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[Drama 2016-2017] First Love Again 다시, 첫사랑 Thanks for Watch.


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@stroppyse, thank you so much for the translation of ep 81 and ep 82 previews. I was teary just hearing GO's voice over on how his prayers never came true but this time round and for the first time, his prayer for ajumma to be his mother has come true. I am so glad that it is DY who finds GO and brings him to HJ, keeping up on the promise he made to HJ before he met with the accident.

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3 hours ago, imgreatgal said:

Even with that voice-over in HJ's head she is visibly shaken by MH's threats. I can see that despite HJ acting tough MH still have some form of control over her and I was almost sure she'd fall for MH's tricks again.  I understand the writer wanting to stretch this to fill the time frame but why is HJ even negotiating with MH she should just tell MH to bring GO in front of her and she will hand the file to her. 

That is the difference between HJ and MH. MH is pure evil, totally self-centred and selfish,absolutely manipulative and lies are like truths to her deluded self. HJ is a soft-hearted, kind person, forced to become braver and stronger and fiercer in order to find her son. I am so glad she knew that MH was lying although she did seem shaken.

@USAFarmgirl, I am totally with you that the mixed-up-the-preview poor soul should not be punished! You can't punish someone who has brought so much happiness and relief to us!

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1 hour ago, ross27 said:

That is the difference between HJ and MH. MH is pure evil, totally self-centred and selfish,absolutely manipulative and lies are like truths to her deluded self. HJ is a soft-hearted, kind person, forced to become braver and stronger and fiercer in order to find her son. I am so glad she knew that MH was lying although she did seem shaken.

The writer has created two opposite characters down to their mothers and background. But good had lost to evil for almost 70 episodes and much of the time for the lack of common sense, some thought process and determination. The 'now' episodes are for us to see HJ as a winner- good triumphing over evil, but we see strong flashes of the old HJ. Together with almost 20 episodes still coming, there is good reason for viewers to be worried.

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It looks like the teaser  at the end of yesterday's episode is the preview for today's episode while the one posted by @0ly40 must be for episode 83. So we have to wait till tomorrow fr DY/HJ/GO reunion. 

At the cliffhanger of today's episode is the scene of the audio file being played while MH was speaking at the presentation. I think the the file also has the recording of MH threatening HJ for the file.  The audio file was played all over LK. 


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Ah well, they really did mess up the preview publication ( the one KBS uploaded yesterday was indeed shown as the teaser for tomorrow after  today's episode)

My advice, don't waste 30 mins of your life watching today's episode and possibly raising your blood pressure to dangerous levels because of the STUPID PLOT and STUPID CHARACTERS in this ep  -- especially our long (self-inflicted)  suffering OTP who each insist on doing their own separate thing about getting GO back, refusing to tell the other what they're up to or how far they've got.  Just skip to the last 30 seconds of the episode, then rewatch the teaser for tomorrow and take it from there.

Unless you relish the sight of MH's father TIELESS - no doubt out of frustration about Mr Park's success in the bowtie competition.

Actually, to avoid exposing anyone to the dangers of watching his episode, here's the man in full-frontal naked-neck mode




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Hello All, @baduy  Thanks for the warnng on today's episode I'll take your advice.. I did manage to see the ending watching everyone listening to that voice recorder of MH being blasted all over LK group from the boardmeeting to the lobby.. Everyone knows she's involved in DY accident that wasn't and accident but purposely done by her with everyone in the boardroom looking at her as HJ question her in front of everyone who was GO and she standing there looking stupid.. I know HJ couldn't have expected her to come out and say DY son..  

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Too late for me. I wasted 25 minutes ( 5 minutes watching SY) of my life. Much of it was wondering why  HJ was keeping GO's call a secret from DY and I think from JW too. If DY did not do what he did and she had played the audiofiles over LK many times over, would she find GO? 

What do I know? I am not going to watch the subbed. 

Thank you @imgreatgal and @baduy. The bow tie without it looks equally assinine. Is he supposed to be a professor?  Maybe I should send his picture to my professor friends:)

just one more day, we could see the whole family in matching blue suits.

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Ok I over reacted, I am going to watch the subbed and find out what DY said and how he ended up with GO when my non-korean comprehension showed that Jang said no to his pleas.

it was quite annoying how the two of them were keeping their efforts to find GO secret. I could see DY hiring someone and doing some logical tracking but HJ was squeezing MH to bring her down, not knowing if that snake has her son. Maybe to bring her down, that would work.

The mistress is quite thick skinned but I sort of think she is a feisty one. She does not stay defeated for long.

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18 minutes ago, maribella said:

showed that Jang said no to his pleas.


He said he needed a day to think things over (before deciding whether to hand GO over to MH or to DY) But the situation where DY had to go down on his knees to Jang only came about because the super-unscrupulous-tinted-window-sedan Person Finder (who was pretending to be the buyer for the Jang's office) let slip that he knew Jang had just come from somewhere on the South Sea coast, causing Jang to realize he'd been set up and to make his escape, only to bump into DY who was on his way over.  I warned you the plot was STUPID, but this was a relatively brainy bit.

18 minutes ago, maribella said:

not knowing if that snake has her son


HJ was finally sure MH didn't have GO after she demanded to know where he was and MH said he was somewhere safe In Seoul, This was just after GO had just told her that he'd no idea where he was, except that it was somewhere by the ocean. To make things even worse for wee laddie, HJ was struck by another bout of plot-stretching total muteness when he asked her was she really his Mommy.  The lack of an answer to that in the interval before Jang snatched the phone from him confirmed him in his belief that he couldn't be her child, since he wasn't Teunteun.

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1 hour ago, spring123 said:

Tomorrow  epi 83 will  the best  epi   3 of them will be united

@spring123  We hope I still think father bowtie may have some of they lackeys hanging around to snatch him up again

24 minutes ago, maribella said:

The mistress is quite thick skinned but I sort of think she is a feisty one. She does not stay defeated for long.

@maribella Mistress is already defeated.. She's going around making a mockery of herself trying to get the divorce man back in position who has nothing to his name but stocks in that company.. Just think once she learns of his divorce and how long is going to be the biggest backstabbing betrayal she can recieve.. 

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3 minutes ago, sava2sava said:

Mistress is already defeated


But she's planning to play her bonus card of knowing who HR's father is for all its worth. That's why MS was so distressed, The Mistress had just run through the list of people who didn't know that, but whom she was threatening to tell, including the girl herself. The message is that MS had better give way and stop trying to throw her out of the house, or she'd tell HR DY wasn't her father.

6 minutes ago, sava2sava said:

We hope I still think father bowtie may have some of they lackeys hanging around to snatch him up again

 Yes indeed, He found out GO's whereabouts and dispatched his goons there to grab him. I doubt if KBS are going to let him snatch GO from DY and keep him locked up till Monday's episode, though, seeing they seem to have finally got the message from viewers that they've had quite enough of the boy being messed around for no good reasons other than stretching the plot.

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Jang sent Min Hee's father to the airport but it was a decoy. This is the opportunity for Do Yoon to meet his son for the first time. It was great of Do Yoon to appeal from one father to another saying Ga On was a son that he never laid his eyes on, never spoke to him and never once hugged him.

Looks like another early dinner for the family tomorrow.

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9 minutes ago, sava2sava said:


 Mistress is already defeated.. She's going around making a mockery of herself trying to get the divorce man back in position who has nothing to his name but stocks in that company.. Just think once she learns of his divorce and how long is going to be the biggest backstabbing betrayal she can recieve.. 


I can't wait for the mistress to get her big slap down that DB and MS have been divorced for awhile and DB is still keeping her as his mistress. What will really knock her socks off is that MS has 15 percent of LK shares given to her by DB. The stupid woman has no clue she's treading on shaky ground. Her trying to use HR's paternity for her own gains is going to have her booted right out of that house.  

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8 minutes ago, awsparkle said:

I can't wait for the mistress to get her big slap down that DB and MS have been divorced for awhile and DB is still keeping her as his mistress. What will really knock her socks off is that MS has 15 percent of LK shares given to her by DB. The stupid woman has no clue she's treading on shaky ground. Her trying to use HR's paternity for her own gains is going to have her booted right out of that house.  

@awsparkle  Whats really going to blow her socks off is that DY has a son and that son is with HJ.. The boy is the same age as HR and she start to think of joining hands with MH again.. Because being that DY has a child and the firstborn is a boy it really cuts her son out of inheriting that company which she has always been after..  I can't wait to see the look on her face when she finds out she thought couldn't be true turns out to be true.. 

I think once DY dad learns of MH did with his G/son and Mdm Kim still trying to call shots from behind DY dad may step up to the plate and out him and Mdm Kim and how she framed Jw dad.. 

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Im up to date with all the dramas and I have a question!!

Why does Doyun and Hajin keep hiding that they are trying to find Goan secretly? Wouldn't finding him together be more efficient because Minhui isn't very aware of Doyuns mental state?

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2 hours ago, baduy said:

He said he needed a day to think things over (before deciding whether to hand GO over to MH or to DY) But the situation where DY had to go down on his knees to

He was about to bash Jang before that. Kim Seung Soo can really emote. Was he really considering to hand GO to MH? Or his heart of gold had planned to return GO all along?

2 hours ago, baduy said:

HJ was finally sure MH didn't have GO after she demanded to know where he was and MH said he was somewhere safe In Seoul, This was just after GO had just told her that he'd no idea where he was, except that it was somewhere by the ocean. To make things even worse for wee laddie, HJ was struck by another bout of plot-stretching

I was so annoyed by that stupid reaction, really! She told all of Korea that GO was her son, she was going to tell him she loved him etc. etc. then the wee laddie got an earful of silence. 


2 hours ago, baduy said:

But she's planning to play her bonus card of knowing who HR's father is for all its worth. That's why MS was so distressed, The Mistress had just run through the list of people who didn't know that, but whom she was

So JW did not buy her threats.

I don't see how she and Chairman Cha ( honorary) will be made to pay for their dirty dealings when he fathered both guys Lady Hong's daughters love. Lady Hong - nice sound when CEO Park woos her.

@sava2sava the mistress is not going to down without a fight and she may leave the wily old goat  when she knows the truth, but will be easily persuaded to return to him. What better options does she have?


2 hours ago, baduy said:

 Yes indeed, He found out GO's whereabouts and dispatched his goons there to grab him. I doubt if KBS are going to let him snatch GO from DY and keep him locked up till Monday's episode, though, seeing they seem to have finally got the message from viewers that they've had quite enough of the boy being messed around for no good reasons other than stretching the plot.

But look at the place where DY is handing GO to HJ. It is in a dark alley, with hardly anyone around. I have always said one cannot work alone when dealing with MH or Bowtie. Why couldn't they just meet at HJ's home? Lock the door. The openings for ridiculous things to happen are there.

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