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Kim Yoo-Jung & Park Bo-Gum | Moonlight Couple|


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1 hour ago, Li-Yi Chen said:

Well, she already had water. She did have a sip of the coffee later tho. But I think Koreans in general don't care as much as sharing drinks with others, comparing to other cultures. It's just not that big of a deal among friends. I remember seeing BTS from long time ago that in the shooting site, BG also shared his water with Dongyeon and other staffs and let them drink through his straw. What's funny is that his emotions for each scene during the commentary seemed to sync with what was happening on screen. You would often see him making the same facial expression watching Seja, or shed tears with both Seja and Raon. This is a man very in tune with his feelings. 


That is weird. Koreans wear those face masks out in public so it's strange to me that they share drinks and utensils so easily. Also, I heard that Bogum doesn't drink coffee. With his grueling work schedule, I suppose that's changed.

Those emotions you talked about: Ahhh, I remember Bogum doing the same during MDBC first episode viewing party and again during the awards ceremony when watching the kiss scene. He must put so much energy into those roles that he relives it when he watches it? 

Wah, I wish I could view the commentary. I did not order because for the price, I am unsure about the DVD compatibility with US players, and of course, because I do not know Korean.  If someone wants to start a PM group, please include me. 

P.s. I am surprised no airport photos were caught of Bogum returning to Seoul. 

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1 hour ago, j31717 said:


That is weird. Koreans wear those face masks out in public so it's strange to me that they share drinks and utensils so easily. Also, I heard that Bogum doesn't drink coffee. With his grueling work schedule, I suppose that's changed.

I think in his previous FMs he did say that he drank Americano during one of the game sessions. Just to add some non-detailed personal observation. In the BTS, you do see the two became closer shooting by shooting and reached the climax in the shooting of the last scene. You can see that they did enjoy shooting the last bits, at least judging by the very natural and tender hand, facial muscle, eye and Labium superius oris and inferius oris movement (will that be too specific to cause copyright violation? haha, I hope not. If it does please let me know, but everyone knows what they do in the last scene!) during the acts and after the director said cut. This girl radiated a feel that is very different from the same girl in the garden scene in EP7,.who looked, to be honest, a bit forced. 

All in all, I think from the commentary and BTS, you do see a strong bond among the actors and the director, especially among our three Musketeers. They goofed around, trusted each other deeply, and were truly relaxed when around each other, just like high school besties. I remember YJ said in one of her post-drama interviews that when she acted together with BG, she could feel their friendship at  every moment. I do believe it's true. Whatever they have right now is gradually built upon this foundation of trust and friendship instead of hormone attraction.

And in the group commentary and some BTSs, you can also see what Dongyeon said in his post drama interview happened quite a few times: no body knows what causes BG and YJ to burst out laughing. From what I see is that their shared sense of humor is very elementary-school-ish. It can be just a word play or an funny hat or something, so normal adults don't understand what they are laughing about lol 

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9 minutes ago, Li-Yi Chen said:

I think in his previous FMs he did say that he drank Americano during one of the game sessions. Just to add some non-detailed personal observation. In the BTS, you do see the two became closer shooting by shooting and reached the climax in the shooting of the last scene. You can see that they did enjoy shooting the last bits, at least judging by the very natural and tender hand, facial muscle, eye and Labium superius oris and inferius oris movement (will that be too specific to cause copyright violation? haha, I hope not. If it does please let me know, but everyone knows what they do in the last scene!) during the acts and after the director said cut. This girl radiated a feel that is very different from the same girl in the garden scene in EP7,.who looked, to be honest, a bit forced. 

All in all, I think from the commentary and BTS, you do see a strong bond among the actors and the director, especially among our three Musketeers. They goofed around, trusted each other deeply, and were truly relaxed when around each other, just like high school besties. I remember YJ said in one of her post-drama interviews that when she acted together with BG, she could feel their friendship at  every moment. I do believe it's true. Whatever they have right now is gradually built upon this foundation of trust and friendship instead of hormone attraction.

And in the group commentary and some BTSs, you can also see what Dongyeon said in his post drama interview happened quite a few times: no body knows what causes BG and YJ to burst out laughing. From what I see is that their shared sense of humor is very elementary-school-ish. It can be just a word play or an funny hat or something, so normal adults don't understand what they are laughing about lol 

Yes, agree with you that they got closer and closer after shooting by shooting. I watched only commentary of these two, but when watching Group commentary again, the interaction between these two really exceptional. They really had their own world compared to the others. Yes even in commentary, there's a moment that Nobody knows what are they laughing about. 

And I saw that their chairs are close to each other all the times than to the others.

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hi everybody I'm lurker from long long time but of course I I read all your posts and I really love it. Thankyou so much to everyone who posts and make this forum lively and who's give us hints about dvd you are really cool. This forum really my vitamin formy days. Thank again guys love you. Waiting to another hints.




for now I can't buy DVD for now especially I will start my school next week. And I'm right now save money to buy it later. If their any secret group share dvd videos can you sent me a message I will be really thankful for that. God bless you all.




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Hello everyone. I am a silent reader and being following this thread for over a year and  finally decided to open an account today. First of all i would like to thank everyone that keep this thread alive and provide daily update on our beloved couple. Being an avid fan of KYJ since TMTES and only know PBG through MDBC. Fell in love with the couple as i watch the series and believe that there might be something happen between them. Just watching their BTS make me feel happy and giddy. Lastly i might not be active on this thread due to other commitment but i will definitely lurking arround and read everything in this thread. Thanks again.

P/s : pardon my bad english. I have limited vocab and not good in expressing my thought in writing.

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Dear chingus...can put me in too if any of u make the private sharing chat group??pleaaaseee.... Btw.. I have so much to say but i cant pen it down since the last few days lol...as i think,the page changes! Yeayy! Im happy that we successfully keeo this thread alive! A big thank q to all who contribute so much in here! *big big huuuugss*

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after more than a year being a silent reader of this thread, finally i created new account and join you guysss...

first of all, thank you so much and appreciate all of your time to keep this thread alive with many hints, insights and any other related stuff.. :heart: this thread is really made my days as I will be happy as always whenever open this thread..

Until now i still can't really move on from MDBC especially with our couple, their chemistry in the drama was really one of the best i ever watched!! Never thought that I am continuing to ship them in real life because all of the interactions in the drama BTS, AAA, MAMA, FM, Baeksang are sooo cute :wub: they are really close that it made me hope for something real to be going on between them, I watched some BTS of them individually while working with their former co-stars, and yes it was different, i can see it..

Lastly, even if there's something going on between both of you, please don't get caught on public okayy.. just wait for the perfect timing in the future, so that no one will get hurt (so sad with recent break-ups between other k-celebs couples). Even if you two just purely a best friend, hopefully it will long-lasting and keep supporting each other and I will support both of you as always :)


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15 minutes ago, eltonmoon said:

Depois de mais de um ano ser um leitor silencioso desse tópico, finalmente criei uma nova conta e juntei-se a vocês ...

Antes de tudo, muito obrigado e aprecio todo o seu tempo para manter este tópico vivo com muitas sugestões, insights e qualquer outro material relacionado ...  :heart: esse tópico é realmente feito meus dias, pois estarei feliz como sempre, sempre que abrir esse tópico. .

Até agora, eu ainda não posso seguir em frente do MDBC especialmente com o nosso casal, sua química no drama foi realmente um dos melhores que já assisti !! Nunca pensei que continuasse a enviá-los na vida real, porque todas as interações no drama BTS, AAA, MAMA, FM, Baeksang são tão bonitas  :wub: que são muito próximas que me fez esperar que algo real acontecesse entre elas , Eu assisti alguns BTS deles individualmente enquanto trabalhava com seus antigos co-estrelas, e sim era diferente, eu posso ver ...

Por fim, mesmo que haja algo acontecendo entre vocês dois, não fique preso no bem público. Aguarde o tempo perfeito no futuro, para que ninguém se machuque (tão triste com recentes rupturas entre outros casais k-celebs). Mesmo que vocês dois sejam simplesmente um melhor amigo, espero que ele seja duradouro e continue apoiando-se mutuamente e eu apoiarei vocês dois como sempre :)


I fully agree with you:)

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Hello guys 

New shipper signing in. I'm not a newbie shipper, i've actually shipped a few couples before but never couples in real life.  I was a Lee Young/Raon supporter of course but I got hooked on Bogum/Yoojung couple after I stumbled upon the BTS of MDBC. Their  chemistry is just too explosive to ignore. And to think I was only looking for Melting's music video!

The drama really made me realize how difficult it is to be an actor and why most of their relationships fail. You have to be the character and take on the character's feelings in order to play them so Youjung and Bogum probably was a little bit in love with each other already.

Anyway I hope they still have their bracelets with them.  They're very young so I don't expect them to get together now and to be honest I don't want them to as the relationship has less chance of surviving at their age. Both of them are very charismatic and draws a lot of attention from the opposite sex but at least they are in each other's radar now.  I hope the bracelets work their magic and bring them together someday.

Edited by vinnybookworm
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Woah! Is it just me or the forum site looks different? 

HELLO EVERYONE! It's so nice seeing others come back and welcome to the new comers :D Reading all your posts always puts a smile on my face. It's nice seeing the thread alive and active ^^. 

I saw that the DVD/Blu-ray D-cut they're selling at Yesasia right now is a special box. So that means there's more to it, no? It looks more expensive too. 

This is such a short post but I just wanted to stop by and say Hi :) to everyone. I hope you are all doing well. Toodles~

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11 minutes ago, triplemt08 said:



Woah! Is it just me or the forum site looks different? 




HELLO EVERYONE! It's so nice seeing others come back and welcome to the new comers :D Reading all your posts always puts a smile on my face. It's nice seeing the thread alive and active ^^. 




I saw that the DVD/Blu-ray D-cut they're selling at Yesasia right now is a special box. So that means there's more to it, no? It looks more expensive too. 




This is such a short post but I just wanted to stop by and say Hi :) to everyone. I hope you are all doing well. Toodles~








Yeah..i think the site is different lol..btw im very happy that we have more new boyoo fans here! Welcome all! And also we have all the regulars coming back too...gosh... @Kissy13 Miss u dear! @dee_230208 Where hav u been?hehe.. 



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On 9/4/2017 at 11:37 PM, TienLe85 said:



And I saw that their chairs are close to each other all the times than to the others.




That no space again :wub:This two really!!Sneaky ehhhh...thanks for sharing chinguya...I think the soompi is having a problem @triplemt08 chingu... @lovelybluehoneyz..miss you too chinguya..:blush:



Welcome aboard @youngon @dolcemelodia @eltonmoon @vinnybookworm...happy shipping!!:blush:



Have a great day everyone!!:heart:


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Hi All and new members!

I am glad we have more Boyoo shippers, lets be positive and wait for their new and updates patiently; Its good thats once a while we have their news and photos and it makes our days and we all keep smiling and hoping. I agree that they should hide their relationship now ( if they are bg/gf now) as they are still young but I am hopping that BG will be like his boss CTH who dated his gf for 13 years.

btw, YJ is preparing for her FM in her hometown, and as she has hiding herself, I am sure she will look really nice with new image and her FM will be unforgettable!

Finger crossed for BG to surprise her. I am not sure but if he went, means something and their sweetness will be there on stage. If he did not, means they did not want to create any rumors about their relationship yet and some fan girls may get jealous. But I am sure BG will be there at her FM supporting her may be cover up and sneak to the back seat pretending to be an audience...lol

have a good day!




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1 hour ago, Kissy13 said:



That no space again :wub:This two really!!Sneaky ehhhh...thanks for sharing chinguya...I think the soompi is having a problem @triplemt08 chingu... @lovelybluehoneyz..miss you too chinguya..:blush:

Welcome aboard @youngon @dolcemelodia @eltonmoon @vinnybookworm...happy shipping!!:blush:

Have a great day everyone!!:heart:



Thanks for the warm welcome!!! :grin: Happy shipping :heart:



Edited by dolcemelodia
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I, too is a silent lurker.  I really love everyone comments on our BOYOO couple.  I have loved KYJ since  she was a little girl.  That baby doll really got talent and getting beautiful day by day as she grows.




KYJ & PBG  both really compatible.  Of cos as they are still young but hopefully in real life, their bonding grows stronger even though they are far apart or acting with other co-stars.




I have been reading all your comments on the DVD - CAN U ALL PLS PUT me in THE PRIVATE TALK OR ANY PICS of them .  I am so desperate to hear good news of them in everything they do.




Afraid I do not have the DVD but love to hear from them.  I really love them - Thanks in advance.



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Good news!




Yoojung FM tickets are sold out!!! I am so happy for her. I planned to attend her FM and visit S. Korea for a short holiday and just asked some friends who wanted to join or come with me and while waiting for their answers, tickets all gone..wanna cry.









Anyone in here attending her FM? Please share update and nice photos as we have to rely on you now. 




By the way, I have not bought DVD cut box set, and tried to buy but it said unavailable? Dont know why. Plus one of twitter friends who is in my country said she had to pay a lot of tax on top for her package to be released by custom! Really? OMG :wacko: 




so I am worried that its gonna cost me a fortune and my husband wont be happy as we have a shared bank account. So please do count me in whenever you will have some private chats about this commentary interactions of Boyoo or any BTS photos. Thanks in advance!



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