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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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In an effort to promote better understanding of the BBJX Curse and its relation to JoonU (for newbies), here is the updated compiled data, based on submissions by @MrKobegiant @hamsterden4444 @chelleshawol @nsyavita @WH @caramelovers75 and @cmluv

Similarities between Nicky Wu and Lee JoonGi

1.       Nicky is older than Cecilia by 17 years while JoonGi is older than Jieun by 11 years.

2.       Nicky and JoonGi do their own stunts and are excellent horsemen.

3.       Nicky and JoonGi excel in acting and in singing.

4.       Nicky and JoonGi celebrated the birthdays of Cecilia and Jieun, respectively during the filming.

5.       Nicky and JoonGi specialize in taekwondo.

6.       Nicky and JoonGi had to struggle before making it big, as they came from not so well to do families.

7.       Nicky and JoonGi love their fans and are known for engaging with them.

8.       Nicky and JoonGi looked similar to the 4th prince character they played, aloof, proud, cold and intimidating but in real life, they are dorky, funny and cute, and act as mood maker by taking care of the whole cast and ensuring that everyone is comfortable and happy.

9.       Nicky and JoonGi cook.

10.   Taiwanese newspaper article on JoonGi and Jieun’s appearance on each other’s Taipei event in January 2017 appeared on the same page as the article on Nicky and Cecilia expecting their first baby.

Similarities between Cecilia Liu and Lee Jieun

1.       Cecilia and Jieun were in a relationship when they started filming BBJX and SHR, respectively.

2.       Cecilia and Jieun was 22 years old (international age) when they started filming their dramas.

3.       Both were accomplished in their respective fields, Cecilia having received many awards for acting while Jieun was awarded many times for her music.

4.       When cast as the female lead, both Cecilia and Jieun were criticized for their “wooden” face and inability to express with their eyes. Cecilia shot to fame and established herself as an A-lister. We have to wait for what the future holds for Jieun in her acting career.

5.       Cecilia and Jieun love dogs. Nicky and Cecilia got a new dog after they got married.

Similarities between JoonGi and Jieun

1.       JoonGi and Jieun struggled and worked hard to establish themselves in the industry, and both lived in cockroach-infested rooms while surviving.

2.       JoonGi and Jieun are the first-born in their families.

3.       JoonGi and Jieun had close relationships with their grandmothers.

4.       JoonGi and Jieun appear to be closer to their dads.

5.       Jieun discovered her dream of becoming a singer while in middle school while Joongi discovered his dream of becoming an actor while in high school.

6.       Jieun’s family except her dad was against her entry into the entertainment industry, while JoonGi’s dad opposed the idea of his pursuing his dream of becoming an actor.

7.       Jieun failed as a singer in all 20 of her auditions while JoonGi failed in 50 auditions as an actor.

8.       JoonGi and Jieun are both singers, dancers and actors.

9.       JoonGi and Jieun can speak in English and are enhancing their knowledge of the language.

10.   Joongi and Jieun have done covers of Jason Mraz songs, “I’m Yours,” by JoonGi and “Lucky,” by Jieun.

11.   JoonGi and Jieun have moles on the left side of their faces.

12.   Jieun was scammed by a fake entertainment agency while JoonGi was scammed during an audition and cheated/betrayed by people he trusted.

13.   Joongi was the 2009 Honorary Tourism Ambassador and enlisted in the military from 2010-2012 while Jieun was named ambassador for South Korea's National Police Academy for their anti-bullying campaign and became an honorary senior police officer from 2012-2014.

14.   Together, JoonGi and Jieun created a level of chemistry that has not been seen with their previous co-stars.

15.   The comfort level they had was something not seen with their partners in their previous dramas.

16.   Joongi became the Lotte brand endorser while Jieun is on her 3rd year as endorser of Chamisul soju, the endorser of Mexicana chicken since 2011, new face of Kyung Dong Pharmaceutical’s Gnal-N Painkiller Solution, endorser of ISOI skin care products since 2015, and endorser of Sony MDR headphones since 2014.

17.   They take care of each other. He wipes her nose while she pats him on the chest.LOL

18.   JoonGi and Jieun are known for their engagement with fans.

19.   JoonGi and Jieun both love and have dogs.

20.   JoonGi and Jieun have their own hello joke.

21.   JoonGi and Jieun love to practice.LOL

22.   JoonGi and Jieun have photos with photochromic eyes.



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1 hour ago, ellebanana said:

Is it my eyes see right or just seeing what I want to see? XD I could also see the "JE" thing in his eye

Guys, is it possible that he planned to give us hints one by one until Valentine's Day then he and JE will announce their relationship??? If it's like that then there will be chaooss (in a good way of course)

 Omo! I was secretly hoping the same thing...But I´m afraid it ´d be too soon :huh:  But nevermind..We can wait yeah?

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2 minutes ago, Siracusa said:

Why is it so quiet in the thread? I thought for sure the thread would leap ten pages after Oppa's last IG post. Did we just pass out from the delirium?

@Siracusa I know right , maybe people are just busy today:( i hope they haven't gave up:tongue:

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30 minutes ago, Lampel said:

@Siracusa I know right , maybe people are just busy today:( i hope they haven't gave up:tongue:

haha yes busy as a bee.... just saw the pic of our king and marveled at his perfection..

im doubtful abt the JE but even if its accidental or not, it means its meant to be a message of sort, either by JG or by fate hahaha

delulu mode on!

fanfics please keep it coming... i need heavy doses right now...


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6 minutes ago, ross2381 said:

What happened is that is too much "da Vinci" code, CSI, level stuff.. I was seeing on Instagram the picture of IU, from New Year's Eve awards along with the initials... (inside his eye) am telling you: It was too much for us to process a whole cake?! LOL He's getting us into some scavenger!!! :ph34r:

Really!! I haven't seen any with JE's face on it can you PM me please.

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3 minutes ago, sosooyah19 said:

haha yes busy as a bee.... just saw the pic of our king and marvelled at his perfection..

im doubtful abt the JE but even if its accidental or not, its means its meant to be a message of sort, either by JG or by fate hahaha

delulu mode on!


I just have this image in my head of Oppa sitting around while he was working on this. He's in his pajamas, vaping (Oppa, please stop. Vaping is what suburban teens do), TV blaring on the background (Missing 9?). He's hunched over Photoshop on his laptop, giggling to himself as he puts the "JE" in the picture. As soon as he's done, he picks up one of his dogs and shows off his work to the dog. (Oppa, more pictures of your dogs please!).  Then he uploads the picture onto IG. Then he texts Jieun, "Check out my IG post!" Then he picks up the rest of his dogs to hug them and cackles with glee because Oppa HAS NO CHILL.

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16 hours ago, WH said:


Yeah, he edited/changed the colors of his eyes to match hers with matching eyes emoji & heart in his caption so it means look at his eyes, it's the same eyes his love had. lol 

and now, possibly he edited his eyes, too, and put JE on it plus the eyes emoji & heart... like saying, "look at my eyes and you'll see/know my love." :wub:

seems like he had a thing with eyes.. come to think of it, looking back (bts, photoshoot, saf, taiwan event).. He always had his eyes on her and I guess, that's also a part of his message. "I GOT MY EYES & HEART ON YOU, JE!" 

I'm done. :D:wub:

#DeluluAtYourOwnRisk :D

background music... :D


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A Joon Gi's fan was who edited/changed the color of his eyes, and she did it twice with different pics and she posted them in DCinside, Joon Gi saw these pic and post them on his Instagram.


And with respect to this last pic, what says in his eye is 'JG'. Almost 7 hours before Joon Gi posted this pic on his Instagram, a Joon Gi's fan posted this edited pic in DCinside, and other fans also posted the same pic until that Joon Gi saw it. 
This is the link of the fan's post that edit that pic.


And this is the link of the post of another fan where it shows the pic that Joon Gi had posted on his Instagram, in the comments you can see that the fans are surprised and happy that Joon Gi is watching and reading their comments.


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56 minutes ago, Siracusa said:

I just have this image in my head of Oppa sitting around while he was working on this. He's in his pajamas, vaping (Oppa, please stop. Vaping is what suburban teens do), TV blaring on the background (Missing 9?). He's hunched over Photoshop on his laptop, giggling to himself as he puts the "JE" in the picture. As soon as he's done, he picks up one of his dogs and shows off his work to the dog. (Oppa, more pictures of your dogs please!).  Then he uploads the picture onto IG. Then he texts Jieun, "Check out my IG post!" Then he picks up the rest of his dogs to hug them and cackles with glee because Oppa HAS NO CHILL.

Omo is this the making of another great fanfic? I'm still smiling from ear to ear thanks to @NerinaC latest masterpiece kekeke. At this point, I truly and honestly believe that our JG has been caught hook, line and sinker. For someone who used to turn tail and run at the slightest inkling of a romance scandal, he's now practically walking with a huge signboard with matching headlights on. Just like our patient waiting game for JE's breakup confirmation in January, I think it's just a matter of time before we start popping champagne bottles and unfold our sails full on because some poor guy in Seoul just can't take it anymore and just about to shout out his feels to the world. JG, if you're still lurking here. We got your back. Now, go and get that precious one :wub:

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42 minutes ago, ross2381 said:

So basically, were everybody sees the initials, there's ALSO a picture! That sneaky guy keeps playing around and I didn't believe it at first, but it kind of looks like it... Just turn the pic around (of course is blurry) 

First I saw the girl from The Ring. Then I saw a cat.

Edit: does anyone have access to Photoshop CS5? Photoshop's layering ability may be able to help us detect the Joongi edits.

Edit 2: And by the way, does Joongi Oppa have Photoshop? I think adding in such a tiny detail is beyond the capability of a smartphone app. I think you would need Photoshop or something comparable? Isn't Photoshop something like USD $10/month. How much Photoshop is Joongi Oppa doing? So many questions....

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@Lisbethj opps.. I stand corrected! :D uci-chingu told me about it awhile ago, too.. but I didn't edit my post again..it slipped my mind coz I got busy. thanks for pointing it out to me along with the rest of the pictures, chingu... :wub::wub::wub:


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@aimwanie yupz..no one is giving up on them, untill we find our answer. i guess everyone is also waiting for more clear crumbs, or cakes. besides the time difference among us all, it could be some ppl are still sleeping and haven't get the news yet :D 

today's oppa post is more like sherlock holmes thing, i almost think i was delulu but then i like to quote from what i read on ig "when only 1 person sees it highly change to be delulu but when a lot of ppl sees the same thing it highly to be real" and  just like u guys said either it by jg or by "coincidence" we don't know, but then again too many coincidences on this couple feel like heaven and earth give their blessing and leads the way. we just have to be patience  :)


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36 minutes ago, Siracusa said:

First I saw the girl from The Ring.

That's creepy!!LOL ..and here I thought, the image of the girl that I saw in his eyes is somewhat similar to your profile pic :D

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35 minutes ago, marimari00 said:

My brain is toast. I can't unsee 'JE' in that pic but I can't see a pic of JE in there anywhere. Is she there? Can someone please FBI his pic and show me where Her pic is hiding :cry:


I got too curious, too...


just the zoomed version... what I see is similar to siracusa's profile pic with a different angle of the eyes and shorter hair..  idk for sure. so.. you be the judge..  

update: The link won't work here.. Sorry, chingu.. 


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14 minutes ago, WH said:


I got too curious, too...

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just the zoomed version... what I see is similar to siracusa's profile pic with a different angle of the eyes and shorter hair..  idk for sure. so.. you be the judge..  


I can't see it chinggu. It;s just a blank page when it's loaded.

EDIT: I actually signed up for twitter to see if I can view it but i think it got deleted already

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