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Kim Yoo-Jung & Park Bo-Gum | Moonlight Couple|


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1 hour ago, bubblyflo said:


yes i think he is

To me looks like a a lovers spat more than agency warning JY literally giving a cold shoulder to BG and BG is unhappy and felt lost. If her agency warn YJ not to be too close to BG after the fansign meeting Depatch photo. I am very sure  JY will still talk to BG but not close and touchy remember she is human vitamin I do not think just because of her agency warning she hurt a person so close to her for these few months. 

She is not a newbie but well known actress and well loved by Koreans her agency dare not give her warning instead maybe advise her if she leave the agency to join Blossom agency( Bogum effect) after her contract finish it is a big loss to her agency.

As for the group photo YJ sit next to BG but not very close and she refused to have eye contact with BG she even hold the love hand sign to her heart ignoring BG, poor BG turn to BY to do the love hand sign instead.

I am shipping them but also hope they considerate on their career first,BG is 23 years in future he were  team up with other younger actresses and were be doing a lot of kissing scene hope it will not break YJ heart. I hope few years later they cast in next MDBC drama meet in modern times and fall in love for real give is genuine hot kisses.

* Sorry for the bad English


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Hi guys, 

another  BOYOO shipper is here 

I am new on Soompi, but I like to read and lurk here..:)

I am really glad that we have this thread. Make account just to support this couple.

They are just adorable and shipable :w00t:. So sad no OTP moment last night, :sweatingbullets:

But I have my medicine: their kiss in the last ep is so damn hot and intimate, like both of them enjoy it, the smile on Ra on's (KYJ) face when CP (PBG) kissed her deeper.. so sincere and so REAL. I keep replying that scene tho ( I am a pervert ahjuma right now). :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Do u know guys, what I think right now, Looks like, they are continuing to play the script MDBC in modern time and real life. the diff is JY's role is taken by KDY and  CSB keep being HY..

Wish it will be happy ending like in the drama KYJ end up with PBG :heart: *BOYOO's shipper mode, (of course, none will die). And I wish KDY still play his role as Kim Hyung who support CP and Raon..

I am so surprise how KYJ tried hard to avoid PBG in dinner party ( is it only my feeling), it was so sudden. It would be hard for her. Lucky for her, she had reason to go home earlier.

If their relationship for the last five month is gimmick, I think they will play the role in "oppa-dosaeng" relationship  untill the end. I am sure they have feeling for each other. Now, how will their develp their feeling. I just hope their keep their communication open and contact each other more.. (hahahaha ) :D

I feel like, they need someone who talk to about their feelings, and I wish i will be a ahjuma who act as their matchmaker and love advisor in real life  :blush: :grin:

Sorry guis, if I metioned/did something wrong. Newbie here, still learn how to use Soompi and to apply the rules.

thank you


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8 hours ago, Jillia said:

I think after the Dispatch - they're terrible - took those closeup photos of KYJ fixing the costume for PBG their agencies probably asked them to tone it down a bit.

With all the complaints in regards of MDBC and the age issue it's better to play it safe than risking the good reputation.

Also Dispatch is fast in picking up dating vibes and would probably hunt them down until they can take pictures of them. :(

Dispatch sounds like right proper horror story......I for one wouldn't be surprised if one day (in the future) we find out that they have been dating all along:phew:

Hopefullty, they are hounded to death by the media while they are dating. 

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3 minutes ago, PrincessMe2515 said:

Dispatch sounds like right proper horror story......I for one wouldn't be surprised if one day (in the future) we find out that they have been dating all along:phew:

Hopefullty, they are hounded to death by the media while they are dating. 

I think the same like @Jillia. Dispatch is very accurate on exposing their "fixing hanbok pose". And as we know that MDBC fans are driving crazy because of that LOL :w00t:. It's not only happen in MDBC wrap up party but many dramas wrap up party we can find that the hot couple leads are keeping distance. Even though I believe that they have tons of selfies on their phones. :rolleyes:

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4 hours ago, b4 said:

Rewatched the instagram video of the group picture and if you focus on BG and DY their first pose was already a heart pose with each other and then the directory was like BG heart pose and his reaction was like I already did it. That was the look overror to YJ.

@b4, anyone can share this video? I thought I was the only one being sad since i cannot see their interaction during wrap up party

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5 hours ago, enzek said:



i'm apologize if my comment before make people get some misunderstanding or confusion.

when i'm saying yoo jung been touchy i mean she being casual and natural while helping to adjust bo gum hanbok in the fan sign event. they both look so comfortable in their off screen interaction with each other even in front of many outside people that watching them at the fan sign. not that i mean she become flirty or otherwise. again i'm really sorry if i offend anyone here.

That's okay chingu. Just stating my personal view on the matter. Nothing biggie.:wub:

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28 minutes ago, ninamina said:

here is the a picture before the heart pose


From the looks of it on the first picture they are still leaning towards each others direction and something... just something that's just preventing them from being more closer...

15 minutes ago, mamun said:

At this stage, i am more convinced than ever that something is happening between them. All this avoiding and upset gaze from bogum is telling me the feelings are real at least from him :wub:

A bittersweet kind of thing... they really just needed to pass through this stage in order to realize that they were no longer on their own characters but their actual self already and if ever the feelings stays the same, it just naturally pops-out whether in a positive or negative way of being attracted to each other... I agree @mamun that BG's expressions is way more visible than YJ at least on this wrap up party... :joy:

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4 hours ago, electricblue said:

To me looks like a a lovers spat more than agency warning JY literally giving a cold shoulder to BG and BG is unhappy and felt lost. If her agency warn YJ not to be too close to BG after the fansign meeting Depatch photo. I am very sure  JY will still talk to BG but not close and touchy remember she is human vitamin I do not think just because of her agency warning she hurt a person so close to her for these few months. 

She is not a newbie but well known actress and well loved by Koreans her agency dare not give her warning instead maybe advise her if she leave the agency to join Blossom agency( Bogum effect) after her contract finish it is a big loss to her agency.

As for the group photo YJ sit next to BG but not very close and she refused to have eye contact with BG she even hold the love hand sign to her heart ignoring BG, poor BG turn to BY to do the love hand sign instead.

I am shipping them but also hope they considerate on their career first,BG is 23 years in future he were  team up with other younger actresses and were be doing a lot of kissing scene hope it will not break YJ heart. I hope few years later they cast in next MDBC drama meet in modern times and fall in love for real give is genuine hot kisses.

* Sorry for the bad English



KYJ is a matured actress although she is still a teenager.  I think it could be something serious e.g. affecting both careers rather than boy-girl jealousy spat. Hope she will just revert to 'oppa-dongsean' mode than avoiding PBG altogether.  At least, they can maintain as friends when all these are over.  It might be years later that they team-up again. Woohoo... what a sight to behold... a grown-up KYJand a stable & suave PBG.  Just my 2 cents worth of thoughts.

Edited by sunallyce24
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I dont know if this is OT but at least little Lee Young aka PBG has a picture with KYJ 


This kid seems to be 6 - 7 years younger than YooJung. I'm not surprised if some he ends up being a co-star to Yoo Jung 

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i love she wear the bracelet casually even when she went to the wrap up party and don't seem to try to hide it when media taking her pics before the party started.




not only that her phone case has bo gum & her pic posing for MDBC poster on it.
for me, phone is something private so when i put accessory or stick something to it, it show how much special that thing to me.






so the KSCS sanction happen because of her scene. maybe yoo jung become quite alert towards her interaction with bo gum after hear/read about that KSCS news that she may read/hear at the wrap up party? whatever it is she just 17 years old. with all the negative critism & pressure it may effect her mood and thus she be more reserved in how she interacts with him in the public afterwards. not to mention she might feel tired after the fan sign event yesterday.


anyway, i hope they still in contact after this and it gonna be long lasting. although for now it still just a friendship phase i hope they treasured it coz it is precious.











love that he's giving his attention on her direction whether in fan sign event or wrap up party awww *delulu mode on*







Love this edit pics:







photo 1476870746_zpsnxgi628l.jpg

my imagination dialogue about this scene:

Park Bo Gum:Smile my sweet Yoo Jung ah *put his hand on her shoulder casually and pulls her body closer to him *

Kim Yoo Jung:Uh...but is it okay for us to be kinda obvious like this in front of public right now? What if they starting to suspect something? *nervous*

Jin Young:Err....so actually the BoYoo rumor is true? Since when it started to happen? How come i didn't noticed it before??? *shocked*

Kwak Dong Yeon:It's ok chingu, I will tell you about the detail in the way back home. *pat* *pat* Now smile for the camera.

all pics and gifs credit to owner




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25 minutes ago, Phuong Dinh said:


Honestly I couldn't sleep really well last night cuz of their two yesterday. I've been thinking about it since I woke up this morning but still can't figure out a solid reason why they behaved so. 

After reading your posts and looking at all the clips/pictures, I strongly believe that there's something going on between these two yesterday that made them behave so (I wont call it lovers' spat cuz for now, I wont put a hypothetical status on their relationship when nothing is clear yet ^ ^) There's no reason for them to change their behaviour/atmotphere so drastically like that if they had not caught up in some argument/conflict before the party, because:

1) I don't think the KCSC is the main reason as the decision must have been made before & furthermore, the articles were already out before the fansign started. I think Bo Gum & Yoo Jung were aware of such sanction way beforehand as the issue of Yoo Jung's chest covering incident was brought up right after that episode aired. 

2) They acted so friendly and smitten with each other in front of thousands of people just a few hours before, so it doesn't make sense for them to go on complete "stranger" mode just a few hour later in a close party with less than 50 ppl attending. The media and outsiders couldn't scrutinize their interactions as much in such setting so I don't think it was necessary for them to change their bahaviours completely within such short time spam just to avoid relationship rumours. It's not like the public and the media didn't know how close they are. 

3) Some chingus here brought up the "trying to get out of characters" hypothesis. I would say it's a possible theory, however it's a whole long process that would take weeks or even months to do, not a few hours. It's weird to start that process just right after they were still so into their characters for the fansign. Plus, in term of PR, it's unwise for the leads to act like strangers just right after the drama finishes when the hype is still so hot and they'd get a lot of followed-up CF and endorsement deals. Main leads would normally maintain their chemistry until the drama's hype really dies out. So I don't think yesterday evening was the right time BG & YJ would choose to start getting out of their characters. 

4) Both of them totally acted like completely different people yesterday. Where did my smiley bright cute puppies go? With their personality, we could always expect BG & YJ to act super cheerful and hyper for such event, they're human vitamins of Moonlight, rmb? But both of their moods were really low yesterday compared to their usual selves. I don't think it's a coincidence. 

4) Despite her maturity, Yoo Jung is still a teenage girl whose emotional and psychological states are still developing. No matter how professional her relationship with Bo Gum is, it's hard not to fall for and feel a bit insecure around a guy like Bo Gum. My assumption is that they might have developed feelings for each other but nowhere near the official state yet. As a girl, especially being so young and inexperienced like Yoo Jung, she's at the disadvantage. Not to forget that girls are usually more sensitive and vulnerable than guys when it comes to relationship matters.

All in all, we cant speculate any specific reason merely based on pictures and blur clips but definitely something not so good was going on between these two before the dinner party. I hope whatever happened, they're gonna resolve it between themselves immediately so they can enjoy their holiday together in the next 5 days :) 


And oh, I saw some shippers freaked out at the possibility of Kwak Dong Yeon & Kim Yoo Jung, I can assure your guys it's not so. Why?

1) Just rewatch all the BTS moments between these two, there's nothing more than friends/bros vibe between these 2. The way they talked to each other and look at each other, it's so freakin friend-zone there. 

2) If KDY ever had a crush on KYJ, he would have stared at her lovingly now and then, but we saw none of that beside Dong Yeon being a great friend who treats his female friend with care. You can clearly spot the difference between the ways Dong Yeon vs Bo Gum look at Yoo Jung. 

3) Are KDY & KYJ in a relationship? NO! Do you think your bf just passes it off easily as some other guy are so smitten around your gf? Rmb BG-YJ-DY are the closest trio in Moonlight cast, they're always together taking photos and play with each other, but do you ever see Dong Yeon's being a bit jealous over Bo Gum for being so close with YJ? Not at all. 

4) DY knows YJ way before BG & YJ met. I assume they were already good friends before Moonlight started filming. That's why they act and speak so informally and casually with each other in the BTS. They give off such bromance vibe to me (lol our Yoo Jung is very tom-boy-ish around guys in real life so...) But as a caring and sweet guy, it's no doubt that he'd be caring and attentive toward his pretty female friend, too


Sorry for my super long post but I feel like i had to let it all out :D 
I hope everything gonna go well with our 2 puppies. Cant wait to see their vacation pictures ^ ^

same, these two really gave me a heartache ever since i saw their distance at the wrap up party last night, and the pain hasn't soothed yet :( But let's look on the bright side, their sudden change in behavior proves that there might be something significant and special that has developed between the two of them. Ofc we can't be sure atm but somehow I have a really positive vibe from these two :wub:

still, i hope that they will be able to resolve the problem before going on the trip tmr.

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@Phuong Dinh it's amazing how this pair made a lot of us lose our sleep last night! I'm one of them! aigoo...Agree with all your points especially point no.4. Something definitely happened which involved a misunderstanding between them. Don't know why but I find this a little cute because that just goes to prove that their relationship is not just a simple brother sister relationship or just "friends". Because if they are, people would not tend to be so sensitive emotionally. Aigoo...whatever it is....hopefully they patch things up. Hhehe I'm grinning thinking of the ways Park Bo Gum would try to patch things up lol

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  1. I was surprised we didn't have more moments between them at the wrap party but I think that's because they were more people that knew them pretty well after working with them. If they were too chummy, that would definitely have raised some eyebrows who might have gone squealing to despatch.
  2. I think they were cautioned by their reps to be careful and that's about it after the whole blah blah after the Censorship thingy. Rmb it exploded after the fan sign so before people who hadn't taken notice would've and drawn parallels to their fan sign/
  3. PBG is just more sensitive I guess and his face is very expressive. I think he was just upset that he couldn't spend more time with her :) openly.
  4. Let's just wait for tmrw :):wub:
  5. I don't think KYJ looks like she's been crying. She just looks sleep deprived. I watched the BTS Special last night and she looked exactly like that after all the late night shootings.
  6. Guys did you all notice they BOTH wore their couple bracelets! LOL!
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31 minutes ago, youaremoonfan16 said:

BUT...IF they are in a relationship and she heard/saw his interaction with other girl/girls just like before--- any woman will get mad at it. When not in a relationship he can be as friendly wth anyone as he liked and she won't care abt it. But in a relationship, we must change our way in order to make a relationship work. In PBG case, WHEN he is in a relationship with a woman, he must try to be more reserved. It's good for him bcs ppl will love him, but it can be hurtful to someone closest to him. Hope he is not too dense not to realize it  when the time comes (or has it already??? Lol). In my speculation, if the agency warned her she can text him abt it and they act accordingly. But from the party vid he was confused and sad  bcs she was avoiding him. So I think he did smthg that made her angry with him. I hope he will call her and clear whatever misunderstanding they have now. And not do common mistake a man do when get hurt by a girl he like, get close to another girl just to hurt back. JUST DON'T DO IT!!!! It will only make things more difficult to recover. Please be the man here and fix things ok.... Noona/unnie is sad here.... (i won't be surprised if kYJ cried last night, while PBG was still in the after party and drank? really...this is like a kdrama romance in real life...). 

Even though we do know something happened, honestly there's really no telling what. I'm just not sure they're that far into a relationship. I think even at this point this^^^ would be assuming too much.

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