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Kim Yoo-Jung & Park Bo-Gum | Moonlight Couple|


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Helloooo Chingus!!  

All of you who posted updates on my beloved BoYoo gave me one of the best Mother's Day peesents ever!! :wub:

I'm still lurking and will never give up shipping BoYoo...  Or my voodoo dancing!  :tongue:


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Indeed you (lifeisfullofroan) have said it all!  I echoed the same sentiment that what PBG did on Baeksang award night was to compensate YJ's absence on KBS award night where she missed the memorable moment of her well deserved excellent actor award and especially the best couple award where both BG and she were desiring it so much.

Their insync rapport with each other and their beaming smile were so full of joy and happiness.  And I believe fans and non fans alike could not help but being infected by their radiant and beautiful smiles especially out of their kind and pure heart!

May God bless their friendship deeply, be it buddies or close friends.

Shalom be with PBG and YJ and all of you ..........

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@lifeisfullofraon - Wow, you speak my mind. That is what I think about Bogum at Baeksang's night....your writing is perfect! I really enjoy reading it and I would like to thank you for your time to make gifs and collage photos and write down your wordings. It did not take one day to do it I know so Thank you so much again for sharing such a beautiful writing about Boyoo at Baeksang. 

And thanks to all who are still here to share Boyoo news and updates....I feel guilty just to lurk now..lol. as I have many missions to complete at the moment ( work transferred, moving house etc.) but I did have some time to read news and updates about Boyoo on Baeksang's night....really happy to see their sweet moments; Bogum did look after Yoojung well, such a real gentleman!

PS: dont know when we can see Boyoo at award night again but Boyoo at Baeksang night will be remembered for a long time, I never seen any couple look this real in my life...so lets hope to hear good news in the (near) future. 

Have a great Sunday to everyone!

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18 hours ago, lifeisfullofraon said:

I. When A Most-Eligible Bachelor Behaved Like He Was Very Much Attached...

After watching PBG for almost a year, I have noticed some deviations from his usaully pitch perfect behavior at BSAA. At the very highlight of his evening--to be cheered by the crowd and to accept the prestigious BSAA award--he was strangely standing at the edge of the stage, not moving toward the center of stage like he always did with every other award show that he has attended this last year.  

Instead of walking up to the presenters like he was supposed to do, he was just pausing and looking backward to someone or something off-stage...indeed, someone more important than himself or the award was coming up behind him and he must wait for HER...

[Note: WAITING would turned out to be the scheme of the night for our BoYoo couple, Bogummy would WAIT for Youjung to join him on stage twice--once for the award and another for winners' group photo; Bogummy would also WAIT for Youjung to bring him a trophy and to fix his bow-tie...this night, Bogummy would spend a lot of time WAITING FOR YOUJUNG...and he would prove that he had the patience to do it...for however long it would take for her to be ready to be with him...perhaps this metaphor also applied to them in real life...]


From the very moment he heard the familiar name--Kim You-Jung--being announced, he paused right there and then and paced around a bit, at the top of stairs...knowing that every pairs of eyes were on him at that moment,..he still stopped and looked backward--not forward--searching for a target...totally breaking the protocol of program proceeding...all of sudden PBG decided to stand right there, on the top of the stairs, to greet HER with a welcome hand gesture and the brightest smile to walk up the stairs.

Because of his action, there were a few seconds of pause in the program proceeding and anticipation was building among the audience--everyone was wondering: what was he standing there for?---and it felt like it took forever for her to reach where he was standing.  But all was forgiven as soon as they were reunited on the stage and bowed together to the audience...then there was a collective OHHHH uttered from the entire audience.

The stunning visual of the young and beautiful couple was worth the pause and anticipation. What a joyous bonus to see the MDBC royal couple standing side-by-side...to accept the same award by popular choice--like it was designated through fate and destiny thousands of years ago--it was as meant to be as the moon in the night sky...these two simply belonged together in every undertaking and venture of their lives!!! How could you think of separating them...It just won't look right to have one without the other present on the stage...and PBG was indeed very wise to wait for KYJ to join him to march together...the effect was 1000 times better than him walking alone toward the podium.


Once they were in position on the stage, PBG tried to maintain his cool exterior and avoided looking too much at YJ's direction.  However, as soon as YJ showed some slight jittery after finishing her acceptance speech and returned to his side, he would turned on his charm to comfort her with claps and smiles to assure her that she did well on the speech and there was no cause for her to stress out. 

And from that point on, they could not stop peeking at each other, smiling at each other and totally forgot about where they were--on the big stage, still in the middle of proceeding, with millions pairs of eyes fixated on them--they were wrapped inside their own bubble of sweetness and the bubble was of no use to help concealing their strong affection for each other right under the spotlight! And when they were exiting the stage after the speech, PBG again turned around to look for YJ's whereabouts while in the middle of talking to Yoona and Do--he never demonstrated this possessive side of his personality with any other female acquaintance!



Throughout the evening, many people in the art and show industry would approach Bogummy for greetings, selfies or to catch up on current affairs. But Bogummy would keep these activities brief and tight; never allowed them to drag on too long to leave Youjung unattended.

At BSAA, PBG was not particularly interested in mingling with industry heavyweights or to bathe in his own glorious winning streak, he was unusually less-sociable than he has been at any other award. 

For a most-eligible bachelor who repeatedly said that he has been looking for a girlfriend in recent interviews, Bogummy was disciplined and reserved around the young ladies at BSAA and only looked at one target, one direction. Never once did he get caught looking at another girl or showed interest in anyone else..he was constantly checking on the whereabouts of only one person, shooting hearts and stars from his eyes at only one person--who was his female companion for the night. 

For a most-popular TV star,  PBG was not shy from displaying his strong bias for this particular female companion the entire evening.  For a most-eligible bachelor, PBG was behaving so very attached to the same female companion--he only interested in being the best companion he could be for HER--and he made this his mission at BSAA--and nothing or no one else was going to distract him from accomplishing this mission.

Bogummy didn't want to see a repeat episode of Youjung's last major event for movie BILY where she got cyber-bullied by fans afterwards. He took it upon himself to make sure that Youjung would had a smooth ride at BSAA and felt secure emotionally and physically coming out of it.

Bogummy acted like he was simply at BSAA to make sure that Youjung could enjoy herself with no worries, no stress, and no mis-step...he acted like BSAA was not about him receiving an big award, but it was for YJ to bathe in her own glory (perhaps to make up for missing out KBSDA).  He didn't even worry about not getting a trophy for the group photo when Youjung showed up holding just one trophy (and he was surprised that she simply handed it to him).  

Accepting their BSAA awards on stage was not the only time that PBG behaved out of place this night, he would got lost in his own world again when the evening was coming to an end.  After taking the group photo with all the winners of BSAA, he would walk off the stage with Youjung by his side. The usually alert and aware Bogummy would not see where he was leading Youjung--right into the background of another smaller group photo taken by photographers and media. It was noisy and crowded in every direction so it was easy to get confused; but what was really distracting him was YJ whispering in his ear and he was completely immersed in their conversation--so much so that he didn't even look up once to check his surroundings like he always did whenever there was media and reporters present.

While most of the stars were stopped by security staff (in white circle) and told to exit through the left side of the stage, BG and YJ would go against the grain keep walking to the right.

Stars_Exit_Left_after_Group_Photo_319_54A few seconds later, after BG and YJ passed, the photo session ended, then more stars started to follow their footsteps and walking off the stage on the right side.

All the while, BG and YJ was so wrapped up in their own bubble, chatting away, that they didn't even realize that they might have interrupted the photo shoot for a few seconds. And once again, they were totally forgiven by everyone around them...no one dared to interrupt their motion or conversation...they just stayed out of their way...and watched the beautiful union blossom right in front of their eyes...and it was too precious to not to protect in every way they could--just as we all felt here in this forum.

For PBG to not behaving like PBG at big award event but turned into a man-on-mission at BSAA, there was only one plausible explanation--his emotions were totally attached to the emotions of his female companion of the night--Youjung--he was happy only when she was happy; he was sad when she was not around, and he could not feel relaxed without her safely sitting or standing right next to him!

Looking from the point of view of Youjung, she was returning the favor in every way she could.  It was wonderful to see Youjung again feeling comfortable enough to reciprocate Bogummy's passionate emotions on- and off-stage at BSAA after missing out at the KBS Drama Award. She was the calmer voice of the two yet still displayed confident and security with Bogummy by her side and she was not afraid to show her affection in return and to let him know that she appreciated all his gestures--thus handing him the trophy in front of the crowd.

One of the most intimate moment at BSAA was when YJ adjusted BG's bow-tie after he was feeling insecure about it's perkiness. She listened to him with intensity, then lifted her hand twice to attempt to adjust it while BG was fidgeting and looking to the other side...so she gently grabbed on his arm and patted a few times to make him turn to face her so she could finally adjust it for him...at which point you could visible see Bogummy's expression full of pride, respect, joy, and trust...and he was trying very hard to contain his happiness by holding a very stern look.






Just look at how happy BG was when YJ grabbed his arm...he immediately flash his brightest smile and immediately turned around to show respect for YJ and let YJ had her way with his bow-tie...as well as with his emotions!  He was totally submitted to her charm, when YJ teased him by making a face before adjusting his bow-tie. And watch for YJ's hand movements...it showed both firmness and tenderness...she was telling PBG: Stop moving and turn to me face-to-face to allow me to check on your bow-tie! Their interactions was so natural and so comfortable that it was like they have practiced doing this a thousand times!

I was especially proud of YJ to allow herself to enjoy these sweet and tender moments with Bogummy rather than worry about others' opinion. She was showing a lot of confidence to let others know that she too was very attached to Bogummy in whatever capacity they can manage right now!

This mutual attachment was the biggest reason why they were so connected to each other's emotions and commotions--they were tuned to each other's frequency and moved with each other's pace.  

BoYoo has come full circle since their first public appearance on 2016.08.08 and extended their couple magic beyond our widest imagination on 2017.05.03. Their physical contact might have kept at a minimum at BSAA (i.e. no holding hands), but their eye contacts and corresponding smiles were much more intimate and connected than ever--these heart-fluttering moments were not put on for any other reason--such as promoting a TV show or publicity stun--but for themselves--and for simply celebrating their being together at the important event of their lives.  This kind of simple joy, although should be kept private, should not have to be hidden from everybody else.

And if any one of us could have even one of these kind of sweetness and tenderness exchanged between ourselves and partners once in a while...the memory is enough to last us a lifetime...but BoYoo were doing it at full display, over and over again, right in front of our eyes--each moment grew more precious than the last--what else could we ask of them...but to enjoy this special time of their life...and to let us to take a sneak peek on their happiness once in a while...then we are already too blessed to ask for more.

But we ARE asking--for this moonlight-spell magic that we have jointly witnessed together occurring between PBG and KYJ from 2016 to 2017--to continue and to go on and on and on...as long as there is a moon in the sky...



II. Signs of Emotional Attachment Displayed by BoGummy at BSAA toward Youjung:

1. He was happy to hang out with Youjung--was there ever any doubt? He ran back to his seat after short restroom break (so unusual to see PBG losing his calm and coolness this way)


2. He talked to Youjung for hours--they were talking from the start till the last second before heading out and then continuing in the carpark


3. He put Youjung first--making sure that she got on the stage


4. He listened to what Youjung have to say


5. He asked for and respects Youjung's opinion


6. He did little things for Youjung


7. He tried to impress Youjung


8. He was open to and initiated romantic moments or gestures


9. He sought Youjung out for company and support


10. He was patient with Youjung

He_is_Patient_with_You.jpg11. He took care of Youjung


12. He was attentive, open, and responsive


(P.S. Finally learned to make my first GIF, and it was all for our BoYoo Royal Couple...and it only took me 5 days of trials and errors....) 

So lovely you are....(^^) it really made my day ...deeply  in love with BoYoo


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3 hours ago, boyooisreallove said:

So lovely you are....(^^) it really made my day ...deeply  in love with BoYoo



Please don't quote a long post, you can edit the post and delete some of the content so it will be shorter.

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Hmmm... their CF photoshoot schedule are so much of a coincidence. I don't wanna hope too much about it but I can't help being delulu lol. Oh how I wish they specify what kind of CF it is. I understand YooJung for having it on 17th since her schedule is packed but what about Bogum's? He could have it other days but why does it have to be on 17th? Ahhhh I'm really getting delusional. Sorry guys :sweatingbullets: I just really want them to work together again. I really hope one day, they'll be on a CF together or a photoshoot for a magazine.

Anyways, here's a gif that I love so much. It shows that they're really close at this point, well, since it is the last filming. But, it really shows how close they are for Bogum to playfully fly kisses to her :phew: Like others were saying, are they rehearsing? Or does he just really means to make that kissy faces to her? Was he teasing her? We don't know. Plus, the PD was in front of them at that time lol. The Bogum who was so embarassed when they did their first kiss is doing that in front of the PD? Haha. I don't think he mind it anymore by then. He knows that they were surrounded by staffs and cameras but he still did that. And looking at them two, they look like they're in their own bubble haha. Oh how I wish the PD in front of them had a camera too so we could see what face Yoojung was making at this time haha. They're so lovely seriously:wub:

Aahhh I think this is what they're saying about Moonlight syndrome huh? It's been a month, i think, since I finished the drama and I can't seem to get over it. This usually just happens to me if I really LOVE the drama and the couple. If I just like it, I get over it within a week. If I love it, it could last for a really long time lol. 

Ok guys, I'm done rambling so early in the morning here (well it's 8am haha) :sweatingbullets: But i wish you guys will have/had a happy Monday! 


EDIT: I was bored and just thought of writing another fanfic lol. If you haven't seen my first one, it's on page 760 :) 


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and a product of my imagination. By no means, I did not write this to hurt, insult or offend anyone. 

Can't take my eyes off of you

"Text me before you get there, okay?" Bogum instructed Yoojung for the nth time before they separate ways and go to their respective cars.

"Yes, oppa." She smiled at him. Some might find it very annoying to get reminded so many times, but this is what she likes about him. He always make sure about everything. He makes sure that she gets to the place she's going to safely. He makes sure that she's eaten her meals during the day, especially when she's busy. He makes sure if she sleeps well.

They wave to each other and Bogum mouthed "See you later," making sure no one could see it.

"Are we almost there, oppa?" 

"We'll be there in about 10 minutes." Her manager informed her.

She took her phone out as she remembered the reminder she had earlier.

He might get sulky if I forget to do what he told me to do after reminding me so much, and I don't like a sulky oppa.

"I'm almost there, oppa." She typed.

Twenty seconds later, she got a reply. 

"Has he been waiting for my text? How fast can he type." She mumbled and read,

"What an obidient puppy to listen to his master hehehe"

"Is he teasing me again?" She gritted her teeth and muttered under her breath.

"I must not obey your commands if you keep teasing me :tongue:" she replied.

"Aigoo, my cute little puppy. You should be used to it by now hehe. Anyway, tell manager hyung to hurry. Almost everyone is here."

She smiled. Yes, she should be used to it by now. They always tease each other. It's like it's part of their relationship. She acts like she doesn't like it when he calls her puppy or doll, but deep down inside, she likes it. She feels special. 

"Almost there, oppa." She infromed him.

They soon arrived the restaurant. The Moonlight Drawn By Clouds team had reserved a restaurant just for them to have a private party. They're celebrating their recent success of receiving a platinum remi award from the 50th Annual Worldfest Houston. In addition to that, their celebrating the drama's couple for receiving the popularity award that night.

"Oh, Yoojung is here already." One of the staff beamed as she entered the room.

"Your knights are waiting for you on that table." Another staff chuckled as he pointed to the table of guys looking towards her who has smiles on their faces.

One particular someone that caught her attention, who was smiling so bright that she thought she'll go blind.

"What took you so long?" Bogum asked as she sat next to him. 

"As you can see oppa, I had to change into comfortable clothes." She said and diverted her eyes to the other two young man in front of her. "Hello to my other oppas. Sorry, I'm getting interrogated before I even get to greet you." She quickly gave a side-eye to the young man beside her, who only stared back at her with an innocent look.

Seeing the interaction between Yoojung and Bogum, Dongyeon and Jinyoung started breaking into laughter that they've been holding.

"Ah, memories are seriously hitting me right now. I feel like I'm watching Lee Young and Hong Ra On bickering in front of me" Dongyeon said as he finally caught his breath from laughing.

"Seriously, sometimes I don't know who I'm looking at. Is it the YeongOn or BoYoo? Ahh, can we just eat now? I'm hungry. Bogum didn't want us to start until you get here." Jinyoung said as he started grabbing his utensils.

Yoojung looked at Bogum. "How long have you been here? Does that mean you've been waiting to eat for more than 10 minutes?"

"I want us to eat all together." Bogum pouted.

Yoojung can only sigh. There's no point of arguing.

"I'm sorry." Bogum said sulkily.

"Say sorry to Dongyeon oppa and Jinyoung oppa, not to me."

"I'm saying sorry to all of you."

"Eyyy, what with this gloomy atmosphere? Can you guys cut it out? Just eat. We should be celebrating." Dongyeon waved his hand as if he's trying to shoo away the negative energy that was surrounding them.

He's right. It's been a while since they've been all together. They should be happy.

They all proceed eating. They stuffed their mouths as if the bickering earlier did not happened. They chat and chat and chat. They caught up with each other as much as they can. Telling each other what they've been up to and how they've been doing.

"Oh, I recently went to Jeonju. I visited our filming site. Oh how I miss it!" Yoojung beamed as she reminisce the memories. She kept smiling at the tought of it.

"Really? Woah that's great!" Dongyeon beamed at her.

She nods her head excitedly and stopped when she felt a finger on her face. Her face went from excited to surprised. 

She blinks as she turned to the person who owns the finger.

"Look at how messy you eat." Bogum said as he take the rice off of the side of Yoojung's mouth.

"Oh. Thank you oppa." She wiped her mouth after he took the rice off. Still surprised by his action.

Little did Bogum know, someone's been watching him. 

Jinyoung's been watching how Bogum stares at Yoojung. He doesn't know how long or since when he kept glancing and staring at her but he just knows that Bogum's eyes, won't leave Yoojung. 

He then decided to tease the two, or maybe just Bogum. 

"Bogum-ah, if you still want to see Yoojung, stop staring at her. I feel like she's about to melt from your stares." Jinyoung said casually as he scoops his rice, trying not to laugh. He then look up to see the two.

Upon hearing what he said, Bogum who was looking at Yoojung quickly turned his head toward Jinyoung, while Yoojung stopped halfway from eating her food. Then, there's Dongyeon who just teased even more.

"Hyung, you got caught red-handed." He laughs.

Bogum stared blankly at Jinyoung for a while. Yoojung just look back and forth between Bogum and Jinyoung, feeling her face starting to burn.

"I wasn't staring." Bogum finally spoke.

"Yes, yes. You totally weren't." Jinyoung said mockingly.

Yoojung just put her head down trying to cover her, now, red face.

Bogum mentally scratched his head. Was I really that obvious? He was so lost at the moment that he didn't really realize what he was doing.

Seeing both Bogum and Yoojung so lost and embrassased, Jinyoung and Dongyeon can't help but smile quietly. They both know that these two has special feelings for each other. Sometimes, they just need a little more push to show the obvious. Because sometimes, they're both so obvious that both of them don't realize it. They're always so lost in the moment. Dongyeon and Jinyoung totally ship them, and as good friends, it doesn't hurt if they help them once in a while, right? They both look at each other as if they read each other's mind and just nod in agreement.

Meanwhile, Bogum still lost on his thought. True, he's been staring or looking at Yoojung ever since she got here, no, ever since they met at Baeksang Arts Awards earlier. He just can't help but look at her. He just won't miss the chance. He rarely see her in person nowadays as they are both busy. He just can't take his eyes off of her. Even with the prying eyes of the public earlier. Eventhough he knows that there would be fancams during the event. He just live in the moment-- moments that they rarely have. 

Who cares anymore? I just have my eyes only on her. 

He looked at Yoojung, who still have her head down looking at her food.

"Stop that. Your food won't go in your mouth by themselves." He grinned.

"Eh?" Yoojung snap out of her trance and looked at Bogum.

"Go eat your food."

She just blinks. This guy. He doesn't know how much he makes my heart pound. 

"Ah, yes." 

Bogum just kept giving her all sorts of feelings that night. She's thankful to him, though, that's he's been with her throughout the event as she was really nervous. He was there to comfort her, cheer her up, accompany her... just be with her. She's so thankful a guy like him exist in her life.

Ahh..what a night. They both thought as they look and smile at each other.

Their night continue with laughs and love. It's really nice to be with everyone again. Everyone they love, especially, to those who are very special to each other.


NOTE: Sorry if this story doesn't flow nicely. I feel like it just jumps to a different plot lol. And idk if the title fits the story. I really suck at expressing and describing of what I want to say :sweatingbullets: But hopefully you guys still enjoy it. I wanted to think that the four of them met after the awards night. I want them to reunite. I love the MDBC squad haha.

HUGS TO ALL! :heart:


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They are so sweet to each other! Oooh! Memoirs of teenage days:D I find bogum too comfortable in everything he does with YJ..never seen him acting like that with others esp offcam..lately i have observed how manly he is..so serious during baeksang night..some captured photos of his gaze and quick stares of YJ were  just so intensed and waaaahhh too intimate already! If i were YJ maybe i will freaked out...hahahhaaha! Just kidding..but then YJ reciprocated those sharp gazes with lovingly sweet smiles anyway sending us all shippers into cloud 9!! ..TOO EXCITED TO SEE SOME SNIPPETS OF THEIR PHOTO SHOOTS THIS 17TH...MISS THEM ALREADY:heart:Ooh! What a coincidence again...? Hahahua!

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Hi all~~~newbie here~~~left soompi for years and decided to come back after i discover this new home:lol: 

Ship this two as they are so lovely together, and after watching Baeksang, bogummy mades me want to ship them forever lol...his eyes cant lie XD...and I gonna view this thread from page 1 for revision and refresh hahahaha

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On 9/5/2017 at 9:39 PM, joyoflife77 said:

A couple who laugh together stays together....Doesn't matter what happens in the future, just glad that for now they have such a lovely n supportive relationship.

"Laughter is the shortest distance between two people" (cit)  :D








On 15/5/2017 at 5:02 PM, triplemt08 said:

Hmmm... their CF photoshoot schedule are so much of a coincidence. I don't wanna hope too much about it but I can't help being delulu lol. Oh how I wish they specify what kind of CF it is. I understand YooJung for having it on 17th since her schedule is packed but what about Bogum's? He could have it other days but why does it have to be on 17th? Ahhhh I'm really getting delusional. Sorry guys :sweatingbullets: I just really want them to work together again. I really hope one day, they'll be on a CF together or a photoshoot for a magazine.

Who knows, but it's nice think it's not just some coincidence... :rolleyes: 


I saw the schedule of Bogum, he's working so hard to the graduation performance HERE...

The pictures of BG on Kakao Page  take the breaths away! :wub:






Meanwhile, I thought it was funny that Park Bo Gum chosen to be most ideal teacher HERE

Now, Yoo Jung, compliments on 5000 days since your debut (I'm sorry I'm late.)...

And to return to the  Boyoo days... 

There, Bogum  looks a boyfriend waiting for his date...:wub:

... later, he's rewarded from the smile of his princess...:heart:
I love this video:




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