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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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39 minutes ago, Kim Anh Lyne said:



Speechless!!! He is so bold, he is 1000% confessing but I just wonder why no news coming through since this is very obvious

PS. these photos have been taken from my laptop from his IG and it is definitely JE not JG  

don't know why I can't insert photos





39 minutes ago, Kim Anh Lyne said:



Speechless!!! He is so bold, he is 1000% confessing but I just wonder why no news coming through since this is very obvious

PS. these photos have been taken from my laptop from his IG and it is definitely JE not JG  

don't know why I can't insert photos




LJG is so smart and intelligent...either ways..'JE' can be converted to 'JG'..alphabet 'G' & 'E' can be laps between each other..haha:wub:

tbh i also saw - alphabet 'JE', 'JG', 2 LJE blur faces image.. one wore her SAF top black dress..and another as mentioned earlier by our fren here...LJE pic in our chingu siracusa's profile..:D:D:D 

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1 hour ago, Kim Anh Lyne said:

can u repost the link, chingu ya..i can't open it :(

1 hour ago, gijoe8 said:


Hmmmmm whatever it is.. can i just be as delulu as i want here?? After all, this is a SHIPPERS' thread rite B)

*i'll definitely put #delulumodeon disclaimer beforehand*


(sorry to cut ur post chingu ^^v) agreed with u this is a shipper thread and we r free to be delulu. we r bunches of perfectly sane delulus ppl. :) 

we are happy in our own little world, and even if we r delulu so be it right?! we see what we want to see n believe what we want to believe *wink*. 

1 hour ago, Lisbethj said:

I'm sorry I didn't noticed and I wrote badly, I corrected it, JG didn't say anything about that. A Korean fan explained to me that it was illogical to think that in his eye could say JE, since from the rumors in the JG's DCinside they don't mention the name of IU or JE and that sometimes enter antifans and talk about it and the JG's fans deleted those posts and they are on the defensive, and also in the post of the fan that edit the pic there are no vote of dislike therefore it is obvious that what it says is JG.

what antifans talked about? im curious what did they say about JE in JG'dc gall? could u please explain more.. 

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2 hours ago, marimari00 said:

Agree! I maybe delulu but I'm not crazy. I see what I see and it says JE clearly. I'm still trying to look for JE's photo in there but so far I've only come up with three cats, an alien and a very scary face. I should stop trying

Is your scary face Sadako from The Ring or a Dementor from Harry Potter? I saw both. :joy:

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Hahaha... Yesterday I just finished teaching my two Statistics classes when he posted the 'Eye' photo so I did not believe my eyesight that much after seeing so many numbers and formula hahaha. I thought I saw 'JE' just like most of you here but unfortunately a fellow JG fan told me that it was originally a post of a fan re-posted by JG, therefore the initial we saw might have been originally intended to be 'JG' instead of 'JE' lol. We all see what we want to see indeed hahaha... as JoonU shippers our brains are programmed to think about 'JE' the first thing we see anything that JG posts kkkk... however in this case, I think we're not 100 % delulu-ing or to be blamed as such because the 'G' or 'E' letter there isn't too clear so people who see it can interpret it differently :D. And aren't we lucky enough that it's another 'coincidence' that JG and JE have similar initials? I would be very upset and sulking the whole day if I saw 'JHB' or 'HB' initials instead of this disputed 'JG/JE' initials bwahahahahaha *oops...* *witch laugh*

STILL I'm wondering what's on JG's mind when seeing that pic... did he himself realise that there's an ambiguous initial there? did his eyes fool him the way our eyes fool us too since the second letter isn't that clear anyway? was it his intention to 'tease' us with the possibility of ambiguous interpretation like this? JG-ya... why are you doing this to us lol :wub:


"When a coincidence arises, don’t ignore it" (Deepak Chopra)


Oh dear universe, please keep them 'coincidences' coming for they are feeding our shipper hearts well! :wub:


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off topic..

for all chingus whose good at making FMV can u guys please make an FMV with this as bgm, i miss seeing FMV..hehe....:rolleyes:


and if JG ever lurk here..Joongisi can u post this song on ur ig or can u sing it on ur upcoming fm in SG, just an idea :D 

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3 hours ago, marimari00 said:

Agree! I maybe delulu but I'm not crazy. I see what I see and it says JE clearly. I'm still trying to look for JE's photo in there but so far I've only come up with three cats, an alien and a very scary face. I should stop trying


hahaa...you're so funny. keep tyring and tell me if you see anything else creature you can find kkk...

2 hours ago, gijoe8 said:


After zooming in & out so many times, I still see "JE".. and am absolutely a fine lady *winks*.. and not crazy too *high five @marimari00*

Hmmmmm whatever it is.. can i just be as delulu as i want here?? After all, this is a SHIPPERS' thread rite B)

*i'll definitely put #delulumodeon disclaimer beforehand*


yeap, i like that you said this is shipper thread and we can openly discuss all our delulu mind here right kkk...but we still to keep wake up for next crumbs, we're always ready for dying again...wake up again, dying again LOL hwaiting!!

5 hours ago, namelesschic said:


You are amazing! Thank you for taking the time to check it out and notice. Details are everything! 


can i say this coincidence? but everyone convinced me nothing is coincidence LOL so the universe help me and other Stargazers who got chance find details/crumbs like this, and most of it Joon Gi is the one who want us to see his eye! and maybe what Joon Gi saw in his eye also JE initial.

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1 minute ago, sosooyah19 said:


i was thinking when he saw the fan edit that was originally 'JG', what he saw was JE (seriously G and E can be mistaken with that pic, it could be anything) hahahaha... so he reposted it for us to see maybe for confirmation and make a guess what he also sees... because like what his brains says, it only sees what it wants to see,,, hahaha

So JG is delulu like us! Woohoo! He is one of us!

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1 hour ago, violet90 said:


if the JE letter is actually what we all think it is and he purposely giving hint with his caption i think JG really deeply in love with the person in his eyes... i just can't believe that JG will do that because this guy is not someone that we all knew before this.. he seem so happy and in a way he just don't care about the rumor like he used to do right???maybe cause he did't care about it or its actually right... kekekei



JG changed. He is more relax now. He was so uptight before so I am glad he is letting himself loosen up a bit. Maybe it's because he's older or because of JE. I want to think it's the latter. I don't mind the real reason actually because it looks like he is enjoying and i am fine with it as long as he's happy. 



1 hour ago, chi13lou said:

Regardless of whether you see JE or JG in the eye, the fact remains that JoonGi posted it. Only he knows why he wants us to look into his eye and see either his initials or someone else's. It all boils down to HE POSTED IT!


The bottom line!



36 minutes ago, jen459 said:

I showed my husband the pictures of JG eye. He's a Stargazer except he doesn't know that he is one. Lol. Reminder that he's very logical and not delulu etc, etc. And he sees JE!  When he saw JE, he said "Oh my!" I kept asking G or E and he said definitely E. 

i also don't think JG is narcissistic. So he wouldn't put the fluttering heart emoji for himself right? 


I think JG is a narcissist but not the obsessed one but what you said is possible, i can't say it's not true. Only he knows that. 

Edited by namelesschic
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I want to say..that..I clearly see JE there..no others. Letters..:phew:

 n ..TQ @kilovekyo for ur eagle eyes..

So..if someone say other letter not JE..so..its up to U/them...kekeke..for me its still JE..Sorry..:blink::glasses:

N..I'm also never going to give up on JoonU.. I'll stay here with u all till t end..:heart:

P/s @NerinaC ur writing is so beautiful.. Please keep writing.. N please include me in ur tagging list..:rolleyes:


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7 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

So JG is delulu like us! Woohoo! He is one of us!


he's becoming the master of double meaning now.. hahaha.. oh my, i wonder if its hard for him to balance his love to fans and love to a close colleague... he's like treading in dangerous waters...

anyway maybe at this point in time they were just enjoying what they have, a close friendship.. this is the stage where people seem to be happy like an idiot with all that fluttery feeling... hahaha

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2 minutes ago, sosooyah19 said:


he's becoming the master of double meaning now.. hahaha.. oh my, i wonder if its hard for him to balance his love to fans and love to a close colleague... he's like treading in dangerous waters...

anyway maybe at this point in time they were just enjoying what they have, a close friendship.. this is the stage where people seem to be happy like an idiot with all that fluttery feeling... hahaha


agree with you, now he should give balance for himself, but i think he did it now...if we see he really did smart move as for example this latest post or his taiwan fm (For You song) he gave his love to his fans through his concert throwback, selfie things, but we're Stargazers somehow know there're also hidden love message in his post. I love this man hahaa...

ahh yess i can imagine it also how they're now like teasing each other, that flutter feeling omoo...the best phase when you're in love kkk...

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