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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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56 minutes ago, Alejandro Miguel said:

 I can't relate less to Anna XD What do you like so much about her?

I like how no matter what has happened to her she didn't become bad like yoojin did. Although she was naive and innocent (I mean she was locked up for like so many years) she did have the backbone to stand up to yoojin and even declined her initial offer to be her adopted daughter. 

Although yoojin was once a victim, she did become evil and scheming so I can't really empathise with her much now after all that she did. And she keeps victimising herself not thinking about what she did (a little delusional in my opinion) 








































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1 minute ago, Goh Shuling said:

I like how no matter what has happened to her she didn't become bad like yoojin did. Although she was naive and innocent (I mean she was locked up for like so many years) she did have the backbone to stand up to yoojin and even declined her initial offer to be her adopted daughter. 

Although yoojin was once a victim, she did become evil and scheming so I can't really empathise with her much now after all that she did. And she keeps victimising herself not thinking about what she did (a little delusional in my opinion) 








































Well I don't follow much the good- evil ideal so for me Yoo Jin is way of a complex and more interesting character than Anna .
I feel Anna is quite typical

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7 minutes ago, Alejandro Miguel said:

Oh I didn't tell her to explain herself again after she sent that message to me. I quitely dropped the request. of course I wouldn't ask for that. You don't have to call me rude and "attack" me for something that was not related to you. Please look into the matter before you accuse someone of being rude. 

Ideally yeah they would have to pay for that. after all it's a typicl kdrama context. But if you were to ask me, I think YJ deserves a happy ending of her own and not to be totally devastated.

as you saw, I didn't ask you after the quote was sent. I didn't expect you to rewrite it all over. 


apologies if we misinterpreted you.

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9 minutes ago, kaoriharang said:

what does the text preview for ep 15 say???

Anyways even though we didnt get alot of otp scenes, i loved the scene where Anna was crying her heart out begging JH to live, and when JH woke up. The first thing he thought of was Anna and seeing that scene where Anna broke down, also broke down his heart.

I love how JH is getting more serious with YJ. Now that he has officially declare that they are no longer friends! thats right!


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~thank you dear, i didnt want to explain my position all over again :(



It's fine, you don't have to if you don't want to.

Also can someone please translate the text preview?! Pretty please.

8 minutes ago, Alejandro Miguel said:

Oh I didn't tell her to explain herself again after she sent that message to me. I quitely dropped the request. of course I wouldn't ask for that. You don't have to call me rude and "attack" me for something that was not related to you. Please look into the matter before you accuse someone of being rude. 

Ideally yeah they would have to pay for that. after all it's a typicl kdrama context. But if you were to ask me, I think YJ deserves a happy ending of her own and not to be totally devastated.

as you saw, I didn't ask you after the quote was sent. I didn't expect you to rewrite it all over. 

How is telling you to stop asking for explanation an attack?:lol: As you can see if the poster had no idea you dropped the demand. Just to be clear, you didnot word it as a request. But since it's sorted, let's drop this and move on with discussing the latest episode.

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1 hour ago, Yongzura said:

YJ is meeting Anna.. Anna pleads to see JH.

I guess YJ asks Anna to call her Omma... first.  She did it.... and pleads  again (on her kness) to meet JH.

Wow, first time seeing her showing her "motherly" side..but not sure what she was thinking at that time.  There's a voice over.

Thanks for the recaps and stills

@Yongzura Why do I have the feeling that The pleading is going to have her doing the same when Anna bring her down to her knees begging not get her SJS kick out of the blue house..

Hello All You Wonderful Agents.. My Bad..

Also is Yj asst involved in JH being laid up like that.. I wouldn't put it past her..

1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:

After watching the episode 13, I had this theory: What if YJ had stolen SJ from UHR in the first place. She must have seen them dating, got jealous that SJ could love UHR so much. Back then UHR was working for JB Group and YJ must have been visiting the office for some time. So she saw the couple, both so much in love so that she envied UHR. YJ wanted to be loved by SJ the same way. Notice that SJ got arrested and couldn't contact UHR for a while. When he came out, she was already married and had left the country. Besides, YJ might have asked the director Go to pursue UHR and marry her. What she hadn't planned is that UHR would be pregnant and she would get divorced. UHR comes back from the USA and discovers that SJ is also married. In order to make sure that SJ would recognise her love for him, she cut ties with her father: this step represents her trust in him and her huge sacrifice for him. SJ doesn't really doubt her, until he meets UHR again. With the child, SJ is torn apart because SJ was really in love with UHR. From that moment, YJ starts showing her jealous and ugly side.

Hello @bebebisous33  My wonderful and insightful friend I had mentioned before that YJ knew of UHR and SJS relationship and got jealous..  Yj wanting this love for herself but also tried to use it against her dad as well.. Dad just up her one and took her out of the will or left her just enough so that she can't contest it.. Also it wouldn't surprise me if she did have a thing to do with SJS being jailed back then once she got UHR out of the country she used her charm and lawyers to seduce SJS.. She is no way a victim in all this I still believe that once UHR came back to town with baby Anna in tow SJS was going to leave YJ and she couldn't have that she loved SJS so much she kills for him and at that time she was still trying to get his love..  Why else would she have made the comment to Annas mom before she died that love can't have to many people in it.. It just that she was the many people that needed to go she don't want Anna to have no love for her father being that she had no love from her on dad.. She wants Anna to HATE SJS just as she do her on father.. Once she has Anna hating her on dad she has achieved her goal.. SJS has never loved her so take away the people that will love him love away from him..

57 minutes ago, nona88 said:

The reason why I came up with this idea is her behaviour towards JH. She noticed how brave and selfless JH was and she wanted him for herself. JH has replaced SJ. SJ has become corrupted by her and she needs a new love. But she knows that JH loves Anna, therefore she is trying to separate the couple. Therefore I wondered: maybe she did something similar in the past.

Remember, she looked at JH's picture and saw how he looked at Anna. She realised his love for her... and she wants to be loved the same way. So in order to be loved by him, she needs to show her sincerity. She proves her trust in him, when she gives the full access to the Mirror. Yet, JH is far from being stupid. He won't ask anything about her because he knows her true personality. By not asking, YJ thinks that JH really trusts her and he will be able to love her. Now, she is sending Anna away... notice that UHR also left the country after her marriage! It seems to me that there is a similar pattern.

Therefore JH is the one who should put an end to her delusion.

@nona88  My chingu @bebebisous33  Is so spot on with YJ character and the trick she used to separate JH and Anna she had used on Annas mother but this time JH isn't the gulliable opponet with ambitions greed like SjS was.. What Yj misread from Anna is she thought Anna didn't know of Rainia but she did Anna was just surprised that YJ knew of this..  Yj thought she could use Anna to control JH but he was already aware of her little scheme to send Anna away I think by him also not asking the mirror about her involvenent in Annas mother death is also a sign of him trusting and believing everything she tells him but one key factor YJ has forgotten she tried to kill him and JH will never forget that.. So now I see it might be a trade off Anna for the usb but being the jealous person that her butch asst is she's going to set it up where Anna and Jh both would be killed.. If this happens and if both Anna and Jh survives biggest mistake on all of them because the asst not only going to report the usb in JH hands and where the exchange is supposed to take place..Blue House men wil be after the usb plus her brother and FIL, Congressman Park And JSS all will be after the usb and none don't mind killing to get what they want.. Yj and Asst both are two twisted sista.. But Jh and Anna will take down the lot of these corrupted people including the president.. But I think it will be SJS that will put Yj out of her delusions,, He's going to rub in her face about Anna and Jh going off together and once again she has no love from anyone and him not being around for her to love just by looking at him sick sista..   


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Looks like i can skip 15 to 16, there is no ANNA it seems. She has left for spain.

安娜搭上了前往西班牙的飛機,濟夏在JSS的cloud9醒來後看不到安娜,雖然因為她離去的事感到很痛苦,但是連悲傷的時間都沒有,危機馬上又找上門。 盛元帶著定時炸彈親自侵入cloud9,而朴官秀派出已經變成自己私人武力的警察特攻隊佔據了JSS。濟夏假裝把usb交給朴官秀...當宥真看到走出來的濟夏,直覺這可能是最後一次了。 只剩下自己一人的宥真,利用cloud9的人工智慧"鏡子"來攻擊盛元,用水的攻勢扭轉局勢,濟夏將usb的內容公諸於世,成功掃除了朴官秀,但是,朴官秀隱藏著的最後一招,是將大家都推向死亡...

Anna has boarded her flight for Spain. Jehas who has woken up in cloud9 is heartbroken that he could not see Anna. But without any time for sadness, CSW brings in a squad to blast cloud 9. At the same time, PKS also has his men invade JSS. Jeha pretends to give PKS the usb. When YJ sees jeha coming out, she knows that this is the last time. She know that is she is now really ALONE. She uses the intelligence of cloud9 to attack CSW using water to turn the tide.

Meanwhile, jeha discloses the content of the USB and successfully get rids of PKS. However, he hides one more action that will push everyone towards death.

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8 minutes ago, blindfury said:

Meanwhile, jeha discloses the content of the USB and successfully get rids of PKS. However, he hides one more action that will push everyone towards death

@blindfury  Thanks for the preview translation.  Only thing I could think of is he has made this USB public which will gaurantee is and Anna safety ot he's going to do just what he told Sjs and hand it over to him.  

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9 minutes ago, blindfury said:


Looks like i can skip 15 to 16, there is no ANNA it seems. She has left for spain.

安娜搭上了前往西班牙的飛機,濟夏在JSS的cloud9醒來後看不到安娜,雖然因為她離去的事感到很痛苦,但是連悲傷的時間都沒有,危機馬上又找上門。 盛元帶著定時炸彈親自侵入cloud9,而朴官秀派出已經變成自己私人武力的警察特攻隊佔據了JSS。濟夏假裝把usb交給朴官秀...當宥真看到走出來的濟夏,直覺這可能是最後一次了。 只剩下自己一人的宥真,利用cloud9的人工智慧"鏡子"來攻擊盛元,用水的攻勢扭轉局勢,濟夏將usb的內容公諸於世,成功掃除了朴官秀,但是,朴官秀隱藏著的最後一招,是將大家都推向死亡...

Anna has boarded her flight for Spain. Jehas who has woken up in cloud9 is heartbroken that he could not see Anna. But without any time for sadness, CSW brings in a squad to blast cloud 9. At the same time, PKS also has his men invade JSS. Jeha pretends to give PKS the usb. When YJ sees jeha coming out, she knows that this is the last time. She know that is she is now really ALONE. She uses the intelligence of cloud9 to attack CSW using water to turn the tide.

Meanwhile, jeha discloses the content of the USB and successfully get rids of PKS. However, he hides one more action that will push everyone towards death.

Oooooh interesting but I see that Anna has boarded her flight but that doesnot mean it will take off. I think there will be a twist.

I wonder what action JH is hiding that can result in death.

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8 minutes ago, blindfury said:


Looks like i can skip 15 to 16, there is no ANNA it seems. She has left for spain.

安娜搭上了前往西班牙的飛機,濟夏在JSS的cloud9醒來後看不到安娜,雖然因為她離去的事感到很痛苦,但是連悲傷的時間都沒有,危機馬上又找上門。 盛元帶著定時炸彈親自侵入cloud9,而朴官秀派出已經變成自己私人武力的警察特攻隊佔據了JSS。濟夏假裝把usb交給朴官秀...當宥真看到走出來的濟夏,直覺這可能是最後一次了。 只剩下自己一人的宥真,利用cloud9的人工智慧"鏡子"來攻擊盛元,用水的攻勢扭轉局勢,濟夏將usb的內容公諸於世,成功掃除了朴官秀,但是,朴官秀隱藏著的最後一招,是將大家都推向死亡...

Anna has boarded her flight for Spain. Jehas who has woken up in cloud9 is heartbroken that he could not see Anna. But without any time for sadness, CSW brings in a squad to blast cloud 9. At the same time, PKS also has his men invade JSS. Jeha pretends to give PKS the usb. When YJ sees jeha coming out, she knows that this is the last time. She know that is she is now really ALONE. She uses the intelligence of cloud9 to attack CSW using water to turn the tide.

Meanwhile, jeha discloses the content of the USB and successfully get rids of PKS. However, he hides one more action that will push everyone towards death.

Wow no AN at all? Even tho she isn't the main female lead I'm still surprised.

What a shocking ending, JH and YJ alone in cloud9 surrounded by enemies... I thougt that there would be a romantic Jehanna ending, but the writer decided to stick fully to political drama. Not a bad choice imo, if it's a political it has to stay political

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2 minutes ago, anipanch said:

Wow no AN at all? Even tho she isn't the main female lead I'm still surprised.

What a shocking ending, JH and YJ alone in cloud9 surrounded by enemies... I thougt that there would be a romantic Jehanna ending, but the writer decided to stick fully to political drama. Not a bad choice imo, if it's a political it has to stay political


Well, you know... they had a promise in Spain. So, we will never know... As for the cloud 9. i think jeha left her there. She had to face CSW alone.



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23 minutes ago, blindfury said:
Looks like i can skip 15 to 16, there is no ANNA it seems. She has left for spain.

安娜搭上了前往西班牙的飛機,濟夏在JSS的cloud9醒來後看不到安娜,雖然因為她離去的事感到很痛苦,但是連悲傷的時間都沒有,危機馬上又找上門。 盛元帶著定時炸彈親自侵入cloud9,而朴官秀派出已經變成自己私人武力的警察特攻隊佔據了JSS。濟夏假裝把usb交給朴官秀...當宥真看到走出來的濟夏,直覺這可能是最後一次了。 只剩下自己一人的宥真,利用cloud9的人工智慧"鏡子"來攻擊盛元,用水的攻勢扭轉局勢,濟夏將usb的內容公諸於世,成功掃除了朴官秀,但是,朴官秀隱藏著的最後一招,是將大家都推向死亡...

Anna has boarded her flight for Spain. Jehas who has woken up in cloud9 is heartbroken that he could not see Anna. But without any time for sadness, CSW brings in a squad to blast cloud 9. At the same time, PKS also has his men invade JSS. Jeha pretends to give PKS the usb. When YJ sees jeha coming out, she knows that this is the last time. She know that is she is now really ALONE. She uses the intelligence of cloud9 to attack CSW using water to turn the tide.

Meanwhile, jeha discloses the content of the USB and successfully get rids of PKS. However, he hides one more action that will push everyone towards death.


Anna is gone?? come on! urgh...!! maybe she will appear but as flashback scenes and not at actual scene.

wait isnt ep 16 the last ep?! so Anna only appears in the last ep?

So JH sort of betrays YJ but he also wants to take his revenge on Park which he does end up doing so. But it seems that Park still has something up his sleeves, must be something to do with the fact that JH is a wanted man still.

SIGH. I am glad to see that there is some movement with regards to getting rid of Park and stopping YJ.



[ENG TRANSLATION] tvN “The K2″ Episode 15 Written Preview, credit ash23658848 & mhlove16 & mel309


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2 minutes ago, blindfury said:


Well, you know... they had a promise in Spain. So, we will never know... As for the cloud 9. i think jeha left her there. She had to face CSW alone.



Well who knows, I as well have no hope of him helping YJ. Might be that way

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25 minutes ago, Alejandro Miguel said:

Well I don't follow much the good- evil ideal so for me Yoo Jin is way of a complex and more interesting character than Anna .
I feel Anna is quite typical

To cut the long story short and explain my and perhaps the rest(?)'s stand, Yoo Jin's character from the beginning was the most fleshed out which made a lot of people whether it is here or in dramabeans or the other drama streaming sites richard simmons about her and praising the character and the acting skills of the actress SYN to the skies. She attracts because she is morally grey but has her vulnerabilities and was once a victim just like Anna. However, as the story went on, there was no character development, everyone knew what what she was like and she become the constant in the story unlike other characters e.g. SW, SJ, Anna , JH. It is said in many previous dramas before and is something that should be common sense that when a victim becomes a bully or murderer etc themselves, they just become that and no longer a victim regardless of what the person has undergone in the past. Thus, it is extremely irritating for me and perhaps for others when people like you and others continue to richard simmons about how good or complex or interesting she is whether unconsciously/consciously denigrating the other characters in the show to prove your point as if to show your superiority to others. The expectation by a lot of people like you like that Anna is supposed to be as good or brilliant as YJ but is that logically even possible considering the circumstances she is in where she can only just try to make the best out of something having been locked up most her life not facing people and perhaps even with little formal education. As such, lets just discuss and enjoy the plot as it is rather than bitching about the different characters and comparing them.

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1 minute ago, theonlyone88 said:

To cut the long story short and explain my and perhaps the rest(?)'s stand, Yoo Jin's character from the beginning was the most fleshed out which made a lot of people whether it is here or in dramabeans or the other drama streaming sites richard simmons about her and praising the character and the acting skills of the actress SYN to the skies. She attracts because she is morally grey but has her vulnerabilities and was once a victim just like Anna. However, as the story went on, there was no character development, everyone knew what what she was like and she become the constant in the story unlike other characters e.g. SW, SJ, Anna , JH. It is said in many previous dramas before and is something that should be common sense that when a victim becomes a bully or murderer etc themselves, they just become that and no longer a victim regardless of what the person has undergone in the past. Thus, it is extremely irritating for me and perhaps for others when people like you and others continue to richard simmons about how good or complex or interesting she is whether unconsciously/consciously denigrating the other characters in the show to prove your point as if to show your superiority to others. The expectation by a lot of people like you like that Anna is supposed to be as good or brilliant as YJ but is that logically even possible considering the circumstances she is in where she can only just try to make the best out of something having been locked up most her life not facing people and perhaps even with little formal education. As such, lets just discuss and enjoy the plot as it is rather than bitching about the different characters and comparing them.



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3 minutes ago, kaoriharang said:


Anna is gone?? come on! urgh...!!

wait isnt ep 16 the last ep?! so Anna only appears in the last ep?

So JH sort of betrays YJ but he also wants to take his revenge on Park which he does end up doing so. But it seems that JH has one more trick up his sleeves to get rid of everyone??

SIGH. I am glad to see that there is some movement with regards to getting rid of Park and stopping YJ.



[ENG TRANSLATION] tvN “The K2″ Episode 15 Written Preview, credit ash23658848 & mhlove16 & mel309


Aha! So PKS is the one with the last deathly trick. I smell a kidnapping of Anna. No way will they send Anna to Spain in 15th episode itself. She may have boarded the plane but did it take off with her in it? I doubt it. :D And so glad JH left YJ alone in Cloud9 to handle SW and his people.

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