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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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7 minutes ago, aimwanie said:

someone post the vid of the prescon of RE in LJG's thread. guess what. Milla said JG really did kick her butt during the action scene. kekekekekekekke.. poor Milla. ( u will get it again if u dare to kiss his neck again :ph34r:)

how come I see uri Byeontae Joongi angel turning devil..she had kept her angel wings and halo, and I saw fork and devil tail surfacing....

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By the way, as most of us want a happy ending for MLSHR drama. I think the director just did the right thing. I remember that when I am still watching this drama, there is SBS note in every episode that they have the right to show in align with the history or something like that. Let's face it, Wang So is a real person because he is king Gwangjong and Hae Soo is the fictional character. As per their history, King Gwangjong married princess Yeonwha whom become Queen Daemok (?). As much as they want a happy ending, they can't. Because we know Koreans value their history very much. That's the reality. This is why LJG said that he hope/wish Wang So will be with Hae Soo, in his next life, for a very long, long time. 

Just a thought. Thank you.:)

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16 minutes ago, simplyme_crazyme said:


Thank you chinggu!  Hmmmm..... very specific sched.  Why say 2pm tomorrow.....not just tomorrow?????  Hmmmm......-_-

See this @riuenu ????  @meeibe16 just did her task for you!  Tsk tsk tsk..... too much neck, jawline and chest obsession!  

Patiently (impatiently) waiting for @akinahana89 to share what that BIG CRUMB is in that FM Presscon!   Neo eodiya chinggu???

Arraso arraso..cant u see I am recruiting @meeibe16 to my FBI team as well...tsk tsk

Well well, I need to feed you all right...for OUR obsession hee hee 

and woah...hmmm...do she normally be so specified on schedule, like telling the whole world what time she went on fitting. And WAIT!! She is ON IG!! SO SHE SAW THE NECK KISS AND HUG!!! @aimwanie angel...I think please keep ur fork and tail..your oppa need you to protect him now....URI QUEEN IS ON IG CHECKING!!! And strange enough...Joongi didnt post anything after press conference right....uh oh....

And yes, waiting for @akinahana89 captain nim to finish her job and share the BIG CRUMB.

P/S: hopefully our oppa still alive now...

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10 minutes ago, aimwanie said:

someone post the vid of the prescon of RE in LJG's thread. guess what. Milla said JG really did kick her butt during the action scene. kekekekekekekke.. poor Milla. ( u will get it again if u dare to kiss his neck again :ph34r:)

AHAHAHAHAHAHA.  Why does it sound like you're more jealous than our JE????

I really really really would like to see JG in a action-packed movie!  And JE in a romcom drama.... but I guess that's not possible for now as she needs to prepare her album.  And I really hope she will get a much needed rest (esp. for her voice) after her series of concerts in Korea and abroad. 

Aissssssh....... I miss them so much already!  Huhuhuhuhu

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20 minutes ago, aimwanie said:

here come another new members~~~ kekeke.. once innocent, always innocent.. i refuse to be byeontae at day time.. *smirk* 

to think now i have to share my JG to Je unnie after sharing with sooo many other angels, i think, i need to dig in moreeeeeeeee for his picturesssss..

@riuenu u did feed me well chingu.. but as i said above.. i refuse to have it in daylight because.. my colleagues keep looking at my pc. kekeke. no no.. i cannot share with em! to see you becoming this DELULU too much.. now i cant wait to read @Silvermaine's fanfics tonight! 

@riuenu and to think i've seen all the pictures u've shared but still drooling and dying.. i seriously  adoreeee this guy sooo much. 

hahahahahahahaha, yes, go back to be ur "innocent" angel...look what I posted above @aimwanie.

Hee hee...yes yes, we adore uri oppa so much!!! That why I am glad to feed u well too, hahahahaha

P/S: my colleague already give up..seeing sexy neck and chest on my screen, me giggling, drooling, screaming at my desk

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3 minutes ago, riuenu said:

Arraso arraso..cant u see I am recruiting @meeibe16 to my FBI team as well...tsk tsk

Well well, I need to feed you all right...for OUR obsession hee hee 

and woah...hmmm...do she normally be so specified on schedule, like telling the whole world what time she went on fitting. And WAIT!! She is ON IG!! SO SHE SAW THE NECK KISS AND HUG!!! @aimwanie angel...I think please keep ur fork and tail..your oppa need you to protect him now....URI QUEEN IS ON IG CHECKING!!! And strange enough...Joongi didnt post anything after press conference right....uh oh....

And yes, waiting for @akinahana89 captain nim to finish her job and share the BIG CRUMB.

P/S: hopefully our oppa still alive now...

Maybe it's her alibi to be in IG. Not to be obvious that she is online and checking what is going on. Don't worry our queen. We will give orders to the guards if M will go over the borderline. I think she already learned her lesson very well when he kick her butt.

M: I want to kiss and hold you!

LJG: NO!!!! I will not let you. (Kick her butt!):)

The End.:tongue:

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5 minutes ago, samtrocino said:

By the way, as most of us want a happy ending for MLSHR drama. I think the director just did the right thing. I remember that when I am still watching this drama, there is SBS note in every episode that they have the right to show in align with the history or something like that. Let's face it, Wang So is a real person because he is king Gwangjong and Hae Soo is the fictional character. As per their history, King Gwangjong married princess Yeonwha whom become Queen Daemok (?). As much as they want a happy ending, they can't. Because we know Koreans value their history very much. That's the reality. This is why LJG said that he hope/wish Wang So will be with Hae Soo, in his next life, for a very long, long time. 

Just a thought. Thank you.:)

Have you watched Faith starring LMH?  This is also another sample of a period drama based on real history figures like LMH's character, but they also mixed it with fantasy, creative license or something like that.  His partner there was from the present period that was brought back to the past.  To cut it short, although they cannot change real history, but since it's a fantasy drama, they found a way to give it a happy ending.

From the get go, we knew that MLSHR is an adaptation and the original one has a happy ending.  They made it happen.  I think it was possible.  If they had only did the alternative ending, which JoonU re-enacted in JG's FM, it would have been very acceptable.  And much appreciated. hehehe.

But I guess, the director really wanted to break away somehow from the original drama for the ending.  That's why most are upset!  Somehow knowing there's an alternative happy ending is frustrating because the one that aired was quite heavy for the heart, after how much the two characters have suffered and their happy times seemed too short.  But I think also....it's one of the reasons the drama has left quite a mark in so many people's hearts.  The tragedy of it all.  The sad fate that they seemed to share.  To think that FATE brought them together only to part ways forever in the most cruel and saddest way ever for lovers.  One was left with feelings of regret and emptiness while the other was cursed in  a way to live apart from him with only those heart-wrenching memories.  Memories that would leave her yearning and regretting as well for the rest of her life.

Ottoke????  This makes me sad all over again.

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57 minutes ago, aimwanie said:

someone post the vid of the prescon of RE in LJG's thread. guess what. Milla said JG really did kick her butt during the action scene. kekekekekekekke.. poor Milla. ( u will get it again if u dare to kiss his neck again :ph34r:)

OMG you guys hahahahaha i'm dying :lol:

But honestly... am I the only one loving Milla and Joongi's interactions? They're really like family. I watched Milla's IG story and tbh I cannot blame Milla because JG is so cheeky and cute and giggly like you just wanna cuddle him! Haha. Especially when he said "Welcome to Korea Milla! We love you!!!!" and Milla was like "Awwww I love you too!!" Like SAAAAAME! I'm not even jealous for Jieun. It's just really cute that she treats him like a little brother. And I want JG to get used to this western habits so that when he's with Jieun... *coughs* what is manner hands? LOL he'll catch her offguard again :lol:

And to add, I have a gift for the byeontae squad here



Enjoy :tongue:B)

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33 minutes ago, kriswu said:


OMG you guys hahahahaha i'm dying :lol:

But honestly... am I the only one loving Milla and Joongi's interactions? They're really like family. I watched Milla's IG story and tbh I cannot blame Milla because JG is so cheeky and cute and giggly like you just wanna cuddle him! Haha. Especially when he said "Welcome to Korea Milla! We love you!!!!" and Milla was like "Awwww I love you too!!" Like SAAAAAME! I'm not even jealous for Jieun. It's just really cute that she treats him like a little brother. And I want JG to get used to this western habits so that when he's with Jieun... *coughs* what is manner hands? LOL he'll catch her offguard again :lol:

And to add, I have a gift for the byeontae squad here

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Enjoy :tongue:B)

lol at this..nod nod nod nod nod, what is manner hands...but this sentence only apply when Joongi is with Jieunie hee hee...call me bias, I am =x

ehhhhhh, so now, byeontae gang, becoming the byeontae squad, for laughing out loud!!! Thanks anyway @kriswu :wub: hmmm...interested to join the squad?? haha!

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12 minutes ago, Silvermaine said:

All of you, BEHAVE!

Here's a naughtier version of the story. :tongue: Oh my gosh my mind is working wonders right now. Thanks for the existence of Joon Gi and IU. :D

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"Ji Eun-ah! Hurry up!," Joon Gi looked at the mirror once again, fixing his hair in a brush up just like his last red carpet walk. "The driver's already downstairs."

There was a bit of a shuffling noise before she emerged from the bathroom. Ji Eun was... Well, thankfully she didn't look like a mess considering what they did. But she was having a hard time closing the zip of her dress. 

"Really," she puffed her pink lips in exasperation. "This is all your fault."

Joon Gi approached the said lady in distress and motioned for Ji Eun to turn around so that he could help her with the zipper. Once he was done, he fixed some strands of hair that dangerously clung on her once sweaty neck. No thanks to him, of course. 

"You enjoyed it," Joon Gi teased once again.

"No, I didn't." Ji Eun faced him once more and spontaneously fixed his messy bow tie as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

"Hmm," he hummed, musing to himself. "Your screaming told me otherwise."

As expected,  Ji Eun turned to a bright plump red once more. The events of this day really aren't helping the healthy color of her face. She punched his chest, trying to look angry, but it only turned out adorable. Well, at least for Joon Gi. 

"You're insufferable," she mumbled, still fixing his bow tie. Instead of protesting, he only made a small sound of agreement. He truthfully kind of was insufferable, and she wouldn't have it any other way. Joon Gi leaned down to snatch a kiss on her forehead, leaving Ji Eun smiling like a giddy girl.

As she was busy tying the accessory, Joon Gi couldn't help but admire her lightly made up face. Her cheeks were dusted with a gorgeous rose gold shade and her lashes fluttered lightly, complimenting her round eyes. Ji Eun was pouting her lips in a thoughtful manner as she was about to finish fixing his tie. At that moment, Joon Gi was seriously considering not attending the red carpet event anymore.

"Stop staring," she said without looking at him.

"I can't help it.

Ya, I'm gonna stop. I live in a tropical country. This isn't good for my body temperature. :D

OH MAN OH MAN, I LOVING THIS VERSION MORE!!! We are very well behave really!!

So...they still never make it to the press conference right? Can you continue this version..pretty please! :wub:

Well..I am from a hot and tropical country as well, lucky my office is like a big freezer tho hee hee hee hee hee...keep this going, loving it! :heart:

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On 1/11/2017 at 5:34 AM, samtrocino said:

Can I add more? I think LJG done something to prove to her that she's a woman and he's a guy falling in love (with her). I will speak for myself, I am a woman but sometimes some of my male friends and even my brothers doesn't see me that way. They still respect me but sometimes do you feel that it is a sweet thing if a guy will do something that will let you remind yourself that we are a woman? For example, give you flowers even in an ordinary day or lift your bag even though it is not heavy or helping us crossing the roads to the opposite side. And many others. They say that male and female are equal but sometimes woman tend to forget that some things are needed to be done by males. Sorry for the misunderstanding that I am saying right now but maybe you understand my point of view. Thank you.

I know what you mean. He brings the best out of her. 

On 1/11/2017 at 5:37 AM, scarletcryz said:

I will add her action in joongi fan meeting

When he went to her upstairs , she cant wait to see him , then when joongi stares at her , she smiled widely, when he offer his hand, she hold it immeedddiatelyyyy without second thinking. ( or maybe this is fanservice included lol) , when the time he compliments her she smiled again, then the start of their talktime is where IU is different... She keeps on giggling, laughing. Dont know what to say, rattling, smiling , she almost forgot the interpreter coz of too much compliment to joongi, she makes jokes she is sooooo HAPPY ...HAPPY HAPPY.... 

I don't think it's just fan service because the smile she gave to him was a sincere and true one. She was very transparent that I can see and feel her happiness inside when she's with JG on his FM.


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whoaaa this thread is alive and kickin' today, thanks to Milla hahahaha...

This: JE woke up this morning and browsed the news on her phone... saw JG oppa photos lol... then went to check the shipper thread, finding all the byeontae's posts huahahaha... :phew:

Sorry, Ji Eun-ah... it's hard to resist your JG oppa sometimes!


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39 minutes ago, riuenu said:

lol at this..nod nod nod nod nod, what is manner hands...but this sentence only apply when Joongi is with Jieunie hee hee...call me bias, I am =x

ehhhhhh, so now, byeontae gang, becoming the byeontae squad, for laughing out loud!!! Thanks anyway @kriswu :wub: hmmm...interested to join the squad?? haha!

Of course of course! All of him is hers alone :lol::wub: I'm greedy when it comes to JoonU. He is hers and she is his. Period. :angry: LOLOLL

Hahahaha you're welcome. I will provide if I find more! LOL hmmm ^_^ thanks very much for the offer. After reading @Silvermaine's scenarios.... I'm thinking about it! :tongue: HAHAHA

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