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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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7 hours ago, lanjung said:

That's Joon Gi. At first, when I catch this pic, I thought the same as you, it's not him, the nose's so different. 

But when I watch this video again, and again, and tried to catch more pics, I realize that it's HIM. the look can be cheated by light but his action, his voice can't change

Because of the light, if any one here, who knows much about photograph, You must understand, sometimes the light makes a wrong effect to your eyes. In this case you see that the ala of nose seems bigger than Joon Gi's.  if you use your picture, put some more light on the nose's ala and you'll receive a different look of your face =)) ... That's how we do on our make up and photoshop. =))) the miracle of light.

If you look at the pic below, there no more big nose, just the same shape nose & same mouth of LJG.

Hixxx, sorry about the quality of this pic, I can see so clear in my ipad.but after cropping & upload it becomes not good anymore. 

oh, How I wish I can show you that's exactly Lee Joon Gi


6 hours ago, Thirzazha94 said:

@lanjung waw that you mention it chingu it remind me of one his photo in his IG here..

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And I think its JG just because his manly arm and sitting gesture...:sweatingbullets:



Yeah, I'm so confused about this video too. My heart told me he was JG in that video (Because of his sit style, fashion style, his voice, etc). But my eyes sometimes betrayed me. From one angle, I think he was JG, but from different angle he wasn't. Ahhh! It was all because that damn lighting & camera angles like our chingu @lanjung said!! WHATEVER! I'll assume he was JG!!!! GYAHAHAHAHA!! *Give up. Don't give a damn think anymore*


6 hours ago, JGiGrande said:

@meahri_1 @chi13lou @q4q4 @Thirzazha94 @Siracusa @caramelovers07 You're welcome and thank you for your warm welcome too, friends.

@kilovekyo I appreciate your opinions too, chingu. No worries. Yep, I'm addicted to him through Iljimae since high school days :P If you wanna check, better you look upon both IG accounts for time gaps (on their twitters- of Joongi is @JGshock; he's still following her there) and comparisons ^^

@starcandy0516 Thanks for your infos xD Although both JG and DR are active on SNS, Jieun is the different case. So, we will likely need more efforts to analyze their secret clues :D   

Now I know that JG & DR rumor, I think, really... What happened with the world??? Like the world is rounding over JG & JE. I know that if DR were in relationship, she would hide it for sure, as her agency, YG, if i'm not mistaken, forbid their talents to dating (But not with JE's agency, LOEN. Huuuraayy!). But you know what, JG & JE really... what must I said it... Really too much coincidences among them... You know, after JG released from his military services (last year, if i'm not mistaken), he was doing a variety show with the MC was EH (you know someone who rumored have a relationship with JE before with Voldy). And what suprised me again. DR (who was rumored have a relationship with JG) was a cameo in JE's drama "Producer" too!! WHAT'S WITH THESE TOO MUCH COINCIDENCES, GOD??? Is it the world that small?? Or is it because the world rounding around JG & JE only? Oh my... I've got a goosebumps about these two fates & destinies. Their fates & destinies is not kidding, guys... It's like finally two persons that matched made by heaven is finally meet. It's like they are somehow in the past was really a lovebirds and reincarnated to present day and finally meet their way together...

*Does my delulu mind already go over the limit or what, guys?*


3 hours ago, Thirzazha94 said:


Ikr? Its so different around KHN, even with KSH she's still has distance, or a friend wall, but with JG very different it was her first time meeting JG, yet she's soo comfortable around him like they were already friend for 10 years, omoo I really need an answer how did JG break her wall,, just how,, what make them so close like that? I believe there's some event going on in the filming set that make JG and JE close, because its not normal to me,, 

JG and SMA has 5 month filming AATM yet he didn't dare to ask her number, and JG already know SMA he even compliment her before filming, but here I believe JG already has JE number, and he didn't even know or careless about her in script reading..

correct me if I'm wrong, I think JE is not an easy type to give her number to people expecially man.. and JG did he ever gave his jacket to his other co star before??? The only girl I know wearing his jacket crew was JE...


Yeah, you know, if some woman attracted by a man, she wouldn't act too friendly with him like what JE did to KHN. LOL. IMO, she would keep her attitude a little toward the man and want to look good or pretty in front of him (maybe with a pretty appearance, tidy up her hair when she's with him, etc). And she would try to draw his attention when he wasn't pay attention to her & act shy when he give her attention. She would often smile and take a glance (With that shiny eyes) toward the man. She become more responsive & enjoyable when the man make a conversation with her. Become nervous with tidy up her hair and be more reserved & quite in front of him.

EDIT: I think SMA maybe didn't attracted to JG? So, she didn't break "her wall"? LOL. Or JG feel intimidate by her? Yes, what I've already know from JE's past. She was hardly giving her number to a man (Even her previous co-star, WY). So, maybe this time, JG has mutual feeling?

Btw talk about sexual attraction, here's an article about the characteristics:


Source: http://badgirlsbible.com/signs-of-sexual-attraction

So…here are the 12 vital signs of sexual attraction you need to look for:

Read: Our guide to body language if you want to know what’s he’s thinking at every moment.

1. Staring at Powerful Places

Body language experts have taught us that making eye contact is a sign of interest and engagement. What they also have found is that where we look at a person reveals a lot when it comes to sexual attraction.

If his eyes keep drifting to your mouth, your hair, your legs and breasts then you can be pretty sure that his interest in you includes the physical. One thing that can reveal all is to see how he behaves when you hold your coffee cup. If you can reach forward and cradle the cup, while gently rubbing the lip or moving your hand on the body of the cup and he can’t take his eyes off your hands then you can pretty well tell that he is imagining being the one you are touching like that.

2. Meaningful Eye Contact

This is different from direct eye contact and staring at powerful places. Meaningful eye contact is the eye contact you make when nothing is said yet the eye contact alone speaks for itself. Many people have described the experience as being able to “look into someone’s soul.”

There is a softening of the muscles around the eyes and a less intense gaze that almost, but not quite, moves into the half closed focus of lust. It is a sexual attraction sign that the man is connected to you, but relaxing into your presence in a purely physical way.

Warning: Men can sometimes use eye contact as a mixed signal. Read more about this.

3. Mirror Behavior

Mirroring is a classic indicator of sexual interest and attraction. It can be used in many different situations to tell if someone is really into you. Watch your friend and see if they are subtly changing their body to match what you do.

  • If you shift in your seat, do they change their position too?
  • If you cross your legs or touch your hair, do they mirror your movements?

Scientists believe that mirroring is a left over from our animals days in which copying movements are a way to project being non-threatening. It can create an accessible persona to change your position to mirror the person you are interested in because it reflects back what they are doing. The more someone can recognize themselves in someone else, the deeper the attraction often goes.

4. Flirting

Flirting is pretty straightforward, but it can be tricky too. It always makes the list of the major signs of sexual attraction but you have to be careful about a few things. First of all, you need to determine if the level of flirting is appropriate to the environment that you are in.

If a guy is being very sexually flirtatious in an office environment, this can be a real danger sign that you’re dealing with a potential richard simmons or socially inept guy. Appropriate flirting in this kind of environment is more playful, not suggestive. The focus will be on delivering subtle compliments on your physical appearance, not delivering sexual suggestions.

If you are in a casual environment, or out at a club, it can be alright for some of the flirting to take on a sexual nature but it should not be overly aggressive and should have a playful sense to it. Speaking of playful…. For advice & tips on flirting, check out this foolproof article.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell when a guy is flirting. Look for these 13 signs that he’s flirting with you and return the favor!

5. Playful Touch

The easiest way to express what is playful touch, is to show you what it is not. A man who is rubbing your leg, back or any other body part is not engaged in playful touch. While it’s certainly a sign of sexual attraction from a man, it’s not the right kind of sign.

Rubbing and prolonged body contact with pressure is the kind of sign that you may want to back up a bit, it is overtly sexual and implies an intimacy that may not yet exist between the two of you.

Playful touch, on the other hand, is exactly what it sounds like – it is light and spontaneous, very quick and brings to mind puppies or kittens play-fighting with each other.

It most often takes the form of a quick touch of the fingertips to your arm or leg as a means of underscoring a point, or will happen when laughter is shared. It is striking in that it is unobtrusive and shocking in how electric it can feel. Playful touch is like being plugged into an electrical current. He will also avoid touching any overtly intimate places until you are both alone.

A massive sign that he’s sexually attracted is touching your hair. A woman’s hair holds a uniquely powerful sexual intimacy for a man. You will know when you have passed the point of flirting when he strokes his hand down your hair. Don’t forget to touch him back too!


6. Magnetic Pull


Have you ever had the experience of being in a shared space with someone you are attracted to and found, to your surprise that somehow you wind up standing next right next to them without being aware that you even moved closer?

This is a case of “magnetic pull”. It sounds a little spiritual and even ‘woo-woo’, but there is speculation that this has something to do with a theory called ‘cellular attraction.’ It means that our cells are literally attracted to each other as if we shared the same body and there is an uncontrollable urge to touch or be in close proximity.

Our sense of personal space changes when we are near someone we are sexually attracted to and opens up to include them within our comfort zone. If you think this might be at play between you and the object of your desire there is a simple way to test it…

When you notice that you are sharing that personal space with him, slowly begin to move and change location. If he always manages to hold the same space with you and follows you without noticing, magnetic pull is at play.

Magnetic pull can lead to great sexual chemistry. Here are 14 powerful ways to help sexual chemistry.

7. Considerate Memory

A man who is sexually attracted to you is going to develop a kind considerate memory. What this means is that he will remember small details about things that are important to you.

This doesn’t mean that he will remember what you like in your coffee, but he will remember – and surprise you – by recalling that on snowy days you always used to drink hot chocolate with star marshmallows when you were young and bring that to you unexpectedly. A man who is physically & sexually attracted to you wants to prove to you that he knows your important details, not just your details.

8. Deep Tone and Low Ends

This is one you have to pay attention to closely to get because it involves the tones of speech that a man uses around you. While it used to be that women always ended their sentences on a high note, making it sound like we were constantly asking questions and unsure of ourselves while men spoke in masterful deep tones with decisive low endings to their sentences; that is no longer true as a whole.

What scientists have discovered is that women adopt changes to language vocalization before men and that men follow suit. The “questioning” ending is relatively new to society and is often referred to as the “Valley Girl” because its origination is traced to the early 80s.

More men now speak in Valley Girl tones than not in casual conversation. So rather than raising the tone of his voice towards the end of sentences when he is interested in you, he will revert to the deep tones and low ends that we associate more with intimacy, arousal and seduction. By the way, when you are attracted to someone your vocal pattern will do the same.


9. Self-touching

Nothing inappropriate going on here when this happens, self-touching refers to someone subtly stroking their own hands or face or running a hand down the top of their thigh. A man might also cross one arm in front and reach up to squeeze and rub his own shoulder. It is a subtle movement, but reveals much as a sign of attraction.

10. Hair stroking

Not yours. If a man reaches out and strokes your hair before you have “that” kind of relationship, or before you are ready to move into “that” kind of relationship it is a red flag that you are dealing with someone a little too aggressive or worse…someone who is socially inept.

The hair stroking we are talking about is the man stroking his own. He is not going to be there petting his own head, but he may lightly brush his fingers through his hair or run his hand down the back of his head. This indicates that he is flustered and unsure of himself around you…a massive sign that he is sexually attracted to you.

11. Exclusion

When I say exclusion, I don’t mean that he is excluding you. Instead, I mean that he will do his best to exclude both of you from other people. In other words, he will do his best to make sure you two are alone so that you can talk in private. One of the surest signs of sexual attraction is a guy who is keen to get you alone so that he can have you all to himself.


Now You Know…But How Do You Respond?

If you pick up on two or three of these signs with a guy, how do you respond?

That can be tricky…The first thing you have to consider is whether or not you are attracted to him in the same way. It can be very flattering to be the object of someone’s desire, but if you don’t return it – it can just cause problems.

Your best bet, if you do return the attraction, is to mirror back his behavior and choose a few of these signals that you are sexually attracted, too.

Btw @enigmaticangel i love your JG's chant gif, please make for JE's too. LOL. Maybe with these gif? You could add the same drum where she punch it with her left hand. LOL!!


Edited by caramelovers07
added statement in EDIT
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2 hours ago, Thirzazha94 said:

Chingu I just read his newest interview with singles, and in there he say 

“I am conscious about surrounding people as well as my girlfriend. That is why open relationship can be a burden. I am sorry for my date but I spend a lot of time at home. I cook something delicious and watch interesting movies together.”

Omoo omoo why mind immedietely remember him in supermarket alone, his new song and JE interview

"I'm taking a break from activities, writing some song too, watching good movie, eating yummy stuff" wowowiwau... maybe its just my delulu,,:bawling:

You can read full here..



Thanks for share the article here, seems i ever read it before but different translation. Anyway, beside that interesting confession about his dating style kkk...he also said before that line is :

He is not different when he is in a relationship.

“I have lots of aegyo (affection)”

Come to think of it, the sharp eye lines as if you would cut your fingers on bends into a crescent when he smiles. It is likely that guys like him cannot contain the love to himself when he has a girlfriend.

;) ok, what i supposed to do with all this words? We all know how Joon Gi act in front of Ji Eun, he's totally like a little boy using his aegyo act ask to be spoiled by Ji Eun and it's too obvious that Joon Gi always can't contain his love affection to Ji Eun :lol: so he did all this to his girlfriend... Okay.






@caramelovers07 Woww...:w00t: that signs sexual attraction, we seen it a lot from Joon Gi and Ji Eun, aigoo...i can't resist to see Joon Gi and Ji Eun together again, saranghaee kkk.... BBJX curse please come true!!

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The last information to best korean drama ever voting:


Stand now: MLSHR 3490 voices already (still 6th place)! Please don't stop voting! MLSHR was already on 5th place, however lost it back to Full House.

5th Place: Full House 3760 voices

4. Playfull Kiss 4363

1. DOTS: 10564 voices

You can vote once a day per each device and per each browser. Let's vote for MLSHR! Let's support WS & HS! :heart:

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34 minutes ago, kilovekyo said:

;) ok, what i supposed to do with all this words? We all know how Joon Gi act in front of Ji Eun, he's totally like a little boy using his aegyo act ask to be spoiled by Ji Eun and it's too obvious that Joon Gi always can't contain his love affection to Ji Eun :lol: so he did all this to his girlfriend... Okay.

:blush::D So agree with you! He is driving us crazy!

TGIF! Hope we get some news or even crumbs this weekend.

Calling all shippers to sharpen their skills for analysis of IVs, IG and Twitter posts, videos, and song and dress selections for clues.

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2 hours ago, chi13lou said:

I knew it! His sudden trip to the supermarket then JE's newstatfound talent in video editing with her IG video post the next day. These two! Bring it on! Please continue cooking and eating delicious food and watching moviese!

Suspicious right.. oh those hint step by step there's answer,, they can't escape from stargazers eyes..

1 hour ago, caramelovers07 said:


Yeah, you know, if some woman attracted by a man, she wouldn't act too friendly with him like what JE did to KHN. LOL. IMO, she would keep her attitude a little toward the man and want to look good or pretty in front of him (maybe with a pretty appearance, tidy up her hair when she's with him, etc). And she would try to draw his attention when he wasn't pay attention to her & act shy when he give her attention. She would often smile and take a glance (With that shiny eyes) toward the man. She become more responsive & enjoyable when the man make a conversation with her. Become nervous with tidy up her hair and be more reserved & quite in front of him.

EDIT: I think SMA maybe didn't attracted to JG? So, she didn't break "her wall"? LOL. Or JG feel intimidate by her? Yes, what I've already know from JE's past. She was hardly giving her number to a man (Even her previous co-star, WY). So, maybe this time, JG has mutual feeling?

Btw talk about sexual attraction, here's an article about the characteristics:

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Source: http://badgirlsbible.com/signs-of-sexual-attraction

So…here are the 12 vital signs of sexual attraction you need to look for:

Read: Our guide to body language if you want to know what’s he’s thinking at every moment.

1. Staring at Powerful Places

Body language experts have taught us that making eye contact is a sign of interest and engagement. What they also have found is that where we look at a person reveals a lot when it comes to sexual attraction.

If his eyes keep drifting to your mouth, your hair, your legs and breasts then you can be pretty sure that his interest in you includes the physical. One thing that can reveal all is to see how he behaves when you hold your coffee cup. If you can reach forward and cradle the cup, while gently rubbing the lip or moving your hand on the body of the cup and he can’t take his eyes off your hands then you can pretty well tell that he is imagining being the one you are touching like that.

2. Meaningful Eye Contact

This is different from direct eye contact and staring at powerful places. Meaningful eye contact is the eye contact you make when nothing is said yet the eye contact alone speaks for itself. Many people have described the experience as being able to “look into someone’s soul.”

There is a softening of the muscles around the eyes and a less intense gaze that almost, but not quite, moves into the half closed focus of lust. It is a sexual attraction sign that the man is connected to you, but relaxing into your presence in a purely physical way.

Warning: Men can sometimes use eye contact as a mixed signal. Read more about this.

3. Mirror Behavior

Mirroring is a classic indicator of sexual interest and attraction. It can be used in many different situations to tell if someone is really into you. Watch your friend and see if they are subtly changing their body to match what you do.

  • If you shift in your seat, do they change their position too?
  • If you cross your legs or touch your hair, do they mirror your movements?

Scientists believe that mirroring is a left over from our animals days in which copying movements are a way to project being non-threatening. It can create an accessible persona to change your position to mirror the person you are interested in because it reflects back what they are doing. The more someone can recognize themselves in someone else, the deeper the attraction often goes.

4. Flirting

Flirting is pretty straightforward, but it can be tricky too. It always makes the list of the major signs of sexual attraction but you have to be careful about a few things. First of all, you need to determine if the level of flirting is appropriate to the environment that you are in.

If a guy is being very sexually flirtatious in an office environment, this can be a real danger sign that you’re dealing with a potential richard simmons or socially inept guy. Appropriate flirting in this kind of environment is more playful, not suggestive. The focus will be on delivering subtle compliments on your physical appearance, not delivering sexual suggestions.

If you are in a casual environment, or out at a club, it can be alright for some of the flirting to take on a sexual nature but it should not be overly aggressive and should have a playful sense to it. Speaking of playful…. For advice & tips on flirting, check out this foolproof article.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell when a guy is flirting. Look for these 13 signs that he’s flirting with you and return the favor!

5. Playful Touch

The easiest way to express what is playful touch, is to show you what it is not. A man who is rubbing your leg, back or any other body part is not engaged in playful touch. While it’s certainly a sign of sexual attraction from a man, it’s not the right kind of sign.

Rubbing and prolonged body contact with pressure is the kind of sign that you may want to back up a bit, it is overtly sexual and implies an intimacy that may not yet exist between the two of you.

Playful touch, on the other hand, is exactly what it sounds like – it is light and spontaneous, very quick and brings to mind puppies or kittens play-fighting with each other.

It most often takes the form of a quick touch of the fingertips to your arm or leg as a means of underscoring a point, or will happen when laughter is shared. It is striking in that it is unobtrusive and shocking in how electric it can feel. Playful touch is like being plugged into an electrical current. He will also avoid touching any overtly intimate places until you are both alone.

A massive sign that he’s sexually attracted is touching your hair. A woman’s hair holds a uniquely powerful sexual intimacy for a man. You will know when you have passed the point of flirting when he strokes his hand down your hair. Don’t forget to touch him back too!


6. Magnetic Pull


Have you ever had the experience of being in a shared space with someone you are attracted to and found, to your surprise that somehow you wind up standing next right next to them without being aware that you even moved closer?

This is a case of “magnetic pull”. It sounds a little spiritual and even ‘woo-woo’, but there is speculation that this has something to do with a theory called ‘cellular attraction.’ It means that our cells are literally attracted to each other as if we shared the same body and there is an uncontrollable urge to touch or be in close proximity.

Our sense of personal space changes when we are near someone we are sexually attracted to and opens up to include them within our comfort zone. If you think this might be at play between you and the object of your desire there is a simple way to test it…

When you notice that you are sharing that personal space with him, slowly begin to move and change location. If he always manages to hold the same space with you and follows you without noticing, magnetic pull is at play.

Magnetic pull can lead to great sexual chemistry. Here are 14 powerful ways to help sexual chemistry.

7. Considerate Memory

A man who is sexually attracted to you is going to develop a kind considerate memory. What this means is that he will remember small details about things that are important to you.

This doesn’t mean that he will remember what you like in your coffee, but he will remember – and surprise you – by recalling that on snowy days you always used to drink hot chocolate with star marshmallows when you were young and bring that to you unexpectedly. A man who is physically & sexually attracted to you wants to prove to you that he knows your important details, not just your details.

8. Deep Tone and Low Ends

This is one you have to pay attention to closely to get because it involves the tones of speech that a man uses around you. While it used to be that women always ended their sentences on a high note, making it sound like we were constantly asking questions and unsure of ourselves while men spoke in masterful deep tones with decisive low endings to their sentences; that is no longer true as a whole.

What scientists have discovered is that women adopt changes to language vocalization before men and that men follow suit. The “questioning” ending is relatively new to society and is often referred to as the “Valley Girl” because its origination is traced to the early 80s.

More men now speak in Valley Girl tones than not in casual conversation. So rather than raising the tone of his voice towards the end of sentences when he is interested in you, he will revert to the deep tones and low ends that we associate more with intimacy, arousal and seduction. By the way, when you are attracted to someone your vocal pattern will do the same.


9. Self-touching

Nothing inappropriate going on here when this happens, self-touching refers to someone subtly stroking their own hands or face or running a hand down the top of their thigh. A man might also cross one arm in front and reach up to squeeze and rub his own shoulder. It is a subtle movement, but reveals much as a sign of attraction.

10. Hair stroking

Not yours. If a man reaches out and strokes your hair before you have “that” kind of relationship, or before you are ready to move into “that” kind of relationship it is a red flag that you are dealing with someone a little too aggressive or worse…someone who is socially inept.

The hair stroking we are talking about is the man stroking his own. He is not going to be there petting his own head, but he may lightly brush his fingers through his hair or run his hand down the back of his head. This indicates that he is flustered and unsure of himself around you…a massive sign that he is sexually attracted to you.

11. Exclusion

When I say exclusion, I don’t mean that he is excluding you. Instead, I mean that he will do his best to exclude both of you from other people. In other words, he will do his best to make sure you two are alone so that you can talk in private. One of the surest signs of sexual attraction is a guy who is keen to get you alone so that he can have you all to himself.


Now You Know…But How Do You Respond?

If you pick up on two or three of these signs with a guy, how do you respond?

That can be tricky…The first thing you have to consider is whether or not you are attracted to him in the same way. It can be very flattering to be the object of someone’s desire, but if you don’t return it – it can just cause problems.

Your best bet, if you do return the attraction, is to mirror back his behavior and choose a few of these signals that you are sexually attracted, too.


Yes that WY case I don't respect him because that, come on she's already said enough then its enough, no need to force her.. when yo said JG feel intimidated by her, i feel that too. Its not like he's not manly but it feel like he's the rabbit and she's the wolf, but when I see JG and JE its like JE bring the wolf inside of him, he's became a man and sweet at the same time..

I think to me instead JG the one who change a lot was JE, you can see how silent she's when act with KHN in medicine store, that's the JE I know, even KHN didn't dare to tease her. And JG statement here make me wonder is this how he can make JE break down her wall. And my opinion was before JE get close with everyone in MLSHR the one who dare enough to break her wall, tease her was JG. That's way she trust him the most to put down her wall and enjoy the work..

“I serves as a mood maker at filming sites too. To create a good work, staff members as well as actors have to break down their walls.” 

54 minutes ago, kilovekyo said:


Thanks for share the article here, seems i ever read it before but different translation. Anyway, beside that interesting confession about his dating style kkk...he also said before that line is :

He is not different when he is in a relationship.
“I have lots of aegyo (affection)”
Come to think of it, the sharp eye lines as if you would cut your fingers on bends into a crescent when he smiles. It is likely that guys like him cannot contain the love to himself when he has a girlfriend.
;) ok, what i supposed to do with all this words? We all know how Joon Gi act in front of Ji Eun, he's totally like a little boy using his aegyo act ask to be spoiled by Ji Eun and it's too obvious that Joon Gi always can't contain his love affection to Ji Eun :lol: so he did all this to his girlfriend... Okay.
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Don you think this statement strange too..


Already in the middle of his thirties. It’s time that he thought about his marriage.

“I’ve been thinking about it since the discharge of military duty. However, I don’t hasten it” Lee Joon-gi doesn't give the cliche answer such as ‘Why would I rush myself as I have no one dating now,’ or ‘I am looking for the right person’. Instead, he adds a rather absurd reason. 

“What’s urgent is something else. The important thing is that I solidify my position as an actor. It’s not simply showing good performance. I have great worries about being selected by the people continuously. I have to resolve this first then I will be able to think about dating or marrying.”

Its like he didn't deny that now he's in relationship and not single to me.. how about you chingu.. his interview now has secret message clue to us stargazers...

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37 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

:blush::D So agree with you! He is driving us crazy!

TGIF! Hope we get some news or even crumbs this weekend.

Calling all shippers to sharpen their skills for analysis of IVs, IG and Twitter posts, videos, and song and dress selections for clues.


I just believe when he's doing this interview and that question, he must be thinking of Ji Eun hahaa..he always Remember her, oh gosh...i feel goosebump while thinking his IG post.

Yesss, i can't wait to see them again! 




@Thirzazha94 My opinion we can't take all his words are true kkk...somehow the actor need make things become grey and fans should figure it out, poor us... hahaa...they're cruel to us but we're happy with it :sweatingbullets: 

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1 hour ago, nightwitch said:

The last information to best korean drama ever voting:


Stand now: MLSHR 3490 voices already (still 6th place)! Please don't stop voting! MLSHR was already on 5th place, however lost it back to Full House.

5th Place: Full House 3760 voices

4. Playfull Kiss 4363

1. DOTS: 10564 voices

You can vote once a day per each device and per each browser. Let's vote for MLSHR! Let's support WS & HS! :heart:

Too bad Joongi and IU were overlooked for the Best Couple Award.:bawling::angry::confused:

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Ahh they are so cruel right.. but we are stargazers can see their hidden meaning hehehe...

Wang Eun and Soen Deok Reunion, look how the audience scream, because their reunion...



I wonder how audience reaction when our wang so hae soo reunion.. eheem.. and then JG will say : soo ya I miss you or soo ya I found you.. 




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On 12/1/2016 at 11:49 PM, Thirzazha94 said:

Chingu I just read his newest interview with singles, and in there he say 

“I am conscious about surrounding people as well as my girlfriend. That is why open relationship can be a burden. I am sorry for my date but I spend a lot of time at home. I cook something delicious and watch interesting movies together.”

Omoo omoo why mind immedietely remember him in supermarket alone, his new song and JE interview

"I'm taking a break from activities, writing some song too, watching good movie, eating yummy stuff" wowowiwau... maybe its just my delulu,,:bawling:

You can read full here..




Everyone has brought up a lot of good points so far about the interview. Here's one more. Our Joongi says this about his friends/or the few people he is close with:

"I think I am not a good friend (to them). I see things rather coldly. I have same perspective towards friends too. I don't pay lip services, not to mention compliments."

I had noted in earlier posts that Joongi-ssi has paid Jieunie so very many compliments -- more than a few at the PressCon alone, at the Cosmo shoot, in some of the interviews he did for the other stations simulcasting the drama, and in several of the articles he was featured in during the latter part of filming or immediately following the filming. He even did what most male leads try to avoid doing...comparing his current leading lady to those that came before her.  And as many of you know having heard or read his comments, he's definitely not paying lip service and he's never brief. He's very specific about what she brings to the table, how she surprised him and exceeded his initial expectations...he leaves no doubt as to how highly he regards her.

Since the quote comes directly from his own lips, his actions seem to indicate that she is special and unique among his friends and the people he is close with. And as I've noted before, among the MLSHR cast, and even the other actors she has worked with before (all who have paid her compliments), he...by far...is her biggest supporter. I'm not counting Jieunie's BFF, Yoo In-na, as she falls into a totally different category.

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9 minutes ago, Thirzazha94 said:


Ahh they are so cruel right.. but we are stargazers can see their hidden meaning hehehe...

Wang Eun and Soen Deok Reunion, look how the audience scream, because their reunion...

  Reveal hidden contents


I wonder how audience reaction when our wang so hae soo reunion.. eheem.. and then JG will say : soo ya I miss you or soo ya I found you.. 


Don't forget the back hug to go with it!:D

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Annyeong!! Just want to share the information I posted on the main thread.

Chingudeul, remember how everyone was under the impression that Joongi and SHR would not be recognized because of its low SK ratings? We actually shouldn't have been worried at all. For the 2015 SBS awards, I Have a Lover walked away with 6 awards. It actually had lower ratings than SHR, concluding its 50-episode run at a 5.8. It was a Saturday/Sunday drama, which made it worse, as really successful weekend dramas typically hit higher than 30's and sometimes over 40. Coincidentally, the drama aired around the same time of the year as our SHR, and was also cancelled because of baseball games AND an Olympic qualifying game.

Kim Hyun Joo, who played the female lead, won the Top Excellence actress award for an actress in a serial drama. She won 4 of the 6 awards relating to the show.  @LyraYoo and I think Joongi has an excellent chance of winning the Daesang. He and Han Suk-Kyu (Romantic Doctor) are the strongest contenders as they showed the most range of all that are nominated. I think we have many reasons to be optimistic and hopeful for him. :heart:

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10 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

Don't forget the back hug to go with it!:D

@Thirzazha94 they better have a bunch of emergency vehicles ready for the hundreds of calls for heart attacks an fainting spells if this happens LOL side note:



Eun and SeonDeok are also so very cute! Her shyness around him is so genuine kyaaaaa


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17 minutes ago, q4q4 said:

@Thirzazha94 they better have a bunch of emergency vehicles ready for the hundreds of calls for heart attacks an fainting spells if this happens LOL side note:

  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents

Eun and SeonDeok are also so very cute! Her shyness around him is so genuine kyaaaaa


Yeah if it happen we will be like this.. 



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17 minutes ago, meahri_1 said:

Annyeong!! Just want to share the information I posted on the main thread.

Chingudeul, remember how everyone was under the impression that Joongi and SHR would not be recognized because of its low SK ratings? We actually shouldn't have been worried at all. For the 2015 SBS awards, I Have a Lover walked away with 6 awards. It actually had lower ratings than SHR, concluding its 50-episode run at a 5.8. It was a Saturday/Sunday drama, which made it worse, as really successful weekend dramas typically hit higher than 30's and sometimes over 40. Coincidentally, the drama aired around the same time of the year as our SHR, and was also cancelled because of baseball games AND an Olympic qualifying game.

Kim Hyun Joo, who played the female lead, won the Top Excellence actress award for an actress in a serial drama. She won 4 of the 6 awards relating to the show.  @LyraYoo and I think Joongi has an excellent chance of winning the Daesang. He and Han Suk-Kyu (Romantic Doctor) are the strongest contenders as they showed the most range of all that are nominated. I think we have many reasons to be optimistic and hopeful for him. :heart:

That's amazing! honestly if JG doesn't get even a nomination it'll be like the Korean version of the Leonardo DiCaprio having no Oscar for the longest time conspiracy. IDGAF about ratings and editing flops, this drama was amazing and it captured the hearts of billions of international fans. It deserves recognition 

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26 minutes ago, meahri_1 said:

Annyeong!! Just want to share the information I posted on the main thread.

Chingudeul, remember how everyone was under the impression that Joongi and SHR would not be recognized because of its low SK ratings? We actually shouldn't have been worried at all. For the 2015 SBS awards, I Have a Lover walked away with 6 awards. It actually had lower ratings than SHR, concluding its 50-episode run at a 5.8. It was a Saturday/Sunday drama, which made it worse, as really successful weekend dramas typically hit higher than 30's and sometimes over 40. Coincidentally, the drama aired around the same time of the year as our SHR, and was also cancelled because of baseball games AND an Olympic qualifying game.

Kim Hyun Joo, who played the female lead, won the Top Excellence actress award for an actress in a serial drama. She won 4 of the 6 awards relating to the show.  @LyraYoo and I think Joongi has an excellent chance of winning the Daesang. He and Han Suk-Kyu (Romantic Doctor) are the strongest contenders as they showed the most range of all that are nominated. I think we have many reasons to be optimistic and hopeful for him. :heart:

Like I said before, aside from the Daesang, I want Joongi to win the Producer's Award because it will prove that PDs from all networks recognize his work as the BEST among all actors in SBS dramas this year.

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2 minutes ago, q4q4 said:






Great chant, Chingu-yah! Let me join you!


I miss them.


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