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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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26 minutes ago, meh2222 said:


And rewatch her scenes again when she was with her step-brother. Look at her expressions in her eyes. Same. :) 

OMG! Yes! That part when he is full of rage when he confronted the Chief. Awww my JCW... :)



Exactly. She is like that with everyone. It's the fans who jumped to conclusion and not the fault of the PD or the actors.

This is my first JCW show but I am so impressed with his acting. He is amazing. So I don't really get people trying to compare or pick on him. I hope they realize that SYA has years of acting experience on JCW and Yoona so comparing them to her is like comparing a child to an adult. And yet even with that, they still manage to match(or almost) with her in their scenes is commendable.

ALSO, TVN where is my preview God Damnit! :confounded:

3 minutes ago, ReemKanabta said:


@YourHighness . not every close-up cut scene between a woman and a man shows chemistry, chemistry can be just natural just like in SYA-JCW case it's not something you can create, and it's not because of them being pretty people, beauty and the beast anyone!!!!! I'm talking about the 90s series version



Sorry but I never saw chemistry between them. :)

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Wrong thread dear

2 hours ago, meh2222 said:


Well, this depends on how we perceive things. We can only speculate. First, in my opinion, I do not think JCW was asked to tone it down. His actions were pretty much consistent in dealing with YJ depending on the situation of the scene. I did not see that he is "trying" to look annoyed compared to the first six episodes YJ/JH scenes. I really do not think so. He was basically the same. In my opinion, his acting and expressions vary depending on the situation of the scene and other developments in the drama. Again, this is my opinion as a viewer myself.

With regard to not wanting to do an action drama, I am not so sure about being "bored" by it. But I understand, that maybe he wanted another role to play. Also, action scenes are pretty taxing, especially in K2 much more than healer. I think he mentioned this in some of his interviews on why he does not want to do another action drama. 

Yes it may affect them in one way or another but not to the point that viewers can actually "notice" that his acting is unconvincing or it shows a vibe that he is not feeling his character. He accepted this role, as a professional actor, he cannot just let his acting suffer because of this. But, well, that is just my opinion about this. Maybe he is still "growing" as an actor. Not yet there, not yet top notch.

BUT, A VERY BIIG BUT! Hahahahaha...  I feel like I should have not reacted about this though since in my case, I did not see any "forced" acting on his part. So yahhh... to me, he's already a top notch actor... He's soooooooo natural to me in K2... So yah. :)

I loved that very BIG BUT! 

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Short preview for ep 13.


WAIT so who killed Anna's mother? the uncle?!!

And we get a really super short opt moment on the rooftop again.


Longer preview for ep 13:

It seems that YJ threaten Anna, that everyone who she loves and cares for will die.
But I think Anna replied saying that JH will kill her? or something?
Unclear about that one, translators please help.

And i am sad so far we only see one otp scene.. And they both look worried and said. And ohhh JH finally carrying out a new hairstyle! me like! :wub:

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1 minute ago, ashvaugn said:

Yipee! The preview is out... While I dont understand a thing, I am happy that he is still keeping that brushed up hairstyle. Ok I am shallow, Ha! 


OMG! Me too! Like, I am repeatedly head over heels in love with him every moment I see him in that hairstyle! :wub:

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4 minutes ago, meh2222 said:


OMG! Me too! Like, I am repeatedly head over heels in love with him every moment I see him in that hairstyle! :wub:

Ok we  are happy shallow persons then! Haha! This drama is already giving me a headache! Better not stress on the preview and just appreciate this man's visuals.. Ha!

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Just now, ashvaugn said:

Ok we  are happy shallow persons then! Haha! This drama is already giving me a headache! Better not stress on the preview and just appreciate this man's visuals.. Ha!

 Hahahhaa OMG!!!!!! Agree!!!! This man's visuals never fail to make me smile soooo yeaaahh... :wub:

Hoping some kind soul translate the preview, though. :)

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16 minutes ago, kaoriharang said:

Short preview for ep 13.


WAIT so who killed Anna's mother? the uncle?!!

And we get a really super short opt moment on the rooftop again.


Longer preview for ep 13:

It seems that YJ threaten Anna, that everyone who she loves and cares for will die.
But I think Anna replied saying that JH will kill her? or something?
Unclear about that one, translators please help.

And i am sad so far we only see one otp scene.. And they both look worried and said. And ohhh JH finally carrying out a new hairstyle! me like! :wub:


Please tell me more about how YJ is protecting Anna by threatening to kill everyone she loves and cares for. :blink:

And YES! Anna threatening YJ back and saying JH will kill her...Foreboding? :D

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2 hours ago, Bambiina said:


I was hoping JH spoon out his eyes and leave him blind for the rest of his life. Of course no one cares what happen to PKS (because he deserved to be punished - since law can't do the justice, I'm so glad JH tried to maim him for live). 

Why it's different with YJ - First it involved a little child (Anna was 9 years old) .. then the innocent old couple which help JH .. and JH himself .. 

Bad people punishing bad people = OK .. this is JH case.

Bad people punishing good people = NOT OK this is YJ case.


Disclaimer : Provided Writer did not come up with a twist and give an absurd reason to justify YJ actions ..

But don't forget that JH was working as mercenary for Blackstone and as such, I don't see him as someone who would kill only bad people. 

In his revenge, a child could have become the victim due to the bad planning... so he would have in fact injured an innocent.


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On 02.11.2016. at 9:44 AM, anipanch said:

@miriamdream2 it was really interesting reading your analysis, truly, I think this drama has shown us how unpredictable and confusing in the end it is, so there's a big chance that the ending will be very surprising. I'm waiting for a major plot twist that will change everything and it will happen in the last two episodes. Until then, we are left guessing unfortunately.

I have the same wishes. One thing I will despise is if JH  betrayes YJ. She trusts him so much at this point, even more than herself. YJ's feelings have gone beyond a mere attraction now, it seems to be some kind of connection on deeper levels and it not only comes from her but from JH's side as well. Actions speak louder we all know. He made sure many times that he also has more understanding and trust in YJ


10 hours ago, KSHCJW said:

couldnt agree with you more, I especially love to watch the scenes in which their mutual understanding shows. Like JH holding PKS hostage but couldnt kill him and called YJ, and she immediately knows what the problem was and act on it. Or when JH tells the uncle he Made a huge mistake by underestimating YJ. Their trust/deal was first based on knowing eachother weaknesses, well at least JH thinks that cos it is pretty clear YJ is willing to put her trust in him out of more than admiration. I hope JH comes to realize that in time and wont betray YJ in the end. If that does happen, this drama immediately becomes a  six of one half a dozen of another Kdrama and a true waste of the talent/effort of the two actors...


For me I do not think "betrayal" scene btw JH and YJ will be played in your everyday stab-you-in-the-back-and-let-you-out-to-bled kind of a way. He always does things first hand, so even if he chooses to "betray" YJ ...he will come to her and tell her that - point black; today/tomorrow I will do this and that... unlike all other ppl in her life always doing things behind her back. But even said this, I do not think it will ever play in this "betrayal" context.

For me what YJ always wanted was to be judge FAIR AND SQUARE. For the entire bad things she did in her life, but even for some of the things that were good. She is sick and tired of ppl making assumption about her and then acting on them like they are universal truth that is written in stone and for that reason gives them self the right to treat/mistreat her as they see fit - because she IS guilty of this or that so whatever is done to her is ...ok...

For me, what she wants and needs from JH is to - collect ALL of the evidence of her life, all the things that she did, but also all the things that was DONE TO HER...and then make - fair judgment. Is she really only person in the wrong? Is everything she did just her fault? Are there no alleviated "circumstances" that excuses et a every least 1% of what she did? That is also one of the reasons why I think she did gave him full access over Mirror, inclusive the question about her. She wants him to be the judge about her life. She trusts him, but like I said the thing she trusts even more is his character.

Like it was pointed out by couple of ppl here, JH role is "neutral" in this Anna-YJ business. Same people see him as "playing" both side like this...but I do not. He still did not make his final judgment so he will not drop YJ just bc Anna tells him so. He does love Anna, but that does not mean he has to shoot YJ first and never ask question later. Bc Anna said YJ is guilty...so it is enough for him... and yes i know... YJ did say to "kill Anna"... and in the words of @anipanch  "I remember it, and I do not care" LOL...just had to quote you on this one bc I just find it superb answer to; do-you-ppl-not-remember-this-one-thing-YJ-did  questions... ha ha  

So if after knowing ALL the facts, JH is to say;  YES YJ, you are the villain here, there are no excuses for what you did, what you deserve is jail time or...death...she will - "comply" with it, in my opinion. She will not see it as "betrayal" ... but fair assessment of her life choices. I do not think she has any problem taking responsibilities about her action/past, she is not psychopath that she does not know some of the things what she did was wrong and needs to be punished, but what her pride will not allow is to be forced to take ALL OF THE BLAME for everyone involved in this...just bc she is "going down" they will dump all of their garbage and all of their sins to her - to be buried with her... and even more then this, they will go on about they everyday life... finding "new YJ" to dump their garbage on her somewhere down the lane once again in the future. THIS is something she was trying to avoid all this years...to be remembered as... the ONLY villain in this story.


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1 minute ago, bebebisous33 said:

But don't forget that JH was working as mercenary for Blackstone and as such, I don't see him as someone who would kill only bad people. 

In his revenge, a child could have become the victim due to the bad planning... so he would have in fact injured an innocent.


JH was working as a mercenary for a VERY short time AFTER he left Blackstone to leave Iraq. Blackstone was an elite special forces private company which later went rogue with Minister Park. JH was unaware of it until Raniya was killed, which he was framed for and hunted by Blackstone and Interpol itself. The only civilian who got killed because of his own insistence when he was a mercenary, we got a flashback of; due to which JH got PTSD after almost dying. He never crossed his limits. So he is still a Hero.

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Just now, bebebisous33 said:

But don't forget that JH was working as mercenary for Blackstone and as such, I don't see him as someone who would kill only bad people. 

In his revenge, a child could have become the victim due to the bad planning... so he would have in fact injured an innocent.



Yes of course .. but since it was not shown and it's kinda blurry and vague so thus he is the 'grey' character ..I have never doubt about him being grey .. only his grey shade 'might' be lighter than the rest of the 'bad guy/girl' in this drama.

That is why I still consider him as 'Bad Guy' .. and my comment stated as "bad guy punishing bad guy = OK" 

:D ...

@YourHighness .I am rather happy with the preview though not much on our OTP scene .. hopefully my feeling about YJ is correct .. wakakakaka ... We still see her threatening Anna?????? ..  so excited to watch 13 .. 

@anipanch Trying to find the article about blaming SYA - I can't find it .. and the link mentioned in the twitter that started all this "PD-Said" is not valid .. I think it is unethical for a director to put blame on actor (esp if  he introduce such an extra ordinary scene - umbrella scene).

All this Acting skill comparing was because that article which has yet to be confirmed..

Anyway - With due respect .. huhu .. don't hate me .. there were times, I kinda cringe at SYA acting .. some part look like too exaggerate .. the facial expression just too over the top .. (and this is only me .. not talking about anyone else ... )

Of course SYA was great in most of the scene ... :D



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24 minutes ago, YourHighness . said:


Please tell me more about how YJ is protecting Anna by threatening to kill everyone she loves and cares for. :blink:

And YES! Anna threatening YJ back and saying JH will kill her...Foreboding? :D


I am unsure about it but it seems to be that is what they are saying. But yeah no way is YJ planning on protecting Anna. I think YJ's goal has always been to destroy and get rid of Anna. Nothing has changed.

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5 minutes ago, Bambiina said:

Trying to find the article about blaming SYA - I can't find it .. and the link mentioned in the twitter that started all this "PD-Said" is not valid .. I think it is unethical for a director to put blame on actor (esp if  he introduce such an extra ordinary scene - umbrella scene).


yup even tho some people said that he praised SYA a lot his comments were still very unprofessional, I don't get what he was trying to accomplish 

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6 minutes ago, anipanch said:

this drama is hands up the most confusing thing of the year, that preview just got my brain stop working :D what even.....


You clearly did not watch W-Two Worlds. :lol:

6 minutes ago, Bambiina said:

@YourHighness .I am rather happy with the preview though not much on our OTP scene .. hopefully my feeling about YJ is correct .. wakakakaka ... We still see her threatening Anna?????? ..  so excited to watch 13 ..




I am too because like I have been saying YJ will get more and more unhinged and dangerous. Redeeming her is impossible. Also I see JH with SJ twice in the preview. Once he was shaking hands with SJ. Is the betrayal starting? And doesn't JH come in the people Anna loves and cares for? So she is threatening his life too. YJ's downfall is going to start soon.:D

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3 minutes ago, YourHighness . said:


You clearly did not watch W-Two Worlds. :lol:



OMG! I watched that. But W-Two Worlds has clear direction for me, though. The conflicts are clear to me. The factors are clear to me. There might be some loopholes but K2 is way way way more confusing to me...

And I love W really. Like seriously. But signal is the best for me. Hands down, the writer did sooooooo well!


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5 minutes ago, kaoriharang said:


I am unsure about it but it seems to be that is what they are saying. But yeah no way is YJ planning on protecting Anna. I think YJ's goal has always been to destroy and get rid of Anna. Nothing has changed.

Exactly, which was why I never bought the YJ protecting Anna theory. It goes against everything that is YJ. She hates Anna and wants her dead, plain and simple.

Also Jehanna on the roof scene..looks like Anna is shaken up by YJ's threat and JH finds her there and comforts her. These two are :wub: Come on JH, look how that evil woman is terrorizing your Anna, stop using her to get your revenge. Use your double agent trick to destroy Minister Park instead.

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