity of language. A man who uses the “tu” form with his wife and the “vous” form with his lover, as by respect for both, even the sexual phase reached.

This love is not pallid but thick like snow, splendid. It settles gently, most certainly as for not to hurt what it has the most pure: these crystals!

And its colour, white, this sacred symbol in numerous religion… and this last sentence, when all the suppositions open to the spectators, we remain captivated, enamoured of purity while thinking of Seo-Young who does not lend her shoulder to In-su to cry but her reason, her passion and her modest tenderness. That is their love; purified of all dishonest preference.

In this symbolism let us retain this pleasant thought which sets up under this coincident meeting of shared feelings where adultery is not any more this venereal disease…

Camille : I would like to write some explanations about the “tu” form (tutoyer) and the “vous” form (vouvoyer) in French language. It’s because when In su speaks to his wife, the word “you” in English was translated by “tu” in French subtitle and when In-su and Seo-Young speak together, the word “you” was translated by “vous”. Tu is used to speak to closed people and vous is more formal or when you speak to elder persons who don’t belong to your family. This translation in April Snow has surprised some French people, they even ask in a forum why although In-Su and Seo young are lovers, they still use the words vous to speak to each others.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest frances

from KOFIC


New Version of April Snow Breaks Record in Japan



A Korean film has broken the all-time record for first-day advance ticket sales in Japan. A re-edited director's cut of HUR Jin-ho's April Snow, starring BAE Yong-joon, will be released in Japan September 9th, a full year after its original theatrical run. When advance ticket sales began on July 7th, exceedingly long line-ups of mainly female ticket buyers forced tickets to go on sale two hours earlier than originally scheduled.

The Toho Cinemas at Roppongi Hills, Tokyo and Takatsuki, Osaka, where the director's cut screenings of April Snow will be held, reported first-day ticket sales of 5,800 and 3,200 respectively. This set an all-time record for first-day advance sales on a single film, Hollywood, domestic, or otherwise.

The original version of April Snow, distributed by UIP, was released on 400 screens across Japan last year, and holds the record as the highest number of prints made for a Japanese release. It went on to gross US$24.2 million, making it the second most successful Korean film of all time at the Japanese box-office, just behind A Moment to Remember.

The director's cut will feature completely new scenes, extended scenes, and even a different ending, for a total of 30 minutes extra footage. A deluxe DVD of the new version will be released shortly after on September 21st.

Actor BAE Yong-joon, or Yonsama as he is affectionately called by the Japanese, is a leading figure in the Korean New Wave, or Hallyu. He has a huge following among Japanese women, and it was reported that tour buses for the sole purpose of buying advance tickets were pre-arranged for those living outside Tokyo and Osaka.

Nigel D'Sa (KOFIC)

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Guest frances

April Snow will have its UK Premiere in Edinburgh International Filmfest (Aug 14-27) under the "Director's Showcase" Section & will be screened on Aug 17 & 19, 2006 :)



April Snow ( Wae Chool)

Hur Jin-ho / South Korea / 2005 / 35mm Colour / 105 min

Bae Yong-joon, Son Ye-jin, Lim Sang-hyo, Kim Kwang-il

Understated, sensual Korean melodrama, from the maker of Christmas in August.

Handsome In-su (Untold Scandal's Bae Yong-jun) is summoned to his comatose wife's bedside when she's hospitalised after a serious car accident. In the vehicle with her was a male companion - who turns out, after a little investigation, to have been her lover for a number of years. That man's wife, Seo-young, is also at the hospital, waiting for him to awaken - and little by little, a tentative romance blossoms between the two visitors, each the victim of their respective spouse's infidelity. But are they really in the mood for love? Or simply trying to get even? This slow-burning Korean melodrama takes an almost forensic approach to questions of love and betrayal, unfolding in a series of wintry landscapes and fraught hotel room encounters, all charged with a quiet, erotic power.

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