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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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1 hour ago, NerinaC said:

Finally I finished part 9

up to this point I really hope you guys can give me some critics and suggestion 

I hope you guys enjoyed this part @aimwanie @riuenu @missdharma @caramelovers75 @ellebanana @shrvirus @astrantia @ladybirdz @moonangelcake @wulss @junee22 @sublimelyheureuse

Part 1-8

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Part 9

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“What if I said I don’t treat every junior the same? What if I said that you are special? Ji Eun ah... “ His voice was low and deep. His hand was hovering so close to her cheek, his gaze got deeper and he came closer to her.  His thumb landed softly to her cheek, so soft it felt like a butterfly kissed her cheek.  His face was so close to the point she could see his eyelashes and felt his soft breath caressing her face.



Her heart beaten so fast, his gaze, his touch and his words caught her off guard, she could feel heat radiated from his thumb on her cheek . He hadn’t fully touched her yet but she felt like her stomach was attacked by swarm of butterflies. By instinct  her eyes fluttered, glanced down at his lips and bit her lower lips in  expectation. Suddenly he pulled away in a rush, as if he touched something hot; he flinched.


“I… I am  sorry, forget what I said. I am sorry Ji Eun ah.” He quickly stood up, pulled out his phone and dialed a number. She was still dazed by what just happened, silently her swarm of butterfly dispersed, she rose her hand and  clung on his shirt. Her head started to spin and her stomach churn; she felt sick. She really wanted to ask him what was his words mean; but her drunk state  got the best of her. Her body swung and fell from her chair.


He turned and looked at her right before Ji Eun fell down, he caught her and hugged her, there were guilt and longing filling his eyes.


“Just this time, only for this one time…” he whispered to himself.


“Hyung could you please come? I am really sorry to bother you at this hour, I need your help.” He spoke quickly to the other end of his phone.




She woke up with huge headache banging at her and found herself on her own bed with a different clothes. She tried to remember how did she came home, but nothing came to her mind. She decided to get up and  go to the kitchen, she needed some hang over medicine.

“I shouldn’t have drunk that much…” she said to herself. She opened the fridge and took ice water bottle, and drank.


“Hey there sleepy head, feeling better?” Inna unnie voice made her jumped and almost spilled the ice water she was drinking.


“Unniieee...” she exclaimed, coughed a bit and held her splitting head.


“Yes my lovely ? I just came back  from buying you some hang over soup.” Inna unnie put down her bag on the kitchen table innocently, “I am one nice unnie right?” She had her apartment password key from long time ago, so  Ji Eun shouldn’t be surprised to see her come and go.



“Thank you unnie... you are Jjang!” She grinned and gave a thumb up.


“Weren’t you busy with Goblin preparation?” Ji Eun was sipping the  warm soup gratefully.


“I am, but that doesn’t mean I can’t come and see you right? I have missed you Eunni,” Inna unnie made a cute pout,“and what did I found last night? You were out drinking so much until you need a replacement driver to take you back. What’s going on?”


Ji Eun stopped sipping her soup, blinked and trying to remember on what happened last night.


“I went drinking with Hong Jung Hyun sunbaenim and Lee Joon Gi  oppa,” her words hung in the air while a slow recollection started to submerge. The flash back to her own tantrum, his words, his gaze, his words and .... his touch; all came to her in  slow motion.  Her eyes went wider, she was choked down by the soup and coughing hard.



“Oh my, are you okay? Slow down  Euni,” Inna unnie quickly  gave her some tissue and a glass of water.



“Unnie, you said I was brought here by a replacement driver right? Do you still remember his face?”  She held Inna unnie in expectation.



“I guess, if I see him again ... why? What so important with the replacement driver?”

Ji Eun didn’t answered instead she quickly took her phone and searched something on her phone, when she found what she was looking for, she shown her phone to Inna unnie.



“Is this the man?”



Inna unnie looked at the picture for a while before nodded.



“Oh my gosh... It wasn’t a dream” that’s the first thing Ji Eun said when she knew it was Joon Gi oppa manager nim that drove her home, it means that Joon Gi oppa also probably followed them in his own car.



“What’s wrong?” Inna unnie looked confused at first, but when she checked the picture  again, her eyes when wide in a second. “Wait the minute!!! Isn’t that Lee Joon Gi sunbaenim and the guy next to him is his manager? What is going on Ji Euni? Why did he drive you back here?”

Ji Eun heart was too full to answer, she was happy and giddy for some reason. It wasn’t a dream nor a delusion when he said she is special for him.


“So... that’s what happened unnie,” Ji Eun ended her story.

“YAAA! How could you!! Why didn’t you tell me that?” Inna unnie was punching her arm lightly but quickly hugged her after it, she started too sobbed a little.

“ehh Ehh unnie why are you crying?? I am sorry for not telling you about it, just that you are busy with Goblin, I just wanted you to focus on it. Don’t cry plz?” She hugged Inna unnie and patted her back softly trying to calm her down.

“I just felt relieved, I’ve worried about you a lot, with you broken up with Ki Ha shi after that your series were not in good rating and the netter been so harsh on you. I am so so worried, “ Inna unnie wiped her tears with tissue.  Ji Eun smiled and hugged her unnie once more.

“So... now what will happen with you and Joon Gi shi? Is he really good to you? I don’t want to see more tears from you. I have seen enough with your time with Ki Ha shi.” Inna unnie looked at her with a serious look.

“To be honest I don’t know unnie,  He is  really good to me. He said I am special for him but is not like he said he loves me or anything. But I am happy for now, “ she smiled contently.

“I might get greedy though later on, but for now I am happy  that he think of me in special way.”

“He still didn’t know you have broken up with Ki Ha shi, did he?”

Ji Eun shook her head, “I don’t know how to tell him, it will be weird to bring that up suddenly.”

“Yeah, it will be weird... but after last night, I think you could try asking him about you being special for him, and maybe hint him about it?”

“I don’t know unnie, for now let’s wait and see? I really don’t want to rush it. I really need to make sure my own feeling,” she closed her eyes remembering all her time with him, on how he made her smile, made her feel stronger, made her feel more confident about herself and made her felt free. Those feeling that has long forgotten for some reason he managed to  bring it back.

Inna and Ji Eun were quiet, both with their on thoughts when suddenly her apartment bell rang. Ji Eun went to the door to check, she staggered back when she saw the man behind the door.

“Ki Ha oppa??”


kyyya....omoomooo... like it very very much.. finally one of my fav fanfic update... i like the part of how you describe JG getting close to jieun face i just screaming n giddy in here while imagine some scene like in korean drama hhhha.. 

n will waiting for another chapter impatiently.. cz why?? oh why in the end voldy must come out.. such a twist.. like in drama..

gumawo chinggu ya.. :) 

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On 09/01/2017 at 0:35 AM, cuteahjumma said:

According to JG's recent interview, if he's in a love triangle in real life, he would do what Wangso did - "奪愛", meaning "to do what ever to win the girl", contrary to what he said before.  Even IF that is really the case, as the old saying goes - All is fair in Love and War. Since JE is not married, I don't think there's anything wrong with that, all I can say is...May the best man win!


In light of recent instagram posts this comment felt appropriate again, JG channeling his inner Wang So. He truly never fails to surprise.

Btw does anyone have the entire interview this is pulled from? I was looking for the entire thing but only found parts of it and this quote.

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Lunar New Year is on Saturday so below is the profile for Dogs (Joongi is a Dog) for the upcoming year. It's from one of the Hollywood gossip blogs that I follow. The author is Chinese and she gets her profiles from her ma, the Squawking Chicken. The profile for Rooster (IU) will come out tomorrow.


Dogs have no lucky stars to help them this year and there’s a dark star that’s overhead that could make things difficult and leave you open to bad influences. Straight up, you need to look out for yourself and your health. Get a checkup with full bloodwork at the beginning of the year. Get lots of rest. Keep your body strong. And whenever possible, keep a low profile. This is not your year to shine. So use this time to reset, to fortify, and when it’s your turn, you will be fully charged and ready to go.

1982 Dogs are the luckiest of all dogs this year. There may be a financial bonus.

Love luck does not look strong for all dogs this year. Take care of your heart. Focus instead on your body, keep it strong. And be mindful when you are coming and going to avoid injury.

Things might not go smoothly in April and May. Try to relax during this time but watch your spending and don’t force any investments. Be extra cautious through July and August, especially if you were born in the autumn and winter months. Focus on spirituality this year. You will find great fulfillment in kindness and compassion.

Like anything else, take what you want from astrology. My husband is also a 1982 Dog so I will nag him to take care of his health this year.

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thank you @NerinaC for tag me in. kyaaaaaaa...you jjang!!!! you really know how to feed us. my heart beating fast!!.....i can clearly imagine the real scene...their face, the way he touch her softly like most precious thing ..the way he grab her from falling...hahahaha. thank god u deliver this to us. :heart: u chingu. :blush:

*just in case JG read the fanfic...he will keep smiling for sure. kekekekeke

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