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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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What is this drama? Why are K2 and Anna 'in love'? I'm confused, what is this trying to be. Does k2 have White Night syndrome? If secretary starts acting pitiful and wounded lost girl like, will he fall for her too?

I can see they're trying (really trying) to show Anna as a Yo Jin in the making.

They should've made actually stoked the flames in the noona direction first then had a climatic change. Or even better, go as dark as they hinted in the first episodes.

And What is up with secretary?

Is Yo Jin using this almost too obvious obsession/attraction of hers to have absolute loyalty? Has YJ promised secretary a ride off into the sunset together as the end game?

Award goes to the most effective, ineffective security team ever. How many times are you going to get overtaken by the enemy? Weekly ya'll are getting your butts handed to you or almost getting charges taken, killed or setup.

Did I miss something besides noodles and strawberry ice cream?

I think I have Anna hate. What's endearing about her pitiful self. Show me she studied The Art of War or something in all that time she was confined. have her throw out some "Appear weak when you're strong, and strong when you're weak" stuff.

This prolonged Ji Chang Wook music video is awesome.

Why are K2 and Anna in love , please?

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@alekaonu I don't know.. countless.. almost 50 times..I don't know how many times I will rewatch again and again until next friday.. #sigh

the way @julie721 describe about their kiss absolutely perfect.. it's the way they kiss so tender.. and I can't get enough..and I know with JCW gesture too.. he is indeed attractive to Yoona too.. no question at all.. kkk :D:wub:

@gilaswan   yup.. is it so.. that makes the kiss so sweet.. Its a kiss for love and care NOT lust.. 

to be honest.. I don't like drama noona-dongsaeng type.. I don't know why it become so popular the drama with noona in more than 10 years gap to the young hot actor.. 

if the gap just like 3 yo older it's fine with me.. but more than 10 yo gap.. OMG.. it's just like a mother who got lust to her boy or child.. :confounded:

I think I won't watch that type of drama.. it's hurt my pride as a mom and an adult whose close to 40 yo..:confused:

I want watch the drama which refresh my eyes and my heart after I had watched.. watching a drama is my pleasure time after got busy and stress about real life.. so won't watch to the drama which got my eyes couldn't take it to watch it..:grimace:

sorry whose like noona romance, its not my cup of coffee to enjoy it hhahahaha :blush:

(even I am married with a younger man hahahahaha.. ) :glasses:

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32 minutes ago, julie721 said:

Hahahahahaha.. I don't know it's purely because they think it's more interesting or because Noona Romance as representatives of their imagination for having romance with younger hot guy..  

I myself am not a noona fan, I'm actually much younger than JCW by at least a decade... so I'm not favoring a Noona Romance so as to self-insert into the character of Yoo-Jin. Actually, I don't like to self-insert into character or into stories; I like to be an outside observer and I like to see dynamic between two fleshed-out characters come to life on screen. Jeha and YooJin's complex dynamic is what I find incredibly interesting!

Is it weird, am I the only one who thinks Anna's character is slowly but surely getting upgraded. She will never become YooJin 2.0, but I've always wanted the extreme binary between these two female characterizations to get less defined, to become more muddled. They are the white queen and the black queen, but in the end they are both powerful queens! If Anna's character becomes a little dark, will her fans now start not liking her??? It's a genuine question...

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Hi there. I have been a lurker in this thread since the start of the drama. It's fun to read different opinions and analysis of the drama from different people. I for one love this drama. I love JCW & IY together! Can't wait for ep.11. And can't wait to read comments from other people who watches this drama like me.

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1 hour ago, perfectsmilebias said:

But he also said that email line in the elevator scene... the scene right after he went on a tirade of how YooJin was no better than Assemblyman Park... she said take care of yourself, but not in the same way she did in the "Jeha-yah" scene, she was cool and collected. Yet again he uses the email line. He had no reason to pity her there nor treat her gently... yet he still isn't blunt in his rebuttal as he usually is with her.

Jeha got rid of the email a while ago. Their alliance was never based off blackmail, I think Jeha kept bringing up the email as a way to protect himself or distance himself from his connection to YooJin. But now he has admitted to her that he deleted the email and said he believes in YooJin keeping her promises... I feel that distance is shrinking or in a sense gone. Jeha thinks he is going to die... he wanted to leave with nothing hidden from YooJin including his belief in her. I interpret YooJin's tearful sigh at the end of her exchange with Jeha in ep 10, not as a reaction to his rejection, but as a sigh of relief and maybe even hope... hope in her own humanity. This may be one of the only times, and probably the first time in a long time, that a person told YooJin that they genuinely believed that she was capable of good (in this case keeping her word).

Wow! You brought up some great points about the emails, that I never thought of! What a clever way to explain what they meant or supposedly what they mean! I think that YooJin felt that way also, because JeHa got very close to her before he left and her breathing changed and there is some like for him in her eyes! The way they communicate is definitely not straightforward, but obviously in phrases and objects of meaning! I suppose they do happen to understand what they are saying to each other though! 

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Everytime I watch KJH using the blanket for covering Anna and himself, I fell like watching CF. I hope JCW and Yoona will got CF together after the drama finished.

I expected there will be bed scene for Jehana and also the director will show us the extended of the kiss under the blanket. When KJH called by CYJ, the director just show the cut from JH and Anna.

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Yes Julie - It's the inconsistency of the characters is the main problem here. Like I said I feel the writer is male bias - since all he male characters behavior seems legit ... even Park Kwan Soo. I tried to hate JSJ - but at the back of my mind there this nagging thoughts that say - He is also the victim. Similar to Samchoon (YJ Borther) ... but I find it is 'easier' to hate YJ or the secretary. I can't quite figure out why... is it because writer was vague when it come to the guys 'bad deed' but very bold with the female 'bad deed' .. is it because of SYA acting .. or is it PD own interpretation of the characters. 

I was like - Can you make up you mind writer - Is YJ grey? ... Do you want to salvage YJ character or not? Why go back and forth?

I am afraid the writer might be a simple minded person .. and actually there's no hidden meaning in his script ... it could be the director interpretation of the writer characters is different from writer (wahahah,,, what am I talking - they must have discussed how each character should be behave and will behave) ...

I just feel that something is missing and wrong ... (and it's not about JH interaction with YJ - I don't want it to me more that what it is now.. yes JH should feel a bit of compassion toward YJ .. but that should be all). Since JH and Anna is decided to be the OTP it should be that way ... I hate to see a character that changes his mind half way through ... Don't be like SJ that play around with women's heart. I am a one-man-one-woman type ... I hate guy that lead on girls around ...   



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5 hours ago, perfectsmilebias said:

lol I know... but I do have a question about why he brings up the email rather than simply rejecting YooJin, saying something like "I don't need/want you to worry about me". Why can't he be upfront about it??? 

He is very upfront and speaks to YooJin very plainly when he talks to her about everything else, whether it is when discussing with her their plans against Park or when he scolds her and tells her off for her wicked ways.

But when YooJin shows concern for him or anytime she reveals her affection for him, he comes back with the email line.... hhhmmmm

That's true and the email line comes up so many times! At first she cared about the email, but now she is like it is not about the email! I wonder if that can have some sort of meaning into Anna "the email?" She could be the content in the email, so when he says something about the email she is tired of hearing about it and she is more like saying that she does not care about "the email," but rather him! That email could be like a turn off for her affections, by letting her know that he wants Anna or something along those lines. The email obviously symbolizes something and it has a really deep meaning, and this is just a guess of mine and I could be way off on my guess! Either way it looks like YooJin will still be hurt by everyone in the end, which is sad! It is hard to know how this will all play out or unfold! It is not too long from being over, so a lot of things are going to quickly go down!

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12 hours ago, dears said:

I'm sorry, but I really couldn't stand watching the romance scenes between Anna and Jae Ha, is it only me who feels this way? Those scenes feel like a filler and don't have any depth or carry any weight for the story, not that I think they don't have chemistry, it's just about the plot should have been better. Is the writer female or male? Does the writer lack imagination in the romance category? While he/she did very well in the action. Instead of occupying the minutes of walkie talkie goes back and forth between room, the writer could just make them sit side by side while Anna tend to Jae Ha's little scratch on his cheek or something and bonding together talking about their pasts and her gratefulness.

I sort of feel the same way! I find it more interesting when JeHa and YooJin are talking, because they never really speak what they are saying, but go around in riddles and symbols of objects! Their chemistry is interesting to me! JeHa came pretty close to YooJin in "Cloud Nine" and I was like "oh my gosh," is he going to kiss her or something? They are unpredictable characters!

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Q: How did the ramen scene between Jae Ha and Anna come about?

Ramen is a very common and familar food, so it is loved by many. But to an Anna who never had eaten it before, it is a much-desired food for her. Seeing an Anna who happily holds the ramen packet and smiles innocently like a child, Jae Ha feels sympathy/compassionate. A ramen might not mean much to everyone, but for a particular person, it can become an endless happiness. This scene came about due to this meaning.

Q: What to expect next for the drama?

The love story between Jae Ha and Anna officially starts. This will bring a dynamic change to the relationship among Jae Ha, Choi Joo Yin and Anna. Please look forward to it.


Article: http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=109&aid=0003419095

Original Vietnamese translation: YoonAVN

Rough English translation: by me

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12 hours ago, perfectsmilebias said:

And I wanted to post the eng sub version of my favorite scene!!!


The last line of Jeha's might actually be mistranslated, or at least lack the nuance it deserves. banghae from Tumblr has a different translation, which actually sounds more poetic... "I believe in that."


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Credit: banghae & banghae

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What's with Jeha and the email... Jeez Jeha is being like Trump, keeps mentioning the email... lol

Dude... don't pretend... you know what's up. :smirk:

And was it just me, but when Jeha approaches, juuuusssttt close enough, I was thinking.. "Wow, Jeha... this b**ch ain't loyal."

"Hi my name is Jeha, aka K2, aka Chloe... the 'c' and 'l' are silent!"


That video was also my favorite scene in the episode! There is so much to be said in that short conversation and so much to put together! And it might have only been me, but when Jeha comes closer to YooJin I thought he was going to kiss her or something! It was hard to tell what was going to happen, because when these two are together unpredictable things happen but the conversation usually continues at another time!

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i kinda agree with some comments about the inconsistency of character build up. all of us can tell YJ character has never move from that point we saw in eps 1. we knew he start to like Jeha but her obsession problem when she likes someone and her hate towards Anna never change. Idk what Anna did was so wrong that she treated that girl that way. She took away 14 years of her life and locked her up in that house. 

One more think, i think the writer doesn't build the back story of YJ because if you can see from the ratings, the best 1 minute ratings are all from JehAnna scene. so the writer somehow need to abide to this ratings also coz they are bounded by contract with Tv stations (this is the prob with ongoing production coz the storyline can chage anytime). Viewers prefers love story between Anna and jeha more than the backstory of the evil queen. But who can blame the viewers. jehaAnna chemistry is so good. I love the subtle emotions between them. i love how they build their relationship one step at the time. Their feelings are mutual and genuine. Even the uncle who met them for the first time can feel that they love each other and always adore this couple. 

So i don't get it why some people said there is no chemistry between JehAnna. in eps 9-10 their romance is so sweet. With Anna, we can see the clumsy side of jeha. It shows that Jeha is normal human after all. He can be clumsy when too when it comes to love. 

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14 hours ago, yyskhc said:

Hi, anyone know what is the relationship between choi yoojin and jiyeon (the woman who always give her interview on the show) and who is her son? Did I miss something? Is this mentioned already on the drama?

This is a good question, unless that lady also had an affair with YooJin's husband and also has a son? That was my guess on how they are related and both don't like each other...I think they need more back story on the character's that YooJin does not like rather than saying that she is so hateful! They give us little to work with, like how are they related and why do they possibly not like each other? That lady reporter obviously has a lot on YooJin that could expose her! 

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19 hours ago, carmens said:

You Know !?

I'd call that a confession!

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but was rejected!! :(





then he put her the stamp



Now JHa obliged YJin to be as he thinks she is .. will be she??


In this scene, YooJin clearly confessed how she feels about JeHa and that rejection didn't make any sense I guess! That rejection kinda hurt and was quite a stab as he walked out and I think YooJin felt it as well! 

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19 hours ago, stargazer187 said:

I still can’t get over the kiss… lol, I’ve just re-watched both episode 9 and 10 again… haha

Too many butterflies on my stomach… kyaaaa…

@eva23  Yess… replay button on for all OTP scenes…  till next Friday comes… kekekeke.

Okay… I still want to talk about the OTP scenes… but later… I have to write this first before I forgot… lol

When JH comes back from chairman hiding place, he meets YJ tries to make her don’t pursue Anna anymore, as his message to Ahjumma. Then in the car, when YJ asked him whether Anna likes the place where she is now, he said yes to that. Then, unexpectedly she asked back when she would be back. The evil secretary even have to take a look of her, like she wondering why would she asked that as if she is sincerely asked her like she misses her.

Ok, back to my point, what’s with YJ? Why she acted that way? @bebebiseous since you understand YJ character better than me, would u like to say something about this.

Then another scene that when evil secretary declares that she is unlike YJ and she has no worries or whatsoever for Anna and JSJ, then when JH told YJ half brother that if he really knows his sister well since he watches her for all this time, he wouldn’t take Anna out and create a dangerous situation for her. Ok, I’m trying to read between these lines, could it be possibly the writer tries to tell us that YJ isn’t the only evil here, like she said she ever once be a raniya because of people that she thought would love her and never betray her.

Okay, did anyone notice the doctor that the new samchoon of Anna introduce is quite cool.. huh? Hahaa…  he is a bit suspicious I think… is it just an extra character or will he have something later on, like he might be the killer of UHR??

I have some suspects who would be the killer:

1. Evil secretary, I strongly vote her to be the killer, lol. She’s so scary!!

2. JSJ, well if it’s to be him, heck… I think it’s really aweful…

3. YJ, though I am not so sure. This is a clear guess. Too easy to be guessed.

4. JSS CEO, the one who keeps monitoring the cctv, lol. What’s his name?

5. Assemblyman PKS?

6. YJ half brother

7. The male doctor that shows up in ep 9


8. UMR really did a suicide… but what’s with the case report??

So, which oe do you think guys???

@julie721  @sakura22 I agree, I enjoy this drama though, it's like I have a button on my head, sometimes logic works sometimes we need to turn it off for full watching pleasure, right? Especially the otp scenes... kekekeke.. writer nim should give us more for the rest episodes... lol

but still a little sidenote, since I can't keep turning off my logic... ;)

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*What is this? Now, I kinda understand with some opinions that the problem of this drama is the writer, lol. Well, I’m sorry writer-nim, I still like this drama, but really I, as a avid viewers , need to say some ‘complain’ as some feedbacks, but still thankful… lol. This writer seems to have a problem to maintain the consistency of his plot, he keeps making changing variable, it’s like we need to go round and round then go to the point, some might be executed well, but for some scenes late seems so inconsistent. This s the lacking part, but the good thing is, I like the lines that the characters used here, and they are using some metaphors which is said by the casts so well. The boding scenes, intense scene or touching scenes are the plus points. Even it’s sometimes comes out of no where. And the relation of a fairy tale, I think all of this would be a great combination if the consistency of the plots or the previously presented ideas should be related or at least parallel with the next storylines*


I am thinking that the brother did it, because why would he hand her pills for some anxiety! That could maybe be some sort of clue, also because he knows the doctor and there is something not right about the brother! He is crazy as well but is seen as a good guy in the drama! I am assuming that it could be the person that is least suspected in the drama and YooJin is the attention that is intended as crazy, while we have so many other evil characters in the drama as well! The secretary is also crazy and I don't see any humanity in her like I am beginning to see in YooJin! My three guesses would be the secretary, the old guy that is also in "Cloud Nine" with her, or the brother! These are just guesses! What does everyone else think?

On 10/22/2016 at 3:47 PM, daynci said:

i have watched the last few episode raw even though i dont know korea

i just want to comment that k2 and the mother has more feeling to each other than yoona according to their acting. when k2 talk to the mom tonight in the white room i just want them to kiss. it looks more intimate than the actually kiss he has with yoona

Did you also think or assume that JeHa was going to kiss YooJin in "Cloud Nine"? I was hoping that was going to happen also, because of the way that he approached her, and I assume that YooJin sort of wanted a kiss or something to happen also! 

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On 10/22/2016 at 1:45 PM, perfectsmilebias said:


I was dying in the desert, but I found an oasis! Hallelujah! Excuse my over-dramatics lol

I haven't seen the two episodes yet, waiting for full subs.... but I've been lurking, reading recaps, and watching clips, and OMG!!!!! This scene!!!!

Based on recaps and clips, these last few episodes have been completely void of YooJin and Jeha moments.... but this is enough! Such chemistry!!! They don't even touch, they aren't even that close, but such tension!

Really, YooJin is no doubt in love with Jeha now, girl isn't even subtle about it. lol woman what happened with trying to come off as invincible... she's practically crying here... as the Queen sends off her Huntsman.

Oh... how she whispered... "Jeha-ya".... UGH THE FEELS!!!!!

And the way Jeha immediately reacted, how his eyes softened and he approached her SQUEEELS! Jeha might not be in love with YooJin like YooJin is in love with him, but he sure isn't indifferent to her. We've seen time and time again how he is indifferent to and ignores all his other superiors. He doesn't react to their social cues, he doesn't even notice their emotions, he stays within his own world. But this isn't the case with YooJin... he reads her emotions almost subconsciously and sometimes, like in this scene, he reacts to them... he doesn't just ignore her. 

I don't really care what anyone says, but I really love YooJin, I especially like seeing her complexity and vulnerability! She is such a beautiful character, such a rare female character to find in a k-drama. I'll cherish her until the end of this drama no matter how hard the writer decides to demonize her, and I'll cherish all the scarce but wonderful moments between her and Jeha. Their dynamic is just so interesting, True Equals!

I love the way that you phrase their relationship and to be honest this scene made me excited, because there was so much tension! It was awesome! I watched this scene several times! To me they have a lot of chemistry and they don't have to talk much, and like you mentioned they don't even have to touch and it is like wow!! When JeHa approached YooJin I was like "kiss her," because it looked like that is what she was wanting or expecting! What woman can actually be tough or have it all together when he is around? He is so handsome and doesn't have to talk to communicate! I hope JeHa and YooJin have more moments together! 

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38 minutes ago, jagmac24_111a said:

In this scene, YooJin clearly confessed how she feels about JeHa and that rejection didn't make any sense I guess! That rejection kinda hurt and was quite a stab as he walked out and I think YooJin felt it as well! 


It make sense, if you consider YJ 'once upon a time' tried to kill him and people that he came to like (the old couple) and if you consider Anna (what YJ did to Anna), now that Anna IS JH love interest I'm sure JH does not trust her 100%... 

YJ look so desperate to be kiss that the reason I guess their interaction seem powerful .. it's like she almost force herself on him... that 'desert' look on her face *fanning myself* .. so 'thirsty' of a guy touch .. you can see it (again SYA - is DAEBAK)

Seriously I hope director don't go toward that direction. We hate watching SJ cheating on YJ... I don't think I would be able to live if JH does the same (yess I am a drama queen)

*shudder* ... 

If there's no Anna - :w00t: .. that different case all together ... wahahaha 

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On 10/22/2016 at 9:55 PM, soniawong said:

No 1 Most Viewed 



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ANNA Make Up by J4 LoL

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Wow! the kiss was pretty popular! Does that mean the ratings for the show also went up? Even though I read the spoilers before the show, I am still amazed by everything in the show, because it is getting good! 

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12 minutes ago, Bambiina said:


It make sense, if you consider YJ 'once upon a time' tried to kill him and people that he came to like (the old couple) and if you consider Anna (what YJ did to Anna), now that Anna IS JH love interest I'm sure JH does not trust her 100%... 

YJ look so desperate to be kiss that the reason I guess their interaction seem powerful .. it's like she almost force herself on him... that 'desert' look on her face *fanning myself* .. so 'thirsty' of a guy touch .. you can see it (again SYA - is DAEBAK)

Seriously I hope director don't go toward that direction. We hate watching SJ cheating on YJ... I don't think I would be able to live if JH does the same (yess I am a drama queen)

*shudder* ... 

If there's no Anna - :w00t: .. that different case all together ... wahahaha 

I find this drama so interesting! There is so much happening with the characters it's like how can it only be 16 episodes? There should be at least 30 episodes!

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