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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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24 minutes ago, liplockvomit said:





She says that to Wang Yo, I remember it too because it was that moment where I felt like her feelings for him weren't truly genuine as much as her need to want to control or have power over him. You are completely right. It's a fascination and maybe a childhood crush because If I remember correctly, after he stops her from beating HS, she tells him something like where is the brother who used to let me do whatever I wanted?. That dialogue stuck to me, it showed that in the past he was like everyone else who used to dote on her and let her do what she wished and added to that the fact, she believes they are destined together made me think she had feelings for him. But it was only later, because thankfully they cut out any interactions between WS and YH, that I realized she has no feelings for him at all. It's just a weird fascination and need to have everything she wants, like you said she wants him because he is unattainable just like the throne she desires.

When he became king, she thought she could get it all, him and the throne but she didn't. However, I don't think she cared much at that point because her desire for the throne and it's power surpasses everything else in her life, if I had to say so I truly believe she would turn far worse than Queen Yo. That's why I really wanted to see a worse end for her than just watching her complain to So about ignoring the kid because I didn't find that enough, I mean the kid didn't deserve that for he did nothing instead I would preferred to see her hit where it really hurts her which is her status as Queen. Well, I just have to imagine my own end for her. (I'm going to imagine the drama Iron Empress version as her end because she and wook end up executed in that)

See this is where I get annoyed with Hae Soo, I have no other issues with her at all except the fact the writer let her be run over by these characters too much. I really wanted to see one, just ONE scene where Hae Soo burst out and let out her feelings. Infact the scene where YH blames her would have been perfect but she didn't, she just listened which just made me want to pull my hair out but then I can't blame HS because the writer NEVER let WS or HS actually find out what happened with that entire poison plot. So from HS's point of view, I can see why she felt guilty but it doesn't make me any less furious.

I waited till the last episode, just hoping and praying that someone or anyone would set these Hwangbo snake siblings straight that - They were NOT victims at all, they are responsible for their own nonsense. At least, I guess Wook eventually did understand and he did get his karma when his own children were used as puppets by his mother just like he had used others.

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27 minutes ago, violet90 said:


i know right?? i just can't with people saying YH is a strong character.. yes she is strong but she is more evil than Queen Yoo in so many way.. she the one that try to poison CP and caused both So and Su suffer (i still bum with the fact So will never know this)... she is the pure evil in this drama much worse than Wook... why? because even Wook is evil he never put his family down just to get his goal but YH will do anything to even put his brother to death sentenced and if not Su help Wook i don't think YH will even cry when her brother dies.. she willing to get pregnant by the man who does't even have an ounce of love for her to make sure the throne belong to her son.. she just pure souless person and to think that So have to lived with these kind of people really break my heart...

and yes i really think she deserve a lonely and loveless life.............. 

Su on the other hand can totally get the power if she WANT... since the beginning when she know So going to be KG she can easily put So wrap in her finger cause we all know how much So love her at this point but she won't do that cause power is not something that she like or want.. when So want to get married to Su if she insist and she want So will do anything to make her a queen.. that's why JM goes to her to make So change his mind cause beside her nobody else can change what he think and want...

that's why So loves Su so much.. because she never see a king or KG or even power but she love the old So that nobody love before..... 


AGREEE!! Look what YH did when Yo becomes a king? She threw away her pride and wear that ring from Yo to seduce him because she knew that Yo interested with her before. Ckckck! What a shameless woman! For her, she doesn't need LOVE, she needs POWER!!! She was already too long to ignore that feeling called LOVE because of her pride and power!! Even if she did interested with WS, but if he didn't become a king, she wouldn't bother give him a slightly glance!!! She just wanna had a person that she could USE for her greed of power! If she didn't have any use for them again, she would throw them away like WW, no matter if he is her family or husband or what, as long as the power is hers. And we could see that WW also didn't love HS sincerely. Look at what he was done! Even, he didn't think twice to kill CP in Damiwon!! If he really care with her, why he killed CP with that way, knowing Damiwon is below HS order & used CR, her precious friend to betrayed her. Seriously Hwangbo family is faaaaarrrr scarier than Yo's family. On the front, they acted like a noble, kind, respected family. But in the end, they betrayed each other to have a crown...

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I'm lurking over from the scarlet heart thread...

I can't move on from the drama so I guess I'm shipping these too also, lol... but I've recently started to re- read "lost you forever " by Tonghua (wrote BBJX)... And I have found the faces for Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao!!  Ah! The feels.... Has anyone else read this story?  I think Joon Gi fits the visuals perfectly as Xiang Liu, I've been trying to put actual actors faces to the characters as I read, and after watching scarlet heart...Joon Gi and Iu are the perfect  visuals for Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao

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1 hour ago, violet90 said:


i know right?? i just can't with people saying YH is a strong character.. yes she is strong but she is more evil than Queen Yoo in so many way.. she the one that try to poison CP and caused both So and Su suffer (i still bum with the fact So will never know this)... she is the pure evil in this drama much worse than Wook...

that's why So loves Su so much.. because she never see a king or KG or even power but she love the old So that nobody love before.....



She is smart, very smart which is why I grudgingly admired her during the poison plot because she managed to outmaneuver Queen Yo and everyone else. In fact, I always got the feeling that the writer liked YH quite a bit because if we go by Bellatrix's article then there were scenes which justified YH apparently. Thankfully, they didn't add it because I don't think Ill be able to swallow that stupid justifications for her crimes.

I agree with you, she is worse than Wook because Wook had a bit of conscience left in him since he seemed genuinely distressed by Eun's death but YH had nothing. KH has done pretty good job in making YH sympathetic to many but I credit that to the fact that her character was given better back story which gave KH more to work with, she really emphasized on the point that YH was helpless due to her family and marriage. But for me, I could never ever be able to justify YH's crimes neither Wook's but I think he pretty much got whatever he deserved at the end by losing everything including his children for the power he had once desired.

For me, her lonely and loveless life didn't mean much when I think that she did get what she wanted which was to be Queen. I really doubt the loveless marriage killed her much.

Ah-ha, Yes. Exactly, Su could have easily gotten all the power that YH wanted if only Su had been that ambitious but she wasn't and that's not her nature as well. The PD or writer or whoever it was did good on showing the differences between YH and HS in many ways at times. And it's exactly like you said, he loved Su because of this too and there's nothing YH could ever do that can match up to HS in any way for him because Su was the one who was there from the start till the end even if they were apart. She loved him and cared for him, just him, no matter which version of him it was.


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12 hours ago, pogucari said:

Looking from the different point of view, HS indeed has a great life! XD

The woman who taught Wang Eun how to be mature
The woman who exposed Wang Wook for the cowardly, liar he really was
The woman who loved Wang So more than anyone in the world and showed him he was worthy of being loved in return
The woman who taught Wang Jung what it means to be selfless.
The woman who taught Wang Baek-ah the true meaning of friendship, a great friend till the end
The woman who won a special place in Wang Moo's heart by being a healer, a friend, and a confidante
What a great life she lived.



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one thing that i realized today... none of my friend can move on from this drama... LOL 

they still watching mostly SoHae moment and still crying when watching the scene where Su dies and So reaction.. also the interesting thing is they saying that this couple make other OTP from other drama feel flat and they actually try to watch other drama and drop that cause the OTP is not strong enough... well its the same with me but seriously speaking even with so many flaw in editing our JG and Jieun still manage to give SoHae a justice in their character... their chemistry and love story is the one that keep this drama afloat... So can't exist without Su and vice versa.... but i want to credit more to JG and Jieun cause without them i doubt we even have SoHae that we all know today....

both of them deserve all the spotlight that they having now cause they totally nailed this drama... also because we all love both of them so much that we chanting cursing (in a good way) and praying that they will get together cause they really a OTP in a real life.. 

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1 hour ago, hello_kathy said:

I'm lurking over from the scarlet heart thread...

I can't move on from the drama so I guess I'm shipping these too also, lol... but I've recently started to re- read "lost you forever " by Tonghua (wrote BBJX)... And I have found the faces for Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao!!  Ah! The feels.... Has anyone else read this story?  I think Joon Gi fits the visuals perfectly as Xiang Liu, I've been trying to put actual actors faces to the characters as I read, and after watching scarlet heart...Joon Gi and Iu are the perfect  visuals for Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao


Welcome to JoonU shipper heaven~! :D Do join us here more often!

I haven't read that book of Tonghua but I did read Ballad of the Desert and watched the c-drama, both of which I really liked.



I have tried to watch so many shows just to get over this addiction to SHR but NOT a single new drama has been able to catch my attention. I have been comparing each drama pairing to SoHae and I keep imagining JoonU for every modern drama I watch, it's so hard to let go once you get a taste of such electrifying chemistry. All other pairings pale in comparison now.

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i want to ask everyone opinion on why So first reaction when JM told him that Su have pass away is 'Soo would't hate me this much'???

i have two theory.....

1. because Su did't even bother to meet him or even let him know that she is dying even after what they been through.. its mean she abandon him completely when she die without telling him that she will be gone...

2. because Su left him alone in this world? i mean even So did't bother to know how she doing but at least deep in his heart he know Jung will take care of her but now she actually gone to the place where he can't reach...

but i think in a way both of this is true... she left without saying goodbye and she left him alone even after her promise to never leaving him....

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"Is there a song you want to hear, in particular?"
-HS : *Shakes her head* No 


"There was a court lady the king loved. This is the song they say made him fall in love with her."


Then memories starts to flash..


God, Moon Lovers made me into a M. this scene how much it pains me and cries my heart out.. It was the best scene for me in Episode 20. 

so much feels.

(yet whenever the clip pops out in IG or twitter, I still watch it TT_TT)

Edit: Posted this on the main thread, but since some of our eclipse here doesn't visit the thread atm, please let me repost it here too.

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42 minutes ago, moonlovertales said:

I have tried to watch so many shows just to get over this addiction to SHR but NOT a single new drama has been able to catch my attention. I have been comparing each drama pairing to SoHae and I keep imagining JoonU for every modern drama I watch, it's so hard to let go once you get a taste of such electrifying chemistry. All other pairings pale in comparison now.

I've been on the hunt for the next electrifying couple as well. It's like you said, all other pairings pale but there are some cute pairings out there. The leads in the 1% of Anything remake and Marriage, Not Dating are quite compelling. 

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1 hour ago, moonlovertales said:



She is smart, very smart which is why I grudgingly admired her during the poison plot because she managed to outmaneuver Queen Yo and everyone else. In fact, I always got the feeling that the writer liked YH quite a bit because if we go by Bellatrix's article then there were scenes which justified YH apparently. Thankfully, they didn't add it because I don't think Ill be able to swallow that stupid justifications for her crimes.

I agree with you, she is worse than Wook because Wook had a bit of conscience left in him since he seemed genuinely distressed by Eun's death but YH had nothing. KH has done pretty good job in making YH sympathetic to many but I credit that to the fact that her character was given better back story which gave KH more to work with, she really emphasized on the point that YH was helpless due to her family and marriage. But for me, I could never ever be able to justify YH's crimes neither Wook's but I think he pretty much got whatever he deserved at the end by losing everything including his children for the power he had once desired.

For me, her lonely and loveless life didn't mean much when I think that she did get what she wanted which was to be Queen. I really doubt the loveless marriage killed her much.

Ah-ha, Yes. Exactly, Su could have easily gotten all the power that YH wanted if only Su had been that ambitious but she wasn't and that's not her nature as well. The PD or writer or whoever it was did good on showing the differences between YH and HS in many ways at times. And it's exactly like you said, he loved Su because of this too and there's nothing YH could ever do that can match up to HS in any way for him because Su was the one who was there from the start till the end even if they were apart. She loved him and cared for him, just him, no matter which version of him it was.


I think Yeon-hwa was a strong character too. She is ambitious, yes, but it wasn't without reason. Unlike Queen Yoo who was motivated purely by greed, Yeon-hwa was motivated by fear. The fear of not having a choice in what kind of life she lives, the fear of being hunted down like an animal because she is powerless, the fear of being abused, these are all issues she, as a woman in Goryeo, had to face. Queen Yoo had her family banished into exile for a crime they didn't commit and didn't leave them alone even while they were in exile. Yeon-hwa talks about how Queen Yoo almost had them killed so many times and how they had to fear for their lives. Her brother was seemingly content to let these things happen so she took up the mantle to find a way to defend her family. I am not excusing her arrogance and the evils she committed but I am seeing how life must have been for her in that time. Let's not forget that Soo was a 21st century woman, she lived in a century where royalty meant nothing and people were seemingly equal on the surface, hence she doesn't possess the ruthlessness that is required for a woman to be seen as someone in Goryeo, this in the end became her undoing because all the strange things that she experienced became too much for her and it made her sick and eventually killed her. If Yeon-hwa was a 21st century woman who did all the things that she did in Goryeo, then she will be evil without a fault, but at the end of the day, she was only trying to survive. 

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14 minutes ago, pwnkl said:

"Is there a song you want to hear, in particular?"
-HS : *Shakes her head* No 


"There was a court lady the king loved. This is the song they say made him fall in love with her."


Then memories starts to flash..


God, Moon Lovers made me into a M. this scene how much it pains me and cries my heart out.. It was the best scene for me in Episode 20. 

so much feels.

(yet whenever the clip pops out in IG or twitter, I still watch it TT_TT)

Edit: Posted this on the main thread, but since some of our eclipse here doesn't visit the thread atm, please let me repost it here too.

Honestly, one of my favorite scenes of SHR. When she realizes that THIS was the moment her WS fell in love with her. OMGOSH bawled my eyes out, my heart couldnt contain the feels

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4 minutes ago, q4q4 said:

Honestly, one of my favorite scenes of SHR. When she realizes that THIS was the moment her WS fell in love with her. OMGOSH bawled my eyes out, my heart couldnt contain the feels

I knoow right! *let me give you a hug chinguu* .. not that I'm questioning HS love definitely not, but it sure will be nice if they also show when exactly did HS fall or realizes the exact moment like WS does :wub: 

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my friend ask me one question about ep 20......

how can So just walk away from his child with Su even if he loves her to death and that child is their love together... i just blank stare her and i think about that too.. and all this time i think that So wiling to give his child to Jung cause its what Su want and he respect that.. but after being ask directly i did't know how to answer it and i watch back the scene... at first he look so happy just like when Su bump into him but after knowing she is his daughter his face changed... i don't think happy is the right word but more to regret and realization of what Su doing on his and his child behalf... 

So walk away from his child is less painful than his realization that Su left him to save their child.. she doing it all because of their child and AGAIN he being hit by the love from Su.. first the letter and now his child.. both of them is someone that Su give her life to prove that she love them and to me when he walk away from his Seol meaning he continuing what Su doing... protecting their child even if its mean that So only can see him from afar...

now thinking back their love is such a tragic one... losing each other and losing their child and lastly losing their life loving each other........:tears:

people always said at least they love each other and i'm just like............... bawling my eyes cause the pain and price for their love is so much for just a little bit of happiness......


p.s i really want to laugh when Jung look at So... he just give away the fact that Seol is So child.. he such a terrible liar... LOL

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14 minutes ago, violet90 said:

my friend ask me one question about ep 20......

how can So just walk away from his child with Su even if he loves her to death and that child is their love together... i just blank stare her and i think about that too.. and all this time i think that So wiling to give his child to Jung cause its what Su want and he respect that.. but after being ask directly i did't know how to answer it and i watch back the scene... at first he look so happy just like when Su bump into him but after knowing she is his daughter his face changed... i don't think happy is the right word but more to regret and realization of what Su doing on his and his child behalf... 

So walk away from his child is less painful than his realization that Su left him to save their child.. she doing it all because of their child and AGAIN he being hit by the love from Su.. first the letter and now his child.. both of them is someone that Su give her life to prove that she love them and to me when he walk away from his Seol meaning he continuing what Su doing... protecting their child even if its mean that So only can see him from afar...

Yes. So is sacrificing his happiness to raise Seol as his own daughter so that Seol doesn't get mixed up in palace machinations. So is always sacrificing himself for Soo and now extends to their child. These two, why can't they just have a happy and boring life together?


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1 hour ago, pwnkl said:

I knoow right! *let me give you a hug chinguu* .. not that I'm questioning HS love definitely not, but it sure will be nice if they also show when exactly did HS fall or realizes the exact moment like WS does :wub: 


I know what you mean! She kinda admits that it was when he shielded her from the rain in her letter but like.. I wanna believe that it was way before that lol there were so many moments or scenes where she would stare at him in disbelief at how amazing he was**when he was trying to help her escape marrying the king or when he pulled her close after she did his make up for the first time or THE PRISON SCENE WHEN HE VISTS HER OMG she was totally looking at him like a lover not a friend lol 

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5 minutes ago, q4q4 said:


I know what you mean! She kinda admits that it was when he shielded her from the rain in her letter but like.. I wanna believe that it was way before that lol there were so many moments or scenes where she would stare at him in disbelief at how amazing he like when he was trying to help her escape marrying the king or when he pulled her close after she did his make up for the first time or THE PRISON SCENE WHEN HE VISTS HER OMG she was totally looking at him like a lover not a friend lol 

Right? I mean because for me.. I don't buy the WW-HS ship in the earlier episodes.. from the moment WS picks her up from that horse.. she's mesmerized already.. no words needed, but the momentum stop when he threw her off, gawd I still find it hilarious lol.  

I agreeee with youu! If she was hinting the rain scene with the letter then I was a bit close from my bet.. it was when the stolen kiss happen. while Wang So was walking away the look she gave him is *dugeun dugeun* it had the same feels when WS realizes his love when she was singing.. but that's just me :lol: andddd kyaa~ I know right! the first time HS put his make up on for him that waist grabbing -- frozen HS -- almost kiss.. they should've elaborate it more in HS's perspective but because of the choppy editing intl version/original one doesn't even have that scene.. now with that said, my ears are burning hot again with the editing. They really need to release a DVD full uncut :tears:

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1 hour ago, pwnkl said:

I knoow right! *let me give you a hug chinguu* .. not that I'm questioning HS love definitely not, but it sure will be nice if they also show when exactly did HS fall or realizes the exact moment like WS does :wub: 

Hae Soo started loving him when he came to visit her in prison even after he was poisoned. She said in her soliloquy that if he continues to do this for her, her heart will waver toward him.  

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26 minutes ago, rushie5 said:

Hae Soo started loving him when he came to visit her in prison even after he was poisoned. She said in her soliloquy that if he continues to do this for her, her heart will waver toward him.  

Spot on, this was evident! why the prison scene is in my top 5 scene B) but this is also where I find some faults or maybe not into my liking as the very next day.. she's walking closer and closer to the execution stand.. who is she badly looking for? I understand she's still hang up with WW, but it just makes no sense that when Wang So appears running towards her wielding a sword, in a palace ground.. even just a mere second they didn't even bother to show HS's POV on Wang So's surge of desperation

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