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Kim Yoo-Jung & Park Bo-Gum | Moonlight Couple|


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Finally! I'm here..am so done lurking hahahaha!:glasses:Hi everyone! TRUTH IS:flushed: Been a silent lurker here since BoYoo la la land exist. I so freaking love them both..there is not a day that I'm not checking this thread just to get updated of this lovey dovey couple. Lately BoYoo is everywhere from IG posts..headlines and twitter and I'm loving it so much atleast we have a bunch of newly shippers adoring and loving our cute babies. I'm already familiar with the sweet and smart people here so glad and happy to found this ship.:lol: I believe BAEKSANG is such a dream come true for us..can't wait to see more of them in the coming days..please update if there is any. I wont get tired of waiting hahahaha!:D

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3 hours ago, happysloth said:



@happysloth:  let me borrow this pic.  It's so beautiful.  I also appreciate the poem you placed ...

*** this is a very captivating picture.  Such a beautiful, happy couple.  Park Bo Gum looks elated standing next to Kim Yoo Jung. :) seriously, they look like a real couple here.  The way bo gum is standing next to yoo jung says alot.  

They look like royalties receiving guests in their palace....he looks like a king guarding his queen.  Ready to introduce his queen to anyone... he's like saying "you can only look at her... just look at her but dont come near her... you will get past through me first..."


**** credits to the owner of the pic and original post ***

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On 5/5/2017 at 2:30 PM, happysloth said:

How do I love thee?


Let me count the ways how I love you
It's like that gentle wind you feel at dawn
It's like that first sun that hits the dew



Let me count the ways how I see you
It's like that lake in the mountain you heard about
It's like that autumn sky that stays so blue



Let me count the ways how I miss you
It's like that warm evening you read to me
Both knowing deeply that it's a good time, a good time for us



Let me count the ways how I see you
It's like that air around me that holds me gently
Whispering strongly that you're always there, always for me


Aren't these two gorgeous? Aren't these two lovely?:wub:

Eyy I'm so late to the party here! I miss this thread and its wonderful souls! Tried to back read, but there're so many. My apologies for the repetitive postings, can't help it. So happy to see this thread is running full steam once again. Aren't we the happiest ship on earth now? Thanks to the hardwork and dedication of fans and shippers, our Boyoo finally appeared together on stage! Yeah! The sweet memories of Baeksang 2017 should be sufficient to satisfy our craving for Boyoo moments in the short to medium term. Anyone knows of any big events coming this year where Bo and Yoo would possibily be invited? 

I love how the media coverage of Baeksang have very positive toward Bo and Yoo, and kinda subtly supportive toward Boyoo:D I particularly love how many people gave positive and encouraging comments on Yoojung, considering the past events. Girl deserves all the love and recognition for her talent, hardwork and strong performance in all productions involved her. She and Bogum shared the same burden and responsibility and both had given equally magnificent performance. 

I love how Bo and Yoo quietly maintain their warm and cozy relations, whatever it may be. It's nice to see them being comfortable with each other's presence in public. Some people said Boyoo was not as super-sticky-sweet-like-the-sweetest-honey as they were at the AAA. Me thinks they'd behaved properly to suit the character of the event -Baeksang is a completely different event from the AAA or MAMA- but still undeniably super sweet with each other nonetheless. When they all lined up for a group photo, and also during their own awarding, their closeness was soofull of joy!oooo obvious. They've almost made the other attendees looked like they were mere strangers pooled in a spot with them being the only two individuals who know each other and totally enjoy each other's company:D

Oh, and I don't care about what minority people, aka haters, said about YJ or Boyoo. Let them sulk in their corner. 

Happy shipping, wonderful souls!



Let me tell you, I really liked what you wrote for our Boyoo... I love what they did, who they are and like they make us feel at this moments! Full of joy! :heart: Looking at this poem, I remembered a sonnet by Elisabeth Browning...


How do I love thee? 

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. 
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height 
my soul can reach, when feeling out of sight 
for the ends of Being and Ideal Grace. 
I love thee fo the levei of everyday's 
most quiet need, by sun and candlelight. 
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right; 
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise; 
I love thee with the passion put fo use 
in my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith; 
I love thee with a love I seemed fo lose 
with my lost saints, - I love thee with the breath, 
smiles, tears, of all my life! - and, if God, choose, 
I shall but love thee better affer death.



The thing that's impressed me more,  you know  what's it? At the Baeksand they didn't have any fear to show their  their affection...  what unites them, than any connection  this is about, it is good, pure, cannot be hidden for long.

Here are other sweet moments taken from the fancam...

Some show their their close :D:

Others show their sync...


And others pictures:

And by @museugeum (sorry your link instagram is not functionning) HERE


Edited by boju
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2 hours ago, thearmyofskank said:

another angle. Her laugh is the most beautiful thing! I love this video so much! :wub:

and guys please check this youtube account 1of1_bogummy. She uploaded few fancams of Bogum at Baeksang Awards which of course has YJ in it. Duhhh~ haha. Especially the photo time fancam one is legit gonna make you giddy! :lol:^_^ Trust me! 

Oh wait let me just paste the link here.


please watch other fancams by this masternim too okay ^_^

Okay i think i've posted too much these days. Sorry! 


On that 2nd fancam, on the very last part.... You can see that Yoojung tapped Bogum's arm for him to face her before she fixed his bow tie :D She tapped/touch his arm so much during this photo session. May it be purposely or accidentally. They may not have linking arms or holding hands during this event but I feel like their skinship is more natural. And I like it:wub:

@thearmyofskank i feel you. I felt like I posted so much these days and it was my first time posting on thread/forum this week too. I'm usually just a silent lurker but seeing Boyoo and their moments, I cannot help but share the joy with my co-shippers :D

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On 5/4/2017 at 5:07 PM, triplemt08 said:

Oho I saw Yoojung's back :wink: I wonder what Bogum thought if he did saw her back that night hehe. Delulu :phew:


Hi...haven't welcomed you on this thread yet...thanks for your uploads :) I think this is one of the reasons why BG always sticks close to YJ whenever they get to appear publicly together..we shippers have called it BoGum Wall.. He may not be as touchy as he was during the MDBC presscon but it has taken a different level of activation now..it's more like everyone around them already knows that she's his girl..and their touches are more familiar now, more intimate however simple.. I love your delulu :D it makes the hair on my nape tingle :rolleyes:

Keep posting, chinggu!!! We need to let everybody know that our ship is sailing with love and happiness :wub:

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17 minutes ago, Edith Fabian said:


Hi...haven't welcomed you on this thread yet...thanks for your uploads :) I think this is one of the reasons why BG always sticks close to YJ whenever they get to appear publicly together..we shippers have called it BoGum Wall.. He may not be as touchy as he was during the MDBC presscon but it has taken a different level of activation now..it's more like everyone around them already knows that she's his girl..and their touches are more familiar now, more intimate however simple.. I love your delulu :D it makes the hair on my nape tingle :rolleyes:

Keep posting, chinggu!!! We need to let everybody know that our ship is sailing with love and happiness :wub:


Hello! Thank you so much for welcoming me :D

I like the idea of the Bogum wall haha. Yoojung needs to be protected and I like how they're always together. I don't mind if they're not in a romantic relationship right now but I hope they're at least like bffs lol. It could always grow into something else later on when our Yoojungie is older hehe.

I hope we could see them more this year. I found myself constantly checking social media and this forum lately because of them. Like, I need my dose of BoYoo lol. And my delulu mind are always activated. I wish I'm a good writer so I could write a fanfic, but I'm not. I've been searching for more fanfics but I think I've read most of them already. And some good ones haven't been updated yet :tears: Anyways, I think I'm blabbing so much lol.

Have a nice day chingoo! :D

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@happysloth please allow me to quote this :wink:

They've almost made the other attendees looked like they were mere strangers pooled in a spot with them being the only two individuals who know each other and totally enjoy each other's company

This reminds me of some lines of the song "I only have eyes for you" that goes like..

"You are here, so am I...maybe millions of people go by...but they all disappear from view..cause I only have eyes for you.."

And your poem really touched my heart..every line fits.

It's sssoooo good to be reading posts from our dear shippers again...I've really missed them! Our couple has cast their magic spell once again that I don't think we would ever want to be out of it..BG has proven time and again how special YJ really is to him and the feeling it gives to onlookers is unexplainably wonderful..and it's equally wonderful that YJ is slowly coming out of her shell when it comes to showing her affection toward him..let's pray that their affection now go a long long way until it matures to something for eternity.

I'm suffering from a not-so-bad hangover from these two..and I don't know how many eggnogs and cups of coffee I need to get me out of it :flushed:

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7 hours ago, boju said:


And by @museugeum (sorry your link instagran is not functionning) HERE

@boju:  let me borrow this picture from your post...


***the third picture on the left side proves that these two people have a really close relationship... you dont usually give that eye-contact to anyone... the eye contact has its own secret message only the recepient and the giver understand... you only give that to a best friend... to a girlfriend... or a wife...


*** credits to the owner of the picture and the one who originally post if.

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@lifeisfullofraon very well said. so agree .. :heart:...

BGmy is so honest with his feeling. He is soo transparent. 

He such a lost boy without Yjngie by his side. Where is 6 yo gap???? ... that's just a mere of number. YJ is so mature despite her age. N she can act n place herself well. She became a daughter with her mom, a youth girl with her friend, a lit girl with her bro n sist, n a lady with her namja.

They're so perfect foe eachother. They are complete eachother. Like BGmy ever said, he is selfish, n YJngie always took care him first. The whole world witness it with just a simple action bring his trophy first.

hahha..still can't get enough of Baeksang..  Don't know when this such moments will happened again in the future. 

N for whose go to YJ Singapore FM...sent many loves for her.. Hope there will be many fans there altough it's will be diff when an actor held it, can't help it but thats girls/women fans nature.

Happy weekend BoYoo lovers

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Hello again guys..:D..

Just drop after visiting IG n his thread ..just friendly reminder here. No offense to anyone fans or shippers..:)..

Will put it under spoiler so if u don't wanna read it just skip it..



This kind of thing always comes after the gud one. Not everyone happy for our happiness. There are always exist ppl with diff point of views of happiness. Jealousy, insecurity, possessive are some of the reason. Although i can't say that we are 100% right in interpreted all BoYoo moments. But one thing I'm sure, we never wanna harm anyone of them. We just love n ship them. N we express our ship in our homes. Our very own ship. 

So what im trying to say. Don't give them (^whoever^ they are, coz we don't know for sure who) the stones that they have throw to us, that as always wanna put the weight in YJngie shoulder. :(..

BGmy is a gud person, no one can doubt it. N we knew for sure YJngie too, but always diff in women cases. ^They^ always found the reason to doubt her. That's the law in K entertainment industries coz almost female fans are the most supportive but the scariest fans in the same times. 

Ps: sorry all.. didn't want to ruin our happy mood here. Just want to protect our lovely boyoo ship. So let's be lovely n classy shippers too...

Nice weekend everyone.:lol:..


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7 hours ago, Edith Fabian said:

@happysloth please allow me to quote this :wink:

They've almost made the other attendees looked like they were mere strangers pooled in a spot with them being the only two individuals who know each other and totally enjoy each other's company

This reminds me of some lines of the song "I only have eyes for you" that goes like..

"You are here, so am I...maybe millions of people go by...but they all disappear from view..cause I only have eyes for you.."

And your poem really touched my heart..every line fits.

It's sssoooo good to be reading posts from our dear shippers again...I've really missed them! Our couple has cast their magic spell once again that I don't think we would ever want to be out of it..BG has proven time and again how special YJ really is to him and the feeling it gives to onlookers is unexplainably wonderful..and it's equally wonderful that YJ is slowly coming out of her shell when it comes to showing her affection toward him..let's pray that their affection now go a long long way until it matures to something for eternity.

I'm suffering from a not-so-bad hangover from these two..and I don't know how many eggnogs and cups of coffee I need to get me out of it :flushed:


Oh I loooove that song! It's quite apt to describe Boyoo, especially during their MDBC days:wub: 

Btw, the words accompanying the photos in my post are not mine, they're lyrics of Jon Lennon's song "Let me count the ways", should've stated it in my post, my bad.


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4 hours ago, dee_230208 said:

Hello again guys..:D..

Just drop after visiting IG n his thread ..just friendly reminder here. No offense to anyone fans or shippers..:)..

Will put it under spoiler so if u don't wanna read it just skip it..

  Reveal hidden contents


This kind of thing always comes after the gud one. Not everyone happy for our happiness. There are always exist ppl with diff point of views of happiness. Jealousy, insecurity, possessive are some of the reason. Although i can't say that we are 100% right in interpreted all BoYoo moments. But one thing I'm sure, we never wanna harm anyone of them. We just love n ship them. N we express our ship in our homes. Our very own ship. 

So what im trying to say. Don't give them (^whoever^ they are, coz we don't know for sure who) the stones that they have throw to us, that as always wanna put the weight in YJngie shoulder. :(..

BGmy is a gud person, no one can doubt it. N we knew for sure YJngie too, but always diff in women cases. ^They^ always found the reason to doubt her. That's the law in K entertainment industries coz almost female fans are the most supportive but the scariest fans in the same times. 

Ps: sorry all.. didn't want to ruin our happy mood here. Just want to protect our lovely boyoo ship. So let's be lovely n classy shippers too...

Nice weekend everyone.:lol:..



I know what is the reason lol

there's saying jealousy makes people blind

so it is. 

I'm just saying this. hahahah I'm not gonna make any further explanation hahaha

Image result for fanning gif


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