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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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10 hours ago, akinahana89 said:

Interesting observation:

IU, who typically likes being bare-handed, is now wearing two rings. The one on her index finger is the friendship ring with Yoo Inna. The one on her pinky is a mystery ring. According to an article I read about ring placements having very specific meanings in South Korea, the index finger is very appropriate for her friendship ring because it is supposed to symbolize friendship. (If a guy gives a girl a ring and she wears it on her index finger, it's a sign that he's been friend zoned.)

Is this the article, Cap?

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HI Chingu Yaaaaa !!!

Long time no see! i am so glad that today capt was back and save my mood :Xxx 

I miss JoonU so badly, craving for crumbs, tired of work. When i saw JG interview In japan to promo MLover ..my heart dugeun dugeun the way he talk about his JE is so so so sweet ^^ and from IUTV i saw yesterday i have to say OMG :)) 

THey are just so sweet in their own way ;x they know how to make us a cake :)))) 

I will keep chanting everyday until i can hear the wedding bell LOL 

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Hoping for crumbs with the return of JoonGi to Seoul.

:heart: WE CAN MAKE IT! :heart:


So while patiently waiting,

speaker phone leafLet's do our daily chant


1. Release of news related to JoonGi's IG post with the Universal Familyreading-newspaper.gif

2. Resumption of emoticon-filled and/or cryptic message posting by JoonGi in his Instagram logo. *** 

(Our FBI investigators really enjoy solving jigsaw-puzzle-smiley-emoticon-emoji.png.)   

drum pink mousedrum pink mousedrum pink mousedrum pink mouse

3. Continued appearance of Jieun in public with her good friends. happy-friends-smiley-emoticon.gif

4. Jieun to keep posting in her Instagram logo and be online more often. working-on-a-computer-smiley-emoticon.gi

menial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottle

5. People who love dropping bombs on the thread to live in an island with no Internet and electricity.  Castaway emoticon (Nervous smiley faces) 

6. JoonGi and Jieun to continue proving to us that love is stronger than hate and more powerful than public opinion. Love Heart Hand animated emoticon

7. JoonGi and Jieun to continue to staunchly support each other's talents and projects, as good colleagues.  Heart playing guitar animated emoticon**

 emoji8. NO LOVE LINE or KISS SCENES for JoonGi in Korean adaptation of Criminal Minds, should he accept the role.

crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020

  9. SHR cast get-together to be organized by JoonGi, so he could talk to Jieun and see her become more beautiful right before his eyes. drunk-smiley-emoticon.gif

10. Duet by Jieun and JoonGi and collaboration on a MV. partying-smiley-emoticon-1.gif

 11. Magazines toilet-reading.gif and CFs tv-smiley-emoticon-emoji.png to feature JoonGi and Jieun together.

12. Rom-com casting for JoonGi and Jieun in 2017 or 2018. movie-director-smiley-emoticon.gif

alarm pink mousealarm pink mousealarm pink mousealarm pink mouse

 13. Release of SHR Season 2/spin-off/film in 2017. eating-popcorn-smiley-emoticon.gif

 14. JoonGi to continue meeting Jieun in his dreams, sleeping-and-dreaming-smiley-emoticon.gi and in real life. true-love-smiley-emoticon.gif

 15. Song for or inspired by JoonGi to be written by Jieun. love-song-smiley-emoticon.gif

dong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion head


and our ultimate wish,

   BBJX curse/blessing, come true! loving-thoughts-smiley-emoticon.gif

ritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier baby 

Credits -

* @sublimelyheureuse and @marimari00

** @sublimelyheureuse

*** @meahri_1

Instagram for logo

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i just want to share about what i think Jieun acting that many people sceptical about... its true that she have a lot of room to improve but i also wanted to point out the charm in Jieun acting... she have a plus point in her chemistry department cause every drama that she have she just have this natural chemistry with her co star and its effortless i think.. also she will be great in a dramatic and intense scene cause everytime she need to act those kind of scene she just really shine as an actress... i want to talk about why the praise that Jieun got from JG speak a lot.. JG is really a honest person and to get such praise from him prove something... that JG as an actor see something in her that he admire and proud off to call her his co star that he need not to worried and that they both carried the drama together... and the main point that we all hope to happen again is JG really want to work again with Jieun...

i truly think the moment we see them stick together in the wrap up party is the turning point in their relationship.. this is when we see JG cross the boundries as a co star and friend even if Jieun in public eyes still with Voldy.. this is the moment when JG i think accepting his feeling and act to it.. trust me when it come to Jieun there is no passive side of JG cause up until Taiwan and how bold they are turning up together in Haneul movie screening he's everything but passive in my eyes.. i think in a way he can't help it though cause he know at SAF award Jieun still in public relationship but he just can't stop touching her and staring at her also praising her beauty in front of people just like a guy boosting their gf beauty... LOL

i know they are laying low but based on their happy and glowing face i think there something in there that only them know about it... keep faith and believe JoonU...

p.s both JG and Jieun REALLY ATTACH to their cellphone now... wonder why??? kekekekeke

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12 hours ago, Joseph Lim said:

Friendship / Soulmate goal.

Aiyooinna ranked 3rd


You mean this right? Unfortunately, no subtitle in this video.

I hope tvN, SBS, MBC & JTBC  like KBS with subtitle every video in YT, esp tvN because JG will play variety show Candy season 2, any information about pair JG in candy beside PMY(Park Min Young)? bcs what I know season 1 only JGS which has 5 pairs & the others just one pair.

Cast Criminal Minds?

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omg..sorry for my impoliteness i forgot to welcomed u back captain @akinahana89 , @riuenu and everyone who finally came back to this thread. pls..pls..spam this thread as much as u guys want, it has been so quite here lately plus we don't have any crumbs makes the atmosphere in here a bit gloomy...kkkk :D 

since u mentioned "the bombs" @chi13lou i think those ppl are giving up now, they finally realized nothing can shakes and brakes our ship :) 

looking at oppa airport pic, wht can i say abt that style thou it's different but he still looks so handsome..however i can't help but noticed how big the green coat was he can hides JE inside it lolz..

found this...i hope they will do this type of bts vid for JG's Taiwan concert 


don't understand sh..#&$ but oh..well...


does anyone know when they will air JG' candys in my ear? and how international viewers can watch it?  lets hopping for crumbs :wink: 

bbjx miracle pls..do comes trues :wub:


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2 hours ago, darker91 said:

any information about pair JG in candy beside PMY(Park Min Young)?


Normally the identities of each Candy is anonymous- only to be revealed in the end of the even numbered episode (each Candy is for two episodes). I don't have any idea why there can be 'leaked' information about Park Min Young being one of the Candies because guessing who the Candy would be is one of 'My Ear's Candy' attractions in Season 1.

30 minutes ago, nsyavita said:

does anyone know when they will air JG' candys in my ear? and how international viewers can watch it?  lets hopping for crumbs :wink: 


@nsyavita I don't know about the scheduled broadcast but last season it was aired by tvN Asia only a couple of months later than the real airtime, so audience in South East Asia countries could watch via their cable TV subscription. I think there were some websites which aired the subbed show as well. For Jang Keun Suk's parts, his fanclubs had the sub ready very quickly hehe... hopefully JGFamily and other JG fanclubs will do the same this time.

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@Silvermaine Thanks so much for this little bit of info chinggu. I honestly don't know whether I should worry or welcome this JG confession as crumb. Any little bit of news about our OTP esp from JG has got me feeling so ambivalent lately. It maybe because of lack of news but I remember feeling a little heartsick after learning of his participation in the Ear Candy show. Maybe I'm subconsciously not ready for him to be paired up with anyone else. With that aside, I'm glad there's something JG related we can look forward to in the coming weeks. Back to the topic (since I always go off tangent) I wonder if the interviewer came up with this particular question or if it's something that JG has voluntarily brought up on his own. I maintain that  I could never be an actor given all the emotions needed for one to immerse in the role that they play. Here I am simply watching them act out their SoSoo characters and have somehow managed to catch all the feels they've imploded from my screen. It takes nerves of steel to withstand all of that and kudos to JG (and a standing ovation to JE for that poker face each time JG gives her the STARE) But what do I know? I'm trying to ruminate his confession to see if I can understand him better. Has he always had this confusion in the past with other actresses before? The only sparks I've seen going off from him was with JE so is he mistaking those feelings as merely onscreen sparks? Does he feel that the chemistry he was able to show recently was the result of becoming more seasoned as an actor? I'm obviously putting way too much thought in to this :angry: Suffice to say, I'm not sure how to take this little tidbit of info...

@nsyavita @NoonaE Thank you thank you for your well thought out perspective on JG's passiveness. It's a curious observation that I too also share in agreement and will try to response with equal attention when time permits. For now, I just wanted to stay I'm grateful for the interesting input from you both! 

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1 hour ago, nsyavita said:

omg..sorry for my impoliteness i forgot to welcomed u back captain @akinahana89 , @riuenu and everyone who finally came back to this thread. pls..pls..spam this thread as much as u guys want, it has been so quite here lately plus we don't have any crumbs makes the atmosphere in here a bit gloomy...kkkk :D 

since u mentioned "the bombs" @chi13lou i think those ppl are giving up now, they finally realized nothing can shakes and brakes our ship :) 

looking at oppa airport pic, wht can i say abt that style thou it's different but he still looks so handsome..however i can't help but noticed how big the green coat was he can hides JE inside it lolz..

found this...i hope they will do this type of bts vid for JG's Taiwan concert 

  Hide contents

don't understand sh..#&$ but oh..well...


does anyone know when they will air JG' candys in my ear? and how international viewers can watch it?  lets hopping for crumbs :wink: 

bbjx miracle pls..do comes trues :wub:


Hey thanks @nsyavita for welcoming me back...so are u ready for my spam! LOL

I promise I will have mercy till this sat....

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Hello everyone..i just would like to share some of my thoughts about IU's recent IUTV Taiwan. There's a part in the video where she was shopping and said that she's not in a good mood. I somehow feel that she's sad or depressed or heartbroken, maybe? I feel bad or sorry for her somehow. However, when she was in Joon Gi's fanmeeting, i feel that she's somehow happy. And i think that's a good sign. I think that she's trying to heal her heart. And maybe that's why she's in L.A. 

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58 minutes ago, marimari00 said:

I honestly don't know whether I should worry or welcome this JG confession as crumb. Any little bit of news about our OTP esp from JG has got me feeling so ambivalent lately. It maybe because of lack of news but I remember feeling a little heartsick after learning of his participation in the Ear Candy show.

@marimari00 I actually am taking it as his diplomatic way of answering the question. I read briefly once an article that mentioned that Ji Chang Wook often got involved romantically with most of his female co-stars (I don't know whether this was based on a proven fact, so taking it with a pinch of salt hehe), which might be the reason why JG doesn't really want to be looked at as an actor who often does that way. At first glance, it seems like he's saying he won't fall romantically for his co-stars that easily, but on a more positive note, it might also imply that if he indeed has a relationship with his (ex) co-star later on, it's not simply due to the 'sparks on set'.

I don't know but whenever I look at JG-JE's interactions off the filming set, they seem genuine to me: both genuine interest and care for each other.

I realise that most Stargazers here are worrying about the flirtatious JG during My Ear's Candy- let me just say this, JKS was soooo flirtatious and it indeed helped igniting the interest for the show as the viewers seemed to like that kind of 'flirtatious, romantic interaction' with such a mysterious caller... however, I don't think any of the 'romance' is followed up after the show ended anyway. We can see for ourselves to what extent JG will try to make his part interesting- whether he'll just be flirtatious all the way or he'll just use the opportunity to show himself better both to his Candies and to the viewers in general. After all, they're actors and entertainers... it's what they do to please people hehe.

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2 minutes ago, Desvlo said:

Sorry chingu but I disagree. I may not be a long time IU fan but I can say that she looks way happier nowadays. If you've seen her fan photos while in LA, you could see how glowing and radiant she looks. Far from looking heartbroken or depressed. :)

I totally agree with @Desvlo, she is glowing with happiness, she might be tired, but she is NOT heartbroken or depressed...she look so cute in IU TV, no dark aura at all! Kekekekeke, I loving her there

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