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[Drama 2017] Bride of the Water God, 하백의 신부


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When HB shouts "Those powers" in the preview, it appears to me that the powers that HY has were ill-gotten, stolen, or something.  Hopefully we'll find out more today.  Thanks to everyone who is posting about the lore and the manhwa, it makes everything so much more interesting!!!

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5 minutes ago, aunniek said:

When HB shouts "Those powers" in the preview, it appears to me that the powers that HY has were ill-gotten, stolen, or something.  Hopefully we'll find out more today.  Thanks to everyone who is posting about the lore and the manhwa, it makes everything so much more interesting!!!

Why do I think that Ho Ye has stolen power of this third God who was with Mo Ra and Bi Ryeom? He disappeared, maybe Ho Ye got rid of him and stole this power

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  • Bride of the Water God 2017: Episode 7

    by LollyPip



I’m having a hard time thinking of anything cuter and funnier than Ha-baek in a jealous snit. A furious baby squirrel, maybe? He’s just adorable, and what’s even better are So-ah’s breathless, flustered reactions whenever Ha-baek turns that intense focus on her. These two are definitely experiencing some major attraction, and although they’re still deep in denial, I’m loving every minute of it.


WaterGod07-00018.jpg WaterGod07-00019.jpg


Ha-baek sees the truck barreling down on So-ah and he screams, but he’s too late — when he arrives at the spot where she was standing, she’s gone. He looks around frantically, and across the street he sees Bi-ryum, smirking with an unconscious So-ah in his arms.

She wakes, and Bi-ryum carefully sets her down. Ha-baek manages to stay calm as he asks what happened, and Bi-ryum says he’s been following them all day. He asks So-ah if they had a fight, but she walks away from them both and gets in a taxi without a word.


=== Read full here: http://www.dramabean...2017-episode-7/



What was that?! Is Hu-ye the person Ha-baek and Geol-rin were talking about, that made it possible for human blood to remain at the divine gate? I think it’s pretty obvious by now that Hu-ye isn’t exactly human, and I just don’t trust him. He’s too nice, too sweet, too gentle to be real, and that flash of something in his eyes when he incinerated that caterpillar gave me the creeps. I really have no reason to suspect him of anything, but I just can’t help it. Something about him makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I just feel like it would be a bad idea for So-ah to get any closer to him. On a lighter note, I actually enjoyed watching poor Ha-baek struggling with the idea that So-ah may be interested in someone. I don’t know if he registers what he’s feeling as jealousy yet, but I love that he’s not ignoring his emotions like he would have just a short while ago. He’s letting himself feel the hurt and betrayal, which is sad to watch. But I believe it’s good for his personal growth. I think that he told So-ah she can’t sell the land, not because some cosmic balance will be upset if she does, but for the simple reason that he doesn’t want her to, because then they won’t have any reason to see each other. Once he realizes why he’s feeling this way, he’s going to be an unstoppable force.

So-ah is really growing on me as a character, now that her insecurities and weaknesses are starting to show and she’s not so prickly. I particularly love how she makes it clear that she needs no saving or help managing her feelings, but that she’s not too proud to accept help when someone better equipped offers it. I’m used to seeing headstrong drama heroines who insist on doing everything for themselves, even when it makes things much harder. So it’s refreshing to see a woman who knows she’s capable, but is confident enough that she doesn’t feel the need to prove it to everyone in the vicinity. I think that So-ah’s willingness to admit she can’t do everything is one reason Ha-baek is developing feelings for her, because those little moments of vulnerability can get through his defenses in a way that stubborn independence never would.



On the other hand, I can’t make myself believe that Bi-ryum is a truly bad guy — he’s mischievous and naughty, and he has no compunctions using people to get what he wants, but so far we haven’t seen him actually hurt anyone. I feel like he’s just a god who feels that the ends justify the means, so he’s willing to do whatever it takes to get himself out of trouble. He enjoys messing with people, particularly Ha-baek, probably because he’s jealous of Mura’s feeling for the water god. But he actually is helping, and I think Bi-ryum is good for Ha-baek — I feel like Ha-baek will be a much better king after Bi-ryum is through with him and he loosens up a notch or five.

And while we’re on the subject of the gods, I wanted to try to clarify something that the show hasn’t explained well. Ha-baek is in the human world to retrieve three stones from three gods, Water, Earth, and Sky. Bi-ryum is the Sky god, but I got confused because Mura’s from the Water Kingdom, and Joo-dong isn’t an Earth god (at least, not in the original story). I’m still unclear about Joo-dong’s role in this retelling, because if he’s not the Earth god, then who is? As it stands now, Ha-baek has two stones, Bi-ryum’s and (probably) Joo-dong’s, but his power is so weak that they aren’t responding to him. Mura’s stone is still missing, with Joo-dong searching for it.

Speaking of which, I’m really worried by that scene with the dying fish — has Ha-baek been away from the Water Kingdom for too long? What happens if he doesn’t get home in time? What happens if he does get home, but he doesn’t have the stones? The show drops so many tiny clues, but we still don’t have a cohesive idea of exactly what’s going on, particularly in terms of the gods’ pasts and why they fight so much. For example, if Joo-dong has been missing for over a decade, why is Mura looking for a house for him to live in with her? Also, Mura said something in this episode about Bi-ryum creating the gods’ servant and hurting Ha-baek in the process, and I’m guessing that was when he dumped the fisherman into the water — but what happened to offend Ha-baek’s mother so badly that she bound the man’s family forever? What did Bi-ryum do and why did that hurt Ha-baek? I like a mystery as much as the next guy, but I do wish the clues were presented in a more organized way so that we aren’t likely to miss them entirely.


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Scene of a dark cave. Someone picks up a leaf. It's a young child who eats the leaf. Habaek and the high priest were discussing something as Habaek holds a scroll. They are at his home in the water kingdom. The high priest is telling something. They transport to somewhere else and end up meeting Moora and Biryum. The high priest tells them about development of man. He says something and transports somewhere else. The other 3 follow him. The high priest continues to explain something to them. The 3 gods seem surprised and doubtful though. Biryum and Moora leaves. High pries tells Habaek something and leaves. The 3 gods meet up again to discuss what High priest told them. What the high priest told them is related to Habaek. Cut to scene where Habaek questions the high priest and they discuss something. Habaek seems angered. High priest continues to explain.

Cut to ending scene in last episode.I think Hooye denies Habaek but Habaek hold out the rock with blood on it. So Ah tries to pull Habaek away but Habaek questions Hooye further. Moora steps in to stop Habaek. Hooye seems flustered and leaves in a hurry. Hooye walks into his office slowly. Looks at his name plate. He has blank expression on his face. He looks over at his photographs and plaques on his table. He flashback to Habaek's words and So Ah's words in the forest. He starts to sweat. He remembers Moora and Biryum. He thinks of So Ah. With vengeful look on his face, he thinks of So Ah's name.

So Ah thinks of what happened in her car while the 3 gods and Namsuri meet up and discuss. Moora seem to be warning Habaek. Habaek looks determined. Biryum drives Habaek and Namsuri and tells them something. 

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Habaek tells Biryum something and Biryum looks tensed. They get out of his car. Biryum stops them by telling Habaek something related to So Ah. He smirks and drives off. They look on as Habaek is thinking of something.

So Ah looking at the deal papers while thinking about what Habaek said. Suddenly lightning strikes. Lol...it's habaek's doing as he snaps his fingers. Moora tells him to stop but he continues after thinking about Habaek's words. Hooye looks at the lightning and seems to have made up a plan.

Habaek waiting for So Ah at her clinic. Her assistant complains to him but Habaek stops him by telling him something like he's warning him. Assistant still continues his rant though and Habaek seems irritated. So Ah appears and Habaek looks at her. She hides the documents behind her. In her office, the assistant serve them drinks. So Ah turns the cup for hmi so that he doesn't drink the chipped part.

At night, they talk as they walk back . So Ah seems shocked at something he said. She tries to explain and Habaek listens. She apologises to him for something and he seems surprised. She walks on, looks behind and smiles. Lol....amusement park scene! Habaek screams at everything...from roller coasters to hanuted house. So Ah tries to shut his mouth and covers her ears. They rest at a bench. Habaek looks at her lovingly and says she's cute(?). He gets up and both of them walk as they talk again. He flashes back to when she wish to see her dad again. They talk more as she internally chides. As Habaek says something, she seems surprised.

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Habaek says something as he holds his hand over his heart. Meanwhile, Hooye is at a distance, looking at So Ah. He flashback to them talking at the forest about 'regretting opening up/ relying on someone that she shouldn't have'.

Next morning, as So Ah leaves the house, Habaek looks at her from the rooftop. There's a voiceover as he looks at a butterfly. He then calls her and says 1 sentence before hanging up. She wonders about his words.

Rich granddaughter shows her grandpa something but he seems disgusted and complains. She says something to him and comes up with a plan.

Hooye's assistant comes over to tell him something but obviously his miind isn't present at the moment. Granddaughter shouts at him and grabs his arm but he pulls it away. She seems shocked and Hooye apologises. Then he leaves. She goes to talk to his assistant instead. She keeps bugging him but he ignores her. He tells her something which makes her surprised. He leaves her there in shock.

So Ah looks at the deal papers and turns them over when her assistant comes. He notices 2 tickets and tries to see it but So Ah stops him. Assistant barges in when she's blushing. She tries to leave but faces Hooye who came to meet her. They discuss something. Hooye looks like he trying to hide anger and try to keep smiling. He explains his childhood(?) He seems angry but still tries to smile.

Cut to a boy who come out of the gate from So Ah's land. His lips bleeding. The blood dripped on a rock. The boy runs away. He runs into a forest and saw lights which he ran towards. 

So Ah continues to listen. Hooye thinking inhis head but snaps out of it when So Ah asks him to continue. He said there's a happy ending as he ends his story.

Both walk out of the clinic as So Ah tells him something. Hooye thanks her and leave. So Ah stops him by telling him something. He looks tensed as he hears his words. His smile is gone as he is deeply affected by her words. He bows and leaves. So Ah flashback to what he said and shakes her head. One of the minor gods saw Hooye with So Ah and then calls Biryum. 

Biryum with Moora in his car as he takes the call. Biryum drives off.

Hooye seems stressed and jittery. He answers a call. His assistant tells him something. Biryum and Moora observes Hooye as he gets out of his car after parking it. Biryum uses his powers to 'drive' a car to hit Hooye. Hooye notices. Moora tells him to stop. Hooye looks at the car. Moora uses her power to swerve thcar so that it doesn't hit Hooye. Hooye looks over at Biryum with anger as Biryum smirks and leaves after Moora. Moora scolds Biryum and then calls Habaek to warn him. Habaek makes call.

So Ah at her office thinking about something. Her friend comes over. So Ah tells her something as they are at a cafe. Seems like her friend kind of stalked Namsuri at the river. She held out her hand to shake Namsuri's hand. He shakes it but she doesn't let go.

Habaek enters a compound. Hooye's place. He faces Hooye who was waiting for him. Something beneath Hooye's collar lights up. Obviously a tense atmosphere. Habaek tears that part of his shirt to reveal something shining.

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