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[Drama 2017] Bride of the Water God, 하백의 신부


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1 hour ago, happypuppy said:


The hint that Hooye is a God can be seen early in the poster of the drama (the poster where Habaek wore red suit). You notice that it is only So ah, being the ONLY human, kneel on the floor.

Moora being so much narcissistic god hating human (and feel superior to anyone) was depicted standing on the stage. Habaek and Hooye sat down in the stage, probably hinting their closeness toward the human world (or So ah). Hoo ye, however, sat down so far, also hinting that he may have the most distinct motive here. Bi Ryeom I think was in between (standing on the floor), fitting with his principle: go where the wind blows

Thank you @happypuppy Brilliant interpretation. I think I am behind the eight ball on this one.




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I'm loving all the theories so far! Keep them coming! @rasikha Thank you for explaining your theory. I understand where some of you are coming from now when you say that the priest may be So Ah's father:D I love when you included the very beginning of episode 1 when the monk talked to the little girl. You mentioned that the girl was So Ah. I actually thought that scene was just an introduction to the whole plot and the monk & the girl were not any of the characters who would be in the plot. I thought they were random people. But when you said So Ah was the little girl, the existence of that scene suddenly made sense to me. At least now I know that that scene has a relation to the rest of the story. The little girl may/may not be So Ah, but I understand your point. Once again, Thanks So Much for explaining!:heart:

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1 hour ago, maddymappo said:

Thank you @happypuppy Brilliant interpretation. I think I am behind the eight ball on this one.






I still think it is veeeerry odd here that habaek and hooye are sitting almost exactly in the opposite way like leaning to the mirror. Same pose but different position! Also contrast with their suit color (red vs beige). 

It is too much of coincidence, I would say. Either it hints something on their role or im just overthinking :blush:

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12 hours ago, happypuppy said:


The hint that Hooye is a God can be seen early in the poster of the drama (the poster where Habaek wore red suit). You notice that it is only So ah, being the ONLY human, kneel on the floor.

Moora being so much narcissistic god hating human (and feel superior to anyone) was depicted standing on the stage. Habaek and Hooye sat down in the stage, probably hinting their closeness toward the human world (or So ah). Hoo ye, however, sat down so far, also hinting that he may have the most distinct motive here. Bi Ryeom I think was in between (standing on the floor), fitting with his principle: go where the wind blows


I also have almost a similar thought with you too. But probably the differences is that I think the poster depicts 


1. How Soo Ah is going to rely and depend a lot on Habaek. I know that Soo Ah can be independent at times and does not necessarily need people around her, but since there are strange things happening to her. She needs Habaek to help her. That is why Habaek shows his confidence when he was sitting above her


2. I agree with you that Hera is going to feel superior towards anyone and will come at anyone who disappoints her. We saw in the scene how she acts almighty and how arrogant she is.


3.  I saw Hoo Yee almost sits near Habaek, but pretty much far away .It could intend that Hoo Yee has a similar position with Habaek or is going to compete with him ( probably in terms of Soo Ah). I also think that Hoo Yee could be half god half human because of his secretary interaction with him about human's language with its meaning... check out episode 3 when Hoo Yee was at the hotel to have a reunion party. This scene came after Soo Ah got into the lift and remininsced the moment where he offered her a help for a ride but she refused... so this point could show that he is going to compete with Habaek. Since Habaek feels challenged when he saw Soo Ah go away with him on episode 4. There's a tension between them and Habaek does not feel good when Soo Ah mentions that " a god just helped me" and Habaek told " not all handsome men are gods"


- but the interesting point that, Hoo Ye sits below the standing Hera which could probably mean that they are going to work and cooperate together in the future...... only if Hoo Ye is proven to be half god half human or even as a demons ( just like previous theory about him being Nakbin's brother who works with devil and also in the episode 4, he stated about wanting to do good for others and contribute to the society to Soo Ah, and Soo Ah remarks about him trying to be pure. It shows that maybe he has done bad things in his past life to the point that  he wants to change his life over in the present by doing some nice things. Or it could possibly about he did something that he considered as a good thing in the past but it might be something that anyone considered really bad and negative. It feels as if now that he wants to control his life for the better. Look at what he has done to his workers, he treats them nicely, how he helps Soo Ah, his help to Ja Ya, his help to the entrepreneurs).... I actually don't want Lim Joo Hwan be a bad guy so I hope it is not true


We see them now working together as Hera is the ambassador or spokesperson  of the hotel. But if it's true that he is not after all human, he might work with Hera. In fact, Hyera is going to boss him around because she is standing. So they are going to be on the same page. But, it's possible that he might turn back on her as he is sat in the opposite way of Habaek and you know he is a CEO, CEOs are not that kind of person who wants to be told around because they know that they always have a power and when they do something, they have a strategy behind that plan.

Who knows that maybe Hoo Ye is gonna be succumb to Hera for this one? Like he might not be someone that anyone could control because he usually does things with his own goal and intentions  ( helping Soo Ah, helping Shin Ja Ya, listening well to his employees and such).... it's gonna make me even more shipping them two... but maybe it's my wishful thinking sigh


At first, when I saw the pic, I almost thought that they are going to be a couple in drama and I even ship them ( I mentioned about this in my previous posts but I forgot the page). Well, they could have a relationship but it's possible that they might or might not have romantic relationship in this drama



4. If Bi Ryum and Hera are going to have a romantic relationship in the drama ( Because you could see that they pose together in the press conference. Usually in K-Dramas, the actor and actress have to pose together during press conference to show the press how their relationship is going to be in the drama), then I was pretty shocked that they did not even sit near in the poster. I also think that he might be coupled up with Hera because he has a gray hair and it might depicts thunder since he comes from Earth Country. In the Greek mythology, the goddess Hera is married to her brother Zeus which is is a sky and Thunder god


On the other hand, In fact , he is seen standing away from both couples( Hoo Yee - Hera and Habaek - Soo Ah). However, from the poster, I see Bi Ryum's character as the one who is going to watch everything and observes everyone's moves because I remember in the drama, when Hyera called him... he said "mystery, suspence, thriller.. what are going to happen?".

Bi Ryum said that it was going to be exciting and that he would not feel bored anymore. He was satisfied, so when Hera told him to take care everything... he was pleased. So I think that he could control but I don't know how much control he has . He is also mentioned as a troublemaker by Soo Ri in the first episode. It looks like he is going to make some moves. He might look like he's going to follow Hyera but at least he has his own motives. 


Let's take a look at Bi Ryum's photo. He is seen standing but I notice that he is standing in almost similar line with Hoo Ye and Habaek who are sitting in the poster. So, I think he could be a bridge between them two. I don't know how, but this is my guess... but he could draw a line from Hoo Ye to Habaek in order to provoke a situation out of them .


Because he looks like he likes attention and drama especially with his lines " mysterious, suspence, thriller" and after he mentioned this, then tragedy that happens to Soo Ah started with her near death experience on the last scene of episode 3.


And, see his clothing... his suit has a similar color with Hera, but he does not put his suit properly to show that he could be careless about his appearance or about what he does in general. Then he has his white clothes on with black holes on it, it could intend that while he has his good side, he might also have his dark side. But it could also mean how stylish he is. 


Thus, his clothing could mean he could also work with Hera ( Because of his suit) and his white cloth with a black hole on it means he could work with Hoo Yee  ( Because Ho Yee wore a black tie and white cloth). I see him as an Opportunist who might take an advantage of them for his own benefit but maybe the writer does not necessarily make him a bad character. Who knows that he could be helpful?



Again, I could be wrong and I have shared my opinions. 



Thank you 

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4 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

I hope that HuYe character isn't the bad guy... I have enough of IJH playing baddies. I want him to be the good guy please...


I really like Lim ju hwan so much and don't want him to be negative character 


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1 hour ago, dramu51ch0c10ve said:

I'm loving all the theories so far! Keep them coming! @rasikha Thank you for explaining your theory. I understand where some of you are coming from now when you say that the priest may be So Ah's father:D I love when you included the very beginning of episode 1 when the monk talked to the little girl. You mentioned that the girl was So Ah. I actually thought that scene was just an introduction to the whole plot and the monk & the girl were not any of the characters who would be in the plot. I thought they were random people. But when you said So Ah was the little girl, the existence of that scene suddenly made sense to me. At least now I know that that scene has a relation to the rest of the story. The little girl may/may not be So Ah, but I understand your point. Once again, Thanks So Much for explaining!:heart:

Hi your welcome. I am afraid that my explanation might be too much and confusing for everyone. It's been two years that I haven't been on Soompi so when I started a discussion I am worried it might be too much. Thank you for understanding too hehe. Have a nice day everyone :)

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54 minutes ago, happypuppy said:


I still think it is veeeerry odd here that habaek and hooye are sitting almost exactly in the opposite way like leaning to the mirror. Same pose but different position! Also contrast with their suit color (red vs beige). 

It is too much of coincidence, I would say. Either it hints something on their role or im just overthinking :blush:

I am wondering about the doing good for mankind theme.  That was Sooha's father's mission.  Maybe her sacrifice to the Water god was for mankind - and that is why he left and maybe this is connected to Hooye's mission.  Helping the world and abandoning family ties is haunting Sooha.  It's very interesting and different than other dramas. 

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I'm so glad that despite all these negativity people in this thread are still hanging on with the drama and still be supportive all the way. I'm getting sick with all these hate already but what amaze me are the people defending this drama everywhere. Hope the supporters of BOTWG will increase as I wish for the ratings to continue going up too.  I'm sorry guys I haven't been able to always join the discussion but whenever I have time I promise to contribute so that this thread will move. I'm so glad that you've been keeping this thread alive by all your interesting theories and opinions. I just want to add my POV too... for those who are worried about Hoo Ye being the bad guy...I don't think so guys ... that stare he made in ep. 4 doesn't alarm me plus he is a good guy in the manhwa ... well maybe not someone you can trust at first but halfway through he's the one who protected So Ah after he fell for her. Well I maybe wrong too since this is a spin off...And if he is a God...he's half God in the manhwa so I think it will be the same here. I find it funny that some people are saying KHN was the one in a black jacket that drop SA in the building... again..I don't agree ... I think the one who drop SA is the same person to the one who said he'll just ask for the direction... KHN will just do cameo and we know cameo is just a minute long...plus Ha Neul's hands isn't like this. Anyway I'm looking forward for the next episode.


Just one rant: I don't like Habaek's clothes here. Ok I get it he doesn't need to look outstanding but pls. just give him a decent suit ...not a big suit or a suit with kaleidoscope style...just a plain color will do and fits his body...

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@rasikha & @happypuppy I love your theories about the characters and their relationships to one another based on the poster:heart: It didn't cross my mind to analyse the posters since I thought that the setting in the poster is merely meant to depict the fantasy element of this drama. I think your theories are highly possible.

I love how the differences between Hooye and Habaek are pointed out to be opposites of each other. Both are at the same position (sitting on the ledge) but different directions. Hooye is wearing white. I checked https://www.colorpsychology.org/white/ & picked out what I think may be relevant to this drama:

-"It is considered to represent perfection, as it is the purest and most complete color. It is the color that represents new beginnings and erases any trace of past actions. It is like a piece of white paper not being written yet." @rasikha theory that Hooye might want to atone for his past sins is applicable here. He may be using this opportunity as a CEO in the human world to do better deeds. He is also described as a perfect person so far.

-"But probably the best feature of white is that it is impartial, independent and neutral towards everything." He is described to be a fair person.

-"The color has the property of bringing calmness, comfort, and hope. It acts like a real medicine that soothes your hurt sole, and it will give your life a sense of order and meaning, helping to de-cluttering from all the negative aspects." He does things in an orderly and calm manner, which explains why he is a trusted and well respected CEO. He also tries to help So Ah whenever he meets her, only to have her making her own life more difficult after meeting him.

-"The color also has a negative part, giving traits like ignorance, sterility, distant, boring, cold, empty, or critical." Distant, cold, empty and critical are obvious aspects of Hooye shown when he mentioned watching comedy which he didn't find funny.

Habaek, on the other hand, is wearing red. According to https://www.colorpsychology.org/red/ , I've again picked out several relevant points:

-"A red accent on a neutral background can help draw attention to a single element." The poster clearly substantiates this point. Perhaps this point is used to direct viewer's attention to Habaek as a signal that he is the main character whose plot revolves around.

-"Red makes the person feel more aggressive and more powerful, boosting testosterone, but it also changes the perception others have." Habaek definitely thinks he is the most powerful. But others don't think the same way. They see him as a crazy, delusional person.

-"People wearing red are consistently rated as more attractive by others." Ahhh...that's why he's handsome:wub: (besides the abs of course)

-"Considering that it draws attention, it’s easy to see why it’s so often used in warning signs. Red has to do with the body’s fight-or-flight response, so too much red leaves the person feeling not just alert, but also stressed out." Maybe this applies for future episodes. The more So Ah is with Habaek, the tougher it becomes for them to be together. He may attract more hate from Mura towards So Ah because he is constantly with her.

-"Symbolically, red can be linked to life and passion, as well as to bonds of romantic and familiar love." This we all know very well.

-"Darker colors, like maroon or burgundy represent an action that is more restrained and sophisticated." He is a God so he is supposed to be sophisticated. Restrained? Maybe he can't go around using his powers and claiming he is God whenever and wherever he likes.


I noticed how Mura and So Ah are between the both of them. But Mura gravitates more towards Hooye while So Ah is more towards Habaek. Maybe it is a way to show how Mura is more attracted to the idea of perfection and starting over (perhaps intending to live another life than as a guardian of water in human world) whereas So Ah prefers dealing with life and love in reality. 

Only Mura and Biryum are standing. But Mura is standing on the ledge while Biryum is on the ground. Plus, they are diagonally across from each other. They may be completely different at first. However, since Habaek is between the both of them (if you draw a line from Mura to Biryum, you'll see a diagonal line and Habaek is in the middle of it), Habaek's presence is what brings them together eventually.

BTW, does anyone know why there is a picnic setup on the ground? What do you think that symbolises?


Credit to: https://www.soompi.com/2017/06/22/bride-water-god-releases-gorgeous-character-posters-stills/ for picture

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Jessica shows support for her sister Krystal and her new drama 'Bride of the Water God'!

By mkim93 (all kpop)
The sisterly love continues between Krystal and Jessica!


On July 13, Krystal uploaded a picture through her personal Instagram account with a heart drawn around a picture of her sister and herself. It appears that Jessica sent Krystal and the staff of the drama a coffee and food truck. The poster within the Instagram post reads, "I'm cheering for my sister SooJung! 'Bride of the Water God' daebak!"


Previously, Jessica took pictures of her younger sister in the drama and posted on her own SNS pages to promote the drama. Now, she shows further encouragement by sending Krystal food and drink trucks.

to see more:


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