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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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Back at the tailor shop,YS hurts her hand. DJ announces that they already received order from the website. 

Next scene, Mr Park and SJ walks outside of the tailor shop. Mr Park wants to buy the shop/order a suit (I couldn't catch this). THey enter and talk to SD about it. SD writes an amount and a shocked Mr Park drops the paper. HE couldn't believe it's so expensive. 

Mr Lee is about to go to Braille class as usual and suspicious Mrs Lee wants to follow to wherever he is going. He manages to dodge a bullet and goes without her. He's making great progress in class

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SD is at a bank trying to apply for a loan. SN suddenly comes and gives him the 50 grand. They later go out to eat. SD asks why she orders so much and she says she wants to eat them all. She even chokes and he asks her to eat slowly. He finally apologizes to SN. They're coming to terms on their reconciliation.He promises her something and she's pleased. She tries feeding him something and he dislikes it. But she says it's good for men. All seems well with them again. 

SD returns to the shop with food for the rest. He tells them that he's patched things up with SN. YS offers a pair of chopsticks to Dj but he already has a pair in his hand. She receives a phone call. And it's good news apparently though I have absolutely no idea what this is about. She has to head out somewhere. I think YS expects DJ to offer her a ride but he tells her to go alone. As she waits by the traffic light, she's disappointed that he didn't offer a ride but gets surprised that she had that thought. Dj watches her as she walks away

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A scene with YS regarding the phone call but I didnt understand much so I'll just skip it. 

HW goes to the fridge and grabs a carton of orange juice but a lady grabs it saying it's hers. the juice is labeled. She gets into a fight. TY comes to her rescue. TY tells her that a gosiwon isn't a hotel and that she should just go home. 

HW receives a call from her mum but she rejects it. ES finally reaches the gosiwon (fogot to mention she called HS earlier asking for TY's address). HW blocks the door but ES and the driver push it. TY arrives and eventually pulls the door open, despite HW's plea for him to help her block the door. This causes ES to fall straight into TY's arms. HW makes a break for it and runs away. The driver chases after her. TY wants to go too but ES grabs his collar threateningly. She falls down again and cue TY to catch her. They stay in that position as ES becomes mesmerized by TY again haha. Cue that cute cat sound from yesterday.


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TY takes ES to a nearby cafe. He is very polite and caring. He's unfazed by her threats. He stops her from drinking a hot cup and adds a few ice cubes there. I think ES interrogates TY and after reassuring that he has nothing to do with HW running away there, he convinces her to go home first. ES agrees and leaves, but not before threatening him again. She trips a couple more times. After she leaves, TY remarks and the uncanny resemblance between HW and her mom haha

At home, YS is having dinner with the Lees. She's staying there till the broken boiler in her room gets fixed.  I think she's going to stay at Dj's room and DJ's going to another room, his parents or something (sorry i forgot this scene) 

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SN takes SD to the cabaret club SJ is performing. SD is excited he even records from his phone, even shouting "encore". Meanwhile, SN is dancing away with guys (no complains this time around) .SN talks to guys and SD drags her from behind, berating her. 

As they head home, SN tells SD that dancing is a good stress reliever and even teaches SD how to dance. They end up dancing on the street under the lamp post haha

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SJ returns home and runs into DS who's taking out the trash. They talk and he offers her sweet potatoes (i think). She rejects and returns it to him, gets upset and dumps the trash bag and gets back inside. Based on yesterday's preview, it could be because DS said something about a possible marriage with Mr Park and Sj isn't opposing too much as she wanted (noble idiocy detected) 

DJ goes to the kitchen to see YS busy scrubbing the pan. He gets upset that she's tiring herself. He looks at his room and starts fussing over the smell and everything. He opens the window and prepares the sheets for her. He meets YS outside of his room and she remembers the part when she accidentally came to his room and fell asleep drunk. They say goodnight. She gets in and looks into his photo album.

Meanwhile, HJ opens the window from her room and reminisces to the past when she and DJ got married. Neither seemed really happy with the arrangement, that's for sure. Back to current HJ, she doesn't seem so mad anymore (perhaps a change of heart)

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TY sends HW home. HW says she doesn't want to come back but TY says he promised her mother he would bring her back. She doesn't want to come out from the car so he offers his hand and immediately she accepts with a smile. She keeps hold of his hand and she asks him to promise her something. It includes him having to call her Hyo Won-ssi from now on. Every time he refuses something, she would turn her back to him and immediately he caves in to her (so cute). He walks her to the door and before she goes in, she even calls him yeobo again lol. 

TY heads back and runs into HS who just comes back from the office. HS grabs his collar and asks him if he's doing this to HW to get back at him for stealing JY. NOt sure what TY says back but maybe something like I'm not like you or something  But it got HS to rile up that he attempts a punch to Ty's face, which Ty successfully blocks. YAy!

HW is hanging her clothes and ES comes to scold her. HW says something like she'll marry the guy she loves, even if her mother doesn't approve. ES starts hitting HW and HS comes in to the rescue. 

HS still cannot forget what TY said and is fuming with anger. 

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YS couldn't sleep so she went outside for air. DJ overheard her leaving and followed suit, with a jacket in hand. Both DJ and YS could not sleep so they go outside and run into each other. DJ gives YS his jacket. they sit on the bench and talk. Dj says something about how he will give YS time to slowly figure out her feelings? Dj says that it was the first time that he likes and confessed to someone and YS says that it was the first time she received such a confession (?) they talk some more and YS appears to be truly moved with what Dj says. It starts snowing too, as per the pics on IG.  Episode ends.


- JY finally comes to visit the Min's Household (finally!)

- Both Dj and YS in the kitchen and YS holds a cup as DJ drinks from it, and they got caught by his mom! 

I forgot the rest of the preview, damn...

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Arghh, in the preview YS and DJ looked like all lovey dovey in the family kitchen and DJ's mother came in then shouted "what's going on here?" DJ's mother seems shocked :crazy:

The waiting will kill me for sure!!!

And YAY, TY just blocked HS's punch... with one hand. Go Tae Yang-ah!

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13 minutes ago, TheMschelsea91 . said:

you''re welcome. Well, fever is gone but I'm coughing like crazy! Again, maybe you can fill in with the preview as I forgot

Well..drink plenty of water @TheMschelsea91 ...hope you get well soon

As for the preview,

As far as i remember (since I was not concentrating nor I understand Korean that well..heheh..sorry)

JY came to visit the Min's family..she seemed surprise and then there was a scene at the dining table

SD found something in SN's purse of coat and ask her about it

There was a scene between Mr Park and DS and SJ was asking something too

And then a scene where YS seemed to having difficult time to sleep. So was DJ

And then the scene in the kitchen (which @taehumama..I too cannot wait to watch next week..hehehe..but I will be in Seoul this Sat. Hope I have time to watch the live show there)..It looks like the mom seemed surprise to see YS giving the cup to DS..on no..please dont let Mrs Choi be in between...


Sorry chinggus..that's the best I can remember

Oh..in the kitchen, DJ was washing the pots..probably he doesn't want YS to tire herself with the pots and pans anymore..so sweet...:wub:

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6 minutes ago, wizuwizu said:

@TheMschelsea91 . & @inna75 thank you for the recaps! Definitely looking forward to the subs (my Korean level would leave me gawking at the scenes all episode long, so I'd rather wait for sub). Sounds like there are plenty of interesting and funny scenes..

Yes..me too @wizuwizu..I know there was a lot of interesting  and exciting scenes and I was clapping my hand most of the time although I understand nothing..hehehe

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1 hour ago, inna75 said:

Well..drink plenty of water @TheMschelsea91 ...hope you get well soon

As for the preview,

As far as i remember (since I was not concentrating nor I understand Korean that well..heheh..sorry)

JY came to visit the Min's family..she seemed surprise and then there was a scene at the dining table

SD found something in SN's purse of coat and ask her about it

There was a scene between Mr Park and DS and SJ was asking something too

And then a scene where YS seemed to having difficult time to sleep. So was DJ

And then the scene in the kitchen (which @taehumama..I too cannot wait to watch next week..hehehe..but I will be in Seoul this Sat. Hope I have time to watch the live show there)..It looks like the mom seemed surprise to see YS giving the cup to DS..on no..please dont let Mrs Choi be in between...


Sorry chinggus..that's the best I can remember

Oh..in the kitchen, DJ was washing the pots..probably he doesn't want YS to tire herself with the pots and pans anymore..so sweet...:wub:

Yep, from an outsider POV... YS/DJ looked like newlyweds in their kitchen lol   Yass Jun oppa already pointed out it to our couple, episodes ago.

On this, I'm like you... let's hope DJ's mother won't be against our OTP :(

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Hello jcdragon_hi.gif I've been watching since this drama since it began but I'm just so excited about TY and HW's little romance, that I had to comeback this thread to see if anyone else is excited as I am. I'm so happy to find recaps @TheMschelsea91 . (I'm happy your feeling better) and @inna75 Thanks for the recaps! @wizuwizu LOL I love your C-strips. Please continue to make them. At first I wasn't that into YS and DJ's storyline, it was hard to see that much chemistry but these past few episodes have me on board this ship too. I do like Joon oppa and DS's storyline even though I'm getting tired of DS just going along w/dating Mr. Cheapskate because SJ didn't stop her and was very disappointed w/her reaction when she found him singing trot songs. The man is trying to make a living, why can't she give him the benefit of the doubt when he was the one who took the rap for taking that money? I have to admit to ffw through any of Joe Boxer's ( @valsava I love this name for her). I just can't relate w/her I get it that she is upset w/SD I would be too but, she is too selfish at this point. She never takes her husbands feelings or wants into consideration. HS and JY deserve each other. I'm happy HS is not a full blown evil guy but my attitude towards this couple is whatever. I'm very concerned about MS and GJ's relationship, I'm still not very happy that he just left her to find himself. As much as I like his character, that was a very selfish act to just leave with out telling her face to face. She loves him so she forgave him but, keeping this secret about his health may land him sleeping a few nights in the tailor shop. Wow I didn't intend to write such a long post/rant but Thanks for being here. I only got to back read 10 pages and love everyone's opinions and insights.:D

@Lmangla I'm happy to your still here chingu:wub:


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Watched ep 26 with subs :D, Glad to see subs up quickly. Thx subbers, whover you are. 

DJ-YS : not much progress since the big confession but thanks to DJ's gentleman behaviour, and not to forget complete opposite to how GiPyo acted, YS got to come to terms much quickly in regards to her feelings for him. I thought that it'll take a few more eps of YS in a confused state and Dj in pain before they get together but I don't think that's the case anymore from next ep's preview. In fact, could it be that they're secretly dating during next week's scene where his mum catches them in the kitchen? Omo omo.. 

TY-HW: As expected, it's full of sweetness and cuteness. I'm kind of bummed that TY's breakthrough moment yesterday was glossed over. He didn't seem as if he had feelings for her, more like she has worn him down so instead of protesting, he just went along with her antics with nothing than a shrug or shaking his head. It's cute though that HW kept making bold statement like :"I'll take full responsibility. I will marry you." and telling her mum that she will never marry someone for money over love. That kind of struck a chord with ES because she genuinely was upset that HW told her that. She has always been very sensitive when her past is mentioned, especially concerning the affair with the Chairman when she was just working a measly job at the tailor shop. I hope we can see more of Ty's feelings for HW now. I get that until the whole story is revealed, especially to HW that HS's gf is not just a despicable, or as she said "sly woman" who had issues with her before, same woman also dumped TY for a rich guy, her brother. Maybe once she learns the truth, she'll understand where TY is coming from and learn some self-control.

SD-SN: No more fighting yay! Hope they'll get a baby soon since "homework" is on again.

Mr park-DS-SJ: Cheapskate still sounds too expensive to call someone like Mr park. And giving DS a prenup? I hope this will open Mrs Lee's eyes into just kicking this guy to the curb. Clearly she's the only one on team mr park. I think SJ hit a jackpot because the lottery ticket SD will find in the preview is SJ's right?

Can't wait for next week already.........

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Guest AlexMao

@TheMschelsea91 . Strange as it sounds Dong Jin & Yoon Shil seem like the sort of people who would ask permission first before they started dating. As for the preview and I'll go against the mindset of the thread and the scene will be explained away as just Yoon Shil helping Dong Jin since he was washing dishes and had his hands full. Regarding his mother I'll stick to a previous comment about her finding out about Dong Jin's feelings for Yoon Shil in saying that she won't take on the typical KDrama mother and object. 

I'll admit I probably watched Tae Yang & Hyo Won's scene's 15x or more and will agree that they were very sweet, problem is how are going to know when his true feelings actually begin and that Tae Yang who just went along with her actually ends? He's earned several points with Eun Sook so when things actually start to go right for the pair she'll be more receptive of his dating her daughter. 

I'm a bit conflicted by the flashback with Dong Jin & Hyo Joo. It initially came across as a loveless marriage but the scene in the photography studio also seems to tell us that neither were very much experienced with love or how to express themselves (Dong Jin later confirms his inexperience). That being said it's possible that they did love each other but not in the traditional sense. Now I suppose another question to ask is why is Hyo Joo now thinking about her past and not before? Was it like another poster suggested about the first snow of the season or was it the fact that there was a bit of life in the house now with all of Hyo Won's drama that got her to really think about it?

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