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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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1 hour ago, caramelovers07 said:

I dunno why but I can't help to feel a bit (tiny, maybe?) happy because of this rumor ( JG & JE dating). LOL!! I know, I am weird, maybe my shipper soul play with me. Hahahaha!! I mean, it's really something, you know! Even, Namoo has to clarified this news, so it means uri JG really regarded as JE's suitor right?? Even they barely know each other for 1 year? LOL, I know there are a lot of JoonU shipper there, and a lot of people blame us for these rumors. But let's take a look at the positive things, JoonU really have a great number of shippers = their chemistry is on top notch = more blessing for their real relationship. So maybe it's really a good things and bad things at the same time. But as long as they could handle the negative one, I think it would be awesome. But of course, I really don't agree with insensitive shipper. They just don't know how to ship respectfully. For now, this is the new beginning for our journey. Although it will be hard, but brighter future ahead to look forward, for sure!! Keep chanting, stargazers!!


Actually I'm not sure that NAMOO done well or not, hastened to deny the rumors. If there is nothing between the two, rumors would be gone. I'm not the one to judge that, but reading the comments on YT, JG IG / JE IG and of other sites, I've noticed that a lot of new fans, especially ML fans, ship them as a couple, in other words as an “all package”. After  NAMOO announcement these fans, being disappointed, can be lost for good, but for antis this announcement it's like fuel on fire. I affirm this on the basis of new comments I've read today. I make these observations because IF...IF there will be something more between JG and JE it will be much harder in the future for them to admit it in public, because they shippers who will support them will be much less and the antis will always be there even over an year or two or three.

I hope my comment will not bring any harm for JG or JE. It's just my opinion and I admit it's may be wrong.

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Dear chinggus..all chinggu here whose  keep posting a positive n matured thought, opinions, insight.. I'm really appreciated that.. A true loyal shipper..a silent reader who keep coming here..also :heart: u all..

This is the best shipper thread ever..from the page 1 till now..n hope in the future will still the same..always...

Maybe start from now we will face a real challenges..n a lot of bumper,  a storm, n myb no crumb easily come surface infront of us just like before..but I'll stay here with  all of u my frens..will keep my Faith in JoonU till the end ( or until......:unsure:)

Please keep posting..cheer up..fighting:blush:



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24 minutes ago, violet90 said:

i kinda agree and not with your post... but hear me out...

the statement is being made solely because the rumor is out of control at the same time with break up news.. the break up news is just like an oil added into fuel that already been there since people start noticing how close JG and Jieun are lately... its have to be done because even if they indeed have something going on its just not the right time at all... its not just a fan base rumor but its all over Kmedia yesterday... its a mess because JG and Jieun did do thing that make people suspicious of them... also notice that JG agency did admit that they are close so i guess they can't denied that one.. LOL

the Taiwan FM and concert thing??? both of them knew doing that will make shipper goes wild and its fuel an attention toward their friendship.. they knew it BUT they still do that so you know where i'm going with this right??

i talk about this few pages back that JG and Jieun in a situation that if they EVER come public people will still point finger and talk.. the best that they can do is cool down the rumor and lay low because this one is a sensitive one toward JG and Jieun career.. i believe that this is the best AT THIS TIME....

also i did't think JG care about what people think but rather to protect Jieun.. that's what i understand JG this past year.. he will do anything to make sure Jieun is fine and like many people said JG going back to SK show only one thing... that he 100% supporting his co star , partner and close friend at this time... i also agree that at this point they are more than just friend and less like lover BUT i really think what happen will not make JG waver at all... you guys did see how he look and talk about her??? he's just fallen to deep like we all are...  

i think Jieun got his support and her friend support at this time.. that's what important and lastly IF they both fated to be together not even anti or rude shipper or even their agency can stop them from being together...


I know you're right and I already said that I'm not able to judge the NAMOO decision. But on the other hand I can't see how the past comments like “Get married already” childish comments is true, but harmless, turned after NAMOO announcement in “Stay away from IU” that smells to me like a threat, I'm talking about JG IG. Oh, well maybe those type of comments had nothing to do with NAMOO, but until now I haven't seen them.

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16 minutes ago, Berou said:

NB has just posted the article of lee jun ki denying dating rumours. The knetz comments look so bad, they are saying things like " is he crazy to date her?" " he can do so much better". i'm not surprised they're retrieved from nate <_<, NATE = HATE

this will not stop my shipping, i believe they're might be more than friends. usually, kactors/actresses after completing an acting gig, they totally become strangers and act as if they don't know each other even though they've kissed each other, had intimate scenes, lived pratically together with each other for 4/5 months. they cut all contacts and it's rare for a male an a female to become friends after. so that's why i don't ship because i know it's just business, no feelings involved. But since we have proof of the friendship between JoonU, i can ship them with a peaced heart 'cause i know there is a chance of  being more than friends. What is even more surprising is the PDA of both:  IU kissed him on his cheek at her FM, LJK is all smiley when he's looking at her, he had his arms wrapped around her at the SbS drama awards. koreans don't like PDA and are not expressive about their feelings ie when a k couple get married or are married, they stay low. the husband doesn't even say i love you to his wife publicly.

so i firmly believe there might be something between them for the reasons cited above. time will answer, we need to let time pass. if they remain friends, i'll get disappointed but i'll stop shipping them for preventing them getting uncomfortable. i'm not delulu as some NB comments claim. they point fingers at us for overjoicing over the breaking up news while JE is getting a rough time.

... actually she did not kiss him on the cheek. If you see the video itself, she only hugged him. The angle of the still picture taken sure made it look that way though! lol

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1 hour ago, Berou said:

NB has just posted the article of lee jun ki denying dating rumours. The knetz comments look so bad, they are saying things like " is he crazy to date her?" " he can do so much better". i'm not surprised they're retrieved from nate <_<, NATE = HATE

The comment sections for the one(s) posted on Naver sounded the same: blaming LHJ, bashing JE, scolding shippers

Let me rant a bit to relieve my tension hehe...

Whoah these Korean netters' hatred for JE is unbelievable. Now I can see what our fellow Uaenas here meant previously when they mentioned that she basically 'ate hatred for breakfast'. It's really ironic to think that our point of views and their point of views about JoonU are totally the opposite. When we think that JoonU is a power couple *they are!*, these people simply undermined JE with their 'actor >>>>>> idol' mindset. Seriously, she deserves JG and vice versa. Pfft. When JE dated JKH, they called him too 'ugly' for her and JG should have been a better choice. But then when the dating rumour of JG-JE appeared, most said that JE was not up to JG's level and he would be 'out of his mind' to date her. aigooo... such a painful way of thinking :crazy:

Anyway, the damage's done as we've predicted before and hopefully the storm will pass soon... I dare not hope for any more obvious crumbs or cookies but let's stay strong together in the ship while enjoying a calm, relaxing sail until the destination is reached hehe.

Capt @akinahana89 if you post about the upcoming Stargazers project for JG's birthday later, please kindly tag me... really looking forward to that, too. thanks for initiating good stuffs for us Stargazers... we're definitely one of a kind 'witches' hahaha...

Good night from my part of the world, Stargazers :heart:

*waving to all lurkers, non-shippers who secretly visit our page as well... may the Force (of the delusional shippers named Stargazers) be with you! haha... peace! :glasses:*



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For more experienced shippers, does anyone know of the precedence for a couple first denying dating rumors and then confirming that they have since become an item?

Does publicly disavowing dating and later admitting to dating cause all sorts of netizen backlash that celebrities would typically seek to avoid?

Or is a period between denial and admission considered publicly acceptable?

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Where I can find the "We're just friends... rumors have no merit to even mention" statement supposedly made by LJG?

* taken for the netizen buzz article title, whose comments aren't worthy of being presented in this nice tread. 

If it is true... Honestly, it feels good that he publicly admits being a friend of her.



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6 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

Where I can find the "We're just friends... rumors have no merit to even mention" statement supposedly made by LJG?

* taken for the netizen buzz article title, whose comments aren't worthy of being presented in this nice tread. 

If it is true... Honestly, it feels good that he publicly admits being a friend of her.


Namoo's statement is one thing but if JG himself has spoken up about being just friends then this shipper heart  might have just ached a little :( I am not expecting them to date right now but there's something final about that statement if that really came from him.

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