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Kim Min Jong 김민종


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Didn't come in for a few days and the thread is gone.... :( but like Zhivago says...we MJ fans are a strong lot....we just come bouncing back ^ ^

Thanks ay link for starting this thread.....^ ^ So glad to see new faces here...the last time there were less than the 10 fingers on my hand but still we will able to garner over 50,000 hits...so achievement for a low profile actor/singer like MJ :lol::lol::lol:

Hicynkawahara don't worry if you cannot post any pixs or links...just having you in here reading and dropping us a line or two of encouragement from time to time will be fine ^ ^

Breaktime now....need to get back to work but will try and post some stuff tonite....must keep this thread going lah.....finally, so glad to see you here Kesf and Zhivago ^ ^

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By the way, cynkawahara, that is MJ's latest song. It is the title track for his latest movie Windmill Palm Grove and the title l believe is call "Please meet someone nice"

Please Meet Someone Nice -- Kim Min Jong


Walking alone on the streets as the wind blows,

I hear a somewhat familiar voice

That place I had run to without much thought

is exactly where I first met you under the moonlight

Now it's time I know what love is

and get weary of the feeling of frustrating loneliness

Burying my face in your comfortable chest,

is how I wish to end these long days of wandering

I don't know why my empty heart doesn't get filled

I know that I love you, but strangely, I feel lonely

You, who have watched over my difficult love

You, who have waited through my long days of wandering

For me, whom even I myself find hard to love

I have nothing to give you even as your tears are flowing

Please meet that kind of guy who feels excited just holding your hand

Please forget me who used to give you tears in your pretty eyes everyday

Perhaps the moonlight knows my heart,

so it makes the rain fall in order to hide my tears

Now please meet someone better than me.

Credit to Splash for the translation

좋은 사람 만나요

바람부는 거리를 쓸쓸히 걷다가

어디선가 들리는 낯익은 목소리

정신없이 달려왔던 그곳은

바로 너를 처음 만났던 그 달빛 아래

이젠 사랑이 뭔지 알때도 됐는데

지겨운 외로움에 지칠때도 됐는데

너의 편안한 가슴에 얼굴 묻고

너무 오래된 방황을 그만 끝내고 싶은데

내 텅빈 가슴이 채워지지가 않나 나도 알수가 없어

널 사랑하는걸 나도 알고있지만 이상하게 외로워

힘든 나의 사랑을 지켜봐주던 너

긴긴 나의 방황을 기다려주던 너

나조차도 사랑하기 힘든 나를 위해

눈물 흘리는 너에게 아무것도 줄게 없어

니손만 잡아도 가슴 벅차 오르는 그런 사람 만나요

그 예쁜 두눈에 매일 눈물만 주던 나를 잊어버려요

달빛도 내맘을 아는지 비를 내려 나의 눈물을 가려주고있네

이제 나보다 좋은 사람 만나요

Thanks to Clover for the Korean Lyrics.

Queenie, can pm me the link for this song....thanks ^ ^

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Fr FILM 2.0 :wub:

기분파, 이제 탈피다 김민종의 신용찾기


김민종은 영화계 경력 18년 차다. 아이돌 스타로 인기를 누렸던 시절과 흥행과 거리가 먼 배우라는 평가를 받은 명예롭지 못한 시절을 동시에 경험한 그는 저예산 HD영화 <종려나무 숲>으로 배우 인생 2라운드를 시작한다.

장병원 기자 얼마 전 교통사고를 당했다던데 몸은 괜찮나?

김민종 까딱 없다. 차만 좀 망가졌지.

장병원 기자 <종려나무 숲>이 <낭만자객> 이후 영화로는 2년여 만이다. 뜸했던 이유라도 있나?

김민종 배우로서 나름대로 중요한 시기라고 생각하고 좀 쟀는데 작품이 마땅한 게 없었다. 영화는 기다림의 예술 아닌가.

장병원 기자 기다림에 대한 보상이 <종려나무 숲>이었다.

김민종 유상욱 감독으로부터는 <건축무한육면각체의 비밀> 하실 때에도 시나리오를 받았다. 그 때는 스케줄이 안 맞아 못했는데 <종려나무 숲>은 시나리오가 너무 좋아 하고 싶었다. 신생 영화사에 저예산, HD로 찍다보니 어려움도 있었다. 어차피 다 알고 시작한 상황이라 큰 문제는 아니었다.

장병원 기자 <종려나무 숲>에서의 변호사는 지금까지 영화에서 맡은 배역 중 가방끈 제일 긴 역할 아닌가?

김민종 인물 설정만 변호사지, 뭐 변호사다운 모습을 보여 주는 장면은 없다. 도시적이고 이기적인 면이 있다 뿐이지. 영화 속에서 드러나지 않는 인물이고 내레이터이기 때문에 쉽지 않았다. 변호사라는 뒷배경은 모두 버리고 자연스러운 인물이 되기 위해 애썼다. 시나리오상에선 엔딩이 너무 마음에 들었다. 엔딩 신 하나를 위해 끝까지 왔다고 보면 된다.

장병원 기자 HD영화라 필름 카메라로 찍을 때와 연기할 때 차이는 없었나?

김민종 사실 HD가 뭔지도 잘 몰랐다.(웃음) HD로 간다고 하길래 HD로 찍은 <시실리 2KM> <노트북> 등의 영화를 봤는데 영상들이 나름대로 독특해서 이점이 있겠다 싶었다. 찍을 때는 차이가 거의 없었다. 차이가 있다면 필름보다 시간이 좀 단축된다는 것. 직접 경험을 해보니까 HD가 많이 보급되면 유용하겠다는 생각은 하게 됐다.

장병원 기자극중에서 김유미 씨는 현재와 과거 1인 2역을 하던데 같이 1인 2역 시도해 볼 생각은 안 했나?

김민종 그럼 코미디가 되지 않았을까? 경영이 형이 한 과거 남자는 완전히 성격이 상반된 캐릭터이기 때문에. 경영이 형 분량은 조금이었지만 무게감은 확실히 있었다고 본다. 관객들 중에는 일부 웃는 사람들도 있었지만.

장병원 기자 이경영과는 같이한 영화가 많다. <있잖아요 비밀이에요> <가을여행> <단지 그대가 여자라는 이유만으로> <귀천도> <삼인조> 등 열 작품 가까이 되더라.

김민종 경영이 형과는 작품하기 전에 많이 상의한다. 주로 내가 조언을 구하는 쪽이다. 사실 예전에는 이경영이 안 나오면 한국영화 안 돌아가던 시절도 있었다. 인생사 새옹지마라고 지금은 상황이 달라졌지만 활용만 잘한다면 경영이 형이 영화계에서 아직 충분히 쓰임이 있는 배우라고 생각한다. 잠깐 실수를 했지만 배우로서 사장되는 건 너무 아깝고 영화계로서도 손실이다. 인간이기 때문에 누구나 잘못을 할 수는 있지만 그것 때문에 배우의 생명마저 끊어져선 안 된다고 생각한다. 영화계나 감독님들도 좋은 배우 하나를 놓치는 것 아닌가. 경영이 형은 <종려나무 숲> 끝나고 바로 박광수 감독님의 <컨테이너의 남자>에 조연으로 출연하고 있는데 너무 신나 한다.

장병원 기자거제도에서 촬영을 했는데 체류를 하면서 찍었나?

김민종 거제도라는 섬이 너무 아늑하고 아름다워서 촬영이 없어도 떠나고 싶지 않을 정도로 좋았다. 마침 촬영 시기가 아버님이 편찮으셨을 때라 난 늘 거제도에 있지 못했고 서울을 왔다 갔다 했다.

장병원 기자 촬영 도중 아버님 병환이 생겨 마음이 편치 않았겠다.

김민종 <종려나무 숲> 촬영 끝나고 바로 돌아가셨다. 암 판정을 받고 두 달 만에 갑자기 돌아가신 셈이다. 난 쉽게 돌아가실 거라고 생각 안 했는데 그렇게 됐다. 내가 서울에 있었으면 좀 나았을 거다. 아버지는 항암치료를 받으면 안 되는 거였는데 항암 치료 한 방 맞고 부작용으로 돌아가셨다. 그런 치료보다 공기 좋은 데 모셨으면 좀 더 편하게 사실 수 있었을 것 같다. 사실 아버지도 60년대 한국영화 제작을 하신 영화인 출신이시다. 영화 두세 편을 제작했다 가산 탕진하시고 영화계를 떠나셨다. 원로 선배님들은 아버님을 다 아신다.

장병원 기자아버님이 영화계에 계셨다는 건 금시초문이다.

김민종 거의 공개를 안 했던 사실인데 내가 배우가 된 건 부모의 영향도 있다. 어머니는 서울대 영문과를 다니셨는데 유학을 가기 위해 아르바이트 삼아 영화 제작 현장에서 스크립터를 하셨다. 그 영화 제작을 아버지가 하셨고. 그때 아버지한테 걸려서 유학 다 포기했지.(웃음) 그때 유학갔으면 지금쯤 어느 대학 영문과 교수쯤 돼 있으실 거다. 당시에 한국영화 제작하려면 주먹도 좀 써야 했다. 안성기 선배가 아역 시절에 아버지가 손잡고 데리고 다녔다는 이야기도 들었다. 그래서 아버지 상 당했을 때 안 선배님도 다녀가셨다. 임권택 감독님은 아버지가 예뻐하는 연출부 막내였다고 한다.

장병원 기자 아버님이 배우는 아니셨지만, 아무튼 그럼 2세 영화인이다.

김민종 일전에 김지미 선배님이 하시는 지미필름과 일을 하려다 문제가 생긴 적이 있다. 지미필름에서 당시에 나를 고소했는데 그 얘기를 들으시고 아버지가 영화사를 찾아갔다. 김지미 선배님이 아버지 보자마자 "어머 오빠 웬일이에요? 오빠 아들이야? 진작 얘기를 하지" 하셔서 문제가 해결된 적이 있다. 나도 깜짝 놀랐다. 아버지가 이렇게 대단한 사람이었나 싶어서.

장병원 기자 핏줄은 속일 수가 없나 보다.

김민종뭐, 옛날에 충무로에서 '바바리 김'이라고 유명했단다. 어디 가서 김민종이 내 아들이라고는 한 번도 안 하셨단다. 당신께서도 영화를 너무 좋아하셨지만 한이 맺혀 충무로를 떴으니까. 아버지도 보스 기질이 있어 사람들 몰고 다니면서 술 사주고 밥 사주고 하던 분이다. 그 기분파 피를 내가 물려 받은 거 아닌지 몰라.(웃음) 덕분에 어머니가 고생을 많이 하셨지.

장병원 기자 영화, 드라마, 아버님 상까지 치르고, 정신이 없었겠다.

김민종 아버지 돌아가신 후 엄청나게 많은 분들이 위로를 해주셨다. 더 잘 열심히 살아야겠다는 생각을 하게 됐다. 이렇게 어려울 때 옆에 있어줄 수 있는 분들을 만들었다는 걸 확인하니 헛살았다는 마음은 안 들더라. 술을 좋아하고 사람을 좋아해서 인간관계는 좋다는 말을 많이 듣는데 이제는 내 관리를 좀 해야 할 때인 것 같다.(웃음) 그런 의미에서 <종려나무 숲>은 내게 의미가 큰 영화다. 스스로 변화의 필요성을 절감하는 시기에 만난 영화다. 요즘에는 내 나이에 맞게 그 동안 배우로서 보여 주지 못했던 면들을 끄집어내야 한다는 욕망이 간절하다.

장병원 기자그러고 보니 데뷔한 지가 18년째다.

김민종 석래명 감독님이라고 얄개 시리즈 만들었던 청춘 영화의 대부가 연출하신 <아스팔트 위의 돈키호테>로 데뷔했다. 최재성, 박중훈 선배가 하이틴 스타로 날릴 때였고 난 작은 역할이었다. <아스팔트 위의 돈키호테>가 잘된 후에 그 후속편인 <내 사랑 돈키호테>에서부터 조연을 맡았다. 운이 좋게 시작을 한 셈이다.

장병원 기자한창 진로나 전망을 고민하던 고등학생 때 데뷔를 했기 때문에 배우라는 직업에 대해서도 고민을 많이 했겠다.

김민종 그때는 무조건 하고 싶었다. 그동안 참 많은 일들을 겪었는데 지금까지 내 모습을 보면 누구와 붙어도 경험으로서는 지지 않을 것 같다.(웃음) 워낙 겪은 게 많아서. 지금까지 해온 만큼 앞으로도 해나가야 하는데 좋았든, 싫었든 그런 경험이 배우로서 뿌리 내리는 데 도움이 된 것 같다.

장병원 기자 얼마 전 종영한 드라마 <이별에 대처하는 우리들의 자세>에서도 그런 변화의 열망이 느껴졌던 것 같다.

김민종 그 드라마는 시청률과 별개로 좋아하는 분들이 있었다. 드라마를 하면서 김민종이 상업적인 면만 있는 배우가 아니라는 말들을 들었는데 그게 제일 기분이 좋았다. 사실 제작 과정 중에는 어려운 점이 많았다. 시놉시스, 역할이 다 바뀌어서 처음부터 끝까지 만들어가다시피 한 인물이다. 다 배우로서 정체성을 조금씩 바꿔가는 과정 중의 일부라고 본다. 그 전에는 그런 고민을 거의 안했다. 닥치는 대로 부딪히면서 살아왔다면 이제는 작품에 대한 관리도 좀 하고. 너무 관리가 안 되니까.(웃음)

장병원 기자 스스로도 상업적인 이미지의 배우라고 생각하는가 보다.

김민종 내 주제는 내가 잘 안다.(웃음)

장병원 기자데뷔 당시는 한국영화계에 하이틴영화가 유행이었고 당시 하이틴 스타로 상당한 인기를 누렸다. <행복은 성적 순이 아니잖아요>의 반항적인 고등학생이 아직도 기억에 남는데. 최재성, 민규, 강석현 등 동시대 하이틴 스타들과 비교하면 굉장히 장수했고 꾸준히 자리를 지켜왔다.

김민종 양면성이 있을 수 있겠지만 가수 활동을 병행하면서 득이 된 측면이 있다. 영화, 앨범을 겸하면서 대중들과 가까이 있을 수 있는 기회가 많았던 건 사실이다. 물론 배우로서 안 좋은 요소도 있었다. 지금은 엔터테이너의 시대가 됐지만 90년대 초만 해도 연기, 노래 같이 하는 걸 안 좋게 봤다. 한 우물만 파야 한다는 생각이 지배하고 있었기 때문에. 연기, 노래 사이에서 갈팡질팡하면서 배우로서의 모습은 많이 잃어버린 것 같다.

장병원 기자 하이틴영화의 스타, 노래부르는 아이돌 이미지가 겹쳐지면서 10대 스타의 이미지를 너무 오랫동안 가지고 있었던 건 아닌가 싶다.

김민종 앨범 활동을 하는 게 재미있었지만 그게 어느 순간부터는 부담이 됐다. 그걸 떨쳐버리려는 노력을 안 한 건 아닌데 벗기가 쉽지 않았다.

장병원 기자어떤 노력들을 했나?

김민종 하이틴 스타로 잘 나갈 때 <단지 그대가 여자라는 이유만으로>에서 혀 잘리는 성 폭행범 연기를 했는데 나름대로 모험이었다. <단지 그대가...>는 시나리오 보고 깜짝 놀랐다. 어떻게 이런 시나리오를 나한테 주냐, 그래도 하이틴 스탄데, 그런 생각이 가장 먼저 들더라. 그리고 나서 경영이 형을 만났는데 그 형한테도 시나리오가 갔다. 소주 한잔 먹으면서 경영이 형하고 이런 저런 얘기를 나눴다. 그때 경영이 형이 "민종아, 넌 배우가 될 생각을 해야지 하이틴 스타, 그런 걸 고집하면 나이 들어서 후회한다. 이미지, 배역도 중요하지만 좋은 작품 좋은 감독하고 같이 하는 것도 중요한 거야"라고 하더라. 그 말이 충격이었다. 그래서 그 자리에서 바로 결정을 했다.

<장병원 기자 당시 한국영화계는 지금처럼 다양성이 없었기 때문에 젊은 배우들이 할 수 있는 역할의 폭도 좁았다.

김민종 지금은 조승우 씨가 자폐아 연기도 하고 박해일 씨가 살인범 연기도 하지만 그때만 해도 그런 모험이 받아들여지지 않았다. <단지 그대가...> 상영하는 극장에서 여고생이 내 혀 잘리는 장면 보고, 민종이 오빠 어떻게 이럴 수가 있어요, 라고 울면서 뛰어나간 해프닝도 있었다. 나름대로 시도해본 영화에서 그런 반응이 나오니까 그것도 충격이었다.

장병원 기자 박찬욱 감독의 <삼인조>는 어떻게 하게 됐나?

김민종 <삼인조>는 경영이 형이 캐스팅돼 있는 상황이었고 친분이 있던 이춘연 사장님이 제작하시는 영화였다. 이춘연 사장님, 경영이 형 권유로 접하게 됐고, 캐릭터도 마음에 들었다. 내가 연기하기 편한 인물이었다. 그리고 그때는 내가 박찬욱 감독보다 잘나갔다.(웃음) 류승완 감독이 그 영화 연출부 막내였다. 지금은 대감독이 되셨지만.(웃음)

장병원 기자<삼인조>에서 꼴통 기질이 있는 건달 역이었는데 무척 잘 어울렸다. 오히려 어울리는 배역은 말쑥한 이미지보다 적응 잘 못하는 아웃사이더 쪽이다.

김민종 내가 좋아하는 배우가 조니 뎁, 숀 펜이다. 아웃사이더적인 색깔이 나면서 침범할 수 없는 카리스마가 있는 배우. 그런 걸 닮고 싶다. <삼인조>는 내가 당시에 영화 속에서 한 번 욕을 해 보고 싶은 마음이 있었는데 그걸 마음대로 해본 작품이었다. 카메라 앞에서 막 놀아도 괜찮을 것 같은 영화였다. 욕도 편안하게 해보고. 또 한 번 그런 역할을 하고 싶은 마음도 있다. 크게 성공한 영화가 거의 없어서 이런 말 하기도 뭣하지만 흥행 결과가 안 좋아서 아쉬움이 너무 컸던 영화로 기억한다. 개봉 후 같이 모여 쓴 소주 마신 기억도 생생하다. 그때 잘됐으면 흥행 배우가 될 수도 있었을 텐데.

장병원 기자<삼인조> 나왔던 시기가 한국영화에서 욕을 마음대로 하기 시작한 시점하고 맞물린다. 욕설의 카타르시스를 준 것은 <넘버 3>도 있었지만 <삼인조>도 못지않았다.

김민종 거기에는 박찬욱 감독님의 의도도 있었다. 애드립 같지만 시나리오에 있는 대로 한 거다.

장병원 기자 그 영화에서는 욕이 표현의 한 수단이었는데 지금은 욕이 목적이 된 것 같다. 그래서 신선함도 떨어지고.

김민종 요즘엔 또 애드립으로 욕을 많이 한다. <낭만자객> 할 때 배우들이 전부 기상천외한 욕들을 생각해 와서 하나씩 하는 거다. 현장에서 난 "애드립 남발하지 말자"고 사정을 했다. 윤제균 감독에게도 제발 좀 말리라고 했는데 순간적으로 재미있으니까 그냥 넘어갔다. 할 때는 재밌지만 그게 다 묶이면 영화가 이상해진다.

장병원 기자 <낭만자객>은 고심 끝에 선택한 영화로 알려져 있다.

김민종도망다닌 끝에 하게 된 작품이다. 시나리오의 흐름만이라도 잘 살렸으면 더 나았을 거라고 생각한다. 나도 흥행하고는 워낙 거리가 먼 배우지만 그래도 아닌 건 아니라고 생각한다. 워낙 현장에서 즉흥적으로 상황과 장면을 많이 만들어서 영화가 전체적인 조화 면에서 너무 떨어졌다. 관객을 너무 쉽게 보면 반드시 낭패를 본다는 교훈도 얻었다.

장병원 기자흥행 안 되는 배우라는 낙인이 부담이 많이 됐던 것 같다. 작품 선택에도 영향을 미친 것 같고.

김민종 흥행 부담을 좀 느껴야 되는데 그동안에는 그런 걸 너무 등한시하고 살았다. 앞으로 고쳐야 할 부분 중 하나다. <나비>라는 영화를 할 때 태원엔터테인먼트 정태원 사장이 기자회견하면서 "김민종, 이번에 이 영화 안 되면 영화계 떠나겠다고 해"라고 했는데 "그래 알았어"라고 맞장구를 쳤다. 장난처럼 그런 말들을 했었다. 장난이라도 그런 말을 함부로 해서는 안 되는데. 지금까지는 그렇게 내키는 대로 기분대로 살았다.

장병원 기자기분파라고 했는데 지인들과의 친분에 휩쓸려 한 영화도 상당히 많았던 것 같다.

김민종 부지기수지.(웃음) 순간에는 에이 뭐 어때, 하고 갔는데 그런 게 쌓이고 쌓였던 것 같다. 그렇다고 크게 후회하는 건 아니다. 그런 경험들이 지금의 각성을 만들어준 거니까.

장병원 기자 18년 간 공백기 한 번 없이 달려왔는데 지치지는 않았나.

김민종 어떻게 시간이 갔는지 모르겠다. 20대를 어떻게 보냈는지도 아득하다. 내 나이가 서른다섯이라는 게 믿어지지가 않는다.

장병원 기자 워낙 오랫동안 활동을 했기 때문에 서른다섯이라고 하면 그것 밖에 안 됐나라고 하는 사람들도 많다.

김민종 설경구 같은 배우는 내가 나이는 어리고 연기 경력은 선배다. 정준호 씨도 처음에는 날 어려워하더라. 차승원 씨는 <홀리데이 인 서울>이라고 내가 주연한 영화에서 배우로 데뷔했다. 그래서 내 나이보다 선배 입장에 서게 되는 경우가 종종 있다. 하지만 지금은 그런 게 중요하지 않다. 어차피 함께 가는 세대라고 생각한다. 지금은 내가 차승원 씨에게 조언을 구해야 하는 입장이 아닌가.

장병원 기자 걸어온 길을 돌아보고 걸어갈 길을 생각할 때 가장 먼저 이루어야 할 건 뭐라고 생각하나?

김민종 배우로 올바르게 평가받은 적은 거의 없었던 것 같다. 어렸을 때는 그냥 음악도 하고 연기도 하는 하이틴 스타였다. 이제는 배우로 평가를 받아야 하는 시기가 왔다고 생각한다. 작품 선택도 더 신중해야 하고 신용 있는 배우로 이미지를 쌓아가고 싶다. 답은 없지만 주어진 상황에서 어떤 선택을 하느냐가 중요할 것 같다. 최근에 한 드라마, 영화가 그런 변화의 단초가 되었으면 좋겠다. 방송도 좀 자제해야 할 나이인 것 같다. 드라마를 하더라도 트렌드를 따르기보다 색깔과 의미가 담긴 작품을 만났으면 좋겠다. 없으면 끄집어내고 만들어가야 한다는 생각이다. 예전에는 만들기보다 주어진 걸 하는데 그쳤다. 흥행은 안 되지만 그래도 뭔가 알맹이가 있는 영화, 배우라는 정도는 만들어야 되지 않을까 싶다. 이제 좀 사람된 것 같지 않나?(웃음)

사진 김태일 기자

장병원 기자


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Guest pure_joy

ay_link . yOo hOo. hmMm. i tried uploading it up on megaupload and i hope u'll be able to get it this time. harhar. will keep trying till ya get da vod. arhharar ;) there's sooo manie ways, i'm sure one will eventually work. arhhar.

MJ @ musicbank 11092005 [megaupload]

>>Yun Do Hyun's Love Letter

YoOo hOoo cynkawahara :lol: yay. more ppl da more da merrier. arharhar. like wad jojo said. Its alright not being able to post pics or caps but dropping a little 1 or 2 line can mean alot toOo wor :D wharhar.

Harhar. cynkawahara I cannot ever imagine Min Jong oppa not singing. i wouldn't mind having to wait 2-3 years fer an album. but dun say ya gonne stop his singing career wor. :huh: if da word s t o p s pops up. I'll think I'll just be reallie reallie sad fer some time. and just keep da previous hits and albums all close to my heart. wharhar. Min Jong oppa's voice is awesoOme. hoo hoo. many of his songs are songs u can never get tired of. wharhar. and yeap. I do like dat Historic Collection album toOo. [Like a fool + You're My Life + White Love + Biwon + Night Rain] wharhar. But da Best vs Live album is another great one. whahaar. been listening alot to The Best of Kim Min Jong [dat orange cover] album fer sometime. hMmM. songs are lovely. Like endless love lar. and those "the blue" songs wif Son Ji Chang. Classic :D

and fer the qn ya posted. arhahar. jojo has already replied da answers. wharhar. awesoOme reply she gave. whahrar. wif lyrics. :D enjoy da song. "please meet someone nice".

MJ on YDH Love Letter [megaupload]

*waves waves @ beka-san :D halloe :D i lurve Min Jong oppa in dat last pic dat beka-san posted. soOo coOL. whahar. :lol:

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Guest Queenie Leo

Hello to all

Wow !! All are working hard to post on KMJ's thread... :lol::lol:

Ah Joy...thanks so much for the MJ's banners...and also the link of

MJ's Live singing.

Beka-san... :lol: to see you back to KMJ's thread...thanks for the posting.

zhivago, kesf and jojo...Hello and thanks.

A BIG Welcome to all the new comers !!!

OK...here are some MJ's latest photo...

he had attended the 10th Pusan Internation Film Festival on 6/10/05...


This pix....Min Jong look so GOOD...

love to see a smiling Min Jong shii !!




*source from skylove, photoro.com, NEWS, mydaily, goodday.co.kr

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Guest Queenie Leo

To share an article of Min Jong shii during his promotion of movie 'Windmill Palm Grove' on Sept 05.

드라마 이어 '종려나무숲'으로 김유미아 두번째 호흡

"진심을 담아 촬영한 영화…관객들에게 감동 줬으면"

김민종은 연기력과 별개로 영화계에서 언 러키(unlucky) 배우 중 한 명이다.

뒷걸음질이라도 치면서 흥행작을 만날 법한데 지금까지 단 한 편의 흥행작과도 인연이 없는, 보기 드문 배우다. 그래서 많은 영화인들은 "인간성으로만 보면 최고 흥행 배우감인데"라며 안타까워한다. 혹자는 "냉정하게 거절해야 할 작품도 있는데 그 놈의 친분 때문에…"라며 김민종을 두둔하기도 한다.

지난 15일 개봉한 <종려나무숲>(영화사 참, 유상욱 감독)은 김민종이 또 한번 관객과 기싸움을 시도한다는 점에서 주목되는 영화다. 이 영화는 무늬만 멜로가 아닌, 두 모녀의 윤회 같은 사랑 이야기가 관객의 심금을 울리는 깊이 있는 사랑 영화다.

김민종은 이 영화에서 거제도 조선회사 직원(김유미)을 사랑하게 되는 변호사로 나온다.

말끔한 화이트 칼라인 그는 이곳 블루 칼라 공장 직원들과 족구 시합을 하며 그들과 섞이고, 김유미의 호기심 어린 시선을 받게 된다. 사슴처럼 슬픈 눈을 갖고 있는 김민종은 "우리 1년만 사귀자"며 김유미와 애절한 키스를 하기도 한다.


몇차례 오해와 화해 끝에 가까워진 두 사람은 쪽빛 바다가 보이는 곳에서 김유미의 어머니에 대한 사연을 공유하게 된다. 이제부터 영화는 과거 시점으로 돌아가, 영화 제목이 왜 종려나무인지 관객을 인도한다.

"종려나무는 원래 아열대 지역에만 사는 식물이래요. 우리 영화 속 종려나무는 한 여자에게 일종의 망부석 같은 존재인 거죠. 폭풍을 피해 섬에 온 한 남자로부터 약혼 선물로 받은 나무 한 그루를 키워 숲을 만들지만 결국 그 남자는 영영 돌아오지 않죠."

김유미와는 드라마에 이어 두번째 만남. 김민종은 "유미 씨의 1인 2역이 무척 인상적이었다"고 말했다.

<종려나무 숲> 개봉하는 날 종영한 MBC TV 수목 드라마 <이별에 대처하는 우리들의 자세>에서 사진작가로 출연한 김민종은 "희망은 때에 따라 사람을 속이지만 용기는 늘 사람을 북돋워준다"며 "진심을 담아 촬영한 <종려나무숲>의 진정성이 객석에 고스란히 전해졌으면 좋겠다"고 말했다.

김범석 기자 <kbs@ilgan.co.kr>


English Translation by Splash

After his drama, KMJ is Working together with KYM for the 2nd Time

"This movie that I put my heart into ... I wish that the audience will be moved"

KMJ is one of the unlucky actors in the movie world, regardless of his acting capability.

When backtracking his career, one would expect to find a hit, but till now, he has

remained a rare actor who has not met even a single hit movie. Therefore,

many movie world insiders feel bad for him, "when you look at his personality,

he has the potential to be the kind of top actor who would score a hit," but

they also take sides with KMJ by commenting, "there are works that he should

turn down coldly, but because of his love for his friends ..."

"Windmill Palm Grove" (Movie Company Cham, Director Yoo Sang Wook), which premiered

on the 15th, is a movie that has gathered a lot of attention because it is yet another attempt

by KMJ to see whether he can win over the audience. This movie is not just a melodramatic

movie; it is a romantic movie with depth, revealing the love stories of mother and daughter

that evolve in a cycle, like reincarnation, stories that will tug at the heartstrings of the audience.

In the movie, KMJ appears as a lawyer who falls in love with a Koje Island shipbuilding factory

worker (KYM).

A clean-cut white-collar elite, he plays a football match with the blue-collar factory

workers here, mingles with them, and attracts the attention and curiosity of KYM. With sad eyes

like those of a deer's, KMJ tells KYM, "let us see each other for just one year," and

also shares a touching kiss with her.

The two, who get closer after several misunderstandings and reconciliations, come

to share the story surrounding KYM's mother at a place overlooking the indigo sea.

From that point onwards, the movie returns to the past, and shows the audience

why its title is "Windmill Palm Grove."

"They say that the palm tree is a plant that only lives in the sub-tropics. The palm tree

in our movie symbolizes the stone on which a faithful wife stood waiting for her husband

until she perished (the legendary faithful wife who died and was turned to stone waiting

for her husband; "望夫石") to one woman. She receives a tree as an engagement

present from a man who comes on the island to take shelter from the storm, and

although she takes care of the tree until it grows into a grove, that man never returned."

This is the 2nd meeting with KYM after their first drama together.

KMJ says, "Ms. KYM playing 2 roles was very impressive."

In the MBC TV Wed-Thu drama "Attitudes towards Separation" which ended its run on

the same day as the premiere of "Windmill Palm Grove," KMJ, who stars as a photographer,

says, "Hope may deceive people at times, but courage always gives us strength,"

and that "it would be great if the true essence of "Windmill Palm Grove," which I put my

heart into filming, gets conveyed to the audience the way it is."

*credit and thanks to Splash for the translation

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ay_link . yOo hOo. hmMm. i tried uploading it up on megaupload and i hope u'll be able to get it this time. harhar. will keep trying till ya get da vod. arhharar ;) there's sooo manie ways, i'm sure one will eventually work. arhhar.

MJ @ musicbank 11092005 [megaupload]

hoo hoo... THANK YOU SO MUCH for uploading them again pure_joy ^_^

yes I'm in the middle of downloading it right now... still 44%, but I think this time will work :lol:

can't wait to see MJ oppa singing hee hee... :D

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Guest cynkawahara

Thank you jojo and pure_joy for welcoming so warmly into this thread. I appreciate it.

I am presently watching his drama, Our Stance on Break-ups, which is airing in LA. Although it's a bit difficult for me since there are no subs but I am enjoying it.

I am very happy to hear him singing again. What a great voice with so much soul. He sings with all his heart and it is truly evident when you watch his music clips. I wonder if he will ever have a concert again. I remember reading in this thread previously that his last concert was in 2000 or am I mistaken.

Thanks for all the wonderful pictures everyone...........

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:lol::lol: ... so happy to see the reply screen ... that's mean I can do posting again liao! Thank you so much to the "boss at soompi dot com" for your fast reply.

:):) Thanks ay_link for starting this thread again. Wow! A cool pix to start with!

And a warm welcome to all new comers! Happy to see you gals! :D.

Just a quick posting ...

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lookie lookie.... look what I just found! :D :D



Release Date: 2005.09


01 Main Theme (백조의 노래 중)

02 좋은 사람 만나요 - 김민종

03 첫키스

04 Main Theme(Piano Solo)

05 회상1(Piano Solo)

06 회상2(Violin Solo)

07 그대 - 김민종

08 공고지

09 불길한 예감

10 봉애의 테마

11 회상3(Cello Solo)

12 Goldilocks(러시아민요)

13 지심도

14 Love Letters

15 기차는 8시에 떠나네

16 종려나무

17 Final - Epilogue






















02 金旻鍾-遇見好人


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Guest Queenie Leo

Hello to all

flossie...Welcome back...glad to see you had solved your ID problem

and finally can post here. :lol:

Beka-san...ありがとう for posting...so many handsome pix of Min Jong shii...

recently Min Jong look extra good...likes his recent image.

ay_link...wow !!

You had found some good stuff of Min Jong shii...thanks so much...

the ost of 'Windmill Palm Grove' is good especially the two song sung by Min Jong shii.

Hello cynkawahara

A late welcome to you...thanks for the word and support to Min Jong.

Yes Min Jong have a great voice with so much soul...

listening to his songs...even though don't understand the language...

but can sense the feeling of the song...with pain...with sadness...with sorrow...

with hope...with joy...with happiness.

Oh..ya...Min Jong had held a concert in 2000 - his Sweet Heart Concert...

but lately these few years he didn't hold any...

hope next year he will hold a concert for the fans.

OK...here is a link of his 2000 Sweet Heart Concert...

singing 'Once again' (KMJ's 6th album track 12)...

his Live singing is good.

CLICK HERE - MJ's Live singing of 'Once again' (2000 Sweet Heart Concert)

The Lyrics of the song...

translated by Splash

Once Again


Music Composed & Arranged by Lee Kyung Sup / Lyrics Composed by Kang Eun Kyung

The memory of you waving your hand outside the windows sweeps over my heart

The sight of you looking as haggard as me breaks my heart

I was so overjoyed just to see the trees along that familiar alley in front of your house

That my tears were flowing.

The days that passed since we broke up have passed by like that

*We chose to break up in the end, just because it was too tough, even though we love each other.

How were we to know that a pain far greater than that would come and make us hurt so much?

Again, if we find it tough again, let’s not break up.

Let us forgive each other, the both of us who wanted to give up on love


Thank you.

I will not let go of love now that I've found it again.

Let’s not break up again.

Thanks to Splash for the Lyrics translation.

This is one of my favourite song of Min Jong...

like the way Min Jong sing...

smooth tone at first...the memories with the Loved one...

later...in a high tone...the strong wish...he will get a

second chance and start to Love once again.

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Hi girls... *waves to everyone* hee hee...

thank you so much Queenie.... for the MV! :)

i just loooove seeing him on stage, singing live... :wub:

I just listened to Windmill Palm Grove OST... ugh, i just can't wait to see his newest movie ^_^

surely it's gonna be GOOD!

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Guest cynkawahara

Queenie, thanks for the mv and the kind words. All of you have made me feel so welcomed.

Kim Min Jong is such a handsome man. He has such fair skin and those eyes...so dreamy! BTW.. does he have a girlfriend?


Just finished watching the mv. I think in my next life I would like to be serenaded by him. I wonder if that will happen or do I have to queue behind all of you since I am the newbie here?

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Guest Queenie Leo

Hello to all

ay_link and cynkawahara

you are welcome...is my pleasure to post MJ's good stuff to all !!

Re-post the filming scene of 'Windmill Palm Grove'.

투엉給컴컖E국토문화여행단은 지난 15일 개봉한 영화 ‘종려나무숲’의 촬영지를 둘러보는 여행상품을 마련했다. 영화 속 여주인공의 집으로 나온 거제도 공과?E해변(사햨E, 바람의 언큱E 신선큱E 학동 몽돌해수욕픸E 인근 외도·해금강 따病 둘러보는 무박 2일 상품이다. 특?E공과痺에서는 영화의 핵심 소재로 따奉한 2,000여?E규모의 종려나무 숲을 볼 펯E있다. ‘종려나무숲’은 할머니·엉憧니·딸로 이엉痺는 3큱E?사턿E이야기를 그린 영화로 80% 가량을 거제 일큱E【?촬영했다. 매주 토요일 출발. 혖E『奏?엉滔 6만6천퓖E 엉蹈이 5만6천원이다. 투엉給컴 (02)3442-5887 국토문화여행단 (02)720-1904


[여행]영화 ‘종려나무숲’의 남녀주인컖E첫키스 장소-저구 해안도로


Place where KMJ & KYM have their 1st Kiss in "Windmill Palm Grove"


[여행]영화 ‘종려나무숲’ 촬영햨E바람의 언큱


Windy Hill on the way to KYM's House. Just as its name suggests,

it is very windy on top of this hill entirely covered by grass.


[여행]영화 ‘종려나무숲’ 촬영햨E거제 몽돌해변


The Pebbled Beach

In “Windmill Palm Grove,” Lee Kyoung Young plays the captain

of a fishing vessel. After travelling to many countries,

the boat drifts at sea and ends up at this pebbled beach in Koje Island.

LKY spends a night of passion with Jung Soon, the mother

(also played by KYM), and gives her the palm tree as he is leaving.

He has a campfire with Park Kwang Deok, the wrestler,

and his fellow shipmates, and even dances the tango here on the beach.

As the beach is made up of small pebbles, the sound produced as the

waves seep through the gaps between the pebbles is so beautiful

that it has been categorized as among the “100 Sounds of Korea.”


[여행]영화 ‘종려나무숲’의 평상이 있큱E자리


Flat Ground near the Sea

In “Windmill Palm Grove,” KMJ gets drunk and KYM calls a cab

to take them both to her house In the palm grove. The next morning,

KMJ has breakfast with KYM on this flat ground near the beach.

Overlooking the cool sea, this place is farm land consisting more

than 2,000 pyong of ground overgrown with tropical plants.


[여행]영화 ‘종려나무숲’의 사랑이 싹튼 컖E신선큱


This is where KMJ first falls in love with KYM in the movie.


[여행]영화 ‘종려나무숲’의 김유미집-거제 공과


KYM's House in "Windmill Palm Grove"

*source from photoro.com

*credit and thanks to Beka-san for the scenery pix and

also thanks to Splash for the english translation

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Guest cynkawahara

Listening to some of Min Jong songs while I type. I really like "White Love". I don't know what is being said but it's upbeat and makes me feel happy. It's a contrast to his ballad type songs, which I like also. I have alot more to learn.

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Guest StiLLThinking

Hi Everyone!! :D:D:D

Tks to ay link startng this thread.

Big welcome back to myself after listening to KMJ's You're My Life over 9.33 FM radio just awhile ago .. keep up with great work jojo and all those faithfully contributing here

:D Have a nice weekend minjoners.

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Hi Laides, here's the translation for article put up by Beka-san

Credit goes to Splash for the translation ^ ^

Finding Kim Min Jong’s Credibility

Source: Talk 2.1, Film 2.0 2005.0927, Pg. 94-96


A Man of Moods, Now is the Time for Self-Renewal

Kim Min Jong has 18 years of experience in the movie industry. After going through the Hi-teen Star, and the Non-Box Office-Selling Actor phases, he begins the second round of his life as an actor in “Windmill Palm Grove,” the low-budget HD movie.

Journalist Jang Byung Won ("Jang"):I heard that you had an

accident recently, are you okay?

Kim Min Jong ("Kim"):It didn’t affect me even a bit. Only the car

got damaged.

Jang: "Windmill Palm Grove" is your first movie in 2 years

after "Romantic Assassins." Was there a particular reason

for the break in between?

Kim : I personally thought that it was an important period for

myself as an actor, and was reviewing the situation for a

while, but there were no suitable works. Movies really

need the art ofwaiting, don't they (good movies come only

if you wait?)

Jang:"Windmill Palm Grove" was your reward for waiting.

Kim :I received the script from Director Yoo Sang Wook even at the

time of 'Mystery of the Cube.' At that time, I couldn’t do

the movie due to my schedule, but as for “Windmill Palm

Grove,” I liked he script so much that I wanted to do

it. There were problems as it was by a new movie

company, on a low budget, and filmed on HD. Anyway these were

circumstances I knew about when I started work on the movie,

so there were no major problems.

Jang: Among all the roles you have played in your movies so far,

isn’t the lawyer in “Windmill Palm Grove” the one who has

received the most education?

Kim: The character is just defined as a lawyer, but there are no

scenes showing him as a lawyer. It’s just that there is that

modern and self-centered side to him. He is a character who

isn’t revealed in the movie and is also the narrator, so it

wasn’t easy. I disregarded everything about his background as

a lawyer, and put in a lot of effort to portray him as a

natural character. As for the script I liked the ending very

much. You can say that I made it to the end for that one

ending scene.

Jang: As this is a HD movie, did you feel any different acting in

this and in a movie filmed on a normal camera?

Kim: Actually I didn’t even know what HD was. (laughter) When

they told me that it would be done on HD, I saw movies such

as "To Catch a Virgin Ghost" and "The Notebook" that were

filmed on HD, and realized that there would be advantages as

the visuals were unique. As for differences between the two, I

would say that the HD format means that time is slightly

reduced compared to normal film. Since I have experienced it

myself, I came to think that it would be useful if HD becomes

more common.

Jang: In the movie, Ms. Kim Yoo Mi plays 2 roles, in the present

and the past, have you thought about yourself trying out 2

roles together with her?

Kim: Then wouldn’t it become a comedy? Because my character would

be the complete opposite of the man in the past played by

Kyung Young Hyung. Kyung Young Hyung’s part was just a

little,but it definitely is significant, though some of the

people in the audience were laughing.

Jang: You have done many movies together with Lee Kyung

Young. There are close to 10 movies, "It' a

Secret," "Autumn Travel," "Trio"and others.

Kim: I discuss a lot with Kyung Young Hyung before starting work

on each movie. I am usually the one who asks for dvice.

Actually in the past, there was a time when movies in Korea

couldn't sell if Lee Kyung Young didn't appear in them. In

life, everything is unpredictable and you never know what to

expect, so the situation is very different now, but I believe

Kyung Young Hyung remains a very useful actor in the movie

industry, given the right opportunity. Although he made a

mistake for a moment, I feel that his becoming a director

from an actor is a real loss to the movie industry. We are

human beings, so anyone make can mistakes, but I think that

life as an actor shouldn't end because of that. Doesn't that

mean that the movie industry and the directors are losing one

good actor? Kyung Young Hyung is starring in a supporting

role in Park Kwang Soo’s "The Man in the Container" (not

official title) after "Windmill Palm Grove," so he says he's

very excited.

Jang: Filming was done on Koje Island, so did you stay there during


Kim : Koje-do the island is really cozy and beautiful, so I liked

it so much that I didn't want to leave even when I had no

filming scheduled. The filming happened to be at the time

when my father was ill, so I couldn't stay there, and had to

come and go as required.

Jang: Your father became critical when you were in the midst of

filming, so you must have felt troubled.

Kim: My father passed away right after the filming of "Windmill

Palm Grove" was completed. He died suddenly within 2 months

after he had been diagnosed with cancer. I didn’t think he

would pass away that easily, but it just happened. If I had

been in Seoul, things would have been better. My father

shouldn’t have undergone cancer treatment, and he passed away

from the side effects of traditional Chinese medicine used in

cancer treatment. If I had put him in a place with great

fresh air, instead of letting him go through such cancer

treatment, he could have lived a little more

comfortably. Actually my father too worked in the movie

industry producing Korean movies in the 60’s. After

producing two or three movies, he exhausted all his

funds, so he left the movie industry. The seniors, who have

been in the industry way before me, all know my father.

Jang: This is the first time I am hearing that your father used to

be in the movie industry.

Kim: It is a fact that is rarely publicized, and my parents did

have some influence on my becoming an actor. My mother

attended college in the English Language and Literature

department of Seoul National University, and worked part-time

as a scripter at a movie production site, so that she could

go for studies overseas. My father was in charge of p

producing that movie, and at that time my mother got stuck

with my father and gave up everything about going overseas to

study. (laughter) If she had gone for overseas studies

then, she would have become a professor in the English

Language and Literature department of some university. At

that time if one wanted to make a Korean movie, he would also

need to use his fists a bit. I have also heard stories about

my father holding hands with Senior Ahn Sung Ki and taking

him everywhere when Senior Ahn was a hild actor. Director

Im Kwon Taek was the most junior in the production department

and was very well liked by my father.

Jang: Although your father wasn’t an actor, you are a 2nd-

generation movie person.

Kim: Some time ago, I wanted to work with Ji Mi Films owned by

Senior Kim Ji Mi, but some problems arose. Ji Mi Films sued

me, so when my father heard about it, he went to the movie

company. As soon as Senior Kim Ji Mi saw my father, she

said, "Oh dear, Obba, what brings you there? He's Obba’s

son? You should have told me earlier," and the problems were

solved. I myself was surprised. Because I was wondering

whether my father was indeed such a great person.

Jang: You can't get away from your blood ties, can you?

Kim: I heard that he used to be famous as "Burberry Kim" on

Chungmu-ro in the past. Wherever he went, he never told

anyone even once, "Kim Min Jong is my son." Because he

really loved movies, but had to leave Chungmu-ro due to

circumstances beyond his control. My father also had

a "boss" temperament and was the sort of person to take

people around, and buy them drinks and food. I don’t know

whether I have inherited his moods together with his

genes. (laughter) Because of this, my mother suffered


Jang: You must have been so busy with the movie, drama, and your

father’s funeral since they all Happened at the same time.

Kim: After my father passed away, so many people comforted me. I

came to realize that I have to live even better than I used

to. When I see that I have found these people who would stay

by my side during tough times, I feel that I haven't lived in

vain. I often hear others say that I am good with

people since I like drinking and having people around me, but

I think I need to manage myself better now. (laughter) Due

to those reasons, "Windmill Palm Grove" meant a lot to

me. It was a movie I came cross when I realized that I needed

changes myself. Nowadays I really feel a strong urge to show

at my age, those sides of myself I haven't been able to

express all along as an actor.

Jang: Come to think of it, it has been 18 years since your debut.

Kim: I made my debut in "Don Quixote on the Asphalt" directed by

Director Sok Rae Myung, godfather of the youth movies, who

produced the "Yalgae (Peevish Person)" series. That was the

period when Seniors Choi Jae Sung and Park Jung Hoon were

enjoying their time as hi-teen stars, and I did a

small role. After "Don Quixote on the Ashalt" became a

success, I took on a supporting role in its

sequel, 'My Love Don Quixote." It seemed that my luck had

begun to change for the better.

Jang: You made your debut when you were a high school student

confused about your path in life and your future, so you must

have felt very troubled.

Kim: At that time I just wanted to do it no matter what. I have

been through so much till now that when I look at myself (how

far I've come), I don’t think I would lose out to anyone in

terms of experience. (laughter) As I've really been through

a lot, I need to continue doing in the future, the same extent

of what I've done till now, so whether those experiences were

good or bad,they have helped in laying my foundation as an


Jang: You must have felt the desire for such changes when you were

filming the drama "Our Attitudes towards

Separation" which ended its run recently.

Kim: There were people who liked the drama regardless of its

viewership ratings. While working on the drama, I heard tal

that Kim Min Jong isn"t just a commercial actor, and that

really made me feel great. Actually there were many problems

during the production process. The synopsis and roles were

completely changed, so my character was being created and

put together along the way from the start to the end. I se

that as being part of the process of gradually changing my

identity as an actor. Before that, I usually didn't have such

concerns. If I can say that I have lived my life so far,

taking things as they come, then now I will

need to manage my works better, since I haven't been managing

them at all (laughter).

Jang: So you yourself also think that you are an actor with a

commercial image.

Kim: I know myself best. (laughter)

Jang: At the time of your debut, hi-teen movies were the trend, and

you enjoyed remarkable popularity as a hi-teen star then. I

still remember the rebellious high school student

from "Happiness doesn't Depend on Results," but when compare

with Choi Jae Sung, Min Kyu, Kang Seok Hyun, and other

hi-teen stars from the same period, you have really lasted a

long way and kept your place.

Kim: Although there are both positive and negative sides to this, I

realized when I carried out my activities as a singer along

with being an actor, that there was a negative side. It's

true that I had many opportunities to get close to the public

by doing my movies and albums at the same time. Of course

there were negative elements too as an actor. It is

the "Entertainer" era now, but even in the early

90s, people didn't view favorably artistes who did acting and

singing at the same time. While I struggled to decide between

acting and singing, I think I lost a lot of my identity as an


Jang: You seem to have held on to your teen star image for too long

with your overlapping images of being a hi-teen star as well

as a singing idol star.

Kim: I enjoyed working on the album activities, but they became a

burden at some point. It’s not that I didn't work hard to

break out of that, but it just wasn’t easy to get out.

Jang: What efforts did you put in to break out of your old image?

Kim: When I was popular as a hi-teen star, I played the role of a

rapist who got his tongue bitten off in "Just Because You are

a Woman," and that, to me, was a risk. I was shocked when I

read the script. "How could they give me such a script? No

matter what, I am a hi-teen star" were the first

thoughts that came to my mind. And I met up with Kyung Young

Hyung, and found that the script had also gone to him. While

we drank soju together, I talked a lot with Kyung Young

Hyung. At that time, Kyung Young Hyung said, "Min Jong, you

must think about becoming an actor. If you insist on being a

hi-teen star, you will regret when you get older.

While "image" and "role" are important, working together with

a good director on a good work is also important." His words

shocked me. So I made my decision at that very moment.

Jang: The Korean movie industry then did not have the same

diversity it has today, so the range of roles that young

actors could take on was also limited.

Kim: Now Mr. Cho Seung Woo acts as an autistic child and Mr. Park

Hae Il even acts as a murderer, but at that time nobody wanted

to take on such risky roles. At the theater screening "Just

because You are a Woman," there was even an incident when

high school girl, who saw the scene of me getting my tongue

bitten off, asked, "Obba, how could you do that?" and ran out

in tears. I was also shocked at such a response.

Jang: How did you come to work on Director Park Chan Wook’s "Trio"?

Kim: As for "Trio," Kyung Young Hyung had already been cast in

it, and the movie was being produced by CEO Lee Choon Yeon

with whom I was acquainted. I took on the movie because CEO

Lee Choon Yeon and Kyung Young Hyung both asked me

to; moreover, I also liked the character. It was a

person I was comfortable portraying. And at that time, I was

more popular than Director Park Chan

Wook. (laughter) Director Ryu Seung Wan was the most junior

in the directing department of that movie. Although he has

become a great director now. (laughter)

Jang: Your role in "Trio”"was that of a gangster who seems a little

stupid, but it really suited you very well. You seem to be

suited for roles that are outsider characters that can’t fit

into society, rather than those with a clean-cut image.

Kim: My favorite actors are Johnny Depp and Sean Penn. They are

actors who come across as outsiders, yet exude an inimitable

charisma at the same time. I would love to have those

qualities. "Trio" came by at a time I wanted to just curse

and swear in a movie, so it was a work I attempted because I

wanted to. It was a movie I felt I could just relax

and enjoy in front of the camera. Moreover, I had wanted to

take on that kind of role just once. Although this sounds

strange coming from someone who hasn't had a highly successful

movie, I remember it as a movie I was really disappointed in

because of its box office results. I still remember vividly

drinking soju bitterly when we gathered together after the

premiere. If the movie had done well then, I could have

become a box office-selling actor.

Jang: "Trio" was released right at a time when cursing and swearing

became allowed in Korean movies. One can see the catharsis

provided by abusive language in "No. 3," but "Trio" was on

par with that movie.

Kim: It was also what Director Park Chan Wook wanted there. It

may have seemed like ad-libbing, but I just did it according

to the script.

Jang: In that movie, abusive language was a mode of expression, but

now abusive language seems to have become the purpose

instead. Therefore, it doesn’t feel refreshing.

Kim: Nowadays, they often do abusive language by ad-

libbing. In "Romantic Assassins," the actors all

came up with the most unimaginable abusive language and each

said their lines. On the filming site, I pleaded that we

should not ad-lib excessively. I also asked Director Yoon Jae

Kyun to please stop doing it, but as it felt funny at that

moment, we just let it pass. It was interesting when we did

it, but if you were to put all those parts together, the movie

would become very strange.

Jang: "Romantic Assassins" is known to be the movie you selected

after much thought.

Kim: It was a work I came to do after being on the run. I think it

would have been better if the flow of the script were

improved, at the very least. I may be far from being a box

office-selling actor, but I do know when something is just not

it. There were far too many impromptu scenes and situations

created on site, so the movie really lacked too much in

coordination as a whole. I also learned the lesson that if

you take the audience lightly, you would end up seeing your

efforts in vain.

Jang: You seem to be very pressurized by the negative opinion that

you are an actor with no box office success. It also seems

to have influenced your selection of works.

Kim: I should feel some pressure about the box office, but I have

really overlooked that aspect all along. It's one of the

things I need to change in future. When I did the movie "Mr.

Butterfly," Jung Tae Won, the CEO of Tae Won Entertainment,

told me in the middle of a press conference, "Kim Min Jong

tell them that you will leave the movie industry if the movie

doesn't do well this time," and I agreed, "OK, I’ll do

that." I said those words as if it was a joke. I shouldn't

have said those words even as a joke, but I have lived my life

the way l feel like it until now, just like that.

Jang: You are said to be a man of moods, but you seem to be surrounded

by many movies you have done due to your friends and acquaintances.

Kim: Countless movies, actually. (laughter) At that particular moment,

just thought "Eh, so what?" and went ahead, but they just accumulated.

But that doesn’t mean I regret anything. Because those experiences

have made me come to my senses now.

Jang: You have dashed past 18 years without any quiet periods in your career,

aren’t you weary?

Kim: I don't know how time could have passed so quickly.

I am not sure how I had spent those years in my 20s. I can't believe I am

now 35 years old.

Jang: As you have been active in the industry for so long, there

are many people who are amazed that you are only 35 years old.

Kim: Take an actor like Sul Kyung Ku. I am younger in terms of age,

but more senior in terms of experience. Even Mr. Jung Joon Ho

felt uncomfortable with me initially. Mr. Cha Seung Won made

his debut as an actor in "Holiday in Seoul," a movie

where I was the lead. Therefore, there are often situations

when I am a senior, despite my age. However, all those thing

are not important now. I think we are the same generation

anyway. Now I am at the position to get advice from Mr.

Cha Seung Won, am I not?

Jang: When you look back at how far you’ve come, and think about

your path in future, what do you think is the first thing you

need to do?

Kim: I don't think I have ever been properly assessed as an actor.

When I was young, I was a hi-teen star who just wanted to do

music and acting. I think the time has come when I should be

properly assessed as an actor. I have to be a lot more

prudent in selecting my works, and l want to build up my image

as an actor with credibility. I have no answers, but I think

what is important are the choices we make with the

circumstances given. It would be good if the drama and

movie I did recently were to become my first steps towards

such changes. I think I have come to an age where I have to

limit my appearances on TV. Even if I were to do a drama, it

would be great if I could come across a work that holds flavor

and significance, instead of one that follows the trend. If

there are none, l plan to pick one and make it that way. In

the past, l used to stop at what I was given, instead of

shaping them to become the way they should be. Although it

may not be a box office success, I think I should at least

make it a movie of substance, and myself, an actor of

substance. I’ve come to my senses now, haven't I?(laughter)


I don’t think I have ever been properly assessed as an actor.

Now I want to build up my image as an actor with credibility

"Please Meet Someone Nice" - Windmill Palm Grove ost track sang by MJ

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