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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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1 minute ago, kilovekyo said:


I don't understand korean at all chingu, could you please explain for more details? What was related to that "Hae" word? Thank you ^^


Chingu, I also don't understand but I'm learning the language.. I just thought, why is he pointing his peace sign above those particular characters..? Hae = Hae Soo in Scarlet Heart.. hehe  (I'm not really good at explaning..LOL)

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3 minutes ago, WH said:


Chingu, I also don't understand but I'm learning the language.. I just thought, why is he pointing his peace sign above those particular characters..? Hae = Hae Soo in Scarlet Heart.. hehe  (I'm not really good at explaning..LOL)


I just seen your updated post chingu, i already understood now. We all knew who is the only one Hae Soo... Stargazers, did Joon Gi try to play the game with us too? LOL 

I'm still waiting to know what his manager comment to him.

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So...he is into mind games now...ok! Bring it's on LEE JOON GI!!.. JoonU fbi elite team, seem he is challenging U guys to break the'pic code'..:phew:  U can make it guys!!!:D

This is fun!.. Get ready for ur Criminal Minds role LJG ssi?...hurmmmmm

Where am I?....One for sure..U are in LEE JI EUN'S HEART!!!!...:heart:

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5 hours ago, Gabi Bros said:

I understand. Thanks for your explanation. :) @caramelovers75 Also, thank you. :)


I began today the making of my new JoonU music video. Honestly, I am not quick at editing :lol: so I don't think it will be completed soon. Just sharing for the ones that wanted a new one after the Galaxy one.  





omg!! will surely look forward to that!! crumbs, crumbs where r u??!! Uri OTP spoiled us too much before that now, I believe I'm suffering from withdrawal. Anyways, let's keep chanting/cursing?/ casting spells xD.


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2 hours ago, WH said:

** He's in Hae soo's heart :wub::D:D 

His peace sign is pointing on that particular character..

(Oppa you're asking, so that is my answer.. haha)

just another #coincidence ^_^




WOW!! u've got eagle eyes, didn't see that when I saw the picture!! this is DAEBAK!! I got goosebumps.

And now that u said it, notice how his fingers are in perfect alignment with the 'Hae' character??? mygosh. This is kinda creepy. If this is not intentional, WOW it's like the universe is forming some kind of conspiracy for these 2 to get together (if they aren't together yet *winks). 

Let's keep chanting/cursing?/casting spells..

JoonU FTW!!!

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16 hours ago, bitofmadness said:

You know you are deprived of JoonU crumbs when you start dreaming about them in your sleep. 

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So I fell asleep while gazing at the moon yesterday and then BAM! I dreamt that they got caught dating by the paparazzi. JG was giving JE a piggyback like the one in episode 20. :blink::lol: 






Wow!! I'm actually jealous of you!! hahahah Would really love to dream of something like that!! and if its's ok, could you please elaborate more of ur dream?? Would totally want to have something to visualize. Ur dream is such a fanfic-worthy plot. Any writers out there who could try this prompt?? :)))

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55 minutes ago, meeibe16 said:

Is he in love??? The caption just emoticons kekeke

And JE's online! she just liked her stylist IG post!!! Oohooo.. :D

But sorry i cant put the screencap since i using my phone


Hmm...JE online?! and he post this photo? Is it the same time chingu? I just seen my phone again, and that caption chingu what i said before he still use same double layer love emoji and lip emoji again just like he use to all the posts where Ji Eun in it. Maybe well i'm in delulu ^^


Who's there in Taiwan fm and appeared after this song? and whom they screamed for?



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1 hour ago, kilovekyo said:


Hmm...JE online?! and he post this photo? Is it the same time chingu? I just seen my phone again, and that caption chingu what i said before he still use same double layer love emoji and lip emoji again just like he use to all the posts where Ji Eun in it. Maybe well i'm in delulu ^^

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Who's there in Taiwan fm and appeared after this song? and whom they screamed for?



I'm in my own delulu regarding this, too. lmao

Here are the other posts with the double-layer heart and kiss mark lips emojis as well, which people can take or leave, lol. 


Having just arrived in Taiwan:


We've already mentioned this before, but as we can see from his Twitter, the caption went from "Taiwan Loves" to "Taiwan Love". Hmm.



And for completion's sake, these posts after the Taiwan FM is over:



I dunno, read into it what you will regarding the double-layer heart and kiss mark emojis. (I know I am. ;P)


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2 hours ago, meeibe16 said:
Is he in love??? The caption just emoticons kekeke

And JE's online! she just liked her stylist IG post!!! Oohooo.. :D

But sorry i cant put the screencap since i using my phone

Seems like that pics of his recent post was a throw back. Look at the person sat next to him? He wore JG's Thank You FM nametag, like what JE posted in her IG before when she visit his Taiwan's FM.

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18 minutes ago, krysyuy said:

I'm in my own delulu regarding this, too. lmao

Here are the other posts with the double-layer heart and kiss mark lips emojis as well, which people can take or leave, lol. 

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Having just arrived in Taiwan:


We've already mentioned this before, but as we can see from his Twitter, the caption went from "Taiwan Loves" to "Taiwan Love". Hmm.



And for completion's sake, these posts after the Taiwan FM is over:



I dunno, read into it what you will regarding the double-layer heart and kiss mark emojis. (I know I am. ;P)



We're in same delulu LOL... Ahh yess you help to remind me for that edited caption, he changed it into single subject, so suspicious kkk... so he like to call her my Love, it's remember me song from Lee Hi that he posted the mv from aurorarain. Also seems he want to give a lot of kisses for her LOL.

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On 4/2/2017 at 6:18 PM, NerinaC said:

So I have an update for my fanfict just to fill the quiet weekend, will put it here since the one on asianfanfic still on part 9

@aimwanie @riuenu @missdharma @ladybirdz @caramelovers75 @ellebanana @shrvirus @moonangelcake @wulss @june222 @sublimelyheureuse @Christabelita @astrantia @iliveforsosoo @deori 

Edit: I forgot to tag X_x, I hope I don't miss anyone ... 

Part 1-10

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Part 11

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~Intermediate Future~

No actual words were exchanged between them. No promises had been made yet. But the smiles, the dreamy eyes and the longing gazes they shared were quite enough for the moment. The two of them believed everything would move in its own time and pace. For now they just enjoyed how natural it was to be in each other’s company.


Being awed by Joon Gi oppa's cooking skills,  Ji Eun watched him working in the kitchen. It was her first time at his apartment; she found it simple, modern and comfortable. It was different from what she had imagined but she liked it.

 Due to her upcoming “1234” concert and his “Thank You Fan Meeting” they would become even busier with practices and preparations. So when he had called and invited her over for dinner, she quickly agreed.

 ~2 hours ago at a dancing studio~

 ‘What time do you finish the rehearsal? *wink wink*’  Joon Gi oppa's message came during her break.

 ‘Maybe in an hour, why are you asking oppa?’  

  Right after the message had been sent, her phone rang. It was Joon Gi oppa. 

 “Hello, what’s wrong oppa?”

“Oh, nothing … are you busy?”, he sounded somehow nervous even though it wasn’t their first phone call.


 “I am on a break. It’s okay oppa. I am free right now,” Ji Eun held in a giggle, she felt all giddy just by listening to his voice.

 “I was just thinking…. If you would like… we could have some dinner after your rehearsal?” He carefully asked. Ji Eun was amused by his invitation. They had drinking session before, but dinner? This was a first time.

“Uhm sure oppa, where should we meet?”

 “Ah… actually… I was thinking to cook for you at my place.” Nervousness returned to his voice. He sounded worried at the same time. When Joon Gi invited her to his place for dinner, Ji Eun was opening a water bottle. The cap went flying around and hit one of her dancers.  She couldn’t really remember how it happened.

 “At your place oppa?” She couldn’t conceal her feelings. It was nervousness, yet also astonishment the invitation caused. But at the same time the thought of visiting his place for the first time made her feel excited and giddy.

 “Ah yeah, you should bring Park Jung Hyun shi too, I will cook for you both.”


 “You are with him, right? He will drive you back after the rehearsal as usual. I was thinking about why don’t you guys stop by and have dinner with me”

 ‘... Why ?’  Ji Eun unconsciously pouted at the thought the invitation wasn’t exclusively for her.

 “Ji Eun ah?” 

 “Ahh…yes oppa, I will see you later then…”

  “Okay, see you later Ji Eun ah…”

Stuffing the phone back into her bag, Ji Eun felt annoyed with herself for being disappointed that it wasn’t the dinner date she had expected.


It was a fascinating experience to watch him cook. The way he moved around, working with his knife and cooking utensils fascinated Ji Eun. She was awed by his every move; He looked like he was dancing. She had tried to offer help earlier, but when he saw her handling the knife clumsily he panicked. So Ji Eun ended up sitting on the kitchen chair, watching him doing his work. Jung Hyun shi was more helpful, so it wasn’t really a waste to take him with her.

 “I hope you are okay with pasta for dinner“, Joon Gi set the finished dish in front of her and put 2 more plates on the other sides of the table.

He sat in front of her, followed by Jung Hyun shi sitting next to him. Ji Eun glanced over at Jung Hyun shi's seat, thinking about how she wished to sat there instead of him.

 “Don’t worry about the calories. I especially paid attention to it because of your upcoming concert.”

“Thank you, oppa. It smells good.”

  “Yeah, Joon Gi shi surely can cook. It was amazing to watch him work”, Jung Hyun took the first bite of his pasta and his face brightened.

 “Oh, this is so... good!”, he exclaimed.

 “Thank you, glad you like it. And you can just call me “hyung"”, Joon Gi tapped Jung Hyun’s back with a friendly smile plastered on his face.

 It never failed to amaze her how quickly people warmed up to Joon Gi oppa. Wherever he went, he made new friends easily. Jung Hyun’s cheerful laugh filled the room and was joined by his. Both of them were joking and chatting happily.

 ‘Yeah, my manager is smitten by oppa. I wonder why he invited me over… Was he just trying to approach my manager?’ Ji Eun was annoyed again.  It was silly to feel jealous of her manager oppa, but she did anyway. Quietly she continued to eat her pasta.

“Are you okay, Ji Eun ah? Was there something wrong with the food?” Joon Gi gave her a concerned look.

‘Finally, he noticed me... humph’

“I am okay, oppa. The food is delicious, you are amazing!” She practically shoved the food into her mouth. It was really delicious but she had lost her appetite because of her silly jealousy.

Park Jung Hyun noticed her sour face, chuckling as he knew what was going on in her head. So, he decided to go out to buy something after they finished their dinner, leaving Ji Eun and Joon Gi alone to do the dishes.

‘Well, at least I am good at cleaning...’ Ji Eun smiled proudly at her work.

She had asked Joon Gi oppa to sit down, while she was washing the dirty dishes. He was still on his seat watching her, smiling and gazing at her lovingly when she dried her hands. The way Joon Gi watched her made Ji Eun blush. Suddenly he got up and walked over to her.


 “Thank you Ji Eun ah,” he said softly. Butterflies started to gather in her stomach and Ji Eun felt nervous about their closeness.


 “No, I should be the one to thank you for the dinner, oppa. It tasted really good “


“Really?” Joon Gi closed the distance between them.  His face was so close now, she could see  his beautiful skin. His eyes met hers.


 “Yeah... really.” Her heart went into a frenzy. Ji Eun had a difficult time to stay focused on his face. In the end she was staring nervously at her hands, trying to prevent her heart from exploding


 “Glad you like it”, Joon Gi smiled and pulled back. Ji Eun exhaled. She had been unconsciously holding her breath.


 ‘... what was I expecting? A kiss?? Seriously Ji Eun...’  She scolded herself.


Her thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell. Hyun Jung had returned and it was time to go home. Her manager told her he would wait outside, after he had thanked Joon Gi oppa.


“Ah... well thank you again oppa. Good night”, standing in front of the door, Ji Eun bowed.


 “You’re welcome, Ji Eun-ah… Thank you for coming”, Joon Gi oppa returned the bow. Before she could open the apartment’s front door, he had caught her hand and carefully intertwined it with his. She turned to face him; surprised.  


 “Next time… it’s just us,” he whispered softly, with an adorable look on his face.


Thank you @NerinaC for tagging me, I really love your fan fiction update :blush:

Once you posted chapter 11, I quckly read it, and I can't wait to read the next chapter, what will be happen with JoonU couple? :wub:

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did JG actually this obvious when he's in love or he just decided that he don't care or its a scary coincidence between them??? 

also i think its really funny if JG actually like Hanna pic with Jieun using his manager acc juz because he can't do it directly... LOL 

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4 minutes ago, violet90 said:


did JG actually this obvious when he's in love or he just decided that he don't care or its a scary coincidence between them??? 

  Chinggu yah, It's just too many coincidence to even keep calling them that. That latest love heart pic? That's the first time I've seen him edit his pic that way. Either he loves trolling us or he just can't hide his feels. If it's the latter, I'll give it the end of this year (and I'm being generous) for our confirmation news. BBJX wish come true! 

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