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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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1 hour ago, aimwanie said:

stay healthy @riuenu!  dont skip your meal. hahahaha. we can wait for ya. dont worry 

@aimwanie healthy this word is too far away from me, ever since I am back from Taiwan, cut all my heart stopping oxygen lacking crap, yes, I still recovering, doesnt help when the whole of my office are all coughing, even before I came back from my medical leave, here sound like a coughing orchestra now

57 minutes ago, simplyme_crazyme said:

O M G !!!!  THIS !!!  I am so with you on this one chinggu-ya!  O M G !!!!

@riuenu CHINGGU-YA!!!!  How come your meeting is over that fast???? What did you do??? Flashed a picture of "your" oppa's bare chest???  AHAHAHAHA. 

EDIT:  Yes, I did.  It's raining here anyway and unlike yours, my meeting could last up to 4 hours so...I stayed put and worked at home instead.  Oh my babies....look what you made me do!

@simplyme_crazymehahahahahaha I never flashed a picture of bare chest, I think my boss will just fired me if I do that, this is an informal kick off meeting, just giving the direction of PL/BS, and a projection of the rough profit, the major one will be in April, after my FY ended. Haha, good for you, I hope I could postpone it as well...

47 minutes ago, berny said:


You got me at Oppa's bare chest...where ...where???  desismileys_1712.gif desismileys_1712.gif 


@bernycome here you go.


let me free you one sexy neck picture too


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22 minutes ago, NerinaC said:

Oh they sure did, and the wife is prob having a baby atm (well thats what on the newspaper that has been kindly translated by one of the chingu here)

Thats why we keep chanting bbjx curse/ miracle, since the first bbjx (chinese) main lead got married in the end


Hmm...is that why our JG is doing the fast moves...to keep up...with the developments ? 



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10 hours ago, q4q4 said:



Welcome welcome! All JoonU shippers who want nothing but the very best of peace and love for our couple are always welcome lol thanks for delurking and joining our spazztastic family

Thank you!!!

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11 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

YES!!! They were featured on the same page with JoonU in the newspaper he was reading. I think they are expecting their first child.


I only found it in another newspaper...credit yumi_jg twitter

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let me share my crazy delulu. i can't hold it alone hahaha

i think its possible JG find this thread. I try to write "Lee Joon Gi Lee Ji Eun" in google and this thread is the first link given by google hahaha

he tried to read the news about his last FM in international site then open google and write "Lee Joon Gi Lee Ji Eun" and our thread link pop out. then he read several post about his FM video and decided to post it by himself because we can't found good video of IU appearance hahahahaha :w00t:



okaay, sorry for my crazy delulu *deep bow*

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10 hours ago, riuenu said:

@aimwanie healthy this word is too far away from me, ever since I am back from Taiwan, cut all my heart stopping oxygen lacking crap, yes, I still recovering, doesnt help when the whole of my office are all coughing, even before I came back from my medical leave, here sound like a coughing orchestra now

@simplyme_crazymehahahahahaha I never flashed a picture of bare chest, I think my boss will just fired me if I do that, this is an informal kick off meeting, just giving the direction of PL/BS, and a projection of the rough profit, the major one will be in April, after my FY ended. Haha, good for you, I hope I could postpone it as well...

@bernycome here you go.


let me free you one sexy neck picture too


Someone here posted that LJG is wearing his cross earring. Sorry if I am slow but what is the meaning of that?

Edited by akinahana89
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as for LJG's love life. actually this things has been quite a hot topic for us angels. he did said before he dont want to go public but then, back on 2014, when he was promoting joseon gunman, he appeared on entertainment date and then he said he wants to try a public relationship since a lots of celebrities that time went public and everyone was being so open about it. but then.. there is also some angels said he is back to "say-no"  to go public about his relationship as per his interview. its a 50/50 debate. but i'm quite agree that he is testing netizen reaction for both SAF events and also during TW's FM.. keke. 

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2 minutes ago, riuenu said:


I only found it in another newspaper...credit yumi_jg twitter

Are those signs from the above? I mean what chance is that both of them will be at the same page with the first real couple of bbjx? N its a happy news too.. expecting their first baby. Is this fate???? 

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1 hour ago, MrKobegiant said:

@eunki need your help please.

How does he address these younger girls?


actually, just wanna share one of the chingu in my little line group mentioned: Actually Seohyun is not the only one who will comeback/solo album this year, uri smart oppa gonna use the same method like when he like Seohyun dress who exactly the same with what Jieunie wear as well, so using this same method on who, we will see. I find that it make sense, that is why sharing it here...no offend to Joongi or Seohyun fan, call me delulu, we are, in our small chatgroup, but this is what uri chingu observe, so ya hahahahahaha

But I still looking forward to your answer @eunki hee hee

54 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

Depends on how you behave!

I will behave!! I promise!!!

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10 hours ago, riuenu said:

I only found it in another newspaper...credit yumi_jg twitter

I am wondering why the main leads of BBJX is also in the newspaper that LJG reading? :phew:

9 hours ago, JoonU_shipper said:

let me share my crazy delulu. i can't hold it alone hahaha

i think its possible JG find this thread. I try to write "Lee Joon Gi Lee Ji Eun" in google and this thread is the first link given by google hahaha

he tried to read the news about his last FM in international site then open google and write "Lee Joon Gi Lee Ji Eun" and our thread link pop out. then he read several post about his FM video and decided to post it by himself because we can't found good video of IU appearance hahahahaha :w00t:



okaay, sorry for my crazy delulu *deep bow*

I love your idea. Anything is possible. :lol:

Edited by akinahana89
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6 minutes ago, aimwanie said:

as for LJG's love life. actually this things has been quite a hot topic for us angels. he did said before he dont want to go public but then, back on 2014, when he was promoting joseon gunman, he appeared on entertainment date and then he said he wants to try a public relationship since a lots of celebrities that time went public and everyone was being so open about it. but then.. there is also some angels said he is back to "say-no"  to go public about his relationship as per his interview. its a 50/50 debate. but i'm quite agree that he is testing netizen reaction for both SAF events and also during TW's FM.. keke. 

I am so loving you too.....LJG's angel!!!!

Your prince is really really really daebak! Jjang!  Very manly and quite romantic nowadays! LOL

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15 minutes ago, JoonU_shipper said:

let me share my crazy delulu. i can't hold it alone hahaha

i think its possible JG find this thread. I try to write "Lee Joon Gi Lee Ji Eun" in google and this thread is the first link given by google hahaha

he tried to read the news about his last FM in international site then open google and write "Lee Joon Gi Lee Ji Eun" and our thread link pop out. then he read several post about his FM video and decided to post it by himself because we can't found good video of IU appearance hahahahaha :w00t:



okaay, sorry for my crazy delulu *deep bow*

that will be super coooollll if he really did that!!!

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2 hours ago, akinahana89 said:

@meahri_1 actually asked me the exact same thing earlier. I will give y'all the same response I gave her.

Even IF this was a fan service, promotions, or a marketing strategy for the SHR movie, or even a sequel, JoonU can go through the necessary motions, but the FEELINGS and EMOTIONS behind it cannot be manufactured. It cannot be faked. The emotions they have been showing are GENUINE and REAL.

Aye aye Captain!


2 hours ago, sublimelyheureuse said:

For any lingering "fan service" thoughts, in the ether: Please note that LJG did not post the handkerchief scene. (Such as it was; did they not just mime the handkerchief? Not a lot of preparation went into that supposed "reason" for LJE's appearance. Yeah.)

Instead, he posted a slowed-down, edited video showing the true purpose for LJE's presence on stage: his holding of her hand and presentment of her to his fans, as his queen.

As a lead-in, he first uploaded a video of his fans cheering for her and wrote that his Angel's voices moved him to tears. Because their acceptance of IU meant everything.

Of late, the two of them are "Startling at Every Step," indeed.

This post is everything. Brings tears to my eyes reading the bolded part bc his fans are everything to him and he really really really does want their approval to let him freely love whomever he chooses to give his heart to.


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10 hours ago, q4q4 said:

Totally agree! When I woke up to JG's post featuring Jiuenie (loving her new nickname btw) it dawned on me that THIS is how JG falls in love. We've known how secretive he is/how protective he is of his personal life ready to squash any dating rumours that surfaces either through a very public announcement or by means of legal action - so having HIM open up by posting these beautiful messages for HIS QUEEN on his PUBLIC ACCOUNT is totally LJG channeling his inner WS. Aaaand for those in denial mode who happen to be lurking here too: yes, LJG is a method actor BUT that doesn't mean he isnt capable of passionate love like Wang So.

"Brace yourself, for I will never let you go."

Ps: even if LJG is being influenced by the forum (read a few comments saying this somewhere else) it doesn't mean he's posting it for the sake of posting it. He's his own man and he does whatever the jjamppong he wants. I see it as US influencing him by showing him our support and love for the woman he has chosen as his Queen and for the woman who has chosen him as her KING! The public would just need to hold on tight and enjoy the feels LOL kyaaaa

You are perfectly correct!!! And thanks for the exact dialogue of Wang So to Hae Soo. :heart:

Edited by akinahana89
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