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Kim Yoo-Jung & Park Bo-Gum | Moonlight Couple|


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On 12/23/2016 at 0:21 PM, thesecretgarden said:

"Haters don't really hate you, they hate themselves; because you're a reflection of what they wish to be." - Yaira N. 

It's maddening how so many bad things are happening when Christmas is near and I really don't want to let all the negatives be the last thing that Yoojung has to face at the end of 2016. She doesn't deserve any of this - heck, nobody deserves any of this mess, and it really makes me want to scratch my brain with a freaking toothpick, what with how overtly judgmental and self-righteous some k-netizens are being. She didn't even do anything wrong, sheesh. The only thing that manages to salvage my burning heart is the fact that even though there are haters out there that don't bat an eyelash criticizing our angel, there are so many more people out there who truly care for her and support her and defend her. Yoojung really is blessed, and it warms me to know that despite what she has to go through at the moment, she is not alone. :) I feel so proud to have become a part of this really awesome group of defenders, haha. When it comes to BoYoo, it's like we're ready to pull out our guns and protect them from all harm ^^

Calling all members of BoYoo protection squad!




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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Incidents are either the products of my imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental, and and is by no means written to hurt, demean, or insult others. 

Prompt: BoYoo ABC Drabble Pt. 5

P: Protect


She wakes up to the feeling of someone brushing her hair.

The touch is gentle and familiar, she notes absentmindedly -- a soft stroke of a thumb on her forehead, the tenderness of a palm on the side of her face, warm like the first ray of spring -- so when she flutters her eyes open and focuses her gaze on the person, she should have known it was him all along.


Bogum pauses in the midst of his action and trails his gaze at her, and for a second there Yoojung thinks she sees something flickers in his brown eyes -- surprise, relief, and pain, all at once -- and she wonders then how long has it been since the last time she saw him, and why is it that he looks so beautiful and yet sad, and that just by looking at his face the anxiety tangling in the pit of her stomach starts to unravel on its own?

Lips curved into a smile, she utters softly. "Annyeong, oppa."

Bogum bites his lips. "Did I wake you?"

She shakes her head, smiling. "Ani."

His heart then clenches at the sight of her -- dark hair sprawled against the white pillow, lips pale and slightly chapped, but her eyes shine with such courage, such determination with no hint of fear nor hesitation, that Bogum has to clench his own two fists to swallow the urge to pull her into his arms. Because she is so small and yet so strong, so fragile and yet not, and he knows -- he knows that she is not easily broken, that she is far tougher than most people give her credit for. He watches as the orange of the sunset peeks through the hospital curtains and falls upon her, and he thinks he might be looking at a fallen angel at the moment, with her bravery and tenacity to fight, and gentleness to forgive. He cups her cheek with his hand and she leans into his touch, and his heart then trembles even more, because she is smiling at him, so warmly, so kindly, so sincerely and he has to ask himself again and again and again how is it that anybody can possibly hate her, when she is this lovable, this endearing, and so, very precious to him?


His voice sounds hoarse and throaty, she notices, perhaps from overuse, but she feels though as if he's holding something back, and when she finally shifts her gaze at him, she catches the lone tear trailing down his cheek and her breath hitches.

"Bogum-oppa," she whispers, reaching out her hand toward him, her cold fingers a stark contrast to the warmth of his tears. He meets her eyes then, and her heart quivers at the intensity of his gaze -- because he is looking at her like she is a treasure to cherish, like she is the most precious thing in his life, and she wonders if he knows that his sadness pains her as much as hers pains him, and that he is very dear to her and she wants nothing more than for him to smile at her the way he used to.

"Don't be sad, oppa." She brings his hand away from her face and laces their fingers together, still smiling.

Bogum stares at their intertwined digits and grips her hand tighter, closing his eyes as he stretches his lips into a thin smile. "Why is it that you always seem to know exactly what I'm feeling?"

"Because I'm secretly a prophet?" She answers cheekily.

But he doesn't laugh, doesn't breathe out any sort of sign of amusement, and Yoojung pauses, suddenly noticing the bags underneath his eyes, the fatigue marring his face, and she wishes at that moment that he isn't as kind, that he isn't as nice a person, to the point where he would willingly take some of her burden and carry it with him despite her protests. 

"I'm alright, Bogum-oppa." She starts softly.

He's still not looking at her, so she gently places her hands on his cheeks, coaxing him to look at her. "There's no need for you to worry. I'm not alone. My family is with me. You're here with me. And," She flashes him another radiant smile, before pulling away and waving a v-sign at him. "You forget about something. I'm a strong girl. I won't crumble just from this much."

"I know," Bogum whispers, covering her hand with his own. He leans down and bumps their foreheads together, and Yoojung's breath caught in her throat, partly because of their current proximity -- because he's so close that she can feel the wisps of his breath on her cheek -- but also because of the myriads of emotions reflected in his eyes -- that sliver of adoration, of confidence, of trust -- he understands her, he trusts her, he believes in her, all that despite what people have been saying behind her back, despite her so-called carelessness, and to Yoojung, this is enough. Having Bogum-oppa's trust and support, is more than enough. 

"Gomawo, Yoojung-ah." He murmurs, expression soft and melancholic. "For being okay." For staying safe.

Because she doesn't know about how his heart had stopped beating the second he heard from his manager-hyung that she had collapsed on her way back from Hong Kong, or how he found it hard to breathe all of a sudden, as if the notion of collecting air properly into his lungs had suddenly become a novel one, or how before he realized it himself he had dragged his manager across the parking lot all the way to their car, heart beating rapidly and fingers trembling. It wasn't until an hour ago, when Yoojung's eomeoni stood up from her seat and told him that Yoojung's condition has stabilized and that she is currently resting, that Bogum unclenched his two fists; and it wasn't until he looked at her sleeping face and reassured himself again and again and again that she's there, that she's okay, and that she is not going to disappear out of his life like his mother did, that Bogum finally allowed himself to breathe.

And she probably doesn't even have a slight inkling about how important she is to him, he thinks as he tucks a loose strand behind her ear, of how much she has him wrapped around her little fingers, or how he would do anything within his capability to keep her safe from all harm, so that she can keep on smiling that smile, and that she can be happy no matter what. Because she's become that important to him -- she's become someone irreplaceable, his person -- his, Park Bogum's.

"I just over-worked myself a little," she peers up at him, "And I've gotten plenty of scolding from my family and friends. Especially from Dongyeon-oppa, which was somewhat unexpected. He was lecturing me so much that Jinyoung-oppa and Soobin-unnie had to drag him out of the room." 

"...I wish I could have visited you sooner," Bogum says in a soft tone, taking her hand into his and brushing her knuckles with his thumb. "And it wasn't until my schedule was done that I was told that you were rushed into the hospital, because if I had known about it earlier, I would have--" he pauses and shakes his head, stopping himself before he can continue his sentence. He meets her questioning gaze, and quirks a small smile. "Ani da."

I would have taken a break from my schedule, and went to see you immediately. 

Those words that he almost said to her, but he knows for a fact that she wouldn't be happy about it because she has always valued professionalism, and although he is embarrassed by his own lack thereof, Bogum knows he really would have done so.  

She blinks. "What is it?"

He pinches her cheek and grins. "It's a secret."

"Ey, Bogum-oppa!" Yoojung glares at him and covers her two cheeks. "Isn't there a law against teasing sick people? If I were healthy right now I would have hit your arm with my mighty fists."

Bogum raises an eyebrow, teasing. "Mighty fists?"

Yoojung nods solemnly. "Mighty fists."

"Hmm, then what do your mighty fists think about my get-well gift?" He points at the paper bag settled on the hospital table. "Too mighty for pork rinds?"

Yoojung immediately perks up at the two words, eyes shining in delight. "Pork rinds? From the restaurant in Mapo? The one in front of my house?"


She opens her mouth in excitement, but a thought comes to her mind and she stops half-way, her lips curling into a pout. "Eeh, but I won't be able to eat them. It's going to be another two weeks before I'm even allowed to eat rice."

He tilts his head. "You can always store them in the freezer and cook them later. I'll tell your eomeoni about it."

"But," Yoojung sniffs and puffs her cheeks, pursing her lips slightly. "What if she forgets about it and cook them anyway?"

"Then I will buy it for you again," Bogum says, smiling. "Anytime you want. We can go there and eat together."


He lets out a small laugh. "Really."

Yoojung grins at him. "Thank you -- yawn -- Bogum-oppa." She rubs her eyes and sends him a sheepish smile. "Hmm, mian."

She cracks another large yawn and Bogum chuckles, ruffling her hair. "Ahrasseo, you seem tired. I will go now, then. I don't want to bother you any longer."

He slowly rises from his seat and is about to walk toward the door but before she even realizes what she is doing, Yoojung has reached her arm out to grab the hem of his coat, casing Bogum to pause in his tracks. The weight of her action finally sinks in and she casts her gaze down, chewing her lips nervously, embarrassed at her own impulsiveness. But Bogum's eyes soften at that look on her face, and he tries to resist the urge to smile like a fool at her reluctance to let him go, and is it strange that he finds it so adorable, he wonders, as he sees her leaning back into her bed and covers her face with her hands. 

"I will stay."

Yoojung peeks through her fingers. "...Really?"

"Really." He plops back to his seat and rests his face on one hand, linking their hands together as he watches her with a smile on his face. "I will stay here, at least...until you fall asleep."

"But...what if you catch my cold?"

"I won't."


"I'm not."





"...I...see," Yoojung mutters, her eyes drooping, and the way he is tracing soft patterns on her hand is not helping her keep her eyes open either. She really wants to stay awake because it's been a while since they talked, and she misses him, very much so, but she knows she is also very close to surrendering herself to sleep, and she can't help it, because she just feels so safe with him nearby, as if all the bad things currently happening are just a bad dream and he is the hero who has come to save the day.  

She clenches his hand, mumbling sleepily. "...Bogum-oppa."


"You'll...stay...with me?"


"If I fall asleep like this...then...the first thing I will see when I wake up...will be you...right...?"

Her eyes are completely shut then, and Bogum blinks his eyes in amazement, because she really does fall asleep just like that, in less than a minute, after saying something unusually honest and definitely not good for his heart, something which he has to thank her half-awake mind for, and he chuckles quietly to himself, not bothering to hide his blatant adoration as he stares at her. Is she really asleep? He muses. He then pokes at her cheek, letting out an amused breath when he sees the way her face contorts a little, and he rests his head near where she's sleeping. The corner of his mouth tugs into another smile, one that is reserved only for her, and as he watches the rise and fall of her chest, a memory from a distant past comes to his mind.  




"When you find someone precious to you, will you promise eomma something?"

He snuggled into her lap and yawned, nodding. "Un." 

"Love her with all your heart." She said, caressing his hair. "Protect her with your life. And no matter what, never let her go without a fight."


The memory of his mother is something that never fails to bring tears to his eyes, but strangely, this time, as he lands his gaze on the girl currently slumbering in her hospital bed, Bogum finds himself feeling nothing but a sense of nostalgia, and he knows that it is only because of her, that he is now able to regard the memory of his mother with not just sadness, but also fondness. He reaches out his hand to stroke her cheek, his thumb gently brushing the underside of her eyes.

"I've found her, eomma," he whispers, eyes softening a fraction of an inch, and he looks at the eighteen-year-old with the most tender expression on his face. "A precious someone whom I want to protect. She's strong enough to fend for herself, but...there are also times when she is vulnerable." Bogum breathes, squeezing her hand. "Like this...right now. And I want to protect her. To stay by her side and to become someone who is able to give her strength."

And that's how Mok Sunmi finds the two that night  -- her daughter and her former co-star -- both of them sleeping peacefully, their hands joined together, and although the latter is sleeping with his back twisted into an uncomfortable position, the look of utter contentment painted on his face seems to have betrayed whatever discomfort he is supposed to be feeling. Shaking her head, Yoojung's mother smiles to herself and closes the door to her daughter's hospital room, muttering.

"Maybe thirty more minutes."




Keep calm, and let's continue praying for Yoojung's quick recovery and our BoYoo's appearance at KBS Drama Awards. This storm will pass, and then the sun will shine again. Remember, there's always a rainbow at the end of very storm. Yoojung-ie's a strong girl -- they are strong people, and I believe at the end of the day, everything will be just fine. :)



@thesecretgardenthank you for indulging us with your fanfic. It's trully beautiful. I personally found this line --"Gomawo, Yoojung-ah." He murmurs, expression soft and melancholic. "For being okay." For staying safe-- the most heart-fluttering. I can imagine him saying that line earnestly to her. Thank you for putting our imagination into a wonderful story. 

@bubblyfloI kinda agree with you on this. The sweetest 'revenge' is achieving more success. 


21 hours ago, bubblyflo said:

so happy YJ can attend KBS Drama Award. Tbh, FMHO, it's better for her to attend it than not attend

Because, if she's not attend it, haters will become more cruel than now.

and the best way to fight your enemy is by facing them directly isn't?



Edited by angelangie
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55 minutes ago, peachlover777 said:

Yj will definitely get more than one award,  who knows, maybe all the MBDC youth squad members will each get an award, read below...taken from our sister site over at Moonlight soompi. credit Gumtaek

"...KBS hit the jackpot in the drama department this year with a string of solid, if not sensational, works. So rich is the list of candidates that there is even talk of creating new award categories to make sure each person who deserves an honor gets one.":sweatingbullets:

I guess so since MDBC was KBS 1st drama since 2010 on monday tuesday slot that broke record > 20%. More actor/actress surely will be recognized.:sweatingbullets:

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@thesecretgarden thank you, for such an endearing drabble..I was thinking on the same lines on my way home this afternoon but only up to BG's shedding a tear..as soon as I read that YJ was hospitalized I was kinda like " just where is @thesecretgarden?? She must have something to write about this!!" And soon after, this..we need this, after the ruckus that happened..somehow this helps in stabilizing our hearts.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!! And may you have all the gifts you're wishing for!!:kiss_wink::kiss_wink::kiss_wink:

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I came across a glamourous picture of Yoo Jung in her younger days - she looked like Audrey Hepburn.

"Life and death is in the power of the tongue".  A writer wrote this - What the experts have learned is that happiness comes from meaningful friendships with people.

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22 minutes ago, shootingstar007 said:

PBG and KDY are together tonight. I am waiting for anyone to upload a picture of them visiting YJ in the hospital (or, whereever she is resting now). *me and my delulu mind*

Have a good night, everyone! God bless.




I believe they're visiting YJ secretly hehe. but better not upload some pictures maybe because all of these circumstances.... 

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11 minutes ago, bubblyflo said:


I believe they're visiting YJ secretly hehe. but better not upload some pictures maybe because all of these circumstances.... 

You're right.. *sigh*

I guess that being a Korean celebrity is like being a girl in the 17th century. You cannot show your affection in front of public, since they might "stone" you for that.

For now, let's think that Bo Gum oppa is visiting his doll. Haha. I will let my delusional mind rules over me tonight :wub:

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10 hours ago, cloud92 said:

everyone here who has twitter, can u ask pannchoa to translate this? http://cafe.daum.net/cs11sz/LG19/285358?svc=cafeapp it's an article that defends yoojung regarding her current issue. Thank u so much in advance 


Hi @cloud92, I think there is a translation on the article at Twitter but I am not sure if it is the same article on this site. 

Anyone who has Twitter maybe can help to share here. I am still new and still figuring out how to share them. You can search @maknaecloud_ Twitter for the article. Hope this help. 


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1 minute ago, peacemaker616922 said:


Hi @cloud92, I think there is a translation on the article at Twitter but I am not sure if it is the same article on this site. 

Anyone who has Twitter maybe can help to share here. I am still new and still figuring out how to share them. You can search @maknaecloud_ Twitter for the article. Hope this help. 


it's not the same article but yeah the content is similar

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30 minutes ago, peacemaker616922 said:


Hi @cloud92, I think there is a translation on the article at Twitter but I am not sure if it is the same article on this site. 

Anyone who has Twitter maybe can help to share here. I am still new and still figuring out how to share them. You can search @maknaecloud_ Twitter for the article. Hope this help. 


This is a good writing..! I agree that Sidus should protect YJ instead of apologizing for something that she did not do. I read that YJ's contract with Sidus will end next year. Maybe it is time for her to consider moving to another agency, like...*cough*.. Blossom? :)

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1 hour ago, bubblyflo said:


I believe they're visiting YJ secretly hehe. but better not upload some pictures maybe because all of these circumstances.... 

not seeing boyoo couple together is like experiencing a drought :sweatingbullets: and here's my delulu:phew:

the picture of DY and BG that @shootingstar007 post...


 wonder if the two went to consult the wise "Teacher Dasan" for advice  as to weather they should go visit YJ or not :sweatingbullets:.

@shootingstar007 just saw your post,  i think it is good the team did their part, it is  for damage control sake and put the matter to a stop so YJ can move on.  I am so glad during this difficult time, YJ at such youthful age has so many supporters surrounding her, it will definitely keep her strong and heal her physically and emotionally and be refreshed at KBS red carpet and award stage!



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15 minutes ago, peachlover777 said:

not seeing boyoo couple together is like experiencing a drought :sweatingbullets: and here's my delulu:phew:

the picture of DY and BG that @shootingstar007 post...

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 wonder if the two went to consult the wise "Teacher Dasan" for advice  as to weather they should go visit YJ or not :sweatingbullets:.

@shootingstar007 just saw your post,  i think it is good the team did their part, it is  for damage control sake and put the matter to a stop so YJ can move on.  I am so glad during this difficult time, YJ at such youthful age has so many supporters surrounding her, it will definitely keep her strong and heal her physically and emotionally and be refreshed at KBS red carpet and award stage!



Yes, I agree with you that apologizing can be a damage control for the time being. But, IMHO, in this case, apologizing is like giving oil to the burning lamp. The haters will never stop. They will keep witch-hunting YJ since that has been their intentions in the first place.

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Good day chingussss 

Today is a new day and also

Today is Christmas Eve, 

This is a really lovely thing that naver can do



Anyway, today BG will attend KBS Ent Awards along with DY, and JY, also with his previous co-star and co-mc 


I hope everything gone well and we're not having ship war


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27 minutes ago, bubblyflo said:

Good day chingussss 

Today is a new day and also

Today is Christmas Eve, 

This is a really lovely thing that naver can

 That is really sweet of Naver.

i hope she will be able to see that because for sure that will cheer her up. 

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