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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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1 hour ago, nsyavita said:

can u repost the link, chingu ya..i can't open it :(


sorry, I just updating my last post with 2 photos because the link didn't work (I am still struggling with inserting photos into this thread, I have to share them in my IG and manage to post it here :()

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I'm not really care about letter "JG/JE", but that makes me interest the image a woman short hair who like JE or maybe his hairstylish, maybe that the one who take picture in JG IG.

Funny she point someone else, but she stare JG maybe you think she stare Haneul but if you zoom it she stare JG:

Comparison bts MLSHR & SWWTN, but this comparison unfair for SWWTN that because that in that scene not for happy moment but this music really funny like a kid:


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1 hour ago, nsyavita said:

(sorry to cut ur post chingu ^^v) agreed with u this is a shipper thread and we r free to be delulu. we r bunches of perfectly sane delulus ppl. :) 

we are happy in our own little world, and even if we r delulu so be it right?! we see what we want to see n believe what we want to believe *wink*.


@nsyavita love your words chingu *winks*

Let's get delulu to the moon and never come baaackkkk :D:D



3 hours ago, innrukia said:


i also feel weird this thread are so quite... and what is more interesting is every time we're being delulu, there always 'someone' who will come & give us a "slap" to tell us all we  see & said only deluluB) Also all that happened between JoonU only fan service and coincidences........yeah right!


*hi-5* @innrukia B):D

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59 minutes ago, kilovekyo said:


yeap, i like that you said this is shipper thread and we can openly discuss all our delulu mind here right kkk...but we still to keep wake up for next crumbs, we're always ready for dying again...wake up again, dying again LOL hwaiting!


Hehehe yup.. always ready for droolings, nosebleeds, heart attacks, fainting, dying and come alive again.. and again.. and again.. and againnnn  *inserts 2PM's Again&Again* :D:D:D


cr. gypsyastronaut

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@NerinaC Thank you for the fanfic dear...   @kilovekyo thanks for pointed out the code...LOL   @NoonaE I love your post about the letters..I couldn't agree more with you..

Anyways, I still love what JG oppa did..coz he's absolutely know that the letter G and E would be overlapping when it read from different points of views..after all, he's a smart guy right? So I don't really care if the letters are JG or JE..(though my shipper heart really hope it's JE lol) It's enough for me thinking that he knew what he's doing and the after-effect of it. I'm thankful to whoever post that pic for the first time, because then we could happy together when JG oppa post it on his IG..hehehehe. On a side note..we never know if there're also JG-JE shippers or not in the DC gallery (I can't read Hangul or speak Korean) so...I don't know......(don't want to say something that could offense anyone so sorry if I didn't make it clear *deeply bow* but I'm sure Stargazers know what I mean)

Love to all of you and please BBJX curse/magic/blessings come true):heart:

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I've just shown JG pic to my hubby. He doesn't know anything abt JG or JE. Well he said at first it's JE but it could be JG also it's difficult to differentiate. Also he saw  pic in the eye. He says it's a couple maybe the guy himself and his girlfriend.

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28 minutes ago, Aartee22 said:

I've just shown JG pic to my hubby. He doesn't know anything abt JG or JE. Well he said at first it's JE but it could be JG also it's difficult to differentiate. Also he saw  pic in the eye. He says it's a couple maybe the guy himself and his girlfriend.

I saw it too chinggu its look alike a picture that jieun posted in her IG both of them sit in chair at SAF but in his eyes we only see the head jieun in left joongi in right.

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Stargazers!! I've missed this thread soooo much coz had no good internet access for a while. I have changed my residence country but my love for JoonU is eternal kkkk This recent eye thing is so funny, just like psychological test pic where you can see every sort of things, I found a caterpillar in a vietnamese hat :D I'm so glad to see both JG and JE looking happy and cute on recent photos, if only these two participated in some of reality shows so we could freely enjoy their overflowing chemistry! 

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2 minutes ago, Thirzazha94 said:

Want to share this video

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This video for those fans who still deny and say impossible and illogical whenever JG post has something to do with JE, 

"One day someone said that such a fan who cannot understand such thing is not a fan"

"Of course this is under the condition that I MEET A GOOD WOMAN"

so if he already meet the good woman in his eyes wich mean we already knew who, he WILL do anything for his woman, saf, his FM, even shadow bird is not impossible, and illogical at all because he is the real man. He will do anything for her, why trying so hard to denny it?? When JG himself want to tell all of us his own feeling... Just accept his sudden change and support him, we must be gratefull he's real man very rare kind of man in K Entertainment instead always denny it.... Is it hard to support his choice????

So please whenever want to disturb our heaven, please leave... Make your own shipper... Even if they say we are delulu that will not change anything if he already in love with JE... We deal with destiny here not some people talk...

i was about to posted that video, u got it first :D Agreed with ur statements, and for JGssi (i always think he lurks here) we always love, support and get ur back no matter what, just be happy and go get a girl of ur dream :wub:

and for all the fans whose still in denial, maybe its time for u guys to open ur heart and mind...-_-

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3 hours ago, cunyu75moon said:

Hahahaha..i love this homework so much. 7 /7 of my frens saw JE too..n they are not a shipper like us here..hehehehe..it is a crumbs that we ask from JG...n he is so generous..n willingly gave it to us..happy delulu mode guys 


3 hours ago, Aartee22 said:

I've just shown JG pic to my hubby. He doesn't know anything abt JG or JE. Well he said at first it's JE but it could be JG also it's difficult to differentiate. Also he saw  pic in the eye. He says it's a couple maybe the guy himself and his girlfriend.


Haha..how can haters..antis..non believer..beat that?!  Confirmations thru the eyes of people outside this shipper thread..

I hope somebody can start do the statistic on this..haha..facts and figures...

Oh wow...now people around the globe said that 'JE in Joongi's eyes'...over and over...non stop...  So..that's mean..Everybody chanting this!!..:D

Have a great day/weekend my Stargazers family!  BBJX miracles pls come true...:heart:

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